tv CNN Tonight CNN September 20, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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grief and loss is something that we all will face in our life, and yet it often leaves us feeling alone and isolated. it's something we don't talk enough about, i think. a new podcast, the second episode is out just this evening, early morning on wednesday. it's called "all there is." just point your phone at the qr code on your screen, you can find it on apple podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. next episode is out wednesday morning. stephen colbert is my guest. his dad and two teenage brothers were killed in a plane crash when he was 10 years old. it's a deep and emotional discussion and i hope you give it a listen. i want to hand it to sarah snyder. >> i am sarah snyder, and this is "cnn tonight." the governor of florida is being hit on three different fronts for sending asylum seekers from texas to martha's vineyard. today he was hit with a class action lawsuit. he's already facing a criminal investigation, and then there
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are questions from the state legislature about the potential misuse of state funds. let's start with the civil suit. that's coming from a legal group representing more than 30 of the asylum seekers, fiemg a claim against governor ron desantis and other state officials saying that the migrants experienced, quote, cruelty akin to what they fled in their home country of venezuela. it claims florida officials manipulated them, stripped them of their dignity, deprived them of their liberty, bodily autonom autonomy due process under the law. that's what they claim. basically they say desantis lied. and their lawyers are looking into these brochures used to entice those seeking a better life to travel under the guise that resettlement support was available to them. the governor keeps insisting the asylum seekers knew what they
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were signing up for. it was all voluntary and he claimed the humane thing to do. >> those migrants were being treated horribly by biden. they were hungry, homeless, they had no opportunity at all. the state of florida -- it was volunteer. they were provided an ability to be in the most posh sanctuary jurisdiction maybe in the world. >> the strange thing to be sued by people who says were informed volunteers. and that allegation of a lie takes us to the second front where desantis is getting hit. the sheriff of behar county announced an investigation into how migrants got from texas to martha's vineyard. the elected sheriff who is a democrat told reporters that the migrants who took the flights were exploited and, in his words, hoodwinked. >> what i'm trying to determine right now is was the law broken here in texas, namely, in behar county where i'm the sheriff.
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i do from what we're hearing, people that may have been associated with him or employed by him or contracted by him or his folks may have broken the law here in bexar county. >> there are big questions in florida as well. that's front number three. did desantis misuse state funds for this? here is the state budget language. $12 million was appropriated to florida's transportation department to facilitate the transport of, quote, unauthorized aliens from this state consistent with federal law. pay close attention to that highlighted part that you see there in yellow. unauthorized aliens and from this state, meaning florida. the men and women and children aren't unauthorized aliens, they are legal asylum seekers, and this state, which would be florida, is not texas. to be clear, there is a crisis at the border.
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the white house admits as much and there is a report showing 2 million arrests at the border over the last 11 months. that is a record. so there is a problem, but it is highly problematic how some of these red-state governors are going about solving it. that is a question we want to get into now. i'm joined by raul reyes, immigration lawyer and john avlon and former chief of staff to the homeland security secretary under then-president trump, myles taylor myles, i want to start with you. with this kind of political gamemanship with people who are scared, who are desperate, who are legally in the country because they are seeking asylum, did the trump administration ever think of doing something like this, and if not, what do you think about these two republicans who have decided that that's what they're going to do, particularly desantis who went into another state and sent people from another state somewhere that they say they had no idea where they were going? >> well, sarah, not only did the trump administration think about
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something like this, i think they're the progenitors of the concept. this is a zombie trump administration policy that had died and has now come back to life. and these two governors have brought it back to life. i'll tell you exactly when this hap happened. in january and february of 2019, donald trump directed us to go and take immigrants from the border and, quote, bus and dump them into democratic cities and blue states. he wanted us to take immigrants from the border, take them into blue states and cities, but he was more specific. he wanted us to identify the murderers, the rapists, and the criminals, and if particular, make sure we did not incarcerate them. we put them in those cities. okay. it doesn't take a lawyer or a jensen to recognize this would likely be very illegal to do, but put aside the murders and the rapists and the criminals, could you take people from the border and dump them into blue states. we asked the lawyers and they told us, no, the federal
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government cannot do that. congress has not authorized that. the governors are walking into the same problem that we told the white house was illegal and they couldn't do, and now they're trying to do the same thing. >> why do you think they are taking this course and why is it that this kind of cruelty is coming from one particular party, the republicans right now? this is cruelty to those who are seeking asylum in this country, something that we are quite proud of as a country or have been? >> look, you can disagree on immigration and i still think people should be proud of fact that 2 million people want badly to come into this country. but this is not the way to treat them once they get here. why are they doing it? the answer is simple. donald trump didn't want to do it because it was going to solve the crisis at the border to fly to martha's vineyard. these two governors are carrying forward the torch of trumpism, but they're doing more than
