tv CNN Tonight CNN October 20, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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liable in a battery claim brought by anthony wrap. wrap is best known for his role in "star trek: discovery." the judge formerly dismissed the ca case. despite this win, spacey faces other accusations in the uk. in may, spacey was charged with four counts of sexual assault against three men and one count of causing a person to engage in sexual activity. the news continues. time to hand it over to jake tapper and "cnn tonight." >> thanks anderson. really good show. >> thanks. >> yeah, it was good. good stuff, good stuff. >> thanks, i try. welcome to "cnn tonight." i'm jake tapper in washington. >> ask not for whom big ben tolls. it tolls for truss. british prime minister liz truss
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today setting the men's and women's all time indoor speed record for duration as a prime minister only 44 days in office. that's not even five squa scaramuccis. her abrupt resignation throws her closest ally even further into chaos. not that our friends across the pond weren't able to find humor in this, "the economy" magazine argued which would ask longer, liz truss' prime minister or a head of lettuce. you know when folks start invoking salad items when discussing how long you're going to last at your job, at some point it becomes a feta complete. but let us move on. how could six weeks go so horribly wrong. liz truss' deceleration from
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power, truss-nomics, they could create jobs, she said. essentially trickledown economic. this proposal immediately caused the british economy to implode. just the mere suggestion of this plan sent financial markets into a tail spin, drove the country's currency to a record low value against the american dollar, and pushed mortgage rates even higher. and this is on top of an already pre-existing deepening cost of living crisis in the uk, leaving average citizens struggling to afford basic day-to-day expenses. liz truss tried to staunch the bleeding, sack frificial lambs e offered. she tried to reverse course. the economy did not keep calm and carry on. that's quite a lot of damage in a pretty short amount of time. ultimately this turmoil was too much even for her own conservative party, and liz truss was shown the door at
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number 10 downing. and now had the conservative party, they've got a real party. public support is at an all-time low. if they held an election tomorrow, they would assuredly get dumped, meaning the next prime minister should think twice before unpacking those boxes. the staircase up to the second floor at 10 downing street has every prime minister. i suppose truss now gets one. it's weird to think of her hanging up there with churchill and thatcher. but i will always remember her as a resident of 10 downing because that was the first time i was ever let inside that building. my team and i went there just a few weeks ago to interview prime minister truss. it was her first u.s. interview. and i'm not sure, but it might have also been her last. i asked her about the fact that our president joe biden had just said, trickledown economics was a loser. >> president biden is in essence saying he thinks your approach
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doesn't work. >> i don't really accept the premise of the question at all. but my view is we absolutely need to be incentivizing growth. it is a very, very difficult time for the global economy. >> how do you say, i told you so, in british? anyway, i do wonder how this news is being received today by larry the cat. the chief mouser at 10 downing who's preparing to meet his fifth prime minister. his killer instincts, we should note, have made him a star. >> oh! >> i mean, i was rooting for larry. anyway, despite his reputation, truss seemed quite fond of larry. >> at number 10, you're going to be keeping larry the cat as the chief mouser. is that correct? >> that is true. larry's position is assured. >> he's safe? >> and he's doing a great job. although he does spend a rather lot of his time asleep.
