tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN November 1, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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punctuating their anger. >> he gets daily meals, a roof over his head and a bed to sleep in now. my sister's body is food for carrion, her roof is six feet of dirt and her bed is a coffin. >> one parent who decided against speaking out today was fred guttenberg. he lost his 14-year-old daughter jamie in the massacre. he gave a victim impact statement during the trial. when i spoke to him just weeks ago, he said the conclusion of the trial was a turning point for him. today he explained why. he writes in part, i have decided that it simply won't change the reality of the way i feel. it won't make me feel better. the reality is that i will still visit her at the cemetery and the monster's fate will not change. thank you for joining us tonight. "ac360" begins now. good evening. we begin tonight with breaking news. according to authorities, the
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man charged with trying to kill paul pelosi and separately trying to hold nancy pelosi captive and break her knee caps told officers on the scene, this was a suicide mission. david depape was in court today in san francisco. those words are from the state's motion to detain him. cnn has obtained a copy and that's not all. we'll have more in a moment. just in, hillary clinton is speaking out for the first time about the attack. here's what she just said on msnbc. >> i think what we're seeing today, and it has certainly been thrown into very high relief by the horrific attack on paul pelosi, is not just an aberration where one or two people or a small group engage that in kind of violent rhetoric and urge people to take action against political figures like her, like me, like others. we're seeing a whole political
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party. and those who support it, those who enable it, those who run under its banner engaging in behavior that is so dangerous. and i find frankly, disqualifying for people who are running for office. i would like every american just to stop and think about that. this is the kind of violent rhetoric that leads to violent action that proms up authoritarians, and that is unfortunately what we see the republican party today supporting. >> to that point, there were more reasons to believe the threats facing lawmakers including speaker pelosi has not gone away. some of it is fueled by conspiracy theories like the ones the defendant apparently bought into. the former president amplified one as well today, also as if to underscore the threat picture. there was this from the five alleged leaders of the oath keepers. juries were shown a series of
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text messages referring to senator pelosi. one said hoping to see her head rolling down the front steps. we begin in san francisco where paul pelosi is in the hospital where he is recovering from a long recovery from a skull fracture and his assailant was in court. cameras were barred but veronica joins us with the breaking news. what did we learn today? >> reporter: well, anderson, we just obtained the motion to detain. it was filed by the district attorney and it argues why david depape should not be in custody. it describes him as on a suicide mission. he had plans the target other politicians. it quotes him as saying to paul pelosi about speaker pelosi that she's number two in line for the presidency, right? when mr. pelosi agreed, depape responded, they are all corrupt and said, we've got to take them all out. the motion says the attack on paul pelosi with that hammer was caught on body camera video. and it also says that depape told officers that he didn't
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have plans to intentionally harm mr. pelosi, but that if he escalated the situation, he would go through him if he had to. now, we saw him in court today. he was arraigned on multiple felony charges, including attempted homicide, burglary, elder abuse, among others. he entered not guilty pleas for all of those. the pelosi family was not in court but the prosecutor told the judge that they are asking for privacy during this very traumatic time. the judge also signed a protective order which says that mr. depape cannot contact paul or nancy pelosi, and that he can be nowhere near their residence. anderson? >> what was this alleged attacker's demeanor like during his court appearance? >> reporter: well, the first thing that i noticed about him when he came in, his shirt was half off. his right arm with a in a sling. i later learned from the public defend that are he actually dislocated his shoulder during his arrest. when he came into court, he was
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able to walk on his own. he had a tall and large stature. a very solemn demeanor. he sat down and went through the proceeding, and when i asked the public defender about his mental status, his mental condition, the public defender said he could not speak to it. only that he met with depape very briefly yesterday. >> tau. with the pelosi family, jimmy, what have you learned? >> reporter: we've been told members of the pelosi family, as soon as tomorrow, are expected to be able to hear the audio from that 911 call that paul pelosi placed to police, and also, to see the body cam footage of the san francisco police officers who responded to their house the night he was attacked. anderson, as a reminder, we know paul pelosi place that had 911 call at the beginning of the attack, after convincing the assailant to let him go to the
