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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  August 29, 2022 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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hello and a warm welcome to those joining us in the u.s. and all around the world. just ahead, -- >> there is something absurd when it appears we have a former president that has taken highly classified documents to his residence. >> we are concerned about 150
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homes in northeast jackson. the next human boots will be a woman and a person of color on the moon and that inspiration to provide diversity in this type of environment. hello and welcome, it is monday, august 29 at 9 am in london and 4 am in florida where we are hours away from the launch of artemis one. the first steps in nasa's return to the moon. these are life photos of the launchpad in florida and the launch window is scheduled to open four and half hours from now. right now the launch team is dealing with a leak they observed.
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nasa says they are troubleshooting the issue but no word on whether this will impact the launch. this is the first of several missions to the moon in the years ahead. eventually the mission is to send humans back to the moon for the first time since 72 and one day nasa hopes to land the first humans on mars. this is set up as a test flight. one risk is radiation exposure, one of the goals of this mission is to mitigate those risks in the future making space travel safer for astronauts. >> there are three manikins on board, two of them are just torsos with radiation sensors. the other one is named after the person who helped our crew get back to earth safely from the apollo mission.
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the sensors will test the levels of radiation that a human may indoor on a long mission on the moon. >> rachel has a preview of the mission and more on the objectives that nasa hopes to accomplish. >> reporter: the launch window opens at 830 a.m. folks are not just keeping an eye on the weather, that is because this rocket behind me has never flown before and several rehearsals of the sls launch did not go as planned. three what dress rehearsals as they are referred to had many issues involving valves and leaks. as i said this vehicle has never flown before and it is a important part of nasa's artemis program that this an crude test flight is a success,
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that is because nasa has several major objectives, they need to test the heat shield of the orion spacecraft before they put the crew on board. they need to make sure that the brand-new rocket functions as planned and they need to go through retrieval of the orion face spacecraft. if this launch is successful, it will be a 42 day mission and the orion spacecraft will splashdown in the pacific so they will need to go and retrieve the spacecraft. there are a bmx on board that they are hoping to use on artemis two. that will be the first crude mission of the artemis program and nasa hopes to achieve that next year and once again put humans on the moon. the first woman in the first person of color in 2022. meteorologist karen is standing by. how is it looking? >> good to see you and it looks
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like in the past half hour or so, we have really seen diminishing amounts of moisture across the region and you can have such a sophisticated machine like this without having hiccups and we heard about the liquid hydrogen leak they were feeling and with. we have seen some showers and even a couple of thunderstorms that did produce lightning. it was not a problem but there are parameters that this mission has to stay within as far as the weather is concerned. you can have all kinds of other hiccups but the weather is the one thing you are unable to control. the launch is forecast for 8:33 am eastern time. two 10:33 am. it is not the only time they can launch. there is another window on friday. the temperature is expected to be in the upper 70s to the 80s all the way through 10:33 am. there could be a few showers.
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the parameters are as we look at it weatherwise. the first hour is better and the optimism is a 80% chance of go. 20% chance of seeing issues as far as cumulus cloud cover, lightning and the potential for precipitation. then the second hour, the 933 to 1033 hour becomes more problematic. visibility is expected to be about seven miles or so. let's talk about the flooding in mississippi. we got a update and it looks like the crest will be just below the major stage. this is where we have it at 35 1/2 feet and that keeps it just below the major stage. this is cold comfort for people that have been inundated with 12 inches of rainfall that has occurred already this month but the pearl river is notorious
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and historic flooding has occurred here and it really floods quickly but as we look into forecasts, there are chances for showers and thunderstorms but most of it, the heavier stuff moves into texas and southern you louisiana. >> thank you very much. we want to talk a little bit more about this. as karen mentioned, jackson, mississippi and neighboring communities are keeping an eye on the swollen river. some areas lost power on sunday. the state has distributed 100,000 sandbags and is using drones to access water levels along the rivers path. jackson's mayor has been sounding the alarm. he told cnn that the city learned critical lessons about flooding that occurred two weeks ago. >> if we risk the life of one
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individual, that is one too many so we want to make sure that we know both people and individuals pets and to the extent that some property can be saved, that it is all spared due to early preparation. unfortunately because we have seen these events as recently as 2020, we have a reference point and we know the damage that can occur. so we are asking those residents to heed the warnings being provided to them. not to developments following the fbi search of donald trump's home. a federal judge set a hearing for this week to consider the former president's request for a special master to oversee the review of the materials seized. this as the intelligence chief launches a damage assessment of the documents. we have the details from new york.
