tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN November 11, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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seats. republicans have 49. if democrats can prevail in both those states, they would win control of the senate with a tie-breaking vote of the vice-president kamala harris. now for the ongoing fight of the house of representatives. democrats just scored a new win. they now have 200 seats. republicans have 211 seats. republicans are only 11 short of the 218 needed to win control of the house, but their hopes of winning a huge majority have slipped away. let's go over to john king right now. you're watching all this information. we're getting more information specifically from arizona right now. >> let's show you the statewide numbers in the senate race and governors race. the most outstanding votes are in maricopa county. senator mark kelly, the democratic incumbent with a lead.
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52 if you round up to 46. he's held that lead now since yesterday and in the small batches we've gotten so far, he's done just fine in terms of what are the percentages he needs to hold that lead. the governors race, much closer. 20,453 vote lead for katie hobbs. for kari lake, the republican there, it's an open seat here because the current republican governor can't referee elections, so the democratic leading. >> i want to go to arizona right now. con stance is joining us right now. she's the elections director. i understand, constance that you're getting new results out from the senate and governors races. let's start with the senate race. what can you share? >> yes. that's correct. so we've processed another 15,000 ballots.
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mark kelly has gained 10,013 votes and blake masters has gained 4,593 votes from that 15,000 that we scanned. if you go to the governor's race, katie hobbs has earned 9,795 votes and kari lake, another 5,430 votes. >> how many outstanding votes are left? >> once we get finished tonight, we're still processing ballots, we are hoping to process maybe another 9,000 tonight. we should have 89,000 left to count after tonight. >> that's a lot of votes still, 89,000. john, you have a question. >> 89,000 votes after tonight. we're waiting to get more votes in maricopa county. do you have a time and day circled on the calendar to finish? >> not at the moment. we're hoping by monday, we will have the majority of these votes
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counted. >> you told us last night that you thought all of the votes would be counted by monday morning. is that still true? >> i did. that is not true. we just got a large batch of 80,000 from the office today, and then we still have to process and get over to the accountant. monday morning, no, unfortunately, that's not going to happen. hopefully, you know, tuesday if anything goes wrong on tuesday, we should get through all of them. however, there's still bat locals that need to be here and ballots that still need to get to the recorder's office, and they have until 5:00 on tuesday to get to us. the final ballots will not be processed until the 17th. >> you say again 80,000 votes from the recorder's office, therefore you have to push your deadline back.
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that seems like it was a bit of a surprise to you. those are provisional ballots? in terms of a large number, are you done or could to recorder's office call tomorrow and say we have another 20,000 or 40,000? >> they still have a small amount to give us, but i think we have the bulk of the ballots in our possession now. >> so are folks working around the clock? how are they doing it? >> they're doing well. they're pushing through, and they're doing really well, working really hard to get everything done. that's why we have a posted number tonight. we wanted to push and get as many processed as we could before we go home tonight. that's why those numbers are not there yet. >> we love talking to you. will there be another update later tonight? >> yes, there will. we will post numbers more than likely within the hour to an
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hour and a half from now. >> how many additional vote counts will you be able to post? >> that should be about 9,800 ballots we're counting. >> do you think we'll get that 9,800 within an hour or so? >> within an hour or so, yes. >> john, go ahead. >> one more time. i know i asked this question, but i'm going to be a broken record because of the people out there saying that people are finding votes or democrats are finding votes in nevada and arizona. you're not finding votes would be you're counting votes. people because they have been told by people they believe that there's hanky panky happening, there are people with eyes on everything you do. >> that's correct. we are not finding votes. we are counting votes. the website has an approximate mags of how many ballots we have left, so we transfer those
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balances between the two offices, party representatives are here. we have commercial representatives here monitoring the process. so, no, we're not finding any votes. we're going through the process of counting the votes. >> i take it everything has gone smoothly; is that correct? >> yes. everything's gone very well, yes. >> that's encouraging to hear. we will stay in touch with you. thank you very, very much. all right, john. let's take a look at these new numbers. >> let me slide this down a little bit since we have the governor's race up. this is just pema county. but this is a democratic county. so this is tucson, the suburbs around it. so these numbers, these new numbers, you see them right here. they're not included in this math right here. the raw numbers are obviously significant. that's how you get the votes at
