tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN September 9, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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hello, i am at buckingham palace in london. it is 8:00 a.m. here in the uk , where many people have woken up with the profound sense of sadness that comes with knowing that things will never quite be the same. or the first time in more than seven decades, this country is without its queen. a period of mourning is underway for britain's longest
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reigning monarch, queen elizabeth ii. live images from the palace where crowds have been gathering since the news broke on thursday. memorials to the late majesty. flowers, candles, and personal messages outside of the grounds of the buckingham palace. it also decorates the gates of windsor castle. and the beloved scottish receipt -- retreat, where she passed away peacefully at the age of 96. just two days from appointing her 15th prime minister. queen elizabeth ii's coronation was held in 1953. no date has been set yet for the coronation of her eldest son. the new king, charles iii, is expected to give a televised
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address in the next couple of hours. the death of my beloved mother, her majesty, the queen, is a moment of the greatest sadness for me and all members of my family. we mourn, profoundly, the passing of a cherished sovereign at a much beloved mother. giving reaction to the queen's death. scotland, very close to this, where we heard the official announcement on thursday afternoon. the queen had passed away peacefully. she was surrounded by the closest members of her family, including prince charles. now, king charles iii. what do we know about the circumstances of her death? >> we really only have the information that was provided in that medical report that
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said the doctors were concerned about her welfare. it does seem as if king charles and his eldest sister, princess anne, were around there and over recent days. we know the queen said that she was not going to attend the highland games. she said that a week or so ago. and that, prince charles, of course, now king charles, is going to attend in her stead. it appears as if we can see a greater level of concern that we were aware publicly of the health of the queen. i think the country assumed after the resignation that although she was fair -- frail, she was working, and there for, she was okay.
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the country knew that something was amiss. they still don't know the details, but when the other members of the royal family went to their, prince edward, his wife, sophie. prince andrew. prince william. prince henry, all later in the day. when that began -- we will get back to him as we can sort out those technical details appeared we will get you to stewart, who has been talking to people here in london and taking the temperature of the british public as people come to terms of the death of queen elizabeth ii. the death of an era.
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one that she very much defined. 70 years on the throne. what have been people saying? >> it has been an extraordinary 24 hours -- it was complete silence, even with hundreds of people will turning up at the gates. her majesty, the queen, spoke often about grief. she said, after 9/11, grief is the price we pay for love. i want to show you the love that people have for the queen. the flowers, lots of letters. the piece allowing space for people to place these flowers. i expect, in the days to come, this may be moved back up. i am here with josh. tell me what you thought it was important to be here this morning?
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>> i live nearby, i work nearby. the queen is the only monarch that i have ever known. she was the only constant in the life of our nation. she served unparalleled in terms of heard duty to our country and to many citizens of the world. i wanted to pay my respects to show my gratitude for that service and that duty that she carried out for more than 70 years. >> just reflecting on the last few hours, it was probably more of a shock, yesterday. how are you feeling today and how do you think the next few days will feel for the public? >> 48 hours or more before we got the news that she died. when the news came that she was ill, yesterday, the gravity of it set in. and the news that she sadly
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passed away at dinner time yesterday, it gave a sense of sadness. this morning, i woke up, like many people in this country and people around the world, with a sense of numbness. we woke up to a different world. a world that is just a bit sadder, because we don't have your majesty in at. >> you say that she has been a constant current it is not just longevity, is it? there was something about the queen that just gave stability, even at times that felt unstable in this country. >> during the queen's rain, we have had 14 or 15 prime minister's. we have had world events happen. with the fall of the berlin wall. 9/11. numerous stock market crashes.
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fights with allies around the world. through all of that, it is the queen. i am serving the british army, as a doctor. i signed up for the military. i pledge allegiance to her majesty, the queen. i was very proud to have worn this on my uniform. >> thank you for your service and sorry for the loss that you feel. becky, we will be here throughout the day speaking to the peep hole as they >> stewart is outside of buckingham palace here in london. let's get you back to robinson. the front page of the times today simply says, a life in service. on the back page, i want all
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viewers to see this. this was the queen's christmas broadcast in 1957. she said, i cannot lead you into battle. i do not give you laws or administer justice. but, i can do something else. i can give you my heart and these devotions to these old islands. what is her legacy? as a woman who is not just head of state. in the uk, but in countries around the world. what does it mean for her son taking over her mantle? in such a different era? >> the queen visited more than
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100 different countries during her reign. she went to canada 100 times. i spoke to canadians this morning who were all expressing their admiration to the queen for her steadfastness, for hearst service. these are the qualities that people speak about today. i have talked to people this morning who were just getting ready for their days at work and still clearly grappling with the idea that they have lost their queen. that there is now a king charles. there was sadness, there was risk packed. i think this will be part of her enduring legacy. people respected her, they respect that her hard work. they respected the principles in which she lived her life. they respected the moral values that she lived.
