tv CNN Newsroom CNN October 28, 2022 11:00am-12:00pm PDT
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>> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. good to have you along. i'm victor blackwell. welcome to "cnn newsroom". >> san francisco police gave the information on the brutal attack of paul pelosi. the intruder who brutalized paul with a hammer was searching for the speaker. according to police, the suspect broke into pelosi's san francisco home before 2:30 a.m. the source tells cnn that the intruder yelled where is nancy before the attack. the police chief described what was happening when three officers reached the house.
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>> when the officers arrived on scene, they encountered an adult male and mr. pelosi's husband, paul. our officers observed mr. pelosi and the suspect both holding a hammer. the suspect pulled a hammer away from mr. pelosi and violently assaulted him with it. our officers immediately tackled the suspect, disarmed him, took him into custody, requested emergency backup and rendered medical aid. >> the speaker's office said the 82-year-old is in recovery currently at the hospital. >> the police chief identified that 4 2-year-old suspect in custody. the speaker was in washington when this assault happened. sources say this is why her security detail was not at her home in san francisco. let's bring in cnn senior justice correspondent evan perez and jamie gangel and manu raju. evan, we got about 45 seconds to a minute of new information from
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the chief there, but combining what we learned from the chief and from your sources, what do we know about this suspect? >> well, that's right, victor. the police gave us precious little. they did identify the suspect as david depoppi. we have been -- our investigative team has been looking at social media postings. these are things we know federal law enforcement and san francisco police are now going through. they're trying to figure out obviously trying to identify the motivation, which, you know, obviously, we now know from some of jamie gangel's excellent reporting, he entered the home looking for the speaker of the house of representatives. she was not there. this happened about 2:30 in the morning. according to the police, he broke in and attacked the speaker's house with a hammer. when the police arrived, they had some kind of alarm or something that drew them to the house. when they arrived, they saw at least part of the attack going on including the fact he was
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using a hammer to attack mr. pelosi. he's charged with attempted homicide. a number of charges including attempted homicide, elder abuse, burglary, it's obviously an ongoing investigation. the fbi is now involved and we're looking at just some of the disturbing social media posts again that the investigators are also going through and you get a very obviously a picture of a disturbed person. somebody who has been posting things on facebook including links to the my pillow ceo mike lindell's false claims about election fraud in the 2020 election. there is chance transphobic ima stuff about covid vaccines and the derek chauvin trial, the police officer in minnesota who was convicted of killing george floyd. there is also some references on his social media postings about
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the january 6th committee. he calls it the democrat farce commission or committee. again, these are part of the -- this is part of the reason why the fbi is assisting in this investigation and it really gives you a sense that in addition to some of the stuff we've heard from jamie gangel's sources that he was looking for the speaker of the house. it gives you a sense this was at least partially a politically motivated attack, part of the larger problem that the fbi and federal law enforcement is very, very much concerned about biona and victor. >> pointing a picture of a disturbed individual. we know the capitol police were responding to a priority well being check. i know you have more details how all of this played out. it is quite alarming to just visualize what paul pelosi standing there fighting with the suspect over a hammer must have been like in those early morning
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hours. >> the reports we're getting really are chilling. we have some new details on what i'm told is his condition. we've been told by multiple sources that paul pelosi was taken into surgery this morning after the attack. we understand that right now he is still in surgery. that said, we're also told that his family has been told by doctors that he's expected to make a full recovery. but as evan just said, he, you know, we now know he was hit multiple times with a hammer and so there is a lot of concern about that. we won't have more until he comes out of surgery. our sources told us that they
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think this was partially, politically motivated. when the attacker came in, he confronted mr. pelosi in the home and he was shouting quote where is nancy, where is nancy? we're also told that the assailant was trying to tie up mr. pelosi and the appears when the police arrived, he said we are waiting quote until nancy got home and then he just kept saying we're waiting for nancy and attacked mr. pepelosi. >> the update paul pelosi is still in surgery. sources telling jamie gangel. manu raju, we've obviously heard from speaker pelosi's office. what are we hearing from other leaders there on capitol hill? >> we're hearing from both sides of the aisle. shock. members saying they're horrified by this expressing their simple
