tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN August 29, 2022 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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new developments tonight in the battle over classified documents found at mar-a-lago. including a former security damage assessment getting underway right now. that's in addition to what we've just said tonight with a similar effort that began back in may on material handed over in january. at the same time, the former president, his supporters, and consequences if prosecutors pursue charges. ones adding that indictments will or might, will spark riding in the streets. john berman in for anderson and whatever you make of what some critics are calling a thinly veiled threat of political violence, you should note it becomes more republican member of the -- lindsey graham.
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speaking last night to former republican congressman trey gowdy. >> all say this, if there is a prosecution of donald trump from his handling classified information. after the clinton debacle what you presided over, did a of a good job, they'll be riots in the street. >> now the former judiciary committee follow that remark by saying that of course, such violence would be wrong. he instead repeated and amplified what he said. on his social media network, the former president re-posted several attacks on the fbi and a post of his own in which she appeared to be calling for an uprising within the bureau. quoting now, one of the great agents and others of the fbi going to say we aren't gonna take it anymore. he also demanded to be declare quote, the rightful winner unquote of the 2020 election. and like senator graham, he was 2016 decision not to charge hillary canton as a reference play. other republicans had different criticisms.
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>> well, my bet is criticism and i think the concern of most of the country, where is the transparency. we want to see. at one thing i have been aggressive about is look, if you're gonna take unprecedented action and rate of former presidents house, you better have a strategy for unprecedented transparency. >> that's new hampshire governor chris sununu. it's worth noting, one of the two unprecedented aspects of this investigation is just how much the government made public. sometimes under court order, but still the unprecedented aspect of it all is that a former president is at the center of a. and what he's saying about it in a supercharged political -- already banned one armed attack so far on the fbi. tonight, the fbi said that president biden will travel to philadelphia for a primetime address what's being billed as a continued battle for the soul of the nation. we'll talk more about that
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tonight, first, the latest on the documents and the court fight over the documents and the damage assessment being done tonight by the director of national intelligence. cnn sarah murray joins us. sarah, what have justice officials said about the initial review of the documents seized at mar-a-lago? >> well, john it was clear from a court filing that the justice department has begun digging through these documents that they seized from the search at mar-a-lago. what they said in the court filing, they've discovered a limited set of materials that could contain attorney client privilege information. -- now, even though the process has been underway this review has already been underway the trump team still wants a special master, an independent lawyer involved in this review. they believe that they don't believe they can trust the justice department's team, a judge has said she's considering. that she's open to.
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that will be holding a hearing on that issue thursday. >> what else can you tell us about the jab adjustment being done regarding the documents at mar-a-lago? >> well, there's been a lot of concern about the sensitivity of these documents, how they were handled, what could potentially happen if they've gotten into the wrong hands. the director of national intelligence, avril haines, made -- is conducting the damage assessment. it's especially a national security assessment of that. what would be the national security risk if these documents were -- we're also learning, my colleagues are reporting, that intelligence officials along with the fbi have been looking into some of these documents they previously got. remember, that 15 bucket -- from mar-a-lago. they've been sifting through, looking at materials that were marked classified and trying to determine what the actual classification levels of these documents were, where they
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declassified, and whether any steps that the community need to take at that point to try and protect sources and methods. and many ways, this effort has already begun, john. >> sarah murray, thank you as always for europe. getting some perspective now from andrew mccabe, legal analyst karen greg arrow, served as counsel at the -- for national security also with us political analyst and axios manager editor martin telam. andrew, in terms of the -- go about evaluating the national security risk posed by the former president having classified and top secret documents at mar-a-lago? >> so, the folks operating under dni haynes's authority, you look through every one of those documents and you're gonna figure out what is the home agency that made the original classification of those documents. you're gonna go back to that home agency, whether it's cia, fbi, whoever it might be and you'll ask them to review those documents individually to -- sources in jeopardy by virtue of the release, or the poor storage of these documents that are potentially compromised
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tactical collection opportunity, we'll wait to see what those home agencies report back. and with all that, they'll have to assess how much damage has been. dunn >> andy, the intelligence review of these documents began back in may. specifically determine whether immediate efforts need to be made for that methods and sources. how will those determinations be made you think? >> john, that's a reference to the first 15 boxes of information. which we now know by virtue of the letter from the national archives that was revealed last week. with those boxes were officially turned off old turned over to the fbi made 12 of this year. the fbi went through a process, just like the one i just described to you. they would've looked through all those materials, pulled out
