tv Smerconish CNN October 22, 2022 6:00am-7:00am PDT
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kids getting hooked on flavored tobacco, including e-cigarettes. big tobacco lures them in with flavors like lemon drop and bubble gum, candy flavors that get them addicted to tobacco products, and can lead to serious health consequences, even harming their brain development. that's why pediatricians urge you to vote yes on prop 31. it stops the sale of dangerous flavored tobacco and helps protect kids from nicotine addiction. please vote yes on 31. vote yes on prop 31. . get out your crystal balls. i'm michael smerconish in philadelphia. with 17 days until the midterms and early voting already under way in 39 states, after all the
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unpredictable, consequential events and passionate issues that caused the political football to bounce, the one big question remains. who's going to win? history would suggest that the incumbent president and his party will lose their majority in the house, especially with president biden's overall job approval number among likely voters at just 39%. when you look at strong approval and strong disapproval, signs of passion, you see the real trouble for democrats. 18% strongly approve of the job joe biden is doing. two and a half times that number, 45% strongly disapprove. yet the numbers are still too close to say it's a done deal. cnn's latest projection map of the house races has 18 labeled toss-up, which means it's still possible for democrats to control the house of representatives. the conventional wisdom is that republicans will take control. and in the senate, according to cnn, it's 49 republican, 48 democrat with three toss-up.
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according to real clear politics, the momentum for the republicans is such they project the gop flipping the senate with republicans ending up with 53 seats to the democrats 47. what's most notable to me about their projection, their finding, is that they're seeing gop wins in several states where the democrats are still polling ahead, including pennsylvania and georgia, though within the margin of error. momentum seems to be on the side of the gop. nate silver of the 538 blog puts it this way. it's pretty effing close and says there are three entirely plausible scenarios. a republican sweep of congress, a democrat sweep or a split with dems more likely to hold the senate. but if you'd asked me a month ago or really a week ago which party's position i'd rather be in, i would have said the democrats. now i honestly don't know. friday republicans seemed to concede the new hampshire race to incumbent maggie hassan as the super pac cut their final
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two weeks of ads for the nominee c don boelduc. ra rafphael warnock called out walker's hypocrisy. walker said the democratic senator is desperate and it shows. in pennsylvania, the sole dubait between john fetterman and dr. mehmet oz is scheduled for this tuesday. if the phillies/padres series goes to a divisive seventh game, that will air at the same time, maybe an outcome that fetterman would prefer. in ohio the race to replace rob portman also competitive between democratic congressman tim ryan, who's portrayed himself as a moderate, and trump-endorsed author j.d. vance who has sought to portray ryan as a party line vote for
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democratic priorities. in nevada where early voting starts today, incumbent democrat katherine cortez masto, the first latina to serve in the senate, finding herself within a statistical margin of error partly due to how hard the state has been hit by inflation and how the tourism industry suffered during covid. hispanics might hold the key to that race. arizona, democrat mark kelly despite being not just the incumbent but a former astronaut, moderate and husband of gabby giffords finds himself in a surprisingly tight race with blake masters. and in utah, a recent poll showed incumbent republican mike lee leading independent challenger evan mcmk cmullin 41 putting the race within the margin of error. if mcmullin wins as an independent, this could make him an interesting power broker if the senate does end up in a tie.