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bathroom where his phone was charging. that he spoke cryptically to police. the body cam footage is expected to show what the police saw when paul pelosi opened the door and his assailant attacked him with a hammer, fracturing his skull. just a little while ago, anderson, the d.a. told cnn that the phone call was actually very brief. that recording will be brief. but she confirmed the body cam footage does show the horrific attack with the hammer, anderson. >> do you know if this 911 audio and the body cam footage, is it going to be made public soon? >> we don't know. as we've seen with cases, 911 calls, body cam footage, they aren't released in many cases. and i think what is important is this audio and video could provide critical evidence, whether it is hearing what the
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assailant said, if anything, on that phone call, but certainly that attack. it may very well provide firsthand critical evidence of what the assailant did, and that striking video is important because it not only documents what happened, that the assailant was looking for nancy pelosi who, let's just remember, was the target of this attack. but perhaps it will help combat these crazy lies, conspiracy theories that have been spread on social media. >> appreciate it. despite all we've learned about what happened over the last several days from reporting like that and the federal criminal complaint filed yesterday, the conspiracy theories continue to spread. today the former president offered one of his own. it is one more thing for law enforcement to debunk. joining us found, you can see
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the body cam footage of the video. earlier tonight on cnn the district attorney said you see the attack on the body cam footage. is it clear why the talker hit mr. pelosi with a hammer as the police were approaching? was there some trigger to that? >> well, first of all, anderson, thank you for having me on. what is crystal clear to me is he tried to kill mr. pelosi. now what was going on in his mind as to why he did that, i can't speak tom. what is very clear to me from viewing that body-worn camera. he tried to kill mr. pelosi. >> can you confirm how many times mr. pelosi was struck? >> well, we know it is at least one. and we're trying to figure that out through the evidence and the injuries. but we know it is at least one is what can be seen on the body-worn footage. it was immediate tackling of mr. depape by the officers, and
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we're talking about a matter of, from the time that door opened until the hammer was swung at mr. pelosi, we're talking about no more than about three seconds. so this was a very rapidly unfolding series of events. and we know it happened at least once. the officers responded immediately to tackle him and disarm him and try to save mr. pelosi's life. so things happened very, very quickly. >> in the 911 call, was mr. pelosi able to identify himself as speaker pelosi's husband? was the dispatcher aware of who he was? did she become aware of who he was during that conversation? >> well, he did identify himself. and the officers knew they were responding to the residence of speaker pelosi and her husband. and you know, i just want to clarify one thing. the call was approximately three
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minutes. as i said, and i'll say again. the dispatcher was trying to figure out and decode what was being said on that call. so she attempted to keep him on the phone in order to do that. at the end of the day, she did figure it out and raised the priority of the call thinking that wasn't lying what was reported by mr. pelosi. there was something more there. and i say again, i think her being able to figure that out, along with mr. pelosi's keeping his wits about him. he was heroic, and the dispatcher figuring out there was something more was also heroic. and i think that action saved his life. >> so it was a three-minute call. a three-minute 911 call. it is remarkable, and we're starting to see more details of what was said on that call. the dispatcher was able to figure out through the cryptic words mr. pelosi was using. is that something that
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dispatchers are trained on? >> you know, yeah, they are trained to try to figure things out, and it comes with experience but also, it is intuitive. you have to have a sense of things. and heather grimes had the intuition to just say, something is not right here. it is not really making sense. and your training, experience, and just plain old intuition were the three ingredients that i think made her do what she did in terms of upping the priority of that call and making sure that officers got there quickly. >> as you may know, the former president has called into question the circumstances of the attack. he said previously this was a break-in. that is still accurate, yes? >> yes. that is absolutely accurate. this was a break-in. there is no doubt in anybody's mind it had anything to do with this investigation of whether or not this was a break-in.