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of course those that are fbi documents, things that are classified in the fbi investigation. and of course, handed out the other. any cia materials, those will be sent back to the home agencies, will compile the results of that classification review and the damage assessment. >> carrie, separate issue i should say here. the fact the justice department's comments said that they're already basically completed its initial review of the documents seized at mar-a-lago. for issues of privilege. does it make it less likely that the judge will agree to the former presidents respect for a special master? >> well, i think it weakens the argument for the special master for sure. not sure which way the judge is gonna go on this. the judges indicated that perhaps a lean towards being inclined to grant the special master. the fact that the justice department's gone through these, and as we know from the portion of the affidavit that was released. has laid out a process, a
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separate team, separate from the main investigative team, that's designed to review privilege material, a standard practice when they think that they may encounter up -- they advise the judge who approved a warrant in advance that they use that team. it really makes the argument in favor of a special master less strong. and they weren't strong arguments to begin. with >> margaret, lindley graham with a statements that there will, will be riots in the streets of the former president is prosecuted. what do you make of that statement? >> well, senator graham's team have that he's just a predicting what he's concerned could happen. but clearly, there's a lot of people who are in the political world, national security world who say, hair, that's not that's not enough that senator graham has an obligation as a
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member of the senate, as a steward of good governments to insist upon the rule of law, to preemptively condemn any violence to defend the legitimacy of the work that the fbi is doing. clearly, every republican leader came out and said, you need to left the fbi do its job, it'd be less of a chance of any kind of repeat of january the six. i also want to say, carrion in they are better experts than i am, if you watch the special master argument, it's important to say this is not just a matter of a third party having a look at it. the implication of the special master involvement can go straight to one of the former presidents favorite playbooks, which is to run off the clock and to delay, to sub extent blocked the government from being able to handle the information it already has. there's a lot going on here. senator graham is an
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uninterested bystander in addition to being an important ally at times to former president trump. he's also been actively trying to make it so he doesn't have to testify to a grandeur-y in georgia, and election interference. case >> carry, the comments from senator graham how will they be viewed within the justice department? >> well, senator graham's on the judiciary committee, the justice department always pays attention to what he and other members of the oversight committee say. the way i look at senator graham's statements, are from the perspective of the justice department including the fbi, department of homeland security have responsibilities to conduct assessments but regarding acts of political violence, domestic violence, extremism. so, senator graham is in a position where he could actually turn to the branch and say, is this something that you are learning about in the course of your investigation and analytical national security and homeland security
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responsibilities? what concerns me is that they appear to be what he's doing instead he's sort of saying this might be something that happen. so, the difficulties that when there is a legislator who is quite knowledgeable about matters of the justice department, quite knowledge about national security and foreign policy. speaking about threats to homeland security that are not grounded in actual analytical assessment. and that can have a damaging effect on assessments that are made in the future about homeland security security threats as well as confusing the public about the status of political violence in the country. >> a bit of news just in, we learn u.s. secret service assistant director tony ornato, who is at the center of so much a former white house aide cassidy has since testimony to the january six committee, has left the secret service. what can you read into that, should that, will that have any impact on whether the committee can or will compel testimony?
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>> you know, it's hard to read too much into that, john, federal agents and in particular federal gauges in high-ranking leadership positions are eligible to retire when they reach age 50 and have 20 years of service. and most do retire shortly after they're eligible because they have opportunities for careers in the private sector it's entirely possible that's all that's happened here, we heard reporting that there was planning on leading before cassidy hutchinson testified. the important thing here though, is what does the january six committee gonna do about obtaining the testimony. the fact that it's no longer with the service doesn't mean he's beyond the reach of the committee. if they want his testimony, if they feel like he's an important witness who sided with -- the gonna need to drop a subpoena on him and compel his appearance. so, the thing to watch here is how the committee reacts to this development whether they continue to pursue him. >> we'll watch that to be sure, -- thank you all. next, follow from the supreme decision overturning roe v. wade is already having motivating factors for democratic voters and influence in some republicans campaigns.
