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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  November 2, 2022 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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hello and a warm welcome to our viewers joining us in the
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united states and all around the world. >> i'm max foster joining you live from london. just ahead on "cnn newsroom." >> this was a targeted attack. he specifically sought out their home. he sought out the speaker. >> does someone need to die before republicans and democrats can all come together on this issue? >> we've got politicians who instead of wanting to bring people together, do their best to stir things up. >> it's a choice between two vastly different visions for americans. policy makers need to decide whether to raise interest rates. >> i look at economic history and i see there's many times when the fed didn't do enough. >> announcer: live from london, this is cnn "newsroom" with max
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foster and bianca nobilo. >> american voters are just six days away from choosing who they want to lead their local and state governments and congress. stakes are high. candidates on both sides of the aisle hope the final campaign push from the leaders of their parties will tip the mid-terms. >> on tuesday president joe biden was in florida. his team views the state as perfect political backdrop to frame the election and the choice between extreme mag a republicans and democrats and the choice with vastly different visions for america. former president barack obama was warning of the growing political divide. >> we have politicians who instead of wanting to bring people together do their best to stir up division and make us
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angry and afraid of one another all for their own advantage. and all of this gets amped up, gets behind up 24/7 on social media because they find it more profitable to stir up controversy and conflict than to lift up the truth and facts. this increasing habit of demonizing political opponents creates a dangerous problem. >> speaking of the dangerous climate, san francisco's district attorney has called friday's brutal attack on nancy pelosi's husband politically motivated. >> there were other public officials that were apparently targets of his. obviously he showed up at the speaker's house first. i think we've seen just like on january 6th that this inciteful
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commentary that has gone on becomes acceptable behavior encouraging people of violence, encouraging people to take these extreme standpoints and violence is laying a pathway to this type of conduct. >> meanwhile, a source says the pelosi family is expected to be shown video and able to listen to the 911 call. >> the 42-year-old suspect was in court tuesday. he's charged with a number of climbs including attempted murder. jeff campbell has more from san francisco. >> reporter: 42-year-old david depape making an appearance at a san francisco court tuesday with his arm in a sling pleading not guilty to allstate charges filed in friday's politically motivated attack on paul pelosi. >> we're going to be doing a
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comprehensive investigation of what happened. we're going to be looking into mr. depape, his mental state. >> depape waived his right to a hearing within 10 days and will be held in a san francisco county jail until november 4th. the judge signed a protective order for no contact with the pelosis. he's facing charges that could lead to 13 years to life in prison if convicted. they include attempted murder, burglary, false imprisonment, as well as threats to a public official and family. >> mr. depape specifically targeted the pelosi home to confront speaker pelosi. >> adam lip son responded to questions tuesday about motive. >> there's also been a lot of speculation regarding mr. depape's vulnerability to misinformation and that's certainly something we're going to look into.
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>> reporter: authorities are still rebutting conspiracy theories that paul pelosi and depape knew each other. >> there is absolutely no evidence mr. pelosi knew this man. >> paul pelosi is still hospitalized after being struck on the head with a hammer sustaining a skull fracture and other serious injuries. parallel investigations into the attack by the fbi and san francisco police are now underway. with new details emerging that depape brought two hammers, zip ties, rope and a role of tape to the home. he faces assault and attempted kidnapping of a u.s. official stemming from the attack caught on police body cam which authorities said would not be released until the case went to trial. the head of the capitol police tuesday said his agency's mission has become increasingly urgent writing in a statement, we believe today's political climate calls for more resources for additional layers of security for congress. during this time of heightened
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political text we monitor several cases across the country. and as mr. pelosi remains from the hospital recovering from the very serious injuries, cnn is learning from our sources that the pelosi family could get access to the 9 the 11 calls from early friday morning as well as the police body camera. that could come as early as wednesday. josh campbell, cnn, san francisco. tensions on the korean peninsula are escalating as both north and south korea traded a volley of missiles today. >> the north fired off ten missiles, three of which were ballistic. seoul responded launching three air surface missiles. >> all of the missiles fired landed in the international waters. the latest provocation comes as the u.s. is conducting joint military drills with south korea. >> we're joined by cnn's will ripley who's in seoul for us.
