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tv   United Shades of America  CNN  August 21, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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talking to white people who want to end white supremacy. they're not doing it the way white people doing it and hashtaging it. they're protesting at a nazi tattoo shop. i'm going to get tattooed by nazis. ♪ ♪ what can i do? now that's a question i hear a lot from people in my travels during these hectic times, but if i'm honest, it's really a question i mostly hear from white people.
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specifically meaning white liberal people. black people don't ask for a way to help, we always ask for a better place while also asking for a way to make it through the day. some white people are starting to realize, no, things are pretty f'd, and those have taken to protesting, hashtaging, and a little -- but some white people are second amendmenting. specifically these white people, not to be confused with these white people. these are the red neck revolt. they're actually red necks revolting against the red necks who are revolting against equal. i'll explain. the red neck revolt was founded in 2009 in kansas and colorado as an armed community of defense, which means these people are exercising their
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second amendment rights so they can protect their neighborhoods for neo-nazis and whatever the [ bleep ] this guy's got going on. the at right is described by the southern poverty law center as a community who believes white identity is under attack. i have no idea what they're talking about. there they are marching with tiki torches. most p people associate this ty of thing with the south. but remember, the south isn't just a geographical location, it's a state of mind. in response to all this, the red neck revolt maz spread to the pacific north west too. that's right. this guy is a good guy? i'm heading to meet the seattle area chapter called the john brown gun club in the backwoods doing their thing.
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today in the united states of america, this is happening. lucky for my already ringing ears, they're taking a break from the shooting which gives me an opportunity to bring aside some of the members. what made you decide to want to join up? >> i grew up in a really rural area, and that's kind of part of my identity. it's always been a hard thing to find a place in the left because it tends to be either you're against guns or you're against guys and black people -- >> humanity. >> yeah. that's the tradeoff. i think this organization felt
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like a place that matched my politics and my history. >> okay because like you know, john brown gun club, john brown was certainly not right wing was we find now. all right. let talk about john brown. he was a 19th century abolishist who decided to take out an armory with 21 of his friends. needless to say, it didn't go well. he tried to get more people to go with him, but even hair yet tubman was like, i'm good on that. but good luck in heaven. but his example continues to resonate with many white activists today. what member of the club were you? >> 11 or 12. i joined about a year ago. i'm a semiobservant jew, and seeing the violence in charlottesville made me want to do something.
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>> i need to talk to a regular white guy. >> seattle is really white. it's norway. >> yeah. >> but my neighborhood is like 80% plus people of color, and around the election time, all of a sudden there's like white power slogans at my kids' park, and it's down at the lake where i go hang out with my family, and all this stuff starts swirling. this elderly african american couple, someone painted the n word on their truck, and that's messed up, so i was like, well, time to get off my ass and do something. >> why aren't more white people here? and not here with us right now but here in this frame of mind. >> that's the real question. that's part of what we're doing is can we create a space where we can do community defense where people who are trying to fight back against the elements of oppression in society, they have the space to do it. >> good job, white people.
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[ laughter ] >> so this is my membership card. >> can i see it? so what happened? >> this is kind of like out of spite. >> let's be clear. these holes don't show how close he is to a free frozen yogurt. these are bullet holes he shot to his nra card in protest. >> so the nra membership is required to shoot at certain ranges. i begged them, i said is there any other second amendment organization i can join? and they said, no. so i that nra. i have no respect for them. >> that's clear. >> even from the standpoint of gun rights because they failed to stand up for orlando castille after he was killed by police. >> can i ask you a personal question? >> you can. >> how would you identify yourself racially? >> i'm an arab immigrant.