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to name from kfile investigators, they've discovered that arizona republican senate candidate blake masters ascribed his campaign website of controversial language including the false claim the 2020 elections were stolen. also gone a passage saying democrats were trying to -- a new electorate, language mirroring far-right conspiracy
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theories about democrats using immigration to weaken the power of native born americans. they were not, however, the only items gone from the site or change somehow. others concerned abortion. the changes speak to how mobilizing the issue already appears to be for women voters and how much more it could become by november. as cnn's kyung lah reports, blake masters is not alone. >> most people support common sense regulation around abortion. >> republican u.s. senate and amani black athletes founded by children trying to reset the debate over abortion rights. >> i support a ban on very late term and partial birth abortion. most americans agree with that. >> -- digital video drop, masters campaign site script strict anti abortion language. before, masters wrote he is 100% pro-life, calling roe v. wade a horrible decision and listed a series of strict stances on abortion.
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now, a softer tone. roll went from horrible to a bad decision. words 100% pro-life removed from the section. that list of positions is short of. >> there is no getting around it that abortion in his particular race is a hot issue for one of those swing coalitions. he has to speak to that issue. being pro-life 100% of the time is not going to get him there. he has to attempt to make that pivot. >> masters's campaign said he remains 100% pro-life, but he's not the only one -- >> >> in michigan -- challenger thom barrett fundraising with the republican primary as 100% pro-life. no exceptions. but over the weekend, his website had listed value section to protect life from conception is now gone. barrett's campaign tells cnn we regularly update the website. >> should all abortions be illegal in this country? >> in iowa's republican primary to represent the third congressional districts. >> all abortions, no exceptions. >> the man in the center, zak won the republican nomination. the incumbent, democratic congresswoman cindy --
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turned at primary debate moment into a campaign ad. >> even in the case of rape, even in the case of incest, even if a woman's life is in danger? >> the campaign did not respond directly to cnn's request for comment on the democratic attacks, but none wrote in an editorial that the ad was false and says while he opposes abortion, we must be compassionate towards both -- >> the campaign did not respond directly to cnn's request for comment on the democratic attacks, but none wrote in an editorial that the ad was false and says while he opposes abortion, we must be compassionate towards both women and unborn children. >> i grown up here. >> the gubernatorial race -- republican nominee scott johnson, a doctor, said this in a radio interview before the primaries. >> if a mother's life is in danger, i think that would have to be a medical consideration and an area for potential exception. >> no exceptions for rape or incest? >> unless a mother's life is in danger. >> now, in the general election, he's calling his previous words clumsy.
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>> if i've been clear previously, i want to be clear now. rape and incest along with endangering a mother's mental or physical health are acceptable exceptions. >> it is an animating issue, particularly in very tight congressional senate races where there are lots of college educated white women. and races you're seeing the shifts on abortion. the challenge is on some of these very hot issues, the other campaign keep four seats, meaning they have a website. they have the primary tv ads. >> too dangerous for arizona. >> those receipts are now appearing in general election ads. democratic campaign -- suspect more than $15 million in ads referencing abortions since roe was overturned. -- a chance to energize voters this november. >> qiana lowe joins us now. qiang. there are pivots in politics. especially in general elections where the electorate is different in the making of the
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primary campaigns, but on an issue like this as essential as abortion the question is can you do it on this? >> dvd november. a lot of these close races are going to test whether or not they actually can't. you are right, we're talking about alleged issues like abortion. this is not like shifting on the land use policy. it really comes down to when you talk to republican consultants how sincere that candidate is. how earnest, how convincing, and whether or not voters buy it. republican campaigns by large, many of them that i've spoken to still feel that inflation, the economy will be key motivating issues in november. but in arizona, getting back to blake masters where gas is $4 a gallon, that's a big drop from where it was a few months ago, and those issues take less precedence. we will see where the gas prices in november. >> qiana lowe. there if it reports.
