tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN October 23, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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>> the public face of the company is, this is a wonderful partnership. but behind the scenes, it's impossible. >> in the u.s. they got in the raging liberal environmentalist tree hugger. >> but rupert suggests something stunning, something that will forever change the face of his empire. >> and lachlan is furious, and he says, if you take another phone call on this deal, you will no longer have a son. >> this will decide what they've all been vying for; succession for the company.
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hello and a warm welcome to our viewers joining us in the united states and all around the world, live from outside the u.k.'s houses of parliament, i'm christina mcfarlen. the revolving door at number 10 downing street will not swing open for boris jauohnson again. the former prime minister stands down ahead of today's critical leadership vote. >> and live from cnn world headquarters here in atlanta i'm rosemary church. i'll have details on all our other top stories including mid-term crunch time in the united states. new polling suggesting sky high voter interest and extreme polarization with the election just 15 days away. it's 7:00 a.m. here in london where all eyes are fixed
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on the tory leadership race, and we could learn who's poised to become the next leader of the conservative party and the prime minister. he said on sunday he'd not be entering the race though he claimed to have enough support to move forward. that leads richard sunak and kellie in the running. whether a vote will follow to determine the next leader of the party and the country. whoever comes out on top will be britain's third prime minister in just a matter of weeks after liz truss stepped down on thursday. scott mcclain has been following the developments and joins us live from outside 10 downing street. so, scott, johnson's decision not to stand late on sunday now makes it all more likely perhaps
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rishi sunak will become the next prime minister. presumably this will now give penny morden a scott as well of reaching that 100 vote mark. >> reporter: correct, if she can reach that 100 vote mark is the key phrase here, and she as pretty big uphill battle to do that, at least if you consult the british press and what they're reporting shows her well behind that 100 mark at this stage in the game. she's billed herself as the great uniter between the rishi sunak camps and boris johnson camps. if she can get to 100 that will determine whether this is a coronation. he didn't formally ever declare himself in the race but did come back from vacation in the caribbean to feverishly start hammering up support. he says he has more than 100 mps
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behind him, and he says he could have won. but in a statement he put out last night he says but over the course of the last days i had sadly come to the conclusion this would simply not be the right thing to do. you can't govern effectively unless you have a united party in parliament, therefore i think the best thing i not allow my nomination to go forward and commit my support to whoever succeeds. i believe have much to offer but am afraid this is simply not the right time. so leaving the door open for a potential future run on number 10 downing street. for now he offered the conversations he had. those conversations were to try to convince either of the two to drop their candidacy in exchange for a position in boris johnson's government or perhaps vice versa. rishi sunak has some work to do because he's the man that
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ultimately led to johnson's downfall when he resigned as chancellor. he put out a statement pretty conciliatory saying boris johnson delivered the great brexit and the vaccine rollout and led our country through some of the toughest issues our country has ever faced and took on putin and the war in ukraine. we'll always be grateful for that. although he's decide not to run for mp again i truly hope he continues to contribute to public life. like i said if penny mordaunt manages to get 100 supporters then we'll have a contest. if no one drops out at that stage then this would go to a vote of the party membership and at that point it's anyone's guess who might actually come out on top. if she does not reach 100 mps and we'll know that in less than seven hours from now, then rishi sunak will have his own
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correlation, but he has not been immune to controversy over the last few months himself. >> yeah, absolutely. his own set of baggage. scott mcclain for us for now outside of 10 downing street. joining me now a professor of politics and economy. thank you for your time this morning. the suggestion was, andrew, that if boris johnson had managed to make that 100 vote count that he wouldn't have had enough supporters, enough minister tuesday actually have formed a government. how much have the party and the country here avoided more political chaos with boris johnson deciding to withdraw last night? >> i think had johnson secured that support, decided to go forward and actually really had the support which he claimed to have which is not clear, the vote would have gone to the members.
