tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN October 25, 2022 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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>> good evening. with two weeks to go until the 2020 midterms, the control of office in statewide offices around the country is changing day by day. there is no better example than the contest for pennsylvania's open senate seat between lieutenant governor john fetterman, and dr. mehmet oz, his first and only debate just got underway in harrisburg. if you hours ago, the independent challenger efforts turned pulled out of the race through his support behind lieutenant governor fetterman, quoting from his tweet, announcing the decision that i am pulling around 3%, which places democracy at risk. it's not clear what pennsylvania voters will make of that notion, but it certainly one thing that you have to consider, along with what they see from the two main candidates tonight, in a race that could decide the control of the senate and perhaps congress for the next two years. what is true as well as the voters nationwide have more factors to weigh than in most midterms. not just the economy, or all of the other domestic and foreign challenges at the moment, but things never seen before, like armed civilians in camouflage, and tactical gear, looking at
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polling places in arizona. candidates saying that they will on the consider the outcome legitimate if they win. we will have new reporting a little bit later on the alleged voter intimidation, as well as a conversation with a top arizona republican about the threat that he seems to democracy. also the latest polling on the issues driving voters, we begin tonight in pennsylvania. jeff zeleny is in harrisburg for us. he spent a lot of time in pennsylvania, you know the campaign and the candidates as well, what do you expect tonight, which would be looking for? >> the debate has just gotten underway, as you said. one of the things first and foremost is the john fetterman, the lieutenant governor of pennsylvania making the case that he is fit to serve in the senate. that, of course is because that he is in recovering from a stroke since may. he actually suffered that days
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before winning the primary. he is been building his speech back, he's been building his strength back, but tonight, he will be referring to questions through closed captioning. that is being explained to the audience right now. why he is able to see the printed questions, and mehmet oz's answers. this is something that has been a big issue in this senate campaign, but i'm told that it will not be nearly as much of an issue tonight. the odds campaign is trying to move beyond that, i am told, and talk about the differences and issues, particularly crime. crime has emerged is a central issue in the senate campaign, as we have seen it in others across the country, but particularly here in pennsylvania because of fetterman's role as the lieutenant governor on the board of pardons. i am told that mehmet oz has been studying for weeks specific cases from the board of pardons to talk about at the
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debate this evening. on the other hand, the fetterman campaign is trying to remind voters of pennsylvania that mehmet oz won this primary by attaching himself to donald trump. he ran to the far-right of his party, ever since that primary in may he has been trying to move back to the middle. he has been trying to talk about working with both sides. and so the fetterman campaign also believes that they have an argument against calling him extreme. but anderson, two weeks from tonight, this race will be settled, but it may take some days after that to count all of the votes. the reason that this race is so important is because it is currently held by a retiring republican senator, pat toomey. democrats now believe that they really need the seat, as they struggle in other races across the country like nevada, arizona, even georgia, incumbents there are in tough races. and so this race truly has become a critical piece of the
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puzzle for democrats trying to hold a majority, and republicans trying to win it. anderson? >> in this independent candidates dropping out of the race, and supporting fetterman, does that shift things it'll? >> we'll see. it was not much of a factor, it was not much of a widely known person, he was barely known. in fact, he was not even included in our poll that we did this week. he is pulling his support behind john fetterman, and so that could help determine. the reality is, his name is already on the ballot. that could create some confusion. people can still vote for him if they are turned off by both of these candidates. important to point, out half 1 million pennsylvania voters have already cast their ballots, and more will do something every single day. the strategy as i've been speaking with, do not really think that this as much of an effect. a tight race in which pennsylvania always has, and anything can make a difference. >> we want to get perspective from abby philips. also, to cnn local political commentator, charlie dent and david urban who served as a campaign advisers for the former president. with us as well as cnn medical correspondent dr. -- abby, the federal campaign is clearly trying to lower expectations, saying that fetterman is clearly recovering from a stroke. senator klobuchar last night told me that he was never at the best behavior to begin with. it's not uncommon for campaigns to do this, do you think that voters will hold fetterman to a different standard, considering his medical condition? >> i think that remains to be