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joining us now with all the numbers, cnn's senior data reporter, harry. harry were both on prime time. we made it to prime time. >> listen, what are the numbers on row returning row in arizona? >> i think if you look at the polling in arizona, what you see is the clear majority of voters disapproved the decision to overturn roe v. wade. i looked at all the swing states this year and you see continuously, the vast majority, the clear majority of overturning roe v. wade, they did not like it. if you look at that senate race and if you look at blake masters, why perhaps is he all of us and coming up with new language on his campaign website? maybe it has to do with the fact that he's down by eight points to senator mark kelly in the latest fox news poll from out of their. it's pretty clear to voters in arizona or against the overturning of roe v. wade and are not for blake masters at this particular point. >> what about the national stage? >> okay, normally abortion, if you look in years past as a motivating factor for republicans. those people were against abortion rights, a look at this
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new york times poll from last month and essentially they said with your most important issue and if your most important issue is in fact abortion, who do you favor in these races? if you look on that slide you see the democratic cam did its are favored by over 50 point margins at this point, you know i like studying polls, but i've never seen quite like that. >> that is an enormous margin to see on a single issue and what is this doing or how is this moving, or what are you seeing, i should say, in the generic congressional ballot test? >> the generic congressional ballot test is a question i ask if the election were held today, would you vote for the democrats or republicans in your district? if you go back before roe v. wade was overturned, republicans had a clear lead on the jenner -- on average a three point lead. i was not expecting that to change after roe v. wade was overturned based upon some of the polling that we were seeing, but if you look at the generic ballot today, in fact it is time and you know, john, i like looking back at history. i don't ever recall this happening where in fact, the
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momentum is going towards the presidents party, because normally over the course of the midterm you do in fact see the moment of turning against the presidents party but in fact what we are seeing is democrats -- while there are other issues such as gas prices to me, abortion is the clear line where once that decision happened, you saw democrats getting ground and the truth is they really haven't stopped getting ground. >> and you see the special elections and before and after, the margin shifting, the ballots shifting. there's other things. gas prices, other things. what's happening with the president's approval rating? >> if you look at the reading, again, the normal thing that happens here is that the president loses ground as they're heading into a midterm election, but if you look at over the last 40 days or so, jill biden was basically at his bottom and he was in the mid 30s and all of us and you look 30 days ago, he gained some points. 20 days ago, again, you're seeing again. ten days ago, you're seeing another game. today, you are seeing again. now he is in fact in the low 40s which is not awesome. it's not great.
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but compared to what he was, it's very clear that whatever is happening on the generic ballot is also helping joe biden obviously, the inflation reduction act, it's helping biden as well. but when you put it all together and your kind of painting this midterm picture going forward, it's very clear to me that democrats have momentum at this particular points. will be enough? will he keep going? >> but there has been movement and there's no question that over the last four weeks there has been movement. great to see you. >> maybe we'll do it again tomorrow morning. >> tomorrow morning. >> sounds good. >> up next, we'll talk about
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this data on abortion and president biden's rising approval rating with our political commentators and get their take on what's this all could mean for the crucial i thought online meant no one to help me, but susan from carvana had all the answers. she didn't try to upsell me. not once, because they're not salespeople! what are you...? guess who just checked in on me? mom... susan from carvana! [laughs] we'll drive you happy at carvana.