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>> i'll be honest, when i walked up to mostly white guys, i saw you and was like, i think he's a double agent. i didn't want to say anything in front of your friends. >> most of the chapter is white men and when you look at guns, it's heavily dominated by white males, and we want to change that. i didn't know they were inside. >> excuse me for one second. they asked me if i wanted to shoot some of their big guns, and i was like, not really. a gun punched me in the nose, so i will be filing charges. when you're in there, it's hard
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to remember it's okay. those are good white folks. they are, but that's not usually the sounds of the good white folks historically if you know what i'm saying. this is the tempur-pedic® breeze° and its mission is to make sleep feel cool. so, no more night sweats... no more nocturnal baking... ...or polar ice cap air-conditioner mode. because the tempur-pedic breeze° delivers superior cooling... from cover to core. helping you sleep cool, all night long. don't miss our best offer of the year,
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discover theratears®. like no other dry-eye drop in the world. with the 5 vital electrolytes found in natural tears, theratears® is one-of-a-kind hydration that feels like silk. theratears®. a drop like no other™. well, all this white supremacy talk is new to white people, my people have been
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dealing with this stuff since somebody said, how do you feel about the name toby? meet my meet alicia gardener. but you're probably more familiar with her work as the cofounder of. >> black lives matter. >> black lives matter. >> black lives matter. >> black lives matter. >> when you say black lives matter, that's anti-american, and it's racist. >> oh, rudy, is there anything you know? alic arks a is one of the coolest and intelligent and down to earth people i know. so like a confederate flag in south carolina, we're taking it down. thank you for coming. >> this is awesome. i'm really happy to be here. >> i'm always happy to see you and talk to you. >>let get it popping. >> this is good. there's so many places i can go with this conversation. for a lot of people, they think it's black lives matter against white lives. >> whenever black people declare
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unity in the midst of chaos, somehow it's so threatening to white people. it's as if black people say we love ourselves, and white people are like, you hate me. we're like, wait a minute, isn't this an opportunity for you to declare that black lives also matter. >> matter is limited. >> yeah. it shows us a lot about where we have left to go. >> you get pointed at or accused of being antiwhite. >> i'm like, my dad is white. what are we doing right now? >> so i saw you at an event i put on and invited you to. it's a live podcast, and there was a woman on stage confused about the definition of racism. it would have been easy for you to pop off. it's like watching a jedhi looking at somebody like, you don't even know how to use a light saber. >> it's not about white people.
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it's about white supremacy, and white people have to disinvest from this stuff, and they're not going to if like every time there's some hectic shit going on, you got to pull out the light saber, because at the end of the day, they're not going to come back, and you need them to come back. for the most part, i think what's real is that white people are not taught about how they have been put in a position of power, and that's exactly how it's allowed to fester and continue. and from there, you don't stop there and be the most conscious and still not do shit. you know what i mean? >> i've attained the highest level of wokeness. i'm the most woke. >> exactly. now that we've done this, we need to actually get in the trenches. >> so then, what is your reaction when you hear about groups like the red neck revolt? >> they must be in a long
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tradition of antiracist organizing among poor and working class white folks. i'm not as familiar with their work, but i can tell you that more groups like that are needed. >> yeah. white people have to get better at getting their people. >> that's right. >> we need allies -- how do you put it? >> coconspirators. >> we need allies because coconspirators go to jail with you. they're not like, you'll be okay. >> black lives matter. >> thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers. [ laughter ] so i know a lot of white people are watching this show right now like, that was a great segment, but i'm not sure if i'm ready to get a gun and go toe to toe with the nazis. lucky for you she brought a director with her. let me be clear, you're only here because of her. and i don't mean that in a bad way. she was like, you need to book
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george, and i was like, okay. >> you know how we do. >> his organization is taking the lead on dealing with our country's deep rooted issues by organizing america's working class. so tell me about your organization. >> so people's actions we've got pun dreads of thousands of members. we're doing for better or worse the biggest rural program in the u.s. what we do is go out and community organize, go out knocking on doors, listening to people, figuresing out what they're upset about and like, hey what if y'all got together and worked on this. how do we build enough power to actually change things. >> so what's the conversation you're having with people about whiteness? >> we're not going to knock on a bunch of doors and say, want to come to an antiracist meeting. those would be small meetings or people that are already with us.