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seen. voters in pennsylvania seem to have been pretty forgiving of this entire situation from the beginning. it's been months now since fetterman suffered that stroke. he had been off of the campaign trail for quite some time, and yet still came out of that period leading oz in the polls. it is just not clear to me how much the race is turning on the issue of fetterman's health, and his recovery, or if it has turned on some of the other fundamentals. the economy, crime, and the fetterman campaign right now needs to find a way to reach independent voters who are, at the moment, according to our polling, leaning towards oz. that is likely not related to his health. it likely has much more to do with some of the bigger picture struggles the democrats are facing, which is rising inflation, and a lot of attack ads. especially in the state of pennsylvania, on the issue of crime. >> doctor, what do we know
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about the cause of fetterman's stroke, and the warning signs that he experienced before hint? and frankly, is his brain -- how is his brain affected by it? >> to be, clear anderson, i don't treat him, nor do i have access to his medical records. what we do know based on what he has said, and his doctors have said. back in 2017, he was diagnosed, with an -- irregular heart rhythm that carries a risk of stroke. he was not blood thinning medications for many of those mass years, which could've protective him from stroke. unfortunately, he suffered a stroke in, may was taken to a hospital where he underwent a surgery where they remove a
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clot from the blood vessel in the brain. it's an interventionalist seizure. we usually do this in the setting of large vessels that are blocked by cuts, or in the setting of an area of a brain, a large area that is at risk. he spent nine days in the hospital. during that, time they planted a different plater device, which is something we use for patients to have reduced heart function or another type of arrhythmia. in fact, his cardiologist recently revealed as well that he also has a cardiomyopathy, which is a weekend heart muscle function. we don't know how reduced that hard function is. as far as what area of the brain, we don't know left to right hemisphere, but typically left hemisphere controls language for most people. and really, what it appears that he has is in aphasia, which is a difficulty understanding or speaking a
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language. to be clear, anderson, this does not have an effect necessarily unconditional. the area of the brain that is supplied by that blood vessel, that is the area that is affected. if it's the mortar area, that's where you lose function. if it's the speech, area that's where you have trouble. but that is totally separate from your ability to think, process data, understand, your intelligence. and so i want to be clear about that. >> david, i know you've been talking with doctor oz over the course of the campaign, especially last night. what did you tell him, and what do you think he should do tonight? what would you tell us that -- >> anderson, as abby said, i don't think this is going to turn so much on john fetterman 's health. i think voters are more concerned about his positions. my advice to doctor oz was to
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be compassionate, stick to the issues, talk about the issues, because i think that if he has a debate with lieutenant governor about crime, the economy, the issues that matter to voters, he will come out on top tonight, it regardless of lieutenant governor's health. >> congressman, president trump went pennsylvania in 2017 -- do you think that fetterman's plan to remind voters backing doctor oz, is that smart, could it backfire? >> i think you probably shouldn't. i don't think it'll make much of a difference. as dave urban just said, i think this is going to come down to john fetterman's positions. i think that this issue of crime is really resonating within the commonwealth. john fetterman is going to have to explain himself tonight about why he has voted differently then the democrat attorney general, josh shapiro running for governor on the board of pardons. they deferred over 200 times on votes. fetterman has votes to release convicted murderers. one guy who used a garden shear to stab the victim 26 times, and he voted to pardon him.
