tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN November 3, 2022 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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our viewers joining us in the united states and all around the world, i'm bianca. >> and i'm max foster. just ahead on "cnn newsroom." >> regardless of party, to meet this moment of national -- >> a real vulnerability, in the window of when the last vote is cast and the last vote is counted. >> kim jong-un feels completely liberated to fire unabated. we do believe that north korea is covertly supplying russia with a significant number of artillery shells. >> my colleagues and i are strongly committed to bringing inflation back down to our 2% goal. >> your credit cards are going to cost more. that auto lone is going to cost more. that mortgage is going to cost more.
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>> announcer: live from london, this is cnn news with max foster and bianca nobilo. we're now in the home stretch of the election. >> perhaps now more than ever after the fed hiked interest rates up once again, deepening fears of recession and sending mortgage rates to a 20-year high. when it comes to fixing the economy, more than 70% of likely voters favor house republicans. another survey shows nearly 3/4 of the total respondents say things in the u.s. are going badly. that's actually a slight improvement from a few months ago. just over 25% feel good about the state of the country. >> democrats may have made a strategic era in messaging while focusing on abortion rights
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while republicans focused on taxes and inflation. heavy hitters are hitting the campaign trail. former president donald trump will visit new mexico. and barack obama will be in pennsylvania this weekend. the future of american democracy could rest on next week's vote. >> american democracy under attack because the defeated former president of the united states refused to accept the results of the 2020 election. if he refuses to accept the will of the people, he refuses to accept the fact that he lost, he has abused his power and put the loyalty to himself before the loyalty to the constitution and he's made a big lie, an article of faith in the maga republican party, minority of that party. the great irony about the 2020
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election is that it's the most attacked election in our history and yet, and yet there's no election in our history that we can be more certain of its results. >> president biden was speaking just blocks before a mob of voters tried to stop the election results from being certified. this time around he's warning democracy is on the ballot. cnn's phil mattingly has the story. >> reporter: six days out from the moment votes start to be counted. most democrats around the country are talking about the economy, talking about health care, trying to find some way to hold back what increasingly looks like a red wave in the mid-term elections. president biden taking a very different approach on wednesday night. it was something that was driven by several weeks of the president's rattling with the moment the country currently finds itself in. it will crystallize on speaker nancy pelosi's husband paul.
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the speaker knows her husband, paul pelosi. it was the broader repercussions of what that attack meant and what it could portend that will really be the driving factor that drove the president to give these remarks that he had been considering for several weeks. they were sharper than very similar remarks he gave back on september 1st. they were more urgent and more clear that this is a decision for voters to make a decisive one. for him, the stakes couldn't be higher. >> this is no ordinary year so i ask you to think long and hard about the moment we're in. in a typical year we're often not faced with questions of whether the vote we cast will preserve democracy or put us at risk. this year we are. >> reporter: now the reality here is this. as you look towards the mid-term elections, officials know this is not the issue that is driving voters. the president felt it is critically important to make
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these remarks and casting them in a very political light. they do say though when you talk to the white house advisers the democrats will pay attention. this breaks through to a democratic base that has seen the enthusiasm drop. perhaps electorally that has an impact. the message he delivered in very stark terms, very urgent terms and terms that are very clear he was very concerned about the direction of the country. phil mattingly, cnn, washington. >> there are interesting things about this election. from our point of view, you get an election result, clear-cut result and you report it. this is the first time we're looking at seeing how many people contend the results and challenge them because they don't believe the vote is there. >> that's what we were saying. you have people supporting different parties. the idea that a large portion of the electorate doesn't have
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faith in the system as well. >> same as brazil as well. elsewhere, north korea is making unprecedented moves in the missile program with pyongyang firing at least 23 short-range missiles on wednesday, the most ever in one single day. this morning the stakes getting even higher. >> north korea has now conducted the first suspected intercontinental ballistic missiles. at south korean government official tell us it didn't go as planned. the u.s. and south korea are extending their military show of force in the region. >> let's go to blake essig. how do you see the last 24 hours? >> reporter: max, bianca, what we're seeing from north korea as you said is absolutely unprecedented. with the extension of vigilant storm involving hundreds of aircraft and thousands of service members from both united states and south korea currently
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underway. there could be an even stronger response from pyongyang coming. perhaps that could be the country seventh ever nuclear weapons test coming that many believe it is imminent. u.s. officials have said north korea isn't responding. take a listen. >> we continue to seek serious and sustained dialogue with the b dprk but as we've made no secret of, dprk has refused to engage. >> reporter: one day after north korea fired off 23 short range missiles, pyongyang launched another three today including one the south korean sources say was an intercouldn't noent tall icbm. it unsuccessfully failed to
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separate before falling into the waters. that means the icbm possibly failed in the third and final phase when it's supposed to re-enter the atmosphere and strike the target. a south core lean government said the icbm tested was likely the whwasong. residents were told to evacuate inside a building or underground. that happened not only on one south korean island and three prefectures where missiles were believed to have flown over. in response to today's weapons test they have all come out and condemned this response. >> blake in tokyo. we are following new developments into the investigation of handling of classified documents found at mar-a-lago, former president trump's residence.
