tv CNN Tonight CNN October 18, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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[ coughing/sneezing ] [ door knocking ] dude, you coming? alka-seltzer plus powermax gels cold & flu relief with more concentrated power. because the only thing dripping should be your style! plop plop fizz fizz, winter warriors with alka-seltzer plus. new ups of my podcast, tomorrow morning, pass observable now, to our code on the screen for a link. it's a podcast about loss and grief and as he was a remarkable and often profound conversations asleep colbert, sharon, and others.
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this week's episode top artist and composure lori anderson who's incredible. talked about the death of her husband rock legend -- and also the death of her beloved dog. some of the unexpected ways she fell after their death. the puck has comes out tomorrow morning, you can find on apple podcast, wherever yothe news co. t. >> welcome to cnn tonight. i'm jake tapper. tonight, with exactly three weeks until the critical midterm elections here in the united states, candidates across the country are increasingly taking extremism to the extreme, but what exactly is the definition of extremism? obviously that depends on who you ask. in a new ad airing in pennsylvania, dr. mehmet oz paints himself is a middle of the road kind of guy. he labels his democratic opponent, lieutenant government john fetterman, as extreme for supporting criminal justice
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reform and supporting economic democratic plans. >> guys like john fetterman take everything to extreme. extremism on both sides makes things worse. we need balance. less extremism in washington. >> i'm sure fetterman would respond that most of the extremism in contemporary american politics is coming from inside doctor oz's own party, but extremism, extremist, that's an insult we're hearing on a lot of debate stages this month. and you are no doubt hearing it on your tv's. >> masters is so extreme and so wrong for arizona. >> greg abbott signed the most extreme abortion ban in the united states. >> dan marciano is too extreme on abortion. >> this guy is so extreme. >> way too extreme for me. >> but he's just too extreme. >> stop extreme liberal pat ryan. >> for republicans, the focus has been on some extreme democratic policy positions. at the top of their list, defunding the police, which of course became a rallying cry
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for the progressive left, after a minneapolis police officer murdered george floyd in 2020. the proposal being cities should reduce police funding or close police departments entirely and use that money for other programs in the community such as education or health care, or ending homelessness. defund the police was a slogan embraced by many democratic lawmakers, perhaps none more than those in the squad. >> defunding the police has to happen. we need to defund the police. >> the current infrastructure that exists as policing in our society should not exist anymore. >> yes, i support the defund movement. >> but most democratic officeholders rejected that proposal. all the way up to candidate and now president biden. >> we should all agree, the answer is not to defund the
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police. it's to fund the police. [applause] fund them! >> reforming the police is one thing, but most of the public never got on board with defunding the police, because you know, when someone is breaking into your house who you gonna call? even voters in minneapolis, the city where george floyd was killed, the modern birthplace of the defund the police movement, minneapolis voters rejected a proposal to restructure their police department. democratic majority whip jim clyburn blames the defund the police mantra for democratic losses in 2020. >> i really believe that that's what caused joe cunningham his seat. jimmy harrison started to plateau when defund the police, showed up with the caption on tv, right across his head. these headlines can kill the political left. >> and now defined the police
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is being used against democrats in battleground states such as wisconsin, where polling has the senate race neck and neck. >> mandela barnes stands with defund the police and supports no cash bail that release dangerous criminals back in our communities. >> violent crime on the rise democratic candidates are having the defund the police movement hung around their necks like in albatross. but there is a difference between extremists who are exiled to the outer fringes of their party and extremists who are embraced by their party, which brings me to georgia republican congresswoman marjorie taylor greene. >> many in our government are actively worshipping satan. >> name a deranged conspiracy
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theory, and this woman believes it. qanon? check. >> q is anonymous, but he seems to be completely for the good. >> 9/11 truthism? you bet. >> the so-called plane that crashed into the pentagon, there is never any evidence shown for a plane in the pentagon. >> mass shooting, staged by the u.s. government. of course. >> how do you get avid gun owners and people that support the second amendment to give up their guns and go along with anti gun legislation? how do you do that? maybe you accomplish that by performing a mass shooting into a crowd that is very likely to be conservative. is that what happened in las vegas? >> no, it's not. in a long ago political past of last year, it looked as though all this crazy talk was too much for republican party
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leaders to stop. after a bunch of past statements were on earth in which green indicated support for executing democrats among other hideous comments, the house of representatives voted to strip marjorie taylor greene of her committee assignments and 11 members of her own party back the move. it was supposed to be a political death sentence. but as greene s extremism became more mainstream in her party and her fundraising prowess and maga celebrity grew, so did her standing in the republican party. she sat front row as house republican leader kevin mccarthy rolled out his plans for the republican takeover in november. and in recent days, she told the new york times, quote, i think that to be the best speaker of the house and to please the base, he, kevin mccarthy, is going to give me a lot of power and a lot of leeway, and if he doesn't, they are going to be very unhappy about it, and that's not in any way a threat at all, unquote. nice political party we've got
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here, kevin. be a shame if anything happened to it. it's weird to think it was only three years ago when the house republican party itself took steps to ostracize proud white nationalist congressman steve king of iowa. king never failed to come up with new and inventive ways to be racist. he once rift poetically about the cantaloupe sized calf muscles of pot hauling mexicans. king then just made too many comments like this one. >> if you go down the road a few generations or maybe centuries with the intermarriage, i'd like to see an america that's just so homogenous that we look a lot the same. this is an effort on the left, i think, to break down the american civilization, the american culture, and turn it into something entirely different. i'm a champion for western civilization. >> king was eventually punished and essentially ex communicated from the party by the party.