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she was a figurehead and compass for people. we talked to people this morning and they say that they are sad, at a loss, they will not be the same again, i think that is very reflect it with national leaders around the world. 1954, went to ethiopia. in the early '70s, she hosted the emperor of japan. in 1991, the polish president. she was the first relation monarch to visit china in 1980s six. she was felt and understood around the world, even vladimir putin, whose values most of the world abhors at the moment expressed his respect for the queen. the reach is so wide.
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i think, perhaps, one thought that i heard from a young lady who was opening a store this morning strikes a chord. she said, her parents have said, when someone has left with their spouse for many years and that spouse passes away, it is no surprise that the partner should pass away fairly soon. this is how the parents prepared this young lady for what the country witnessed yesterday. the queen, who was so much in love with prince philip lost her husband and her lifelong companion. so, there is this real sense that this was a woman, who really had all of the values of people aspire to. this young lady clearly felt the same. this was a queen who was in love. that is something to be
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cherished as something that will be a part of her legacy. >> thank you. a grandfather ruled over some 25% of the world. queen elizabeth's reign was marked by turbulent times, not the least, the end of that british empire. some will say, that was a very good thing. we look forward to what the future holds for this country under king charles iii. we will begin to see what that looks like as we hear from him later on today. with a look at the queen's lasting impact on the white house as the tribute roll in from president joe biden and former u.s. leaders. that after this short break. is
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tributes to queen elizabeth are pouring in from current and former united states presidents. joe biden expressed his condolences in washington on thursday and spoke about his time spent with the queen. >> i just stop by the british embassy to sign the condolence book in her honor. i had an opportunity to meet her and she was such an incredibly gracious woman. we are with the commonwealth and their grief. >> former president barack
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obama witnessed her majesty's dedicated leadership and said her legacy was part of tireless dignified public service. former president joe w bush says she ably led england to dark moments with her comment -- confidence. former president bill clinton said in sunshine and storm she was a sense of stability, inspiration, and strength. he is speaking to us from london. in the words of the former and current president of the united states, very much echoing the sort of language we have heard describing queen elizabeth ii. from leaders of other countries
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but how would you describe her impact on the world stage? >> it has been extraordinary. unique, really. i think, her ability to always find exactly the right thing to say. the exactly right the form of words. the exact right emotion at the right time. people have sort of remarked about her sense of humor. i think her sense of humor was never far from the surface, either, which i think puts people at ease. there is not a feeling being amongst someone who was very stiff and official. she was always ready to smile and laugh. often, it would be if something went slightly wrong or along those lines. i think she had this ability, if you like, to make even the
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most official occasions, something that people would enjoy, but without losing the weight and stature of that location. she would eject humanity into those locations. she had this remarkable ability to communicate and remarkable feeling of humanity about her. that is her legacy. i don't think anyone else has managed to do that quite so brilliantly over such a long period. >> she was criticized in the days of following princess diana's death in 1977 for staying away from london, for not addressing the nation. she did come back to london, eventually, and pay a personal tribute to diana. her reign over 70 years, that is an extraordinary amount of time, but it was dogged, at times, by scandal.
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at least the allegations that her son sexually abused a teenager that was trafficked by epstein. how did she navigate the darker areas of this 70 year reign? we knew very little about queen elizabeth ii. in the end, she was a very, very private person. >> yes, she was a very private person. i think, she would not act without taking advice. she would always listen to those around her and take the best advice from those around her and then she would make up her own mind. that is the key thing here. she had an extraordinary instinct. with the diana situation, i think, like the rest of the
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nation and people forget this, she was in a state of shock, like anyone else. it was a completely unexpected and appalling tragedy. i think, if it seem like there was hesitation or missteps there, i think it is perfectly understandable at a time where it was the most extraordinary tragedy. nobody could have prepared themselves for that. i think, at other times, when there have been charges to her, again, she is taking time to try to understand. that is the key to the queen. she always tries to understand. she was not aloof in that way. she tried to understand these positions from other people's points of view and try to do the right thing as a queen. she knew, whatever she did, whatever she said, whatever action she took would have tremendous consequences and be remembered for years and years.