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thou -- sympathy and calling for paul pelosi's quick recovery. president biden reached out to the speaker today, spoke to the speaker this morning in the aftermath of the news of paul pelosi, the attack on paul pelosi. chuck schumer, democrat from new york also spoke with the speaker. the republican leader mccarthy is yet to issue a statement but a spokesman conveyed concerns he reached out to the speaker today. unclear if they also connelgted. then we're hearing some other republicans also raising concerns on social media. ted cruz among others about the political violence that we're seeing here in this country. some even urging republicans to go further. adam kie ken -- adam kinzinger
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tweeted when you convince people that politicians are igrigging elections, drink baby's blood, et cetera you get violence. this must be rejected in calling for all leaders of political stripes to be forceful in condemning the -- what we've seen here, this development that occurred early this morning at the pelosi household. both sides of the aisle horrifies about this and also, recognizing that this is an issue that confronts members when they're out in public. it's personal safety. political violence. threats have been on the rise for many years, particularly in the last several years and members have had to beef up their own personal security even though only the leadership in both the house and senate are the ones who are afforded taxpayer funded security. so a lot of concern about what happened here and a lot of reactions from both sides. >> let's recall. it was just recently that susan
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collins expressed her concern that a possible congressman or woman would be harmed because of this heightened rhetoric. l let's bring in cnn's john miller with cnn senior law enforcement analyst and former fbi director andrew mccabe. so john, what do you make of a very short press briefings. what stood out to you? the weapon of choice here being a hammer. >> very short briefing by bill scott. very good police chief. i worked with him in the lapd but he gave us a clue when he personally thanked one of the 911 operators, which tells us a little bit about how police -- it indicates there may have been a phone call that paul pelosi could have gotten to a telephone. now, when you have a congressional leader, that house is going to have alarms, cameras, all of that is installed by the capitol police. the way we would have set it up,
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it would have had a panic button to sent a call for help out. so layers of security. we'll have to dig deeper to find out how it worked. for the hammer, that tells us a couple things. one characteristics, that's high risk. you break into the house with a hammer, use it as a weapon. it's not a gun. it's very personal. it up close. 2:30 in the morning you're probably expecting your victim or victims to be sleeping. but it shows a lot of anger in terms of the weapon you chose. it has a blunt end and sharp end so it givers us insight into the suspect. >> that is if he brought the hammer in. if the report is updated, let me know. police came in and saw both of them holding the hammer. >> so their y're struggling ove hammer. like a bad scene from a movie. they're struggling over a hammer in this fight when police came
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in and when mr. depape grabs it, grass are crossing the room. it almost sounded in slow motion. this probably happened in two seconds. they come in, he gets the hammer and they tackle him. >> what we don't know is who had the first. depape is still in the hospital, as well. what does this investigation look like now as they're trying to figure out if this is p politically motivated, if he went there based on a conspiracy theory on his social media to attack the speaker? >> sure, so we do have a couple of indicators like you just mentioned. the fact that he according to jamie gangel's reporting was looking for the speaker, not the speaker's house and of course, the comments that they've seen on social media. all those things raise the
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spector this individual may have been motivated by politics or ideology, that's really what draws the attention of the fbi into this investigation. they're coursing through everything they can find and attribute back to this individual. they're looking at the social media and any devices, telephones, ipads, any sort of electronics to associate with him. they've likely executed search warrants on his residence and/or his vehicle if they identified those. they're talking to associates to understand what email accounts and telephone numbers he's used and they will go through all of that material with court authorized subpoenas that and search warrants to understand as much as they possibly can about not just what he was thinking but what he's been doing over the last, you know, 24, 48, 72 hours. who is he talking to? and the biggest thing in their mind right now, is there anyone else out there who harbors the same sort of intent as this