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this was a break-in, plain and simple. evidence is overwhelmingly clear. and i don't know why anybody would say otherwise. but i am here to tell that you it was a break-in. >> chief scott, we appreciate your time tonight. appreciate what your officers have done. thank you. we want to get some perspective from former fbi director andrew mccabe and john miller. an dru, what stands out to you about this case given what we have learned today? >> well, obviously, anderson, the feds and the state are going after this attacker with everything they've got in two simultaneous prosecution that's will likely land this guy in jail for the majority of the rest of his life. which is great. in both cases, they appear to stand on pretty solid ground. just the information we learned from the federal affidavit that
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was filed yesterday is remarkable in its detail, and the statements made by the defendant himself really put him in a very bad position for these prosecutions going forward. so that all seems to be lining up well. on the back of this misinformation and layer upon layer of additional lies and conspiracy theories, just breathe additional oxygen into this insanity. it's very frustrating. >> you've been pouring over the details of this interaction. >> it's chilling. it is something out of a stephen king model. he's asleep in bed and a voice wakes him up and says are you paul pelosi? it's 2:00 in the morning. he says yeah. emwhere is nancy? she's not here. she's in washington. the voice says, when will she be back? anderson, stop tape here for a
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minute. in context, that sounds crazy to us when we're talking to somebody when we're sleeping. this is a family that has lived around security details in their house, their kitchen, outside. >> they have a tremendous -- i've seen her security detail. it is quite large. >> people coming and going. he's groggy out of a dead sleep. when he says, well, i'm going to tie you up and we're going to wait for her, it is clear to him, something is very wrong. he gets out of bed and heads to the elevator. he knows he can get in there and stop the elevator and mr. depape blocks his path. can i call someone for you? what do you need her for? is there second i can help you with? she's second in line to the president. we have to take them all out. >> that's what he says. >> yeah. is there someone i can call for you? no. this is the end of the line for you. at this point he diverts to the bathroom. he know his cell phone is on charge. there he turns it on.
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puts it on speaker. calls 911 and then engages in a conversation where he's trying to get the message across to the operator. >> because the guy can hear him. >> yeah. the guy is on the other side of the door. he has a handful of zip ties and a hammer. he said there's a plan here and he's asking for my wife, nancy pelosi. and i don't know him. he says when she asks. and she says, do you need police, fire or blarns? and the suspect is glaring at him. he said no, how about, is the capitol police here? she said you're calling the san francisco police. he said yeah. she said do you know this man? he said no, i don't. and then the suspect responds, no, i'm a friend of theirs. so she's gleaning something is not right here and makes that priority call. when the police are coming -- remember, the suspect is thinking here, i know i went by a million cameras to break in here. i know paul pelosi has seen me. i now think the police are on
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the way and he's heading downstairs. i know i'm going to get caught. i know this is the end of the line for me now. when the police get there, and paul pelosi opens the door and heads back to the suspect, trying to keep things calm, the police put their flashlight through the door and he this see the two men standing there with the hammer. the officer says what's going on, and paul pelosi let's go of the happener and then he's struggle. if you look at the suspect's later stalts to police. he said i knew this was a suicide mission at that point and i was not going to get away. if i had to go through him, i would go through him. he had escalated this by calling police and putting his hands on the hammer and i had to hit him. >> thank you. you know that election day is coming and the races are tight which big name campaigners are hitting the trail. one is crossing the party line to do it. and later, what the supreme court will to say to lindsey
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with just a week to go before the mid-term elections, former obama, president biden, are out campaigning. take a look here at what the final days look like with former president trump joining the fray in iowa, pennsylvania, ohio and florida. so jeff, congresswoman cheney said she doesn't know if she's ever voted for at contract in the last 40 years. what did she say at the campaign event tonight? >> she did say, and this end ad if you minutes ago. she said this is the first time she's campaigned for a democrat but made clear the reason she's doing so. she believes this is a critical moment for the country. she said it is a time of testing
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where every american cannot be a bystander in the fight for democracy. of course, this come three months after liz cheney was defeated in her own primary. a couple months before she leaves congress on her own. she made clear, she still want to try to influence the shape of the next session of congress. if republicans happen to win the majority, she clearly wants to limit that and avoid any election deniers being sent to washington. she framed it like this. >> if we want to ensure the survival of our republic, we have to walk away from politics as usual. we have to walk away. we have to stand up, every one of us and say, we're going to do what is right for this country. we're going to look beyond partisan politics. if the people in our party are not doing the job they need to do, we're going to vote for the people in the other party. >> and these two members of congress have some history.
