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tv   CNN Tonight  CNN  October 17, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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thank you so much for joining us tonight. equipment facebook, instagram, twitter, and the tiktok that jake tapper and our coverage will continue the magnificent laura coats. and these fonda house in-camera. laura, alison, how are you? >> i wait for the agencies every time, and the different every time. that was right on the nose. >> i have with the source. and to make use of it. what else can i say? >> we've talked much we enjoyed your monologue. so tanya was his buying parlor. what could go wrong? >> yep. take someone with obvious to build the issues and ask about
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his view of the jewish people who give them a social media platform. sounds great. >> i think he thinks the new elon musk. and the conversations broadly being about hey let's make sure one has a say. the promise i feel like half the time people think that it's cancel culture don't realize that no one wants to hear the antisemitism. did not canceling you, the counseling an idea that wasn't already canceled. don't worry it's but we're not thinking about some viewpoints? it's bizarre to me. >> that that was interesting that didn't he was a billionaire. he's worth about two billion dollars. >> i learned that on your show tonight. >> it doesn't surprise me. he is a genius. he is brilliant and it is a travesty to see what is going on. >> maybe a minute and popular position. but have to tell you that have seen the documentary, i know there was one genius where the top bottom somewhere but have a very difficult time he's not
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term for people who have you points that i find so problematic and i'm so unhinged. but can you separate the man from his art. another with, i think you want to say musical genius. i think that's what -- >> all that say that. in my mind are we going to use that word more sparingly? unlike when they've seen are fantastic which we use all the time i just think i have a problem with it. the idea that you can spout and spew harsh rhetoric that way and still get to be called a genius. i just find that a little bit -- >> i mean henry for those a genius. he was also notorious antisemite. charles lindbergh was also notorious antisemite. we're gonna be a geniuses who are racist and we gotta mention like 99% of all the geniuses that ever lived. >> you know it outside. the harper cited there can't be a genius. if you can get that so wrong about life. that's what i say about that.
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>> laura coats, the genius arbiter. the arbitration. the genius of asha. he >> apparently i'm never gonna use the word unless it's mid approved by you and that's fine with me. >> and this is about us. but we'll be talking much more about all this. thanks so much, have a great night. >> bye bye guys, great to see you. >> this all shows about being a genius now. >> and we have great panelist. and laura coats the genius arbiter and this is cnn tonight and we are here with our piles from across the political spectrum, and with the midterm just, what, 22 days away. can we believe that. early voting has already begun in some places. it is now debate night across america. and no, things are getting pretty heated. >> so both of the highlights, possibly the light. from the debate in georgia, ohio, and utah. >> where the senate for our
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constitution. when the parents were at the gate. >> i think i disagree with everything my putter to said. including the words but, and, and the. it was an information free, truth free statement. that is something of a record. >> jt you keep talking that to pelosi. if you want to run against nancy pelosi, go back to san francisco, run against nancy pelosi. you vote with 100 percent of the time so you can't run for the policies that she has supported. >> we were given tax refunds. we were doing tax cuts. we were suspending the gas tax to help you deal with high inflation. but she was criticizing us. >> we're dealing with economically, racial equity in the state of georgia, now deliver. >> we have a lot to talk about. >> i think they have been off. let's bring in our cnn senior
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political analysts, kirsten powers, also political commentator jonah goldberg and carol fisher. host of with kara fisher, and the pivot pods casper new york media. great to have all of you guys here in the studio with us. >> carson was the bigger lapdog. j.d. vance, our tim ride. i feel like that was a debate. >> i think we are ultimately trying to do i say who's really the person who stands for ohio. trying to say that j.d. vance is claiming that to ryan stands with nancy pelosi, which is kind of a rare argument to make. >> he ran against her. >> he's not really nancy pelosi democrat, and the j.d. vance has, quote, kiss trump's but. which is basically somewhat accurate. and we have to look at what he basically went from and saying that trump was horrific, terrible human being. to seeking out his endorsement. and really becoming the new trump republican. but, ultimately, i think
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they're both trying to say to voters his i'm the one who's the real high when he's in the senate for ohio. >> continue outside of discussion. a long time the talk is always been about, look, i'm not up to people the so-called swamp. i'm not one of them. i'm not a bureaucrat. now it's becoming all the more politics is local. i get approved to that this is where i'm from. i can relate. it is happening pennsylvania, who is the real price from there, and ohio as well. they're battling their ads between the streets a live. don and the neighborhood there in. trying to decide. and this is where we have to be in terms of appealing to voters? >> i think people want to seem authentic. and the great lengths but they also just decide as one of the more fundamental promises we've had is that everyone wants to be an outsider. have a lot of criticism of mitch mcconnell, but at least he's going to be like, no i'm the entire. i am the establishment.
