tv Don Lemon Tonight CNN October 3, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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thanks so much for watching. i will be back with you tomorrow night. don't go anywhere, don lemon tonight starts now. hi, john. >> and i just naive to think that republicans would be speaking out loudly against the former president's attack on ghislaine zhao and mitch mcconnell? yes. exactly. >> you are making me put my capitol hill reporter hat back on. >> hello. >> i've explained over and over and over again that no republicans are not gonna say this, not this, time not next, i'm not the time of. that >> it's crazy. thank you, casey. i will see you tomorrow. thanks. this is -- we have got news on the stock with the former president took with him to mar-a-lago. i want to talk about the other story to.
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it just broke the other day. but the washington post is reporting that the former president asked one of his lawyers to tell the national archives earlier this year that he returned everything that they have requested. that lawyer's name is alex can. he refused, because he wasn't so sure that it was true. more to come on this a little bit later in the broadcast. plus, 39 days until the midterms. can you believe? it the former guy who is not on the ballot anywhere is attacking, this is the story, what do you think about this? one attacking senate majority leader mitch mcconnell mcconnell. claiming that he has a quote, death. which slamming his wife with a racial slur. not even spelling her name correctly. see, that shout-out. there you go. that is racism. like casual remark about a death wish not even two years after a blood thirsty mob attacked the united capital, hunting for lawmakers in the halls. well there is no other way to put. it it is despicable. it is disgusting.
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every single republican ought to be able to say loud and clear, or loudly and clearly, that violence is wrong. racism is wrong. >> it is never ever okay to be a racist. i think you always have to be careful if you are in the public eye how you say things. you want to make sure you are inclusive. i hope no one is racist, i hope no one says anything that is in appropriate. >> how about, what donald trump did and said was wrong. it is beneath the dignity of anyone, especially a former elected public official, president. not just saying that is wrong, or you shouldn't do it. he hopes no one says anything inappropriate. inappropriate doesn't even begin to cover it for a former president, ex president, he says that the top republican in the senate has a so-called
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death wish. and then he goes on to slander his wife with racist garbage. what do you expect from a man who launched his political career, must we keep reminding people. launched his political career with a racist birther lie that barack obama was not born in this country. the wall street journal had no trouble saying that the former president had gone too far, and i quote here, the death wish rhetoric is ugly even for mr. trump's standards and deserves to be condemned. it is all too easy to imagine some fanatic taking mr. trump seriously and literally attempting to kill mr. mcconnell. many supporters took mr. trump 's rhetoric about the former president mike pence all too seriously on january 6th. and then there is susan collins telling the new york times another quote, i wouldn't be surprised if a senator or house member were killed. what started with abusive phone calls is now translating into active threats of violence and
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real violence. and then there is liz cheney. still out there telling the truth while so much of her party is living in fear of a twice impeached, disgraced, one term former president. >> when you see former president trump just in the last 24 hours suggesting in a pretty finleyville way, using words that could well cause of violence against republican leaders of the sudden it, saying that he has a death wish. and then launching an absolutely despicable racist attack against secretary chao. later mcconnell's wife. and then you watch the fact that nobody in my party will say that is unacceptable. and everybody ought to be asked whether or not that is acceptable and everybody ought to be able to say no. that is not acceptable. >> she is right.