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there's a reason i'm supposing the members might well have chosen him. but i think as you said at that point it might have been incredible push back from within his own parliamentary party. and i think although these things don't happen very often in u.k. politics and i hez hate to make these kinds of predictions i think there's a real chance the conservative party would actually have split over this issue and would have found people within the people parliamentary party looking very carefully and not only will they be able to serve as ministers but take the whit of the conservative members while johnson was leading the conservative party? i think that's how bad it could have got particularly when you consider he's still under regz investigation for possible contempt of the house by the house common standards committee, which could have even led to him being removed from the house of commons while serving as a prime minister. >> yeah, that could have come as soon as next month which is a frightening prospect.
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but that doesn't necessarily mean that the political chaos is over even if it's penny mordaunt or rishi sunak to go forward. especially in rishi sunak's case. many hold him responsible for boris johnson's demise when he decided to quit back in december. is he going to be what the tory party needs or is that indicative of the fact he is going to be able to do that? >> sunak certainly has plurality support among the party. he's the most favorite candidate, but there's still a section of the party which do not want to which will not be happy about this. it is significant that people who won might have expected today back johnson, which
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suggests there was some momentum in sunak's direction. however, one point is that sunak is the potential leader who was rejected by the conservative leadership. more than a month ago sunak was involved in the downfall of johnson. he has baggage. he was found to have broken the law over lockdowns just as johnson was, which is something thought being talked about much now. and there was a lot of scrutiny of his financial affairs. nothing actually found actually wrong but lots of scrutiny. when we look at those who have swung around from what you might call the right of the party to backing him one wonders what are they actually expecting out of him? and if he doesn't deliver it, are they going to turn on him again? are we going to see this split reemerging, which i think is
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always a strong possibility. >> so the splits potentially on the rise any way you look at it. a lot of work to be done if it is indeed rishi sunak announced later today at 2:00 p.m. professor, thank you for joining us. appreciate it. we'll have more from london just ahead, but right now let's toss it back to our rosemary church in atlanta for the other top stories today. rosemary? >> thank you so much, christine. we'll be back with you shortly. with just over two weeks until the u.s. mid-term elections, inflation and economy are the top of voters minds. the latest cnn poll shows voters are showing equal support for both parties, and a senator from missouri says republicans will take a majority of the house seats. >> i think they are responsible -- the american voter's going to hold them responsible election day. i think there's no question republicans will gain control of the house. and in a very narrow environment
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just as likely as not to gain control of the senate, but we still won't have control of the administration, and bad regulatory policies and bad energy policies will continue to stoke what's now a fire of inflation that got way out of hand before democrats knew what they were doing. >> but house speaker nancy pelosi says republicans have offered no solutions to the real issues at hand. >> the fight is not about inflation. it's about the cost of living. and if you look at what we have done to bring down the cost of prescription drugs, to bring down the cost of energy and the rest in our legislation, you will see that there has been opposed every step of the way by republicans, and they have no plan for lowering the cost of living or helping with inflation. >> for more let's bring in political analyst, president of
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the global policy institute at loyola maramount university and six debates that define the institution. thank you so much for being with us. >> always a pleasure, rosemary. >> so mid-term elections just over two weeks away and a recent nbc news poll shows 70% of registered voters are highly interested in the election, the largest percentage ever recorded at this point before the vote suggesting turnoutcould be very high. but republicans do have the edge on enthusiasm, so what might this loss of momentum mean for the democrats come november? >> we go back six months ago it looked like a run away for the republicans, a red tsunami. two months ago the democrats caught up with the republicans. but in the last few weeks the issues have become more focused on things like, you know, voters concern about inflation, crime,
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immigration, those have really become the keys. for the democrats the big issue is of course abortion. that looked like a year ago it was going to be a hugely important issue for a turnout. less now because a lot of the suburban women who wanted to vote for democrats because of abortion issues now are saying, wait a minute, it's the economy, it's inflation, it's pocketbook issues. >> right. and of course inflation, the economy, crime, as you say top issues for voters. so what's likely to happen in the senate when it comes to the critical battle gground states nevada, pennsylvania and of course georgia? >> a lot there depends on the quality of candidates. donald trump is not literally on the ballot, but a lot of his hand picked candidates are. for example, over half of the republican nominees for positions this time are election deniers. and so a lot is going to depend