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>> trump aide catsh patel is se to testify. >> reporter: cash patel is an aide to former president trump and he has been ordered to testify. he's been given immunity in exchange for this testimony. this is significant because this is someone that's been out there claiming that the former president declassified the documents. he was sort of intimately intimate in the documents at mar-a-lago. this gives prosecutors to get information to ask wlim trump did declassify the documents when he is under oath without him facing potential legal ramifications. in some ways it's a way to get his testimony but he also gets immunity when he appears before the grand jury. >> reporter: we have new developments in trump's attempts to overturn the results in the last presidential election. his lawyers feared he might be
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prosecuted if he filed a response with his false allegations. he said justice clarence thomas is key in his attempts to delay the certification of the results. kenneth chess borrow wrote getting a case before the supreme court and having something positive written about the case by justice thomas would be the best shot of holding it up in congress. p paula reed has the story. >> reporter: former president trump's attorneys trying craft a legal case that would ultimately marc it to the supreme court, specifically justice clarence thomas who they hoped would enter a stay or even an opinion. the goal was to get any case to the supreme court in the hope justice thomas or any justice, they said, would potentially stop the counting of electoral votes. why were they so set on justice
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thomas? he's responsible for georgia and the surrounding reasons. this raises some questions because of course his wife ginny thomas has come up multiple times. not only did she attend the january 6th stop the steal rally but investigators have uncovered text messages that she was sending then white house chief of staff mark meadows pushing the false claims of election fraud. former trump attorney john eastman has been fighting in court to try to keep the emails from the committee. a federal judge ruled they should be turned over because they are potentially evidence of a crime. in the emails the judge argues there is information for the federal officials to proceed. they are concerned that they or their client could potentially be prosecuted because the former president, he has signed verification in one of these
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legal cases supporting verifying these legal claims of election fraud. they argue in december. by that point they argued it was, in fact, not true. he signed one of the verifications and submitted it to the court that they believe the u.s. attorney or local prosecutor could eventually go after their client or the lawyers. that is, of course, exactly what happened. there are multiple investigations into this conduct. we're seeing those emails because a federal judge has ruled they are potentially evidence of fraud. paula reid, cnn, washington. we have new details on the massive shooting in uvalde, texas. we have received more 911 phone calls from some of the children. injured fourth grader my a sorreo was on the phone. yesterday we told but khloe
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to torres's 911 call. mia and khloe survived. they were misled about what happened for months. they say if it wasn't for reporting from cnn and the team, they wouldn't be getting any answers. a warning, this report contains some very difficult audio. here is shimon. >> reporter: little girl gets on the phone. our report last night was khloe torres. khloe hands her the phone. my a then takes the call and is talking to the 911 operator. this just shows, again, the continued lack of response, the lack of any kind. sort of way that police forced their way into the room. the fact that they took their time. another significant thing that happens on this audio is that there are gunshots. we do not air those gunshots out of respect for the family. again, it all paints a picture
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of law enforcement that did not respond appropriately, that failed as officials in texas have said. this is something the families have asked us to play and come forward. they need answers and hopefully this will bring transparency. >> hello? >> i'm here. i'm here. i'm here. >> okay. he's still in the building. >> i'm sorry? >> he's still there in the building. >> he's still in the building. do not open the doors. everyone be as quiet as possible. >> he's shooting.