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carrying the torch forward, they're self-emulating with that torch to fund raise. that's an extra layer in my opinion of grotesqueness when it comes to public policy. >> seems to be working with the base. raul, legally what is the remedy for a governor who may be exceeding his authority in terms of immigration and he's going into a different state sending asylum seekers into yet a different state? what is the legal remedy here for him? >> for the governor or for the administration? >> for the administration? >> well, i think these lawsuits that we see now are just the beginning because it is established law, the supreme court, the constitution that the states do not have jurisdiction over immigration. you know, that is a federal matter. i t the reason we haven't seen action is because they don't want to give air to this issue right now because for the gop politically, for instance is a great issue because it keeps
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people from talking about the assault on reproductive rights and abortion. it keeps people from talking about dedantis' moves against lgbtq people in florida. but right now, i mean, there's no question that -- basically what these governors are attempting to do is deporting people from their state to another state. look, true, governors can move migrants around the country and past administrations have done that in coordination and with partnership with the federal government. what they cannot do is just take a targeted group of people, transport them allegedly through fraudulent or deceptive means. there is a commercial gain involved to the contractors who flew them there. right there you have the elements of a case of trafficking. that's similar to the case that the lawyers community for civil rights is bringing. one of the things that desantis is saying now -- and he said it a few times to do, is that they agreed to the transport. but in cases of trafficking, your acceptance, your
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willingness, your consent is not a defense. >> right, because you're under pressure. >> right, because you did not have full knowledge of the facts. that is not a defense to these allegations, to these improper uses of authority. >> i'm curious, john. have we ever seen anything like this before where you're seeing governors sending people from one state to the next without the federal government having any idea where they're going? >> look, i mean, first of all, i do think part of it is an effort to roll back issues that had been previously been federal issues within living memory and store power to the state. that's part of the project beyond the troll politics of this. problem is when you're politics are trying to outtroll the other guy, you're running into problems. one precedent was highlighted by the jfk library where in a tweet they posted an article about the
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reverse freedom rides put out by the white councils where black families were being put on buses by these groups and sent north to hyannis port where the kennedys lived, where different members of the justice department senior leadership particularly on civil rights lived. with the attitude that you'll be far more welcoming and accommodating of these families, mocking the idea of trying to advance equal rights. look, that isn't presumably -- i think almost certainly an unintentional echo. the question is what is up with the muscle memory? you know, the reason you pay attention -- mark twain always said history doesn't repeat, but sometimes it rhymes. what's useful is to listen to the rhythm and rhymes. that can help us understand where we are in the larger moral debate. >> sarah, it's important you drew the distinction at the beginning that these migrants are pursuing lawful claims for asylum, so they're in the, quote, unquote, illegal immigrants as gop likes to present this issue for their base. one thing that gets lost in this debate about the border crisis,
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which in my view is a crisis of our political leadership, it's a crisis of resources, is the question of how many asylum seekers is too much? how many do we accept? the answer is we look to congress. the answer is we don't have a limit on that. even though we have limits on refugees, we have limits on work visas, we have limits on the diversity visa, that's because our lawmakers, they knew that we cannot foresee when there's going to be a humanitarian crisis in a different country, that we can foresee some type of conflict like we see in the ukraine. so in this case, that's one thing that gets lost, this whole idea that there's too many asylum seekers and it's racialized because this would never happen -- this is a racialized concept -- >> let's pump the brakes on that particular allegation. but i think the larger point is -- here's where desantis gets into political double jeopardy. because these are overwhelmingly venezuelan immigrants seeking asylum from the maduro regime,
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which conservatives have been criticizing rightly for decades since chavez first took power, the reason the border is being overwhelmed right now is venezuelan, cuban, and nicaraguan asylum seekers, which are all regimes that are increasing the pressure on the border, we should not be blasé about 2 million people crossing the border and being apprehended. but the the best american traditions have been about welcoming refugees, particularly if you're a conservative from florida running for re-election right now with regard to leftist regimes that are causing havoc in our hemisphere. >> that's a really good point, john. it is a complicated and emotional issue, one we should be discussing in this country. raul reyes, thank you so much. john and myles, stick around. we're about to talk to a former congressman who as a republican from texas who says things are missing an opportunity to
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cooperate and too many don't understand the depth of the problem at the border. his insights are coming up next. ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 stem. with aainless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingerstic. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at ♪ keep it comin' love ♪ ♪ keep it comin' love ♪ ♪ don't stop it now, don't stop it no ♪ ♪ don't stop it now, don't stop ♪ ♪ keep it comin' ♪ it's back america. applebee's all you can eat boneless wings. just $12.99. thinkorswim® by td ameritrade is more than a trading platform.