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but republican leaders have a late developed quite a tolerance for intolerance. listen to these insightful pithy observations on the notions of reparations for descendants of slaves from republican senator tommy tuberville of alabama. >> they want crime because they want to take over what you got. they want to control what you have. they want reparation because they think the people that do the crime are owed. that bull--! >> openly, hideously racist. and the response republican leaders has been [crickets] why? how did this happen. who invited all this it all these extremist into the grand old party? will you an advocate of ugly condemn david duke and say you don't want his vote or other white supremacists in this election?
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>> well just so you understand, i don't know anything about david do--. i don't know anything about what you're talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. >> in her new book dinnertime's maggie haberman writes that after that exchange happened here do this in 16, chris christie warned trump he needed to distance himself from white supremacists. trump basically said sure, but not right now. why? because, trump said, quote, a lot of these people vote. a lot of these people vote. these extremist views are making the american experiment difficult to achieve. how can you work on legislation with someone who pushes messaging and seems to subscribe to qanon, a group that accuses democrats of being part of a satanic pedophilic cult that eats babies? they cast their political opponents not just as wrong but as evil. and that is how you get this.
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[noise] >> january six, 2021. forget defunding the police. this is physically assaulting the police! and trump is promising the insurrectionists full pardon if he gets reelected. he's embracing that extremism. he's embracing that extremist violence. so is there an antidote for this polarizing poison that is already seeped into our everyday lives? one study i read today says yes, but it won't be easy or require politicians, quote, to stop using divisive demonizing us versus them language. it's key. to say i'm gonna govern on behalf of everyone and try to unify around universal values, unquote. there was a time when that kind of behavior by a political candidate was not impossible to imagine.
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>> i can't trust obama. i have read about him, and he's not--he's an arab. >> no ma'am. no ma'am. he's a decent family man, a citizen that i just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues. >> republican senator and presidential nominee, john mccain took that woman's microphone. political leaders today in the republican party seem more inclined to turn up the volume. i want to bring in a public servant whose career was caught in the middle of his own party, the republican party's extremism, and the other party, the democratic parties extreme edges to try to win. can we at least find a path to making politics normal again? the outgoing republican congressman peter meijer of michigan joins me live, next.
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i remember when i first started flying, and we would experience turbulence. i would watch the flight attendants. if they're not nervous, then i'm not going to be nervous. financially, i'm the flight attendant in that situation. the relief that comes over people once they know they've got a guide to help them through,
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i definitely feel privileged to be in that position. ♪ >> few politicians have felt the impact of today's extremist politics more than michigan republican congressman peter meijer, who narrowly lost his republican primary battle for reelection back in august after being only one of ten republican congress members who voted to impeach former president trump after the capitol attack. meijer lost to gibbs would be easier for them to beat in november. mathematically impossible that biden won in 2020, accused democrats of participating in satanic ritual, saying america has suffered from women suffrage.