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wait!!! let me help—land o' frost premium meat. delicious and no by-products! toss it in. ay, moi? ok. weeeeeeeeee! make the smart choice. land o'frost premium meat. just hours ago, the russian appointed official said ukrainian forces launched an attack at a russian held town in southern ukraine knocking
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out electricity and water supply. this comes as new reporting from chief national correspondent jim sciutto says that according to senior officials, ukrainian forces in the south are preparing the battlefield for a significant counteroffensive. and the southern city of zaporizhzhia, expansion team from the new and watchdog is on its way to the city's power plant amid shelling and fears of a possible nuclear accident. authorities are handing out iodine pills for residents in case of official. warning the delegation it's better to arrive in kyiv today. joining me now, with the latest and his reporting and cnn chief national security correspondent jim sciutto. jim, thanks for being here what more of you learned about this ukrainian counter offensive? >> john, looks like we're seeing the first steps of the ground of this counteroffensive in the last 24 hours. in over the weekend we were seeing as we reported, the shaping, exercise that effect striking targets to prepare the battlefield for the ground offensive. throughout today, we saw ukrainian forces take for villages, surround the area of kherson and now these attacks you just mentioned there, this is how it goes. you get -- soft enough the target and in fact, then you go and move those ground forces in view of
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the officials. this is gonna be quite a significant counteroffensive. one that involves both ground and air attacks. >> we've seen some operations, over the last couple of months which they did count counteroffensive operations. what's different about this now, ? jim >> it's the size, range of targets and really an issue. the ambition here from the ukrainian perspective is to gain back territory that they lost weeks, months ago in the early stages of this invasion. it appears the focus will be in the south around kherson, the only provincial capital that's been capital by the russians since the start of the engage in the ambition here even i recorded on the public comments, ukrainian officials in recent weeks and months we're not gonna sit back and satisfy ourselves defending so we don't lose more territory the intention of the ukrainian president and his commanders to pull back some territory that's
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already been lost, this is something that u.s. officials have been seen it's been communicated from the ukrainian side for -- how much of that territory can they gain back over what period of time. >> how much they can hold, how long will the front be these are all questions we need to watch and see how this develops also jam, in recent days is increased concern of the potential for disaster. at the russian held new pr zaporizhzhia power plant, just how dire is the situation on the ground? their >> listen, it's dangerous for two region we've got real fighting going on around europe 's largest nuclear power plant, multiple reactors. this is never happen to have a war shutdown an operating nuclear power plant. there is that element. by the way, the fighting still going, on shelling in both
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directions. the russians now hold that territory. you have another -- and some of the west that russia intends the power from this plant and basically finally back toward russia. which will have impact on the ukraine economy. the good news is, all signs have agreed to a loud iaea expecter's, to go in there and see the state of the operation. you have the technical staff still there, hoping to do their jobs as best they can. the question is does this lead to something that provides for a longer term, more sustainable safety around this plan. a new fire. zone we haven't seen any evidence of that yet. >> jim sciutto, you broke the news this morning, we've been following it all day. i appreciate you joining us tonight. next, back to politics new polling in the impact that the supreme court overturning roe v. wade.
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how voters disapprove of roe v. wade being overturned by the supreme court. there is talk that this could shift more votes to democrats in november's midterm elections. let's turn to our commentator for their take, se -- and democratic consultant karen finney. good evening to you. we heard from harry about the poll numbers about this. how much do you think this could help democrats in november? >> a lot. that was clear, the second roe v. wade was overturned and if you look back historical trend, abortion is really unique. attitudes on guns have changed a lot over the years. climate for sure. gay marriage attitudes of change significantly. when it comes to abortion, if you shut down from 1976 to now it's basically a straight line. people what legal abortion with some restriction. an abortion was gonna be banned,
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i said at the time there wasn't gonna be a better motivator, a better turnout driver before democrats than this issue but i also think it's also representative of a larger extremism that i think folks in the middle, one even let center left center laughed, and extremism that they see out of the far-right. that is encapsulated in the abortion and rolling back access to it. but it's an all kinds of other things, regressive education policy, book bans, it's sort of this dystopian -- most people don't want to get in. they don't want to ride in that delorean. >> i don't know the delorean would be part of this discussion. >> karen, when you look at the overall numbers and you see the congressional balance is looking better for democrats in
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the president's approval rating not as bad as they were. do you see the overturning of roe being that driving factor? >> 100 percent. we actually saw this several months ago, you know vice chair of the -- pro-choice america. frankly, we've seen over the last ten, 20 years a growing of about six in ten americans that support roe versus wade what -- we understand, that it's not just about abortion if you look at what happened in new york, it's about freedom it's about a fundamental freedom in this country about whether or not women are equal citizens are not. we are talking about women like myself, who now had outright taken away, you have young women recognizing that they took it for granted has been taken away it's been a wake up call. all another thing that's important, john, to remember as we saw last week in states like tennessee, we have additional states that will continue to have these abortion bans coming