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pennsylvania is the second largest gas producing state in the country, and that is a major issue. i think the fetterman is going to have to walk back some of these extreme positions that he has taken. look, we're all sympathetic to him based on his health, but he's going to have to explain this. the question, is we're all watching how he comports himself. we'll see how he does tonight with this closed captioning, but i think that this is a really important event tonight for fetterman. he's going to prove that he has the capacity to serve. >> anderson, as you pointed out earlier as well, yesterday you had senator klobuchar on trying to downplay expectations. john fetterman, even when he was healthy, it was a terrible debater. if you go back and look at the primaries, the primary debates that he had with conor lamb and senator kenyatta, he got his clock cleaned. his debate performance tonight healthy or not healthy is going to be viewed by voters very closely. >> i want to bring in our senior data reporter, harry enten, who's looking at the
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numbers. , harry what is sticking out to voters in pennsylvania? >> look at this. this looks like a trumper trove. if i was mehmet oz, a think this is fantastic, the very important issues to pennsylvania's midterm votes. the top three issues, economy 82%, inflation 80%, crime, which we have spoken about so much in the segment at 67%. abortion is way down there at 56%. i think that when you look at this report, you get a very good idea of why mehmet oz has been able to close, and close, and close in on john fetterman. that is because the issues that are most important to pennsylvanians are the issues that mehmet oz has been running on. >> harry, how important could -- whether fetterman or oz wins the senate control. >> this is the ballgame, anderson. this is the ballgame. essentially, if you had to say, okay, if mehmet oz wins the election, what's the chance the democrats win senate control? it's just 25%. if john fetterman winds, the odds flip to 75% the democrats win control of the senate. there is not another senate election in the country which is as important as the pennsylvania senate race. if you tell me who wins the senate race in pennsylvania, i have a very good idea of who wins control of the united states senate. right now, we've kind of been
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hinting at this, it's too close to call, and i think that's why senate control over all, at least as far as analysts such as myself are concerned, is too close to call. >> abby, what is it to you with these numbers? >> i think that harry is right that when this race pivots back in offices favor, it's usually when diaz campaign starts to discipline itself, and focus on the things that matter the most to voters. the one curiosity about the pennsylvania race that i think we do not know how it is going to play out, fetterman's campaign has largely been waged on personality, culture, whether he is the best fit for the state. he's been arguing that oz is not even from pennsylvania, that he doesn't understand pennsylvania voters. to some extent, that argument actually served him pretty well up until this point. i do wonder, in some ways regardless of what transpires at this debate tonight, how much are pennsylvanian voters going to give fetterman the benefit of the doubt? not on the issues, but just on this idea that he is an unconventional figure, and is somebody who knows the state better than perhaps oz does. >> abby philip, charlie dent, harry enten, doctor, thank you we, appreciate it. next, what do top republicans in arizona have -- with armed individuals watching them. these are not members of law enforcement we are talking about. later, as more big campaigns with kanye west -- or companies i should say. international campaigns with kanye west over the antisemitic rantings that he has made. we will talk with the head of the anti-defamation league about the rising wave of hate speech that is now shouting, not whispered. for 24 hours. aveeno®
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i am peter akwaboah and we are morgan stanley. they've been sunny development tonight in a story we brought you last night about early voters in arizona coming face to face with -- including a grandmother -- >> you, know i don't talk. i take care of business. i go out there and i do what i have to do.
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>> nice to meet. you >> i push back against these kind of people. people who are intimidating voters. >> he's putting that my. face i'm sitting down. he's with a gun standing over top of me. >> i'm standing up and pushing back against those people and standing up for everybody's right to vote, without fear of retaliation or any kind of intimidation. >> i'm just sitting. here on that you communicate with him. i'm sitting right here. >> seeing that you would think that you were in, you know, some autocratic nation. and not united states of america. >> last night of retirees association and a latinas voter association filed suit accusing a group called clean elections usa of violating the voting rights act. this is what it claims -- it's, quote, coordinated campaign of vigilante voter
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intimidation. that's what they called. the two sides were doing the court -- but the defendants attorney felt the show. the hearing is now set for tomorrow. joining us to talk about this is arizona republican -- rusty bowers. -- before the january six select committee. speaker bowers, good to have you back on. i want to start with your reaction to the woman in our report -- who we just saw, essentially, sitting with armed folks who were out there at night. what does it say to you that arizona voters are even in this situation right now? >> a, good for her.
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she showed chutzpah and -- in droves. and bad for them. i am a pro gun guy. but that kind of stupidity just wedges the issue more, and more, and more. and to combine that with being there with the days of the votes. people putting in their ballots. i mean, i am glad i don't sell brains. i'd be a millionaire. it's just -- there wasn't a lot of it.
