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tv   Don Lemon Tonight  CNN  September 6, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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thanks so much for being with us tonight. i will be back tomorrow night. don lemon tonight starts right now. hi, don. >> what a treat, i'd like to talk, but if that is great news and in, i'll see you tomorrow. this is don lemon tonight. and this just into cnn, the washington post reporting a document describing a foreign governs military defenses, including its nuclear capabilities. it was found during the fbi's search of mar-a-lago. that is according to sources. now, documents about some special access programs are kept under lock and key almost always in a secure compartmented informations icily. not in the former presidents
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beach resort. and a big question is still unanswered. why did he have a document like this in the first place? a lot more to come on all of this, so stay tuned. and there's more news tonight on something happening for the first time in modern american history. and that is an elected official barred from holding office for allegedly violating a cause in the 14th amendment by participating in what the judge ruled was an insurrection against the u.s. government. new mexico county commissioner and founder of the cowboys for trump coy griffin lost his elected position today for his role in the january 6th riot and he is now barred from holding office. the judge pointed out the irony that griffin argued that court should consider the will of the people. and the will of people was what january six was all about. and let's not forget what happened the capulet they. it was part of an effort to overturn our election. surveillance video, newly-obtained by cnn, shows
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kathy latham, a former gop chairwoman of coffee county georgia who is under criminal investigation for allegedly posing as a fake elector in 2020. it shows are escorting a team of pro trump operatives to the capitol on january 7th, 2021, the same day the voting system there is known to have been breached. we will have updates on all of this. but i want to begin with a report with a document describing a foreign government's military defenses, including its nuclear capabilities, was found in the fbi search of mar-a-lago. that is according to the washington post and i want to discuss now. cnn contributor and former nixon counsel john dean is. here national security analyst julia k, and peter strike, the former fbi chief of the counter section. he's also the author of compromise counterintelligence and the threat of donald j trump. julia, i want to ask about. this this is big disturbing
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stuff, right? don't overplay, it don't want to underplay, but it is explosive reporting from the washington post, these documents about nuclear secrets. and i quote here, some of the seized documents detail top secret u.s. operation so closely guarded that many senior u.s. officials are kept in the dark about them. we are talking about documents only the president and a handful of officials would be able to see. what goes through your mind when you hear that? >> basically that sources and methods were likely compromise. not classification we get to the how was this done, how did we acquire this information, rather than sort of what does it say? we have an asset, another country is telling us acts, why, or z. this is consistent with what we could've anticipated a month ago about what was likely to happen, which was this, i mean give trump the benefit of the doubt, and say carelessness, right, and assume that is all it is.
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and what it means is there are two parties who are interested in this beyond us in the united states. our allies, who are wondering if this is my information. very few countries have nuclear capabilities. there's not that many. so, a limited number of countries are asking themselves was this about me and my capabilities and limitations? right, is this possibly disclosed to enemies who know i can't do x, y, or z. orders has only to do with our enemies, who if they know this, they know we have some way of gardening information about their nuclear capabilities, or it could be some weird combination in which it is about potentially israel. we've never add committed that israel has nuclear capabilities, that is given or shared with the saudis, because the world is complicated, and the -- israelis and saudis have information that don't want to
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be shared. so, those are the scenarios that go through any other country's mind and then in the ed make us a completely unreliable partner, period. that's why trump continues to have influence on our present national security precipice. >> it's just a another indication that this should not have been there. the document should not have been taken. they should have been stored safely. that is the bottom line all. this all this other rigmarole about how sensitive, and what the special master is doing, and on and on, i think it's super phyllis. this information should not be where it is. peter strzok, let's bring you in. because a trump spokesperson is calling this a lie tonight. what lengths with a foreign intelligence agency go to in order to get their hands on information like this? >> don, there is no higher priority for intelligence collection from any foreign intelligence service and then the president of the united states. that began when he announced his candidacy, that certainly ramped up when he was president. and it continues to this day. so, mar-a-lago, manhattan, the
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trump towers, bedminster are all targets for foreign intelligence collection. every single nation out there is after about what information what conversations go out there. so, this is extraordinarily concerning. so, it does point to the absurdity of this whole idea of the special master. you know, setting aside all the legal problematic issues there. but you cannot separate. people are saying, well, she let the damage assessment before. well, that's true. but you know the damage assessment can't do? the damage assessment cannot take this document, send it down to the lab, in the fbi, and dust for fingerprints, to figure who's touched it. that's imports of the damage assessment. it's also really important the counter intelligence investigation to figure out who might have had access. and of course, it's also potentially relevant for the criminal investigation as well. so, for a judge to sit there and say, well, we're worried about reputation and harm. we're taking all the stuff off the table. you cannot look at it, you cannot use this investigative leon till months and months potentially passed. it really harms just the