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>> we're all here again, everybody. let's wrap this up. >> that's not what we're doing. we just finished knocking on 10,000 doors and basically asking people what is it you're upset about or what is it you want to change and move people into a campaign to win. along the way, then we start to have the conversations around race. did muslims crash the economy, are black people pushing opioids into this part of the state or did undocumented imgrants stash a bunch of money? and we found the enemy is not each other. let's focus on the real villain in this story. but we can only do that if we start where people are at, work on what they want to work on, build a foundation and relationship, and then we can have a conversation. >> what are the characteristics of white communities that people are missing right now? >> it's really hard to imagine
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until you go there just how bad it is. it's like a different kind of poverty. it's ghost town poverty. the buildings have gotten knocked down but not taken away. it's got a desperateness to it. folks are like considering the conditions in the environment they live in, pretty damn woke. most of these communities are like mixed race just to say -- >> wait, wait. so you're telling me that there are folks of all different races living together in these communities? >> yes. >> that are dealing with ghost town poverty because we don't hear that story. >> i think it's a huge problem. >> what's at stake when we miss that story. >> if the primary portrayal of poor white people is as backward trump-loving hill billys, the people that are with us in these communes are going to be like, if y'all don't want me on the team, i'm going to stop trying out. i don't feel like y'all want me
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on the team. if we're not there, somebody else is going to be. i've got flyers that people sent me that are, hey, you struggling with opioid addiction? it's not your fault. give us a call, we can help you, the white knights of the kkk, and then there's a phone number. >> i'm saying, sit with us for a second, you know? we're totally being out organized by the other side in relationship to those folk, so i think it's pretty dope that you all have kind of taken on this challenge. >> i'm glad you came because this is the easiest interview i've ever had. i'm just, yes, what she said, yes. does anybody need their drinks refilled? [ laughter ] sensodyne sensitivity & gum gives us the dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. there's no question it's something that i would recommend. can a cream really reduce wrinkles? more than one hundred women tried l'oreal triple power.
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because it never did. but look what golo has done. look what it has done. i'm in a size 4 pair of pants. go golo. (soft music) ♪ at the gun range, the red neck revolt member talked about something i've thought about the seattle area i've thought for years, but according to the stats, the streets are changing. apparently their white population has declined to its lowest parts in history. ever since donald trump started making america great again, hate crimes have doubled.
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do you ever see that coming through seattle, those good old boys driving through here? >> you do actually. and they're not always regular people. sometimes they're in uniforms squb w b and they're sometimes people of power. >> let's be clear. she's talking about the cops. so you seem like a person where if i say the words white supremacy to you, you didn't really flinch. you just nodded. >> white supremacy is a standard in america, and we need to work on dismantling it. >> we have to make judgments. so when they say, we -- >> they also pay my rent. thank you. i'll tell my kids. >> make america great again. >> you're doing a good job. love that sweater. yeah. now there are people out there who are willing to go even further than the red neck revolt to stop the right.
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i'll meet up with antifa. it gets all the headlines for confronting the outright. while they're associated, they have one very big difference. the red neck revolt is about preventing violence, while antifa is like, we wish a nazi would. they very specifically wanted to meet up at the japanese american exclusion memorial. whether you love or hate then, chances are right now you're feeling a nervous jolt of anticipation. >> today i was reading an article -- >> not what you're expecting, huh? this is ariel, and she's here to help us learn. tucker called in from fox news labeled me a leader of antifa in
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the bay area, which was news to me. >> you were like, wow. >> kamau bell is among other things a host on cnn. he is a supporter of antifa. they hate this country. they want to tear it down. none of it seeps to matter to kamau bell. >> i was like, i've never been to a meeting. does the pronunciation, antifa? how do you describe yourself to antifa? >> it's like this, do you approve of fascism? >> no. >> then you could consider yourself antifa if you close to. so if you're opposed to fascism, then you are antifa because it's antifascism. let's say they can build a website to educate children.
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do you think people deserve love? antifa. >> in the world of politics, where does it land on the left or right spectrum? it doesn't. >> so the political compass is a square that i use. go down to the bottom left. no leaders, no h-- >> where is like the i'm with hillary democrat. >> the left of center as oppose today right of center -- trying to think of who's a moderate republican. abraham lincoln. >> exactly. that's the last time we had a true moderate republican. >> true. >> now let's talk about the stuff you see on the news. specifically like you've actually at times had to get out there and mix it up. what was it like? >> so i went to visit this protest in portland.
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there was like the proud boys and this group called act, it's anti-islamic. and this guy just ran at these two girls, and so they were both wearing hijabs, and he looked like he was going to jump on them. i didn't think about it. i jumped at him, but i picked him up off the ground and threw him on the ground and stood him up and started punching him. >> it's not easy to imagine you in the streets punching a proud boy in the face. which doesn't mean i don't believe you would do it. you frame people like this is what i'm expecting, and sitting with you right now, it's not what i imagine. oh, this is not what i -- wow. this is a -- okay. >> i usually have a couple of those on me just in case. i use it for whatever i need to use it for.