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on whether voters are interested in the national concerns with donald trump at the lead or if it's going to be local issues and local candidates. pennsylvania's a good example where you've got some really tight races going on for governor and even more so for the senate. and you mentioned turnout, that's going to be the important thing. the enthusiasm gap if there is one could turn the tide in the election. >> and what do you expect to happen in the house? >> i expect in the house if past is prelude, the president and his party loses about 25, 26 seats in the house and five in the senate, my pick right now is the democrats will lose about 20 in the house and maybe one or two in the senate. that doesn't sound like a lot and better than historical standards. but remember if that happens republicans win control of the house and the senate, and therefore president biden will not be able to get legislation through. he will have to govern more as an administrator or as a
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managerial president. >> yeah, a critical point, of course. and that nbc news poll that i mentioned also shows that 81% of democrats believe the republicans' agenda poses a threat while 79% of republicans say the same about the democrats. so if so many voters worry about democracy along with economic issues, abortion rights and gun violence, why is senator bernie sanders so concerned about democratic voter turnout especially among the young and working people? >> you know, young voters for them the main concerns are jobs which is a democratic issue and the environment. the problem is the young voters have to be really motivated. they have to get out and vote in massive numbers. and bernie sanders is correct. right now it doesn't seem like there's a great ground swell of young voters anxious to go to the polls. if you're a 40-year-old person with two kids and a mortgage, inflation's a big deal to you. if you're 20 years old in
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college that might not be the number one issue for you, but you've got to be motivated. and president biden and the democrats have not thus far done a great job of motivating young voters the way they need to. >> always a pleasure to have you on and get your political analysis. many thanks. >> thank you, rosemary. and still to come the u.s. is pushing back against russia after its foreign minister makes an unsupported claim about ukraine. why washington believes it's an attempt to escalate the war. students at iranian schools and universities were back protesting in the streets sunday as a hacking attack breached e-mail servers at iran's civil nuclear agency. we will have the latest in a live report. (cheering) we like sand, don't we? between the toes and such, and,d, in other places. (glass jar breaks) (shoes tapping on floor) exexpedia tracks the price of your flight, and lets y you know when it's best to book. ♪
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and right now business owners can get it on us at t-mobile. apple business essentials with apple care+ is included so you can easily manage your team's devices, here, and here. all on the network with more 5g coverage. it's the ultimate business trifecta, with the new iphone 14 pro on us. only from t-mobile for business. the u.s., u.k., and france are joining ukraine in rejecting an unsupported claim from russia that kyiv may use a dirty bomb. russia's defense minister made the suggestion while speaking with some of his western counter parts on sunday, but all of them say it's an attempt by moscow to
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escalate the war on ukraine. cnn's nic robertson joins us now with more. good to see you, nic. so russia accusing ukraine of planning to use a dirty bomb on its own territory. what all is the west saying about this? >> a transparently false allegation is what the joint statement from the french, british, and u.s. foreign ministers said after their defense ministers had spoken separately. interestingly at their own request with sergey, and i think there are obviously many points to look at here, but one i find particularly interesting is that the u.s. defense secretary, lloyd austin, spoke with sergey for only the second time during russia's war with ukraine just a couple days ago, two or three days ago. and the fact that the follow-up from that is the british, the french, and the u.s. should request follow-on phone calls with him suggests that lloyd
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austin in his first phone call heard things of deep concern and wanted to make roundly clear that the allegations that he's putting forward are false. very likely to warn russia of potential consequences about escalation. russia is continually being warned by the west against further escalation here. president zelenskyy said that if russia is already making these false allegations, then this means that russia has already prepared itself such a dirty bomb. and we do know that president putin over recent weeks has chosen to listen to the hard liners more, and at a fork in the road where he's had reversals and losses in ukraine has chosen to double down in the fight and listen more to the hardliners than -- than others in his administration. so this is a very real concern.