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they sit on the house armed services committee. they have serve at the state department and the pentagon as well. she was very blunt saying the chips are down. this is a time of our testing. >> do we know what if any effect it might have with just a weak to go? >> well, this is a very close race. one of most competitive in the country. and it is clear that to win, she needs to win republicans and independents. that's congressman elissa slotkin. it has always been won by president trump. she has to win independents and republicans. that's what they hope this is. getting a pledge to some of the republican or moderate who's may be swayed by liz cheney. >> and she said she would back another democratic candidate in a race. do we know who? >> we do. she made a stop in ohio before
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coming here to michigan. she was asked about the j.d. vance/tim ryan senate race. she said given all the questions that j.d., the republican at-has raised about the 2020 election, he was backed by the former president. she said she simply could not vote for j.d. vance. she said if she was an ohio voter, she would vote for the candidate there. unclear how much this will impact the races. it is clear there are many independents and republicans questioning. this could lean on the margins in a tight race. >> this is in the end a numbers story, we're joined here by the c nmpnn reporter. which races have you been analyzing? >> so let's talk about that. let's start in arizona which is the easiest story to tell. marshall kelly has held a consistent lead. but that lead has shrunk. you go to georgia, that race,
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oh, so tight, so tight. what is key about georgia is need herschel walker nor rafael warnock. what does that mean? a potential run-off in december to potentially decide the united states senate. you have to get a majority to win. go to nevada. how tight is the race there? another race in which the candidates are even. and then of course, you might end up in a state of pennsylvania where here's a surprise, given all the previous graphics, the candidates are again, even. and oz has come up a little bit. he was if you are back. >> that's correct. you look at the race, all these moves. the beginning of september. ial believe that was two months ago. if you look at that race, the democrats were leading in all of them. it is very clear looking at the map that it is republicans that have momentum. >> why is that? >> here's the reason why.
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take a look at what i would call the fundamentals. the satisfaction in the country. below 20%. look at congressional approval rating. 20%. congressional prfl itraing it is worst since 1982. you look at presidential approval. the second worst since 1982. i don't think it is so much of a surprise. the fundamentals are bringing the democrats back. >> if you look at that, the worst, second worst, second worst. isn't it surprising that the gop candidates aren't farther ahead? >> yeah. but candidates matter. i know this is perhaps a surprise in our polari ized era. if you look at arizona, georgia, pennsylvania, they're all under water. so you have biden going in one direction. pulling the democrats down. but the republican candidates are themselves pulling
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themselves down. i have one question for you, anderson. that is, had a do you favor in the world series? >> um -- well, yeah. the -- >> do you know who is playing? >> i do not know. the cardinals? >> oh, that is a baseball team. it's always football team. >> the phillies and the houston astros. the astros were in a series a while ago. >> they have played over the last decade. they won a world series. >> is it already the world series? hasn't baseball been going on for like all year? >> no. it has not been going on. it just started. do you know what city the phillies are from? >> philadelphia. >> very good. >> phillies. >> well, styles, i don't know. you didn't know what the mascot was for the buffalo bills. >> the giant dollar bill. of course i do. don't be silly. coming up -- we'll be right back.
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why is sexual harassment so hard to address? we're from the new york times. i believe you used to work for harvey weinstein? wereou scared of him? we allere. you got spies watching you now. do youish you hadn't signed up for this? do you? tell me about the payouts. what payouts, john? i want to speak out on behalf of the women who can't. this is all gonna come out.