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bernie sands and angus king caucus with democrats. mcmullin said he won't caucus with either party. all of this makes it as unpredictable and nerve racking as the baseball playoffs. i want to know what you think. go to my website and answer this week's survey question. which party will control the senate after the 2022 election, republican or democratic? joining me now is evan mcmullin, the independent candidate for senate in utah. evan, nice to have you here. by not aligning with either party, you're going to lack committee clout. is that worth the downside to utah? >> well, great to be with you, michael. i just don't think that's true. i know that's what my opponent says. but senate rule 25 says that every senator is required to have at least two committee assignments and then you can possibly have a third from a smaller category. but i will have committee assignments. there's never been since world
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war ii a senator elected as an independent who hasn't had committee assignments. of course i will. but more importantly i will have, utah will have one of the most influential votes in the senate. it will be our opportunity to have a voice in the senate that we have not had ever. i don't think much will happen in the senate frankly without the voices, without the votes of senators like me, if i'm elected, who are acting more independently than party bosses and special interest groups. that's the big opportunity for this coalition of republicans, democrats and independents here in utah and across the country to have a stronger voice in the senate and a deciding voice in the senate on many issues facing the chamber. >> the back story of the race is really interesting. you are a former republican, a conservative, cia credentials. you decide you're running as an independent. the democrats say we can't beat mike lee but evan mcmullin
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probably can so they fold their tent around you. meanwhile, and for me this is a badge of honor, you're getting criticism from the hard left and from the hard right. put up that msnbc headline so everybody can see it. they say this is dangerous. it might signal a dangerous -- here's what's so dangerous about evan mcmullin. your political posturing, in which you insist you'll never caucus, betrays an approach rather than commitment to the broader ideals you claim to espouse. meanwhile on tucker last night you were his focus. here's what he had to say in part. >> mcmullin has picked his side, the democratic side. republicans, they write, evan mcmullin truly represents your values. really? which values are those? >> he went on to call you a neo liberal, i'm not sure what that is. and even threw your faith into the mix in making reference to roe versus wade.
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so respond to the criticism from the hard left and the hard right. >> well, look, that probably suggests that we're doing something right here. but i'll tell you what i'm proud of. i'm proud of the fact that we are building a cross partisan coalition here in utah. many people said we couldn't do it, the country, the state were too divided. you can't bring republicans, democrats, independents and third-party members together but we've proven them wrong. all the credible polls have us down by a few or up by a few with lots of undecideds who lean against lee. that's why lee is in such trouble. the reason why this is a race is we've rejected the broken politics of extremism and division and been able to build this coalition. we start with the ideas in the declaration of independence, that our deepest human purpose is the pursuit of happiness and the leaders are accountable to us. so we come together on those grounds and find further common
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ground on the most difficult issues facing the country. that's why this coalition is growing. it's a rejection of politics as it is now. the broken politics of washington. i'd like to see this all over the country. but it's working here in utah. >> a final quick question if i may. do you like or dislike when people refer to joe manchin or kyrsten sinema in assessing evan mcmullin? >> well, i think there are a handful of senators who are now acting with greater independence. some of them are republican, some are democratic. we have one in utah in senator romney who is a republican, of course, but works across party lines to get things done. he works well with other republicans of course, he works well with democrats, and he's been responsible along with a small group of senators on both sides for most of the legislation that's being passed in the senate. not entirely. there have been some partisan bills passed, but most of what's happening in the senate now is being done by this group, this
