tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN August 19, 2022 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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better place. >> to see the full story, go to and thanks for watching. our coverage continues. good evening. and welcome to what might be called the perfect phone call stage involving the former president. perfect phone call was the call that got him impeached. he called it a perfect phone call after his supporters and enablers made a slew of excuses, none of which held up. he embraced the called and said it was perfect. that is where we landed of unprecedented revelations since the fbi agents executed a lawful search warrant at mar-a-lago and came away with 11 sets of documents the former president was not allowed to have. including four sets of highly classified material. the president's one-time
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attorney rudy giuliani has made the perfect phone call excuse. >> now they want to make him responsible for having taken classified documents and preserved them. really if you look at the espionage act, it's not really about taking the documents, it's about destroying them or hiding them or giving them to the enemy. >> right. >> it's not about taking them and putting them in a places that roughly as safe as they were in in the first place. >> taking classified documented, some marked classified sci is as unsafe as keeping them in the national archives and west wing. the espionage act actually does refer specifically to willfully retaining documents and failing to deliver them on demand to the federal employee or officer entitled to receive them. as we said, this perfect phone call excuse has come after an evolution of excuses made by the
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former president's supporters for having the files stashed at a country club. here's his youngest song the evening after the search. >> my father has worked so collaboratively with them for months. in fact, the lawyer that's been working on this was totally shocked. i have such an amazing relationship with these people and all of a sudden no notice, they send 20 cars and 30 agents? >> second youngest son. he's suggesting it came out of nowhere. what we subsequently learned is it may have come from the former president or his legal team acting in bad faith. one of his lawyers signed a letter in june saying no class feud material remained at mar-a-lago. investigators found this to be untrue and obtained a search warrant. which required probable cause of a crime to obtain. as for the search himself, the form are president and his supporters painted the fbi as jack-booted thugs.
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here's florida senator rick scott. >> this should scare the day lights out of american citizens. it's like what we thought about the gestapo or people like that, they just go after people. >> rick scott, former governor of florida comparing the fbi to the gestapo. that was august 9th. by the 10th, the supposedly responsible lawmakers were suggesting with nothing to back it up that the fbi had planted evidence. >> do i know the boxes of material they took from mar-a-lago that they won't put things in those boxes to entrap him? how do we know they'll be honest about what's in the boxes -- how do we know that was in the box before they left the residence? >> what's in the box? the former president got in on this one and by week's end the man was dead after trying to storm the fbi field office in cincinnati. by that time, though, we had seen the search warrant and the
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alleged crimes it was predicated on and saw the inventory of what was taken. so for a while the argument was there was no classified documents left at mar-a-lago, it became that there was 11 sets of classified documents actually weren't really classified at all. >> this is from president trump's office. it just came in a few minutes ago. as we can all relate to everyone -- as we can all relate to, everyone ends up having to bring home their work from time to time. he had a standing order, there's the word i've been looking for, that documents removed from the oval office and taken from the residence were deemed to be declassified the moment he removed them. >> where do they find these people? that one failed the laugh test as well as a subsequent cnn fact check in which 18 high ranking officials confirmed the notion was ridiculous. >> this case what about obama? >> donald trump tweeted that president barack hussein obama kept 33 million pages of documents, much of them classified, how many pertained to nuclear? word is lots.
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>> word is lots. truth is none. the national archives almost immediately put out a rebuttal of all of it. so fine, whatever. there was then of course another excuse. the former president was just too busy trying to stay in office to keep an eye on the moves. according to "the wall street journal", if you only start packing with two days left to go, you're just running low on time, a former aide said. and if he's the one just throwing things in boxes, who knows what could happen? the president of the united states just throwing things in boxes. or as rudy giuliani might put it, taking them to a better place. perspective from dan goldman who served as democratic counsel, running for congress in new york's 10th district court and director of george washington's national security archive which is a non-governmental institute. the comments from rudy giuliani, is there any chance this idea that, you know, the basement at
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mar-a-lago is just as good as the national archives or the west wing would hold up in court? >> no, of course not. these documents need to be kept in a scif. now, the national archives as a scif. the west wing has a scif. it's possible if the basement of mar-a-lago is a scif they could be kept there but there are so many things that are wrong with what giuliani said. first of all, the way he describes the espionage act is incorrect. even under his description, donald trump did hide these documents, they were subpoenaed and they were not turned over. so we don't know why he hid them but he hid them. >> that's why they had to do a search warrant after a subpoena. so it's not the same thing as being in the archives and west wing.