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the end. this is very significant in the sense that if you are the trailing candidate, you need to make up ground. the way to make up ground is to get a higher percentage every time the votes come in. katie hobbs is getting more than 60% of the vote now, so when these numbers are factored into those numbers, her percentage in the county is going to go up. if you're the candidate in the lead, that's gold. if you're kari lake, you're at 40%, you've got 44 here. she's going to keep going up. in raw numbers and the percentage she needs. katie hobbs is in the lead in this county. she's getting a higher percentage here, so the building block county by county, 15 in arizona, she's doing well. let's switch to the senate race here. here we go right here. so mark kelly was getting 62% in pima county in this new batch,
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15,000 votes, a little shy of that, 69%. he's doing better than what he needs to do to keep his lead. blake masters, 31%, that's less than he had. so this particular batch, that doesn't guarantee it continues or he won't do well in the next one, but still a lot of votes to count as she just told us. every batch that comes in meaning the universe of possibility shrinks and this is not enough for blake masters. it's simply not enough. he's going to wrong direction in that particular batch. >> these new numbers we got are not necessarily part of the total statewide numbers. >> they're not because she was giving them to us live first and then they get reported to the state and then our data people double check and triple check. >> his lead has now gone up. it's more than 109,000. >> it will go up by the math if
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you do it. if you're at 52, you round that up, versus 46, you just need to stay -- if mark kelly stays above 50%, he wins. so this is, again, the biggest bunch is still in maricopa county, but the second batch is in pima county, so mark kelly, just again not only met his bar but exceeded his bar. so now let's look at the governors race from a statewide perspective. this one is much closer. number one, katie hobbs more than met the bar she needed at the moment. number two, that's good, but this one is so close that one vote batch -- in a vote batch like this, we have more to go. this race is closer. this is more significant in the sense that katie has a big lead. every time votes are counted, you want to come out on top.
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we need more to get to the finish line here because she has a smaller lead. >> we're just told that kari lake has 34% of that vote, not 44. >> well, i blanked them all out, but that's 34% because you want to get the percentages right sto people at home are 110%. that's my fault, and i appreciate that. we bring these down just to make the point. kari lake did not -- the votes just changed right there. numbers just changed as we sat there. those votes just came in there. that changed it there. so it's a 21,978 vote lead there. i believe the pima votes still need to be factored in. she's ahead and getting so far -- more votes to come. what matters is the maricopa county votes because that's larger and where kari lake is
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from. the voters are doing what they need to do, the question is can they continue that momentum. >> david chalian is taking a look at these numbers we just reported. what are you seeing? >> as soon as we do these calculations, we get more votes. john just told you they came in 3,900 votes. that's not part of this calculation. so now, we're roughly around 505,000 votes. we're roughly around 501,000 outstanding votes in arizona. so what we've done after that interview you guys just did on the air with the pima county elections official, we recalculated the numbers based on what she was telling us will be uploaded to the system. look here now. blake masters -- i mean, this number just keeps climbing for the republican senate candidate. he now needs 59-61% of the
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outstanding vote, the 505,000 that is still outstanding. mark kelly needs 37-39% of the vote that is outstanding. so you just -- when you look at the vote totals come in, you can see -- and by the way, the last votes john just told you about, 76% went to mark kelly. that's not going to help masters. you see the dramatic uphill climb maerss has to overtake kelly. but as john said, the biggest bucket the maricopa. that's what we have to wait to see. >> all right. that's the biggest county. stand by. coming up, we'll have more on these vote totals coming in from arizona. plus, we're digging in the neck and neck senate race in nevada. we're expecting numbers there soon. stay with us. our election coverage continues