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i know of two instances, two areas where it happened. and it's wrong. and it's just stupid. >> let's be clear, just for voters who don't understand. there are cameras 24/7 on drop boxes. so these things -- right. it's bylaw. they are being monitored , there's video surveillance constantly of them. and the idea that, look, there's an area people upset out there whenever. but the idea of just being
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visibly armed -- it seems very strange and unnecessary. >> it's as it seems. strange, you're being nice. if i'm walking -- it's like a go to the drugstore and i just happened to carry my ar along with me. i'm just doing regular things, no. it's obvious that you are there to make your statement -- we're here to protect the vote. and we can do it if we have an ar in our hands, or whatever. again, i wish they would calm the stuff down for crying out loud. good for that lady. i need to meet her sometime. [laughs] i could use a bit more for spine. that's fun. it hurts all the way across. >> you know better than most about election integrity. how does one fight the falsehood that showing up arm is somehow going to magically
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inspire confidence in elections? because it certainly has an intimidation effect on a lot of people. i would be intimidated at night if someone is armed when i'm dropping off a ballot. >> yeah. i wouldn't blame you. but i know the letter of the law is what they will claim. i'm just saying, you don't need a letter of the law to be smart enough to know that you can go and sit there. you can say hello. you can use your video camera. you can video somebody. you don't have a gun strapped around shoulder and around your chest. there is no excuse for it. and i just think it hurts both sides, well -- it's just stupid. >> it's also frustrating because there is no -- every recount. every audit, legitimate an d ridiculous have all shown the same thing. >> well, now we're starting to try to be logical. i've given. up with people start in on the steel thing. i said, after this long? you're still saying that we're going to rescind the 2020 election? can we come back to earth? >> let me ask. do you receive the profile -- award. i just want to show you some of what liz cheney said about you that night. >> i just want to say a moment first about rusty bowers and his family and his story. and the grace and the compassion and the courage that they have shown is unmatched. and the lesson that he gave us tonight and that he has given us throughout is one bit as
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americans we all benefit and are blessed by. so, thank you very much. >> obviously there are a lot of folks in this country who agree with those sentiments. congresswoman cheney said over the week that -- if donald trump is there in 2020, for it will fracture and a new conservative party will emerge. do you think that is true? >> that would be very sad, but i think it is possible. many, many people have told, me we supported and we applauded the early success of the trump administration before covid. and we could list them all of, but if he runs again, i hope he doesn't run again because i will not be able to vote for him. the divisiveness and the fracturing this happened, use those words. and, i just can't vote for him. i want to get us back on track. but it has just gone too far and they will not vote for him. hundreds of people with that sentiment over these last months. now, is that millions? no. but i think that represents a bunch of people. >> rusty bowers, it's a pleasure to talk to. you thank you. >> the pleasure is mine. >> take care. be careful. some of the election denialism -- about early voting is coming from kari lake, but there is something else, in addition to that, -- it could, by the candidates on admission, put arizona on a collision course with the
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federal government. >> oh my gosh. you guys turned out today. >> in the race for arizona's governor, you hear this from republican nominate, carry, lake on her plan for border security. >> it's called our article one section -- over the united states constitution. >> article one section, ten united states constitution. we're going to invoke our article, one section ten of basically authority to take care of our own border. >> that border is an international border. so the federal government controls it. but lake interest with the universe -- for the constitution to do. this >> as governor i will issue a declaration of invasion. finished president trump's, law blow up the cardinals drug tunnels and surveillance drones and deploy the national guard to stop illegal entry. >> those explosions and drones are computer generated graphics
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to illustrate her point. something echoed by fellow arizona republican in u.s. senate nominee, blake masters, also using computer graphics in his ad. >> this is an invasion. we know what to do. we need to finish trump's wall. >> arizona state university what professor, angela banks, says the reason they use the word invasion -- >> by declaring there's been an invasion, they believe they be able to exercise the federal power that articulated in article one section ten. however, the only specific power there that would be relevant for the states to engage in would be the power to engage in war. >> all minor details that lake skips on the deep -- campaign. >> if you've been following for one second, you know i'm gonna declare an invasion on day one, our one. [applause] i don't care if we
