tv Smerconish CNN November 5, 2022 6:00am-7:00am PDT
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place your bets. i'm michael smerconish in philadelphia. we're three days away from election day, where all eyes are on a handful of toss-up races in senate and gubernatorial contests, so much so that political betting is surging. according to "the washington post," in the election markets, traders can typically buy a share of a candidate, price between 1 and 99 cents where stocks investors want to buy or
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unload where the price is higher. if i buy a candidate, for 1.56, i'd earn one dollar back. sites like predicted have been become a source from political insiders to gain wisdom straight from people's pockets. so what do the betting markets tell justice right now, control for the senate trading at 75 cents in the gop's favor. here on the east coast, pennsylvania's senate race heating up with dr. mehmet oz following 62 cents. following his recent debate performance, fetterman has fall ton 44 cents. the race in ohio tightens j.d. vance and tim ryan, vance is predicted to win 89 cents to ryan's 14. in georgia, fight for the entire senate could come down to raphael warnock and herschel walker. in the betting market, walker 64
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cents to walker 52. if you don't want to believe the betting, a total eclipse attempting to turn the moon blood red on election day. i want to know what you think, go to answer the question, will republicans take control of the united states senate? where control in the u.s. senate is up for grabs and will come down to the a few battleground states we've assembled top reporters for each of those contests. joining me now, three reporters. tia mitchell, the washington correspondent for the atlanta journal constitution. and a stable of the reporter of network ohio bureau and hollialervine, and reporter for the philadelphia inquirer. holy, the operah endorsement of john fetterman got a ot of
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attention. i read your impression you had the back story how they were intending to land it. when i actually heard her words it's not what i anticipated. i want to roll the tape, play it. >> if i lived in pennsylvania i would have already cast my vote for john fetterman for many reasons. if i was in north carolina, as you mentioned, steer beasley there. and if i was in florida, i'd be supporting val demings, if i was in wisconsin, mandela barnes in nevada, cortez masto, in texas, beto o'rourke, and raphael warnock and incredible stacey abrams in georgia. holly, i get the significance, she made dr. oz the name he is today. if she knows him best, she didn't say a single word about fetterman, about oz, there's no fund-raiser, no rally, no commercial airing in southeastern pennsylvania, viewed that way, how big of a deal is it?
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>> i mean, your skepticism is right. people tend to overstate the importance of endorsements. i would argue, though, because you and i and media in general are just spending even one minute talking about oprah's endorsement of fetterman, as opposed to his debate performance or his stroke, or democrats' handling his debate performance is a good thing for fetterman. he had really bad media in the last few weeks, and now he's getting a little bit of positive-earned media. and that's good for him. the top democratic super pac actually did put an ad up on tv today promoting the endorsement. but that being said, you know, i was talking to a republican who questioned, you know, does the average voter even put together immediately the dr. oz was on oprah's show and it's significant because of that. and i think that's a fair question. >> tia, holly is right that the bottom didn't fall out son fetterman, after his debate
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performance. and more did the bottom fall out son herschel walker, given all the claims and surrounding issues pertaining to abortion? how come, why didn't that seemingly hurt herschel more? >> yeah, it's a very interesting phenomenon here in georgia. i actually just wrote an article about it. in some way, hedrschel walker's scandals have hurt him in how he is perceive by georgia voters. you know, they deem him left trustworthy, less prepared for the job than raphael warnock. however, that has not swayed conservatives from still supporting herschel walker when it comes time to determine who they will vote for in this senate race. that's because for many conservatives, republicans, this is bigger than herschel walker on the ballot. walker is their candidate, but their bigger mission is to take
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control of senate to stop president biden from carrying out his agenda. for him that trumps everything. so they're standing beside herschel walker even if they are disturbed or concerned about the different scandals and allegations. >> tia, i think you're right, i think there's a lot of that type of voting on across the country, where voters where they're "d" or "r," are looking at a bigger prize which we're focused on which is control of the entire senate. anna, let me ask you this, i've got lots of headlines i can put on the screen, maybe i will, about just how tight this race is. and then you saw the betting market. and the betting market seems to say, no, j.d. vance is in a more comfortable position. put those headlines up, kathryn, that show a horse race in the state of ohio. is it because in ohio there's a perception of, well, they said the same thing in 2020. they said the same thing, and in the end, donald trump was able tour handlely defeat joe biden?