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efforts to protect national security across the board that the fbi and the intelligence community are trying to engage in right now. >> we still do not know what might be the most important part, john dean, and that is why did trump have these kinds of documents in his florida beach resort, and why did he hold on to them after they were subpoenaed? >> we certainly do not, don. and it is a major question. you know, a normal passed -- or post president would be sitting down now, with the fbi, with investigators, with the intelligence community, and trying to figure out if anybody had penetrated his residences or his clubs or where did he have the documents, explaining why he had the documents, what he thought he could do with them, or why he held them out of the white house. how do they get? there who gave them? you know, all that cooperation would be the norm. we have exactly the opposite. we have a former president, who
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to some people, is a real serious threat to our national security. when something like this comes up, other countries start thinking about, well, can we cooperate united states if the leader of the country will not secure our secrets that we share? because the implications can go far and wide for their sources and methods. so, this is a real problem. and as was stated, the judge's decision has only made it more confusing, more difficult to unravel, and she really stepped way out of bounds. i do not know what justice is going to do. whether they're gonna peel or not. this cuts so many different ways. given that circuit that they are in. but i think we'll have a answer to that very soon, giving this information. >> but you said something, i mean, if we are all just being honest here. and that means everyone, right, trump supporter, non-trump supporter, republican or democrat, wouldn't any other
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president in history have said oh, my gosh, i did not realize what i did was wrong. i did not realize these were top secret. i want to comply with everything. please have the national archives, or whatever protocol they're supposed to be in place, have them come get them. and then we can work this thing out. instead of stringing the justice department, the department of justice or national archives along, and getting to this point where we are now. that is what i am not understanding, why people on either side of the aisle, or i know i'll, why they are not understanding that? a decent, logical human being would understand what this president did was wrong, whether it's guilty of committing a crime, that's not for me to say. but what he did was wrong. and he did not cooperate. that is what the evidence shows. so, julia, this kind of information, should only be seen in an incredibly secure locations, like a skiff, right? these were in mar-a-lago for
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more than 18 months. what could happen if this kind of information fell into the wrong hands? >> well, first of all, it's the duplication that has always made me worried. one of the reasons why you view it in a scif or make it inaccessible to say cameras on iphones is you really do not want people emailing, it xeroxing it, circulating it. so, just the fact that it was sitting around means anyone, including trump, could come along and copy it and then share it with someone else. so, is the copying and duplication that is worrisome. and then of course it's the foreign spiraling and espionage to get their hands on it and now they know something about say another countries nuclear capabilities or limitations. and then the third is, you know, are there exchanges being made for this information? this is what we do not know. this is why. so i think it is. but i want to just really sort of second your point. we're so focused on the picture
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-- >> right, exactly. >> all this classified information. it's the obstruction thing that is inexplicable. he was told, his lawyers were told, you can make it right. they were full four months, you can make this right. we want this information, you can make this right-hand. as this information. and they consistently ignored it, clearly lied about it, and kept the materials. so, it's the failure to make it right that i think is damning and does not really matter when the contents of the information we're. >> peter strzok, the post goes on to say the fbi team goes on to -- reviewing docks seized from the storage closet at mar-a-lago. -- thiem came across documents that was really restricted, so much so, that even the senior officials in the biden administration were not authorized to review them. and you headed the fbi counter espionage operation. what does a government do, as it became clear, you know, that this kind of information is potentially compromised? what happens? >> well, don, you've got a
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whole host of worries you've got to think about when you understand that this information was not under control, as juliette said, it was not only coffee they may have been shared and given to other folks. >> or even lost. i mean hoover's do lose things. >> [laughs] sure, but you've got to figure again, because it's the president, he's seeing the most sensitive information from across the intelligence community. so part of what is going on right now is across the board, from dni hayes on, across the intelligence community, when it's a cia, fbi, and say, all the other components into these, are looking at the information that's been recovered and saying all right, what are the sources out there at risk right now? first and foremost is any human sources, anybody who might be working for the united states in moscow, in beijing, anywhere abroad, is somebody potentially in danger of getting arrested or being tortured and interrogated, possibly killed? and whether or not someone easily exfiltrated to the united states.
