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tv   Don Lemon Tonight  CNN  August 31, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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that's it for me. "don lemon tonight" starts now. all right. that's it for me. "don lemon tonight" starts right now. >> i have a story, we're watching serena. did you see spike lee, by the way? >> i didn't. i didn't. >> you were working.
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>> yeah. >> spike is jumping up and down. i'm like spike sit down. joking. he's wearing plaid and spike lee but right at the tiebreaker, tim and i are watching, the dog jumps on the bed, hits the remote and turns the television off. >> no, no, no. >> we turn it back on because it's streaming. we're watching on streaming service and had to catch up and missed the tiebreaker but i got the see the win. >> i didn't get to see the win. i've been watching clips on social media, don. >> while you're working? the boss is watching, victor. >> we got through the show, come on, now. i did it. >> can you imagine you're 26 years old and an icon, a legend, you're up against serena williams and i won't say retirement. >> evolving away. >> evolving away. can you imagine the pressure for both of them? >> especially when you got the entire crowd on her side. >> i mean. >> she's earned it. she's earned it. >> yeah, come on.
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she'll be 41 soon. an amazing 41-year-old. >> she's my birthday twin. >> oh, well. what are you trying to say? >> say it. >> what are you trying to say? >> my birthday twin. >> i'm getting out of here with that. >> have a good show. >> i'm the 26-year-old. you're the thank you, victor. >> i'll take it. this is "don lemon tonight." appreciate you joining us. last night we were here waiting for the doj to respond to trump's team wanting to a special master. now dream trump is responding in court tonight to the blockbuster doj filing about the mar-a-lago investigation doubling down on the plea for a special master and acknowledging classified material was found at mara log -- mar-a-lago but claiming it not a big deal. you are getting legal trouble, try that defense for yourself if you're under investigation for
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breaking a law and see how that goes for you. quote, the purported justification for this criminal probe was the alleged discovery of sensitive information contained within the 15 boxes of presidential records but this discovery was to be fully anticipated given the very nature of presidential records, the notion that presidential records would contain sensitive information should have never been cause for alarm. alarm. my mouth to work. which completely ignores the fact that those documents did not belong to the ex president. so he shouldn't have had them in the first place. that's been my point all along. they did not belong to him. regardless of how they got there. they should not have been there. the buck stops with him. and it ignores the fact sensitive information not being kept in a secure location could pose a risk to our national security.
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that is a big deal. let's be clear about this. former president has not been charged with anything. but let's remember what this is all about. okay? the justice department saying in its filing the doj is in the midst of an ongoing criminal investigation pertaining to potential violations of the espionage act unlawful containment. that is a big deal. the justice department saying in its filing the doj is in the midst of an ongoing criminal invest investigation, a criminal investigation pertaining to potential violations of the
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espionage act and lawful concealment or removal of government records. criminal investigation of who? and you would think the former president's defenders might, just might take all of this somewhat seriously? well, then you would think wrong. one of his attorneys calling espionage and obstruction quote mundane statutes. >> what they did was to try and criminalize donald trump as they always do and found three mundane statutes espionage and two others, obstruction and trying to claim there was some sort of criminal activity. >> mundane. so i'm going to state the obvious. there is nothing at all money t -- moundane about espionage. ken buck of colorado you may remember signed a brief asking
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the supreme court to consider overturning the 2020 election which did not happen. he's apparently arguing some kind of writing that he was writing his autobiog bieuy ogde autobiography exception. >> he might be writing a memoir or autobiography and the fact that he haddock documents in an itself a is concern. >> you are the biggest donald trump supporter ever. do you actually think donald trump is writing his own memoir? [ laughter ] seriously. does anyone actually think donald trump is sitting down with notes and top secret information and writing his own memoir? how about this?
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this is from house judiciary republicans joking about "time magazine" covers, ignoring t thethe documents marked top secret and secret. you know what could be a huge threat to the national security? multiple documents that should have never been at mar-a-lago in the first place. if the wrong people got to look at them, that could cause damage to our national security. let's discuss now. i'll bring in senior legal analyst laura coats and former assistant special watergate prosecutor and former doj national security official and prosecutor brandon. good evening to one and all. laura, where have you been all my life? miss you. good to see you. >> i've been cheering on serena williams. [ laughter ] >> i'm not even mad. we all have been. listen, laura, i've been wanting your perspective.