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>> okay. are there officers there? hold on, hold on. what was that? >> i think so. >> okay. officers are in the building. >> okay. >> just be quiet. >> okay. >> the father of that little girl you just heard spoke to anderson cooper. he said he's very proud of his daughter despite the trauma that she faced. >> now i know why my daughter was so mad and i'm very proud of my daughter. she did what she had to do to survive. if my daughter and khloe had the courage to take the phone away from the teacher to call 911 to let them know that they're still alive and they need help, why not one officer jumped and said,
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hey, we need to go in there? they still waited outside for a very long time to get any kids or to break the door down, anything. they took too long. >> our thanks to shimon and his team and the parents for sharing the story. the gunman who carried out the 2021 massacre at marjorie stoneman douglas high school has been sentenced to life without parole. nicolas cruz was given life in prison. >> i don't want to hear your name. i don't want to is psy your face ever again. >> you will not own us nor our feelings. we will go on glorifying
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alyssa's life through our foundation, make our school safe, and like my wife said, we will be her voice. >> you have no power, no future, i'll get to walk out of this courtroom without cuffs. you will not. >> those killed, 14 students and 3 staff members trying to help students to safety. still ahead, the police force charged with protecting u.s. lawmakers had no idea the home of u.s. house speaker nancy pelosi had been invaded by violent intruder. now they're demanding answer jeers a psych ologic drug may have help. we will be measuring snowfall into the western u.s. with all of the cold air pent up
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welcome back. u.s. capitol police confirm the home of u.s. house speaker nancy pelosi was not being monitored during friday's violent home invasion that left her husband in the hospital with serious injuries and they say it's because she was in washington at the time. >> paul pelosi remains hospitalized and with threats against public officials and their families on the rise, one democratic lawmaker has some hard questions for capitol police. cnn's whitney wild has our report. >> reporter: house democrats are looking for answers. the letter from congresswoman zoe loftgren said they were concerned about the heightened threats including those to nancy pelosi, adding she gets the most threats of any member of congress and yet this brutal attack still happened. they want to know why and what the department is doing to stop any future attacks. the letter says this, the incident and related
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circumstances including the manner in which they were targeted raise significant questions about security protections for members of congress, particularly those in the presidential line of succession. further, the letter asks for answers about their relationship with the san francisco police department. and why the department turned down a role on the fbi's joint terrorism task force in san francisco. and finally the letter turns to prosecutions for threats. the u.s. capitol police tracked more than 9200 threats but they only presented 271 cases to u.s. attorneys and prosecutors only accepted 27 cases. they want to know how many of those threats and cases that were presented to u.s. attorneys and tracked in general involved members of leadership. meanwhile, the u.s. capitol police confirming cnn's reporting that the agency first learned of the attack at pelosi's home after the fact when someone noticed the san francisco police department's
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lights and sirens on outside the home and noticed this on a live feed of the camera that was positioned on pelosi's home that feeds directly into a d.c. command center. the agency acknowledging they were not watching the camera in real time noting they are a fraction of the more that 1800 cameras they are watching at any time adding pelosi was back in washington at the time. whitney wild, cnn, washington. the western united states is now bracing for a major winter storm. plus, in the days ahead the cold front will collide with warm, humid air from the south and that will be a recipe for severe storms including possible tornadoes. let's hear about it from derek van dam. >> although you did a great job, bianca. >> thank you. >> i'm telling you, you don't want to see temperatures like this in the upper midwest this time of year, even though you might being basking in some
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sunshine in abnormally low temperatures, it isn't normal. we're going to have some sort of roller coaster here. temperatures in minneapolis yesterday were warmer than las vegas, nevada. in green bay, wisconsin, they tied their warmest november temperature ever. 75 degrees. it's all going to come crashing down thanks to this cold front you see basically bisecretary i -- by secreting the middle par of the country. as the week progresses towards friday we're going to see the chance of severe weather actually increase especially into the afternoon and evening hours. slight risk, level 2 out of 5 from the storm prediction center that includes amarillo, west of oklahoma city and wichita. look at friday. that includes the dallas fort worth region.
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millions of people under enhanced risk. level 3 out of 5 and it's, again, all thanks to this cold front which, by the way, is producing a significant amount of snowfall across the inner mountain west. we're not going to measure this in inches, it will be in feet in the higher elevations. as it moves east it's going to trigger thunderstorms. it will cool temperatures for places like green bay and minneapolis. no more record highs. and then we focus on the next weather maker. we already have winter jeweathe alerts and there it is piling up in feet for snow resorts looking to cash in. >> that is hot stuff. thank you so much. fears of a recession loom even greater after the federal reserve raises interest rates for the sixth time this year.