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imagine where we would all be right now and more republicans were just willing to tell the truth. alex burns is here, political analyst and coauthor of this will not pass. also political analyst natasha alford reports from republican congressman -- . good. evening charlie you are shaking your head in agreement. here is -- why? republicans get so upset, and trump apologist, when you say this is the party right now. but no one defends it loudly and clearly. the majority of the party doesn't defend it. if you don't, isn't that your party? >> well, i am afraid you may be right about this. for too long, too many chosen silence. >> they don't speak out about it. >> yeah, silences for consent and silence does not create an alternative narrative. that has always been the
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problem. it just can be a few people standing up there speaking truth. a leader with no followers is just a guy taking a walk, and there are too many are just taking a walk. they need critical mass, they have never had it. and how it hard is it to call out the violence? i mean -- was nearly. killed gabby giffords. these numbers. since i have left, there are many members who have had security detail protecting them when they are not around the capital. it has gotten that dangerous. so to go out there and say that mcconnell has a death wish, well that is gonna send them a signal. and of course an attack on his wife is just hideous and that would be very easy for anyone to condemn. it's a horrible thing. in so many ways, he has gone after muslims, he's gonna fire spandex, he's gone after all sorts of people. he's made all sorts of racially inflammatory comments. and this is just one more. >> these are offensive remarks. why when you hear something like charles chao, why are we
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hearing a stronger chorus from the right? i understand what we have been through the last seven years or so, i get it but, why? i have to ask the question. >> i don't think it's why are we not hearing a stronger course, we are doing any bases at all. we are hearing any purse to get away strong solo performances on this. and it's really very simple. they are scared of him, they're scared of his political impact on the republican base. when you talk about members of congress, at least once are relatively honest and self aware, they are not of all. but the ones who are honestly irrelevant relatively self aware, they're up front. they find the sort of thing up orange, and they don't see any direct personal political book benefit and saying anything about its. and the survival strategy of so many republican lawmakers, and certainly candidates in the current midterm campaign has not been to necessarily locked on with donald trump when he saw something like this, not to condemn, it just kind of shrink into the backdrop and hope that
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nobody asked him about it to directly. that could be played as rick scott as just a painfully unconvincing political performance. >> and trying to generalize it into something. i mean, it's. >> can i say they are scared of him but also, donald trump is doing what his followers sent him to do. they want him to say that things that other people are quote unquote afraid to say or won't say anymore in the so-called politically correct environment. >> you say to say, coco chao? >> i believe that when they hear that they say, look he isn't afraid. he is going to say it how it really is. he is calling out, mitch mcconnell in a way that should have happened a long time ago. and they justify a because this is about power. this is about maintaining power. i really believe that as charlie said, this is just a long line of insults that have become so normalized that we almost don't even notice
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anymore. people went on twitter, they express their outrage. are we really surprised that donald trump said this? this is not the bottom for him. it is not the bottom. >> am i surprised? yeah. i am surprised he said it. i am just wondering how long before he says the n-word publicly. that's my question to people. if he can get away with saying coco chao for the top, mitch mcconnell is like the number one republican. he's like the most important republican in the country. other than trump. >> absolutely. and to attack his wife like that. i just don't know why people can't -- it is easy to condemn. >> this is why it is so infuriating. because it is an attack on one of, us is an attack on us all. for someone to say that about an asian person, you must be outraged if you are someone who has a conscience. if someone says something derogatory but a woman, about a black person, about an asian person, a jewish person, then
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you have to have the same outrage, the same energy. and people don't have that energy. so i as a black person i am infuriated that he would say something like that about an asian person. and, this wasn't veiled. i have heard people say allegedly, or what appears to be. no, this was a racist attack. and we should all be speaking out. i think democrats should be speaking out and saying that this is wrong. and i want to hear more democrats saying that is wrong that republicans, but do you think i'm wrong with? that >> no, of course. not and i do think that it is important to contextualize this, as. well elaine chao is a member of trump's cabinet. when we say that it is would be a port even if he weren't a member. but he was a shoes member of his cabinet, and a member that resigned after january six. and we know that former president trump sorts people into these categories. after the access hollywood, you're either with me or against. me on that day of january six, were you with me or against. lee after january six, were you with me are against me. and this is part of what terrifies apart republican