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>> yeah, i think that's definitely playing into it. president trump won ohio by eight points in '16, and eight points in 2020. even if tim ryan overdelivers on biden and clinton, you know, by six or seven points, even if he makes this a very close race, he still could end up losing on election night. because what tim ryan has too do is hit three different goals. he's got to turn out his base, and he's got to persuade middle of the road voters and now he's got to pick up republicans in what are now traditionally more red parts of the state like appalachia and midwest ohio. >> so in order for ryan to be more comfortable, would he need to be right now in the lead, and not just deadlocked with j.d. vance? >> i think it's -- i think it's possible that he would need to be. because what we've seen in the last couple of polls, they've been close, but j.d. vance has been inching ahead. so consistently, what we're
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still seeing is margin of air s but vance emerge as the leader 51-49 consistently, i think the betting market may be seeing that. >> holly, all of the big guns are coming out for federerman. president obama in pittsburgh. president biden and president obama in ohio. and the polls with the lead, oz with the lead, this is the most of what we've seen, fetterman in a commanding position. i guess my question to you, does either of them appear to have momentum at this stage? >> i think we have seen momentum for oz, for sure. i mean, if you look at the polls right before the debate, the polling averages showed fetterman ahead of oz by two or three percentage points. today, the polling average, it's about dead even. oz does have a bit of momentum.
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while i do agree with the idea that the bottom didn't fall out for fetterman after the debate. the race did tighten, in a race that's so close in pennsylvania where it's built to be very purple a few points can make a difference. democrats will say the race is always going to tighten in the final weeks probably more. and that's probably true but even it's even a difference of a percentage point that could determine the race. >> tia, what's going on in georgia, relative to the position of kemp and herschel walker? what i'm asking really are two questions. first of ail, are they campaigning together? and secondly, why does it seem that the senate race is much tighter than the gubernatorial race where stacey abrams is such a national figure and quality? >> so to answer your first question, the easy answer is, no, they've not been campaigning together. they have not been sharing the stage. and neither have raphael warnock and stacey abrams, although
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they've shared the stage and tend to speak of each other more than you hear between kemp and herschel walker. the difference in the dynamic is, number one, brian kemp is the incumbent in his race. and in the other race, the democrat is the incumbent. as, we know that during the primary season kemp did not have president trump's endorsement. temperature has tried to walk a very fine line with not turning off those trump allies, those trump loyal voters. but also be shouldn't who, you know, has distanced himself from president trump since the 2020 election. whereas, herschel walker was not jut trump-endorsed, but trump basically took credit for where herschel walker has found himself politically. it's made for an interesting die nam dynamic. sand kemp on the ground is doing a lot better versus stacey
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abrams, with a much tighter senate race. and that comes down to just that swing state dynamic, but also for brian kemp, he's been able to really take advantage of his inco in incu incumbency. >> and for traditional working class white voters, it seems to be textbook, but if it comes up short, what's the message that that demographic is no longer to be counted on by the "d"s because they've shifted on cultural issues to the "r"s? >> you know, that's been a big question for ohio, traditionally, the reason it's been a swing state because of young democrats that live in the rust town, the swing voters that have swung towards the president and whether they can be won entirely by the republican camp
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or won back. sherrod brown carried some of those voters in 2018, but that was a very good year for democrats, generally. i think we're having a question of whether we see a swing state, like denver or portland, that overwhelms its rural areas. and nthat's one of the big questions we have here in ohio, looking at the next 10, 15, 20 years. >> ladies, stay right where you are. when we come back, i'm going to turn the table and just say, tell me something you think the rest of the country needs to know about these three races. i really appreciate your being here. from social media, kathryn, what do we have, from the world of twitter, this has come in so far. >> independent swing voter in p.a., splitting my ticket. >> you know, joe, i meant to get to this with holly, perhaps i will. pennsylvania's got a rich tradition of ticket splitting --
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by the way, can we put holly up real quick, kathryn, if you're able to do that. holly, listen to me on this, i think shapiro is going to pete m beat mast tr triano. the state has a rich tradition of tickets splitting you might go in and say, i've got to vote shapiro. i don't want to go all "d." maybe i'll go oz instead of fetterman. does that make sense to you or not? >> i've read that theory. i think that makes sense, particularly in the philadelphia suburb where you have that voter who might be attracted to the idea of ticket splitting. that being said, i've talked to democrats and republicans alike that ticket splitting is pretty rare. this is an unusual race. mastriano has run a low-key campaign, that it's really just not comparable to any recent
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elections in pennsylvania. we haven't seen a gop nominee like this sort of just forfeit the tv ad wars to their opponent. so, you know, i think what you're saying is an interesting theory. but i would not be surprised if -- >> we'll find out. >> yeah, we'll find out. and i wouldn't be surprised. >> by the way, you are most -- you are most kind to mastriano describing his campaign as low key, i love that. all right. back in a second, op-ed with experts in pennsylvania, georgia and ohio, and we're going to drill down on arizona, utah and georgia. the question is will republicans take control of the united states senate? and innovative ways to make your e-tron your r own. through elegant dedesign and progressive technology.