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>> not to be catty, but larry seemed to know better than to hitch his wagon to that. prime minister winston churchill had just saved the world in 1945 when he and his party were ousted from power. i mean, he saved the world. that wasn't enough for voters. a couple years later, churchill said, quote, it has been said democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time. the other prominent form currently, autocracy, and you bet, president xi of china and putin of russia, no doubt are celebrating the latest example of how messy democracy is. i mean, the push/pull nature, the fickle public, craven politicians. the conflict and the tension, it's built in. and what about that other form of government, the one that is
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supposed to be the definition of stability, especially in the uk? monarchy? well, i got some bad news on that front too. queen elizabeth ii, whose final royal engagement was meeting the new prime minister liz truss, she is gone. so, for the first time in seven decades, there's a new monarch in town, king charles. but his popularity lags behind his mom's, and there is major uncertainty about whether he can unite his own family, much less his kingdom. prince harry's new memoir is already dividing the country, and it hasn't even been published. an upcoming netflix show will highlight the lives of harry and his wife meghan markle in self-imposed exile in california. season 20 of "the crown" is going to be lit. what happened today at 10 downing is about something much bigger than the drama of buckingham palace or the career demise of liz truss. the uk remains america's closest
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friend in the world, and it's not just our history that is shared. our futures could be as well. consider this. a divisive policy based on nationalism poo pooed disdainfully by elites succeeds at the ballot box, surprisingly, harolded by a brash politician with a unique hair style. i'm talking about brexit, of course, the 2016 vote of the uk to leave the european union, which predated and predicted our own vote for disruption later that year. so, is there anything we can learn from our loss of truss? a wise friend of mine in the uk, a long-time government official allegiant to underneath labor nor tory says both of these parties are too focused on only attempting to appeal to their base. hence, far left former labor
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leader jeremy corbyn, and he said, boris johnson and liz truss, selected by members of the parliament with apparently little thought about popular support. the lessons for the u.s. are about what happens, whether the lunatics on the far left or the far right take over their parties here. the right of the tory party, they've been calling the shots since brexit. and frankly, it's been a slow motion car crash. the lesson, find compromise, appeal to the middle because this chasm between the extremes, it leads to the paralysis we see in the uk today. or as they say when you take the tube, mind the gap. now we're going to go far, far away after the break and leave the politics bit behind and take you to the pillars of creation, a stunning and surreal new look at where the stars are born literally, courtesy of the new webb space telescope. its engineer from nasa is here
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to explain just what we're seeing here. stay with us. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. ♪things are getting clearer ♪i feel free to bare my skin♪ ♪things are getting clearer ♪yeah, that's all me♪ ♪nothing and me go hand in hand♪ ♪nothinon my skin♪ ♪that's myew plan♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ achieve clearer skin with skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin, even at 4 years. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. ♪it's my moment, so i just gotta say♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections,
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i remember when i first started flying, and we would experience turbulence. i would watch the flight attendants. if they're not nervous, then i'm not going to be nervous. financially, i'm the flight attendant in that situation. the relief that comes over people once they know they've got a guide to help them through, i definitely feel privileged to be in that position. ♪
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one of the most stunning and in a way inexplicable stories of the week involves these incredible images captured by the james webb space telescope. we're told these pictures show newly formed stars in a region called the pillars of creation. these images are stunning. but if you're anything like me, you have no idea what we're looking at here. so, let's bring in mike menzel, nasa systems engineer for the james webb telescope, to tell us what this is. mike, thanks so much for being here. >> thank you. >> welcome. first of all, let me say, we knew the pillars of creation existed because the hubble telescope about 30 years ago picked up these images. obviously a much sharper, clearer image today. what is this? what am i looking at here? >> this is a vast cloud of gas
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in space. the cloud itself is maybe around ten light years in size. what you're seeing is an area where vast amounts of stars are being born. outside of the field of this, there are stars that have already been born, very hot stars that are actually now evaporating the cloud that they were born in. so, that evaporation is peeling away the layers of gas and leaving the most dense layers there. and those dense layers are what you see there as the pillars of creation. now, they were nick named that because inside these pillars, stars are still being born. and this latest image from the james webb space telescope has some very fascinating things in it. the red areas that the astronomers have described as looking like lava are actually new stars that have been born and they're spewing out gas, what we call jets. that's what you're seeing here. you didn't see those on the hubble image because the infrared wavelengths that james webb is looking at were not