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tell us how much of an escalation this is and how much the impact of the backdrop of south korea and u.s. conducting huge military drills? >> reporter: hi, bianca. hi, max. it's still escalating because minutes ago the japanese government reported that yet another missile has been launched by north korea. we're now to 11 missiles launched today. the last time we saw anything like this was back in june when they launched 8. they've been fired throughout the day from the east and west coast of north korea and including an area where kim jong-un has a summer residence. these missiles according to the japanese government, some followed an irregular trajectory showing they could be hyper sonic. since the korean peninsula was divided, one of the missiles
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from north korea traveled south of what's known as the northern limit line. this is the de facto maritime border, de facto zone between the north and south. it triggered air raid warnings in one of south korea's islands off the coast. that led to, as you mentioned, a response from south korea using fire jets with three of them landing north of that de facto maritime border. in other words, it was a tit-for-tat situation which shows the escalations are showing no signs of letting up from either side. the joint chiefs of staff here in seoul blames north korea for this. they say they're fully responsible. they're willing to provoke. the north has a very different perspective. they have been issuing warnings which is a five day military divide prescheduled between south korea and the united states and 240 war planes, thousands of service members and north korea has called this
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dress rehearsal for invasion. the kind of rhetoric they say every time. north korea, as we know, continues to conduct regular military drills of their own. nonetheless, they've been warning the united states and south korea would pay a terrible price for any threat. they're vowing more powerful follow-up measures if the military exercises continue. it could be a very few tense days especially considering last week the u.n.'s nuclear watchdog said they believe north korea will conduct a seventh underground nuclear test. i visited that site in 2018 and claimed it was irreparably destroyed. u.s. and south korean officials
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believe that is back up and running. when they meet at the pentagon tomorrow, they will certainly have quite a lot to talk about. >> will ripley in seoul, thank you for bringing us those updates in real time. 11 missiles. we'll keep a close eye on the u.s. stock markets right now. a look at the u.s. futures as we wait for the markets to open. we'll no doubt see changes after a rate hike from the federal reserve. all the markets are down. they heard the latest jobs report showing job openings increased in september. this is the close we're talking about showing on the screen. strong labor market means an interest rate hike is that much more likely. now on the flip side, the democrats are worried the fed's actions could have a damaging effect on the job market. they sent a letter to jerome powell warning his tactics could
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be too aggressive. rahel solomon explains what's at stake. >> reporter: all eyes on the federal reserve as they decide whether to raise interest rates again and by how much. the broad thought is they will raise another 3/4 of 1%. if so, that would be the fourth in a row. something we haven't seen in modern history. to put this in perspective, before this summer the last time the fed raised rates by that magnitude in a single meeting was 1994. the fed is trying to tame consumer inflation that's currently hovering at 40-year highs. it should slow demand and, thus, cool prices. the data hasn't shown a cooling of prices. also complicating the fed's inflation fight, red hot labor market. new employment data show job openings actually picked up in the month of september meaning for every one person looking for a job, there are almost two jobs
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available. good news for american job seekers, not so much for the fed. chairman jay powell has said he would like to see better balance between job openings and job seekers because of concerns that this labor market could be driving up wages. higher wages could trickle into higher costs. we'll hear from powell when he speaks wednesday afternoon. many investors will be hanging on to his every word. rahel solomon, cnn, new york. inflakes is one of the top issues for u.s. voters. they're bringing out the big names like former u.s. vice president mike pence who was in the key battleground state, georgia, on tuesday to stump for the incumbent governor, republican brian kemp. >> i'm supporting the whole ticket in georgia but i'm here for governor brian kemp today. i've had the privilege to know him before he was governor and
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to work with him during our time as vice president. we probably had no greater partner for economic growth, for law and order or for our values than governor brian kemp. >> outgoing republican congresswoman liz cheney gave a boost across the aisle. she endorsed congresswoman a lisa slot kinseeking re-election. a new statistic for adult drinkers in the united states. all too familiar face on the cusp of a political comeback. the party faithful are already celebrating. look at the surprisingly warm temperatures being reported in some parts of the you states. incredible warmth in place. look at kansas, south dakota, north dakota.
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70s and 80s in places that should only be 50 degrees this year. as many as 20 more records with details coming up in a few minutes. amin c and so much more. it's an 8 in 1 immune support formula. airborne. do more.