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she was conscious of what she did but always, she would do the right thing, for my money, always do the right thing. >> she will certainly be remembered by so many. for a long life devoted to duty, family, and service. thank you for joining us. leaders in the middle east reacting to the queens passing. the late monarch embody the traits of a faithful and devoted sovereign. saudi arabia's king called her a model of leadership that will be immortalized in history. he also said his country appreciated her efforts to increase their relationship. queen elizabeth was respected and cherished the world over. he also extended his condolences to king charles. more from the middle east and
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around the world as we continue our special coverage of the death of queen elizabeth that will continue after this short break. how britain is coping after the loss of their monarch, who touched the lives of so many. i'm jonathanan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and lookg to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p at are the three ps? the three ps of lifinsurance on a fixed budget are price, pri, and price. a ice you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54, what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month.
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witnessing an outpouring of grief of queen elizabeth ii's death. it was sudden and shocking but not entirely unexpected. the royal family says she died easily at balmoral in scotland at the age of 96. in a few hours, king charles iii will address the country and provide clues to what happens next. this further attribute and salutes are expected today. queen elizabeth ii was britain's longest reigning monarch spending seven decades on the throne. for that reason, for so many people in this country, who have known nobody else as their monarch head of state, some real sense of loss -- shock,
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may be. although, ultimately, queen elizabeth ii was an older lady. there is a sense of grief of loss, isn't there? >> yes, absolutely. the royal family is not without their controversy and different opinions about the monarchy throughout society. she has been around for 70 years. but, the queen has always been a unifying figure. she has been a symbol of stability, and continuity for many people. for many, she is the only sovereign that they have ever known. there is morning up and down the country. that is what we see outside of the gates of buckingham palace. crowds has stayed out all night, even in the rain. people leaving flowers for the queen. letters and messages at those
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gates. much in the fashion that we saw with princess diana, who was deeply popular with the public. much as a queen, who is popular in the uk and around the globe. and the service she has given to the country and the commonwealth. despite the controversies, she has remained that unifying figure and has obtained that popularity. we are seeing grief from the public and from institutions across the country. people will be going into morning, events are being canceled, shops are closing in respect of her passing. this will be the trend for the next two weeks. >> over the next couple of weeks, what we will do today is get the opportunity to hear from king charles iii. his mother, really very much, and this has been said by many
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people, divined -- defined the modern era. and, some very turbulent times -- the question will be, how does prince charles take on this role? make it his in a country that is hurting, as so many are around the world? >> you heard from the newly appointed prime minister, mike pence , -- liz truss . the question now is whether king charles, coming into this position will be able to carry that within the royal family. the position of the monarchy has changed and has evolved over the last several decades. king charles comes into this
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and the country is facing this. many people are deeply suffering because of the cost of the living crisis, because of the turbulence that the government has been pulled into. this is happening at the same time that we have found a new prime minister. it will be about how king charles will define his reign. >> he will not be on the throne as long as his mother was. at 73 years old, 70 years is a long time for him. thank you very much, indeed. here outside of buckingham palace. normal life in the uk, has come to a complete standstill. there is a sense today that britons are mourning the passing of queen elizabeth. the english football league says that the matches have been postponed until further notice. horse racing, also put on hold.
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the racing association counted her as one of her -- their biggest supporters. one of britain's oldest department stores says it will close its doors today out of respect for the queen. join me now from los angeles, will correspond it sandra morrenetti. just reflect on the legacy that she will leave, both in terms of the work she did, in britain and around the world, as well. >> she has found the template of what great leadership should be. anyone who wants to take on any leadership position, whether it is in business, politics, whether it is in a family can learn so much from the queen.