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can you sum up what the trump team is arguing in response to the doj brief? >> well, one, to answer your question, no, no one thinks donald trump is actually writing a memoir and that's why he has in his possession at mar-a-lago documents that ought to have been returned a long time ago but their argument is simply this. we don't trust you department of justice to have conducted an investigation to honor whatever privilege claims we think we have whether good or not, we think if your trump's team we have executive privilege claims and attorney client privilege. you had a separate team go in and try and ensure the guard rails were up and couldn't see those, we don't trust we want our own person. the second argument is they don't understand why there was any shock by the archives or anyone else there were classified documents in the boxes that were at mar-a-lago because of course, they're classified and presidential records. which makes you scratch your head here, don. right? the whole point of this whole exercise has been you don't have
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the right to have presidential records, you're no longer the president of the united states. if you're on one hand admitting you had them and saying classified k ddocuments were contained in them, you made the arguments to suggest why you're not supposed to have had any of it. this whole thing comes down, this particular motion they're doing now says they want a special master. they don't trust the department of justice. and really, what they made the case for is why the archives and doj cannot trust them to have returned anything they're supposed to, all of what they're supposed to or give some reason why they shouldn't have had to. >> nick, let's talk a little more about what laura is saying. she's saying trump lawyers are arguing classified materials should have been expected to be found in those 15 boxes taken from mar mar-a-lago claiming it the nature. does that argument hold water given the top secret documents at issue? >> of course not. this is stuff that is national
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security secrets. and i think what really caused the archives to send this over to doj for an investigation wasn't just the fact that they were classified documents. but that they were mixed in with a lot of other irrelevant documents that just showed that the whole thing was one big mess. and so they were concerned as to what was happening with these documents, who was looking at them, and who had access to them. it much more beyond and by the way, the papers that the trump people put in just refer to them as sensitive documents. they try to down play everything in this brief and don't even acknowledge that there are highly classified documents that are at issue with this search warrant. >> everything except they were hyperventilating near the vapors about expired passports and time magazine.
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you're quite right with that, nick. brandon, good to have you back because you specialize in mishandling of classified documents. the trump team is expressing outrageove over the photo inclu the doj filing. what do you think of that? what is your reaction? >> this is what happens when you collect evidence in particular if you're collecting classified evidence. this isn't an indication of what it looked like. this is an indication trying to demonstrate this is the material seized from this particular location and one of the things that jumps out is these cover sheets. when you have classified documents, they're not just marked top secret or secret, there is a cover sheet and the point of that cover sheet is to scream at anyone in the room that this material is classified so you don't trip over it so that there aren't accidents. when you see the cover sheets
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and you learn there were hundreds of classified documents, it indicates it would have been difficult to miss this material. >> shouldn't -- i mean -- shouldn't all of this have gone either in a shredder or be discarded, however it is they handle it? there is a process for this and that does not include it being on a former president's, you know, bedside table or desk or whatever, however it was stored. it should be secured and under government protection, am i wrong about that? >> well, so it's not -- i would take it a step beyond that which is it's not about what should have happened on january 20th with respect to the documents. i think the point was made earlier if all of these classified documents and i think we're at over 300 classified documents at mar-a-lago, if they were all returned to the archives in january, we wouldn't be having a discussion about a
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criminal investigation. we wouldn't be having a discussion. it's not what happened to those documents on january 20th. people make mistakes, many cases of handling classified information often aren't prosecuted. people do make mistakes. it's what happened after that. that's a key point here that the bottom line is it's not there were classified documents there, it's that there was notice that there were these documents there ultimately they were named. >> laura, what's not in here, right, is any mention of declassified documents or response to the government saying that trump moved documents and tried to obstruct the investigation. why is that not in there? >> because there is not really likely a legitimate defense to those notions. they're trying to hone in and be very narrow in the focus in front of this judge. this is for the audience's clarification, this is not the same judge that signed off on the search warrant. they have to give a different judge the context, the comprehensive information to rule on things that they were
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asked about which is the special master sos ers so they're tryin focus on the strongest arguments they have are in favor of why they believe a neutral figure in a case such as this of extraordinary public interest ought to check and make sure every i was dotted and t was crossed. i want to under state the point we should not be here. we should not be here because there should have been the cooperation from a former president to provide documents back to the national archives. yes, mistakes had been made. we most notably hear the analogy about hillary clinton and her documents on a private email server. guess the distinction? the reason we're here and an execution of the search warrant and a legal filing suggesting
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all you were supposed to do here is not have a criminal referral but gone back to the archives, that would have been standard back and forth. that's not what happened in the past. it not what should have to happen at all. we're dealing with documents of this nature. we should never be here. we should never know about this. the story should have ended when the first 15 boxes were returned and that should have been all of them. >> is this similar, laura, when you talk about the distinction, is there a presiding judge and magistrate that rules on things? is that how this works? >> different intermediate judges. one rules whether search warrants should be executed. the trial judge is usually the federal district judge that will hear the case ultimately. >> okay. nick, what about this idea trump had an expectation of privacy at his residence, which is a golf course that's open to members where he was apparently keeping classified documents, the government wanted back keeping them in his desk? >> well, that's the whole point of the fourth amendment.