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bipartisan group of senators do which i would joy. senator lee has voted for exactly zero of the major cross partisan bills that have been passed during the last several months. even mitch mcconnell voted for five of them. senator lee does nothing, sits on his hands until it's time to vote no and then complains about the status of our country. that's not good enough for utah and for the nation. >> evan mcmullin, thanks for being here. we'll keep our eye on utah. >> thank you, michael. can the democrats, can the democrats do a better messaging job on crime? that's the question raised by democratic strategist paul begala in his recent piece. the slogan hurting democrats' election chances, he writes, crime is an important issue. there, i said it. the problem is not enough democratic candidates are saying it. some don't seem to know what to do about the issue. cnn political contributor paul begala joins me now. he was counselor to president
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bill clinton and is a scholar at the university of virginia's center for politics. i read and appreciated your essay. you say crime is actually up more in red states and you cite wyoming, south dakota, nebraska. but really, isn't it about philly and chicago and new york city? >> well, both. it's cities and states. so look at cities, for example. bar bakersfield, california, home of kevin mccarthy. much higher murder rate than nancy pelosi's san francisco. jacksonville, florida, probably the murder capital of america per capita. republican mayor, republican governor. twice the murder rate of democratic new york city. democrats are better on crime and they need to make that case. >> isn't part of the problem those -- and i'm not buying into a fox meme here. in this case it happens to be true. those soros sponsored and backed progressive dnas, george g
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gascon in l.a.? >> the democrats in san francisco already threw out chessa boudain. katherine cortez masto, the senator from nevada, former prosecutor. she was so tough as attorney general that her opponent even said she was a role model as attorney general. val demings, the police chief in orlando, florida, 27 years in uniform, running tough on crime. the truth is the democrats have the right formula on this. and here's the formula, michael. it's kinds of what potential senator mcmullin was telling you. here's the formula for democrats. more cops, fewer guns. the far left doesn't want to hear more cops, the far right doesn't want to hear fewer guns. but we need more cops, community policing, no tolerance at all for police abuse ever, and fewer guns. we don't need teenagers buying
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ar-15s so they can walk into high schools. >> paul, i agree with you. i believe crime is a problem. i stopped this morning at wawa for my coffee in center city, philadelphia, near the studio. they're closing two wawas in downtown philadelphia because of the issues that you and i are discussing. i also think part of the problem is that there's a camera everywhere and everybody has a camera in their pocket. consequently there's the ability to run on a loop. some poor guy getting shoved in front of a subway in the bronx and it then perpetuates that as bad as it is, it's even worse. >> that's true. i think we in the media have a responsibility here. but at the same time it is a real issue. and i think if democrats or republicans tell people, oh, it's no big deal. it's all begala and smerconish's faults and their networks, you can't really blame the media for covering it. but tom brokaw was a local news
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anchor and he said if it bleeds, it leads. what i'm urging my democrats to do is run on this. did you know that the states that donald trump carried, 40% higher murder rate than the states joe biden carried. democrats have a good record on this. a lot of them are running on abortion. they should. the supreme court yanked away a right women have had for 49 years. if i were them, i'd stitch them together, michael. i'm sorry, i no longer advise politicians for a living. but this is what i would do. here are the people i want to put in prison, murderers, rapists, drug dealers. here are the people my opponent wants to put in prison. a 10-year-old who's the victim of rape. a single mom who got in trouble, a teenage girl who needs to exercise her right to choose. you can bring abortion in as a crime issue. the truth is that's where republicans want to lock people up. lock her up becomes the mantra of republicans for every woman in america. >> begala 2024.
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the way you said it, it makes perfect sense. paul, thank you so much for being here. i appreciate it. >> michael, great to see you again. go phillies until they beat the astros, then i've got to stick with houston. >> it will be interesting to see if it's seven games because of the debate tuesday night. what are your thoughts? tweet me or go to some of my social media pages. hopefully evan mcmullin wins because he is a real republican. not caucusing with either party could mean he would become the most powerful senator when there is a close vote. look at what joe manchin did and he was a democrat. james, you are entirely correct. all roads will go through utah. now, the criticism at msn from the person that i was quoting, and by the way i should at least acknowledge who that person was. natasha noman is that, hey, it's a small state with population. why do we give so much power to utah or west virginia in the case of manchin? that's the system we have. it was set up for a reason.