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and the guy running things. we need more people institutions who are actually willing to say, no, i am the one responsible. rather than acting like donald trump has spent four years talking about the presidency like it wasn't actually his job. i think that's a big problem the culture. generally, japan has a promise that too. he often sounds not like a kind of political scene. memories are no responsibility for the attack going on what is happening. when -- >> they want to be a political outsider. but all from pennsylvania. >> ted cruz has been running as an outsider. >> even with all the rights that are happening from portland and beyond. they have trump who's currently the president united states of the time. saying this is binds america. and, actually, still the president of the united states. it's all for the social media, it's all for the momentary back and forth. of herschel walker pulling out
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the badge that he pulled out. was somewhat ridiculous. but as for the momentary minute they take away from it. i think they're all tuned to that. it's been a part of debate for a long time. now, desantis is getting sucked out of it. so they can have these little moments. that resonates over and over again. >> about what we're saying in georgia? look at democrats stacey abrams. obviously they had very different approaches. but they both, you know, can say that they have and no georgia. so what we know there? >> i think that she is obviously an incredible entrepreneur and has an international following. but she's running events against someone who statewide, in georgia, and it is considered to be a pretty reasonable republican. i think it has been a tougher race for her than i think what was originally anticipated. >> she isn't think he's a reasonable republican. she thinks that he's done treason, and that's it. i just interviewed him this week. i think she feels as if she is
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more of a georgian that has been there. she's been in the senate, the state senate, longer than anyone else. she's not a national figures just became one. if she surprised races so coast? >> she thinks she's going to win. that is of course what she has to say. and i think she's trying to put out brian kemp. who's the incumbent. which is a plus for him. that he did not defy trump on the election. and the issue to get a bad for that. that is all they did, but everything from abortion, and other issues is quite radical. >> i think a promise different though. promises that she immediately took size and from the national political coalition. against her own state. that's what's perceived by lot of people in the state. she bought into the jim crow two point oh thing. >> you're talking about the idea that voters who characterize voter legislation. it is problematic for the state of georgia. >> i think is problematic for the state of georgia. it cost him the long game.
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that sort of coalition even issues against specific boycott -- but you also just had a federal judge come out and say that her entire -- that she cannot provide a single person who is denied an opportunity to vote in 2018. and yet she still clings the idea of voter suppression. but for voter suppression 2018 should be the new governor. i think it sounds, to a lot of georgians, at least the people we talk to, that what she's basically doing is sort of siding with the national media narrative in the state of georgia. in 2018 was a good deal for democrats. she just came close. this is a badge of democrats, i hope it doesn't get anywhere near close. >> interesting about the georgia race for the reasons you're talking about is to think about this expedition between what the election deniers have said about 2020 election, the election being stolen. they've got a very different kind of confrontation and the reason why. but her talking about the 2018 race as if it was, in a way,
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stolen. and yet you don't have the same level of pushback. why? trump does not have the same presence for election deniers as other states do in terms of that. i just wonder, why there is that distinction. what do you think it is about georgia? this is the raffensperger's the brian kemp said make it such? did you do the right thing in that state especially raffensperger. when the things i think voter suppression versus voter fraud that is what she's pushing and they're pushing's voter fraud. which camp did not do, and edited raffensperger. but she is a unique problem. i think in the case soon lose that much. her assertion is they change the laws because of the pressure she put on them. and so she lost a few counts. but was not a good look for her and so, she is really battling a popular incumbent senator. that is really the problem more than anything else.