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have to fight the federal government and the fake news every step of the way. >> the hard-line stance is popular among the republican base in arizona, a border state this seen the influx of migrants and drugs. outgoing republican governor, doug doocy, move more than 100 shipping containers to try and plug holes in the border over the summer. a move that's landed his action in court. and that is where lake's constitutional plan would likely end up. >> this is more political rhetoric? or does this legally seem feasible to you? >> i think this is a lot of political rhetoric. and so i think what we are seeing is an effort to turn
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that rhetoric that's been used in the public discourse into something legally meaningful, and i think that's where there are significant questions as to whether that will be successful. >> lawyers say never say never. legal experts had been surprised at the shift in the way courts have looked at immigration. if a governor, kari lake, is successful on this, not just a policy, but also in the courts, it would change the way courts view immigration. and also, anderson, the very definition of what it means with america being the land of immigrants. anderson? >> kim, i appreciate it. a cnn exclusive on efforts to get to top white house lawyers to talk about the conversation with the former president on around january 6th. -- what have you learned about who the justice department is looking to speak with and the complications it could pose for the former president? >> anderson, the justice department shines to compel past cipollone and pat feldman to go before a grand jury investigating the events surrounding january 6th. and answer questions about
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their interactions with former president donald trump. these two men were both top lawyers in trump's white house counsel's office. they previously appeared before the grand jury but they refused to answer questions about advice and interaction with trump. and trump isn't trying to fight and block them from providing those answers. he cited attorney-client privilege, executive privilege, all of this is playing up behind the scenes in a sealed court fight. it gives an end occasion of just how much the justice department wants. particularly, about people and their actions with trump. and also, you know, how much trump wants to fight these folks from providing that information to prosecutors. >> sarah murray, thanks so much. i appreciate. it just ahead, it the economists, and a former clinton obama official who predicted -- inflation -- larry summers is talking about what he's hearing from both parties on how to fight it and whether or not he sees the recession coming. kes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. there's no question it's something that i would recommend.
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treasury secretary and served in both the clinton and obama administrations. -- he was warning about the aspects of inflation after biden assumed office. now he's making a new prediction as he told cnn it's quote, more likely than not we're gonna have a recession next year. joined now by larry summers who's also served as director of the white house -- economic council. >> secretary summers, thanks for joining us. we've been talking a lot about the impact the economy has had on how voters cast their ballot. have you heard anything in policies proposed by republican to democrat that you think would help bring down inflation? >> i don't think anybody's gonna be able to do much.
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that's gun effect in the short run. i think overtime the federal reserve has very substantial capacity to contain inflation. i think there's some things we can do like promoting the permits for accessing oil, like increasing capacity in pipelines. like making it easier to cite renewables. like taking down terrorists. like adjusting other kinds of regulation that overtime would make our economy a bit more able to supply things. a bit more flexible. and that that would contribute to reducing inflation. but i think the most important thing is the decisions that are going to be made by the federal reserve. and frankly, the unfortunate policy decisions that were made during 2021 and the bad luck we've had with the ukraine war and other developments. it's all a complicated picture. we are probably going to have a certain amount of inflation for sometimes to come. >> do you believe a recession is inevitable? >> i think you should never in economics make a statement with complete certainty. but i think the likely thing is
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that we will have a recession. we don't have any experience with soft landing from high inflation without recessions. and i don't think there's anything in this particular pattern of events right now to suggest that that is something that is terribly likely. i think the economy is likely sometime in the next year, year and a half, to go into recession. unfortunately. >> do you have a sense of how long that maybe? >> i think it's not gonna be a recession like the financial crisis wise. it's not going to be a recession where millions and millions of people are going to be laid off in a month like what took place during the pandemic. i think the kind of recession that we had when the dark calm bubble burst in the year 2000 is probably a way to think about it. i expect the unemployment rate to get near six. and i would expect it to stay