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democrats spent more than $400,000 promoting gibbs. if he wins in november, is a democratic party partly responsible? >> i think it's impossible to look at that type of cynical action and not see a degree of responsibility for having, frankly, achieve the outcome that they may not have desired. obviously they did that and are hoping that they can flip this seat. as i said before, less electable is not unelectable. in the moment we are in right now, and i saw the segment you were playing earlier, the assumption of the democrats is whether republicans have a personality problem so we will surely overperform. but the democrats have a policy
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problem. they have tried to avoid any semblance of fixing what is wrong in their own house by just pointing out the faults and the issues on the republican side of the aisle. but frankly, this is going to be a hard time when the economy is in the direction that it is right now, when gas prices continue to rise, when inflation is crippling americans ' wallets. if the choice is between someone who is, quote unquote, extreme, versus the party that has led as to where we are today, that's the choice they are leaving the american public with. >> democrats say all they did was highlight gibbs's views, and the republican base embraced him, the detroit news saying that you outraged and outspent him, but at the end of the day, the republican voters are the ones embracing extremism here? >> let me be very clear. i lost. i take responsibility for that. the reality of that situation,
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though, is that if the democrats tried to pon that off is like, well, we were just highlighting who this guy really is, they are running very different ads today. the reason why is because they are talking to two different audiences. i think for a party that thinks that a couple thousand dollars worth of facebook ads in 2016 swung an election, to then turn around and say that half million dollars of expenditures in a single congressional race were non trivial and had zero in impact, it's hard to square that circle. >> i agree with you the democrats have been playing with fire. democrats also made a move to boost gubernatorial candidate kari lake over her primary opponent karen robson back in july. they sent this email thanking robeson for donating two democratic candidates over the years. listen to what kari lake, the nominee, told dana bash when told of she was gonna accept
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the results whether she won or not. >> my question is, will you accept the results of your election in november? >> i'm going to win the election, and i will accept that result. >> if you lose, will you accept that? >> i'm going to win the election, and i will accept that result. >> do you think the democrats plan is going to backfire in some of these places? >> i think it's unquestionable that it will backfire in a few of these seats. it's one thing to look at what they did in the governor's race in illinois or for that matter, the governor's race in massachusetts. and see that is a way of potentially sidelining a more electable official who could flip what would otherwise be a safe democratic seat in normal times. it's a whole different thing to look at that and take that role in swing seats, just for a marginal advantage. but it gets back to the fundamental cynicism in our politics right now, that there is nothing that won't go before strict partisan advantage, that
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everything is a cynical game of adventures. that we bounce back. i think there is a lot of, you can look at the senate race in pennsylvania pennsylvania. you can look at the senate race down in georgia. you have flawed candidates, these calls to ascend to something higher and to plead for somebody to call out the bs that they see. those pleas are coming from both sides of the aisle. but then the easy response back is, that's another reliable vote for our agenda. when everything default back to that, when everything is just a straight partisan contest, what else do we have? >> i have to say, i admire your service in the military and i think you have taken some really brave votes, and i just
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wonder, i mean, this was such a crappy experience for you. are you done with politics? has this sour you on it forever? or would you run again sometime? well >> it may seem crappy from the outside, and obviously running for office, i think the old joke is that congress is 435 people who hate their jobs and yet will do anything to keep it. i frankly do not walk away from this disillusioned. i don't walk away from this feeling sour. i walk away seeing a lot of worse expectations of the most depraved behavior having been confirmed, but if anything, i'm just, you know, okay with my analytical judgment there. what i really took away from my experience in congress so far is how many of our problems and our politics are downstream of maladministration, of
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governmental incompetence. when everything is just in a place where we don't really know where to even start with fixing issues and the problems that we see. part of this is because of our expectation that the federal government will come in and do everything, they can be everything to all people. the republican party used to be to say well, we want to push some of this power down. we think local administration is going to be more effective, to answer the some of these questions. the democratic party used to be the one that started with a goal in mind and work backwards on means. then you have a republican party who looks at democrats who have seized institutions and they say instead of saying we should have those institutions be partisan, fine, we expect them to be partisan, meanwhile the democrats are taking that approach where they start with the rhetoric and they work backwards to the legislation. so we have two aimless parties. frankly, the way we get out of
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that, and some of that's going to be political reform, but some of it needs to be investing in what's tangible in our communities and focusing there. that's my focus going forward, is on west michigan, is on ensuring that we are fixing some of those administration and governmental policy problems that create the space for political dysfunction to arise. >> all right, congressman peter meijer of michigan, hope to see you when you are back in town in a few weeks. >> thank you, jake. >> being in law enforcement never has been what you would call a safe job. but serving and protecting the american public seems more dangerous now than it has been in a couple of decades. what is driving people to shoot police officers at the rate they are? we're gonna talk to fbi and police veteran john miller next.