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there are regularment protocols. if you transferred classified information from one location to another, there's a special pouch that has a key that you have to put the documents in when you go from one place to another. this is not a situation where, oh, we'll just throw it in a basement. >> even how the documents themselves are transported matters? >> yes. >> current white house officials are seriously concerned that the material at mar-a-lago might jeopardize u.s. sources or intelligence gathering. how dangerous would it be to have documents like that laying around the basement of mar-a-lago in a storeroom that apparently didn't even have a padlock on it. >> when the justice department visited on june 3rd, allegations of continued classified information in there, they saw no lock on the storage closet. it was only put on on june the 8th. this is a slow motion scandal that really started more than a year ago when the national archives checked all the stuff
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they'd been getting from the white house at the end of the trump administration and they couldn't find the love letters from kim jung un and couldn't find that map of hurricane dorian that president trump had written on with a sharpy. these were famous documents and they weren't in in what the national archives received so they reached out to say where's the stuff? where's the love letters? over months there was discussions that you guys have boxes at mar-a-lago. i mean, my own group, national security archive, we were in court against trump during the transition, got a litigation hold, government lawyers said to judge ketanji brown jackson, yes, we got a hold and everybody at the white house knows about it, apparently the white house didn't. we were worried about a bonfire at the rose garden. should have been worried about a u-haul in the back. national archives went after these boxes and finally in
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january, so eight months after they first inquired they get 15 boxes back from mar-a-lago. and they're stunned. there's classified information in there. the wheels begin to turn. february they reach out again. they ask the justice department to investigate. finally by june 3rd justice serves a subpoena on mar-a-lago and gets their first visual look at that storage unit in the basement. it doesn't even have a lock. >> one of the remarkable things, he mentioned the kim jong un love letters. maggie haberman's reporting from the new york times, she talked about those letters as being something that the former president liked to keep in his office to show off like he used to show off shaquille o'neal's ginormous shoe in his office in trump tower. he likes to sort of keep these tchotchkes.
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if that's the excuse, if viewed them as his, is that any kind of a justification? i mean, that's not an excuse. >> no, look, these classified documents have very clear markings on them. the love letters from kim jong un are probably not marked as classified but this is apples and oranges here. these tchotchkes are one thing, these nuclear secrets are something totally different. >> they're not his. >> of course. under the presidential records act, nothing is his personally. it belongs to the office of the presidency, most of it. that's why the archives expect to get it. but this is no surprise because we know from maggie haberman's reporting as well that we saw documents flushed down the toilet. they did not observe the presidential records act at all. to me this is likely criminal
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what has happened at mar-a-lago and you have to wonder why was he hiding these documents, even when they were requested. but you also have to wonder with someone who you cannot trust like donald trump, what else is there? what else is he hiding? what else is he doing? what else did he flush down the toilet? >> we don't know if it's nuclear secrets, we don't know the exact nature of what the documents are -- >> reportedly. >> is there a limit to what a president can declassify? are some documents so sensitive that if a president did have a standing order to declassify everything going to mar-a-lago, which is disputed by about every former administration official we've been talking to, would there be exception to that? >> anderson, you're right on point. there are statutes that govern nuclear information, statute, laws that govern sources and methods of intelligence. presidents have a lot of authority to declassify. and i have to say i'm a big fan of the harry
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potter approach of declassification, that you wave a wand over the big batch of documents and the mountain of historic secrets. but that kind of declassification in the chamber of secrets, that should only happen once you sampled for nuclear and sources and methods. the president doesn't have authority to override those laws. >> our next guest writes in "the new york times" writes trump is going after one of the most conservative institutions in the u.s. government. quoting the fbi has been the most culturally conservative and traditionally white institution in the u.s. government, so conservative that even by the standards of law enforcement that democratic presidents have never felt comfortable or politically embolden enough to
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nominate a democrat to head the bureau. how do you square the former president's allies accusing the fbi as being either the gestapo or a woke mob when the reality is it's one of the most conservative institutions that there is? >> absolutely. and that's true even with this current director. christopher ray, the director of the fbi who approved the search of mar-a-lago last monday in coordination with attorney general merrick garland, chris rey was appointed by donald trump, came to this job with sterling republican credentials. he was the head of the criminal division at the justice department under george w. bush, he was a member of the federalist society, he clerked for judge luttig and was chris christie's personal lawyer during the scandal.