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>> point taken. in other words, stay in line, kamau. keep it friendly. so you have a bag of things. >> i do. i have -- >> let's do show and tell. and including the mask, you have a mask, right? >> yes. this is what a lot of people use, it's like a black bandanna. you wear it like this. >> this is heart elevated. i was like, is something happening? >> here we go. so these are some of the flyers. >> oh, so this is the thing you put up around neighborhoods. >> the sky works for i.c.e. grabbing kids, taking them away from their families. so i dock, it's basically you post people's public information or make them known to people. >> are you not afraid somebody from the other side is going to see that and go, i'm going to docks you. >> go for it. >> you could have shown up today
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masked up so there's more plausibility or deniability. >> i could have. >> so i'm just going to block out this person's face. have you seen this person? they are a modern day nazi putting people including children in concentration camps. be on the lookout. some people say it's inflammatory. >> it's inflammatory because it is extreme. it's a terrible thing that's happening. >> so the argument from people on the left and right, but even the left is going to be like, these are just people that have jobs and are trying to have a living and trying to support their families. >> i definitely understand that, but the thing is white hetero sexual men want you to know that eventually fascists will come for you too once they've come for everyone else, and your privilege won't protect you forever. >> before i wrap it up, i just
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♪ seattle's art and music scene is legendary for being antiestablishment, so it's no surprise people from that scene are also interested in dismantling one of america's
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oldest establishments, white supremacy. >> i think our role is explicitly insane no, strong capital no. i think a big part of our work is generating and holding these spaces for people to cultivate antifascist dreams. >> i feel like i want to do this. yeah, yeah. >> future. we can be creative, we can be snarky. >> there's so many ways to say no. everyone can do it. >> sometimes it can be like no, and sometimes it's like no! >> do you have a pocket guide? >> we did this, right? the little no is sort of no, this is bad, and the not ever is really recognizing there's a social movement that is seeking to take over to create a white ethnic homeland. >> so this is look a voted a straight democratic ticket, and this is like, we got to hit the streets.
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>> the very least we can do is say no to white nationalism. >> this is the power of art because this is a very intense message put in a very fun little package. kate and her pamphlet offers incite on things like how to view white supremacy. it was part of their no not ever mission working against white nationalism in the late 80s and 90s. i'm pretty sure this is antifa. there's two of my favorite words are in this. they struck the whole thing off. how do we solve the problem of white feminism. >> when we think of white nationalism, we think of a man. women are totally invisible, and white women have gotten a pass. >> like in the '20s, white women threw women of color under the bus through the vote towards what white supremacy offered
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them. >> you heard that right. i know susan b. anthony is beloved, but the women's suffrage movement was only about white women, and some organizers got the 19th amendment movement by assuring white men that it would only be strengthened if white women were given the power to vote. black women however had to wait until 1965 to legally go to the polls. although, like my grandma said, although white people say it doesn't mean they play it. >> it's great. it's a great no, right? and a yes. it's a great no and a yes. >> look at this. one of my favorite things.
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grainy black and white footage of black and white people fighting for our rights. this can provide lessons for people showing up for the party. right now i'm showing up at soul food dishes to share some soul food. they spent decades together fighting for the cause of justice there's a narrative that the black panthers didn't like white people, wanted to hurt white people, and you two were both already working together. >> malcolm x went through that evolution. he went through the period of being a black nationalist. and after traveling, not just around the world but in parts of mesh, he began to realize this struggle was not just about black people, that the struggle was for the rights of all people. >> that was an enduring
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solidarity i felt with the party, and it's a sense of duty in me and a sense of honor. we're going to look out for each other. >> and the fact that black americans are such a small population. how can we talk about changing the system in america, revolution in america, when we're such a small part of the pie? >> in the late 60s, the panthers banded together with chuck's patriot party who organized poor rural people in the app lay shannon south and pacific north west. other organizations were doing similar work also out of chicago. talk about the role that guns played back then, especially with the panther party. >> we carried our weapons everywhere we went. people always try to say the black panther party was violent. we weren't violent. >> everybody was armed. everybody had a loaded weapon, but during that period is when the fbi got really active and
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found a bay wa i to bust me. so i ended up being charged and convicted of a sawed off shotgun. they gave me ten years. no priors. i was a graduate student, man. >> yeah. >> as long as they are able to keep us divided and fighting amongst each other, the longer that this racist captainist imperialist structure will continue to move forward and destroy more lives. it's a never ending process. >> has it got to be never ending? >> i'm afraid so.