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we're following some very, very dramatic new developments in the fight for control of the u.s. senate, including in nevada, of course, where the democratic incumbent is now neck and neck with her opponent. let's go to nevada now. gary is on the scene for us. tell us about these new votes we anticipate are about to drop in douglas county. >> let's start with douglas county. it's a county in the western part of nevada, population about 50,000. hasn't voted for a democratic candidate since world war ii. it should be helpful with the mail-in votes for the republicans. we're expecting about 4,000 votes to be released, tabulated and an additional 3,000 votes to come. meanwhile, we are now in the biggest county in the state of
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nevada, this is clark county, and there's still lots of votes inside this building, there are 23,000 more votes expected to be tabulated tomorrow. in addition to that, there's another 15,000 votes that provisional ballots would have to be cured to be tabulated by next week. there's 38,000 more votes to come out of this building. in addition to that, under nevada law, votes can come in until saturday. there's a lot of votes here in clarke county. >> gary, we'll get back to you. adam laxalt, the channeler to catherine cortez masto is ahead now by only 798 votes. a few hours ago, he was ahead by some 9,000 votes. >> every vote counts. however, every vote counts extra
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now. 798 vote lead if you're adam laxalt. what did gary just say? number one, the votes down here in clarke county, that's where the bulk of them are. number two, we expect any minute to get votes from douglas county. these votes critical to adam laxalt. he's been getting 66% in this republican county. donald trump carried this county by 30 points. so there he's up by 30 points. the question is can you keep that performance. he needs it now. he would like to be higher than 60%. but it's imperative for him in areas that are red on the map for him to get high percentages in those areas because catherine cortez masto is sneaking up on him. sixth largest of 17 counties in the state. but every vote counts now when you have just shy of 800 vote
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lead. and then, next, will come votes from this county. if you have been there. it was in reno. this is a swing county. this is the historical swing county inside nevada often even though most of the votes are in clarke county. it's a good place to watch and you can see why. cortez masto 50% to 47%. the first two days of the count, adam laxalt was ahead in the count, and she passed him. does she stretch is lead in the swing county and maybe catch up statewide or does he come back and build his lead a little bit? it's incredible. every vote matters. we're looking at the western part of the state here. this is more republican, the bulk of the votes are down here. most of the votes in the central
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counties, the republican candidates are in. i'm going to tap here and take a peek. we have it at 90% of the estimate. that means you could get a couple hundred more votes in there. as gary was smartly noting, the bulk is down here. we'll get those more likely tomorrow and throughout the weekend. so if you're adam laxalt and you're waiting here and one or two counties are about to report votes, you're 798 votes ahead. you're waiting on douglas county hoping it stretches. if it doesn't, you're in trouble. >> because the bulk of the population is in las vegas. >> it's down here. doesn't mean that will be the percentage of the vote count when we're done, but it will be somewhere around there. but 52 -- again, joe biden won by nine points. that's seven, right? that's seven points. so at the moment, cortez masto, at the moment, we're not done
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with the final vote count yet. she's underperforming president biden a little bit in clark county. >> 95% of the vote there in clark county reporting so far. >> 95%. gary just laid out, the rest to come. it matters. every vote matters when your lead is 798 votes. >> sure does. we're awaiting votes from both arizona and nevada right now that could give us a clearer idea about the battle of control for congress. plus, the mounting pressure from kevin mccarthy to make concessions in his bid for the speaker's gavel. should republicans win the house? our election coverage continues right after a quick break.
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the senate, we're also following the ever changing balance of power in the house of representatives. democrats now up to 200 seats, republicans have won 211 seats so far. republicans are only seven seats short of the 218 needed to win control of the house. let's take a closer look right now at some of the tightest house races playing out across the country that could potentially tip the scales. in colorado, republican incumbent laura is holding on to a narrow lead of her opponent. here lead is only 1,122 over adam frisch right now. that's with the 99% of the estimated vote now in. very, very close over there. in california's newly redrawn 13th district. republican john duarte has a
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very slim advantage over democrat adam gray. with 44% of the estimated vote now in, duarte has 50.2% to gray's 49.8%. also in california right now, katie porter is in a real squeaker. porter 50.8 pest to scott's 49.2%. she has a lead right now of 2,091 votes. in arizona, take a look at the race between democrat jevin hodge and david schwiker. hodges lead is 4,577. so right now, he's slightly ahead in that critically important contest as well.