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more than 2 million people welcome back apprehended crossing the u.s. southern border in the last year. this is the first time we've ever seen numbers that high. but the 50 people sent to martha's vineyard or the thousands sent to new york, chicago, or d.c. only compound the immigration court backlog of more than 1.8 million cases. yet, the immigration stunt did earn ron desantis a standing ovation by republican voters. it should be noted the republicans cheering happened to live in kansas. so let's talk with the republican who actually is in texas, former congressman will
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hurd, thanks for coming. >> pleasure to be on, sara. >> can you ask you about this latest stunt by governor desantis. in your estimation, isn't this cruelty instead of working on solutions, real solutions? >> well, if you're going to describe this as cruelty, then having 14,000 people living under a bridge last year in del rio, texas is cruelty. it's also cruelty to have a detention facility in places like el paso increased by 3x than what their capacity is. that's cruelty as well. the reality is i wish both sides of this argument would be working together. i wish democratic mayors in chicago and new york and democratic governors would say, hey, we know it's difficult for places likes texas, we know that
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fl philanthropic organizations need help, instead of just sending people, i wish the governors would be telling folks in advance, hey, we need this help, are you willing to help us? i think this is an opportunity for us to be working together across the country on something that truly is a crisis. the previous panel talked about the 2 million people that have been apprehended. that's an astronomical number, and the number of people that are going through the immigration system -- we have to be reminded that, yes, you can apply for asylum, we should treat people with respect and dignity that are applying for asylum. but not everybody's going to be granted asylum. when you look over the last 20 years, the number people that got granted asylum is around a little bit north of 20%. that's why they're waiting to hear this immigration -- going through an immigration hearing in order to be granted asylum. we talk about the real human smugglers are the ones moving millions of people through
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central america up through mexico through our southern border. why aren't we not dismantling those networks? we have the information on the people. we have phone numbers. it's hard to move millions of people. we can dismantle these networks, and we should be focusing on the root causes that's causing people to leave. and so this is frustrating. i represented 29 counties, 820 miles of the border when i was in congress, and these communities are taxed. they need help, and i wish we were focusing more on that conversation because this is not -- we're not going to see an end in sight because i think the wrong policies are in place. >> you talked about some of the potential solutions. the president right now is president joe biden. you listed some things that you thought that he could do. can you give us a sense of what you think that the biden administration can do to try and deal with this issue?