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this is not some democratic deep state now in charge of the fbi. >> what are the president's allies saying? they seemed to suggest to jake tapper yesterday that because president biden hasn't fired chris ray that he's now a biden ally. does viewing the bureau through that sort of sense make sense to you? >> it doesn't. and it goes against almost everything that we know about the history of the bureau. this is a century-year-old institution that actually still very much today feels the shadow of jay edgar hoover, who carved out a unique independent role for the bureau where it's part of the executive branch but doesn't really report or act on the president's wishes or desires on individual cases. and there's a proud tradition of presidents carrying on with the
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existing director when they take office. this is not a role like the cia director that does specifically change over as a new president comes to office. that ten-year term is meant specifically to isolate the fbi director from day-to-day presidential politics. >> the conservatism within the fbi that you're talking about, is it more the classic version of conservatism as opposed to the new maga version of it? >> exactly. the fbi, you know, it has very strong roots in protecting, quote unquote, americans from radicals and subversives. that was set for many decades by j. edgar hoover who prosecuted and persecuted black artists and amassed an 1,800 page file on author james baldwin. they surveilled and harassed martin luther king.
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the fbi tried to arrest john lennon. this is not an agency that is woke by any standard of modern politics. and, in fact, as part of my research for this piece this week, i determined that actually the fbi is the last of the dozen top federal law enforcement agencies that has never had a leader who is a woman or person of color. every fbi director has been a white male, a white republican male. >> it's a fascinating article, garrett graff. i really appreciate. thank you. >> coming up, the republican lawmakers who are shying away from the former president in the face of mid-term elections and how that strategy is working. and later gary tuchman talks to migrants who texas authorities are putting on busses to new york and washington. the hue map aspect of what's seen as a red/blue political battle ahead tonight. astepro starts working in 30 minutes.
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and if you need help slowing kidney damage, ask your doctor about kerendia. so we need something super disctintive. dad's work, meet daughter's playtime. wait 'till you hear this— thankfully, meta portal helps reduce background noise. zero lace model. adjusts to low light. and pans and zooms to keep you in frame. take a look at this. so the whole team stays on track. okay, let's get you some feedback. i'm impressed. great, loving your work. meta portal. the smart video calling device that makes work from home, work for you. ♪( music: good vibes by moa.l.m.munoz, ryan t, short)♪ ♪ bout to get down, living it up ♪ ♪ never touch ground, never enough ♪ ♪ got me feeling good vibes ♪ ♪ everything's everything's good vibes, good vibes ♪ rudy giuliani spent six
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hours before the atlanta grand jury investigating the former president's attempts to overturn the to 20 election results in that state. we don't know what he said if anything other than restating hit fifth amendment right against self-incrimination. he's a target of the investigation. senator lindsey graham is not. he's fighting his subpoena. can you walk us through his back and forth with the courts and senator graham's multiple attempts to get out of testifying? >> he asked a judge to quash it, argued everything he did was protected. the judge said i'm not going to quash the subpoena, you have to show up next on tuesday before the grand jury. so lindsey graham goes back to the judge and says, look, i'm going to appeal your ruling, can you put a state on that and press pause.
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today the judge said no. now, lindsey graham does have one other iron in the fire. he did go to an appeals court yesterday and today he asked that appeals court the same thing, will you put a state on a lower court's ruling, press pause so i don't have to show up before a grand jury next week? we are still waiting for them to make a decision. >> do you know what prosecutors hope to learn speaking to graham if and when it happens. >> raffensperger came away from a call believing that the senator was asking him to throw away ballots in georgia. senator graham denied this, said that wasn't his intention but the d.a. wants to know about that call and what went into organizing that call and wants to know if there were any other conversations between lindsey graham and the trump campaign as it relates to georgia, anderson.