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>> this came up in the tim ryan j.d. vance bit. and so there is a case that we all know the tragic case of a ten-year-old who was raped, who wasn't gonna be able to get abortion, and somehow j.d. vance turned to that or try to. and turn on tim ryan, so here's that. >> the other thing at some point to talk about. to mind talks about this poor girl who was raped, the ten-year-old girl who had to travel in the end again abortion. obviously, an incredibly tragic situation. i'm the father a nine month old girl. it's unbelievable, i can't even imagine what would be like to have that happen to your child. god forbid, if you're young women to have to happen to yourself. that little girl was raped by an illegal immigrant in both the media and tim ryan need to be honest about the fact that she would never have been raped in the first place, if tim ryan had done his job on border security. >> i'm sorry. i find that there were all have the same direction.
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but >> i think it is gross, it is very much like what donald trump tried to do with kate stanley in 2017. yeah, there are statistically lower amounts of crime by illegal immigrants that american citizens. and but to try and turn this into, oh, there's legal rhetoric coming in and raping people. first of all, leaves out that you can find examples of people being raped by full but americans. and it just occurred to this sort of blame the people of talking about things. i don't know for presweeten one. the base will love it by don't know if they're persuaded. >> the base absolutely loves it this is a special that he's always start the whole cates diamond thing. and, to some people they say if that person would soon hear what happened. which, i guess it's technically true. but if someone else whose
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grandparents were irish hadn't been led to the country. then they would've killed that person, right? it's just ridiculous. you can apply that to any person, almost. >> what is striking about this i knew him before in the case. and it is just shocking. it is actually shocking. >> this is just raw political ambition we are seeing? either that or real change personality. i don't know. >> is it possible he was hardly really was before? >> no, he was architecture, i don't house the site. it seemed to come so natural to him. makes me wonder feels an undercover right-winger who was hiding this. but it's because it is so extreme. you can say right-winger is neven accurate. >> i have friends who are friends with him on both sides of the question. he's like the rudy giuliani question. and i don't have a good answer for that. >> not even slightly. really interesting. i believe we'll think about it.
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dr. jekyll, mr. hyde, wherever the part of the debate that you're doing. that's a prom in general for the poor little girl. i want to remind people of the child we are talking about and yet again being uses a political pawn. back last night again for the former president who criticize americans for not being more appreciative of his moves on israel. let's look at why that's a problem and how that will play out into the antisemitic trope, next. ♪ music: “everywhere” by fleetwood mac ♪ you ready? ♪ ♪ ♪ can you hear me calling ♪ ♪ out your name? ♪ ♪ you know that i've faing ♪ ♪ and i don know what to say ♪ ♪ oh, i ♪ dude
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former president, donald trump, as face a lot of backlash tonight after complaining that the u.s. views aren't appreciative. his words, appreciative enough of his policies toward israel. i want to bring back in and to a conversation that keen. the ceo of the holocaust museum in los angeles. that, i'm very glad you're here tonight. thank you for joining us. it is unfortunate that this topic is perpetually brought up. because of the extraordinarily unfortunate and anti-semitic remarks there being made way too commonly. i just wonder, in your role in what you do. it must be particularly jarring
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that people are still not educate on this issue. and have to know how hurtful it is. >> are you able to hear me? >> yes. i think you are able to hear my other question but else will ask me what your opinion was in terms of how jarring it must be, but the work they do, particularly the holocaust museum in los angeles. to know how often, and how frequently, people are still posting and saying this hateful rhetoric. >> holocaust museum li's mission is to inspire humanity for truth and it affects me personally. my grandmother had a number burned into her arm that 79335 has been etched in my memory. just because my grandmother life wasn't deemed to be a human being. she wasn't worthy of being a human being. she had watched her own parents,
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and her siblings, walk into the gas chambers. so it is really important for us to remember that words have responsibility. the holocaust started with words. when we see people like kanye west post-words filled with heats, and lies, and antisemitism. he needs to understand where that racism and prejudice can lead. so, that is what we do at holocaust museum l.a.. we need to re-educate kids and people of all ages about the lessons, and the social relevancy of the holocaust. >> it is so important, and i know you've mentioned least one person who is an artist. this also came in part from a former president united states. who is making statements, somehow, to perpetuate a trope that, somehow, jewish americans have a loyalty towards israel. as opposed to america.