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there is an expectation to privacy and the amendment basically, the fourth amendment says you're going to be secure in your home and possessions and any searches have to be reasonable. and so to have a reasonable search, the government has to come in as they did here and provide probable cause there was evidence of a crime, a crime had be committed and evidence of that crime existed at mar-a-lago. they certainly did that and the proof is in the pudding in what they came up with and took. the papers filed today completely tried to down play the whole business about what occurred in june and then later in terms of turning over other documents in responding to a grand jury subpoena. they try and portray this as just the usual give and take when the archives get involved with the president setting up papers and this was basically just giving security advice.
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that's how they portray what in effect is concealment in a false affidavit that was offered by trump's own attorney saying that they had done an adequate search and looked everywhere for all the classified documents. that did not happen. >> brandon, before we get out of here, what do you expect from the doj? w what will they do next? >> they will do what they continued to do. the special master at most is going to potentially withhold some small amount of documents ord delay it. the investigation is on going. one is being led by the justice department and fbi where they're determining what happened and why. they're determining why these classified documents were taken to mar-a-lago and all provided returned to the archives. why they weren't provided when there was a subpoena. why there were representations made on june 3rd that ultimately
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turned out to be false. there is also what the intelligence community is doing and it's not just to determine what potential risks there were to national security and how to mitigate the risks. they are doing a classification review. are these documents actually still classified? that's irrelevant to potential charges. they're fingerprinting these documents trying to determine can they determine who accessed them. that is relevant to potential criminal charges. they're also building a timeline to understand why these documents in particular were in the possession of the president and so they're going through all of that information and also if we advance, if the investigation advances, what the justice department would be doing is determining can any of these documents actually be shown to a jury? can we use these in trial? there is a lot of work to be done. >> wow. brandon, you know your stuff that's why you're here and lawylaura and nick. is the photo that showed us some of the actual secret and
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top secret documents the fbi found at mar-a-lago but there say lot more to it than meets the eye. and you know who has the expertise on t that? that's cnn josh campbell a former fbi special agent will break it down at the magic wall. that's next. ♪ ♪ you had me at allison® 10-speed transmission.