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elevated for perhaps a few years. >> what concerns you most right now in terms of the economy? >> it's probably this phenomenon of trying to deal with overheating that we have. at the same time, you are also trying to manage the economy so that you maximize what output we are producing. and you maximize the number of people who have jobs. and it's probably the difficulty of finding that balance, is what worries me most for the u.s. economy. i also worry that we're in a period of increased financial vulnerability, relative to where we were sometime ago. and as interest rates rise, warren buffett had a picturesque example. he said when the tide goes out you start to see who's wearing away bathing suit who isn't. and something a little like that is happening in the financial sector, as we have the strains associated with higher interest rates. but there's no real alternative if we are going to avoid the kind of catastrophes we had in the 1970s that caused people to lose faith completely in government. and ultimately led to the
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really, very brutal recession of 1981 and 1982 where the unemployment crossed -- >> secretary summers, i appreciate your time tonight. thank you. >> thank you. >> coming up, cnn's fred plankton on the front lines of ukraine. in the occupied city of kherson with a look at a rocket artillery team that ukraine is using to target russian forces, ukraine now believes it's preparing for a potential recruiting. also, breathtaking video from the students in iran to dare to stand up to a government official after five weeks of bloody protests were hundred have died.
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say russian forces are preparing defensive positions in a potential retreat from kherson region in the south. it includes the officials as laying mines around the dnipro river. cnn cannot independently confirm the ukrainians military claim. fred pleitgen is in the region with an up close account of the battles on the front line. >> on route to the front in one of the most active areas of the brutal war in ukraine. with a rocket artillery team taking aim at vladimir putin's forces. they are called -- light trucks with missile pods mounted on the bed. the rockets carry a message of retribution. this one signed on behalf of a fallen soldier -- from the which it says. >> -- our vehicle is very effective because we can set up quickly, fire and get away again. >> now they're aiming at russian positions several miles
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away. >> but russian artillery is also dangerous and could power back fast. >> it's not safe, he screams. >> we have to get out of here as fast as possible. because the russians might target this position after they got hit by the -- from our rockets. >> their key to accuracy comes from the air. the drone scopes out the target and watches as the artillery hits a russian military repair shop, the unit says. [interpreter] >> we are the eyes of the unit. we do reconnaissance and make sure the target gets hit. >> the russians are under such pressure, they started evacuating tens of thousands of people from kherson. and the ukrainians believe that moscow is making its unfounded claims about kyiv preparing to use a so called dirty bomb because russia's troops are pinned down in this area. [interpreter]
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-- >> the commander believes it's only a matter of time before they oust putin's army from here. >> by the end of the, year we believe kherson will be under ukrainian flags. [noise] >> they hope their unit will make a small difference in the battle for harrison. >> fred pleitgen, cnn in the kherson region, ukraine. >> from iran we have some new videos of students doing what was once unthinkable. heckling a top government official. >> this is reportedly tehran to university on monday. the demonstrators were reportedly chanting, get, lost during a news conference by the government spokesman, forcing him to end early. social media also shows students at another protes t
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calling the same official a murderer. the video comes after more than five weeks of protests on the death of a young woman detained by around morality police, so called. according to iran, to human rights -- this organization based in norway, at least 234 people have been killed. 29 of them children. cnn can't confirm the total number dead in these protests. here at home, adidas and other companies are no longer selling designer and rapper kanye west's merchandise after the antisemitic comment. a reaction from the anti defamation -- >> --
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big tobacco lures them in with flavors like lemon drop and bubble gum, candy flavors that get them addicted to tobacco products, and can lead to serious health consequences, even harming their brain development. that's why pediatricians urge you to vote yes on prop 31. it stops the sale of dangerous flavored tobacco and helps protect kids from nicotine addiction. please vote yes on 31. vote yes on prop 31. tonight, more companies are cutting ties with design and rapper kanye west over his antisemitic comments. gap and adidas -- after adidas terminated the partnership with. them adidas finally ended its mega deal after coming under intense pressure to take action. the company saying in the statement that it quote, does not tolerate antisemitism in
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any sort of hate speech. forbes says the adidas deal was worth 1. 5 billion dollars. they said it knocks west off their billionaire list. there's a big concern, the rhetoric is inspiring more public bigotry with the group demonstrating its support of its comments above a los angeles freeway. at an anti-defamation league saying antisemitic incident were at an all-time high last year. the group pointed that out in a letter to adidas last week calling on the company to split with him. joining me now, the ceo and national director of the adl -- jonathon, -- do you think the drop by the dozen other corporate companies is enough? considering the type of comments he has made? did it surprise you that adidas took this long? >> yeah, i, mean as the saying goes, anderson.