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that somehow they're supposed to feel appreciative to the point of exercising their vote only in one direction. there are consequences. and i wonder. when these statements are said, by someone like the president united states. what does that mean, do you think, for how people not only in politics but across the globe think about this. >> is it making it okay? >> i think it is another form of antisemitism. this is just, you know, donald trump is perpetuating a false narrative. and we know there are jews, many different kinds of jewish people who share many different kinds of beliefs. he just perpetuating another false narrative. but when you think about the consequences, there is a rise of hate and actions that can result from that as well. what do you hope people most understand about the consequences and how to course correct this type of rhetoric?
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>> we know that education is a greatest catalyst for change. and, it is really important for people to understand, the holocaust did not happen overnight. it didn't just fall from the sky. it is a series of events that happened over time. and hate speech, the lies, antisemitism. these are things that are falling into our public discourse today. it feels very mainstream. like i said earlier. the holocaust art with words. we know what can happen with hatred and bigotry go unchecked. so, we all have a social responsibility. to educate people about what can happen. because it keeps happening, again, and again. >> thank you so much, thank you for helping the fight for education in this area. >> thank you. >> alison, just the idea of
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becoming so mainstream. but it is just, can you imagine? >> 2021 at the highest antisemitic incidents but. it is a new high. >> if she inviting kanye west to the holocaust museum in l.a.? >> she's done overtime there is a visit here in washington d.c. with marjorie taylor greene at one point. a congressman from georgia. i think it's on the table. i have to wonder the idea of doing it individually. to educate what ought to be done more collectively. it is just really troubling to me. that, piece by piece, after all this time. we're still learning of this. >> i think it can hurt. four to go and have to see it have to live it and have to feel it. yes, 30 million followers. so yes it is one by one educated people. but he does have an impact. like it or not, he does have an effect. and so, i think that it would help. i hope that he would take it up -- >> right where we have to say,
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a source tells cnn that kind of within donald trump spoke by phone today. about west acquiring the conservative social media site, parlor. just last week, west, who lead changes name to ye was locked on twitter and antisemitic post. let's -- i want to start with you. because the ceo of the anti-defamation league got the green is quite concerned about this. so he said it's key for people
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to understand that gauge not purchase some benign alter media -- and free speech will today. parlor is a safe haven for extremist, antisemites, and white supremacy. what do you predict will happen when kanye west now that is what part of? >> he has not bought it. i don't think he's ever got to get it. >> why? >> it's just not. doesn't make any sense at all from a business point of view. he's had a lot of troubles in business with a lot of partners. he's a marketing opportunity for parlor. i'm sure they've been trying to dabble and all kinds of businesses, all these right-wing sites have tried weathers gather or some others. it's been tough. twitter, the big night among them is a terrible business. it's not a great business. i don't know if they will realize that. i don't see any economic opportunity and he's got a recognized. >> as the tulsa his purchase in principle and elon musk discussion about twitter. let's have a back and forth
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conversation. how this be different? >> he did make a binding contract. it sounds like he didn't. there's almost no details about this. there's a lot about what you want tried to do, in twitter, which is by four 4000 toys have to share. which is what he has to because he signed a binding contract. this is one that is in principle. because i don't know what it means, something struck the last minute from an employee in the wall street journal. again, parliament struggling. it is called small investment. a very small investment. he's been tried to do things around the platforms. with the end of teas, and now that market has crashed. selling trump and of these i want to point. >> that's comedy for you. about 21. >> even if he doesn't officially by they -- do you think that a free reign to say whatever he wants and farther? >> i think he's freeway to say whatever he wants wherever he goes. but the key needs parlor to do so. what he said on the other services, i think italy served
