tv CNN Tonight CNN August 19, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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camera at that and "cnn camera at that and "cnn tonight". -- captions by vitac -- white house officials are worried, cnn has learned, about the trove of classified and top secret materials found in former president donald trump's house. the biden white house has been virtually silent publicly on the danger that those sensitive documents pose. but a senior administration official says that privately, officials are expressing deep concern about the material trump was trying to hang onto. according to a source, u.s. intelligence officials are also worried about whether any of it puts their sources and methods at risk. we still do not know who had access to the classified materials in the basement of mar-a-lago. even trump's own lawyer cannot answer that question. >> and only one or two people had access to that room to your knowledge? >> that's my understanding. i mean, i would have to check with, you know, the maintenance of that area. but my understanding is very small number of people that could get in there.
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>> okay. did the maintenance staff have access to that room? did trump's family have access? did rudy giuliani? trump's lawyer also tried to claim that getting into mar-a-lago is tough. >> so, it's secure in and of itself. just getting onto the compound is hard. >> but we have seen dignitaries and wedding parties that have been there. we've also seen friends of donald trump's who eat dinner there every week. how about the chinese national who was convicted of trespassing there three years ago? prosecutors suggested she could have been trying to spy on the u.s. and say she had a flash drive containing malware in her possession at the time, as well as a signal detector and four cell phones. somehow, she was able to bring all of that into the private club. there was also another chinese national accused of trespassing at mar-a-lago later that year. taking classified documents from the white house is a crime. it may be many crimes, as spelled out in the application for the search warrant.
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according to that document, the specific crimes being investigated include, quote, willful retention of national defense information. we know the national archives and the doj tried to get those classified documents back for more than a year. according to three of trump's advisers, as quoted in the "new york times," when asked to return the classified documents, trump said, quote, they're mine. the ex-president often claims that things that actually belong to the american people are his. >> i want my generals kicking ass. all i can do is ask my generals. i authorized my military. my people are so smart. my justice department -- i want my farmers. i love my farmers. look at my african american over here. >> 18 top trump administration officials are pushing back on the former president's claim that he had a standing order to declassify whatever top secret documents he wanted. among them, former acting trump white house chief of staff mick
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mulvaney, who i spoke with a short time ago. >> thanks so much for being here, mick. >> alisyn, thanks for having me. >> mick, are you worried about the 20-plus boxes of classified material that was sitting in donald trump's basement and who might have seen it? >> worried? not worried. i'm curious. i saw the list that -- of things that were removed from mar-a-lago. and the one thing that caught my attention, along with i think the attention of most people, was that one list that said there were various items marked ts sci. that's the serious stuff. that's top secret and compartmentalized information. that's not supposed to be there. that being said, it's really hard to sort of understand how it gets there in the first place. these things are not sort of accidentally moved anywhere. these documents are marked. they are clearly known to folks to be ts sci, and they're supposed to be, folks, sort of tracking where they are. so, the fact that that document or it could be -- it says various documents -- were there
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is a question to me. it concerns mement i'm not sure it justifies a search warrant. >> tell me about that. i'm curious about that. if they're top secret, as you say, the most secret compartmented info, why wouldn't that warrant a search warrant? >> a search is if it's an emergency. if evidence is going to be destroyed or be moved. there's an urgency above a search warrant that goes above just a subpoena. >> why do you think president trump took all those classified documents home? >> going over this in my head, and donald trump would not have taken it if he didn't perceive it to be in his own interest, of benefit to him. it's either that or it's sheer sort of oversight or inadvertence. throw a bunch of documents the in a box because you think they're yours, and they're gone. this is to be a big part of any subsequent criminal charge, alisyn, because they're going to have to show willful intent that
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the president meant to take the documents, meant to withhold the documents. they're going to have to show he was willful or acted intentionally. >> the application for the search warrant gave us a little bit more insight. it described the probable cause as, quote, willful retention of national defense information. and that sounds serious. >> it does. and it sounds like they have -- they have to have evidence to that. they can't just say it, right? they have to present evidence to the court to show probable cause. it's not the same level of evidence that you have in a trial. and certainly probable cause is much lower than beyond a reasonable doubt. but you can't just sort of willy nilly say, oh, we've got a hunch there's documents. they have to have something. and the fact they can fill out that affidavit tells me they think they have something. >> how much responsibility do you think falls on the people around donald trump whom he tasked reportedly with dealing with the national archives, people like mark meadows back in january. and then in june, john solomon and kash patel?