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and then there's all the technical measures, collection means, whether it's a satellite system, whether it is a very sophisticated way of collecting data and signals intelligence. all of these things are constantly being assessed to figure out whether or not they are at risk. and it is chilling. i mean, there is nothing worse than the prospect of sitting, not only with us tranche of secret, classified, top secret information, but knowing it increasingly seems to be the most sensitive material. and again, to your point, that people at the highest levels of the white house could not access it. that just sends chills down my spine. and it is not anything that anybody is going to be sleeping, we'll, anywhere in the intelligence committee for a long time to come. >> john, i want to go back to something that you talked about a little bit. you talked about the judge and the special master. but you thought, you thought the judge rule was wrong, right, you thought it got it wrong, is that correct, john dean? >> he did. >> as i understand, correct me if i'm wrong, that the department, that the fbi found documents that were considered
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possibly attorney-client privilege. and then flagged it to the trump attorneys. so, the system was working, right, because they did find us information, and they did flag it, and i guess nobody would have known if the fbi was not doing their job and they were working. but is this kind of information you indict a former president over? >> while, let's take the judge's ruling and what she did with this information first before i answer whether it is in double or not. we don't really know, that's the answer to that. but what we do know is the way the judge handled this is she twisted the facts. for example, there were just, there were two documents that apparently did not -- she was unhappy with the way the felt through team handled. she used the hook of two documents to get to almost 13,000 documents. because that is the basis of her saying we need to put a special master in. she also, with the facts, for example, ignore the fact that
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biden has delegated to the department of justice and the national archives, as he is statutorily authorized to do, the question of executive privilege. she said he had ignored the issue. he had not. in fact, he had thought that it did not apply in this instance. and the department of justice said it was not even close. and that is true, because she ignored the law wherein u.s. versus nixon a criminal investigation outweighs a presidents desire for confidentiality. >> so what are you saying about this judge, john? >> i'm saying she got it dead wrong. >> you're not saying she's compromise in any way? >> while, i'm saying -- no. i have no idea about why she did this. she was clearly wrong on the law, wrong on the facts. and it needs to be, and he's be straighten out. i don't know if it needs to be appealed. i'm surprised they haven't
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gotten it and sought some clarification. she must know by now, just when the press coverage, that she has made a lot of mistakes in her ruling. so, hopefully that will get cleaned up. >> fascinating conversation. i appreciate all of you, thank you so much. one revelation after another of the fbi search at mar-a-lago. now it, is a document on the foreign nations nuclear capabilities. and if the midterms become more and more about the former president, who benefits? that is next. it was so easy! i found the perfect car, under budget toooo! and i get seven days to love it or my money back... i love it! i thought online meantnt no one to help me, but susan from carvana hahad all the answers. she didn't try to upsell me. not once, because they're not salespeople! what are you...? guess who just checked in on me? mom... susan from carvana! [laughs] we'll drive you happy at carvana.