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the vice chair of the january 6th committee says the panel is now in discussions with attorneys for former u.s. president donald trump. this coming after the committee issued a subpoena seeking documents and testimony. cnn's sarah murray has the details from washington. >> reporter: the dead line is fast approaching for former president trump to hand over documents and on tuesday, liz cheney said that the commit see it is in discussions with trump's lawyers. >> well, the committee's in discussions with president trump's attorneys and he has an obligation to comply. and, you know, we treat this and take this very seriously. this is not a situation where, you know, the committee is going to put itself at the mercy of donald trump in terms of, you know, his efforts to create a circus. >> reporter: friday is the
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deadline for trump to hand over documents. november 14th is the deadline for his testimony. just because they're engaging behind the scenes does not mean trump will testify. if it's headed to court, both sides do need to show they have tried to engage. that may be what's going on here. in a little bit of other trump investigation news, we're getting word on the investigation of trump and his allies playing out in georgia. the judge said they will not quash the subpoena for lindsey graham to appear on november 17th to the grand jury. that's a win for the district attorney who wants to ask graham about the calls he made to georgia election officials. there is still some wiggle room. the court made clear if he gets before the grand jury and they ask questions that they believe that lead to his legislative history, he can still lit at this gate those questions. graham pointed to that still showing that there's an
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opportunity for him to get out of answering some questions, even if he's going before the grand jury. sarah murray, cnn. official results from the israeli election could be released in the coming days. nearly 80% of the votes counted. the early results indicate the former prime minister benjamin netanyahu is going to pull off again yet another comeback. >> the former ruling party is celebrating his likely return to power and netanyahu saying triumph is leading to major concerns. the zionist party is concerned. >> but the acting prime minister who heads up the anti-netanyahu alliance says it's too soon to give up hope even though projections show his bloc
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doesn't have the votes. >> hadas gold has the story. the far right has done incredibly well in this election. >> reporter: yeah, max. i mean, these results that we're getting so far, 80% of the vote counted are actually showing better results than the opinion polls were suggesting before election day. as it stands, benjamin netanyahu and his allies could have 65 seats. keep in mind all they need is 61 seats. if these numbers hold benjamin netanyahu will become prime minister starting his 16th year as a prime minister. already the longest serving prime minister and he would continue to do so. what's been the most notable change of this election compared to the last four elections is the rise of that far right party. these you interest jewish powers, parties that came together and this is really the far right, what were once considered the extreme fringe of
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israeli politics. these are the settlers. these are one of the leaders convicted of inciting rates. they said they shouldn't be ministers and now in the last few days, yeah, of course they could have main nis sterile position. if they hold, there are potentially hundreds of thousands of votes out there to be counted. if they hold, the question will be what kind of government will benjamin netanyahu lead? will they be far right? he addressed his supporters. still a little bit cautious, but take a listen to what he has to say. >> although the vote -- >> translator: one thing is already clear, our way, the lacud's way, has proven itself. from 52 seats, we are now on the verge of a very big victory. >> reporter: now what could
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change here is the fate of some of these smaller parties because in the israeli parliamentary system, you have to reach a certain threshold of votes before you can even sit in the parliament. if some of the smaller parties do manage to get the numbers, they think they have a pretty comfortable margin. all signs pointing to benjamin netanyahu coming back as prime minister. >> we'll get confirmation or otherwise. thank you. brazilian president has finally broken his silence days after losing his re-election bid. mr. bolsonaro gave a speech from the presidential palace where he vowed to abide by the constitution. he notably did not explicitly concede defeat but the chief of staff said he's ready to work with the incoming government
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signaling mr. bolsonaro's cooperation with the transfer of power. brazil's supreme court said he effectively acknowledged loss. however, mr. bolsonaro's supporters remain defiant. brazil's attorney general said all protests must remain peaceful. this as a major worker's union demands an end to the hundreds of blockades on the roads throughout the country. >> it's interesting, isn't it, because he hasn't conceded but he hasn't said he's going to challenge the result either. he's effectively allowing the demonstrators to build this result. >> notably he hasn't called de silva which is a real departure. >> echos of what happened after
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trump but in a more dynamic form. >> there are parallels. weather. november is here. you wouldn't think it was by looking at temperatures in some parts of the u.s. cnn meteorologist pedram java marry. >> good morning, bianca and max. record warmth in place. it is considerably cooler. 25 degrees cooler than what we are expecting. 20 records are possible across the northern reaches of the united states. you have to look at these. how about the 80s? what was in topeka, kansas. tying the record. in bismarck, north dakota, the record of 74 degrees, best of previous records for that date. that has been standing since 1887. now, again, look at these temperatures. in minneapolis, the first average date for snowfall is this friday. temperatures on wednesday, 76