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elected officials into submission. it is also part of why donald trump political base is shrinking, because he keeps on subjecting the, not just republican officeholders and candidates, but ordinary republican rank and file voters to these increasingly outrageous tested what they will go along with. and we have obviously seen the far too many people will go along with it. but it is a steadily shrinking community of people in this country who were totally comfortable. that >> we are going to get today when they will say we are against you. >> well, look. to alex's point, the base is shrinking. you want to be just like don trump, look at don mastriano. look at him in pennsylvania. he his base is shrinking, he's speaking to a small segment of electorals and he is going to lose. in a, year when republicans should win walking away he is going to lose because they have embraces very narrow nativist, kind of speaking to the ugliest elements of the human spirit. and that is not what leader should be doing. and that is what is happening. it's what trump has always done. these are going to be career
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ending comments and they have been uttered it had a bit of anyone else. you martina steve king for making racially incendiary comments, that is short him politically. they marginalized, and they push off to the side. they should've done to the marjorie taylor greene's and the donald trump's. with that we wouldn't have this problem right now. but they have normalized. it >> there are no more consequences, and mitch mcconnell had an opportunity to hold donald trump accountable. and he voted not to impeach him because he wanted to stay in power. and now look who is coming for him? >> if he stays quiet about this it's as a lot about mitch mcconnell. it wouldn't be the first time that he hasn't spoken up. i just want to get this done because i think it is important, as well. speaking about the danger level and the killing, marjorie taylor greene said the democrats want republicans dead, and they are already starting to kill. we know that this is dangerous rhetoric, charlie. what went through your mind after hearing these remarks? >> i just thought that was insane. why would anybody say something like that. knowing the threats against sitting members of congress.
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>> because it must be, working? now >> i guess it works for her. she is able to monetize her notoriety. this is what happens when they monetize people carry on like this. she should've been welcomed in, she should've been assigned a committee, and they showed defeat in the primary. that is how they should've dealt with her. and it's, that by bringing her into the tent, she has been able to normalize and monetize. it and now she races gobs of money by making outrageous statements. >> marjorie taylor greene was right behind gop leader kevin mccarthy center stage when he rolled out the gop's agenda. that is exactly on the fringe. so she is standing behind him, right? there it is right there. she is standing behind him. doesn't that mean that she is part of the mainstream? >> she is in and -- are out. honorable people are pushing they've gotten people like her. >> alex, i want to talk about the audio that was released by -- and she is a book coming out with this interview with
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donald. trump tsv january. six >> what were you doing when, how did you find out that there were people storming the capital? >> i had heard that afterwards and actually on the late side. i was having meetings. i was also with mark meadows and others. i was not watching television. i didn't have the television. >> you weren't? >> i didn't usually have the television on. i would have it on if there was something. i didn't later turn it on, and i saw what was happening. i also had confidence that the capital, who didn't want these 10,000 people. >> the capital police, you? mean >> that they would be able to control this thing. and you don't realize that they did lose control. >> so the law and order president blaming the police there for what happened. >> how convenient. as he rallied that crowd. told him it was going to be
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wild. >> blaming the. police >> and led them to the capital, but didn't want that detail to be public by the way. so there was some attention intentionality and strategy behind. that >> the former aide to the president said that he was usually watching the television on january 6th, and watching it and even kind of smiling. is there anybody who believes that donald trump was not watching cable news that day? >> no, of course. some and his tv watching habit is something that he lies about again against president. obviously in the audio, you heard him saying after leaving the presidency, he's sensitive about that for some reason. but almost everything that he said in that audio quickly just heard was either an obvious lie or probably not the truth. and it really does capture -- . >> what's the distinction? they're >> an obvious liar probable lack, right? or at least some kind of like fog machine mock reality.