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gentleman and may be planning a similar attack or someone else. fbi wants to stop the next attack if it happens, if in fact there is one being contemplated. >> we know the speaker was not there and she does travel with security given her level and does have her own security detail, not afforded to every member of congress. does it surprise you, though, given this heightened threat environment that we're currently in that her home didn't have standard security there regardless of whether or not she's in town? >> you know, that is a resource issue for the capitol police. we heard our cnn contributor frank fanone telling us today that they are stretched very thin. that is still the case, which is why there are so few security details on capitol. so aside -- on capitol personnel. aside from the electronic thing, that would be something where the san francisco police would have had to make an assessment
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to place a car there and absent a specific threat, that would be abnormal. >> you know, youcollins, a fear someone being actually killed based on the heightened rhetoric, manu, let me bring it back to you. we have seen recently people are being arrested outside of members of congress, their homes. we remember the shooting several years ago at the congressional baseball game. this is an environment that is only intensifying over a longer period. >> yeah, no question about it. just a few months ago outside the home of pramila jayapal a washington democrat, a man was arrested holding a gun outside of her home. this we've seen the baseball shooting happened in 2017. republican members of congress were practicing for an upcoming bipartisan game. steve scalise was injured. we seen this stretch back to 2011 when gabby giffords, the
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arizona democratic congresswoman shot in the head having a public event. we've seen this level of threat rise. members will recognize this. we've seen changes in the way the members of congress deal with it. they're allowed to use taxpayer money to beef up their own personal sec cooursecurity. not everyone has to or does do that. not everyone travels with their own security that's only afforded to the leadership. we have seen january 6th committee members for instance have their own secure detail amid concerns of threats they, too, are receiving in the recent months. this is a different political environment. it happened in the past but undoubtedly escalatescalating. members are feeling it and reacting saying they are horrified by the events of last night. >> andrew, as you heard from
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john and earlier throughout our programming today as we covered it that at least police coverage seems to be strained here and that there is not enough resources to protect family members or even members of congress not high enough as speaker pelosi is. what about the fbi? they're pouring through countless number of threats i would imagine that we hear nothing about. does this at all change how they approach these threats and their job especially as we are now approaching the midterms just two weeks away? less than. >> i think we've seen that already. i think we've seen in the way that the fbi and public statements elevated the domestic extremism and look, there are still some very legitimate questions to be answered about how the fbi did the job in the leadup to january 6th. most indicators in the aftermath of january 6th point towards the fbi taking a much more active
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look at some of these extreme social media platforms and open, you know, open to the public places where a lot of this sort of really heated rhetoric takes place and that's the work they should have been doing before january 6th and those questions still need to be answered but absolutely the burro is being pulled in directions the same way capitol police and state and local leaders are as well. this is an elevated threat by anyone's assessment and we ignore it to our peril. >> we heard about the elevated risk and threat in the environment. andrew mccabe, joon miljohn mil, manu raju, thank you. let's turn to the latest
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economic indicator showing inflation is stubbornly high. today's numbers reflect everyday prices went up month to month and year over year in spite of the aggressive action of the fed. ian -- janet yell loen ian -- janet yell l says she sees no sign of a recession. >> it's very natural the growth would slow and it has over the first three quarters of the year but it continues to be okay. we have a very strong labor market. i don't see signs of a recession in this economy at this point. >> the coordinator of the american rescue plan and senior advisor to president biden. good to have you on. american rescue plan, infrastructure act but eggs are 30% more than a year ago, milk is up, meat is up. th democratic strike
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that ge-- strategists, campaign official said we can talk until we're blue in the face, if people can't feel it, it doesn't matter at this point. what do you say about that framing of the economic picture? >> first of all, there is no question. prices, inflation are too high. we haven't escaped it. we understand that hits people at the grocery line. that hits them at the gas pump and that's why reducing cost for families is the president's number one strategy. but i think that when you ask who is actually doing something about it, you see the president taking aggressive actions on the strategic petroleum reserve. we now see gas prices coming down again almost a $1.30 down from the peak. you see several states down 10, 20 krecents in the last week. the average gas price, the most frequent gas price at a gas station in the united states is $3.29 or $3.49.