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degrees. in las vegas around 62. much the same across the southwest. northern u.s. is going to be warmer than parts of the southern u.s. chicago into the 70s, stays there for a few days. the bottom does try to drop out especially in the overnight hours. afternoon temps still staying above average. winter weather, the front does allegedly bring in the cool air. prompting quite a bit and the storm door stays in. expecting the fronts across the great basin. expect much cooler air as you go from wednesday to thursday across the western plains. eventually across parts of the midwest by friday into saturday. have a look at these temperatures. in rapid city, 74 to 37 up to 39. fargo, 71 to 50 down to 40 and minneapolis come the 70s. eventually by friday. only 45 degrees. here's a look at what it looks
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like. 76 in omaha. 73 in chicago and new york city, not a bad early november day. highs just shy of 70 degrees. send it back to you. >> thank you, pedram. now a new study shows people with high blood pressure showed their numbers shoot even higher during the first eight months of the coronavirus. u.s. national institutes of health partly funded studies showing blood pressure rose slightly in some places. >> it caused major cardiac events rise by 5%. st study's co-author said the pandemic's effect on blood pressure could be greater. another study reveals a deadly statistic about adults in the u.s. an estimated 1 in 5 deaths of people between the age of 20 and 49 are due to excessive alcohol use. >> amazing numbers. deaths studied ranged from vehicle accidents to alcohol
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poisoning and liver disease. unsurprisingly, health experts recommend cuttingback or quitting alcohol altogether. a little girl who survived the uvalde school shooting called the 911 line when the gunman opened up. her repeated pleas for help. and we'll have the late eggs in the tragic crowd crush in seoul over the weekend and why investigators want more information from local police. show your sore throat who's boss. mucinex instasoothe. works in seconds, lasts for hours. when we started selling my health prproducts onlin our shipping process was painfully slow. then we found shipstation. now we're shipping out orders 5 times faster and we're savi a ton. go to /t and get 2 months free. introducing the new sleep number climate360 smart bed. the on smart bed in the world that actively cools, warms and
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just look around. this digital age we're living in, it's pretty unbelievable. problem is, not everyone's fully living in it. nobody should have to take a class or fill out a medical form on public wifi with a screen the size of your hand. home internet shouldn't be a luxury. everyone should have it and now a lot more people can.
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so let's go. the digital age is waiting. just look around. this digital age we're living in, it's pretty unbelievable. problem is, not everyone's fully living in it. nobody should have to take a class or fill out a medical form on public wifi with a screen the size of your hand. home internet shouldn't be a luxury. everyone should have it and now a lot more people can. so let's go. the digital age is waiting. welcome back to "cnn newsroom." i'm max foster. if you are just joining us, let
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me bring you up to date. the u.s. federal reserve expected to hike interest rates to ease rising inflation. we'll bring you that when it happens, of course. the district attorney investigating the attack on nancy pelosi's husband, david depape had a list of other people he wanted to target. he pleaded not guilty to state charges. a federal investigation is still ongoing. more on both of these stories in "early start." a warning, our next report contains content that is disturbing. cnn has obtained new audio from the uvalde school shooting. what you're about to hear is the voice of a then 10-year-old girl who was trapped inside the school with a gunman speak to go a dispatcher. little khloe torres is among the lucky ones who survived. now for the first time with the permission of her parents they're hearing recordings of her repeated pleas and law
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enforcement's response. >> we do have a child on the line. >> reporter: this was the moment everything at the scene in uvalde should have changed. at 12:10 p.m. on may 24th, fourth greater khloe torres who survived the shooting was inside room 112 at robb elementary and spoke to 911. police just a few feet away in the hallway were unfolding. khloe along with her teachers were trapped with the active shooter. it's the phone call that should have made the difference. instead, it was another 40 minutes until police finally entered the room and kill the gunman. cnn has obtained the call never made public until now. a warning to our viewers, it's painful to hear. we're choosing to play portions
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of the audio with chloe's parents' approval. >> 911. >> there's a school shooting. >> are you there? are you with officers? >> no. i'm in the classroom. 112. >> 112. >> 112. 112, yes. >> what's your name. >> chlore torres. there's a lot of dead bodies. please. please help. >> you can hear injured people in the room crying out in pain. the dispatcher asks khloe to tell her classmates to stay quiet. she does her best. >> tell them to be quiet. >> in these situations my dad
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taught me when i was a little girl. please help. some of my teachers are still alive but they're shot. >> less than 12 minutes they sent an urgent message to students. >> that child's information. relay it. >> the child is advising he is in the room full of victims, full of victims at this moment. >> 10-4. can you confirm to see if that shooter is still standing? >> reporter: if active shooter protocol had been followed, this dispatcher should have triggered police to spring into action and breach the classroom. instead, 38 minutes were allowed to go by as more officers arrive on scene with more equipment until something is done. nearly 400 officers responded in
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uvalde. khloe wanted to know where they were. >> where are they? >> they're inside of the building. stay quiet. >> they're inside the building. we need to stay quiet. >> reporter: on the other side of the door it was disorganized and chaotic. they detailed a catastrophic mistake. they thought the shooter was a barricaded subject and not an active shooter. khloe's call makes it clear an active shooter situation is unfolding. body camera footage from local and state police departments obtained by cnn shows the officers on scene knew about the phone call and that there were children inside the room hurt and in desperate need of medical atte attention. >> 9 children. >> victims. >> no, we hadn't heard that.