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>> ultimately, the president is responsible. he just is. that's him. that's biden. that's obama. that's bush. the buck stops at the oval office. it absolutely does. that being said, as a former chief of staff, i thought it was my job and my duty to make sure that i was making the president as successful as possible. and that includes following the law. and if we were there, if my team had been there, we would have been paying very close attention to the presidential records act, to the requirements of the national archives. my gut, alisyn, is that things were so hectic and so chaotic, especially after january 6th, no one was watching the shop. people had left or trying to leave and looking for the next job and sort of, let's get out of town. it goes back to the willful intent versus inadvertence. you're correct in saying the fbi thinks they have some evidence of intention. it wouldn't surprise me if the place in the final days of that trump administration were absolutely chaos in the building. >> but if it were operating
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normally, the chief of staff, mark meadows, would have been in charge of that. >> yeah. i think he could probably make the case that the oval office wasn't operating anywhere near whatever normal is long before january 20th and long before january 6th. you don't get january 6th with a properly functioning west wing. you don't get inadvertent collection of documents with a properly functioning west wing. you don't get somebody going on tv and saying, oh, the president can wave a magic wand and declassify everything he wants to in a properly functioning west wing. and that's what we're seeing out of the last days of the trump administration. >> and by the way, that waving the magic wand, you've basically called nonsense. >> i know what i know. we didn't have it when i was there. i was not aware of it when i was there. it would surprise me if they did it later. i know we declassified some documents when i was there. i think we went through the process of declassifying the transcript of the phone call with president zelenskyy of ukraine that led to the first
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impeachment. if there were a blanket sort of declassification order in place, why would any of us have worried about declassifying the transcript with ukraine? >> when you say there was a process for declassifying it with zelenskyy, how complicated was that process? >> you know, it wasn't complicated. it was just real. it was formal. there were things to do. there was a paper trail to lay out. and there was -- just like everything that happens in the white house, nothing sort of just happens by magic. there are rules that govern how we handle documents. we all knew these rules. the staff secretary is a position in the white house that is responsible for things like preservation of records and would be heavily involved in declassifying any records as would the white house counsel's office. i would be curious to know if pat cipollone, if i asked him about the classification documents. it would be unheard of i think to go through a declassification process and not involve the white house counsel's office. things in the white house are
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supposed to work in a proper way, and it sounds like, again, they didn't in the late days of the trump administration. >> in your experience, how careful was donald trump with classified material? >> he was pretty good. i don't want to go to specifics on classified. trump was an informal guy. there's no question about that. but he knew the severity of these documents. and importantly, there was a system in place to make sure that regardless of how the president wanted to act or behave, there was a system to protect things. i've said before, yes, i saw the president rip documents in half. not confidential documents but just draft documents. not supposed to do that, but there's a way to fix it, which is you find the pieces and tape them together. i used to rip up documents in the private sector all the time. it's not an indication of any ill-intent. >> yes -- but i mean -- sorry to interrupt. but i'm talking about the stuff that we all knew. there were moments publicly, like when he shared the -- in 2017, he shared the classified israeli information with the
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russians. and the israelis were apoplectic about that. how is that not sloppy and dangerous? >> again, i wasn't in the white house at that time. my experience with that is just what i saw from the media. you're supposed to handle it. the staff is supposed to get involved. if the president has confidential materials on his desk at the end of one meeting, which is possible -- and likely. it happens, right? the staff comes in to make sure that all of that stuff is gone and put in the proper place before the next meeting takes place. you can't control the president. the president is going to do what the president is going to do. but there are mechanisms inside every properly functioning west wing to make sure the law is followed, documents are preserved, and the classified information is treated as classified information. >> while i have you, i want to ask you about this because former vice president mike pence has said publicly that he might be willing to consider speaking to the january 6th committee. should he do that? >> yeah, i don't see the harm in it. i think mike knows that -- the vice president -- i'm sorry. vice president pence knows it to