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just quickly, look at the things that the president has been doing from reducing prescription drug prices, capping insulin prices at $35, lowering premiums for 14 million americans by $800. the 40 million up to student loan barorrowers could get 10 t $20,000 in debt forgiveness, all of those things are about reducing out-of-pocket cost for american families. all of those things are things he's doing and all of them -- >> i get it -- >> are things republicans are talking about undoing that would only raise prices for typical families. >> well, let's talk more about that strategic petroleum reserve. you talked about the aggressive action the president took committing 180 million barrels, all of those contracted and a lotted. there's not a hell of a lot the
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president can do unilaterally. can is he considering tapping into the spr again? >> you know, i think he's been pretty clear that he is keeping those options on the table and that we are going forward in that. he's also made very clear he wants to see companies investing more in expanding refineries as opposed to using their dollars to do stock buybacks and, you know, so this is issue number one. he also realized this and this is critical that any dollar you can save for an american family member out of their pocket is helpful. so when you're giving tax cuts for people who are going to be buying energy efficient appliances, you're saving them money. finally, we stood up to big pharma and have medicare able to negotiate and reduce prices on prescription drugs. that's been one of the biggest cost issues for seniors who are now going to get at least $140
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more per month in their social security check to help them deal with the issues. and look, we'd all like to see inflation coming down quicker but there are signs, you know, even this week the numbers are showing we're either at expectations or below expectations. we saw what's called the gdp price index go up 4.1%. >> i see that. >> too high. but it was 9% in the second quarter. >> however for the people at home still waiting for prices to come down, simply to say it exactly where we expected, it's still too high. when you suggest that what we're saving people money that buy on energy efficient equipment, they may not have the money to buy energy efficient appliances because they are spending more for clothing and food and gasoline. i wish i had more time to talk to you but we have breaking news -- go ahead. >> we're on the same page. you got to remember, the first thing i said is we start with a view. there is global inflation, prices are too high. but the clear point is i do
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think things are starting to move in the right direction and the real issue is who is fighting every single day to try to lower prices? if you tell me there are other ideas out there, we want to hear them but right now, those ideas are coming from the president and passed in these pieces of legislation that are up for being repealed if congress were to change hands. >> i get it, gene. i go to the quote at the top, you can talk about the legislation until you're blue in the face, if people can't feel it, it doesn't matter at this point. >> let's also remember -- >> gene -- >> the third highest -- >> got it -- >> 3.5% is the job growth. we understand the pain people are feeling with prices but we also got to present a balanced picture and remember how well our country is doing compared to others in dealing with the pandemic in terms of job growth and unemployment. that's rounding out. that's not ignoring any pain at the pump or gas or grocery line. that's giving a balanced view of
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how this economy is doing including -- >> gene, i got to wrap it up. >> thank you so much. >> we have breaking news. thank you. >> take care. president biden and former president obama are hitting the campaign trail today. >> we'll continue to follow the latest involving the attack on the husband of speaker of the house nancy pelosi. our reporters are on the scene and have details, ahead. when you see things differently, you can be the difference. -how are you? -good. capella university sees education differently.