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she faced so many challenges and rose to them brilliantly. she had so many opportunities to mess up, but she didn't. experience and witness -- wisdom brings that. i think her legacy will continue to be felt. let's bring the statues and remember her forever. >> 15 prime ministers, 14 u.s. presidents. she met 13 of them. it was only johnson that she didn't actually meet. you are based in the states, just described to me, if you will, how what you believe the royal family will be perceived
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going forward and through which lens? will it be king charles iii, or will it be, for example, harry and megan? how will that play out? >> it all starts today. it will be so fascinating to hear the king's speech. because, prince charles has an opportunity to rally the nation. to bring us all together when we are hurting, just as his mother did. if he stumbles, if he falters, it could be really disastrous for the start of his reign. it is interesting, whether he will almost have a jaunt leadership. willie have william at his side? will he make him wait his turn? i can't predict how it is going
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to go. now, the queen, of course, has been on the throne for 70 years. but, charles has been around for a long time, as well. he is 73. he is the oldest person ever to come to the crown. as i said before, the royal family -- i can't wait for the next chapter. we thank you very much, indeed, for joining us. i am a becky anderson outside of buckingham palace. it is a little bit cold and a little bit miserable this morning. perhaps, reflecting the sense of this nation as it begins the morning period for queen elizabeth ii. more from us in the hours to come. for the time being, let's get this coverage to chem in atlanta, who will give you a sense of the response from
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around the world. >> thank you very much. grief, as you say, extends far beyond the uk. subjects worldwide are mourning the loss of the beloved monarch and wondering what king charles will be like. >> i think he will put all of his energy into it and give it a great go. it is a long way to wait to be king. >> reaction across the commonwealth coming up. stay with us. with angi, you c can connect wi and see ratings and reviews. just search or scroll to seeee f on hundreds of projects. and when you book and pay throug you're covered by our happiness it's easy to make your home an a check out today. angi... and done.
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this is cnn, the world's network. across the globe, people are mourning the death of queen elizabeth ii. in new zealand, trainees formed a tribute to the late monarch, presumed of more than 50 nations in the uk's commonwealth of nations. the loss of ways heavy. >> she had such an impact on the country. you can't deny what an amazing woman she was. what an inspiration, right? >> very sad, especially given the amount of service she has given and the commitment to the commonwealth and new zealand.
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>> there was a tear in my eye, no doubt about that. >> and in canada, people are paying their respects. the only monarch that most of the nation has ever known. the day that we knew was going to come for so long, still feels surreal, now that it is here. it was shocking and sad. >> let's go to two other commonwealth nations. angus, let's begin with you. we heard from canada, an emotional reaction from their prime minister. australia's prime minister has a different outlook of the monarchy. but on the other hand, australia is one of the original members of the commonwealth. >> that is right. the prime minister has led the nation in mourning.
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morning queen elizabeth ii, who served this country for over seven decades, as well as the other commonwealth nations. the prime minister believes that australia should be a republic. that australia should be the head of state of this country. it is a complicated situation, of course. in 1999, australians got the chance to vote on whether to keep the monarchy are put australia into that position. they overwhelmingly voted to keep the queen. you start to look to see how respected the queen was here. the republican movement said, want to have another go at creating a republic, but we are not going to push for another vote until the end of queen elizabeth ii's reign. they have put politics to one side to mourn a queen that is greatly respected. flags are at half staff across
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the country. people are fondly remembering the 16 times that queen elizabeth visited this country. for the first time in 1954. is that the relationship that the crown had with australia throughout queen elizabeth's reign. she visited 57 cities in 58 days. >> thank you so much. now in india has a complex relationship with the monarchy. how is the queen being remembered there? >> before i get to that, i want to let you know, and he was one of the first countries that decided to remain in the commonwealth. the queen visited india three times. 1961, 1983, and 1997. for me, the most significant of
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the three was the first visit. it was after her father died. it was during this visit that she was the chief guest for the republic along with her husband. in terms of reactions from the world's largest democracy, we woke up to the news this morning. they said the world mourns as britain loses its longest reigning monarch. people in india went on to say, the queen who moved to the changing world for decades. charles is king at 73. he said he met the queen twice in the last couple of years and has four memories from the time that he has spent with her. in fact, she showed him a gift that was given to her from her wedding. lots of memories coming in from the indian prime minister.
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>> reporter: once upon a time in a story that we had forgotten, or some never knew, of a beautiful young princess at the age of just 27. she was crowned a queen in a fairytale ceremony. long before anyone had heard of catherine or diana, there was elizabeth. a star from the very beginning. and a regal unflagging presence in our life. looking across the images, i think she is the most visually represented human being in the history of the world. that, in itself, is utterly extraordinary. alongside all of that pageantry and celebrity is the occasional revelation that it is raining outside. >> how surprising.
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>> i think her humanity really comes through in these photographs. and also her amazing ability to engage with people. >> reporter: the former image of the fairytale princess was established early. >> he was very keen to place her in that long and great tradition of fairytale princes and princesses. he uses these beautiful backdrops. >> reporter: time magazine put her on the front cover. a diamond princess about to turn 21. they couldn't get enough of her. her face and story sold magazines and books. >> there was a flood of attention on her. we associate it with princess diana and we associate it with kate middleton, now. we forget that our queen went through the same, exact process. nick glass, cnn, london.
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