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we're in the -- this is the building. >> anybody hurt? >> no, not here. nothing. >> here? >> ems there already? >> no, sir. >> he's in here. >> he's in here. >> the last contact we had was one of our school pd officers. his wife is a teacher. >> they just had her number. room 12. >> again? >> multiple victims. >> [ bleep ]. >> cnn, uvalde, texas. >> astounding composure and bravery from the 10-year-old girl. thanks to shim mone. later they will speak to jamie torres, the mother of khloe torres. survivors of the school shooting in parkland, florida, faced the gunman in court. they testified about their lost loved ones and sense of security
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he stole from them after the massacre in 2018 and they expressed their outrage over a jury's decision not to recommend the death penalty. many who took the stand spoke directly to cruz. >> he gets daily meals, a roof over his head and a bed to sleep in now. my sister's body is food, her roof is six feet of dirt and her bed is a coffin. >> you are a revolting entity. i can't even call you human as you are not. the death penalty would have been a cake walk compared to the demons you'll face going forward. you've not earned any mercy. may every second of your rotten existence be faced with the images of each person you've slaughtered. >> a jury recommended cruz get life in prison without the ability of parole. new developments in the deadly crowd crush in south
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korea over the weekend. investigators have raided the police station and seven other areas. they took documents about emergency calls and internal reports. more than 150 people killed in a massive crowd surge during a halloween celebration on saturday and records show police were warned hours before the tragedy about a potentially dangerous situation. music stars showing their condolences after the rapper takeoff was shot in texas at the age of 28. he was killed early on tuesday morning. collaborators peers like young miami and khloe bailey showed their stun. >> prayers to his friends, family and others. still ahead on "cnn newsroom." basketball star kyrie irving's
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recent tweet linking to an anti-semitic film is calling for the nba's response. more deadly weapons from iran could soon be shipped to russia. what will likely be included in that shipment. nothining kills more viruses, including the covid-19 virus, on more surfaces than lysosol disinfectant spray. lysosol. what it takes to prote.
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welcome back. we're following developments out of ukraine where the southern city was hit by multiple rocket launches overnight. >> russian forces are keeping up their barrage of artillery around the donetsk region is the hardest hit. >> we've learned iran is ready to send russia more weapons. more than 1,000 additional weapons are expected to be sent to russia which will include
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attack drones. let's go live now to nic robertson in the city of krematorsk. what more can you tell us about the barrage of rocket attacks in the last 24 hours? >> reporter: significantly in this region, in the east of the country, there has been a lot. the front lines along here are heavily contested. ukraine obviously trying to retake ground. we know that 100 miles or so north of here, northeast of here they had sweeping gains just a month or so ago. they're trying to repeat it. there's a key highway not far from here over to krimena. if they could take that, that would be a huge gain for the ukrainian government. however, everywhere, every area like that contested along here has seen very heavy barrages of fire. they are seeing an influx of russian recruits to the front
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lines. indeed, ukrainian officials are saying a third hot spot, if you will, has opened up on the front line not far from here. the expectation is because russia has more troops available to deploy there. >> nic robertson, thank you. >> claire, in terms of these weapons due to be coming from iran to russia according to western intelligence, they're pretty threatening, aren't they? ukraine saying they don't have the right defenses for them. >> reporter: right. two separate reports. one telling cnn iran is getting ready to deliver a thousand weapons to ukraine. they could arrive by the end of the year. we don't know exactly when. the point is it's not just more of the same. bigger weapons. surface ballistic missiles. extremely concerning to ukraine. they say we have air defense. we don't have missile defense. they wouldn't be able to shoot down these missiles. that's concerning.