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okay, this is the news tonight. a document describing a foreign government's nuclear capabilities found in the search of mar-a-lago. that is according to the washington post. so, i want to bring in cnn political compares s.e. cupp and alice stewart, also max boot, the columnist for the washington post. good evening, let's get right into it. max, this is big news. this new washington post reporting that the fbi agents found documents describing a foreign government's nuclear capabilities. of course, this is concerning from a foreign policy angle. but what does this mean politically? >> well, that is a great question, don. i think the issue is this is actually want to cause any republicans to reassess their
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over the top defenses of donald trump, and denunciations of the fbi, the justice department, and the biden administration for searching mar-a-lago. because i think this is pretty clear that this did not have anything to do with any political vendetta, and everything to do with protecting the nation secrets. these are documents that donald trump has no right to have. and by possessing them, he is endangering our security. and you know, people, republicans love to talk about there being a double standard here, that somehow trump is being treated more harshly than hillary clinton or somebody else. but the reality is, trump has been treated far more leaning lee than any other lower level government official. if any other employee of the federal government had hundreds of classified documents in their basement, including nuclear secrets, they probably would've been frog march to jail already. in fact, the government has been extraordinarily restrained in dealing with former president trump. more so, then he actually deserves. >> and they would not have got a special master, and a judge. >> that is such errant
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nonsense. this talk about holding somebody above the law. there is no way that reality winner or any other person has been convicted of leaking classified information that has ever gone this kind of treatment. >> you ask about, politically speaking, who benefits from this? clearly from a strictly political standpoint, you know, this close to a midterm election, the democrats are benefited in this because they can use this as a another weapon that donald trump and many republicans, and their ways, and their mind, is a threat to democracy. and having this information in such a carefree way is a threat. but the problem is, as americans, this is dangerous for all americans. not just democrats, not just republicans, all americans. >> but you hit on the thrust of my question earlier, which i get on the group before, which is any logical person would understand that he should not have had this document. you know, this whole legal rigmarole, everyone goes
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through the whole legal process, you know, it's long, right, and strenuous, and people hate it. but when you get to the bottom line here, he should not have had these documents. >> he absolutely should not in any way shape or form. but now hearing in the disregard for the security of them is troublesome. and juliette hit on a very good point here. we know this is nuclear information about a foreign nation. >> according to the washington post. >> according to the post. we do not know whether it was a friend or a fellow. but i can tell you they are a phone now, because foreign countries will not have any confidence in america now. >> sc, where this leave republicans trying to defend ronald trump? marco rubio said it was a storage issue. i saw in a interview it was trump supporters saying that if it was the same thing, he would want hillary clinton to be prosecuted but, not donald trump, because he is a patriot? where does this leave people who are republicans who are
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defending this president? >> they sound ridiculous. i just think they sound so silly. i mean, max points to a hillary clinton comparison, of course, but imagine if barack obama had done this. barack obama was actually president, and actually won his second term, and laughed, and republicans had found out he had hundreds of classified documents. they would be calling for his execution. i mean, there is no doubt in my mind they would go nuts over this. and these defenses are so unnecessary because it is so obvious how bad this decision was. >> do you think, do you guys think he is making it more difficult? alice, do you think he is making it more difficult for republicans to win back congress? or even perhaps the senate? because he's making this all about him. >> absolutely, without a doubt, any minute where we are talking about donald trump and his past grievances, we are wasting time. we need to be talking about what we can do to unite the republican party and win over independents and undecided voters.
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we need to be talking about what is really on the mind of people in the heartland america, middle america, that is inflation, that is cost of living, that is crime, that is also immigration, the closing of the border. those are issues that are top of mind for american people, not donald trump. and the fact that he now has decide to hit the campaign trail. he's talking more about himself than those he's campaigning for. >> the numbers do not add up. >> what do you mean? >> where republicans are offering ideas, and they are not doing that much anymore, the ideas are not popular among republicans. 13% of republicans want a total ban on abortion. 70% of republicans -- sorry. >> one abortions, but with restrictions. want restrictive abortions. >> no, i was going on a different issue. but you can go down -- >> you lose your train of thought, i do it all the. time [laughs] i hate it when that happens. >> a majority of republicans oppose book bans.
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i'm majority of republicans think talk about race and learning about race and school is a good thing. majorities of republicans are not where today's maga republicans are going. and all the things they keep talking about, which begs the question, what the heck are they thinking? >> is it -- rain. >> no don, i call it covid. >> i forget what i'm talk about all the time. >> it's covid thought. >> no, i just forgot what i was going to say. [laughs] >> it is having fun, it's totally okay. but listen, alice says everybody talks about, you know, what trump is doing. but they are not talk about is the accomplishments, i talk to larry summers a little later, about what the current president is doing. and what he's trying to do is highlight his legislative wins. and he is not shying away on taking on trump directly as he is blasting so-called maga republicans in congress. watch this, and we will talk about it. >> the extreme maga republicans in congress have chosen to go backwards full of anger, violence, hate, and division.