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back with me now, three experts from three battleground states, tia mitchell the washington correspondent for the atlanta journal constitution. anna staber is say political boater with "usa today." holly otter booirn a national reporter for politico, a former reporter for the philadelphia inq inquirer. tia, give me something from georgia that maybe the rest of us are overlooking that we need to focus on. >> so, two things. number one, i think it's interesting that in this swing state neither former pled donald trump nor current president joe biden has come to help any of the candidates campaign in this season. but the biggest thing that i think people often overlook about georgia is we have a runoff system. so if none of the candidates in any race gets to 50%, there will be a runoff in december that's
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changed from the 2021 runoff. it used to be a nine-week runoff period. it will now be a four-week runoff period. and it looks very likely that perhaps that senate race warnock/walker goes to a runoff. >> you can imagine if senate control comes down to your race, georgia's race, how much money is going to get spent in the peach state in that short time? it's scary, a frightening amount of dough. anna staber, give me something from ohio. what do you think the rest of us are missing? >> so, we always talk about democrats needing the three "c"s to win, which is cleveland, columbus and cincinnati, the biggest cities. but ryan has staked his campaign on the legacy cities, dayton, toledo, youngstown. he's trying to drum up voters where trump voters have elected him for the left two decades.
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you can see evidence that donald trump is coming here monday morning to campaign here j.d. vance in dayton. >> interesting. and by the way, isn't governor dewine looming over this? isn't his popularity an impediment for tim ryan and running against j.d. vance? >> yeah, dewine is actually attending the trump rally for the first time in a while. he's kind of missed the last few times the president has been here. but also he's wildly popular, look like he may win by 12 to 15 percentage points. and actually ryan may actually be benefitting from that ticket-splitting you were talking about earlier. votering going for dewine and ryan. anecdotally, we're seeing those people are turn up at boards of election. >> holly otterbein, pennsylvania, what do we need to know about the commonwealth? >> people working on the senate
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race on both sides tell me this is a close race. i think republicans feel optimistic but they don't think they have it in the bag. both democrats and republicans have said to me this is an unusual race because what happens in the last week could make a difference. to that point, you've got joe biden campaigning for john fetterman in philadelphia and barack obama, biden obviously not that popular so, you know, could that have a drag on fetterman? on the other hand, you've got mehmet oz campaigning with donald trump. and doug mastriano in western pennsylvania which, you know, probably not a coincidence, that's far from the philadelphia media market where there's a lot of suburban voters who aren't fans of trump. could that have an impact? i would keep a close eye in what happens in those two rallies. >> oz is still under water. it does preclude him, holly from winning the primary. he was perceived by republicans
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more negatively than favorably. it's a three-point race. that hasn't changed, right? >> yeah, that's right. he's still got high unfavorablies. the republican slolution in dealing with that is not to rehabilitate his image, they've tried to drag down fettermans favorability rating and they've been able to do that but still not to the challenge of oz and that has been a challenge to the final days. >> that was excellent. i thank all three of my guests, we'll continue to read your reporting between now and tuesday and thereafter. let's see what you say on my twitter page. facebook, twitter, social media. i think the issue is clear if you look at issues important to american families. the cost of groceries, gas, crime, inflation, interest rates have more than doubled. kelly ann, i guess making the argument that republicans are
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about to take control of the senate. i have said throughout, both sides have good issues to motivate their base. abortion, although it seems to have diminished. i've got to play a michael moore clip later. and the arsenal of the democrats. and the other side, inflation and economy more broadly, it's crime and it's border. so everybody's got something to get their folks out. and regardless of who you might be voting for, please go vote. up ahead, we've assembled the most knowledgeable minds from three more key states when we come back. we're going to drill down next on nevada? did you note my pronunciation -- nevada? i've got it down. utah and arizona. make sure you're going to and answering this week's poll question -- will the republicans take role of united states senate on tuesday? try dove dry spray. our weigightless formula with 1/4 moisturizers is effefective and kind to skin.