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>> as for lawmakers embracing the former president, there are some who see him as a liability in the november mid terms. a few won't even say his name. what are you hearing how advisers are advising them to talk about the former president? >> i'm told the head of the gop arm has been privately advising republicans to not talk about trump on the campaign trail and focus on the issues they think are going to be the most salient in the mid term like inflation and crime. it depends on the district. it's not entirely surprising to see republicans start to pivot towards the middle as they look ahead to the general election but it is clear that gop leaders want the mid-term elections want it to be a referendum on joe biden, not on president trump. one gop lawmaker said they only
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bring up trump when asked about him and others say they don't mention his name ever. they try to focus on policies. but, anderson, that's going to be increasingly difficult to do. he's still dominating headlines and teasing a presidential bid potentially before the mid terms. trump is still a dominant force in the party, energizes the base and good for fund-raising but he could drag down some of their candidates in the mid terms. >> is this just in house races or is there concern he could affect senate seats? >> i would say the concerns are more pronounced in the senate. that's largely because a number of gop candidates who were hand picked by trump in the primaries have been struggling in their general election campaigns, both
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in the polls and the money game. there's a super pac aligned with mitch mcconnell that has had to come to the rescues of republican j.d. vance in ohio. that's a state that joe biden lost in 2020 and the senate race is neck and neck. dr. oz has really floundered. so colonel is starting to sound the alarm, warning the races will be tight in the fall and he is frustrated with the former president's involvement. joining us is david axelrod and margaret talib. is it possible to run a campaign in 2022 without talking about the former president? >> not if he can have any say about it. he has intruded himself into these elections. he likes to be the center of attention. that worked great for candidates in primaries because he's still a dominant figure within the
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republican party, but when you get to general elections, he's much more of a liability, particularly in these swing districts as melanie said. but it's going to be hard. and especially now, the investigations are closing in on him, the most latest being the fbi search of mar-a-lago has pushed him to, according to people around him, to think that he should accelerate his announcement of a candidacy. a lot of republicans, mccarthy, mcconnell being at the front of the line have urged him not to because they don't want him to be center. most in these mid-term elections, as melanie said, they tend to be referendums on the party that holds the white house. this year president biden's approval rating is low. the economy is challenged because of inflation. republicans thought they had clear sailing to a big year.
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trump has complicated that along with the dobbs decision and now they have a pretty good climate but it isn't what they thought it would be. >> there's been so much talk about whether the president would announce -- the former president would announce ahead of the mid terms that he was trying to seek reelection. do you think that would be a positive or negative for most republicans running for office. >> republicans, a very few number of house races that are truly swing seats, it would not be a good thing in that case. look, if you're a voter or a news watcher, you are probably feel like you're getting whiplash. for the last week all you heard is, wow, the fbi search has only empowered president trump. but that's only true in the core of the republicans base. it's not true when you throw in democrats, women.
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then the abortion ruling came down, roe v. wade got overturned and now donald trump is dominating the news again. what do women voters on balance disproportionately care about? reproductive rights. so this is just not the party that the republicans wanted to be in. >> david, you were the senior adviser to the president obama during the 2010 mid terms. what lessons do you take away from that experience? is there anything you would have done differently if you had to do it over? >> sometimes there's very little you can do. we were the classic case, anderson, of an incumbent party bearing the brunt of a referendum. you try to make the other party part of the equation but it's hard to do. that's why incumbent parties almost always lose seats in a
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mid-term election. only twice since world war ii has the party in power gained seats. remember, we're talking about a 50/50 senate and an almost 50/50 house right now. republicans don't have to do very much here. so, you know, we tried and we tried to draw a contrast but we weren't able to. but we didn't have donald trump, which makes it a little bit easier to draw a contrast as did the supreme court decision on dobbs. one thing i wanted to mention, donald trump is strutting now because he's dominating these republican primaries, the most recent high profile was liz cheney's loss in wyoming, but what's going to happen in the general is that republicans are going to start toting up these races where he burden them with candidates who were loyal to him, who were election deniers, but wound up being bad candidates in swing states and districts.
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and that's the number a lot of republicans are going to be looking at after the election as they assess the costs. the problem with donald trump for them is they can't live with him and they can't live without him. that's something they're going to have to resolve. >> they can't quit him. to that point, mitch mcconnell raised eyebrows on thursday, he said this at a northern kentucky chamber of commerce luncheon. i want to play that. >> i think there's probably a greater likelihood the house flips than the senate. candidate quality has a lot to do with the outcome. right now we have a 50/50 senate and a 50/50 country, but i think when all is said and done we're likely to have an extremely close senate. >> do you see that as some sort of criticism of the senate candidates that have been endorsed by the former president? >> well, he definitely feels that. and it's also criticism of the former president.