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separately, ukrainian military intelligence says they expect iran is going to deliver another 200 attack drones to ukraine earlier this month. it could be around now -- sorry, to russia to use in ukraine. not only the ones that they've seen inflicting damage and there's others that have a bigger pay load. >> nic, i think we've got you there. you can hear claire sebastian talking to us about that. how has ukraine responded and these reports of more weapons to come to russia? >> reporter: yeah, initially it responded by publicizing and asking allies to publicize and called on israel to step up and pressure russia and to do more to stop iran making these shipments. israel, for its part, took a
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slightly less, if you will, forward leading position on this, but, you know, from ukraine's perspective, the irash ii is a significant or as you said a significant concern. the numbers we're talking about, 1,000 weapons coming, 200 of them may be drones, don't sound like a huge number but the way russia has been using them to target specifically the energy infrastructure is a worry. the fact that it can go further is it's more intelligent, sophisticated. the current set of drones can't do that. you fire them and they go where they're told to go. the pay load of explosives could be five times as big as the current drones being used. all of these raise concerns, particularly in light of the way they're being used and pressuring the government, bringing down the power grid.
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that, of course, could be expanded into other areas and the ukrainian government is very aware of that. >> nic robertson, claire sebastian, thank you. in baseballs philadelphia phillies crushed the astros with five home runs. more on the big game next. it makes it really easy and seamless pick an order print everything you need slap the label on ito the box and it's ready to go our st for shipping, were cut in half ju like that go to shipstation/tv and get 2 mohs free
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two new ihop lunch and dinner menu items for twice the goodness, twice the flavor, and twice the choice. sirloin salisbury steak and all-natural salmon. perfect for lunch or dinner. only at ihop. download the app and earn free food with every purchase. with a little help. and to support my family's immune health, i choose airborne. unlike some others, airborne gives you vitamin c and so much more. it's an 8 in 1 immune support formula. airborne. do more.
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brooklyn nets star kyrie irving did not speak to reporters after posting a link to an anti-semetic film on social media. many in the nba are frustrated with a lack of action taken. >> i think the nba dropped the ball. >> in what way? >> i think he should have been susp suspended. >> kyrie's just part of this. i just think we've lost our way. i think -- i think in this country we've lost our way. i think people have -- have forgotten what it's like to put the thought process into -- if i -- if i put this out there, who am i going to hurt?
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>> the fans aren't waiting for the nba to take action. they're fighting back against hate. a group sat courtside monday brooklyn nets home game wearing shirts that said fight anti-semitism. >> elon musk's twitter takeover is continuing. musk confirmed tuesday those users wouldn't immediately return and it comes after he announced plans to charge users $8 a month to keep their verified status used to represent a trustworthy account for celebrities, businesses or other important figures, for max and myself. musk is banking on wanting clout on their account. >> some talk public figures will have a set because there's a bit of a revolt about whether they should pay for them. >> two tier ticks.
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we'll see. shortage of airline pilots is leading the largest u.s. carriers to push better pay and benefits. pilots are threatening to go on strike. pete muntean has the details. >> reporter: max, bianca, no impact just yet by delta pilots voting to strike if necessary, but a pretty big symbolic move and one to definitely watch especially if so many people are watching the airlines going into the holiday season. and as so many pilot unions are in contract talks with the airlines. really having a labor moment right now. pilots from delta, united, southwest and american are all in contract talks with their companies. united airlines pilots just voted against a tentative contract agreement from their airline. delta though really making the most dramatic move here saying that in a vote of 96% of its pilots from its chapter of the airline pilots association, 99%
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voted in favor of a strike if necessary. delta pilots are really pushing for better pay and in some cases restructured pay, especially since they point at high revenues reported by the airline in the third quarter. the pandemic rebound has pretty much hit its peak now. delta says, quote, delta pilots are not on strike. this authorization vote will not affect the operation for the customers. we are confident the parties will reach an agreement that is fair and equitable as we always have in past negotiations. this is mostly a rubber stamp move but a pretty big one. still a dozen more moves will need to take place before a strike were truly to come to pass. the holiday travel season is safe for now. max, bianca? >> in the world series the philadelphia phillies have taken a two game to one lead over the houston astros. the phillies had an incredible night on tuesday. >> indeed, they did. they hit five home runs to help
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power their way to 7-0 win in game three. one of those home runs came from alec bohm. it was the 1,000th home run in world series history. thank you for joining us here on "cnn newsroom." i'm max foster. >> i'm bianca noblio. "early start" with christine romans is up next here on cnn.
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