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and it really does capture the way that he dealt january six overtime. that, first to be silent then there was that sort of performative and anti-asian. as you cough for them for the way from, and he has created this sort of increasingly farfetched mythology about what happened that day, who's responsible for, it obviously not him. and that lie about the sort of capitol police and the congressional leaders. often he talks about nancy pelosi and other elected officials on the capitol having a sword sort of really let their guard down. and after january, six it's a sort of blame the victim strategy. pushing away responsibility from his help as much as possible. you can fit everything just talked about, we talk about elaine chao and all of this rhetoric. it says more about the country, right? that there are people who would want someone like that who say stuff like that to be the president. and people who imitate him as well. the little trumps. >> you made a really powerful point about someone does
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something to a member of the asian community, or the african american community, we should all be outrage. but not everyone believes that we are truly part of the same community. and the same fabric. they're a lot of people who believe that the country is worse for having. immigrants the country is worse for having diversity. and even though we see this is who we are. deep down, there's this ugliness. that persist. people say, actually, no. you're not part of our community when we say america. that's why they think they are the patriots. even as a tear democracy apart. >> republicans, if you don't want your party to be called racist or bigoted or whatever it is. then you got to speak out against it. otherwise you get colored with the same brushes but donald trump just said. thank, you appreciated. >> he said he returned everything the archives asked for. he said the documents in the box that mar-a-lago or newspaper clippings. and we know how that worked
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out. another washington post's report that when the presidents own lawyer refused to back him up. more on that next. (clattering) (frustrated grunt) i need some sleep. (groaning) (growling) (silence) (sigh, chuckle) if you struggle with cpap, you should check out inspire. inspire. sleep apnea innovation. learn more and view important safety information at
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tonight. sources confirmed to cnn that former president trump asked one of his lawyers, back in february, but without the national archives that the documents it requested had been returned. that lawyer, alex, candid has been refused cause he did not believe the statements. drew turns out thousands of additional documents, including some mark top secret-related discovered in mar-a-lago. we want to discuss now with cnet legal analyst, atlee honig. ali, good evening. he had another twist unturned. in the documents aga. alex cannon, trump's attorney, says that all the material the national archives was returned but then find out there still thousands more documents at mar-a-lago. and trump do that, then what does that mean? >> yes, don, this is crucial evidence of donald trump's knowledge and intent. these are keeping the prosecutors look for. let's play this out. donald trump says, to his lawyer, i want you to tell the archives that we've now returned everything to them. this is after they returned that initial batch of 15 or so
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boxes. that is false we, know that is false. there are not just a few dock with schedule run mar-a-lago, but thousands of documents left. and then, trump's lawyer, responded that i can't or won't do that. the only reason a lawyer would do that it's cooler knows it is not true. lawyers cannot lie to investigators to court. so that point, donald trump certainly knows that his lawyer believes it is a false statement. it really is important prosecutors want take a close look at. >> we have a similar conversation, i believe it is last week, we are talking of the story will silent for donald trump. and i said maybe they did not have a rational argument to come up with. they say we can all stop with something. is that we're seeing playing out here once again? a similar thing. >> it is more of the same, that. this is a waving red flag. anytime donald trump says they publicly want to argue something in court. and his lawyers say, no can do. the reason is, yes, as we
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discussed. lawyers had very broad latitude in the kind of think that their last. arguably our duty, as a lawyer to argue vigorously or your client. however, you cannot lie to a court under court ethics rules. and you sure second cannot lie to investigators, whether the from the, archives or the fbi. because that is a federal crime. to make a false statement to a federal investigator. potentially, destructive justice as well. so anytime we see this pattern, don. and you're right, it's been a recurring pattern. trump says something publicly, his lawyers refused to say in court. thank you have your antenna there. >> elie, this is fascinating. the washington post is reporting that trump, himself, had the boxes that were returned in january. what are the implications of that? >> so, that is actually important. one of the big question is how did these boxes get from the white house down to mar-a-lago. and then who put them together for the piecemeal return that was made to the archives, and then d.o.d.. what this tells us that donald trump, a, he is a hands on guy