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online throughout the fall. that's gonna continue to mobilize voters. it's a mobilizing in supporting democrats. >> president biden's approval rating is creeping up ahead of the midterm election. this does not happen to a president heading into a mid term. the president's party typically doesn't do well in a midterm election. what do you think is driving that in greece? >> yeah, that's despite what i think was a student debt debacle, i know there are democrats hoping that that was a good idea. certainly not a necessary one, one that's gonna hurt a lot of democratic state candidates around the country. even in spite of that, in spite of a shaky economy, biden's numbers are going up, what is that tell you? that tells you that people are now starting to be able to envision 2024. what does that mean, who are republicans offering, it's
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donald trump so far and maybe ron desantis. i think to a lot of people, you can say that democrats don't get the economy right, they're making mistakes, but again i think this version of extremism that's being operated by the far-right is scaring out a lot of moderates. that's plain and simple. all go ahead, karen. >> i was gonna say, the other factor is the climate for democrats is improving. will that meanly when the house. we don't know. it looks a lot better in the senate then i agree -- we're talking about candidates that campaign in their primaries on extremist policies, loyalty to donald trump. many of these candidates not just running for the senate in the house, but running for the ways to control the levers of our democracy. running for attorney drawn are, running for governor, i think it's also been a real wake up call. and it's turned the election into a choice between a party that's talking about the future and protecting our rights. and a party that really wants to take us backward. >> as-y, how much of a factor do you think -- much more in the news then he was a few months ago, some of it because of the raid some of it because of how he's responding to the executed search warrant, how much of a factor is this, president biden he made this comment where he
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said -- engage the maga philosophy as a semi -- something along those lines to paraphrase. it instead of running it away from, he's meeting into. it joe biden's giving a speech thursday night in philadelphia to talk about what he calls a continued battle for the soul of the nation, what do you see here, s. e.? >> he's not wrong, i think i prefer he lived the pundit to us. he's not wrong in his diagnosis. i think that he feels emboldened saying that, if you're gonna ask how big of a factor donald trump's, ascot conservative like ben shapiro, i don't know if you saw his thread today on twitter, he's blaming donald trump for republicans losing momentum in the midterm elections. republicans have decided to run with trump, the ones you hear the most about, the most vocal
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are the craziest. the ones that want to rollback on voting rights, abortion rights, bad books and all of that. so, people equate that with trump. i think trump is a huge factor. >> s. e. cupp and karen finney, thanks to both of you. -- the final u.s. open of her career up now in the midst of what is possibly defining the u.s. open up a career. next we're gonna speak about this stark match and her legacy with espn families and sports broadcaster carrie champion who are at the match. the unknown is not empty. it's a storm that crashes, and consumes, replacing thought with worry. but one thing can calm uncertainty. an answer. uncovered through exploration, teamwork, and innovation. an answer that leads to even more answers.
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the legendary tennis career is really no williams is coming full circle tonight as she is currently playing what could be her final u.s. open going up against montenegro's -- earlier this month williams said he would quote evolve away from tennis after this year's u.s. open after decades of dominating the tennis world. no matter the outcome of the max, her 20 3:23 color grand slam single will go down in
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history -- just one shy of the all-time record. and that's not -- williams is also won every double grand slam title at least twice on with your four mix double grand slam titles. williams is set to play here at the doubles match with her sister venus on wednesday after they received -- joining me now, espn tennis analyst and former professional tennis star meghan roll with us. cnn contributor and sports broadcaster, carry champion, they're both there at the open tonight. patrick, serena williams won her first grand slam in 1999. at the age of 17. how fitting is it that this is where her pro-can -- career could end? >> it's absolutely -- it's so fitting, john. full circle for serena. you realize that when serena started her professional career, which is in 1995, she was a teenager.
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over 70 players that are currently in the field. that's 127 of the other players, over 70 of them were not even born yet. here is serena as a mother. as someone as you said who has done it all in tennis. she will go down as the greatest of all time no matter what happens tonight, and for the rest of the tournament, this is a celebration of serena, on that she is meant for tennis, for sports, and all that she's meant for speaking out on behalf of women, on behalf of african american women. she will leave behind, it's way more than which he's done on the tennis court. that's saying a lot. >> so carrie, how much of a celebration has it been in the stands with surreally -- serena williams on the court? >> it's been a great one. first of all, thank you all for having me, patrick i have to go find you. and harass you, second of all, her mood is electric. everyone is excited. i'm speaking for myself. i'm also speaking for the fans. as patrick says, it's absolutely correct. she beat her generation and
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then the next, and she starting against the other. she knows it's time to take about, but she's doing it in such a queen-like fashion. the narration of queen latifah giving us a minute or so video to open it up for the fans and those who are watching at home. to talk about what type of queen she has been for so many of us. i'm speaking for women and black women and for women who have never [inaudible] serena's contribution far exceeds which he's done on the court. it's off the court to me that really matters. i don't have to know to relate to her. i don't have to know her to understand her battles and which he has been trying to prove. i don't have to know her to understand that while she may have not been necessarily appropriate for some, she spoke for a lot. and that is where we are today. everyone is excited.