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a kohler-certified installer will install everything quickly and conveniently in as little as a day. they made us feel completely comfortable in our home. and, yes, it's affordable. i wish we would have looked into it sooner. think i might look into one myself. stay in the home and life you've built for years to come. call... to receive $1500 off your kohler walk-in bath. and take advantage of our special low monthly payment financing. we have an important story to tell you about. but a warning, this next report is disturbing. if you have young children in the room, you might ask them to leave. cnn has obtained a never before seen video from the shooting in uvalde. what you're about to hear is the voice of a 10-year-old girl
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named chloe torres trapped at robb elementary school with a gunman who had already killed friends and a dispatcher speaking to the teacher. following that, you will see video of law enforcement authorities at the school discussing the information that chloe, who survived the attack, gave the dispatcher. cnn obtained these calls from a source and is using excerpts with approval from chloe's parents. cnn has informed families in the massacre that this story was coming. >> we do have a child on the line. >> this was the moment everything at the season in uvalde should have changed. at 12:10 p.m. on may 24th, fourth grader chloe torres who survived the shooting was inside room 112 at robb elementary and spoke to rain in 11. police a few feet away in the
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hallway were minutes away, told the worst-case scenario was unfolding. chloe, with her classmates and teachers, trapped with an active shooter. it is the phone call that should have made the difference. instead, it would be another 40 minutes until police finally entered the room and killed the gunman. cnn has obtained the call never made public until now. a warning to our viewers, it is painful to hear. >> we're choosing to play portions of the audio with the approval of chloe's parents. because it is crucial to understanding the full scope of the law enforcement failure that day. >> school shooting.
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>> he is arriving. he is in the room full of victims. full of victims. >> if active shooter protocol had been followed, this dispatch should have triggered police to spring into action and breach the classroom. instead, 38 minutes were allowed to go by as more officers arrive on scene with more equipment until something is done. nearly 400 officers responded in uvalde. chloe wanted to know where they were. >> they're inside the building. stay quiet. >> on the other side of the door, the law enforcement response was disorganized and chaotic. official reports detail the catastrophic mistake that was made. police on scene thought the shooter was a barricaded subject and not an active shooter.
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chloe' call makes it clear. an active shooter situation is unfolding. body camera footage from local and state police departments obtained by cnn shows the officers on scene knew about the phone call and that there were children inside the room hurt and in desperate need of medical attention. >> this is building four? >> anybody hurt? >> no, sir. >> here? >> he's in here. >> yep. >> the last contact we had was one of our school officers. his wife is a teacher.
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>> this is the first time i've seen this. this is unbelievable -- not unbelievable. it is completely believable given the lies and the cover-ups that have been going on for so long from these people. but i mean, it's outrageous. >> it was such a hard decision to make whether or not to air this, anderson. and our team, we were sort of in a place, how do we tell this story about how horrific it really was inside the classroom? >> they knew there was a little girl talking to other kids who were alive telling them the teachers were wounded, bleeding, asking for help, and the little girl passing on, they're in the school. as if she believes they're going to come in. because of course they should come in. >> over a dozen time she's asking for help. where are they? she's with her friend. they're trying to get the police to come in. they even offer to unlock the door. >> the kids offered to unlock
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the door. i mean -- the fourth graders have more courage, or more intelligence than some of the folks in the hallway. it's stunning to me. i should say the leadership. because there's plenty of low level police officers who want to go in. who want to do the right thing. they don't want to be incompetent will but they're crying out for some freaking leadership. >> you can see in the body cam. they're telling the officers there, there are kids in the classroom. go in, go in. and everyone just freezes and no one does a thing. that call is 20 minutes of just brutal hell for these kids. to hear them. there is so much that we don't show. so much we don't play because it is so brutal. but it was important to show, to show viewers exactly the moments inside there and how horrific it was. meanwhile, police officers were standing just feet away from the door. the other thing is the gunman. he was distracted. they had plenty of opportunity.