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because everyone now agrees there is a crisis at the border. >> sure. >> there are 2 million people this year that have ended up on that border. and as you mentioned, the living conditions for people once they get there are terrible. they're very, very difficult. so what are some things that you've listed that you think the biden administration can do? >> i appreciate you bringing that up because it's heartbreaking seeing what some of these folks are having to deal with. not only just them, but border patrol having to execute on things. look, you shouldn't -- i'm not criticizing border patrol. they're executing on flawed policy, flawed policies from donald trump, flawed policies from joe biden. here's one thing. streamline legal immigration. at that time when every industry needs workers and the fact that most of these individuals that are coming now are trying to seek a better life, i can't criticize them for that. i would probably be doing the same thing. but let's have the legal process in place, the difficulty in
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doing that. president biden can't get support from the left wing of his party to streamline guest worker visas because they don't want to see that increase. >> let me jump in here, former congressman hurd. there are also 15 republican attorneys general who went to court to block the biden administration from streamlining, for example, the asylum process. it's not just one side of the aisle that is stopping some of this. you also had biden's 2023 budget, which asked for more border patrol agents and the administration offering signing bonuses to get more border control agents because more are needed according to the administration. some of these things have been blocked also by republicans who say they want a solution. >> well, that legislation talking about increasing the border control passing the house, we'll see what happens in the senate. i can't disagree with giving more -- hiring more border
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patrol agents. my first piece of legislation i signed into law was increasing the pay of border patrol agents. so, yes that's something that should be done. we also need to be addressing some of these issues in south america. why have we not treated this as a national intelligence priority? why have we not spent the resources of the cia, of the nsa a and partner to work on that. you have to address that end as well. finally, why do we not have a national security economic plan for places -- a lot of times we focus on the northern triangle, el salvador, and honduras. that's been the location that has driven a lot of the folks coming into our country illegally. that's not necessarily the case right now that people are coming from 151 different locations. but we have to address those
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root causes why people are fleeing. and then we also got to remember, asylum, you have to be a member of protected class and show that you're being persecuted for being part of that protected class. coming and wanting to have a better job is not a criteria for being asylum seeker. this is one of the reasons why the number of people that get granted asylum are so low. so if we address those root causes there, it's a fraction of the cost than trying to do it here. so there's a number of areas that we can focus on, but unfortunately, and this is one of the most frustrating things about this issue of immigration that i saw when i was in congress. there's a lot of people in both parties that would rather use this as a political bludgeon against each other and elections, rather than solving the problems. but i can tell you this. folks that live along the border and have been dealing with this crisis for the last three years -- and i include the last year of the trump administration is when this border crisis
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really started and it ballooned in these two years of the biden administration. the folks that live along the border are frustrated, they're tired and feel like nobody has their backs. >> will hurd, thank you so much for joining us and giving us your insights. ahead, something that doesn't get much attention -- unreported deaths in america's prisons and jails. >> i need to go to the hospital. >> i know -- i'm doing everything i can to get you out. >> that is someone in prison talking to his mother. he ends up dying. finding out about the disturbing investigation the senate is doing. that's coming up. we have the chair of the subcommittee, senator jon ossoff, comiming up next to tal about it.
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a new failure within america's criminal justice system. new senate report found in 2021 the justice department failed to record the deaths of nearly 1,000 inmates in state prisons and local jails. incarceration shouldn't be a death sentence, nor should waiting to go to court. yet this is the reality for too many, including matthew laughlin
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pre-trial detainee. his mother shared audio of her final call with her son. it is disturbing but important to listen. >> i need to go to the hospital. i'm going to die in here. >> i know. i know you are, matthew. i'm doing everything i can to get you out so i can see you. hello? >> yeah. >> they're doing everything they can. >> there are 15 seconds remaining. >> i'm coughing up blood. my feet are swollen. it hurts. >> i know, matthew. i know what is wrong with you. i totally get what happened. i love you, matthew. you're getting get out. >> i love you too. i'm going to die in here. >> and he did eventually die in
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there. joining me now is the chairman of that hearing, georgia democratic senator, jon ossoff. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you so much, sara. thank you for having me. and i think it's important for all of us to imagine that a loved one is arrested, in the case of mr. laughlin, on a nonviolent charge, widesnds up a county jail, is denied the medical treatment they need, it never comes out. thousands of americans die every year in custody, whether in local jails, state prisons, or federal prisons. there is an ongoing humanitarian crisis in custodial facilities across the united states. i led a ten-month bipartisan investigation of federal oversight of deaths in custody. what we found is shocking. as you noted, nearly 1,000
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deaths across the country that the department of justice failed to identify at all. of those deaths that doj did identify, nearly a full third, they didn't have any details about the circumstances of death, 70% of them were incomplete. what that means is the policy-makers, whether at the department of justice or in the congress, lack the information we need about who is dying, where they're dying, and why they're dying to take action that can save lives. >> when you look at the situation, the first thing i want to ask you is, what can you do about this particular issue? it is heart-wrenching seeing a mother react like that to the loss of her son, hearing his last words, but that is just one of what you said was 1,000 that have been found that are sort of unexplained as to why they died. what can be done about it to change this?