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morning, assaulted him with a hammer. the intruder yelled where is nancy before the attack. >> josh campbell is in san francisco. what more are you learning, josh? >> reporter: yeah, as i step away, this is the pelosi residence behind me. it remains a crime scene at this hour. police here in san francisco have both ends of the street blocked off. we've seen couple dozen law enforcement personnel here including numerous special agents with the fbi. this inls dcident occurring in early morning hours but the long methodical process continues. they'll continue to gather evidence and we can see there are security cameras outside the residence so that would be important evidence and cataloging everything that they found. this is one of those incidents where a suspect has been arrested and taken into custody. there will be a prosecution. we know from the district attorney that the suspect david
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depape is looking at attempted assault, elderly abuse and more. so they have to go through the process of gathering evidence. we are learning, our cnn investigative team looking into the social media footprint of this suspect paints a troubling portrait or someone that believed in conspiracy theories. some posts on facebook he talks about covid vaccines and the january 6th committee, as well as 2020 election. he also makes references to mike lindell, the my pillow guy obviously very vocal and spreading election conspiracies, as well. so again, the motive here, at least according to this individual social media footprint is coming into focus. police have him in custody. we know that mr. pelosi remains in the hospital as well. he is expected to make a full recovery. but has undergone treatment that according to our colleague jamie gangel and as you mentioned,
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what is chilling are the words that this suspect allegedly spoke as he entered this residence behind me. where is nancy? where is nancy? it appears he was looking for the speaker of the house encountering her husband here, that they engage in some type of altercation. police arriving and k tackling e suspect and the suspect being charged with multiple crimes. >> the suspect telling police they are waiting for nancy. josh campbell, thank you. >> let's bring in jeff zeleny in atlanta, abby phillip also with us. abby, let me start with you. elected officials, law enforcement officials and analysts and experts we had on the show say if this conspiratory political rhetoric continues, some day we would reach this moment. we're see what is on social media. he says he was looking for nancy. we're now at the moment. >> the moment has arrived for
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this country. i mean, think this has been years frankly in the making building and building of accelerating political rhetoric and also, political violence. i mean, this is -- these conspiracies already produced violence on january 6 th and so it's no surprise that would continue because now, the honest truth is that these conspiracies have actually been totally main streamed in our political system and this is the consequence of that. it's real. we've heard these warnings not just from people on the outside but members of congress themselves who are scared for their well being and that of their families because they are receiving threats, threats that are not just about free speech, that are about people who intend to do them harm and in this case, someone was injured seriously enough that he was sent to the hospital. it's a real warning sign i think for all of us as a nation. >> it ties into one of
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democrats' main arguments going into the midterms, the preservation and fight for our democracy and the heated rhetoric not only the polarization and conspiracy theories but the election deniers, as well, jeff. i'm sort of tieing this into former president obama traveling to georgia and just a message preserving and fighting for democracy he's been honed in on and focused on with voters and the message he'll be sending as well. i'm curious to get your thoughts on how this sits with voters in georgia. democracy, preserving democracy is important for voters but that is trumped by the economy. >> sure, democracy is absolutely important to every voter we speak to but we have to have this conversation at the same time. the attack on paul pelosi we can't take back. this is the context in which it's happening. we'll see if former president
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obama speaks about this when he delivers a rally speech here tonight in georgia as he begins his week-long campaigning. he's close to speaker nancy pelosi and paul pelosi. we'll see if he draws a broader lesson from this. there is no question these questions of decency and democracy are on the ballot. we're seeing democrats across the board calling on house republicans in particular to denounce this kind of violence. we've seen this of course on both sides. so we have to be careful in terms of assigning any blame in the particular but in the broader broad er connection, no doubt hatred and denials we've seen contributes to this. it is very much in line with the lesson former president barack obama intends to give tonight. of course, this is a deep political season. he's trying to rally support for raphael warnock locked in a close race against herschel walker.