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every state gets two votes. you would have to negotiate with him and i guess i'm tipping my hand here. but he's reasonable. remember, i want to know what you think. go to my website at and answer this question. which party will control the senate after the 2022 election, republican or democratic? cannot wait to see the result of that. still to come, nearly eight months after putin invaded ukraine, as the battles rage on and the american economy worsens, has the support of americans begun to wane? and how to the ukrainians themselves feel? why they are keeping an eye on our midterm elections. plus, will the young blood play in the basement? so read an anonymous note to a couple who had just bought this new house in new jersey. if you were upstairs, you would never hear them scream, it said. the real-life mystery became the new netflix hit series "the watcher." i'm going to talk to the
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reporter who first told this creepy story. >> who am i? it might not frighten you yet, but it will. give the house what it wants. young blood. removeve the 30% of makeup ordidinary cleansers can leave behind. your skin will thank you. neutrogena®. for peopople with skin. nurse mariyam sabo knows a moment this pure demands a lotion this pure. gold bond pure moisture lotion 24-hour hydration no parabens, dyes, or fragrances gold bond champion your skin
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monday, it will mark eight months since vladimir putin invaded ukraine. has american support started to fade? and how are the ukrainians feeling about the conflict? well, here's a barometer. when the news first broke, i made a point of wearing ties here on cnn every saturday in the color of the ukrainian flag, blue and gold, to show my support. for several weeks i only covered
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the conflict. and then for several more i mostly covered the conflict. but now, i've got to be honest, it's been a while. my support is not waning, but my speech has. today i've got another blue and gold one on. support is fading, if not outright splintering. a pew poll last month found 20% of americans felt that the u.s. was providing too much aid to ukraine. that's up from 7% back in march. among republicans that number has gone up from 32% from 9% back in march. as the midterms approach, kevin mccarthy, potentially the next speaker of the house, warned on tuesday that if republicans win control of the house, aid to ukraine likely to dwindle. he said i think people are going to be sitting in a recession and they're not going to write a blank check to ukraine. the next day former vice president mike pence told the heritage foundation, quote, there can be no room in the conservative movement for apologists to putin.
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one ukrainian official told "the washington post" because of ukraine's near total dependency on foreign aid, its military feels it must move fast to recapture as much territory as possible before support softens. the u.s. midterms are one of the factors that have us concerned about the winter. russia will gain an advantage with the new congress and with europeans as they blackmail them on energy policy. that's why the current offensive is so important. nevertheless, the ukrainians seem bullish on their belief in victory as seen in research by my next guest. joining me now is mohammed eunice the editor in chief of gallup. gallup recently did some interesting polling among ukrainians. the first question, how hard is it to get accurate information from ukraine, much less a war-torn ukraine. >> that's a great question. the technology enables us really to reach out to people on their phones across the country. we were able to even cover
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respondents in the donbas region in this poll. so we were able to ask questions that we felt would not subject people to any danger but would give us useful information on where the tides are shifting among the ukrainian public and we got some pretty strong indicators of where things are going. >> here's one of them, i'll put them up on the screen. you founding that a clear majority, 70% of all ukrainians interviewed in early september said their country should continue fighting until it wins the war. it seems like according to your data, they have still got the resolve. >> not only that, they did what the u.s. has failed to do in several of its conflicts and that's define victory. the other question we asked is what does winning mean for you in ukraine? nine in ten ukrainians said they want to see their country win back the territory lost dating back to 2014, which would include the crimean peninsula. >> there it is, 91% said victory would entail ukrainian forces
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retaking all territory russia has seized since 2014 including crimea as you stated. do you see a difference if you're focused only on the easternmost regions, those that putin is laying claim to and says there was recently a refe referendum. is there a difference between eastern ukraine and the rest of the country? >> there absolutely is. one of the things we put out a map that showed people's perceptions on some of these metrics across the country. as you can guess, michael, in the east where the fighting is the hardest really on the front lines, people's fatigue is very evident. their lack of support relative to the leadership in kyiv is very evident. even in those regions, a majority of ukrainians share the views that you shared a minute ago. we also, michael, asked about whether ukrainians saw their country joining nato. a majority of ukrainians now expect their country to join nato within ten years, which is remarkable.