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detected by the hubble space telescope. >> it's incredible. i know you're particularly interested in this. it's called the deep field. this is inside the pillars of creation? >> no, this is -- >> separate. >> this is an entirely different area. >> what is this? >> now we're look outside our galaxy. the pillars of creation are outside our milky way. this looks at other galaxies in our universe, and it's a cluster of galaxies right here in the center about 4 billion light years away from us. >> which ones are galaxies? >> just about every dot you see here is a galaxy. >> so, the milky way galaxy is one galaxy and each dot is a galaxy. >> that's right. so, you're looking at cities of hundreds of billions of stars. this particular area here is a big, big cluster of galaxies. and behind it -- well, this cluster of galaxies is very,
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very massive. and light from galaxies much farther away from that is passing through its gravity field and actually bending to form these arcs. those arcs are distorted views of galaxies much farther away. >> you mean, like this arc kind of like that? >> that's correct. that's called gravitational lensing. that's actually dramatic proof of what albert einstein said. gravity is space that's bent. light travels through space. as it travels through space, it bends too. distorting images of galaxies much, much farther away. the thing i love about this image, i can tell you, when my wife first saw it, she looked at me and said, it looks like hubble. the truth is, it does. it looks like hubble. the hubble picture that looks like this took 14 days. james webb did that in 12 hours. >> tell us about stefans
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quintet. this is outside the milky way galaxy? >> it is. this is a group of five galaxies, four of them which are interacting -- >> one two, three, four? >> well, it's one, two, three, four, five. it's actually five galaxies. that's why it's called a quintet. this guy is line of sight. he's not involved with the other four. the other four are merging together, and their gravities are interacting with each other. as their gravities interact, you get places where they kind of compact or make shockwaves that compact the gas. when you compact the gas, you start forming new stars in places we call star birth. it's believed that, you know, a lot of galaxies like the milky way and galaxies that we know today that are close to us came to be as small galaxies in the early universe interacted, merged together, and formed the big galaxys that we see. >> it's unbelievable. now, these are called the cosmic
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cliffs. this is also outside the milky way galaxy. >> this is inside. >> and what is this? >> this is an area much like the pillars of creation. in fact the physics of this is very similar to the fpillars of creation. stars have been born and are being born in this cloud. the stars outside the field are evaporating the clouds. and you can almost see a pillar of creation that's starting here. that's a dense part that's evaporating slower than the rest. stars are being born in these cosmic clips as we speak. >> all these dots are stars. >> they're stars. this one is 7,000 light years away. >> if i go back to the pillars of creation, do we know where this is in the pillar of creation? >> no, no, no, it's a separate cloud. >> okay. this is interesting. this is the rings of neptune. we always knew, even when i was a little boy, we always knew neptune had rings. so, what's the significance of this? >> i'm not sure you know as a little boy it had rings. >> neighbor not. >> astronomers in the early
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1800s -- >> i'm sorry. i'm thinking of saturn. >> that's why i love this picture so much. astronomers in the 1800s suspected neptune might have had a ring. astronomers suspected it, but it wasn't confirmed until voyager ii imagined it. but the rings are very dark and very thin and they're not much to talk about in the visible light. when i saw this image, it struck me. i had a very visceral reaction to this because it looked saturn. >> that's why i was confused. >> it is. and the infrared wave lengths, these waves of neptune now stand out beautifully. i was standing next to a planetary astronomer when we first saw it and we both had just visceral vaccines to this. look at that. oh, my god. what are rings? they're dust that's orbiting the planet. there are two theories of them. one, people used to think that maybe in the case of saturn, which we still think, the rings were a moon that might have got
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too close and got destroyed. another theory is that, hey, these are places where a moon might have tried to form but just never finished the job. so, these are rings of billions of billions of dust particles. >> all right. so, i'm going to freelance a little and say, i don't know if you're a religious man and it's nothing -- it's none of my business, but when you look at this, does it make you think there has to be some force out there that we can't comprehend other than just science happening? >> well, it certainly brings that out in people, whether or not they believe in it or not. you know, to watch the forces of the universe actually act to create stars has to give you some kind of reaction. >> and it also makes me think that it is the height of the arrogance to think that we are the only life anywhere in this vast complex of so many galaxies. >> i wouldn't disagree with you. >> this is so much fun. mike menzel, thank you so much. >> thank you.
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>> i really appreciate it. if aliens are looking back at us through that kozcosmic du they're probably wondering what on earth is wrong with those carbon based life forms, why are they so hell bent on lying, cheating, at all costs. aliens, that is a good point, and that is something we earth lings, especially we here in the united states need to address. and we will do so next. . homegrown tomatoes...nice. i want to feel in control of my health, so i do what i can. what about screening for colon cancer?