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we're watching the battle for the house of representatives unfold. whoever wins the majority in the house will have an enormous impact over the next two years of the biden administration. >> no question about it, wolf. we still don't see the final numbers. but it doesn't matter to kevin mccarthy because he's working the phones, has been since tuesday to try to get the 218 needed in order to become speaker of the house assuming that republicans actually do take control. you have some new reporting on his efforts. >> that's right. he has been behind closed doors since after tuesday calling member by member, going down the line, securing commitments, and i'm told from people close to the republican leader that they are actually feeling pretty good, that they are marching towards the 218 votes they need. now, they recognize full well there are challenges, there's the far-right faction part of the conference that wants him to
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make some concessions, namely to give themselves more power over the speakership, something he's resisted. they know negotiations have to happen. he met with the leader today. they felt positive about that meeting. but the first test will be next week when the republicans meet behind closed doors, mccarthy needs to get a majority of republicans to be nominated for speaker. at that meeting, mccarthy allies and conservatives are talking about putting up a channeler against him, a nominal challenger against him to show that he does not yet have the 218 votes, and that they believe will force him to the bargaining table. >> that's the key thing to remember here that the role he's going for isn't just leader of republicans, it's leader of the house. the first challenge is to get the majority of republicans, but he's going to have to get 218 votes on the floor of the house
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of representatives to get approved for this constitutional position. >> nobody has any question that he has support of half the conference, but 218 votes, it's going to be the first test for him because it really goes beyond whether or not he can just become speaker. there's going to be so many twists and turns. there's a lot of questions about elise stefanik. >> she's the number three number in the house that pushed liz cheney out. she said the following, what the media fails so report is we just won the midterms and flipped the house. i'm happy to endorse donald j. trump for president in 2024. that is her saying she supports him, but i also read that as, oh, i might be thinking about potentially if kevin mccarthy is weak -- >> certainly she's thinking
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about her future. let me finish this one thought because some people who cover trump are looking at this as she wants to be his vice-president running mate. for those of us who have been on the hill for a long time, if donald trump is going to come out and trash kevin mccarthy, he's going to need an alternative, and she's coming out saying, i will be that alternative. >> this is jason miller giving a little bit of advice to kevin mccarthy as it relates to being speaker. >> i do think kevin mccarthy, needs to be much more declarative that he's supporting president trump. fact of the matter is it's going to be a maga centric caucus. we need the leadership so match. >> i have a bit of a different
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read on the stefanik statement. she's trying to put pressure on mccarthy in the eyes of trump to say, i'm more loyal to trump, and you ought to be too. what steven miller is trying to say is they don't see mccarthy as being sufficiently loyal. someone reached out to me yesterday to basically say, she's not going after the speakership. she announced that she is supporting mccarthy in his speakership claim. she said she's happy to be conference chair. but what she's been doing to position herself vis-a-vis trump is very clear. this has been ongoing for here for at least the last three to four years. >> she used to be a moderate. >> she made a name for herself as one of trump's biggest defenders, and she's not backing down on that. >> what jason miller said, though, speaks to a larger
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question is whether or not donald trump still does have the juice given what we saw on election day. >> and i actually disagree with him saying it's maga -- >> well, we're going to have a lot more to talk about. >> it's a night. >> bottom line. when he turns up, winning isn't that easy. ahead, new vote counts from nevada and arizona, including the key votes in both races. plus, should republicans take control of congress which we do not know yet in the house. we'll look at how that might affect is biden agenda as the president touches down in cambodia for his first foreign trip since the midterms. stay with us.