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i guess. he physically put together those boxes according to this reporting of documents. so somebody, and if you follow those reporting, somebody said these 15 boxes we are going to get back to the archives. what you heard in that is not the rest of these documents. not the other documents that were made of mar-a-lago. until doj gets involved. so, that shows me some intentionality here by donald trump. some conscious decision making. give them these documents, but not those. >> the post is also pointing out, here, the trump continue to pressure. that trump continued pressure aids to make false statements even after they're in the justice department was involved in retrieving documents. that could be seen as obstruction of justice. do you agree with that? if trump continued to pressure aid that can be seen as obstruction of justice? can you speak to that? >> i do. i do agree with that. that reporting proves that it is a crime to make a fall statement yourself, to investigators. it also is a crime to pressure
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others to make a false statement. that would be, sort of an accessory to the fall statement. but also, donald trump was aware that there was a federal investigation going on that federal discussion was fairly likely. then also could be obstruction of this. keep in, mind these are very closely related and in some instances the exact time the doj cited when they went to a judge to get that search warrant, and august. so, it seems like doj is thinking all these lines as well. >> elie honig, thank you, sir i appreciate it. >> thanks don. >> so we're just back from florida. four on friday. i came back and the death toll, now, from hurricane ian is now at least 105 people. questions are being raised over whether evacuations were issued early enough. we how am i looking? looking gogood! the most cautiouss driver we got am i there? no keep going how's that? i'll say when now? is that good? lots of cars have backup cameras now you know those are for amateurs
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hurricane ian's destructive path through florida has now claimed at least 100 lives. tonight there are growing questions of whether more lives could have been saved evacuation orders were issued earlier, especially in hard-hit lee county. >> and then when the evacuation order came, we were like in 24 hours, that's not a lot but we will still make it. and it wasn't until wednesday morning when we woke up and saw that it had made another adjustment. at that point, it is just too late. >> joining me now by phone is dana ferguson. she rode out the hurricane in fort myers. dana, thank you so much. i appreciate it. we are glad you are okay. you are at work the last day, or i should say the day that
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they sent the evacuation notice. you didn't get home till 6:30. what were your options at that point? >> well, i told my husband that at the time it is clockwise around, i was like oh so no one is allowed on the street. we have about an hour and a half to go somewhere. well i guess we are just going to end up staying here. >> so, at this point you didn't think that it was going to be as bad as it was but, that it wasn't even when it comes close to? you >> yeah. there was so much confusion of where it was going to go. and what me and my husband did, we just kind of, i don't know we kind of prepared ourselves. it is hurricane season so we had our generator up and running and a lot of water and
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make sure our kids had food and us. and they said that there was not possible storm surge so we made sure that kids had their lifejackets, just in case. i've never seen a storm surge in fort myers ever in my entire life. so watching the water come in our house was really unbelievable. >> i am sure. listen, the question getting at is the one that everyone at home is asking, it's why didn't you leave. why did you stay? would you have left sooner if you had been notified earlier? >> i believe we would have evacuated if we would have known sooner. >> dana, thank you. i'm glad that you are okay. >> thank you. >> appreciate it. i want to bring in cnn's -- learning author of learning to live in a major disasters. julia, thank you so much. you just heard from dana riding out that storm. the hurricane in fort myers.
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in hindsight it's always easier, but should officials have warned them sooner in these hard-hit areas? >> i think so. and i am probably one of the last people to do monday morning quarterbacking, so to speak. i have been in the room with the scout calculations are being made. whether it is a snowstorm and calling a school day, or a hurricane evacuation. you are basically, you are looking at modeling that is difficult. you are weighing the risk of an evacuation, they come with some risk. and also if you do it too much and there are no storms, people won't do it when there is a real storm. so i just want to raise the counter. in this case though, look at the totality. the fact that lee county officials knew. the modeling was getting better and getting closer to them, so they certainly had some time. surrounding jurisdictions had already evacuated. so you kind of wonder what are they looking at? wouldn't you second guess yourself looking around. you but, third emergency
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planning as a trigger point for evacuations. that trigger point already been matt even by say the least risky modeling. and they should have called it. so in some ways they put a judgment over a plan that probably wouldn't have been exceptionally, was exceptionally thorough and sophisticated. i don't see the point in the governor and others defending this at the stage. we have to learn and see what they were thinking and determining just, because we know that there are going to be more hurricanes. we have to figure out whether these planning and training's are good to get people to move, to make the decision sooner. >> hey look, no matter how much you see this destruction as i'm sure you can attest to, it is unbelievable. you just can't believe it. as we are watching this, boats are sort of strewn about. is that part of the problem though that these hurricanes change so much that a lot of people don't believe that this one is really going to hit? >> right. i mean we saw top in terms of a once in a lifetime hurricane.