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be what i believe it to be, which is a political thing. it is a committee of politicians who don't like donald trump trying to make donald trump look bad. that's fine. that's politics in washington, d.c. but they really collected good information. when you get the republican attorney general under oath giving testimony, i testified to the committee. i can assure you i think i gave them good and true and accurate information. we should never be afraid of good and true and accurate information. and i know that mike pence is not. so, i would have no difficulty with him testifying. i think if he has information that he think would shed light on january 6th so that we can take steps to make sure it doesn't happen again, i think that would be a valuable thing for him to do. >> and how could he not have relevant information on january 6th, given what we saw him endure? >> i think that's fair. he had private conversations with the president of the united states, and i think it may shed only light on the situation. i would not be disappointed to tee mike testify. >> mick mulvaney, great to talk to you. thanks so much for your time. >> thanks, alisyn. so, is any of this stuff
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the political winds heading into the midterms appear to have shifted a bit. just four months ago, senate minority leader mitch mcconnell said, obviously, the atmosphere could not be better. i think it is an overwhelming likelihood the wind will be at our back, and that is obviously important. but now, he said this. >> i think the -- there's a probably a greater likelihood the house flats and the senate, candidate quality has a lot to do with the outcome. >> we have democratic
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strategist, former rnc communications director, doug heye, as well as cnn data reporter, harry enten. great to spend friday night with you guys. thanks for being here. as a republican, doug, what's happening? do you feel the political winds have shifted at least in terms of the senate and republicans' chances? >> they have. and there are a few reasons for that. one is joe biden's approval rating is starting to inch up a little bit. it's drastically lower than where obama's was in 2010. but he's inching up. two, we've seen what's happened in kansas, which is has given democrats some enthusiasm, given republicans some pause. and i think what mitch mcconnell referenced, which is candidate quality. he said some of these candidates don't have a lot of quality. i think of frank sinatra saying, i've heard this song before. mitch mcconnell heard this song in 2010 and with richard murdock
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anded to aiken. he's very scared that some of these candidates who have winnable seats may not win because they don't have the quality. >> let's talk about that. here are some of the net favorability ratings. these are the ones that aren't great. this is blake masters, herschel walker, mehmet oz. ron johnson down eight points. paul, do you think this is about a lack of quality candidates or what the democrats are doing. >> a little bit of both. i think doug, honorably, gives them credit for that. midterm elections are always a brake pedal and almost always a brake pedal on the president's party. this is beginning to look like people want to brake pedal on those guys. they're too eccentric, they're too weird, they're too out of the main stream. that clusters around the tag elections, trump, abortion, guns. those are three things where swing voters and democratic base
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both agree. it excites the democratic base and engages the swing voters because the democrats are arguing. trump is out of control. abortion -- gas prices are getting better. abortion rights are not. that's what democrats are telling both swing voters. and the gun issue is such a tragedy. so, yeah, it's swung in democrats' favor but it's because the very sensible need to hit the brakes may actually go down to the republicans' detriment this time which almost never happens. >> harry, do the numbers reflect the shifting political wins against the republicans. >> i think they do and they reflect them in a number of ways. we see them in the senate wins in arizona, pennsylvania, wisconsin, georgia. but you also see it nationally. and you know there was a very interesting sort of thing that we saw in our last cnn ssrs national poll in which we asked the favorability ratings of joe biden and we asked it about the republican party. and what we saw was in fact, joe
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biden actually had a higher favorability than the republican party, but there was a slew of voters who didn't like either one of them. in the key senate races we mentioned, all the democrats have positive net favorability ratings. it's not that the republicans are disliked. it's that the democrats are well liked in those. >> paul, you must be pleased with the spate of legislation that joe biden has signed recently. but are you surprised that his numbers, his approval numbers, are not higher? >> you know, it's going to take time. people haven't had a chance to digest it yet. but this inflation reduction act, you know what the democrats did that they never do? they branded it. god bless joe manchin. he called it the inflation reduction act. what does that do? ask my mama. it's like the greatest movie title ever, "snakes on a plane." what's that about? democrats always call their movie "harold and maude." what's that? biden can say, i'm lowering the
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cost of prescription drugs, lowering the cost of health insurance, lowering the cost of energy, lowering the deficit. for once the democrats are focused and branded. i couldn't be happier. i credit manchin for that actually. >> as a republican and commune cautions expert, do you see they've changed their branding in a positive way? >> in some ways yes and some ways no. and this is where republicans mistakes are also getting in the way. republicans had a potent issue on pushing back on democrats on defunding the police. but all it take ss a few loud mouths of congress to say remove the fbi. i'd say one thing, you know in 2010, at the republican national committee, our magic number railroad barack obama was 46. we felt if he was at or below that, we would take back the house. joe biden is well below that. and that still is going to have a massive impact on elections as we move to early voting and election day. it's an albatross for election day. >> obviously i think the house is a different ball game.