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you said republicans can't quit donald trump. mitch mcconnell is trying to quit donald trump so hard and has been since december of 2020. >> seems like he quit him. he just can't say that he quit him. >> well, even if he said it it wouldn't matter because the nominees in many of these races that we're talking about are the nominees because of donald trump, not because of mitch mcconnell. and mcconnell can sort of lose or really lose. if he becomes the majority leader, then he will be the majority leader if these republicans who were trump republicans allow him to be. at best i think he's looking at luke warm support from a lot of them. if he loses, it will be because of candidates probably that he would not have chosen as his top choice. i'm trying to parse what he said about some great strategy. in this case there's not a lot of guile there. he's saying what's true.
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the senate was always going to be harder to win. then it was looking easier and now looking harder again. >> thank you. have a good weekend. >> coming up next, gary tuchman talks to migrants getting free bus rides from texas to washington, d.c. and new york. it's a controversial policy. politicians have had their say. gary lets the people who are in the middle of this have theirs.
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texas officials said the state has now bussed nearly 1,000 migrants to new york city in the last two weeks and more than 7,000 to washington, d.c. since april. it's part of a program by governor greg abbott. the office of the texas governor says the travel is voluntary. gary tuchman decided to get away from the political back and forth and just talk to the people and families riding these buses to see what they think. here's gary. >> reporter: these migrants, most from venezuela, have just crossed the rio grand into texas, surrendered to the border patrol and received future court dates. some are about to board this bus for a 1,700 mile trip to washington, d.c., a plan started by the texas governor in april. some people say it's cruel.
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but this story may not be what you expect. listen to these migrants like this 28-year-old from venezuela. >> are you taking the bus? >> today, yes. >> are you happy? >> ci, ci. >> listen to those who advocate for the migrants. >> they want to go on the busses. >> reporter: mission hope is a nonprofit organization. she said many of these people want to go to washington or new york. you're saying no one is being forced to go on these busses? >> no one has been forced. >> they're going on it because they want to? >> yes. >> reporter: hundreds of people
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come to this shelter every day. hundreds of people face an average of 500 daily. many of the people have family in the united states, family with money and they'll be with them in no time in their hometowns. but many of these people have no family and have no idea where they'll go next. >> this woman traveled a month and a half by foot, bus and boat to get here. she said was very tired, i got sick, came down with pneumonia and was hospitalized. she said she and her husband are happy to take the washington bus. they have friends in washington. she says we've been on the road for so long, we don't mind two or three more days. and then something horrible happened. luis says we left in search
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of a dream because now it's a very difficult, hard situation because this trip took my life. his brother, juan, disappeared when they were swimming across the rio grande. shelter officials have just informed him juan's body was found. he drown. they will go ahead with their plans and take the washington bus. he says our destination was chicago but adds they will get off the bus along the route in kentucky and a relative will pick them up there. the executive director here confirms the busses have indeed letting passengers off along the way once they get out of texas. the time has come for the bus to lead. then 41 men, women and children come out of the blazing sun to board the bus for the 40-hour ride. genesis says she's ready. she hopes to support her family in venezuela by cleaning, cooking or doing restaurant work.
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lee weez would like to help their families by working in the restaurant business. the bus pulls away. each passenger we talked to saying they appreciate getting the air conditioned bus ride to what they hope is a much better road ahead. >> if you were driving your car from here to washington, d.c. and going at a good clip and at some point the speed limit is 85 miles per hour you'd maybe it in about 25 hours. this bus goes slowly, they make a lot of stops so they allow about 40 hours. we were here with that bus and those people yesterday, so it's expected to arrive in the nation's capitol sometimes tomorrow morning. anderson? >> gary tuckman, thank you. the southwest expecting heavy rain this weekend. it won't be the relief needed for a long-term mega drought as many states are being expected to cut their water. bill weir is in arizona for us where they are bracing for the
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and tomorrow as the weather prediction center forecasts a multi-day significant rainfall event. that's what they're calling it. it comes as they battle a long-term mega drought and prepares to new drastic cuts. bill weir is in arizona where they're facing the largest cut to the region. here's his report. >> reporter: summer monsoons are adding a few precious inches to the lake mead water line, but not nearly enough. america's largest reservoir is still 25 feet lower than last summer, which led to arizona farmers at the end of the water rights line watching their fields dry up in the first-ever tier one cuts. now parts of phoenix will join them as tier two takes 21% of the colorado river. >> do you foresee a day when it's tier 3 and tier 4 and mandatory cuts that will get really severe? >> absolutely. i am genuinely worried about the possibility of this system hitting dead pool. >> you are? >> absolutely.