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risking overflow sewage to dump right into the ocean. there's a solid climate plan in place, but changes to the great highway required by prop i would cost san francisco taxpayers $80 million to draft a new climate plan and put the entire west side and ocean beach at risk of contamination. protect our beach, ocean and essential infrastructure. reject prop i before it's too late.
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more police officers are being shot on the job. just last wednesday officers were shot during a traffic stop in decatur, illinois, when a swat team were executing a warrant in philly, and when a domestic disturbance turned into an ambush in bristol, connecticut. that's eight cops shot in just one day in the united states. the fraternal order of police say 252 officers have been shot in the first nine months of this year. 50 of them did not survive. those numbers differ slightly from an fbi tally, but the attacks don't get the same attention as incidents were officers pull the trigger, because those events happen more often, but put it in context, the washington post
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databases 802 people being shot by police this year. cnn and intelligence analyst john miller joins us now to discuss. john, the fbi says last year more cops were killed intentionally in the line of duty since 9/11. what is going on? >> well, that has been the subject of a lot of debate and questioning it within law enforcement, and even the fbi. if you look at 293 in 2019, 312 cops shot and or killed in 2020, 3:46 in 21, you see that number climbing each year. this year it will be up a high percentage of the numbers stick on track as we passed 252. the fbi did a study on this in 2017, and the conditions then, after the ferguson shooting, of michael brown and other incidents, eric garner in new york city, created atmospherics that really made them look at who is behind the police shootings and what were the motives. what we learned is, things you would expect. 86% of the people who shot a police had prior criminal records, 56% of them were known to the police department now.
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that's more interesting than it sounds because it means that agency had arrested them before and largely their experience was, they hadn't resisted. 60% of them have a long history of drug uses. but it boiled down to two really interesting factors, because one of them is a game-changer. one is the obvious, which is 60--48%, i'm sorry, i'm mixing up my numbers here, 28% of them and this is the game-changer had said to friends or family that they intended to shoot a cop or wanted to kill a cop. they were projecting that ahead of time. and then the larger percentage,
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40% said they only did it to get away. in most cases they had started to flee before they shot. then 28% is the thing that police departments are worried about. >> that 28% seems to me that that could be the difference, that's more than a quarter of people who, that's their goal. they want to kill a cop, so that's scary but it is also interesting and important. where would that come from? that, i want to kill a cop, mindset? >> not an abstract figure, to me. when i was deputy police commissioner of new york city i was at the scene where officer ramos and lou were both assassinated as they were eating in their car by an individual who drove up from boston after tweeting, they took two of hours, michael brown and eric garner, we're gonna take two of theirs. that was an intentional where
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he felt he was bringing some kind of justice. if you fast forward to january of last year, officer jason rivera and robert moore, another individual who texted a friend just before the police are on their way, it's going down. he planned to kill them before they got their. the fbi report, which was anecdotal based on information with law enforcement and offenders from across the country, came to two interesting and fairly controversial conclusions. based on their interviews with police departments across the country, they said almost to a person, they blamed one, the relaxing of the drug laws, and the decriminalization of different drugs because they felt that offenders they had arrested before who hadn't resisted under influence of drugs would be more violent. number two, the anti police sentiment was driving that 28% and that these were factors that came out of social media and mainstream media after a police shooting where people were hearing a one-sided narrative and felt they needed to do something to bring revenge. >> john miller, thank you so much. appreciate your time, sir.
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still to come, story about classified documents that has nothing to do with a certain ex president and his palm beach mansion. chelsea manning who leaked reams of government aerial dozen years ago went to prison for it. she's now telling her story. that's next. ing el can help you with? like what? visionworks. see the difference.
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fanduel and draftkings, two out of state corporations making big promises. what's the real math behind prop 27, their ballot measure for online sports betting? 90% of profits go to the out of state corporations permanently. only eight and a half cents is left for the homeless. and in virginia, arizona, and other states, fanduel and draftkings use loopholes to pay far less than was promised. sound familiar? it should. vote no on prop 27.
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>> when the world first came to know chelsea manning in 2010 she was just 22 years old, an army intelligence analyst and a whistle blower who shook up everything we thought we knew about u.s. wars and iraq and afghanistan. she leaked hundreds of thousands of classified documents to wikileaks. to some manning's a hero, to others, a traitor. after serving seven years and military prison or prison, including solitary, she was granted freedom when president obama commuted her sentence in 2017. she's now trying to reclaim her narrative why she did and what she did. in a new memoir titled, readme. txt.