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sofi. get your money right. ♪ since the members of the john brown gun club were such big supporters of black lives matter, i thought i would give them a chance to sit down with one of the cofounders and really fan out. don't embarrass me, white people. wait a minute. come on. do we even get that? >> you better have gotten that. >> well, lisa, it is honestly an honor to meet you.
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whenever we do actions out, we wear black lives matter on our carriers, because we are perfectly in line with the cause you promote. >> tell me more. why guns? why is gun the organizing principal? >> there's something being said for being able to show up to a protest with firearms and far right activists and they don't do shit when we're there, and everything is peaceful and people get to speak their mind and protest, and you showing up at a rally with a gun is different than me showing up at a rally with a gun, and it's an obligation in this country for me, like i feel like i need to go and put my body in front of their guns, and i'm okay with that. my wife's less okay with that. but like, you know, and i can use my white privilege to speed on the highway, or i can use my white privilege to put my body in front of other people's guns.
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>> the idea of white people with guns showing up to protect people like you sharing their mind. >> you know black lives matter already gets characterized as a terrorist organization. i've never held a gun in my life. >> in some ways, right wing elements see it as a way to find common ground between us. so we put out literature at our second amendment rally that said gun control is racist, and we identified and explained all the different ways that gun control laws have been used to target black men specifically. >> all gun lives predominantly in america have been about disarming black people. white people are afraid of black people with guns. that is the root of gun law in america, the southern slave patrols to now. >> that's an interesting point. >> before we wrap this up, i feel like i want to invite you to give something to take to their white people.
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>> oh, man. >> yeah. >> i think y'all are doing it. honestly. i feel really heartened. the only other thing i can say is keep embedding yourself in communities that people don't go to except for the outright. >> on saturday, a group that we work with a lot called t.a.n., tore come against nazis is having a rally outside a tattoo shop that's in my neighborhood, and it needs to be shut down. >> so i'm going to -- >> you're going to go check it out? >> yeah. >> you're gangster. when she calls you gangster, you put that in your bio. i'm updating my wikipedia page. the red neck revolt provide their own brand of community defense in many ways like taking a page from the black panthers by feeding those in need and by taking gun safety courses like
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this one. >> go ahead. >> push this button. oh, easy. >> perfect. there you go. >> hey. >> i've never touched a gun in my life, and watching this power point presentation makes me want to pea my pants. i'm so nervous about this. >> this is hailey. she's a spokesperson for tacoma against nazis. >> how did you get involved in this? >> so there is a local tattoo par flor tacoma that is run by nazis. they would tell you they're not nazis, but they deck themselves in nazi imagery. it's important to me that people stand up and send a message that says tacoma is a place where we're not going to put up with this. we're not cool with nazis doing business in our community. >> according to the antidefamation league, that's a white supremacist code for hail
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hitler. it's also this photo with a banner of crossed hammers, which is the logo of a skin organization. on their shirts is what's called the wolves angel sign, the initial symbol for the nazi party. man, they gt a lot of ways to show you they're nazis. we get it. >> so far, we've had two protests outside the tattoo parlor. at the second protest, things got really heated. there were a few moments that could have escalated into violence, and it was these two guys that shut it down. we're trying to inspire people to actually take action, and we need to recognize that everybody has different tactics. we need the all link our arms and agree that we have a common enemy. >> i have a question. you have a wedding ring. do you have any kids? >> i have a baby. >> a baby? how old is the baby? >> he's 14 months, just started walking.
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>> so you're a married new mom, and just looking at you, you don't look look a nazi fighter. if i were to read a book called tacoma nazi fighter, i would expect a grizzled man. are you afraid? >> i imagine you're there's a level deeper called 8chan i learned about this summer. >> 4chan and 8chan are internet message groups where people can post anonymously and share information without censorship. these are dark corners of the internet that make the worst parts of twitter look like your grandma's etsy page. >> there are threads on 8 chan where white supremacists are like trying to hunt down my address. my husband and i have been nervous. you know, we have a baby. we're not trying to be reckless. but we just feel so strongly it's time for us to show up with our faces and our reputations and our bodies and just take on a little bit of that risk that
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everyone else doesn't get to choose whether or not to have that safety. >> i think that's the important part for me because taking on that risk and with your skin, with your white skin. >> like i'm here to show my white face and show them that i'm here and i don't like what they're doing. and innovative ways to make your e-tron your own. through elegant design and progressive technology. all the exhilaration, none of the compromise. the audi e-tron family. progress that moves you. (energetically) you guys are crushing it! see how the 8 grams of healthy protein in land o' frost premium meat gives you energy and keeps you full? let's get those buns toastin' bread. cheese. 10 more. go! ♪ i'm getting shredded! ♪ make the smart choice. land o'frost premium meat.