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he'll travel to michigan and wisconsin tomorrow and who better at the center of this of course, michigan governor gretchen whitmer who endured her own foiled kidnapping plot just last year so we have seen this throughout the courseness of our politics continues to deepen and all members are very afraid. we hear it from them with good reason. >> those calls, abby, jeff mentioned for republicans specifically to condemn the rhetoric. they are condemning the attack. we're seeing tweets and messages about the attack on paul pelosi, well wishes for his health but if history repeats itself, we won't see the condemnation of the conspiracies we're seeing on this man's social media. >> yeah, unfortunately, victor, it doesn't seem like that is coming. we have to be honest about based on what we know so far. our reporting is that this
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individual seemed to have been sharing conspiracies about the last election and come out of our politics, about covid-19 and all of the sort of like rings that emanate from that. the conspiracy nature of the politics right now is something that is not being condemned by our political leaders. that's the reality of the situation. in fact, especially on the right, they are fueling it. using the anger and disillusion of conservative voters to push, you know, their political ends and also to push election lies. and we just have to be up front about the fact that that's happening. it might bed eof an advantage.
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not just democrats at risk. republicans were at risk, too. kevin mccarthy running and hiding from the mob as they breach the capitol. the condemnations should have come years ago and they haven't, they haven't because at this moment it works for them but there are consequences to it for all of us. >> there is precedent here. as you mentioned, not just democrats were targeted. in 2017 steve scalise was gravely shot and justice kavanaugh has been threatened. jeff, i'm curious if you're hearing at all and again, we're hours into this attack whether some of the rhetoric, we heard from mcconnell denouncing this attack, as well. whether some of the rhetoric and some of the approaches to election deniers and conspiracy theorists may start to change among republicans and congress, too. >> i'd like to say sure, of
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course there will be change. i think there is very little indication of that. we've seen episode after episode over the years of steve scalise to others on both sides, you're right. the fringe voices which abby is so right when she says they have arrived in the mainstream much part of the view point. i don't think rhetoric will change. we only have to wait until the next rally that former president trump will be doing in the next couple days. i'd be stunned if rhetoric changes. and it's -- it exists on both sides of the aisle without question. the election denying and conspiracies are coming from one side and they simply are not being denounced. they've -- if you look at candidates up and down the ballot running for secretary of state and other things, they are embracing these so they are absolutely spinning up people that once upon a team, there are always fringe believers but they
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have something to latch on to but i think the short answer to your question here, the bottom line is no, i'd be surprised if anything changed. >> jeff zeleny, abby phillip, thank you both. gop congresswoman liz cheney is making good on her promise fighting election deniers. next, we'll talk about her new efforts in a pivotal race. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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house speaker nancy pelosi's husband paul pelosi attacked in his home in san francisco overnight is in a hospital right now. >> yeah, san francisco's police chief identified the suspect as 42-year-old david depape. he's known for his embrace on conspiracy theories including questions over vaccines, election integrity and the january 6th attack. congressman adam king zzinger tweeted a short time ago a 42-year-old obsessed with january 6th, election conspiracies, religious tones, attacks an 82-year-old man with a hammer. paul was struggling with him. how terrifying. thank you to the san francisco police. every gop candidate and elected official must speak out now. >> let's go to arizona now and on the campaign trail, republican is making her voice known in the races for governor and secretary of state. >> i don't know that i have ever voted for a democrat but if i
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lived in arizona, i absolutely would. >> cnn kyung lah joins us now from phoenix. liz cheney is following through on her promise to prevent election deniers from winning office and that means supporting democrats, that's what she'll do. >> reporter: that's exactly right. she's essentially putting her money where her mouth is. she is throwing in and little perspective on the phoenix ad market, it not a ton of money but still half a million dollars from her pact to democrats. she's essentially telling republicans and independents don't vote for the republicans at the top of the ticket here in the state. kari lake running for governor and mark. those two have been prolific supporters, prolific liars about the 2020 election saying that donald trump won. they are already saying that they will not accept the results of the 2022 election if they
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lose. they will if they win but not if they lose. and so what national republicans like liz cheney are saying is that this could have profound impact on 2024 and that's why you're see thing huge ad, this reasonable ad, excuse me. >> you've also been working on this special report about the growing number of violent threats that public servants face across this country. tell us about it. >> let's take a step back, right? it is starting with the rhetoric coming from loud transmitters and then it creates an environment where people are allowed to be angry. that then turns into threats. so what we did was we spent time with the people who feel this, who are the victims. usually local officials and we also spent time with the people who say this should be a part of local politics. take a listen.