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but together, we can and we must choose a different path. [applause] forward. >> do you think the democrats and the president, do you think they can drive this message home enough to make a difference for voters come november? >> i think president biden is actually having a lot of success in driving home the message about ultra maga republicans, after i spent the last year and a half of his presidency doing bipartisan deals. >> can you drive the message home beyond just democrats? can he do with independents, and even some republicans? >> he is doing with independents, don. i think the other pen -- i think the evidence shows that democrats have been picking up strongly in the polling in the midterms. because independents have been flocking to the democratic side, just as they were in 2020. and i think there's no question that trump still has a hammer hold on the republican party. but he is alienating a small portion of the republican party, and a large portion of the independents. remember, the difference between 2020 and 2016 was that
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in 2020 the democrats, led by joe biden, they won independence. that was not the case in 2016. so, i think the message about ultra maga republicans is resonating, which is why the republican response has been so hysterical. >> what do you see non maga republicans doing on election day? >> well, i think there is more than then you think. obviously, the wing is here, right, represented at the table. but i think there is more that you think. >> let me just say, crystal is a pose the question, is there a non maga wing of the republican party? saying there's roughly one in four republican voters who are not maga. >> i bet it's more. because others taking down the statistics, majorities of republicans are not where trump whereas, are not where, you know, congressional republicans are trying to take the party. that says to me that a majority of the party is being left out of the conversation by the gop and by trump. and that feels like bad math to me.
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>> here's another thing, clearly this is gonna be democrats message moving forward. donald trump and the maga republicans as a threat to democracy. and they are really holding firm on them being a threat to democracy. if these people are such true threats to democracy, why have democratic outlets and packs put $43 million behind his maga republicans to get him elected these primary races, running against democrats, thinking they are easier to beat? there's want to be a chance that some of these people are going to win. and democrats have nobody to blame but themselves -- >> huge, huge. >> for putting money behind maga republicans if they think this is all about democracy, this is more propping up democrats. >> these are mega republicans, election deniers and the sort, and people who make excuses for january 6th. thank you all very much. i appreciate it. for the first time in 100 years, an elected official has been barred for holding office under the constitution's ban on insurrectionists. who is it, and what could it mean for others who took part in the generous sixth riot?
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a historic ruling, a new mexico judge removing january 6th rioter and cowboys for trump founder couy griffin from his elected position as a county commissioner for his role in the january 6th kenya middle attack. the ruling is a result of the lawsuit seeking griffin's removal, which allege he violated a clause in the 14th amendment of the constitution by participating interaction against the u.s. government. he had been convicted of trespassing earlier this year, and has now barred from holding
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any federal state or federal elected position in the future. so, there you go. the judge saying that griffin and his organization cowboys for trump spent months normalizing the violence that may be necessary to keep president trump in office. so joining me now cnn senior legal analysis laura coats. laura, hi, what a mess, wow, wow, wow. >> what a mess. >> this is a historic ruling, if i'm not wrong, removing griffin from office. this happened, has it happened over 100 years? why did the judge decide to do this? >> well, first of all, it's a good thing in america it's a good thing that we do not have a case like this every year, because it would mean that someone had engaged in rebellion or insurrection against the united states government after having taking an oath to be a public servant. so, it's a good thing that we do not have a whole lot of case law on an issue like this. but you're right, last time it happened, it was when someone who allegedly gave aid and comfort to an enemy in world war i. i think it was germany.