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suspected intercontinental ballistic missile in months. former president trump and president biden hit the campaign trail to make a final push for their parties. a new cnn poll shows americans view the economy as the top topic. >> speaking of the economy, we're just hours away from the opening bell on wall street and the u.s. stock market is looking to rebund but we're now looking and you can see futures are all not doing good. the dow is doing good. the market took a beating on wednesday after fed chair jerome powell introduced a 75 basis point hike. this is the sixth rate hike this year and the fourth one at that we've had that's been 3/4 of a point. powell addressed why the fed
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moves have been so aggressive. >> we continue to anticipate that ongoing increases will be appropriate. we are moving our policy stance purposefully to a level that would be sufficiently restrictive to return inflation to 2%. i don't have any sense that we've over tightened or moved too fast. i think it's been a good and successful program that we've gotten this far this fast. remember though that we still think there's a need for ongoing rate increases and we have some ground left to cover here. >> reporter: hi, max and bianca. the federal reserve made history yet again on wednesday approving a fourth straight rate hike up 3/4 of a percentage point. it's part of a battle to bring down the white hot inflation playing the economy. it brings the benchmark lending trite a new target range of 3.75% to 4%. that's the highest since january of 2008.
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the federal reserve did exactly what the market expected and stopped -- stocks rose. the central bank acknowledged that it will take into account the lag in time from when it raises interest rates to how it affects the real economy. and we are already seeing the impacts of the fed's aggressive rate hiking path. mortgage rates at levels are beginning to choke the market. sales of new homes dropped 10.9% from august and down 17.6% from a year ago. still, fed chair jay powell show incoming data shows that the incoming interest rates will be higher than expected. the employment cost index shows wages and salaries rose by 1.2% in the third quarter. down from 1.6 in the second.
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through it all, the job market in the u.s. has remained tight. job openings unexpectedly surged in september. friday's coming economy added 2340er 35,000 positions. it's down but still historically high. it means there's more room for more rate increases by the federal reserve. max and bianca. >> thank you, alison. a top official at the federal communications commission tells the u.s. government should ban tiktok. the chinese app may turn over american's data to china. carr says he has a little confidence there's a path going forward. tiktok hasn't responded to our
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request for comment. >> yes, we do. tikktok was a chinese company ad they can be compelled for a specific area. >> their argument is they've moved service. >> it doesn't seem to be allaying a lot of concerns. a new british study has shown a mind-altering substance in magic mushrooms could help people suffering from magic mushrooms. >> how do you say that? >> i've asked you that because you've studied this. >> the scientists say people who take the psychedelic drug seem
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to benefit. the effects seem to wear off after three months. there's been studies on psilocybin for about 70 years. because the drug was associated with counter culture and demonized, it's held back progress. >> it creates anxiety because the trip can be very unsettling. >> yeah. >> we'll talk more about it. new warnings for users of dry shampoo. an independent lab has found high levels of cancer causing chemicals in several more brands and batches. several aerosol dry shampoos were recalled because they possibly contained benzene. on monday balancefully shore says it contains high levels of
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benzene. a top biden administration official is confirming cnn's ro reporting that the u.s. believes north korea is supplying russia with weapons. moscow had initially pulled back from the agreement last week claiming that the decision came after ukrainian drone attacks in cri crimea. russia says they have the right to pull out. >> and the plan to push forward on shutdowns days after it was fully restored following russian strikes. in the ukrainian capitol smelma
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is there. this is presumably because it's getting colder. >> reporter: you can only assume that much. but, again, max the grid has been so frayed by weeks of bomba bombardment. it is difficult to repair, it is difficult to sustain. we had seen weeks and there are emergencies for families. when it's prepared you can plan. much harder when they are cut. everyone preparing for this to get even more difficult in the winter. as you mentioned, it gets colder and colder people need more and more heating. we've seen this across the country. more overnight strikes on the critical infrastructure of this country. in particular, i'm going to point out the zaporizhzhia power plant. it's been disconnected as of 11
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p.m. last night. the emergency generators had to be kicked back on. it is a russian occupied nuclear power plant. this is not the first time and it's getting shelled, disconnected from a power grid. it's absolutely concerning. >> yeah. very frightening selma. thank you. >> claire is here. yesterday we were talking about iran providing them with a missile. what's the impact? >> the u.s. security council has confirmed this. we knew russia was planning to buy artillery shells from north korea. now they believe north korea is covertly supplying them under cover of shipments to north africa and the middle east.