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he broke in terms of service. parlor may not be able to see a lot of moderation on parlor. they just don't had it. they say free speech network of free speech, or whatever, there is a lot of really terrible stuff on that platform. they have improved. since january 6th. >> when you think about the idea, there's often conversations surrounding anything you want. that's the whole enticement of the social media platform. consequences be, i have this for a speech right, as very one you just name if the government. which of course has the first obligation. but think about it in a very loose way. and to be more policing of the content? >> it's not policing, it's just i didn't. >> are pleasing because that's the terminology people used to describe -- >> it's a private company, thought the government. >> it is true. but the idea of ensuring that you are following certain laws
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and regulation in terms of use. is essentially the definition of the use of the word placing. but >> i think there's an idea of free speech outside the government. that we want to implement free speech has differing ideas in a public square, where we got a lot of these ideas. i will say the people can say i got banned from i'm conservative. angela couillard prefer low taxes or big military? and they say no, how is blaming the jews for all the promise in the world. then you say you didn't know that was a conservative position. we do have some standards and some guardrails in society. but that doesn't mean that your free speech is being taken away from you. you can still see the things, you're not gonna go to jail. to how hard it is to get kicked off of twitter? i could show you what is said to me on a daily basis the massage nick garbage that i have reported and always get something back saying this is not violate the terms of service. so the idea that some people are being exiled from
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expressing political views is nonsense. they're being, sometimes, punished. but for saying things that threaten people. poor saints are dangerous. >> that's the point. but [inaudible] i've had this -- kind saturday morning television pedophilia and pornography? >> no, that's committee standards, that's editing, that's responsible stewardship of a platform. and there's a business proposition and i think they make a very good point. every on the right let's talk about twitter's tech. twitter is a pretty medium sized to small sized tech. it's nothing that the capitalization of likes a google or anything like that. these other things are just microscopic.
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but we treat them as if they're much bigger thing because everybody is a political conversation is very very online. most americans aren't. noting that really bothers me about the attention on the artist formerly known as kanye, is that i don't want to hear the guy. i think you've got the mental health i -- have no adult issues. he's been explode by but people. we drive me crazy is number people who are amplifying and monetizing and cashing in on his mental health problems. and what they'll do is they will say, here's what he said about what big corporations are doing, and they're trying to silence him for this. no no, there's actually the stuff about the juice that they're saying he ran afoul on. they don't talk about big debt, he could talk about how dualism all they like, and it is baked and switch. and you see it a lot of right-wing sites. who are trying to say that this guy has been canceled for
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things other than the antisemitism, which is the de facto erasure of the antisemitism. >> i just wanted, advertisers don't want to be near the stuff. they don't want to be in the cesspool. so if they can make these sites then they just won't do the businesses and there's that won't be. >> you don't see a bright future for parlor? >> i've told to the ceo, very smart guy, is very difficult to make a business. he's tried a lot of things never interviewed the previous ceo which got him fired. but he hasn't aggregate any responsibility on that platform after january 6th. but it's gotta be good business, ultimately. just not. twitter has not made a sentence was founded. it's been a terrible start. he's on muscles about by committee for 44 billion dollars that never made a scent. who like to take the money and shovel it into it another thing. >> i want to go to the receiving end. and anyway, we want to know what you're thinking right now as well about the alarming rise of antisemitism. who's to blame, what can be done about it, and your views
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♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ all right, sounded nightlife doing would love best this past weekend. tackling all things, while, political. and a cold open michelle focus on last week's general six herrings. particularly, the role that house speaker nancy pelosi and senate majority leader chuck schumer played on the very day. >> don was desperate before hanging on to power. meanwhile real heroes like nancy pelosi and chuck schumer with the ones actually running this country. >> mr. vice president, mr. vice president, speaker pelosi again. >> tell them i am here to. >> mister vice president. where is president trump. what is he doing to stop this?