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now you have this point in time, over two different times in the past year, where there have been attempts to actually raise this part of the 14th amendment, normally known for equal protection, but really has a disqualification factor that says, don, as a punishment to those who were confederate soldiers, as part of the government, we want to unseat you during reconstruction. now, what january 6th equivalent of that, according to this judge, by actually naming an insurrection and saying you cannot hold office. remember, don, they tried this with marjorie taylor greene. they said there was an insurrection, but they did not have evidence to confirm that she in fact was tied to it or participated in it. you had madison cawthorn of north carolina, he lost his primary so the issue was really rendered moot and could not be used. now you have for the first time a judge in order calling it an insurrection. and number two, saying because of your participation in it, having a bull horn for over an hour inside the capitol,
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criminal trespass at the federal level, you can no longer be in office. >> the january six committee, laura, as pin the insurrection squarely on the ex president. and we know there is a doj investigation to. but you think a judge whatever rule that trump cannot hold office during the 14th amendment? what would that take? >> while, this is really going to raise a lot of alarms. and many people are pushing for something similar are going to be optimistic about this particular ruling. they're gonna say, listen, you have an insurrection on the record, and you've got the application of this law as it relates to the january 6th. however, the one thing you have for say mr. griffin, the former county commissioner in otero county, versus donald trump at this late in the game, is you do not have a conviction. you do not have a definitive statement by a jury, by a court, by an arbiter of the facts, that says this happened. what you have instead is the congressional committee that is trying to tie those two things
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together. their role is legislative. it's oversight nature is a very different from the application in a criminal court. but in theory, don, you are right. the application ought to be the same if anyone has participated in insurrection, after taking an oath of office, they ought to be disqualified according to the memo. again, the way it's applied to, based on a courtroom versus now, might be quite different. and again, obviously, the civil war did not have all the result of a criminal conviction. they had the end of a civil war. so it might be applied. but we are still a few weeks away from even the next congressional here for january six, let alone any indictment of the former president. >> laura, thank you. oh, and by the way, i usually do a little handoff with you. did you have a good fourth -- sorry fourth of, a good labor day weekend? >> i did, don lemon. [laughs] are you missing your whole name. wait, can i just tell you don? not only did have an incredible labor day weekend, do you realize i saw diana ross on
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for decades, i've worked at the intersection of domestic violence and homelessness. so when prop 27 promised solutions to homelessness, i took a good, hard look. it's not a solution. 90% of the money goes to the out-of-state corporations who wrote it. very little is left for the homeless. don't let corporations exploit homelessness to pad their profits. vote no on 27. mother nature unleashing her
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fury all across the country. out west, a number of states, including california and nevada, are under excessive heat warnings. record-breaking tempers expected to last through friday, with some cities experiencing temperatures as high as 122 degrees. and if it's the extreme heat was not enough, california has also battling fast-moving wildfires. the fairview fire in southern california scorching 4000 acres. while the middle fire in northern california has also burned more than 4000 acres. the northeast also feeling the impact of severe weather, drenching rain on the east coast, leading to flood watches for more than 50 million people. city under watches include philadelphia, new york city, and providence, rhode island. let's bring in now meter all the spectrum javaheri. pedram, what the heck is going on with these record breaking temperatures in california and these other western states? >> you know, don, it's
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incredible. you think you are looking at a map here for the month of july into august, and of course, fall is just a couple of weeks away. records falling by the wayside here. we typically do see a few heat waves in september, but rarely are they this intense, this extreme. some 45 records falling in the past 24 or so hours. climatologically, the middle portion of july, the early portion of august, that's when you stick extreme heat. temps in the 1:20, as you noted, not the ones you see very often this time of year. i notice death valley got up to 125 degrees. just give your sense of skills how hot these temperatures are. the hottest temperature ever observed anywhere in the world in the month of september was 126, not too far from death valley, they came in at 125 degrees. again, this is a long duration set up. the warmest temps we've ever seen in san francisco, ever seen in denver colorado, with the month of 90s for september. really important to know don, when it comes to extreme heat, it is the top weather killer. it is the most impactful. you think hurricanes, you think tornadoes. those certainly take lives. but the amount of toll that