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what this shows us in conjunction with what we know about iran supplying drones and potentially ballistic missiles going forward, russia is having to turns to these to resupply the military. it can't do it anymore because of sanctions helping the industrial sector. it reveals it's willing to explore any avenues to keep the special military operation going. this is not smacking of a country looking for peace. >> thank you both. the houston astros have tied up the world series with the phillies. history was made in one of the most astonishing ways possible. >> keep watching. saved! with its diamond weave texture, charmin ultra strong c cleans betterer with fewer sheets and less effort. enjoy y the go with charmin.
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whether it's from over fishing, climate change and pollution, the world's waters are under threat. >> across the globe, inspiring men and women are fighting to p prevent the damage that could change our waterways forever. today cnn is hosting our second workday. we are at silver beach in mumbai. >> reporter: good afternoon from mumbai, india's financial capitol. it's about 2 p.m. local time. that hasn't been done and they clear the mess from the beach. they've been doing this for over 7 years under the leadership of a man who is a lawyer. this has been his project. it's because this man and the
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group want to see the beach be as clean. we shared this from 2015. if you look at the image, that's what the beach looked like about 7 years back. i spoke to the president and they said open did hefecation i problem. making them aware of the perils of plastic waste at the beach. here's what he had to say. >> a lot of people want to be clean or plastic pollution to be reduced but to my mind after watching this they have to want changes. >> 65 million kgs of plastic is
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what they have recovered believe it or not and the efforts continue. i used to live in mumbai a decade ago. this beach has never looked so great. it's so heart ening. err they will desegregate. >> the transformation is about beaches. thank you. in south america patagonia covers around half a million square rising and some kaine 'tises are working hard to protect those precious waters. >> for me patagonia is the most beautiful part of chile. it's very remote, wild, rugged coast line. most green forests, temperate
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green lake. the coast is very steep. the marine life came from deep waters but also from adjacent area so the diverse stli you'll find it. i'm studying the biodiversity of the chile waters. the coast line is more than 100,000 kilometers which is twice around the world. there are only a handful of scientists working there so even if we studied all the main areas, there are still most parts that we tonight know yet. dhil live -- chili has been
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impacted. life has been reduced. the species we don't hardly find anymore. by impacting an area we know very little about, we always have the risk that we are damaging ecosystems and their equilibrium of the eco systems is lost. i hope you can sense the need to protect the planet. i hope humanity understands the need to protect the oceans and our lives and the lives of all future generations depends on a healthy ocean and a healthy planet. >> if you would like to to share your experience, go to we'll be right back. perfect for lunch or d dinner. only at ihop. download the app and earn free
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he landed nearby while recording the whole thing on the body cam. >> a resident heard what was happening, came and pulled the woman from the car with a rope. she was taken to a nearby hospital in stable condition. we're happy to say. police are trying to figure out how that car got into the canal. two years of bitter civil war in ethiopia appear to be come willing to an end with wednesday's surprise announcement of a cease-fire. they shook hands after ten days. the u.s. welcomed the cease-fire after an important step. they're following this dramatic development for us from nairobi. this did surprise survivors not just that it happened but how far the agreement went. >> absolutely because these two parties have been at war for two years. the agreement was signed almost exactly two years to the day since the conflict began in
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tigray. finally the governments and the tigray people agreed to come together and agree to a permanent stopping and access for humanitarian supplies. restoration of services. banking, all of these have been stopped in tigray. it's a significant monumental moment. a new dawn could speak for ethiopia. just about two weeks ago even the talks were in doubt. hearing from the government representative, from the tigra representative, they were complementary of each other. finally people deserved a chance at peace. big question, one of two questions, is the implementation. there's going to be a need for a lot of vigilance from the international community to make sure they don't go back to their
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pro clift for shooting at each other. the other question is the ground troops. they have called out the troops and they were not apprised of the talks. it's not clear if they will agree to the permanent cessation. houston astros won game 4 making history on the way. threw a no hitter against the philadelphia phillies. the second no hitter in the world series since 1956. nkts the astros scored 5 runs. they're tying up the series at 2 games apiece. if you're feeling lucky in the u. ss. you might want to bua powerball ticket.
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>> this makes it the second largest jackpot in powerball history with no winners after 39 consecutive drawings. if there's a single winner they can choose to take a lump sum payment of $746 million. thanks for joining us here on "cnn newsroom." i'm max foster. >> i'm bianca robilo. "early start" with christine romans is next.
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