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so at the end of the doj's filing late last night was a single photo showing multiple documents foat the former president's residence labeled sci and top secret sci. his legal team filed a briefing saying classified material should have been expected in presidential records found at mar-a-lago the i want to bring in mr. josh campbell who is standing by at the magic wall and steve hall a cnn national security analyst joins us as well. good evening to you. josh, i'll start with you. will you take us through this photo of the justice department's filing? there are clearly labeled documents top secret, sci, sensitive information. are these to be expected in the home of a former president? >> well, the court will have to
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make that determination, don. i can tell you my friend steve hall and i when we were dealing with top secret information in the government, if we left government service and maintained these records and refused to give them back we would be in legal jeopardy. the former president says this was to be anticipated. the notion presidential records would contain sensitive information should have never been cause for alarm. but of course, alarm it did cause. i'll tell you why. as you look at the fbi photo, you can see the types of information they found. secret information and top secret information. what is that? the definition within the intelligence community. if secret information falls into the wrong hands, it could cause serious damage to national security. top secret we're talking about grave damage to national security. again, the former president is claiming he's done nothing wrong. he says this is to be expected. that will have to be litigated in the court but this is
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unprecedented whether it's a republican or a democratic former president we have never seen one holding on to this type of sensitive information. >> can we dig in a little more, josh? can you talk about what kind of information these documents labeled like these -- that you see there, what would it contain? >> this here is a cover sheet. this is what my former doj colleague talked about in the last segment. this sits on top of classified information and tells the person holding the document what is is behind it and how sensitive that information is. i want to specifically focused on these initials you see here. these are the types of controls, additional levels of sensitivity and this is what was found at donald trump's residence according to the fbi. what do these acronyms mean? we're talking about human control. this refers to spies that are run overseas like steve hall used to run as a cia officer, highly sensitive information and talking about special intelligence. this is within the realm of the national security agency thinking about wiretaps, signals
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intelligence collection and this last part here, talent key hole. not a household name but that is a reference to a highly classified u.s. government satellite program. again, we don't know what was exactly in these documents but looking at the cover sheets, we can tell this information was potentially highly sensitive, don. >> steve hall, what can happen if some of these top secret documents were exposed? >> nothing good. all sorts of bad stuff. i think a lot of people are confused, don, maybe with we need to protect sources and methods you hear a lot about. that's true in the case of human intelligence, we don't want our spies executed in former countries where they're working with us and the methodology we collect other information, that's very important. there is more than that. we're talking about protecting national security. we're talking about things like protecting troops in the field for example, remember the raid
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against osama bin laden during the obama administration. what if that was laying around and in that case, the navy seals would have landed to a whole bunch of al qaeda guys that would have killed them. we're talking about national security issues and trying to protect the people actually providing us with this very sensitive stuff. those cover documents, that josh was referring to. it's really important when i was sitting at my desk, if i got a cover sheet i didn't pick up and go home. that stuff had to be stored securely inside of cia head quarters in a safe. this is really -- by the way, one other thing i forgot to mention critically important, the stuff that goes to the president of the united states is not just common stuff. i mean, if i collected something at cia from a human source and ended up on the president's desk, i get pats on the back and promotions because it's the top 1% that goes to the president.
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not the less important less sensitive stuff. >> the stuff he needs to know about, urgent immediate stuff. steve, i want you to respond to this. take a look. this is trump's lawyers just on fox and you got to hear what she said. >> i have been down there. i'm down there frequently. i have never seen that. i have never ever seen that. that is not the way his office looks. anybody that knows president trump's office, he has guests frequently there. >> okay. she just said he has guests frequently there. is she proving the point how dangerous this is? >> absolutely. and, you know, first of all, no surprise. we know what kind of person donald trump is in terms of his likes to have a lot of people around him and we saw this when he was in the white house. you remember the time when he had the russian foreign minister in the oval office and spilled very sensitive intelligence that we got from the israelis. but the fact that there is people in his office.
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this is why you have a thing called a skiff, a facility that is specifically designed to make sure that people can't see classified information unless you're allowed in the skiff and it correctly protected. big glass window behind him. a cell phone sitting on his desk. these things are good security to stopping the bad guys from seeing the very sensitive stuff that the american intelligence community collects. >> oh, boy. thank you gentlemen. appreciate it. frequently has guests there. a scandal of classified documents, a democracy increasingly at risk andnd president biden increasingly takingng aim at what he calls ma republicans. a lot to talk about with fareed -- fareedakaria.
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fareed is after the break.