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had they made a better effort to figure out what was going on inside, there were two rooms. at one point he was in another room. >> there were hundreds of officers. >> the kids weren't even sure if he was still in the room. could you hear the loud music because he was playing it so loud. >> he was playing music. >> he was playing music. and you could hear it. there was plenty of time for them to go inside. that's what this audio tape clearly makes. and why they did it, what they were doing during those moments. there's more reporting to come. we're still digging in on some things that will indicate that everyone there knew what was going on inside that classroom. there were kids and yet they failed to act. >> your reporting from the moment this happened, extraordinary. thank you for staying on it so much. chloe's mom will be on cnn this morning tomorrow morning. i'll definitely tune in for that. senator lindsey graham has avoided testifying about his knowledge of the attempts to overturn the 2020 election.
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today the supreme court weighed in about whether he must. details and analysis of that decision, next. because the only thing dripping should be your style! plop plop p fizz fizz with alka-seltzer plus. also try foror fast sinus and pain relief! i've never been healthier. shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. proven over 90% effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today.
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"washington post" that graham appeared to suggest he tossed legally cast ballots. quote, it sure looked like he was wanting to go down that road. graham called that ridiculous. joining me, cnn contributor, former white house counsellor. so senator graham's office calling this a win for him saying the court affirmed the clause could apply in certain circumstances. what do you make of this? >> it's not a win for lindy graham. it is a loss on balance for lindsey graham. he argued that he was except from testifying. he didn't have to testify at all under the speech and debate clause which is part of the constitution which says a sitting member of congress can't be forced to answer questions outside of congress. the problem is the federal courts, up to and including the supreme court said yes, however, that only applies to your legitimate legislative activities. anything you were doing with the trump campaign, any efforts to
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interfere with the election, to pressure state officials. that's all fair game. bottom line, he has to go in front of the grand jury. take an oath and answer questions from the prosecutor. >> and if he invokes the clause to answer questions about his post 2020 election activities, would it meet the bar and many people may not known what that clause was intended to be used for. >> it is a new clause to motion the courts. at the don't address it very often. so yes, he can raise it and hide behind it for a while. the high court, as well as the lower courts, have gotten themselves familiar with this clause. and it is pretty limited. it is limited to legislative activities, as elie said. >> if the senator objects to a question during testimony, how does that get decided? >> so this is the problem. the supreme court said, if there is a dispute about a question, you can go back to the district court, the federal trial court. i guarantee you he's looking at
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the calendar thinking, there will be a new congress early 2023. if he can throw enough issues up in dispute, the strategy may be to stretch this out until the new congress takes over. i'm sure prosecutors are aware of that and will try to dispose. these questions as quickly as possible. >> senator graham's attorneys have said the district attorneys informed them, he was simply a witness. did us that preclude him? >> it doesn't preclude him if he gets into areas where he might be in trouble and i think there might be some areas where he could have some trouble. the court noted that he had cajoled officials down there and that may be misconduct. so he'll be kind of trying to step around those areas and stay out of them. and if it gets a direct question, he would have to take the fifth. but that's a disaster for the chairman of the senate judiciary committee, which he hopes to be
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soon. >> when it comes to, i mean, what is the most information the fulton county district attorney would like to elicit from him? >> well, let's remember. lindsey graham is not a senator from georgia. he's from another state, south carolina. he was in coordination with trump and the trump campaign. i think they'll look there and at his efforts to pressure local and state officials in the state of georgia. i had that's exactly where prosecutors will focus. >> thank you. still ahead, an exclusive interview with one of the friends killed in that horrible crowd crush in south korea. ♪ 'cause it hangs them up ♪ ♪ to see someone like you ♪ ♪ butut you gotta make your own kind of music ♪ life gets bigger when you break from the herd. ♪ sing your own special song ♪ the volkswagen tiguan.