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and i, you don't have to be alert rockets ions to simply just be a scientist and look at the data. we are looking now and likely, i am looking at these numbers now. this is what i do. just in terms of what we are seeing now, this could be a half a trillion dollar disaster. you can't survive. i mean you can't get the economy moving when you are under that. that those numbers come from the fact that it is going to be very hard to get people to still live there, it is gonna be hard to get insurance. and that has nothing to do with just the disaster relief. so we need to find a more strategic way that we are thinking about these areas in terms of how to ensure, how we protect the uninsured, where people live, how we build and whether we build more resilient. all of those questions are, have to be asked. now i don't know if anyone has the exact answer and we have to work with the communities there. but, the idea that our disaster relief money is just going to go out there with no conditions. that people will learn, communities, learn mayors and
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governments learn to build better. that seems like a perfect waste of money. because i know one thing, there is going to be more hurricanes. >> do you expect that the that'll will rise when more errors are reached? >> yes. i do. we are sort of far enough away that i am not anticipating any surprises. i don't think that there are going to be 100 people found, and we didn't know it. there's enough connectivity that we sort of know what these numbers look like. but there are two types of death. we are looking at sort of isolated people or communities of people that were already abandoned whose bodies might be found. so you are going to get into the once in. jews and then the other is of course the what we talked about last week which is the incidental dallas or the dust that are occurring not in the hurricane but because of the hurricane. and someone can't get access to the medical medicine that they want, deprivation of food or water. that is why you're seeing this massive surge of just the central services.
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to head off those later death. what would've occurred before the hurricane. those are the numbers that we're looking. and we try to keep those lower as well with the number will go up. >> julia, thank. you really appreciate. >> thank you, and thank you for covering the recovery. because everyone thinks that it is over. it is not over. >> yeah, i agree. thank you so much. so, ukraine making more gains against russian territory that russia has claimed as its own. what is putin's next. move reed kari is here in studio to talk about it, next. there you are. good to see you. >> it is good to see you. >> did i tell youable to pick t. good on ya! we'll drive you happy at carvana.
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ukraine pushed through the city of limon. this comes just after considering how to respond to an invasion from the russians including their use of tactical nuclear weapons. three sikh kari joins me. now good to. see >> it's a pleasure. >> so russia is trying to make the territorial claim that they are facing these setbacks. as i release, video as you can see the ukrainian troops are driving through the retrained line. how does the putin effort play out on the battlefield? >> it is looking a bit of a disaster right now because limon is strategically really important. it is a key logistical hub. so the fact that they have got it makes it much easier for the ukrainians to keep moving east. her son is where the heart of the battle. is if they win in her, son and they're moving forward every hour. they've gained 20 or 30 miles. which sounds like a small amount, but it is actually a
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lot. it takes a lot to move 2030 miles. her son is the heart of the battle. if they start moving through the russian position south, it means ukraine will live. it will be a viable country no matter what happens after this. because you can get back the coast. they it becomes impossible for the russians to take odessa or becomes very very difficult. so, it is almost like a pencil movement. this is very very important. this is probably, we are witnessing the turning point of the war. if the her son advances continue. because if the ukrainians can keep moving, they are essentially driving the russians out of the most important gains they have made in 2022. there's a whole bunch of stuff they did in 2014 and 15 which is a separate issue. but of the stuff that they took this year, her son, this area is the most important in the south. it is what blocked access to the sea, it is why the ukraine can export their grain, export
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food. so, if they are able to continue to do this it is huge. and as you said, putin says he is the next territory, but it spokesman says we don't exactly how much we have and we had our discussions with the puppet rulers of those regions. but one of those puppet ruler seems to have just been assassinated. so they will have to find somebody else. >> i think you will get this question. so then, what is going on with putin? where is he? because if he doesn't have an understanding of what is going on and he is the guy at the top of the puppet master. does he have an understanding of what is going on >> you have to imagine what is happened here is highly centralized by -- . and those highly dictatorial power structures, bad news does not go up. who is the person who wants to go to putin and say, you are idea to invade kyiv was a bad idea. your idea to do this, these are all bad ideas. so that is not which he is hearing. he is hearing probably the most
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sugar coated version of all. but, at the end of the day, the thing about war is if you are losing territory it is very hard to sugarcoat. that >> so to add to the next question, he's been adding up this nuclear weapons saber-rattling. and so sources briefed on most recent intelligence, saying that they've been developing contingency plans. the u.s.. the u.s. is taking this very seriously. oh the u.s. has to take it seriously. russia has 2000 tactical nuclear weapons. putin has twice now said he will defend this land by every means possible. and so the biden administration is taking it very seriously, and i'm sure they are developing specific responses. now, i will talk to them about the specific thing. because i don't want people to think, oh, this is some kind of -- sort of leaking what the biden ministration is going to do.