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heat and long duration heat waves like this one are really the most concerning. and this particular pattern has left, of course, thousands in the dark. some 84,000 customers across the state california right now in the dark. we know officials they're telling people to turn down the air conditioning units to about 78 degrees. telling them to not use the dishwasher during the day to reduce the risk of these blackouts that are in place. and the temperatures, again, remain incredibly hot here for the month of september. 112 degrees. if you show me this month in officially this map in the month of july, and said sacramento, i'd say records falling all over the place. you show me this in september, and of course, it becomes a different story. shattering records. look at the average, 94 this time of year. on saturday and sunday, we will finally cool off across parts of california, utah, and arizona as well. >> so, these wildfires we see popping up in california, house extreme heat contribute to them? >> you know, it snaps moisture. the fuels are very high across the region. any moisture left in the soil is removed very quickly. we have some 65 large, active
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fires across the u.s. right now, don. 63 them are on the west. and notice two of them here across parts of the southern u.s.. it kind of shows you how this is really ramping up fire conditions across that portion of the west. and we do have some critical extreme levels of concern there across parts of montana. so, this high pressure sits there. i always use the analogy of taking a bike pump. when you pump a bike tire, you see that pump warm-up. that's because you're compressing air right into that tire, and it warms up. that is exactly what is happening across the atmosphere. high pressure sits above you, the air sinks. as the air sinks, it compresses and warms up. but of course, it happened on a broad scale across the western u.s.. so, we're getting that same sort of effect. but happening in the month of september is incredible to see what these records being shattered. >> oh, boy, and there's lots of rain here on the east coast. flash floods we are seeing in places as well. pedram, thank you, sir. i appreciate it. >> thanks, don. >> meeting the queen, the uk's newest prime minister getting that big meeting today. we are going to tell you how it went. and at the top of the hour, the washington post says a document
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describing a foreign government nuclear capabilities was seized from mar-a-lago. we're carvana the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100 percent online now we've created a brand new way for you to sell your car whether it's a year old, or a few years old we want to buy your car so go to carvana enter your license plate
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well, tonight, the uk has a new prime minister. liz truss officially arriving at ten downing street, replacing boris johnson. she is the third woman in british history to hold the office. one of her first orders of business was the appointment of her cabinet. trust and her top aides will meet to hit the ground running. the british economy is in very bad shape. inflation is high, and the country is heading for a recession. >> we should not be daunted by the challenges we face. as strong as the storm may, be i know that the british people are stronger. i am confident that together we can ride out the storm. we can rebuild our economy. >> as is customary for an incoming prime minister, truss held a private meeting earlier today with queen elizabeth, who
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invited truss to form a new government. the white house also confirming that president biden spoke with prime minister truss, offering his congratulations. the two leaders reaffirm the close ties between the u.s. and britain. and up next, the latest on the washington post report tonight. the fbi seizing a document from trump's mar-a-lago home, detailing a foreign governments military defenses, including its nuclear capabilities.
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unsecure resort? there's so much to discuss with former director of national intelligence james clapper. he is now a cnn national security analysis. director, thank you for joining us. good evening to you. information on a foreign nation's nuclear capabilities were at trump's home for more than 18 months. what goes through your mind when you hear this new reporting from the washington post? >> well, first these are among the holiest of holy in our secrets. nation states who possess nuclear weapons have. and it goes to the very reason that nations decide to have nuclear weapons and. the defense is there too is because it is about their national survival, and their existence. and that's a decision we made a decades ago, that's why we have nuclear weapons, and that's why at least nine other nations have them. so, the fact that these documents, if this reporting is
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on the level, have just kind of been laying around mar-a-lago for a year and a half without much protection, is appalling. and on several levels, as well. first, obtaining such information is very difficult because nations protected. so, the question, one question comes to my mind, have we lost a sensitive collection capability? that has been a concern in general with the revelation of the presence of these documents under not very secure conditions. there is the concern about other nations willingness to continue to share with us when apparently we are kind of lucy goofy about protecting these kinds of information. and of course, it makes a big difference if this is a friendly nation versus an adversary.
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and if it's a friendly nation, that leads to a another set of complications that we experience in the aftermath of snowden's revelations in 2013. so, on lots of levels, don, this is very, very concerning to me. again, assuming that this reporting is accurate. >> can you talk to me about the specific information, what kind of specific information could this include? >> well, it could include, i think, capabilities of a foreign nation in the nuclear arena. and, or, importantly, the obverse of that is that it could also indicate what we do not know about a four nation. which could give them some form of reassurance, particularly if it's an adversary. so, nuclear capabilities, number of weapons, how many are on alert, maintenance status


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