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more tax revenue than nearly any city in america. but our streets are dirty and public safety is not getting better. i'm working hard to live within my budget. the city should too. join me in voting no on m and o. now is not the time to raise taxes in san francisco. vote no on m and o. tonight, we have new details in that crowd crush halloween event in south korea. according to national police, they received 11 calls from people worried about that crush. some of those calls were made four hours before the event. the head of the police agency said they'll set up a special committee. here's his report.
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>> everybody was very fond of steven. steven was the kindest person there ever was. he will be there for you. he was a good friend for everybody. a kind soul. >> reporter: ian chang, a 21-year-old from florida is talking about his friend steven blessi. the two american university students met here in south korea during their semester abroad in seoul. >> took on here by himself. >> show me some cooking skills. >> reporter: the young americans mixed class work with exploring korea. >> he definitely liked the food here. for sure. >> reporter: the barbecue. >> yeah, the barbecue. >> reporter: and that includes late nights out. that is until saturday night when everything went horribly wrong. >> i didn't think it was real. you know, the whole thing
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because i saw him that day. right. and just learning the news that he passed away just, you know, doesn't seem to be true. >> reporter: the two americans planned to meet here in seoul's etewan district to celebrate halloween. that meant thousand people were coming to party here. >> at first we thought it was funny are v. >> reporter: stuck in the crowd was etienne. she suddenly looks distressed. you were hurt. what happened to you? >> at some point i had no air. we were so crushed to other people that i couldn't breathe also. i just pass out. >> reporter: unconscious. >> yeah. unconscious. >> reporter: bystanders pulled
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shevallier out of the crowd. she was one of the lucky ones. hundreds of party-goers began suffocating under the crowd. at least 126 people died. south korea is still processing this staggering loss. days later, lost belongings on display for grieving relatives to identify. >> hey don't come to our place anymore. >> reporter: on saturday night, ian cheng got to the crowded neighborhood first and warned his friend not to come. but the atlanta native who loved hip-hop and international travel never answered. the next day authorities identified blessi and angiski, another american student from the same exchange program as two of the many victims. this group of friends went on a weekend hiking trip together. >> he was such a great person.
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a great friend. >> reporter: steven and ian shared plans for the future. hopes and dreams that will now never be fulfilled. >> i wish i could have made more memories with him. you know. i'm going to miss him. >> ivan joins me now from seoul. it's so incomprehensible. what's the latest in the investigation? >> reporter: sure, let me just point out that we're at a memorial here where people are paying their respect to the victims of this terrible disaster. we have seen the call logs. there were at least 11 calls to police where people were warning in the hours up to the deadly crowd surge that they were afraid people could be crushed to death by the shear humanity there. they only assigned about 136 officers to focus on crime prevention in an area where there are estimates of upwards
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of 100,000 people gathered in these narrow streets and alle alleyways partying. the prime minister has said there was a lack of institutional knowledge for crowd management. the police say the response was inadequate. but what a terrible price to pay with 166 mostly young people are dead. >> it's sickening. i've been watching it. thank you. we'll be right back. i i say, “so are they.” ♪ aleveve - who do you take it for? td ameritrade, this is anna. hi anna, this position is all over the place. subscriptions are down, but that's only an estimated 15% of their valuation. how'you know that? the company profile tool, inhinkorswim®. yes, i love u!! td ameritrade. award-winning customer serce that has your back.
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6:00 pm
new episode of my podcast "all their is" is out tomorrow morning. it's going to be the last of the season. all podcasts are out right now. it's a podcast about loss and grief. we've had poignant conversations with stephen colbert and molly shannon and others. tomorrow is probably the most moving episode yet. it's made by all of you who have listened. nearly a thousand of you left voice mails for me telling me about your loss and grief and what's helped you survive. listening to your messages has been incredibly profound, inspiring. that's what i made the podcast out of, this last one for the season. so i want to thank you for all of that. for telling me about your pain and your grief and your love. the episode is called "you're not alone." it comes out tomorrow in apple podcast wherever you l
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