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>> well, it was nearly 1,000 uncounted deaths last year alone. as for how we pursue change, change begins with the truth. change begins with the facts. i chair the permanent subcommittee on investigations. it's the preeminent investigative body in the united states congress. that's why i led this ten-month bipartisan investigation. this has nothing to do with politics, by the way, nothing to do with partisan politics. democratic and republican staff, democratic and republican members of the subcommittee have been working together to understand why there are these shocking gaps in federal oversight so that we can help the executive branch to fix these grievous mistakes and, if necessary, legislate to fix these mistakes. and the reason we needed to hear from the family members today of those who have died is because this isn't about numbers. this is not about statistics. this is about human lives.
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this is about human lives cut short, in many cases, prevent bly. getting charged with a crime or convicted is not meant to be a death sentence. it's a moral disgrace what's happening in jails and prisons across the country. it's preventable, and i believe that we have to take action. that's why i've led this investigation to get the facts. >> senator ossoff, i'm curious how you square this issue right now because, as you know, people are politics, and politics is playing in everything right now. we're a very divided nation, and there is justice in prison reform that has been asked for on actually both sides of the aisle, but in many part of this country there is concern about reform while crime is spiking, not just crime but things like murders, violence crime spiking. how do you square the two? >> well, there's no conflict here, and i believe that's why i've been successful building
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bipartisan support in the senate for investigations of corruption, abuse, and misconduct in the prison system. violent crime is a huge issue in the united states today, and we need a strong public safety policy to keep our communities safe. that doesn't mean that we look away when people are preventably dying in skpprisons and jails across the country. >> i want to talk to you a little bit about politics, since you are also a politician. we have been listening to biden. we heard something that i think a lot of people took a deep breath and were a little shocked over because he didn't actually say to his interviewer that he was firmly going to run for the presidency again in 2024. what do you make of that? do you expect him to run? >> that's a decision for the president and for the first
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lady. it's not for me to say. and what i can tell you is this. i want to work with the president, with the attorney general to address the issues that we identified in the course of this investigation because people are dying as we speak in prisons and jails across the country. the department of justice is failing to count them, is failing to identify the causes of death. there needs to be accountability for those failures, and there needs to be change so that transparency can be restored. >> senator ossoff, do you think that president biden should run in 2024 in your opinion as a voter and as a senator? >> again, that's a question for the president and for the first lady. i'm not going to give him advice. but i'm ready to work with him, continue working with him to advance the public interest and the interests of the state of georgia. >> reporter: senator ossoff, thank you for highlighting an
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important issue. coming up, the special master in the donald trump mar-a-lago documents case. the man recommended by trump's legal team gives the trump side an ultimatum when "cnn tonight" returns. one prilosec otc in the morning blocks excess acid production for a full 24 hours. unlike pepcid, which stops working after 9. 24 hour protection. prilosec o one pill, 24 hours, zero heartburn. i've always loved building things. not just structures and skyscrapers, but teams who make it all possible. after all... we wouldn't be where we are today without them. so we made sure that like these buildings... their futures may also stand the test of time. ♪ ♪
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that he declassified the documents seized at mar-a-lago. but his legal team has not backed up that claim in court, and today the special master reviewing the documents told team trump it's time to to put up or shut up, saying if they can't, quote, advance any claim of declassification, that's the end of it, adding, quote, my view of it is you can't have your cake and eat it. myles taylor is back with me along with cnn's senior legal analyst, elie honig and s.e. cupp. the special master is calling the trump team's bluff, it appears at this point, on the president's claim that, hey, it was fine for me to have these documents at mar-a-lago because i declassified them. >> donald trump's team has been dancing this delicate back and forth dance where the client, donald trump is out there in public loudly proclaiming good thing i declassified everything and if you notice in all the