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my cholesterol is borderline. so i take garlique to help maintain healthy cholesterol safely and naturally. and it's odor free. i'm taking charge of my cholesterol with garlique. maybe i'm remembering wrong, but i feel like playing by the rules and winning honorably used to matter in this country. it seems quaint, but i feel like it did. this is on my mind right now because district court judge david carter examined a bunch of
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emails from trump attorney john eastman -- eastman, you might remember, offered these bizarre theories and afraid lent plots to help trump hang on to the presidency after biden won. these emails show trump knew his claims about alleged voter fraud, specifically in fulton county, georgia, were false. and carter says they, quote, demonstrate an effort by president trump and his attorneys to press false claims in federal court for the purpose of delaying the january 6th vote, unquote. he goes on to say the email showed that president trump knew the specific numbers of voter fraud were wrong but continued to tout those numbers both in court and to the public, unquote. basically the judge is saying, trump wasn't diluted or misinformed about the 2020 election loss. he was lying. and that goes to state of mind, which means judge carter says, quote, the court finds these emails are sufficiently related to and in furtherance of a
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conspiracy to defraud the united states, unquote. but this isn't about trump. i mean, it is, but not just about him. i'm struck at how pervasive the idea of winning at all costs has become in america. there are so many cheating scandals, it's hard to keep track of them all. you've got guys cheating in fishing contests, hiding weights in wall-eye. >> we've got weights in fish. get the [ bleep ] out of here! >> there are allegations of cheating in the world of chess. they're made by norwegian world champion against 19-year-old american grand master, suggesting he maybe used vibrating beads on his person to get secret information and suggestions for his moves.
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niemann denies it. just today he filed a $100 million defamation suit against carlson. but then again, i mean, it's chess. they literally shake hands before every match. there was even a cheating scandal in this year's fat bear week contest. that's when alaska's national park holds an online contest for wild live enthusiasts to go online and vote for their favorite bear, as the bears pack on the pounds for the winter. but this year there was an online attempt to spam the vote total, though it was caught in the semifinal round. i mean, the fat bear contest. is nothing sacred? you know, there was a time in this country when the message we taught our kids that things such as sportsmanship mattered, although i don't know how convincing that argument might be to the average kid who this week is watching the playoffs where the astros are up one game
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against the yankees for the american league division championship. does anyone else remember which was only two years ago when major league baseball determined that the astros cheated. they broke the rules. they used a camera system to determine the signs that a catcher was making to the pitcher. they did that in 2017, the astros. by the way, just coincidentally, a year that the astros won the world series. or maybe these kids are watching quarterback tom brady, who has definitely avoided accountability even better than he's avoided tackles. after deflategate, where brady was accused of playing with balls purposely deflated to make them easier to grip and throw and catch. the response from even some of the all-time greats was this. >> they always say if you ain't cheating, you ain't trying. >> say it ain't so, joe. maybe it's time we step back and get a little less of vince
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lombardi's winning isn't everything, it's the only thing mentality, and a little more of john wooden's a true task of a man's character is what he does when no one's watching. let's turn to somebody who accepted the math and the reality of his fate back in 2016, former presidential candidate jeb bush. he's on a new kind of campaign. does the man once known as the education governor have any winning ideas for turning our schools systems around in this post covid distress period. and what does jeb bush think about today's republican party. that's when "cnn tonight" returns. [ coughing/sneezing ] [ door knocking ] dude, you coming? alka-seltzer plus powermax gels
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they know exactly what they're doing because four out of five kids who use tobacco start with a flavored product. and once they're hooked, they can be addicted for life. this election: we can stop big tobacco's dirty trick. voting yes on prop 31 will end the sale of candy flavored tobacco products. saving kids from nicotine addiction. vote yes on 31.