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you want to watch this segment. you know how i know? it's fareed zakaria. let me tell you something before i introduce him. the former president's legal team telling a court sensitive materials should have been expected and presidential records found at mar-a-lago as president biden is set to deliver major speech on the future of democracy tomorrow night. there he is. fare fareed zakaria. so good to see you my friend. i want to dig into it. the former president kept this information at his beach resort. what are allies thinking about this, fareed? are they watching these details about the nature of the classified information coming
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out, knowing their intelligence, secrets may have been compromised? >> oh, sure. i mean, particularly those governments that deal with the united states very regularly share very sensitive material. i'm sure they're worried could some of our stuff be in here depending on the markings. sometimes you can tell. sometimes we can't. you can tell a lot of this is highly classified. but you know many governments, most of our closest allies, most of america's closest allies had very poor relations with president trump when he was in office and they routinely saw he would tell the russian government things that he was not supposed to do, tell the russian am basketbassador things not supposed to do and tell kim jong-un things he was not supposed to do. there were a few governments, ones that thought they could manipulate him well, some middle east earn countries like saudi
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ar arabia, maybe russia like the kind of bizarre chaotic lack of respect for any kind of institutions, norms that trump had but most governments looked at the trump's conduct of foreign policy with a great deal of anxiety and probably in a sense just a case where it reminds them of just what an unsettling period in american foreign policy that was. >> i remember the meeting where there was a hot mike situation, maybe the same one where he elbowed the world leader out of the way and standing there having a cocktail talking smack about donald trump shows the relationship they have with him. let talk about lindsey graham, though, people like lindsey graham i should say. warning about riots in the streets if trump were to be charged. what are the consequences for democracy if he's charged or isn't charged? >> well, what lindsey graham
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said was truly dangerous and one has to understand it's really dangerous for anyone to say and dangerous for u.s. senator to say. what lindsey graham was saying is i don't care if trump broke the law, you can't indict him because there will be riots on the street. that is for a party, the republican party that's historically claimed it the party of law and order especially that is a claim that somebody is above the law. and it's important to remember the big picture here is that donald trump does appear to have broken the law. there are laws about how you handle classified documents. he broke them. there are laws about obstruction of justice. his team seems to have lied to the fbi. and this is part of a pattern. whatever one may think about the
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m mueller invecvestigation and i e mixed views, four of five occasions of clear obstruction of justice, the only thing that stopped him was the legal memo that said that you can't indict a sitting president. there is no question there was obstruction of justice so if you have a case where there are clear violations of the law for a united states senator to say well i don't care about that, this guy is very popular, that sounds to me like a banana republic where you're not -- you can say look, you got to think about this politically as i do. i think it's important for the justice department and merrick garland to explain what is going on here. why are these things so important? what is the procedure being followed? that is fine. to say as lindsey graham did, i don't care whether he broke the
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law if you indict him, there will be riots in the streets. that is fundamentally a claim donald trump is above the law. >> banana republic is just bananas, right? i want to turn -- take us ahead to the current president biden's prime time speech tomorrow being built as a focus on what he calls the battle for the soul of our nation. that's what he ran on. two years into his presidency, he is turning to the sort of language and campaigning away from the sort of language and campaigning that got him elected. no? is that is smart move? do you think he's turning towards it or away from it? he's supposed to be the great unifier but do you think what he's doing is unifying or is this what he needs to do? >> it will depend how he does it. in some sense, he's reminding people of something that is real, which is let's not forget
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in the middle of all this conversation about inflation being up or down, you have this really serious problem that it gets boring to repeat but you have the republican party putting in place at donald trump's behest a series of moves in state legislatures that appear to be -- to allow it to not pay attention to the will of the voters in the 2024 election. to in a sense make it impossible for the brad raffenspergers of the world who stopped, who did not yield to trump's pressure in 2020. if that happens, you have a huge constitutional crisis, you know, here. now, how should we deal with this? how should the president biden deal with this? i am not sure. i think that part of the challenge here is that there are just vast numbers of republicans
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who believe this non-sense. it's a series of lies. it's disinestructive lies but t is evidence they believe it. look at liz cheney. liz cheneyconservative republican. she's a national security conservative. she probably agrees with donald trump and voted probably mostly entirely. he was trying to overturn the 2020 election and she thinks that's a deeply dangerous thing to do in a democracy. and look what happened to her. maybe trying to persuade to make them understand how important the stakes are and whatever you may think of trump and policies and his style and maybe you like them and like policies, there is this much more important issue which is we have got to preserve the institutional safeguards,
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the norms, the procedures for republic and democracy and to rem remind americans this stuff is fragile. there is political backsliding from around the world from hungary to poland to india to turkey and, you know, it happening because people are frustrated but the united states is the oldest constitutional democracy in the world. anand if it happens s here, the effects could be irreversible to the united states and around the world. >> fareed zakaria, everyone. we'll be back. or taste or do absolutely nothing with all those bubbles. without ever wondering if you're getting the most out of your trip. because you are.