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switching our focus now to three key races happening on the other side of the country where the betting odds seem to be suggesting some clear front-runners as more people bet, the price of a share increases. meaning if i buy one share of a candidate for 25 cents, i'll get 25 cents back in winnings. let's see how the candidates shape up. in nevada, reports that the race might be the closest in polling, it's republican adam laxalt leading with 74 cents on the dollar.catherine cortez masto, cents. an independent win with ez mcmullan 6 cents, blake masters and mark kelly, masters trading at 54 cents, kelly, 50 cents. joining me, three experts who know the races well, elizabeth
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thompson is editor-in-chief of the nevada independent. ben winslow is a reporter in fox news, and brett emsworth. ben, let me begin with you, recently a guest of mine, i said to him, if you win, does the state suffer because you don't get committee assignments. here's what he said to me. >> senate rule 25 says that every senate is required to have at least two committee assignments and then you could possibly have a third from a smaller category. but i will have committee assignments and there's never been at least since world war ii, a senator elected who has not had committee assignments, so, of course. i will have, utah will have one of the most influential votes in the senate. it will be our opportunity to have a voice in the ♪ that we have not had ever.
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>> ben winslow, if he can pull this off, he's the new joe manchin, right? all roads would have tole lead through evan mcmullin, because he truly would be an independent? >> it is an interesting position. he is trying to say he would be more in the vein of senator mitt romney, our other senator who occasionally bucks his own party because he would be an unaffiliated or independent voter. mcmullin would certainly be subject to be courted by both parties, if they want to get a particular piece of agenda passed. at least that's what trying to sell voters on. look, utah grows in influence. we become a state that say key vote if you want to get something done in the senate. >> and, ben, lest's remind everybody went on here. democrats folded their tent, we're not abe to take out mike lee, so maybe this guy will have a shot, so we'll coalesce around
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him? >> yeah, it was a -- i wouldn't say perfect storm, but odd storm that happened here. it's weird to be on with you because we're so republican, that's just how it is except for this circumstance just sort of happened. evan mcmullin created this coalition. he's got republicans who may not like the way the party is going now. and democrats who obviously don't like what's going on and then independents, unaffiliated voters, who he's trying to bring together as sort of a coalition creating his own base. and, yes, to get as much ground as he has, the democratic party in utah had to make a choice, at their convention, their delegates opted not to advance any candidate at all. they had a candidate. they opted is not to nominate that person, leaving the slate wide open, putting their chips on mcmullin as it were. >> elizabeth, nevada, nevada. how am i doing? >> well done, sir.
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thank you for pronouncing the name of our state correctly this morning. >> so why is the first latina in the u.s. senate seemingly struggling? maybe that's too strong of a word, but not doing better with that particular demographic in this race? >> well, the tides have turned towards the republicans this year in many states. and indeed, in nevada, as we've watched the polling all year long. every single federal and statewide race, pulling in the margin of error. but because biden's approval rating is so low, hovering at 46 to 47 this year. he's not helping the top candidates in nevada. indeed, biden hasn't even been to nevada to campaign for cortez masto, although former president obama was here a few days ago to try to help her out. but the way the winds are blowing in nevada, baised on th
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economic struggle here. inflation, gas prices, it's all about the economy in nevada. the election. that's one reason why watchers are thinking that the state could go red. >> is your race, this senate race untin nevada, one of the f where the residual of covid can be felt, meaning that the shutdown really hit the strip hard, really hit the economy hard? and many think it was not handled well by democrats, or am i overstating it? >> no, i think there's an aspect to that, but what's tricky about it is that we have about 30% of the electorate here in nevada does not belong to a major party. many of them are nonpart tisans. we have a huge block of voters in nevada that are nonpartisan. no one knows which way they'll swing. there's a big question there in terms of turnout and which way is the candidate going to swing
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based on how well they're doing and what the democrats have done or have not done with it. there are a lot of folks in nevada who work on the democratic side of the aisle who are pretty worried this weekend. >> bram, you can like or dislike her politics, but she's telegenic, and if she wins, she's going to become the new ron desantis of the gop, right? >> are you talking about kari lake? >> i might be. >> she is very talented. she is very talented. very charismatic. on the other side there are her policies and who she links up with. she's a mix of donald trump at the federal level and ron desantis at the state level. when you look at her policies, covid policies, she's a covid denier, and in the strongest way wants to have a created commission to look at how covid the pandemic was handled here