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>> it's when the need gets low enough to crash the whole entire system. the feds are begging western states to cut up to one out of every four gallons consumed. >> i know from our reporting there was some western water managers that were frustrated that the bureau of reclamation wasn't tougher. they said you guys work it out or we'll work it out for you but they didn't do that. what are your thoughts on that? >> it is disappointing because the longer that we have to endure the uncertainty, the more at risk the entire system is. i don't envy the federal government, the biden administration. they have some really tough choices to make. no elected official wants to be the person saying who gets water and who doesn't. i'm sure they are desperately
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searching for the least worst option, but in the meantime water levels continue to fall. >> and we will invest heavily in conservation, efficiency, reuse and advanced water technologies like desalination. >> reporter: arizona's outgoing governor wants to build a desalination facility. after an arizona republican investigation found that 30% to 50% of golf courses are here use more than their share of water with little oversight. state records show that the water cops of arizona have issued a punishment against a golf course exactly twice in the last 20 years. so it pretty obvious that from the feds down to the locals, people aren't exactly lining up to be the tough sheriff desperately needed to tame water use in the wild west. >> i don't golf so i don't feel
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a need to defend golf but i will say this, people focus on it because it's visible, but there are lots of things about what we do, what we consume, what we eat, what we wear that are also very water intensive. i don't like to think of it in terms of we don't have enough water. i like to think of it in terms of what do we have enough water for? >> outside of the city, arizona's ground water is unregulated so anyone can pump as much as they want. the guy with the biggest well wins. we've seen that horror movie and don't want that. most of the colorado river, 70 to 80% goes into growing food, a lot of it in california that the rest of the country depends on. so this crisis trickles down, no pun intended, anderson, in one way or another. >> it's fascinating and concerning we appreciate it, bill weir. >> coming up, the rise of anti-semitism in america. dana bash joins us with a pretty frightening look at how fringe groups have gone mainstream
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we are in taipei and this is cnn. the social media has helped some pretty radical ideas. moving into the mainstream. it's the focus of a new special for rising hate anti-semitism in america. it focuses on deadly shootings and conspiracy theories brought about by this new radicalization. and ways to maybe curb this trend. this new documentary will air sunday night. how has anti-semitism infiltrated social media and the internet? >> it is doing so incredibly aggressively. we spoke to experts who monitor this kind of hate and it's really spreading like wildfire across the internet and social media.
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we look at why and how it is happening. >> reporter: recent studies show anti-semitism on every social platform. >> part of what they are doing to attract people to their hate is to use almost stylistic type of imagery and here you can say look everyone it's the midnight crew making hate crimes great again. basically blaming the jewish people for falsely creating anti-somatic incidences to get sympathies essentially. >> reporter: like here where they go after jewish man. >> many of these are engaging in real time.
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telling the folks on the ground what they should do. if you notice there's a donate button. the more they cursed him out the more money will be given. so again this is why it's so concerning. we've seen people live the stream their actual attacks because they anticipate that people will watch them. go on the extremist journey with them. it's really sickening. >> it really is. and what you see is the hate that is online which gets into the psyche and and sometimes it is radicalizing others. it's being done simultaneously in real life like the example of life straining the attack. >> you talk about how covid may have fueled some of this online heat? >> it dead. because people were home. if you loo k at the statistics
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they started to rise about 2015 or 2016 and they continued spiking the highest they've ever had on record in 2020 and 2021. and that was when people were working from home or not working. and really sharing a lot of anti-somatic imagery and tropes. one of the oldest forms of anti- semitism is that the jewish people are making money off of things and they run the world. but all of those conspiracy is kind of collided with covid. it is a disease and they blamed the jewish people saying they were responsible for the vaccines making money off of it. so all of these things came to a head which is why we are seeing the highest numbers again on record.
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it's so important to focus on it. and i'm glad you've done this. rising hate anti-semitism in america. we will be right back. astepro and go. i got tai last december. i've spent almost every minute with her since. when i first brought her home, she was eating little brown pieces in a bag and it was just what kind of came recommended. i just always thought, “dog food is dog food” i didn't really piece together that dogs eat food. as soon as we brought the farmer's dog in, her skin was better, she was more active, high-quality poops. if i can invest in her health and be proactive, i think it's worth it. see the benefits of fresh food at ["only wanna be with you" by hootie & the blowfish]
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