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it may also point to russia's intelligence to what's actually going on in uane. that can't be overlooked either. russia's intelligence at the beginning of the war was woefully inadequate. they thought they were going to walk in, it would be an easy victory. they lost thousands upon thousands of lives based on that false understanding of the situation here. but at the moment this is being taken as a very real threat by russia and seriously enough for all those defense ministers -- britain, france, u.s. -- to call up, tell them -- tell russia it's not true, it's not going to happen, don't do it. >> all right, our nic robertsson joining us live there. appreciate the update on the situation on the ground. well, students marched and demonstrated across iran sunday in the latest show of anti-government sentiment in the country. this video from the pro-reform outlet iran wire shows female
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students confronting iranian paramilitary forces outside tehran. and in this iran wire video you can see high school students marching in a kurdish city. demonstrations over the death of mahsa amini while she was in the custody of the morality police have gone on for weeks now and they've evolved into protests against the government itself. so let's go to cnn's anna coren. she joins us live from hong kong with more on all of this. good to see you, anna. what is the latest on these brave demonstrations across iran but also a hacking attack at the country's civil nuclear agency. >> reporter: let me start with the protests now into their sixth week. you mention those demonstrations on the campuses of universities, on the streets by school
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students. i mean it's these courageous acts we are seeing week after week. but we should mention that the global protests, those solidarity protests that we saw take place in germany, in the united states, in japan, and australia, among other countries have emboldened those protesters. i spoke to a resident in tehran a short time ago and he told me that people heard about what took place in these countries, and hence it motivated them to then take to the streets. even though there's outages of the internet, there's censorship, you know, people are obviously getting around that with vpns, and they know the news that is coming in of this iranian diaspora that wants to inspire those on the ground to continue protesting, you know, in iran six weeks on. you mention that hacking incident. the atomic energy organization of iran has confirmed that its e-mail system was hacked. iran claims that it's a foreign
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country behind it. an organization called black reward, which is an anti-government hacking group says it is responsible. it has given the iranian government a 24-hour ultimatum. it said either release these detained protesters or they will release embarrassing documents among the 100,000 e-mailed messages and plans of the nuclear power plant they've already disseminated. but they said, quote, they'll have no answer to their russian bosses. that is the ultimatum that this hacking group has made to the iranian regime, rosemary. >> anna coren, bringing all of that from hong kong, many thanks. in the coming hours britain will name its next prime minister in a few short weeks. how did the u.k. fall into this
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welcome back to our viewers from all around the world. i'm christina macfarlane live from just outside the houses of parliament. we'll find out who will become the next leader of the conservative party and the new prime minister. we do know it won't be boris johnson who announced on sunday he won't enter the tory leadership race even though he said he received enough support to move forward.
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in the coming hours the conservative party will announce which candidates have received the necessary 100 nominations and whether a vote will follow to determine the next leader of the party and of the country. well, this all comes just days after liz truss stepped down as prime minister after only 45 days in office. the revolving door of british leaders has started with the u.k.'s exit from the european union. cnn's anna stewart has more now on the political upheaval triggered by brexit. >> in a stunning decision britain is ending its 43-long relationship with the european union. >> from the moment this happened, the u.k. has been caught up in tumultuous times. there have been resignations. >> i think the country requires leadership to take it in this direction. >> reporter: promotions.