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and maybe charge people with crimes. that's not something that people think of. this is a state that has the highest second covid death rate. and immigration very much in the desantis vein. she supports the hillsdale curriculum. pretty far right curriculum for our schools. there's all that of that at the policy level. and then there's the democracy issue which for us in arizona is an issue on every race in the statewide ballot. it's the reason we have reporters from all over the world in arizona right now covering this election. >> i want to make a point of this, let me run a clip of kari lake that will allow me to make that point. kathryn, roll that tape. >> i know for a fact we will no longer accept rigged elections. who's with me on that? we have a wide open border, cartels are in control. we have illegal president biden who is allowing it to happen but the fake news wants us to think
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that that guy got 81 million votes. okay. alrighty. >> brahm, the prospect exists for arizona to elect a u.s. senator, governor and secretary of state who are all 2020 election deniers. to me, that's a frightening prospect. is the so-called assault on democracy a major issue, the top issue? or is it the economy? >> well, you left out the attorney general, another statewide candidate also an election denier who can sue a lot of people, right? >> right. >> so don't ignore that. so, that's a really good question, capital "d" democracy, do voters get that? i think on the democratic side, they do. they understand that it's more about threats to your vote. the end of early voting. voting entirely on election day. other measures our legislature could take to somehow suppress
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the vote, curtail the vote. that is a big issue. for a lot of voters here, however, i'm sitting in phoenix, the inflation rate is 13%. they're looking at the gas prices. they're looking at the grocery bills. and they're saying hang on, this isn't right, i want change. i'll add one more thing, i think the pandemic is a very not so well stated issue in shaping voters' issues around the world kari lake is taking advantage of that and it affect everybody in different ways here and we don't quite understand how it plays into the election. >> ben, thank you for wearing the red, utah is a red state. but you're not a trump red state, are you? >> no, we never quite warmed to president trump. he did well, you know, he won the state obviously in the last i election cycles, but that's kind of led to this division where you see some republicans who aren't exactly on board with
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the president, the former president, and where that goes. we're obviously not a biden state either, to be clear. but that's led to this opening for mcmullin who is again is trying to create this sort of coalition of republicans, democrats and unaffiliated voters altogether. and the resulted in a surprisingly closer race than i think senator lee who expected incumbent advantage, republican advantage, is getting. >> elizabeth, speaking of trump, one thing that donald trump and mitch mcconnell agree on is adam laxalt, right? this is one race where they see eye to eye, and they're both for this guy. how come? >> well, he's the republican candidate who stands to unseat catherine cortez masto from the u.s. senate. he got the nomination. he got through the primary. obviously, they're going to be 100% behind him. and try to launch him, finally, into washington, d.c., where i think he's wanted to be for some time. >> when we come back, i'm going
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to ask each of you to tell me something i've not raised that i think you think the rest of the country needs to know about the three states that you're reporting on. so, thank you so much for being here, we'll be back in a sec to do that. from the world of social media, in the meantime, what do we have from kathryn, twitter? ticket splitting is more moreni- really, i should have voted for all "d"s or all "r"s? what if i know the state candidate because i've gotten to know him or her, this is a hypothetical. regardless of party, they're a solid person, oh, no, i can't do that because i need to vote for "r"s or "d"s. --. still to come, our expert voices for even more analysis, stick with us. i want to remind you have you voted yet at this is the question, only one
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back with us now, three powerful voices from three important states as we draw closer to midterm. elizabeth thompson editor-in-chief of nevada independent from las vegas. ben winslow reporter at fox 13 news from salt lake city, utah, brahm resnik, kpx anchor from arizona. brahm, make me look smart, give me something to take away about arizona that i might not know. >> well, we're so focused on the vote, i'll tell you two things, republicans in arizona during midterms have a built-in six to eight-point turnout advantage. we're looking to see that again this year. however, it appears the republican vote will show up late, so if you're watching our returns on election night, don't be surprised if the democrats show up in the lead in the first