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>> you're willfully choosing to ignore the data. >> raise the freaking bar. >> i'm going to come after each one of you personally. >> you will get the justice that's coming to you. >> you need to be arrested! >> get out while you can. >> shame on you! >> reporter: threats and anger. >> working for the people! >> reporter: coast-to-coast. >> people got executed for violating the code and you guys are violating the code, too. >> you no longer have our consent. >> reporter: spreading in local communities. >> we know who your family is. we know your dog's name. >> reporter: targeting county supervisors. >> time to dust off the old guillotine. >> reporter: even educators. >> you're about to get a real education mother [ bleep ]. >> you know your home address is on the internet, don't ya? that could be scary. >> reporter: frightened election officials wearing body armor. >> have it on on a daily basis now. >> reporter: and arming
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themselves. >> this is a .22 automatic. >> reporter: not knowing the danger the upcoming elections might bring. so words have consequences and we spent the time in towns across the country from the west to the east to midwest talking to the people who are feeling it. biona, victor? >> it's awful. the work we need people to do so this country can run and of course, we're watching still out west in san francisco this attack on paul pelosi, a man going into speaker pelosi's home looking for the speaker. >> let's be honest, this didn't just happen overnight. this has been brewing and developing for years and years and your piece, just that few moments there gives you a sense of the tension and the anger throughout the country right now. >> kyung lah, looking forward to seeing that piece on sunday. thank you so much. you can watch kyung's special report "perilous politics,
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america's deep divide." pediatric emergency rooms are being flooded with cases of rsv. we'll take you inside a st. louis hospital fighting the crisis, up next. we triried dove instead. so, still need that trim? oh my y gosh! i am actuaually shocked i don't need a haircut. don't trim daily damage. stop it with dove. seatgeek is the ticketing app for fans like the high-fives-strangers guy. game winning interception, first down, just a nic solid tackle - if you're in armsength, yowill be swapping skin with this extrovert. yosee he knows seatgeek got him a great deal on tickets, so he can focus on what he does best: smacking palms. seatgeek handles the tickets to sports, concerts, and more, so fans can fan. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates
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we've got new numbers on the sky r skyrocketing cases of rsv across the country. >> they have jumped 17% compared to last year's peak. many facilities are reporting full capacity. cnn's adrian broaddus is there. what are you seeing there? >> reporter: because of the surge in rsv cases, it's impacting everything at this hospital behind us. for example, we spoke with the medical director. she says folks who show up here at the emergency department may wait hours before they are treated. in fact, she told us some
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patients leave because the wait is so long, but it's not just happening here. we're seeing this across the country as these pediatric hospitals fill up. for example, let's take a look at some of the numbers. 14 states plus d.c. are more than 80% full. four of those states, more than 90% full. we're talking about rhode island, texas, kentucky, and minnesota. back here in missouri, weekly rsv cases more than doubled over the past month, and those cases are more than five times higher compared to this time last year. that's all according to the cdc. meanwhile, the medical director kim quayle says on many days here at this hospital, they're at capacity. >> if you compare volumes to last year, we're seeing about a 300% increase in rsv cases. so it's just a very striking
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peak, and we don't even know if we peaked yet, but we are continuing to see very high volumes of this respiratory virus that primarily affects very small infants and young children. >> reporter: and that's not the only challenge. you know, across the country, hospitals have been dealing with staffing shortages. we've seen nurses in other states walk off the job. it's no different here. the medical director told us to help fill that void. some administrators are now working with patients at their bedside. victor and bianna? >> adrienne broaddus, thank you for the report. well, just one day officially with the keys and elon musk is making major moves already at twitter, including firing the company's ceo. what happens next? we'll discuss that after the break.
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