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>> hi, it struck, schumer i'm here as well. >> let me tell you, if trump comes here right now, i'm going to punch him right in the face. i will go to jail, but i'll be happy. >> the mood tell you, if trump comes, and with that image mean the face, i'll go to the hospital, free soup. >> i want to bring in pete dominic, comedian and host of the podcast. karen torture is also back. first of all, a comedian of another comedian. that's almost unheard of. >> now it is not. ladies. first of all, thank you for joining us, so great to be on the set. with the sound the group. i don't even know why i'm here. we need to support each other, we root for each other, that's hilarious. >> i am so patriotic when i watch that because what a great country we live in. for 45 years they have made fun of the most powerful people in the world and they can do it again the next added night. obviously, you do this also.
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stephen colbert and the daily show, another place that you've worked out at it's a great country were known's gonna stop from making for the most powerful people. thank god. >> coming tumbling forever, i think. we get a bit too much credit. are you supposed to speak truth to power. you can if you do great, but you don't have to. i work to the daily show in the colbert port now mcdonald tonight. have you said that my whole career. i think all of us can be hilarious on twitter. there's so many other places to be funny, and to say things, and to go viral, you don't have to have the backing of a huge network, and huge media platform. under so many, quote, no name comedians get massive as a result. >> do you think that snl still has cultural offense? >> sure. till monday. it airs on saturday, we love it, we watch it, they saw great rioters, they software performers, but it is a network show at 11:30 on sunday night. it is still great, but there's so many other things available.
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and there's so many other comedians, just because aaron has now doesn't mean you're the best. discussion and where does it mean you're the best. there's so many great independent comedians doing great things. so that one who got a beer thrown in her state was a comedian. and she's got super famous overnight because that terrible thing, and how she handled it. we hope to find out she's also very funny comedians. >> but i think is so fascinating is that around this time, do voters start to lean into the midterms. even more than they have before. and you got snl, who begins and i think about the alec baldwin. i think about the impersonations. and how could really shape the way that people start to view the candidates. it makes either mockery of them people leaning and go, maybe they are joke. are they go i like this person even more. i think about the way that satire, more and more, is shaping up -- the last time and matter was tina fey doing surveillance. >> i will tell you kate mckinnon, rudy giuliani. that cross gender stuff, i think, has been really great to see. like women making five men --
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>> is making a real difference is what i'm saying? people saw that -- >> let's play a bit of it. >> i believe that diplomacy should be the cornerstone of any foreign policy. >> and i could see russia from my house. but >> do you think that actually changed the voters month? >> i think it did, i think was very powerful. but as you're saying, there's other places. the promise, if you look the numbers, viewership is down on all of television cable. you know this. people are getting things from tiktok, or wherever and little pieces and different places. so you can't decide where people are going to become famous anymore. that is a real -- >> i know them the skunk at the garden party of this kind of stuff. first of all, ethnographic good years in really bad years. i think it's terrible in politics for all years of obama. the political writers basically
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said you can't make a joke about the guy, he's too perfect. and a lot of people, for my side of the aisle, saw this is the perfect example of how the culture goes one way. a lot of political comedy is up monocle to. a lot of their network kind of shows all come from the same perspective. but some made land jokes better than others. >> but some of them are objectively funny. >> that's what got to argue because it is only am i know more about that john it is. because i've been doing comedy for so long. it is true that obama was really hard to make front of. and it is true that if a conservative comedian could've excelled making fun of obama they would've, and they should've, but they didn't. he was a free market, as we've been talking about. he was hard to make fun of. he did have a tick. it wasn't constantly parity from self. whereas now, today. the media so often saying, since the trump era, the media change so much. they are a parody of themselves. >> i'll grant you, easy thing fragrant. donald trump was easier to make