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i think everyone would still say that republicans are favored to take back the house. but there have been a number of years in which the house and senate have gone in different directions. we mentioned 2010. 2018 is similar. i would also note that historically, the relationship between a president's approval rating and what happens in the senate isn't as ironclad as you might think, right? in 2018, republicans gained senate seats. i would mention 1982 where dralts did not gain senate seats with ronald reagan and approval rating in the low 40s. the senate and house are different pictures but i kind of like that. >> they always are. >> gentlemen, thank you. really interesting to get your take on all of that. and student for a very important conversation ahead with parents across the country debating how to address the problem of school safety and gun violence in the country and to keep their kids safe in schools. we have a "pulse of the people" next. skip the rinse with finish quanantum. its activelift technology provides an ununbeatable clean on 24 hour dried-on stains.
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my cholesterol is borderline. so i take garlique to help maintain healthy cholesterol safely and naturally. and it's odor free. i'm taking charge of my cholesterol with garlique. it's back-to-school time across the country, and parents are anxious about a lot of thing. but top of mind is safety amid a rash of school shootings. so, we gathered parents to talk about their fears and possible solutions for keeping their kids safe. here now, part two of our "pulse of the people." >> show of hands, how many of
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you are worried or very worried about your own children becoming the victims of school shootings? okay. four of you have raised your hand. two haven't. wesley, you said that is your top issue. why do you feel it so acutely? >> because i saw it on camera. i turn on cnn and i see a bunch of officers are sitting outside a school door refusing to go in while an armed gunman is in there killing kids. i'm two or three blocks from a shooting at a church, where a guy walked into a sunday school class and killed a number of african americans as they were studying the bible. and what i don't understand are these liberals that are living in a fantasy world where evil doesn't exist. mankind was built on violence. violence is our history. violence is our present. >> go ahead. >> i'm so perplexed how that
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just became a liberal problem. are you aware of the nra and the unbelievable -- let's just be honest -- we have a problem in america. it has nothing to do with liberals or democrats. there are more guns in america than there are people. >> vanessa, i 100% agree with you. it isn't a liberal problem or a conservative problem. it is a gun problem. but it's the liberals that are living in this fantasy land as if we have magic and we can just snap fingers and all those guns go aiwah. and there's nothing you're going to be able to do with the law that's going to eliminate those guns. >> the biden administration just passed the first gun reform policy in decades. so, i find it disingenuous that the argument you have about fear for your children gets squared in the box of liberals. >> what's your answer? what's your solution? >> i don't have an answer. i'm not smart enough to figure that out. that's why i've never run for
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the u.s. senate. what i do know is the only way to fight violence is with more violence. i carry a gun. i have one on me at all times. i take hand-to-hand courses. i go to the gun range two times a month, and that's why i take active shooter courses. >> to say that we can't magically wave a wand and get rid of the gun violence problem is just a ridiculous notion. nobody wants to wave a wand. 88% of americans want background checks. 64% support large capacity bans. 75% support tracking. 80% support conceal carry permits. 84% support gun sales to dangerous people that mental health professionals have deemed dangerous. there are solutions. we just are not willing to give any of them a chance. >> the real issue under gun control isn't even gun control. it's mental health. you were talking about evil people. yeah, some of those people were bad. some of them were just mentally ill, and they needed treatment. >> chris, you're a military
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veteran. >> yeah, i served. i served in a combat zone supporting operations in afghanistan. i used an m-16. it's a weapon of war. we're seeing things like the ar-15, which were modelled after m-16s. i'm a pro-second amendment guy. i believe in carrying a gun. but the problem is i think, you know, the approach that was first talked about -- first, blaming this on any political party, that's a failure to start with. and the reason why is because as soon as you start looking at a problem instead of a solution, you lose track. it needs to be an all of the above approach. the assault rifle ban that went into effect reduced shootings significantly. after it expired, they went back up. that's clear proof that legislation has a concrete effect. my daughter was born the day before sandy hook. so, i literally was in the hospital holding my first child when i realized elementary