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when the conflict essentially started about that issue, how far would nato's border go, and ukraine was not really in a position to join nato. it wasn't really expected, although discussed heavily. so now a majority of the people in that country expect nato to encompass ukrainian territory. >> some people have wondered what peace might look like and i've heard some express the view that there should be not a putin referendum but a legitimate referendum in those easternmost regions. do you have a sense if they were given the choice whether they want to be part of ukraine or part of russia which way they'd go? >> you can't conclude that with a poll, that's why there's a war. it's really important for us as researchers to remain objective about the essence of the conflict. the data really highlight that there is a different experience happening and perceptions in eastern ukraine. many of the underlying challenges emanate from that within the country. that being said, i think it's
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very clear that ukrainians do expect u.s. support to continue. and i want to go back to this point on u.s. public opinion. you know, we asked at the beginning of this war not whether you support the war in ukraine but whether you support the u.s. continuing to stand behind ukraine through a prolonged conflict. over six in ten americans shared that view then. interestingly democrats much higher than republicans. but the notion that the inflation or the recession will somehow result in a complete 180 on ukraine i think is very farfetched for one reason. favorability of russia in the united states is at a record low. the data really clearly highlight how they see this as a long-term problem and that's critical to the u.s. >> i hope you're right. the tie is back on. thank you, mohammed, i appreciate your expertise. >> thank you. >> i hope you're hitting the website, by the way, totally revamped, nice and easy to get in there
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and vote. poll question today, which party will control the senate after the 2022 election, republican or democratic? up ahead, in today's pc cultural climate, 1776, a musical about the all-white male signers of the declaration of independence got a woke makeover. did that make it good? and a successful couple thought this six bedroom suburban house in new jersey was their dream home. but after they bought it, they started getting anonymous letters making threats against them and their children. their tale became the basis for the current hit netflix series "the watcher." but the real story is even wilder. i'll talk to the reporter who broke it. >> this is just a prank. >> it's not a prank. >> you need to sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, sell. >> i'm still watching, and i would be very afraid if i were you. remove the 30% of makeup ordinary cleansers can leave bebehind.
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what happens when your dream home turns into a real-life nightmare? that's the creepy story told in the new hit netflix series called "the watcher," and it's based on a true story n 2014 derrick broadus and his wife maria bought this $1.36 million home in the suburb of westfield, new jersey. in the series they're called dean and nora. after beginning renovations, the couple began receiving creepy letters from an anonymous person calling him or herself "the watcher" and claimed to have been watching the house for years as their father and grandfather had before them. do you know what lies within the walls of 657 boulevard? why are you here? i will find out. more letters followed. the writer showed familiarity with the family's children, referred to them as young blood.
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threatened quote, once i know their names, i will call to them and draw them to me. the family reported the letters to the local police. they hired a private investigator. but to this day they have never learned who sent them. "the watcher" based on a story published by my next guest, reeves wideman. in "new york" magazine he recently revisited the case taking another look at the watcher, what we know about the case four years later. reeves joins me now. he's a features writer at "new york" magazine. so how many letters in total and over what time period? >> the family received basically three letters within the first six weeks after buying the house. and beyond that, we know that there were -- there was one other letter that had gone to the house shortly before they bought it and one other letter that they received then three years later when the house was sort of embroiled in some more
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local controversy. >> and, reeves, i know from your great piece they bought the house not knowing that the former owner had received one similar letter. was there any obligation on the part of that seller to disclose it? >> no, there wasn't. i mean this is one of those things where it's sort of in a gray area and there's no legal requirement to report something like getting kind of an unusual letter. the people who sold the house said that the letter they received was kind of odd and strange, but wasn't the same kind of threatening letter that the broaduses received. they said it was weird but they threw it away. >> i get that it was eight years ago. i would think if it happened today, there are so many cameras all over the place and ring doorbells. no video, no dna gave the cops anything to go on here? >> there wasn't any video. i mean these were sent through the mail so this wasn't something that someone came up and dropped it off.