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and a lot of late night votes. the country tried to get brexit done. it was the undoing of theresa may. >> the second female prime minister but certainly not the last. >> in the end it fell to boris johnson who won an election with a resounding majority and eventually -- but the political chaos didn't end. just months after brexit the covid-19 pandemic hit the u.k. hard. there was tragedy as more than 200,000 people died and many more were hospitalized including the prime minister. there was also -- as top officials were forced out for breaking their own enforcing rules. >> those of us who make these rules have got to stick by them. >> including the prime minister with a scandal known as party gate, a row of illegal
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gatherings at number 10 during lock downs. johnson was forced to resign. >> the baton will be handed over in what unexpectedly has turned out to be a relay race. >> his replacement didn't fair much better. an implosion in the u.k. economy following a so-called mini budget full of unfunded tax cuts led to liz truss becoming the u.k.'s shortest serving prime minister. >> i cannot deliver the mandate on which i was elected by the conservative party. >> and leaving her successor with a multitude of challenges and no end in sight to the chaos. ana stewart, cnn, london. >> well, as the sun comes up here in london our coverage of the contest for britain's next prime minister will be continuing in the next hour. but right now let's get back to our rosemary church with more of the headlines from around the world. rosemary? >> thanks so much, christina. we'll see you at the top of the hour. and still to come china's
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leader begins a third term with a new ruling body. how this will ensure xi jinping will gain greater control over all aspects of policymaking. back with that in just a moment. i'm looking for someone who likes to be in the middle of it all. you hungry? i know a place. it the city that never sleeps, but hey, if you need the rt, i've got you covered.
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startling new video coming in from the philippines where a korean air passenger plane overran the runway. thankfully there are no injuries and all 162 passengers safely evacuated the aircraft. the airline said the flight which originated in south korea had attempted to land twice in poor weather before overshooting the runway on the third attempt. in china xi jinping has begun an unprecedented third term as the country's leader. he's now governing with a loyal team after promoting allies to
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the country's ruling body, but some fear his appointments will favor political ideology over economic growth. today stocks in hong kong slid in early trading even as china released stronger than expected gdp numbers. cnn's steven jung joins us now with more. good to see you, steven. so president xi surrounding himself with loyalists as he expands his power, but what are the risks involved and what impacts could this have globally? >> yeah, rosemary, that's a very important and timely question because when you look at this line-up of the new standing committee, the number two ranked lee chung, and the number 6 ranked, these two men are expected to become china's next premier and executive vice premier. basically they'll be in charge of the world's second largest economy. but when you look at their résumé they have something in common. they both lack national level
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policymaking and governing experience. that's why there's been a lot of concern because they are going to take charge at a time when there is a global recession on the horizon and this economy is facing heavy headwinds in large part due to their boss's strict zero covid policy. that's probably one reason as you mention the hong kong stock market plummeted during monday's trading despite the better than expected gdp for a third quarter. the impact is not only reflected in personnel matters, his governing philosophy has been strengthenped in the newly revised party constitution. a lot of his favorite terms have been added into the charter includen fighting spirit. that not only applies to military but every aspect of the party's daily work including on
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the foreign policy front. that's why it's likely we're going to see more and more increasingly assertive and some would say aggressive chinese diplomats around the world proudly wearing a badge and training for anyone who dares to question. that doesn't bode very well for anyone hoping it see calming of tensions with china and especially the united states. the current foreign minister often seen as the epitome of that doctrine he got elevated despite being 69 years old. that's past the previously observed retirement age for senior officials, but obviously all of those old norms and rules no longer apply in the era of xi jinping. rosemary? >> steven jang joining us live from beijing. many thanks. hurricane roselyn roared ashore across west mexico on
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sunday. roselyn had sustained winds of more than 190 kilometers an hour when it hit the shoreline. at least two deaths have been reported in mexico. since then the storm has broken up over the mountains. and we have new details on rushdie's injuries from a stabbing attack in new york state in august. his client has lost sight in one eye and one of his hands is incapacitated. and says the author also has about 15 more wounds in his chest and torso. rushdie's attacker has pleaded not guilty to attempted murder and assault charges. for our international viewers "world sport" is up next. and for those in north america i'll be back with more news in just a moment. i'm a coastal lodge.
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i might sound fancy but i'm pretty down to earth. no flashy lighghts or big city noise here. i'm looking for someone who enjoys thehe soothing souns of the ocean and taking in the view. i may have a rocky exterior but i've got soft pillows and breakfast on the house. so, if you're looking for a warm place to stay, toss another log on the fire.