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is 2024, will you vote for him? >> well, there might be somebody else i'd prefer more. >> vice president pence talking obliquely, perhaps modestly about himself running for president. i still have to say i find his restraint given the whole "hang mike pence" thing which we've now learned trump was saying maybe the mob had a point. in any case, 2024 is on. let's talk about this and much, much more, including some of the issues that will be important in 2024. former governor of florida of former republican presidential candidate jeb bush. governor, thank you so much for being here. i know you want to talk about education. i'll get there in one sec. but vice president pence seems to think there's room for a traditional, dare i say, sane republican in the 2024 race for president. that's who you tried to be in
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the 2016 presidential election. do you think there's room with the republican base look to someone other than donald trump? >> i think so, yeah. i think vice president pence will make his case to primary voters. he's certainly well qualified to run. he's earned that position, as have others. and my guess is -- i don't know this for a fact. i'm not a great pundit on these matters. but my guess is there will be yearning for, a, a new generation of leadership in our country in 2024, and b, candidates that are focused on future, not necessarily the grievances of the past. whether or not the former president runs or not, i have no clue. he'll be formidable but there will be other candidates that will be able to make their case for sure. >> the current florida governor ron ron desantis will be in that place.
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he seems to be signaling he might run for president. would you support him if he ran? >> well, i'm not going to get involved in a primary before we even get to the end of this election cycle. but i can tell you he's done a great job as governor. he's governed very effectively. his response to the pandemic, i think, was extraordinarily good. his education policies are solid. he's made a real commitment to protecting the water resources and the natural environment of our state. he's, you know, kept the legislature in line. he's done the things that i admire, as governor, and he also has a strong appeal outside the state because he's tackled these cultural issues that have pretty broad appeal in the republican mindset right now. >> let's talk about some of the issues you just raised regarding governor desantis, education and covid. the latest national assessment of educational progress, often called the nation's report card,
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showed student test scores plummeted in math and reading after the pandemic to levels we haven't seen in decades. that drop is attributed in large part to the pandemic, where schools were shut down, learning went virtual because of various policies, fear of kids getting sick, fear of teachers getting sick. what are your thoughts on this? how long will it take to get our kids back on track? >> well, if we put the proper resources behind new policies and we actually faithfully implement the policies that we know work, we can overcome these big learning gaps, particularly with low-income kids, jake. this is -- we've always had this challenge in our country of lower income kids struggling with education outcomes compared to more fluent students. and it's gotten worse. and the results that will come out on monday will probably show an awful, awful situation. so, we should we do?
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empower parents to make choices for their kids, give them the power to choose public and private options, as exists in florida, arizona, and other places. give them transparency to know where their kids stand. most parents think their kids are all doing fantastic. but the reality is the scores will show i think that the number of kids that are prof proficient are way too low. >> i have to say i'm surprised that there hasn't been a national conversation about the damage done to kids because of these school closures and the virtual learning and everything because, i mean, i'm not saying there should be a national doover, but we can't just pretend that fifth graders who are now seventh graders that that didn't happen, you know? i feel like there should be -- and not with the blame game. look, it happened. people did it. it was criticized, the school closures, the virtual learning, et cetera. but here we are. there needs to be a bipartisan
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movement, you know? >> no, i agree. and i think what happens in washington, and it seems like our policy and our politics is all d.c. focused. what happens is that everything gets hyperpoliticized. so, you know, schools opening or not becomes a political issue rather than recognizing mistakes may have been made. it was a really difficult time. but let's try to solve problems now. and there is a bipartisan consensus outside of washington of what needs to be done. democratic governors and republican governors alike, many of them are abandoning the whole language, notion for reading and focusing on the science of reading. and there's a lot of efforts to use this money -- not all the covid money has been spent -- to be able to develop strategies to empower parents to make more choices about how you overcome these big gaps in the learning loss that took place. but to ignore it, we do it at
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our peril because imagine if you're in fourth grade right now and you've had two years where you haven't -- there hasn't been an assessment, there hasn't been any diagnostic work done, and you're starting to have to do science and social studies and math, and you can't read, how the heck is that child going to be able to progress? and those learning losses with grow and grow and grow? who's marching in the streets for these kids? who's expressing outrage? and that's what i hope the nape results -- because i'm pretty sure they're going to be ugly. i hope that they end up being a catalyst to do a lot more than what we're doing today. >> i said it a million times, the adults of this country have been failing the children of this country. i want to ask you because you talked about governor desantis taking on cultural issues that have appeal in the republican party beyond just florida. florida has a new law in effect that also impacts kids' education in school. it's called the individual freedom measure. it's commonly referred to as the stop woke act.