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eventually investigators did actually put cameras at the local post office to try to see if they could see anyone coming to drop anything off but that didn't lead anywhere. the one piece of forensic evidence we have is there is a dna sample from one of the envelopes. it's from saliva used to lick the envelope shut. the only thing that we know is that the dna was apparently from a woman. so it seems that at least the person who licked that envelope closed was apparently a woman. >> is it an active investigation? are the westfield cops still on this? >> not really. i mean there was a certain point at which this got escalated to the county prosecutor's office. it's now been, as you said, eight years since the case came out, sort of four years since our story came out and re-energized the investigation again. i've been told that short of more evidence or a really promising lead, the police haven't closed the case, but
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they also aren't actively investigating it at this point. >> again, i know from your reporting on the real story, because a lot of liberties are taken by netflix in taken it, i get that. they really never moved into the property. they were engaged in renovations and they had the crap scared out of them and i guess so too their kids so they didn't move in. i have to believe when they finally were able to sell the house, and that's a struggle, but when they finally go to another property, i bet they wondered, uh-oh, i hope we're not going to get a letter here too, like it's something about us. were there any letters sent to the broadus family, did any letters go to whoever did buy the house or did it end? >> that was obviously a concern but they haven't been. they haven't gotten letters at their new home, and the new owners also haven't gotten any letters. so whoever was doing this, it does seem that they have stopped for whatever reason, whether
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that's all the attention that's come to this case and not wanting to be caught or realizing how awful this was that they had done this. whatever reason it is -- >> or they're dead. >> whatever reason it is, it seems like they stopped. >> or they're dead. >> that's also possible. that's also certainly a possibility. >> i know many of us are caught up in the netflix version. i encourage everybody to simply google and access your piece because the real story is fascinating. thank you for your willingness to come here and tell it. >> of course. thanks for having me. more social media from the world of twitter about the watcher, i presume. what does it say? i just love how well it captured the feeling that everyone is batshit crazy. what could i possibly add to that? russ, you've said it all. i want to remind you, answer this week's poll question at which party will control the senate after the 2022 election? i've heard the pundits. i want to know what you think. are the rs or the ds going to be
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the face of millions of germs zapped in seconds. the face of clean. the face of whoa. some are of intensity, others, joy. all are of - ahhhh. listerine. feel the whoa! can you check all the boxes and still stage a successful show? that's what i wondered, reading the recent "the new york times" piece called for broadway's 1776 revival, the drama is offstage. it concerns a fight sparked by comments of a cast member in the current revival of the 1969 musical based on the events leading up to the signing of the declaration of independence. of course in real life all those figures were exclusively white males. but this 1776 seeks to take a page out of hamilton. in this version, actors who were multi race, female, nonbinary
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and transgender all play the leading roles, including the all-white male signers of the declaration, including john adams and thomas jefferson. as "the times" piece put it, the show, quote, was hoping to spark a conversation about power and representation and it has, if not quite in the way it intended. the show had already made some adjustments during its development following the murder of george floyd by police and the national discussion that it sparked, including bringing in a black co-director, jeffrey page, to work alongside the original director, diane paulis, who's asian american. two weeks after opening to what "the times" says is mixed reviews and soft sales, one of the show's ignited controversy. a filipino american who plays edward rutledge was quoted in an interview saying during the rehearsal process, quote, there was harm done and labeled some of the staging decisions as
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cringy. in her big second act song, "molasses to rum" her character calls out the hypocrisy of northern delegates who criticized slavery while their states profited from it. the staging includes an i'vecation of a slave auction. she expressed concerns about the staging of that scene in an interview called sara porkolobe has some notes. when considering the slave auction, the co-directors had sought consent from the black actors but not the rest of the cast, including the nonblack people of color. for the nonblack poc folks, we were assimilated into whiteness with no consideration of how our personal identity intersected with this song or this history. so the directors by using race as a binary in the construction of "molasses to rum" unconsciously held up a false narrative by assimilating nonblack poc folks into whiteness because they were