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well, millions of student loan recipients across the united states will have to wait a little longer for their debts to be erased after a federal appeals court paused joe biden's student debt relief program while it reviews the case. cnn's camilla bernal has the story. >> reporter: it may take a little longer but cody is still expecting a third of his student loan to be forgiven. >> it's a light at the end of it tunnel. >> reporter: he's referring to president joe biden's student loan forgiveness program that would cover $10,000 of his student debt because while he's been out of college for nine years, he still owes $30,000. >> i recently married. me and my wife are going to be thinking about purchasing home, so it's all of a sudden kind of right in front of me again because i'm thinking about the kind of debt i have, and i need to finance my future and get a home. >> reporter: but while the administration was expected to start granting loan discharges as early as sunday, a federal
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appeals court put a temporary administrative hold on the program. a move being argued in and out of the courtroom. usc economics professor robert -- says while his students consider the program he has to consider different perspectives. >> relative to defense spend [the overall government budget the annual cost is not huge, but there is -- it's going to be a burden on current taxpayers. >> he also says if the goal is to help low income families, the government should instead invest in say early childhood education. as an economist he thinks short-term loan forgiveness will make things worse, but as a professor he thinks long-term this will make the u.s. more competitive. >> we need people with skills, and the way to get it is in higher education. >> and it's that education that he says got him to where he is
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today. now the executive director of the student debt crisis center, a non-profit focused on ending the student debt crisis. >> for me the only way to open the door was to take on student loan debt even though it's created really unnecessary challenges and, you know, we've had to be stressed and all of that. but my future is brighter nonetheless. >> now he's not only waiting for his loan forgiveness but also fighting so that others can also get the relief. >> my dream, my vision for a better america in the future is one where my kids don't even have to consider student loan debt. >> reporter: and it will take at least a couple of days for this legal process to play out, but people are still applying for this program. cody who you met in the story told me it took him one minute to complete his application. he hopes that one minute could eventually translate into a significant portion of his loan to be forgiven. camilla bernal, cnn, los
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angeles. new york city police have released security video of a shocking attack in a brooklyn subway station. the man in the yellow hood suddenly pushes another man onto the tracks, then runs away. the victim was not hit by a train but he did suffer injuries. crime on new york's subways remains below pre-pandemic levels but it's much higher than it was last year, so officials have announced a new initiative to make the transit system safer. >> reporter: and mayor eric adams is certainly on what appears to be a mission this weekend to try and address the issue of public safety here in new york city. there's been a marked increase in violent incidents that have happened in the subway system, so he teamed up with governor kathy hochul to announce a plan to increase police officer patrols across the system as well as increasing the number of psychiatric beds that are made available for people suffering from mental illness. now, i want to show you this video from last week.
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you can see a man that is walking along the subway platform. then there's another man that comes seemingly out of nowhere and pushes him onto the train tracks. that man thankfully was not hit by the train but did suffer serious injury. the police are asking for help in finding this person, and its videos like this that have new yorkers on edge. and mayor eric adams has been getting a lot of criticism for this. he has talked about the idea of perception and reality when it comes to public safety. we sat down with the mayor and asked him what he says to new yorkers that are watching these videos and are concerned that crime and public safety is not getting any better. >> when i talk to new yorkers they say, yes, eric, i've never been a victim of a crime on a subway system, i've never been attacked, i use it every day. i'm one of the 3.5 million riders on the subway system, and i've never been attacked. i feel unsafe because of what i
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see, what i read, what i hear. so now i have to address that fear. so what are we doing? we have been a large amount of omny presence of police officers. nothing dissipates violence veen more than having police officers in blue uniform, doing an actual patrol. we're going to have them actually on the train and then we're not going to be passive in dealing with those who have real mental health issues on our w subway system. we've got over 2,000 people on our system that were living off our system that couldn't take care of themselves. >> you hear the mayor talking about mental health and that's certainly a part of this plan. they want to increase the number of psychiatric beds available, and they want to make sure people can be connected to resources, people who are riding the system and clearly in need of some help. now, all of this is easier said than done. it is not possible to force
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people into treatment, and the mayor acknowledged to us that is certainly a part of the problem. but for now he says they're increasing the number of beds and making sure that mental health treatment and resources for people who need it are part of the overall strategy especially as ridership continues to increase as we come out of the pandemic. in new york, cnn. texas police are revealing new details about the shooting at a dallas hospital that left two people dead saturday. officials say the suspect was out on parole and wore an ankle monitor. he had permission to be at the facility for the birth of a child. methodist dallas medical center says the shooting happened in the mother, baby unit. they've increased security as a precautionary measure. the police chief tweeted that he is outraged at the lack of accountability and called the system broken.