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schools were no way safe. >> chris, i'm in no way saying we get over it and move on. but i agree with a lot of the steps that were mentioned legislatively. i'm not saying don't do anything. what i'm saying is, when you're doing background checks and you're trying to fix the mental health issue or red flag laws, what i'm saying is that those evil people are still going to find a way. that's all i'm saying. so, on top of the legislative issues, we need armed guards. i would be for allowing teachers to carry when they want to carry so that they're not stuck in a room with an armed gunman. all i'm saying is that liberals pretend that guns are going to just disappear and that evil people aren't going to use them. >> show of hands, how many of you think that it would help to have teachers be trained and armed? >> schools are gun-free zones for the most part. look, look, no guns here.
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we're not defending ourselves. and the reason i sort of hedged on the should teachers carry, someone who isn't already carrying and trained and comfortable should not be sort of, hey, want a gun? that's a horrible, horrible idea. >> yeah. >> but it turns out that most mass killings happen where it's very clear that no one's shooting back. >> let me just say that a lot of these schools, from columbine to parkland to uvalde did have an armed school resource officer. it's just hard for them to be in exactly the right place at exactly the right time. but my point is these are not gun-free zones. >> evil is everywhere in the world. every country has evil. there are evil people everywhere. it is not unique. this gun problem is unique to the united states. >> i want to end on, if we can, a point of if not unity, at least solutions. go ahead, vanessa. >> quite honestly, part of the reason why i teach the profession was it was impossible
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to live in new york city on a teacher salary, fund my classroom the way in which i needed to fund my classroom. we don't get payed in that same way, and that is unfortunate. >> we have unreal expectations of our teachers, and we don't support them. we should be fully funding our education. they should be partnering with our teachers. >> they love kids, they love creating the next generation of enthusiastic learners. if you don't trust them, fund them and help them in every way. help them teach our kids better. that works best for everybody. we have a lot to talk about. up next, our own personal parent panel shares their ideas on what they just heard, how to keep kids safe, and whether armed personnel in schools is a possible solution. we have paul thee gala, rachel vinman, and shan wu joins us next.
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suburban women problem podcast, rachel vinman. rachel, i can't help but notice your mama necklace that you're wearing. how big do these issues of school safety and school shootings loom in your household? >> it's huge. i mean, 75% of american parents say that this is a concern. 30% say it's a serious concern. they're very concerned about it. and i'm probably somewhere in between. i try not to let it consume my day, but i am -- i am very concerned about that. it's not just my child. it's my nieces and nephews across the country. it's a huge issue for us. >> yeah, i feel the same way. how can you not? how can anybody who is conscious not feel nervous sending their kids to school right now? so, shan, because ar-15s are still shockingly easy for deranged school shooters to get, there's all these people from parents to teachers to administrators trying to come up with creative solutions. so, in indian river county,
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florida, each school has an ar-15 in that school that personnel can access in that an emergency. in madison county, the sheriff will put guns and ammos into each school. they're trying. they're trying. people think there's no other solution. what are your thoughts? >> i think from a legal perspective, i think there's a big problem with a false idolatry of the second amendment in this country. that amendment had little or nothing to do with how it's being used today by politicians to garner votes and campaign contributions. all the comments and ideas of restricting access to guns, perfectly constitutional. and from a legal point of view, it may be fine to give ar-15s to teachers, to schools. from a parental point of view, from my point of view, that's adding fuel to the fire. how are they going to store those things safely out there? >> there are good guys with guns in schools right now.