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chelsea manley joins us now. thank you so much for joining. >> thank you. >> so the book is about offering your side of the story about why you lead 750,000 documents, classified and sensitive, to wikileaks. what ultimately pushed you to take that extreme step? >> right, so, what if you boil down to was this incredible discrepancy, this cognitive dissonance i had between what the public was--i consider myself a very educated and informed member of the public, prior to enlisting in the military and deploying to iraq in 2010. but there is a discrepancy between what we had access to in the public versus what i actually finally saw on the ground and what we as a collective were really seeing on the ground and experiencing every single day. >> one of the things that seem to motivate your action, you write in the book that quote the occupying military force did not actually give an f
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about the iraqi people. i have to say that is pretty sweeping thing to say about thousands of service members. i know men and women who serve in iraq absolutely cared about the iraqi people. >> that is a general statement, a general sentiment, but what i encountered was the majority of people, we seemed to care less about the civilian population, and we put ourselves first, which makes sense, to an extent, but i also got the sense that, even though we were saying that we were trying to protect or have some kind of involvement of host nation nationals, if you will, seemed to fall to the wayside or be seen as more of a nuisance than as something that we should be concerned about. >> the wikileaks happened in 2010. in an interview that year by british television station and taliban spokesman said the group would punish afghan nationals working for the u.s.
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that are named in the wikileaks logs. now, i don't know of any who have actually been harmed. >> right. >> but did that not worry you at all? there are individual afghans and iraqis who were working with the u.s., trying to help the country, and they were being named. and it might put them in jeopardy to have their names leaked. >> this got fleshed out through the court-martial process. we were given discovery and evidence and those statements were made in 2010 in 2011, but as we came to find out later, there were no informants names in anything. so this was an accident, or at least on assumption made on the part of the information review task force that was put together, where they made a statement that it could put peoples in harm's way, but i was very careful in not identifying what is called source identifying information, which is a different
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classification and protocol system. >> there are a lot of traumatizing experiences that you write about from your childhood, from the military, from your prison time. one that i had not heard you speak about before is that you are a survivor of sexual assault while in the military. last month, as you may now, in confidential survey, some 36,000 service members say they had victims of sexual assault. reports were up 15% last year there are victims out there who feel they can't report it because no one will believe them or no one will care. >> while i was in the military and especially under don't ask don't tell, because this was with a, and i was presenting as male, and the other person was a male, so this would have been, even any kind of relation whatsoever that happened, in that timeframe, would have been impermissible. and also this was an officer in an enlisted encounter. it became a non consensual encounter.
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my immediate instinct was to hide it, to cover it up, and to pretend that it didn't happen. and then it started to eat at me. >> i'm so sorry that happened. you dedicate this memoir to trans kids. over the past year we have seen a lot of legislation about trans kids. i'm wondering what you would say to any of the lawmakers introducing these bills, keeping trans kids from the bathrooms they want to use or being who they are, what you would say to these lawmakers? >> i have less of a message for the lawmakers and more of a message to kids, which the lawmakers can here, if they so choose, which is that, we have faced reactionary waves, reactionary attacks against the queer and trans community throughout history, whether hiv and the aids pandemic, whether it be under the reagan administration with anita bryant in the moral majority. we face this before, and i have
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faced my own reactionary rollback before my own life, that even regardless of what the law says you are valued as a human being. your valued as a person. and we have survived these kinds of things and progressed past these things even whenever things do get rolled back. so even though i do expect that rollbacks will continue, i hope to bring at least some light into thinking about the future and the optimism that i have towards getting past this. because we have survived as a community. >> chelsea manning, thank you so much. >> thank you, jake. >> still ahead a deep dive with the man writing the music for the new little mermaid movie, but we'll go a few leapes deeper with lin-manuel miranda, and the father of the man who gave his hamilton and is trying to get young people and latinos excited about democracy once more. the mirandas, next!