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better late than never. i mean, as you recall, after kanye wore the white lives matters t-shirt a week ago, adidas announced the partnership was, quote, unquote, under review. but my reaction was, day after day after day, when he spouted the most vicious, vile, antisemitic threats, sprouted conspiracy theories claiming zionist jews in jewish -- media mafia was out to get him. for me, it was, adidas, what more do you need to review? the reality is, in this moment, as you, said when antisemitic incidents are at an all-time high, when jewish people feel truly a level of danger, this kind of rhetoric with someone from his platform. someone with his global following is dangerous. that's why adl onto our campaign last week. run away from hate. i spoke to senior leadership at adidas in germany. we engage there international investors.
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we sent almost 20,000 emails to the company. we pulled in celebrities and i was glad that it finally, finally today they made the decision. >> i don't know if it was yesterday or the day before. that kanye west actually said that he could say, he actually said, and i'm paraphrasing, i don't have in front of me. he said he can say any kind of antisemitic stuff because adidas would continue to stay in business with him. >> that's what he said, anderson. he went on broadcast, he did podcast. he did tiktok and youtube an instagram, we all know. and of course he was on twitter. and his most recent comments were, i can say anti-semitic blank and adidas can't do anything to me. so now what? and i think now we know what. adidas said, we won't do business with bigots. and so did balenciaga, creative
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artists, mrc. and as you said, gap, if you go to gap. com and you look up the easy product line, it is gone, anderson. it's as if it never existed. and while we've talked on your show before, i, mean i'm someone who does not believe in cancel culture. but counsel culture. with someone with impunity spells antisemitism, there needs to be consequences. kanye learned that the hard way. >> it's also sickening to see, you know, a group of people on an overpass walkway in los angeles with the sign supporting kanye west. and doing a neo-nazi salute. when we saw those people with their tiki torches chanting jews will not replace us. in charlottesville, it was so shocking. and you could not believe, who are these people? there are people in l. a.. they are all over the place. >> that's the reality. it is all over the place. in 2021, we see nearly triple the number of anti jewish acts of harassment, vandalism and violence. just a few years ago, anderson, a 300% increase. and i gotta tell, you there's a
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through line from charlottesville to pittsburgh, to -- to colleyville, texas. and now los angeles, california. let's be clear, when people with platforms. whether the president or the united states or a member of congress or hip-hop artists, like kanye west with these huge followings, when they spout hate, it gives a license to other haters. so whether it is white supremacist or radical anti zionist, we have to call out all of this kind of hate. no matter where it comes from. >> jonathan, i appreciate your time. thank you very much. -- the police commissioner says monday's deadly high school shooting could have been worse, if not for a quick reaction by officers. he said the gunman killed two people and wounded several others using ar-15 style rifle, he had more than 600 rounds of ammunition. he also left a note in his car writing, quote, i don't have any friends, i don't have any family, i've never had a girlfriend. i've never had a social life. i've been isolated my entire life. police are calling it the perfect storm for a mass
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shooter. a teacher was killed, she was 61 years old. her daughter says she was looking forward to retire in just a few years. also, killed a student, alexandria bell, just weeks before her 16th birthday. we will be right back. what will you do? ♪ what will you change? ♪ will you make something better? ♪ will you create something entirely new? ♪ our dell technologies advisors provide you with the tools and expertise you need to do incredible things. because we believe there's an innovator in all of us.
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