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as i said to the panel there, they're just not everywhere. they can't be every place at once. and so the bad guy with the ar-15 wins. >> yeah. >> so, paul, i wanted to ask you about this because i want to talk about the democrat -- well, the bipartisan legislation. >> right. >> so, the big bipartisan gun legislation, first time in decades. will that stop school shootings? >> no. first off. look, i was right when i said, there's always been evil. cain slew abel with a rock. you see parents grappling with it. i worked for president clinton. we banned assault weapons. and just as important high capacity magazines because these mass shootings usually all occur in the first 30 seconds. if there's an ar-15 down the hall in the assistant principal's office, it's useless.
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>> there's no appetite for doing that now. there's no appetite for banning the high capacity magazines. there's no appetite for banning the weapons of war. >> since we can't ban evil, i think we should do what we can to keep weapons out of war out of minds filled with hate. i'm a gun owner. i love hunting. none of them are assault weapons. none of them are pistols. they're for hunting. they're all locked up and they're safe and i'm responsible with that. i'm not antigun at all. i want a gun out in a field hunting, but i don't want one in the spanish class. >> given what you know about the political climate, what's the answer? >> very tough. i give president biden enormous credit. it's very hard to take on the nra and win and joe biden just did. >> people are trying to come up with their own creative solutions. parents are trying to figure out what to do. and there's this, i think, really heartbreaking video i'll show you that was online, on tiktok, of a mom with her
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5-year-old son, and she's sending him -- trying to prepare him to go back into the classroom. and here's how she prepares him. >> this is not a drill. everybody go into the corner and be really quiet and still. what do you do? >> get in the corner and be really quiet and still. >> now, show me how you use your bullet-proof backpack. is anybody in there? what do you do? >> i say, i'm here. >> absolutely not. you don't say a word. >> she's trying. and that's what -- that's a sign of the times. that is what our 5-year-olds have to think about now. >> it's just a complete loss of innocence that the lockdown drills -- i have two nieces that are going to kindergarten this year. and just last week it hit me that they're going to go and they're going to have lockdown drills, and it's going to shatter their innocence. there's a before and after. >> it's heartbreaking. >> i have no words.
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>> i understand. me too. we have no solutions because without legislation, without another weapons of war ban, again, we're all just coming up with our own solutions to try to keep our kids safe. i also want to ask you about what else kids are worried about in the classroom, and that's the culture war stuff. just yesterday, a florida judge blocked governor desantis' stop woke law -- i have a problem with the grammar. not only the content but basically what the judge -- the problem the judge said, it's unconstitutional, because it was imper misbli vague, and it violated the first amendment. and so i'll just play it for you. desantis was asked about it today, but he pivoted to his other legislation about basically gender and sexuality. so, here's what he said. >> we also believe that parents have a right to send their kids to elementary school without
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having woke gender ideology shoved down their throat. we do not allow schools to be instructing kids that, hey, you're seven years old, you may have been born a boy, but maybe you're really a girl. they are doing that in places around this country, and it is wrong. and we are not going to stand for it in the state of florida. >> we found out last night that they get a lot of their information from tiktok in terms of if this is actually happening. i'm not kidding. that's what is scaring a lot of people, maybe like governor desantis. legally speaking, if that wanted to be challenged -- >> i'm sure it will be challenged. and really, they should let educators do the educating. and it goes to deference to the experts. and unfortunately, in this increasingly conservative legal climate -- and you certainly see it at the supreme court -- there is less and less deference given to the experts. they don't like even deferring to the cdc about vaccines.
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and so that's the problem here. let the educators decide how to educate, how to protect the children, because that's what they're trying to do is making sure that they can be themselves and not feel there's only one way to be. >> yeah, teachers are struggling. i mean, there's a teacher shortage and all of this is compounding it. >> i mean, we see schools going to 40 work week -- four day -- four-day weeks of school. we see larger class sizes. all of this is going to compound is issues for teachers for classroom management -- another reason why they shouldn't have guns -- and make it so much harder. and the quality of education will decrease. and that will be everyone's problem in the end. it won't just be if you're in a school and your school is fine. it's going to be a nationwide issue because of the teacher shortage. and, you know, what desantis said, it was some sort of right wing, you know, bingo, all the buzz words. you just put them together. but they didn't really make sense. but they don't care if it makes sense.