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>> reporter: the director of national intelligence has informed congress that her office will be leading a damage assessment relating to the classified documents kept at donald trump's resort. according to letters sent to house and senate committees and obtained by cnn, haynes wrote that the intelligence community will conduct a assessment to the potential risk to national security that will result to the disclosure of the relevant documents. in addition haynes said the intelligence community will be working with the intelligence department to conduct a classified route review of the documents including those obtained the fbi during this month's fbi search. lawmakers have been urging the intelligence community to conduct the damage assessment since the search earlier this month. the letter was sent friday, the same day the fbi released a redacted version of the affidavit justifying the search of the residence. it revealed that trump had 184 classified documents in the 15 boxes handed to the national archives in january, of those documents, 25 for top-secret
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and some included information about human sources, foreign intelligence and other highly sensitive material. the house intelligence chairman and a oversight chairwoman said it was critical for the intelligence community to move swiftly to assess and if necessary to mitigate the damage done, a process that should be received in parallel with the doj's criminal investigation. separately a federal judge indicated she had preliminary intent to appoint a special master. that means a third party outside of the justice department review the materials the fbi collected to determine whether any of it is privileged and therefore could not be used in the fbi's investigation. the next step in that case will come tuesday when the justice department has a deadline to file a detailed list on what it took during the search. then on thursday the judge has a hearing scheduled on the matter.
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cnn, new york. a number of republicans have been demanding more transparency over the search of trump's florida home and some suggest the move was politically motivated. take a listen. >> you should be very careful with classified documents. i have had access to documents like that for a long time. what i wonder about is why this could go on for almost two years and less than 100 days before the election we are talking about this rather than the economy or inflation. >> if you're going to take unprecedented action and raid the former president house you better have a strategy for transparency. we are all concerned about what they be in this documents. >> the hypocrisy of folks in my party that spent years chanting lock her up about hillary clinton because of some deleted emails or wiping a server, are
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out there defending a man who very clearly did not take the national security of the u.s. to heart and it will be up to the doj whether or not that reaches the level of indictment. >> you can head over to the website for a deeper dive on what the unsealed affidavit does and does not say. we break it down into a language that is easy to understand. brazil's presidential election season is in full swing in on sunday night a competitive first event took place in south palo. every candidate participated but but all eyes were on to, including one returning to his old job. we have the details. >> reporter: it was a debate that almost did not happen with the brazilian president confirmed his presence hours for the broadcast again. the former president silver were joined by four other candidates to discuss the
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economy, the response to the pandemic and the environment. he was questioned about the series of corruption scandals that took place while he was president between 2003 and 2010. he defended his records, saying millions saw the living conditions improve while he was president. >> you see viewed did not see those changes i am talking of, your driver saw them, your gardener saw them, your cleaning lady saw them. she saw this country doing better, she saw her child could enter a university. >> he went on to the attack saying the brazilian economy is faring better than other countries in the region. personally attacking local journalists after they asked him a question about vaccination rates. all of the other candidates expressed solidarity with the journalist but with a little
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over a month before the first round of the brazilian election on october 2, the race already seems a two-way affair between those two. for cnn. bogotc. still ahead, anti-radiation pills are being handed out in ukraine, signaling growing concerns about a potential disaster at europe's largest nuclear plant. plus millions in pakistan are being impacted by deadly flooding. we are learning about the scope and scale of the devastation coming up. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 16 weeks. the majority of people saw 90% clearer skin even at 5 years. tremfya® is the first medication of its kind also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis... ...and it's 6 doses a year
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says nine people were wounded. scott joins me here in london with the latest. do we know how this is going to happen? >> that is a great question, we know that we are in uncharted territory. rafael, the director general says this kind of mission where you have inspectors going into a active war zone, this has not happened before. he also mentioned the challenge of getting in. anyone who has been to ukraine recently, it takes a few days a to get there from the ukrainian side and if that is the route you are going you have to cross over a active frontline. on the russian side it may be easier but it is still probably going to take a while to negotiate the checkpoints. in terms of what they want to accomplish, they have said in previous statements that they want to carry out essential safety security and safeguarding activities at the actual site. the other hope is that their presence may help to take down
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the temperature of the two sides and maybe bring some level of calm or stability, obviously they want to assess the damage of recent shelling as well where i think everybody agrees these sites are playing with fire hence why you have the city in the region not far from there handing out iodine tablets. here is what some people picking them up said. >> we bought it the first time in winter when it was shelled the first time. we bought iodine with supplements and a pharmacy back then so we still have it but it is supplemented with folic acid. >> we were told that a adult should take one tablet, i have a 7-8-year-old child, it should take half a tablet. >> that dosage is actually the recommended dosage. iodine is important because radioactive iodine is one of