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>> i mean, there is nothing like it on earth when you have 100% of the crowd at the u.s. open. she has more than 100%. that's not even mathematically possible. patrick, what cari is describing there, is serena william, as a transformative figure, how? >> i think because as carey so eloquently put it, she speaks for so many people. she has been in some ways unapologetically brash in the way she has gone about it. and sometimes that has gotten into a little bit of hot water, but that serena, and that again is speaking for people in a predominantly white sport. let's be honest, for years and years coming up as an african american, a young girl from compton california with her big sister venus. and having to deal with racism as they were kids. in fact, that's one of the reasons their dad, richard, beside in the movie king richard, took them out of
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junior tennis, because he saw what they were having to deal with and did not want that to happen. of course it happened along the way. it probably still happens to women to some degree. but she has always been out there. she's been out there speaking for young girls. for women, african american community. and you know it? plenty of women girls have picked up this sport from all backgrounds because of what's serena and venus have done. she is also changed the way the game is played on the court from players from all over the world. there's just so many layers to which she has done, and i think for her, this is tricky, the spot at the u.s. open, because she's the ultimate competitor. the ultimate winner. for her to know that it's all going on, swirling around her, she agreed to have this type of sendoff, really i think for her fans more than anyone else. --
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it's a whole thing planned. after this match tonight, win or lose, something tells me that maybe serena could go on and win this match, and by the way she looked awfully good in the opening set and a half. serena may be thinking about just one thing, her next match on wednesday night, which will be against the number two seat and won her match earlier tonight. >> that will be something. listen, serena williams is a sensation. cari and patrick mchenry, thank you for sharing this evening. >> of course. thank you. have a good one. >> next, in a storage mystery and delayed. not just scripts the first rocket launch in its much and dissipated return to the moon. why it was postponed and why nasa will try again when our countdown continues. countdown continues. countdown continues. countdown continues. everyone gets a free new samsung galaxy z flip4 with a galaxy trade-in. any year. any condition. really? even if my old phone looks like this? *gasps* dude why? *gasps* how could you? it's okay people. i've trained for this. it's not complicated. new and existing customers get a free galaxy z flip4 with a galaxy trade-in. any year. any condition. joe biden and democrats in congress
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space when luncheon it's stored mission to return humans to the moon for the first time since 1972. when they go further into space. engine cooling trouble was to blame along with the series of weather issues including another possible lightning strike like the one that hit and nearby towel on saturday. nasa will try again on friday. they will be using the most powerful rocket ever built. generating 15% more thrust than the saturn rocket used during the apollo mission 15 years ago. just eight minutes after lift off the rocket will be 100 miles over earth before its stage will separate followed by the upper stage a 2400 miles above earth with the orion capsule will separate and trouble so low the rest of the way to the moon in 8 to 14 days and beyond, when it's time to return to earth, the arion capsule will have trouble nearly 25,000 miles per hour and injured temperatures of nearly 5000 degrees fahrenheit.
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finally, 11 parachute should deploy in a per se sequence and slow the spacecraft a landing speed of 70 miles per hour for splash down in the pacific ocean. did you get that? there will be a test. the news continues. let's hand it over to victor blackwell and cnn tonight. victor? this is don lemon tonight, thanks so much for tuning in, so why does he know and will he ever testify? what does he know and will he ever testify, there's a source for the cnn saying that -- left the agency today we remember that testimony from cassidy hutchinson who not only himself told her his -- to the capitol on january 6th? >> the president said something to the effect of, i am the effing president take me up to the capitol no
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