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legal filings, trump's lawyers are assiduously saying just that. now the i coujudge dearie has b trial judge in brooklyn for 36 years. now they got to make a decision. are they going to realistically argue -- and remember, lawyers have an ethical duty you cannot lie to a court. are they going to argue that donald trump declassified or not? i just, look, who are we kidding? there's no evidence that he declassified, so i think they have to try to drop that issue. i think it's the only move they're left with. >> is it a problematic thing that the judiciary branch is saying they will then, if they have to, determine what is and what is not classified documents. >> yeah but i think also team trump wants to tie this up in sort of legalese, lets it go and go and go. they want that question addressed later, that's why
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they're going to the judge and saying hold off on that part of it and let's get to some other part. but i think what we learned from today's hearing is how little hand they have. they have to drop the classification thing. and i think they know it because they're throwing everything else at it. they're attacking the national archives referencing a 20-year-old scandal involving sandy burger. they know it's inevitable they're not going to get to the classification stuff. they're even asking, weirdly, to declassify the papers so that they can know what's in them, which is an admission that they're classified. >> we were just talking about this earlier. it's kind of like you're getting ready to take a test and you say to the teacher, like, can i take a peek at the answers first? because they know they don't have a declassification order or probably don't and they want to know how they can shape what the
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documents are. to your point, it's not just like they're shooting themselves in the foot with dearie. this is a judge they might as well cut the whole leg off because this is a man who has spent a lot of his rear in the most classified corners of the judiciary. he's the former head -- one of the former judges on the foreign intelligence surveillance court. they deal with this. >> what he said today was if you can't prove with prima faci documents, my job is basically done. i don't think he wants, you know, the spotlight. he doesn't want to grand stand. i think he really wants to limit narrowly his part of this and kind of see where it can go. >> do you think the trump folks, trump camp was surprised by this? they specifically wanted this
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specific judge. >> i genuinely think they're surprised at anything that happens two moves down the chess board. i don't really say that entirely facetiously because trump is the client. his way of thinking is very, very short term. he's going to keep looking at the short term. i think one of the things that people aren't talking about, though, that's a big concern in the background, if you think about what's happening in the national security community right now, the people in the intelligence community who are charged with assessing the blowback of these documents, the threats, the spies, our operatives overseas are sitting on their hands because they're not allowed to continue the review of the significance of the blowback. that's a problem. it may looking like political and legal games, but there could be potentially real operatives overseas today and people under threat because we don't know what the documents are, what the implications are, and doj had to stop in that review. >> elie, do you think this delay tactic that the trump team is using is in some ways working
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against the doj? >> i won't be. look, doj is winning on the merits and the papers. most lawyers read the papers and say doj has the better argument, the little case law we do have on executive privilege. be skeptical of blanket pronouncements. it's often applied on a domcumet by document bases. delays work for him. dating to mueller, delay the subpoenas that have come in, and a lot of times it works. let's assess where we are. the search of mar-a-lago was six plus weeks ago. the special master has not seen one piece of paper. we are now in an appeal that is going to go up to the 11th circuit. whoever loses that is going to ask the second circuit for the whole circuit hears it. whoever loses that is going to try to get it up to the supreme court. i mean, if doj was really focused on being expeditious here, when they the lost ruling, they said we hate this ruling,
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we disagree with it, but fine. let's get it over with. 500 documents a day, we'll be done in three weeks. sometimes as doj you have to do that. >> all i want for christmas is for this to be done. >> by christmas? no. next christmas. >> the next crisis will come and then that will take over the news cycle. it is a plan or a ploy being used by, it appears, the trump team. elie, myles, s.e. thank you so much. a dangerous social media stunt, but it's real enough that the fda actually had to issue this warning. don't cook chicken in nyquil. that's a real warning, and i'll tell you why coming up next.