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tony winning a musical savant campaign for a texas democrat gubernatorial candidate beto o'rourke. he had his father hope to rally young latino voters to head to the polls in support of democratic candidates next month. lin-manuel miranda and his father through luis miranda join us. i appreciate it. thank you so, lin-manuel, you're currently at the university of houston we've been talking to new voters all day. what are they talking about four issues for this election, and will they turn out to vote? >> it's hard not to feel hopeful after talking to these incredibly young students at the university of houston, and really they see it as the most important election of their lifetimes. their bodies are on the ballot, gun violence is on the ballot, immigration is on the ballot. they are facing the most restrictive voter laws in the country, and they are really taking it in their own hands to make sure they turn out and the
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vote among their generation. i felt very hopeful talking to them today. >> ruiz you and then we'll have been focused on getting out the vote especially in latino communities. polls show that since 2016 democrats have been steadily losing support with hispanic voters, although views differ by religion, age, and region. why do you think that is? why do you think democrats are struggling to maintain support with this critical group? >> i think that as long as democrats stay true to the beliefs of the party of working for the working class latino, we will regain what ever we have lost. the fact is, that at least two thirds of latinos, historically, have voted for the democratic party and our candidate. we will see how this election will continue to be a place
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where latinos come home and vote for our candidate. so it is nice to vote for others, but we have worked very hard also so that latinos have a seat at the table. and you see, when we are there, when people who look like us and speak like us are represented and are running for office, we come out and support them. >> lin manuel, a current cast of hamilton broadly released a video rewrite, to raise awareness about the importance of voting. let's take a listen for that. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ >> so do you think artists getting involved does help with
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the get out to vote effort you've seen it at the ground level. >> i think what is valuable is shining a spotlight where that ordinarily wouldn't be the case. i'm hearing houston because the country is paying attention to in addition to beto or you have the incredible richelle garcia, the first latina attorney general in texas. and i think what we can do is speak to what matters to us and i think it's important that texas knows the country is watching them, that we are watching to see how we vote on the most important issues of the day. >> lynn manuel, at its core, hamilton underscores the often under told importance of immigrants in american history, and obviously in texas, governor abbott has set off something of a firestorm by busing migrants to migrant -controlled cities, such as your city of new york. abbott says cities in texas can't handle the influx.
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what's the solution? >> well, i think first of all to use humans as political props is heinous isn't the word. horrifying isn't the word. it i think we do need to talk about immigration and a national level and a state level and finding humane solutions to this. >> and let me tell you, in new york we are a sanctuary city. i have been the port authority terminal welcoming venezuelans who are leaving their country to come to the united states but texas and the governor, governor abbott, is using them as props. if we can work at the national level and republicans have even, stop simple bills like daca, where there is an entire country in favor of legalizing
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these kids who were born and raised here, republicans have been stopping the immigration debate, the immigration movement so that they can continue to weaponize immigration as a way to get their base to the votes, to the voting polls. >> lin-manuel you're currently writing the music for the new little mermaid film so they recognize what major fall in love with the movie. what's your response to the backlash to aerial being played by a black actress? >> i saw the little mermaid when i was nine years old. i went on a play date with a friend and i could not believe when under the sea began that i was watching a musical number underwater and it's probably responsible for me writing musicals as anything else.
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i remember feeling weightless when i watched that film for the first time, then going back and dragging my parents, and going back and dragging my sister, and calling in sick from school so i could be the first kid to have it on vhs. i couldn't wait till the end of the school day. it has been the great honor of my life to get to write four new songs, lyrics, for four new songs with ellen maiken, for this new version, and frankly, hallie barry is a perfect ariel and rob marshall i thought showed incredible foresight to cast her. i have seen the dailies, so i know how good she is, to give oxygen to a very small minority of people who hate any kind of change is, to me, counterproductive. the overwhelming majority of what i saw was oh my goodness she looks and sounds incredible in the trailer. >> luiz, you spent years as the political consultant. have you ever encouraged your son to run for office?
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>> no, i learned a long time ago that music and art was his lane. what i continue to encourage him to do is to use his might, his talent, his intelligence, to push people to think hard for the things that impact our life at the end of the day. art doesn't happen in a vacuum. it happens in our society. and speaking about the issues that impact us all, it's important for artists, for people who are in politics like me. >> i know people watching this going all, stick to your writing, stay out of politics, i couldn't agree with you more! i would love to be home writing a song right now. but at a time when i never thought i would see roe v. wade overturned in my lifetime. that was settled law by the time i was born in 1980. there's too much at stake for any of us, whether we are in
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the arts or anyone in this country to stay silent and not go to the polls this november. >> lin-manuel, luiz, that you so much. it's good to see you both. >> thank you for having us. >> we'll be right back. ety system. >> customer: and they recycled my old glass. >> tech: don't wait. schedule today. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ (driver 1) it's all you. (driver 2) no, i insist. (driver 1) it's your turn. (burke) get farmers and you could save money with the safe driver discount just by having a clean driving record for three years. get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. (driver 3) come on! ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ you love closing a deal. but hate managing your business from afar. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit
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