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prioritizing the black folks. moreover, she uses the pronouns she and they and said she felt the directors had not paid enough attention to questions of gender identity. when we were all in the room together, there wasn't any conversation with how we marry our queer identities with these characters, which is disappointing. after that was published, the co-director page made a post on facebook, later taken down. he addressed it to, quote, nameless person whom he called, quote, fake woke and rotten to the core. you are ungrateful and unwise. you claim that you want to dismantle white supremacist ideology. i think that you are the very example of the thing that you claim to be most interested in dismantling. last weekend, porkolobe spent an email apology to the production outfit calling it an attempt to repair the harm that i've
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caused. my intention was to share an important moment of learning specifically how i was part of an ensemble to deftally handle these complex issues. but it is clear that the impact was me breaking what's said in the room stays in the room community agreement and i'm sorry. all right, let's add some context. back in 2015 came the controversy of oscars so white. when the academy of motion pictures and sciences took a lot of heat for the fact that all 20 of its acting nominees were white. since then, we've been in an escalating era of cultural correction seeking to right past wrongs and underrepresentation. a worthy cause to be sure. but it also put studios and financiers in difficult positions about which projects to back and how to people them. there was no way they were going t bring back 1776 to broadway with all white performers. many measures were taken to look
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at the story a la hamilton using a wide variety of underrepresented people. that's a good thing. somewhere it seems to get to the point of excess and makes delivering a good show seem secondary. to review post george floyd, which was no longer acceptable that an asian woman direct unless she was supplemented by a black man. when a slave auction was contemplated, consulting only the black actors was inadequate because it was lumping the nonblack people of color with the whites. by the way, those nonblack people of color have their own affinity group within this production. and let's not forget gender equality too. it reminds me of james watt, ronald reagan's embattled secretary of the interior who in 1983 caused quite a firestorm. he was speaking to a chamber of commerce gathering and he bragged about his composition of his coleasing competition. he said we have every mix you can have. i have a black, a woman, two jews and a cripple.
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we have talent. he thought he was being funny. criticism soon followed from the commission members some who are youish, black, environmentalists and the disabled. president reagan called the remark stupid and a month later watt resigned. so when all is said and done, how is 1776? well, in his review of the play two weeks ago, "the times" jesse green wrote this. though some will see the casting, which is diverse, not just in gender but also in race and ethnicity as a stunt and travesty, i'm in the wondrous camp. that sounds good. but then he added this. but the current revival seems interested in the cast's experience at the expense of the audience's. i can understand that impulse, especially when creating space on a major stage for actors who rarely get it. and he concluded his thoughts this way. underlining one's progressiveness a thousand times as this 1776 does will not
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actually convey it better. rather, it turns characters into cutouts and distracts from the ideas it means to promote. the musical even shows us that. it's only when adams starts yelling and starts plotting that he begins to turn the tide toward ratification. just so, theater makers should have enough faith in the principles of equity and diversity to let them speak for themselves. are they not as someone once put it self evident? still to come, more of your best and worst tweets, youtube, social media comments, and we'll all see the results of today's poll question at where you should go and vote right now. which party is going to control the senate after the midterm election, democratic or republican? go vote. helping them achieve financial freedom. we're investing for our clients in the projects that powower our economy. from the plalains to the coast, we help americans invest for their future..
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there is the result of this week's poll question at 23,000 plus voted. 75%. gang, i have to tell you a little something. it wasn't -- i have to say this to the cnn audience. it wasn't who do you want to control the senate. who do you think is going to control the senate? but we'll see. we'll see. social media reaction. what codo we have? started watching "the watcher" last night, ready watched it. today watched sunniermerconish finished the story in five minutes. thank you. is that like adam kinsinger as in january 6th? adam, congressman, the whole show, talking evan mcmullin, and it's "the watcher" that you wanted to respond to? that's hysterical.
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what else came in? why are you using the term woke in your preview related to the casting of "1776"? you know that word is a right-wing dog whistle. stop sensationalizing. did you listen to what i laid out? if there is such a thing as wokeness, it's what i described with making the production of "1776." quickly, one more. hurry. i am a mailman in the philly burbs. my thought is what's the point of a debate now? it's a shame. they should have been debating all along. there is only going to be one debate tuesday. too late. see you next week. completely on its head. bringing legendary design... and state-of-the-art technology... to a fully-electric suv. the all-new, all-electric eqb from mercedes-benz.
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