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the things released when there is a radiation leak or nuclear disaster and our bodies need iodine and we absorb it but we do not actually produce it. the idea of the tablets is, if you put enough of the inside of your own body you max out the amount your body is able to absorb, hence blocking anymore radioactive iodine getting into your body which provides protection. >> people not only dealing with a possible radiation fallout but also continued shelling. what are we learning about the shelling that happened close to the plant overnight? >> the iaea has confirmed over the last few days there has been shelling on the side of the plant, 100 meters from one of the reactors. they described it as a special building, housing facilities for waste management, water treatment and things like that. nothing essential to the operation but obviously these
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inspectors will know more and get a better sense of things. this shelling you mentioned is six kilometers from the actual nuclear site, in a suburban area. we know it was three residential buildings that seem to have been targeted. maybe 25 cars set on fire. 9-10 people potentially injured. this is not the kind of thing you want to hear. especially on the eve of a visit or mission from the international atomic energy agency in five kilometers seems like a far different distance but it is closer than you would want. >> this is all on russian held territories illogically you would expect it would be the ukrainians firing into this area for both sides are blaming each other, the ukrainians say this is actually the russians trying to provoke a response. >> thank you very much. let's turn to moscow where our friend can join us live. fred, we have just been
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speaking about the blame game going on between the two sides with regards to the shelling and the fact that this most recent shelling as we heard scott say was actually still in russian held territory. what is russia saying about this? >> first of all you are absolutely right, the blame game has been going on for a long time and most of the shelling taking place around the plant has been on russian held territories as they hold that part of ukraine on that side of the river. the russians are saying, and they came out earlier this morning, the shelling in the area has increased by 70%. they obviously blame the ukrainians for it and they say the ukrainians are using american-made howitzers to conduct the shelling and it is impossible to tell. over the past week there has been close incident at the plant where the first time ever in history, it was disconnected from the ukrainian the power grid and the emergency diesel generators went on as well.
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the russian side is concerned that it was due to wildfires in the area also caused by shelling. the power land that provides power to the plant, that was not operational and had to be put back up. right now the situation seems to be quite stable but certainly it is a extremely dangerous situation going on. that is something the russians have acknowledged. one of the things we >> they want this mission to happen and they say the ukrainians are trying to derail it. they have the blame game going on again, by and large they want the inspectors to get into the area. of course, as scott said, the big question is, how will they get there? will they go through russian
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held territory or ukrainian held territory? both of which is difficult. one of the things we have to keep in mind is that the powerplant is on the bank of a huge river. coming from the ukrainian side you probably have to get past a big body of water as well. how that is to be done is a big question as the body of water right now is the front line between the two sides. we can see on our screen now. the closest city on the ukrainian side has seen heavy shelling. >> it remains a precarious mission. whichever side that the iaea inspectors choose to go through. now to the global energy crisis. a outgoing prime minister, boris johnson is blaming vladimir putin for the crisis affecting many countries including the uk. in a sunday op-ed he blames
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him for skyrocketing energy bills and says russian nato once european countries to buckle and remove sanctions and beg for russian oil and gas. he also tweeted, we must not give into vladimir putin's aggression. adding that the next few months will be tough. implementing a cap on skyrocketing energy crisis. prices continue to soar in europe since the invasion of ukraine. pakistan is asking for global aid as millions are impacted by extreme flooding. the latest on the deadly monsoon season coming up. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. ♪things are getting clearer♪
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welcome back to newsroom. if you are just joining us, let me bring you up to date with our top stories this hour. we are hours away from the scheduled launch window for the artemis one rocket. the unmanned mission to the moon is the first of several in the years ahead. jacksonville is keeping a close eye on the swollen her river. the state's government has declared a state of emergency for the area. the death toll continues to rise in pakistan where monsoon rains and flooding killed
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nearly 1100 people including more than 350 children. the army is helping with the relief and rescue operations. is one of rainy many rescue missions taking place in pakistan it has been deluged by floods, after weeks of unprecedented rains. the operations by air, to deal
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with the scope of the disaster, heavy rain and flooding have killed more than 1000 people since june . there are fears that the russian waters can wipe away more structures. even nearby villages. many rivers in the region have already done so. these families, camped by the side of the road and wondering where they will go next, saying they narrowly escaped with their lives. >> first, the water level rose a little and then we brought the goods to the rooftop. we can bring the household with us. we came out