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president biden set to deliver a major speech in philadelphia tomorrow night. the president making what he calls maga republican as target of his midterm campaign blitz.
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scott jennings is here with cnn political analyst natasha alfred. good evening to both of you. scott, by this time tomorrow night, the president will have made his speech about the battle for the soul of the nation he has been calling out the maga republicans that support the president's anti democratic move seemingly no matter what and we don't -- don't we have evidence of that just today? that no matter what they don't really call them out? i mean, you got this and you got this and they're not calling it out. they're making excuses? >> joe biden wants to make this election about donald trump and republicans want to make the election about joe biden and inflation and other things. this is the eternal battle going on between the parties now and unfortunately, donald trump often gives joe biden the ammunition to do it and so this is a raw political matter. every day we're talking about this is a day we're not talking about stuff voters would care about and move people in elections. >> you don't think voters care about this?
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>> i'm saying republicans. every day republicans are focused on having to defend donald trump or deal with whatever donald trump is doing is the day they're not dealing with the inflation and economy. the messages that would work with them in an election. >> perhaps, maybe the response would be different this is a republican reaction to donald trump keeping top secret documents at his home. this is ken buck, watch. >> i understand that former presidents, former secretary of states may very well have classified information. he may be writing a memoirbiogre haddock has documents in and of itself isn't a concern. how he treated the documents and the negotiations that occurred we don't know at this point. >> i mean -- [ laughter ] i mean, come on. look, several -- >> do you think donald trump is writing a memoir using notes?
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>> no, i don't. >> i asked that question at the beginning of the show. >> number one, it was wrong for him to have the documents and stupid. number two. >> say that again. why can't people say that? >> it's true it's objectively true. number two, we don't know what is in them. >> that's true. >> we're still engaging in a lot of speculation. number three, there is competing view points out there and narratives about whether there is going to be indictments or not. there was writing that indicated they may not be moving swiftly to indict him but there is other conservative legal commentaries i read that thinks it was a clearer statement. it not clear what is going to happen here but what is objectively true is you don't have to sit around and speculate and make up reasons why he might or might not have done it. you can simply say well, i don't know that he should have done it but i don't know what is in the documents so i'm withholding judgment. that's a better option. >> i think a better option is what you said.
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he shouldn't have had the documents. that's objectively true. whether or not i think what is true is that the archives and the doj just wanted the records back and went in and got them. that's all -- whether he's going to be indicted, you're right about that. i think we will cross that bridge when we get to it but the point is, aren't they running out of excuses? don't you think officials who actually know better, who are insisting that things are true, knowing that it's not, because they want to remain in power i think that's the concern. i think that's what president biden is starting to shift his messaging to. away from this idealism of bipartisanship that and how he was gonna bring us together, to the real-ism of the moments, and say this is what is at stake. we are concerned about the outcome of elections actually being fair because people are being elected to office to
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change the outcome. >> so my question to parade, earlier, what is he shifting towards our language he used earlier when he was running? or is he shifting away from that? because this is a shift in the way that he's been governing according to you right? >> i think it's a shift away. the bipartisanship, yes it felt like a nice bullet point on the resume, but i think we are all in the space where we are realizing, that was not a reflection of where we are as a country. people are very, very divided, and in their camps, and sort of entrenched even further in those camps. i think he is moving further away from that language, and he is trying to appeal to again, the soul of the nation. talking about uvalde and not being able to identify the bodies of children. that is an appeal to humanity and the heart. doesn't matter whether you are republican or democrat. i think we can both agree that is a problem, and people have to grown so numb to this problem because congress hasn't done anything about it. so he is trying to make that appeal. >> well today, yesterday he was talking pushing the salt weapon bath and then tomorrow he's