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the suspect is charged with capital murder. the owner of the golds gym fitness studios and five others are feared dead after a private plane apparently crashed off costa rica's caribbean coast. the country's minister of public security tweeted that two bodies have been found, but they have not been publicly identified. searchers also found parts of the aircraft. the founder and ceo of rsg group which includes golds gym. he was traveling with his partner and two minors. well, snow is blanketing parts of the united states right now even before halloween, and while you've heard of the dog days of summer, these four legged friends are enjoying a pause for powder. the video was shot in montana where the trees also got a beautiful coating. and joining us now from the cnn weather center is ourmeteorolog
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pedram javaheri. >> rosemary, it's october 24th, so you look at the calender and we're exactly two months away from christmas eve. this is what's happening when it comes to winter weather across the northwest. we're transitioning too u the winter weather season. you'll notice nine states under these winter weather alerts. as much as 5 to 6 inches in store over the next 24 hours. and you'll notice cold weather prompts have been prompted. parts of colorado as cold as 19 degrees and the rockies even down into the 20s as well. but the cold air, the snow showers, that's not the big story. it's the wet weather that's been really coming in across an area that's been drought stricken in recent months. in fact 60% of washington state
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and 80% of oregon experiencing drought conditions as well. and notice over the next five days significant bouts of not only rainfall along the coast but high elevation snow showers and this transitions us into the wet season and great news across some of these areas that's seen plenty of wildfires in recent weeks and certainly take the wet weather as they get it. notice the system migrates towards to thesnortheast, 70% o these states under drought conditions. beneficial rainstorms in place across the regions. again, great story there for wet weather in places where they need it most. notice the significant divide where the colder air is. rapid city the best they can do here this afternoon is 45 degrees, 38 off towards the east. still feels like areas of fall or late summer weather there with temps into the upper 70s. so the transition is expected to happen in the coming days. >> all right, we'll watch for
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that. pedram, many thanks as always. well, another work of out doused with a random food item by climate crisis protesters. this time it was monet's painting "grain stacks" at a museum in germany and it was pelted with mashed motatoes. the museum released a statement saying the painting was not damaged as it was covered in glass. it's the latest stunt by activists to vandalize a famous piece of art to draw attention to their causes. just over a week ago activists threw tomato soup at vincent van gogh's painting sun flowers at a london gaelary. the philadelphia fillies will play the houston astros starting friday. the phillies defeated the san diego padres 4-3 on sunday to clench the national league crown. the phillies were behind in the eighth inning when designated hitter bryce harper put them in the lead with a two run home
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run. harper was named the most valuable player of the national league championship series. houston beat the new york yankees 6-5 sweeping them in four games in the american league championship series. the game was tied in the seventh inning when the astros third baseman, alex bregman, hit the go ahead run. and this will be the astros fourth trip to the world series in the last six seasons. thanks so much for your company this hour. i'm rosemary church. i'll be back with more news in just a moment. don't go anywhere. sand. (engine revving) (cheering) love a bit of sand. expedia tracks the price of your flight, and lets you know when it's best to book. so y can go see more of all thworld's sand. over 5 milln people have fallein love
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