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["only wanna be with you" by hootie & the blowfish] discover is accepted at 99% of places in the u.s. ["only wanna be with you" by hootie & the blowfish] tonight, a new warning from the fda about social media, a trend i don't think many of us could ever have predicted. people on tiktok cooking chicken in nyquil, yes nyquil the cold medicine. it's all part of a new social media challenge where users are encouraged to post videos like the one you are seeing next to
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me. that just looks nasty. john avalon and se cup are back with me, along with a primary care pediatrician, from the irving medical center, dr. edith -- sanchez. doctor, i'm going to start with you. now, clearly, even just looking at it, we know this is not a good idea. and they're calling at the sleepy chicken challenge. avalon, do not start. but, can you just explain seriously how dangerous this can be, especially for teens, tweens, who tend to have a good time and jump on some these challenges? >> yeah, i mean, listen. i can't believe we're talk about these things, and we're talk about these challenges. but this can be extremely dangerous. we're talking about a medicine that your concentrating by cooking it. so, we're talk about ingredients that are now gonna be very, very concentrated. and retired ingredients that could be dangerous on their own and together. we're talking a potential overdoses. and even if you don't eat the chicken, because as you showed, and as you mentioned, it looks nasty, quite. frankly but even if you don't
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cook the chicken the vapor's can be incredibly dangerous immune hail them, right. even have some long irritation as well as other issues. so we're taiwan something that is very very dangerous and should be taken seriously. >> as he, i want to ask you a little about this. because as we're all weaving a little -- bit these challenges, we've had these financial, inches bad for your long. there is the type of challenge, right. you knew that one right off the. bat cave at the sleepy chicken challenge, which sounds really funny. but toxins people can actually overdose. people have died from some of these challenges. how do you deal with this with children? how do you talk them off of doing some of these things that seem fun, and i get likes when they do it? >> that part is really tough, because it's not just -- i mean, kids have done these fads for decades, you know, stuffing themselves into phone booths in the 50s, swelling goldfish. but, the problem now is it's
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also performative. and to do it publicly and get the attention and likes is part of that. the good news is, they are showing you what they are doing. and as much as i hate the idea of my seven year old one day, in the deep future, being on social media. you better believe i stop every account he has so that i can find out what the kids are doing. so, you do not really have an excuse as apparent today to not be aware of the stuff. and then have the conversation with your kid about these dumb but stunts, which he killed them, are very much leave them in the hospitals. that's on parents. we're not completely helpless in the situation. >> john when, you look at all these trends. i mean, adults have doesn't pretty stupid trans to. >> yes. >> but this is a real serious issue. >> i mean, we're talking about nyquil chicken. it's hard to say it's very serious. it's seriously stupid. it could kill people. it's a good advertisement for why people should not give into peer pressure, especially over
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social media. example number one billion. and i love that s.e. went back to swallowing goldfish, and moral panic spot stuffing people into phone booth. but this is one of these head smacking this is why we can't have nice things. like, what the heck are people doing where you need nyquil chicken to abuse yourself? can you find a deeper sense of -- to amuse yourself? >> but the problem is social media has a deep impact. we can't put this all on young people. we adults also are affected by social media and things that we say and do. so, how do you deal with that? how do you talk to a parent about that? >> listen, i think we have to prepare for the time when they come across these things. it's not if, it's when they come across them. so, what are you going to do, right, when you see this? how we don't have this conversation? how are you gonna think about it? who are going to talk to? you're gonna get a stop, and across this thing, you're gonna stop. you're gonna say, what's going to happen if i partaken this? and i want, i really encourage parents at home to have these
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conversations with their kids. when you come across this, stop. what's going to happen if i take part in this? is i'm going to get hurt? somebody else going to get hurt? do they have skills i don't have? because some of these stunts are people who are trained professionals doing crazy things that sounded good idea. if you try to do the, you will get hurt. >> it's like don't touch the -- thing. >> that's right. >> doctor bracho sanchez, s.e. cupp, john avlon avlon, i i -- thank you for coming on to talk about sleepy chihicken. thinkorswim® by td ameritrade is more than a trading platform. it's an entire trading experience. that pushes you to be even betr. and just might change how you trade—forever. because once you experience thinkorswim® by td ameriade ♪ there's no going back.
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go to and see how golo can change your life. that's thank you so much for hanging out. i'll be back tomorrow night. don lemon tonight starts right now. a, don. >> i don't know if you told the story, but there was on the road, she did not have a chance to get her hair done, but now she's all glamour, you look amazing. >> -- makeup people are geniuses. >> you look amazing. >> listen, two things i want to say, we usually don't have authors on unless we -- . this by -- , they're going to be on a little later to talk about this extraordinary book. and then, my friend, i get to profile, have you ever heard of richie johnson, the artist? >> i have.
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