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8:55 pm
so the day's arrived for tacoma against nazis protest against the alleged nazi-owned tattoo shop. i'm still saying alleged. still don't want to get sued. always important to make sure that your afro is at its highest point when you're standing up to nazis. so once my fro was ready and this guy put on his bulletproof onesie, halle got us off to the races. >> we are protesting a potentially violent group. so i think we'll have a fun day if we can follow instructions. it's going to be a good time. >> just like a mom. have fun but be safe. >> i am posting my brother's and my husband's joint birthday party at my house right after the protest. >> i love this. i love that we still have to live our lives. >> my husband is at home cooking his own birthday dinner for his own party. >> well, that's because honey, i have to fight nazis, you have to also pick up some slack.
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the vibe is very sort of pleasant strangely. feels like we could tailgate if we wanted to. nice. now, is that on the run to -- from a couple minutes ago? >> yes. >> so you went to the jay-z and beyonce concert in seattle? >> yeah. >> so you've really got like a full shot of like let's do this. >> yes. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. put your signs up. up in the air. to protest all the nazis. if you like it then you got to kick the nazis out. i've probably already broken copyright violations by singing this much of the song. although it's parody. it's covered by parody. i don't have to pay for this. ♪ i thought i'd be across the street from the nazis. we're about to walk past the nazi tattoo shop right now. >> whose town? >> our town! >> whose town? >> our town! >> nazi scum --
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>> whose town? [ engine revs ] >> whose town? >> our town. >> my man. >> what's up, man? >> how are you doing? >> good, man. how are you doing? >> good. so they've got people coming in from the back. they went down the alley. so they're coming in the back. and that truck, i don't know if you snoinoticed, you were over there, came from over here. >> so you're seeing some action happening. >> well, they're just showing up. we'll see how it goes. but looks good. >> good job, yeah. it's a great crowd. >> nazi scum! nazi scum! >> and while i was afraid something bad might happen, apparently when you show up with a bunch of committed and dancing community members and the gun-toting redneck revolt, white supremacy takes the knee. >> so how's this going? >> fantastic. >> amazing. what do you think? >> i mean, it's weird. it seems good when i was told earlier in the week i was going to go to a nazi protest i didn't go like oh, that should be fun. >> but it's fun. >> it is.
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>> people love getting rid of nazis. >> i mean, what feels better than this, right? >> yeah. i didn't expect kids to be here. >> this is like an all-time picnic, right? it's like everybody in america should take a day off on the weekend and protest nazis. this should be just a thing. >> it's so cool for me to see just the broad base of community support. the john brennan gulf clob. the moms. representing the moms. we had a had a couple neighbors come by and say oh, my god, i didn't know someone actually cared. somebody r. someone showed up. >> we aren't just allies. we're actually accomaccomplices. >> yes. co-conspirators. i'll sleep better tonight knowing you're out here. cool. i'll let you get back to it. thank you. ♪ >> what can i do? that was the question that started this whole thing. and unlike most episodes of this show when we ask questions, this time we definitely answered it.
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you can use your privilege to defend others. and you can have fun while you're doing it. you can get directly in the fight and you can still make it home in time for that birthday party. and all the while you can learn from the people around you who've been doing this work for years. white people, we've seen what these folks are willing to do. what are you willing to do? it's not a rhetorical question. >> it's the first time i've ever heard a black lives matter chant that i didn't feel like i had to get in on. they got it. black lives matter. >> black lives matter! black lives matter! ♪
9:00 pm
>> announcer: the following is a cnn special report. ♪ sig heil! >> anti-semitism. the oldest hate. ugly. deadly. and on the rise in america. >> in chicago two synagogues vandalized. >> shooters targeting this jersey city kosher supermarket. >> three victims are shot and killed at two different jewish facilities near kansas city. >> jews are the most targeted religious group in america, says


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