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dump 8:00 p.m. arizona time. but republicans gain ground as more ballots are counted. >> interesting. sort of the reverse, right, of what we saw in the presidential cycle last? >> that's where we learned it. that's what happened. in the presidential cycle here in 2020. republican voting behavior changed. they used to be the ones to get the early ballot, fill it out, put it in the mail. not anymore, they're being coached by people like donald trump, by party leaders, by people like kari lake. either put your ballot in the mail right away or come to the polls on election day and vote there. and we're seeing more on that. >> elizabeth, from nevada -- thank you, brahm. elizabeth elizabeth what do you got from nevada that we night not know? >> in nevada, on the ballot under list of candidates that are your options there are another option called none of these candidates. and this category often attracts a surprising number of voters, especially in years when voters
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are particularly disgruntled about things as they are this year. races in nevada have swung on the basis of none of these candidates getting so many votes, that the outcome you expect is not always the outcome you get. >> interesting. i wonder what happens when that category is the majority? like who do we turn to then? ben winslow, what do you have from utah that we might not know? >> well, much has been made that our senate race is very close. but polling is all over the map. we had one poll came out showing senator lee ten points ahead. he is beloved by the republican base here. he goes to convention it's like rock star level volume there. but the actions are showing it seems to be a much closer race. yo you've got both candidates running ads, hustling, things that we haven't seen before. however, our voter turnout right now is 22%. county clerks i've been talking
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to say people, it just seems, kind of sitting on their ballots just waiting to see what happens. not sure what they're waiting for. but they're waiting to see. it's going to come down to who turns out son election day. who turns out in the last days. we are a vote by mail state. people are getting their ballots in but we're, again, not seeing huge numbers. so again if the republicans turn out then it's definitely going for senator lee. >> ben, a very quick follow-up. has mitt romney tipped his hand? >> he has not. he said he is staying out of this. he's friends with both of them. that is one of those things where his endorsement could be a blessing and a curse, it depends how you look at it. >> i'm fascinated by that utah race. all these races. and the three of you, brahm, ben, elizabeth were excellent. thank you gfor getting up early. duly noted. we appreciate it. still to come, more of your best and worst tweets and social
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like two, 300 had voted, not 25,000, and it was two-thirds with the same answer. just kind of curious it remained constant. i think that's a little bit of wishful thinking on some of your part who have voted. it's the complete opposite of the betting market, which is interesting. i think 538 nate silver and company were 55% when i went to bed last night for the "r"s and not the "d"s. what do we have in terms of social media that has come in this week? i thought my guests were great. i am giving you a shout out to corrina lamb for booking those six excellent guests. are you a closeted republican, michael, says gart rose? you always seem discouraging to democratic candidates and voters. why not try to be a balancing force, allow voters to vote with their intelligence. good advice.
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thank you, garth. no, hold it a second. you're kidding, right? you are not going to get balance from anybody the way you got it in the span of this hour on six critical races presenting all of the issues that surround them. i reject that criticism. what's next? nicely. i nicely reject it. smerconish, the horse trading in the media is exhausting. encourage people to vote and let the chips fall where they may. i did that. i said it's fun to prognosticate, but in the end none of us know, so get out and vote. next? i have a better question. has anyone changed their vote since january 6th? i highly doubt it. i mean, you know, you look at some of the issues of this campaign, whether it's the abortion accusations about herschel walker or the debate performance of john fetterman and i am not equating one with the other other than to make this point. it doesn't seem that anybody's views change about anything. r
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polarized. i'll simple lay say this. we don't know anything. go vote and we'll know some things tuesday night or maybe wednesday or thursday. thank you. it doesn't just cover odors,, it helps rememove them up to 3 timemes better ththan detergent alone! find n new downy rinse & refresh in the fabric softener aisle. what if “just an idea” could become a family tradition? th is financial security. and lincoln financial soluons ll help you get there. as you pn, protect and retire. ♪ when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis persists... put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when uc got unpredictable,... i got rapid symptom relief with rinvoq. check. when uc held me back... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc got the upper hand... rinvoq helped visibly repair the colon lining.
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7:00 am
♪ good morning, everyone. great to see all of you. saturday, november 5th. i'm amara walker. great to be with you. i'm boris sanchez. you are live in the cnn newsroom and we are grateful you are starting your saturday with us w he begin with a countdown to the midterm election. the election just thre
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