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>> many people are trying to salvage what they can after losing their homes to the floods. >> we are in dire straits. that way people across the country can get a meal and a bed. with the flooding so widespread, pakistan faces enormous challenges ahead. a province hit by >> she joins us live from hong kong. pakistan is used to floods for
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nothing of this scale. >> that is right. a climate induced humanitarian disaster of epic proportion proportions. that is how it is been described as one miniter . you cannot imagine the amount of water that travels across the country. the river that travels the majority of pakistan, that is where you are seeing these communities. the south in particular has been devastated. >> i am flushing out water to retrieve any betting left
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intact. as you can see nothing could be saved. >> another storm is about to come, that is the water coming into the river. we are scared of the weather for the winter. >> reporter: we know the military has been mobilized. they are trying to evacuate people from these hard-hit areas. you have seen people wading through chest high water. there are some areas that have been cut off and isolated. this is on a scale that has not been seen since 2010 when the last catastrophic floods happened. more than 2000 died back then. the death toll stands at the moment i had over 1000. 33 million impacted but the
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prime minister said the magnitude of the calamity is vigor than expected. he expects the death toll to rise. there is a urgent plea for international aid and assistance. the government is completely overwhelmed by the scale of this disaster. >> presumably wants the waters recede there is a risk of disease as well. thank you very much for bringing us that. we are also tracking storms in the u.s. people are cleaning after severe weather blew through parts of minnesota. at least one home is damaged south of indianapolis. a total of 5 tornadoes tore through the twin cities. there are no reports of injuries. wildfires remain dangerous across the u.s., in southern oregon, the creek fire that burned more than 8500 acres,
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strong winds and high temperatures causing the fire to intensify and spread. lightning started the fire two weeks ago. a firefighter died while fighting the blaze last week. india demolished to apartment two high rise buildings after the government ruled that they were built illegally. they were taken down by a controlled explosions. the towers violated several regulations and fire safety rules. the buildings were not down outside of new delhi. demonstrating is rare in this location. to u.s. navy warships pass through the taiwan strait amid heightened tensions but tween beijing and washington. later a chance to own a
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piece of history. a car that was once owned by the late princess diana is up for action. we have to winning bid. hi. i'm wolfgang puck when i started my online store wolfgang puck home i knew there would be a lot of orders to fill and i wanted them to ship out fast
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that was those seen in libya's capital over the weekend. gunshots ringing out in the streets as rival lucius trade fire. 32 people were killed in the clashes over the weekend and the rescue committee says it had to suspend some of its humanitarian services due to the violence. this weekend it was the u.s. is trying to upset china with naval vessels passing through the taiwan strait. they say it shows america's
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commitment to a free and open indo pacific. that and other this is by lawmakers led china to conduct its own military exercises near the self governed island. we know the u.s. regularly since warships through the taiwan strait but against the backdrop of the titans tensions, what message was intended here? >> it was in some ways unique because this is the first time in four years at least that the navy has sent, not one but two guided missile cruises through the taiwan strait and they could be sending a message of coordination. they now believe because there is heightened chinese military activity around taiwan the u.s. needs to potentially sell more the one vessel through the street. taiwan claims the says
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international waters even though the u.s. and others insist that this is international waters. china saying internal waters. we will should not be selling to the straight because it is their territory. just like they claim taiwan as their own territory. even though they have their own democratically elected government here. what is surprising about this provocation, the u.s. navy would call it status quo and routine. there has been a muted response from beijing. you even had some of their most provocative state media tablet saying there was no actual threat and analysts were surprised, they say it might be because beijing is wary of its international blowback to its actions especially after the unprecedented military exercises after nancy pelosi's visit and it could also be because china cut off communication might with the u.s. and they were leery of sending their own warships in
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the vicinity of the vessels because there was no interference of from china during this past through the taiwan strait because they know there could be a heightened risk of a misunderstanding with communication lines cut off. there is another development we are watching closely and this has to do with chinese drones. over the weekend on saturday, another chinese drone was flying over a taiwan military base, this has happened twice this month. there is footage that has emerged from an island that is taiwanese territory but close to the mainland. six miles or 10 kilometers. on saturday, this drone flew so close you could actually see the faces of those soldiers who fired flares to one the drone away. on august 16 soldiers through rocks. the defense ministry says they are working on a drone defense system where they will actually shoot down drones. they are pointing out these are civilian drones but just
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because they are civilian drones, it does not necessarily confirm or deny the fact that the chinese military could be involved. there are gray zone tactics the beijing is accused of were using for many years. using nonmilitary actors like fishing boats, coming close to provoking the chinese military but not pushing it so far that you can actually link it to the pla. >> important development there. thank you very much. live from taipei. just ahead, roy's stunning finish of the pga tour championship. the golfer set to impressive records at eastlake. those moments when we return.