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we've got to keep talking about it and pushing back. still pushing for the high capacity magazine. even there's no appetite for it. we've got to keep pushing for it and putting it out there and mentioning it because maybe sometime it'll catch on quickly. >> which is a greater threat? a book or a gun? in keller, texas, my beloved texas, a not far from fort worth, they have taken the holy bible, tony motrrison and anne frank out of the library. they want to an ar-15 in the principal's office. books don't kill people. guns do. >> friends, thank you all very much. great to have you here with me. coming up, we have an uber driver who became a hero after sto stopping to save people from a burning building, and he still managed to get his passenger to the airport on time. that hero is with us live in the studio n next.
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different tact. he pulls over and runs into the building. he is with me now. it's great to have you here. >> thank you. it's humbling to be here. >> i appreciate you. you could have kept driving. why did you pull over and run towards the fire? >> i have a habit of doing that. >> running into burning buildings? >> it's like situations present themselves. you are like, do something. i don't know what it is. something comes over you, and you feel like you have to do something. you don't think anymore. it's just motion. >> that's you. you are built that way. most people aren't. when you pulled over and ran in, what did you find inside? >> we pulled over. the first thing we did was -- i wasn't thinking about going inside. tell them, come out. made the phone calls. is anyone inside? people came out.
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i heard someone say, there's someone inside. in that moment, i ran inside. he was resisting. he wanted to get something. he had time considering the fire was on the second floor. went upstairs. saw the other woman. she was resisting. i think she was in shock. >> you had to convince her to leave? >> yeah. a little negotiating. i told her, if you are not going, i'm not going. i told her, it's ac that caused the fire. you are safe. let's not get hurt. let's focus on safety. don't worry about anything else. >> you got her out? >> got her out. went back to get the other guy downstairs. >> you got the woman out and you got the guy out. then you returned to your uber passenger. what did you say to her? >> i apologized. she was awesome.
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she's going to do great. aspiring author. i told her -- i said, sorry. let's get going. she was like, are you kidding me? you saved lives. >> did you get her to the airport on time? >> we got there on time. >> that's amazing. i have something i would like you to see on camera three. look over here. there she is. she's parachuting in. this is your uber passenger. happy to reunite you with fritsch. tell us about the moment where he pulled over. >> it's so good to see you. >> same here. >> how you been? >> honestly, you were a hero. you reacted so quickly. i was so impressed by how you didn't even hesitate. just ran right in.
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ever since then, i've been getting messages on what a hero you are and how you give people hope. these are difficult times. he reminded everyone that you peeled through the noise and reminded everyone there are good people out there. i hope the kids know their dad is a hero. >> that's so nice. the ceo of uber said you are a hero. your daughters, what did they say? >> one calls me super cat. the other one -- we have kittens. she had to combine the two. she's proud. i'm kind of -- i'm cherishing the moment. i see they are joyful. i appreciate it. i want to say to people who were temporarily displaced, hang in there. i'm glad you are okay. god bless you. everything is going to be okay.
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>> that is beautiful. you do restore everyone's faith in humanity. thanks for being here. glad you made your flight on time. that was great. great to see you both of you. we will be right back. you're never responsible for unauthorized pupurchases on your discover card. a is for awareness, because knowing that your chronic kidney disease in type 2 diabetes could progress to dialysis is important. b is for belief th there may be more you can do. just remember that k is for kidney and kerendia. for adults living with ckd in type 2 diabetes, kerendia is proven to reduce the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. kerendia is a once-daily tablet that treats ckd differently than type 2 diabetes medications to help slow the progression of kidney damage and reduce the risk of cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks. do not take kerendia
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thanks so much for watching. i've had a wonderful time with you this week. i hope you enjoyed it as much as i did. with that, don lemon tonight with laura coates sitting in for don. >> have a great weekend. i'm in for don. transparency. that's a word you are hearing a lot from the former president and his allies in the wake of the ffbi search of mar-a-lago
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