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it prohibits teaching that one ethnic group is inherently racist and should feel guilty for past actions committed by others. your mission was to improve the education system. i don't know exactly how these rules are being enforced, but do you have any concern that these restrictions could have a chilling effect on teachers just having honest conversations about civil rights or slavery or anything else? >> well, i think there's certainly a middle ground on this. i don't think it has been implemented. i don't know what the enforceability is. i do know that governor san tis h has expanded parental choice, has put a lot of money in the budget for literacy based efforts. and that's where i support him. these cultural issues generate enormous amount of interest because there are problems for sure. but some of this is making a political point to push back
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against wokeness in general. and you know, how it's implemented, we'll see. >> former governor jeb bush, always good to have you on. please don't be a stranger. we want to talk more about education, and you're a good person to do it. thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you, jeff. >> from jeb, we'll turn to phil. phil rosenthal joins me to taukt his new book and the new season of his hit show. stay with us. he latest technolo. when my last customer discovered a crack in his car's windshield, he scheduled at t safelite makes it easy. we're the experts at replacing your glass... ...and recalibrating your advanced safety system. >> customer: and they recycled my old glass. now that's a company i can trust. >> tech: don't wait. schedule today. ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ i was always the competitive one in our family... 'til my sister signed up for united healthcare medicare advantage.
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if you're one of the millions of fans of the hit tv show "everybody loves raymond," you know the name reay romano. but i want you to know the name phil rosenthal. he created the show. he has a new book out this week "somebody feed phil." joe rosenthal joins me now. phil, so good to see you again. you doing all right? >> yaeeah. i'm happy to be here. >> when i think of philly, i think of cheese steaks.
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i think of soft pretzels with mustard, water ice, what we call italian ice. >> water ice. >> but you found a culinary fair there. >> philly is one of the best food cities in the world. >> really? in the world? >> oh yeah. there's a thai place picked as the best new restaurant in america last year. there's great chefs. you know michael -- >> amazing. >> amazing. and he's got laser wolf too and a few other places. mark vetri's empire is there. he's there -- these are amazing chefs. i'm telling you, it's not just cheese steaks and hogue gis. >> i forgo the hoges. thank you for pronouncing it the correct way. >> i'm married to a philadelphian. >> i know. you went diving for sea urchins.
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>> my brother is the producer of the show. so, he thinks it's a great show when i hurt myself. so, he sent me underwater in croatia diving for sea urchins. >> to eat them? >> to gather them to be eat. >> and did you eat them? >> of course. >> i had one once -- >> they're not for everybody. >> it was -- i did not enjoy it. >> not as delightful as you would like? >> it was like brian, like -- it was like a mouth full of ocean. >> when it's great, it's this beautiful silky -- there was this japanese master sushi man that said, it's like ice cream. >> what? >> yes. >> is that how you found it? >> no. but it's very, very good when it's good. you might have had one that turned. but anyway, you put on protective gloves -- >> i don't want to risk the turning of the urchins, which is
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a great title for your next book. go ahead, with the gloves. >> i get protected gloves. you just scoop them up. i go to pick them up, the spines go right through my glove into my hand. and it's not just the one spine that you see. the spines have tiny almost microscopic barbs. so, the next part of our show is a nurse taking out -- this is great. he thinks it's great. that's not the worst thing. the worst thing was the formula 1 track in austin. >> tell me about that. >> i went in the car, a ferrari with a race car driver, 187 miles an hour. have you ever done anything like that? >> no, no, no. >> don't do it. >> it never would occur to me. >> you know, we see it -- >> no, i but you see it on the tv. it looks like it's fast, but it is smooth. it is anything but smooth. i compare it to being in multiple car accidents. it is a horrible --
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>> it sounds like a horrible thing. it seems like a horrible thing. >> your brother, let me guess. he's your younger brother? >> yes. >> he's enjoying your suffering. >> that's exactly right. >> he's enjoying calling you out. >> i think that's it. and i must say he's on to something because the people seem to enjoy it, too. >> i'm not saying he's not wise. i'm not saying he's not right but i just wanted to get to the heart of it. and i have talked to him. he's a very nice guy. so you have said you feel like -- you think of yourself as ant anthony bourdain if he was afraid of everything. but it's not just that, right? the whole thing is to make yourself face it and do it. >> or at least have a brother who makes you face and do it. >> right. >> i do have to say that in the sixth season. we're in our sixth season. i have gotten braver. i have eaten bugs.