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a car that once belonged to princess diana sold for more the main hundred and 50 thousand that auction over the weekend, as she drove the fort escort between 85 and 88.
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since then it has multiple owners. this model was done in black for discretion according to the auctioneers. this marks 25 years since princess diana's death at the age of 36. as the u.s. open begins this weekend over the final straw. serena will step away from tennis after more than four decades and she will put her final matches at the same place where she took her first grand slam titles. we spoke about how serena and her sister changed the state of texas. >> you cannot even describe it. she has introduced people that have never heard of tennis into this sport and i think i am a product of what she has done. i would not be here without serena and finis.
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i am very thankful to her. >> in the meantime rafael is looking to secure a title. america's none vaccination rules meant the serbian will not be granted a visa. roy added two new records to his golf career on sunday. arresting a six stroke championship in atlanta. the $18 million fedex cup drive, he became the first golfer to take it three times. he also says a record for the largest final-round comeback in torch up each of history, we talked about his achievement and the current state of golf with cnn. >> reporter: the week started interestingly.
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a triple bogey and then you overcome a six shut deficit and to everything. in terms of achievement. >> obviously the golf tournament got off to a bit of a weird start for me. i am really proud of how i hung in there and i should a lot of resilience. ultimately i was able to get the job done. i did not give myself much of a chance today going out against scotty, the world number one. he will be the pga tour player of the year. i thought i was not going to be able to get near him but i guess the golf gods had other plans. scotty did not have his best stuff and i took advantage. here we are.
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>> we have seen player suspensions, the fractured nature of the sport. how even more personal is it for you personally to take this year's fedex cup title. >> it is huge. the will of men's professional golf is going through tumultuous times. but i think it will sort itself. being in the middle of things has been tough at times and it probably takes time away from the two things that are most important to me which are family and golf. but there are certain times when things need to be done and you have to put yourself out there to stand up for what you believe in. i feel like that is what i have done this year. i am wearing a lot of different hats at the minute but i feel
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like i am able to handle all of it pretty well. >> you have spoken so passionately and eloquently. you become the face of the tour in many ways. you are heading to england soon, you will compete over there. you will come place to place face to face with players that are heavily involved, who are suspended from the pga tour. how will that play out? >> for me i just stick my immediately come up to you and talk to you. i have people. it is a hard one for me to stomach, the fact that i go over to play a event and the idea that the schedule be playing in the same field. i do not like that. that is not something i want to be a part of but for me i am just as committed to the pga tour. i want to make that commitment to the world tour driver.
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not just for that but also ryder cup. i want to support him as a captain. again, i am trying to do things the right reasons. those guys over there have done things i do not agree with. it is a shame it has come to this point. >> should they be allowed to read or play with wild cup? >> no. >> what is your history with the the game of golf. >> men's professional golf is a small part of that, that is the world i operate in and what it has done to the world professional golf has been ripped apart. that is unfortunate! i think there are ways to bring it back together. with everything else going on now, i do not see that happening anytime in the near future. >> we wish you well,
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congratulations. very best. >> patrick speaking to roy there. if you ever wondered one day if that old baseball card collection would ever be worth anything. mikey and his rookie season. sold for a record 12 1/2 million. now the most expensive piece of sports memorabilia in history. it was last sold in 91 for $50,000 before being sold again at 829. the increase on sunday. hold onto your cards people. that does it for this edition of cnn newsroom. stay tuned, a early start with christine is coming up next.
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all right. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. it is monday, august 29th i'm christine romans. in just hours, nasa will launch this rocket to the moon. there are -- these are live pictures of artemis i the first step towards sending humans back to the moon surface, first step because artemis has no crew. essentially a test mission to make sure the technology works. artemis ii set


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