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gonna be talking about the soul of our nation. and democracy. >> look, my view on this are a little different. i do agree that it is a shift away. if you -- integral address, and then you listen to the way that he is talking about republicans now, he is not trying to unify the country. >> yeah but a lot has happened between now and his inaugural. >> -- i understand that he ran his campaign on, i am gonna unify the country. his message to the nation was we are all in this together, i'm gonna unify the country, now he is out saying, two things. one, lots of y'all are fascist, and, by the way, if you vote republican, there is a decent chance that our democracy is no longer gonna exist. >> it's not but he can't turn a blind eye to that. i think you and i both agree he is doing it. from -- >> the unifying message be some others saying is true. a lot of people, i gotta tell you scott, a lot of you are going where is a lie? i don't see no lies detected. >> i think there are 70, 80 million americans who would say just because i chose to vote republican, doesn't make me a fascist, and it doesn't make. --
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but >> he didn't call scott, i gotta be honest with you, he didn't call all republicans bash. has >> maduro publicans. >> he said maga republicans,. >> extreme. >> they made a distinction, also pointed out that republicans who were not part of what you are saying. >> look i know it's a good campaign. >> listen -- why is it up to joe biden to divide if the republicans? when republicans are the. both -- >> these running. >> listen. >> okay scott let's. >> no no no. >> no listen. >> the former president, every single day, talks -- about everybody. including other presidents, including members of his own party, probably you on tonight nan, and now everybody they got the papers about one statement that joe biden made in the entire year and a half of his presidency? it's just -- >> i mean republicans are not the one who had joe biden out, every day, saying i'm gonna unify the country, we are all in this together. we are not enemies. -- >> but the countries also telling the truth gods, he is
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telling the truth about what is happening in the country! i'm not saying that everybody is a fascist. >> listen hang on hang on, i'm not even saying. i don't think it was the best thing for him to use that language. but you have to call a thing i think. you have to call it what it is! you can't, you know that is unifying. by bringing people around to the reality of what it is. >> if you go to the average republican, who i don't know what they consider themselves, whether they are maga, robert mueller republicans, if you go to the average republican who went into the voting booth in november, 2020, and said well, i'm gonna vote republicans. or they are planning to do in this election. and you tell them, joe biden may think that you are a fascist, or semi fantasy, whatever that means. he may, but he might think that, he argues that if you choose to both republican, then you are essentially trying to end american democracy. a, it's not unifying, be, is that within the character of what he said he was going to be and see, that is not how and very average republican. -- >> what you are not
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understanding is that there was no crystal ball in november of 2020. there was no insurrection. that was part of the record in 2020. there was no. -- >> there was an operation -- date >> now you said in the voting booth. you said if you ask any republican. so there was no interaction, there was no election is a lie, that joe biden is not the duly elected president. there was no denial of reality of what is happening. so i think you know, yes in that moment, okay, fine. but that's not what is happened over the last year and a half. the last year and a half, a lot of things have happened. and i say all republicans, republicans who come on cnn, you, and leaders, they got a lot to answer for because they make excuses for the president's behavior the entire time that he was in office, and now that he is out of office, when it is blatantly obvious that many of the things he did well wrong! >> and a republican response to that would be, look i might agree with you on a lot of what you say about donald trump's
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behavior, and what he has said and done. but that doesn't mean i have to wear flexibly accept or support what joe biden is doing to the country. >> that's not what i'm saying. >> that's what was that he's lying. out >> i'm not saying. that >> i do not agree with. that >> i'm saying i think republicans in this moment should spare me the hysteria about something that this current president one thing that he said, when every single day, i sat here for five years, and listen to donald trump, call people, call country shut holes, peoples sons of -- made fun of reporters for having -- disabilities. having all kinds of things when he talked about peoples mother, where he made fun of gold star families. and now all of a sudden, we'll have an oh my gosh, he said that there was a semi fascist tense of the republican party and you can get all bent out of shape out of. it i'm saying how the same energy for joe biden, or for excuse me, but donald trump as you have for joe biden, when
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there is something that you don't like coming out of his mouth. >> first of all, i'm not hysterical about. a second of all, is that the bar that you are setting for joe biden? >> not the set. >> while donald trump was mean so, it's okay? >> i may know. >> it's not about being the in that being accurate. talking about fascism, it's not about hurting people's feelings. and it's problematic that people are more upset about the trumps semi fascist than the actual elected officials who are threatening violence. who are saying things like, you know, chuck, doctor fauci out of the way, this is what desantis was supposed governor. political violence is a part of america's dna, we cannot push that. >> i meant so much trouble. we'll be right back. thank you guys, thank you. ♪ ♪ ♪
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