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fun of the bronco bomber. when the things that made on trump easier to make fun of them bronco boma. among 1 million of the is that there's a lot of audience capture. and late night television and comedy. i mean, the daily show, was brilliant. i don't dispute that for a heartbeat. he was really really good at it. he also, basically, tell the audience what they wanted to hear about politicians, and the way they wanted to hear it. and there was a certain amount of sort of, preaching to the choir you get. some are really good at it. which doesn't mean they aren't funny. but there's an indefinite sort of sense from people on the right. >> how do you spend idiot that there were people who, i think they go too far. but they headed to jim carrey and others were saying, look, we're being criticized for comedy. people are saying we're going too far when we are criticizing people. >> comedians are also making fun of joe biden. >> that comes to the point of
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the obama era where he wasn't touched. the reason why i think that is wrong is because, the glickman's are doing to joe biden. all day, all the time. >> i'm not professional comedian or joke writer. but if we're going to talk about talking about that kind of wonderful and great this country. is now communicate to make fun of most people. the people in power. going eight years of making fight of anything that you can make fun of barack obama about. >> i'm interviewed larry will more, tomorrow, on my show. and he'd make fun of brock obama at the white house correspondent center. everyone made fun of obama at the correspondent dinner. >> we've established that obama is not funny, right. i think the issue is how do people get their humor. they absolutely do not get it from new shows anymore. maybe a moment or something pops out. i go, that is funny. >> john oliver i think is the one person i have to say, who has two teen sons. they love him. my son just went to --
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actually. and it was sort of like the people thought about john stewart many years ago when he had his show. i think differences like we do these comments come from it was a long jeopardy of their careers. so that's been more difficult. >> i'll be very controversial and say conservatives -- particularly for liberal comedian. >> for true, conservatives would be -- some are doing a pretty good job. i'm not saying it's impossible. it's a free market. >> it's a new area for you jonah. >> all i'm saying is, if you look from abc to cbs, and using including john oliver, include the daily show. it is overwhelmingly in the same direction, the same assumptions, often the same cheap shots, sometimes not. there is a market out there for half the country. look, i've got few problems with greg got feel these days.
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but isn't up one comedy show out there for a reason. >> all right, thank you on that note. we need to talk about george clooney. i >> guess he's got a personal politics. next, he shares with cnn's chris wallace about the donald trump -- back before trump around for president. andy speier is now >> there is his party that just goes -- but i was wrong, and he was. and our democracy, i believe, pay the price certainly around the world. this is how tosin lost 33 lbs on noom weight. i'm tosin. noom gave her a psychological approach to weight loss. noom has taught me how you think about food has such a huge impact your relationship with it. (chuckle) noom weight. in knowledge. lose weight.
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about the donald trump used to know. >> there is a world where we could go back. to where we were. i don't think it's likely as people think. but that was wrong about the first time. i didn't think people -- i did people who would vote for someone who is so deeply thought. . i know donald trump. that is the thing. i have his phone number in my phone book. he was a guy who came to the bars and asked me about which cocktail waitress was single. that's what he was. but >> back in the 2000s. and so there is this part of you that just goes, oh my gosh, i was wrong. and our democracy, i believe, paid a price around the world. and i worry about that. >> you forget sometimes just how much he was a part of the
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social scene, donald trump. >> absolutely. a lot of people knew him is just how george clooney was describing him. that donald trump was a real estate mogul pond and people thought that it was harmless. and all fun and games. and then as george franklin became something shifted, and he was wrong about impression. this goes on to say in this interview, and i think they're just echoes with so many of us feel. he says the new joke, the new cruelty, is that send migrants and people seagull legal asylum here, let's send them without any warning. because it's fun to own the liberals. it is all about, basically, a game and the civil discourse is so rancid, right now it's all about who you can hurt. i think some people feel that way but nobody is interested in stopping it, for some reason. >> the idea that for whatever reason you talk about, if everyone is upon. then we have the veterans, and one point. congress had said the same thing. that is why people are so
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disgusted, by the way, with politics. we're gonna hear direction here tonight on twitter. here's one that came in about kanye west. that's as kanye west definitely need to go to the holocaust museum and get re-educated on the holocaust. the same way require those trying to downplay slavery, jim crow, and segregation. >> i also want to hear more by your thoughts tonight. have you join the conversation. what do you think about with george clooney had to say about the president, and his other topics today. can we go back to where we were? let us know and we decide leave overcoats and at alison camerota. wolf
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