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have you? >> i mean, not intentionally. >> you want to? >> well, not intentionally. >> obviously the race car driving was one of your least favorite things. what's the craze zest thing you have done. >> that's it. i guess i ate a thousand-year-old egg. they boil it in ash. i didn't know this. you are supposed to take a sliver of this and add it. i had these half hard boiled eggs on the table. and the person with me, she was a little skiddish. she didn't want to do it. so i took the whole thing and i said, oh, come on. i popped it in my mouth because i'm hilarious. i turned every shade of my egg. you can hear someone laughing off screen. it was my brother. and i thought i was going to die. >> did you throw up?
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was there anything? >> how much do you want to know? >> let's just move on to the next question. what is the biggest surprise you have had, something that you ate that you actually thought you were going to ate and actually enjoyed it, would have it again without a camera and your brother there. >> i had an ant in japan. when an ant comes in the salad, you think the restaurant has a problem. but, no, the person with me says these ants tastes like lemon. i said, in that case, could i have some lemon. it took all the courage i could muster to put this thing in my mouth and, damn, if it didn't feel like somebody put a lemon drop on my tongue. i said, okay, so you baste these lemons in it. no. this particular ant from this part of the woods in this part of japan tastes like a lemon. i don't know who found it. hungry guy. but it's good! >> all right.
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lemon ants. we should also know that this season also features a touching tribute to your late parents max and helen who, as everybody watches the show knows, were frequent guests on the show. >> yes. >> and this tribute is -- it's very sweet. but let's -- let's watch a bit of that for you. >> i love to see you dancing the t tango. that was my favorite. >> that was the most frightening thing i have done on the show so far. >> you looked terrific. >> what you do best, your gift for gab. forget dancing. >> no, don't forget. i think you did very well. >> okay. because he's not a good dancer. >> so the show is very funny. this is -- this is different. it's moving.
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why was it important for you to include? >> they were the best part of the show. i mean, i was alone. it's just obvious. i say in the tribute. i think people sat through my crap just to get to them. listen, i come from sitcom world so you are looking for funny characters that can recur. >> right. >> i happen to have them in their house. so there they were. so i would skype with them and they would always deliver, always. my brother and i would marvel. they're like a miracle. >> they inspired "everybody loves raymond." they were the source material for that. >> absolutely right. how lucky am i to have that family. i would have friends that write sitcoms and go home and yell. yes. i owe everything to them. this tribute, netflix very generously let me do that. i am so happy to have been their
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son, and they were so happy that my brother and i, who fought like idiots when we were children, now work together and we're happy. it gave them knockas as they say. my mom unfortunately passed from als so the proceeds from my book -- >> let me hold it up some here, which has some of the most requested recipes. >> yes, 60. >> so people who want -- and the proceeds go to. >> my share of the proceeds are going to als. >> well, may their memories be a blessing. just so people know, season 6 on netflix. >> it is on right now. >> to get to season one is a big deal. netflix ends shows at season 2. you have to be a big deal to make it to season 6 on netflix. it's so good to see you, phil.
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>> love you, jake. thank you. >> phil's book is available right now. go check it out. we'll be right back. newfound happinessss and zero surprises. and all of us will stop at nothing to drive youou happy. we'll drive you happy atat carvana. when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis persists... put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when uc got unpredictable,... i got rapid symptom relief with rinvoq. check. when uc held me back... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc got the upper hand... rinvoq helped visibly repair the colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief. lasting, steroid-free remission. and a chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check. check. and check.
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