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but my sense, based on previous discussions with senior officials about what to do in these kinds of situations is that it is mostly the united states would not respond to a tactical nuclear strike by the russians with a nuclear strike of its own. it would not -- they may behave responsibly, we are not going to behave irresponsibly. >> what they would do would be massive conventional response. the u.s. could just be one example. it can do in her bombardment campaign that would essentially destroy every russian military position and ukraine. effectively ending the war. ukrainian troops would then walk into those positions. >> so, if it decided that it was serious enough than the u.s. has the capacity don't think the russians will be able to stop it. the u.s. has much much better capacity. but they wouldn't use nuclear weapons. >> listen, this is a former cia
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director when he said what he was -- we talked about, let's hear it. >> just to give you a hypothetical. we would respond by leading a nato, a collective effort, that will take out every russian conventional force that we could see and identify. on the battlefield, and ukraine. and also in crimea, and every ship on the black sea. >> that's what he said. >> i think this will be a brutal plan, and i think it's important when you talk about 50,000 russian troops. i think it is important to communicate to the russians, and last week on my program, lloyd austin this center of defense indicated that he had communicated to his russian counterpart. the nature of the american response. probably obviously not the specific solution. i think the russians --
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i own senses, we've all gotten putin wrong, but austin said this. he's going to try this mobilization first. it's been a very politically painful thing. it's been very unpopular in russia. remember, none of them are out there. so first he's going to try that. and the ukrainians are -- because russians are gonna try and take back the rounder losing. so the ukrainians have to keep pushing forward. but i think we have a fundamental strategic advantage. which means when you have a conquering on -- the conquering army has to keep lots of troops in all the cities and it takes hold in the cities against double the people. when the liberating army comes, it doesn't need to do as much of that. because the people are securing the city for them. we know in world war ii, when
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parties were taking cities there, these huge numbers of troops. but the allies didn't. >> with history have the number? a >> it does. it was a big country, hundred 50 million people, they have 300,000 called up now. they can call up another. >> or if they're more organized? >> the whole thing we -- gain confidence, part of what we've seen here is, you know, russia as a military power has its reputation has suffered a devastating blow. remember was russia's claim to power? oil, and guns? well what we're seeing is that the russian military i tell my friends in india. indian military has fought for not decades of its advancement or comment for the russians. are you watching how this stuff is performing on the battlefield? i really wanted to this? i predict in the next --
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the military will start by a lot of american and french and british stuff. i tried to phase out of the russian stuff. this is been a devastating blow to the russians. their military equipment doesn't function, their mental want to fight, their soldiers that want to fight. it is a disaster, but that is why your questions about the nuclear weapon is so relevant. because putin is not going to sit still. he's going to fight back. my guess is, we will first try to take out ukraine's energy infrastructure. and bomb the power plants. but those cities -- so this may be a very tough period for those ukrainian towns and cities. they're going to be without heat, potentially without light, but they will fight. it is their country. >> i was a pleasure. make us all smarter. thank you fareed, it's a pleasure. so she's won the most high-profile celebrities influencers in the world. now, compression, is facing a
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