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of president biden's remaining agenda as well as his legacy. president biden has just arrived in the cambodia capital. phil, what's on the agenda? >> you know, anderson, obviously there are very high-stakes meetings scheduled in the days ahead, a trilateral with china and japan. the sitdown with xi jinping, but what's remarkable is how intertwined what we're seeing back home where the president left with results that bolstered anybody's expectations with and what that means on the international stages as well. because to some degree, anderson, the president has viewed both the international and domestic as so acutely knitted together in his philosophy of things. that means he's entering cambodia here for a really
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high-stakes g-20 simt with the wind at his back. when you talk to officials, they consistently focus on results of these elections, results that advisers are keeping a close eye on and keeping the president informed of and how that bolsters the case to what the president has been trying to do in office. reality is in fact becoming the practical reality of the case here. so how the president views these next two years from an international context, i think there's no question that meeting with xi jinping is very important. how the u.s. competes with china, but particularly how it works on the home front as well. the president and his team have been mapg ping out what the nex steps look like before the new
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congress sets into place. one thing they know for sure, the makeup is going to be far different than most people expected and one that day by day is only seeming to be better for the biden administration. >> yeah. phil, appreciate it. thank you. want to get more to the impact of this election. ashley, before the results started to come in, there was a lot of democratic hammering, a lot of democrats saying on the television, there's going to be a lot of soul-searching after the big red tidal wave comes. van was on the program yesterday saying that might not happen now. there might not be some soul searching that needs to take place in the democratic party. do you think there needs to be? >> i think democrats will take a step back and say what do we do in 2024 in terms of who's at top of the ticket. and there will be contested
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senate races as well. one thing i think democrats did right that we don't need to evaluate is maybe for the first time, we didn't allow one issue to lead the way. we saw that there were so many different issues. a lot of people said this election changed after dobbs. i actually think this election changed on may 14th when people were murdered in buffalo and kids were murdered in schools in texas and the country was warning and a constitutional right was taken away. rather than taking the bait of saying, voters were only going to think about one issue, which was the economy, dems said, people can think about multiple things, and they campaigned on multiple things. if dems do some soul searching, it's to say do more and continue to deliver for voters. >> what i think will be interesting to watch in terms of biden's issues moving forward and how he leads this country is not so much the policies he puts
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at the top of his agenda but how he practices that. we heard in his speech the other way how he felt the democracy was in good shape and we had record turnout. he also said it's the time if republicans take over the house and senate, now is the time to work across the aisle and he vowed when he comes back from this trip to bring leaders from both sides of the aisle to have talks about how they can work together. that's going to be the goal. he can talk about bipartisanship until the cows come home, but until we see it, there's not going to be any change. he vowed to work across the aisle, we just haven't seen it. >> let's play something he said on thursday about bipartisanship. >> i'm prepared to work with republicans. the american people have made it clear, they expect republicans to work with me as well. and, folks, i'll always be open
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to any good idea, whether it's democratic or republican to move forward. >> he's always going to get more of a hand from republicans in the senate than he is in the house. as a functional matter, many of the win he had in the first two years were bipartisan wins born out of across the aisle relationships coming out of the u.s. senate. some of those people are retiring. rob portman was in that stuff along with others. in the house, the attitude to work with biden i don't think is going to be as strong as senate republicans. what he's going to get out of the house is investigations of hunter biden and joe biden and other things. in the senate, a lot of republicans over there have interpreted these close elections as the american people saying, we want you guys to work within the 40 yard lines. throw out the extremes, pick stuff between the 40 yard lines,
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and you may find a few senators that want to do that. >> the house situation is antithetical to compromise because the tail is wagging the dog over there now if the republicans are in control. the last word that comes out of the mouths of marjorie taylor green and that crowd is compromise, which they consider a tantamount to treason, they're going to want to talk about impeachments, investigations, and how can we destroy the biden administration. phil said it's getting better all the time for democrats. certainly if they hold on to control of the senate, it's more likely. but the house picture is going to make the next two years more difficult. >> never underestimate the ability to overreach. i remember the '90s, you take charge and overreach, and you turn the public off, and that can be an issue if it's investigation after investigation after investigation. and then so i think republicans in the house in particular have
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to be really careful about that. i don't think the senate would behave that way, but the other thing i think democrats have to think about is donald trump. he was their best weapon in this election. and so what do they do otherwise? you know, without him? >> i'm not as bullish as scott. i don't think the senate is going to work with biden because it's a presidential election year. i'm going in 2024. >> we're standing by for the release of a new batch of vote counts from nevada and arizona. plus we have another key projection in the works. we'll be back right after this. here's a pool party. ♪ good times. insurance! ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ harvey is aware of complaints about his treatment of women. and he's working on that. do you want to expand on that? this is about the system, protecting abusers.
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incumbent steve sisolak. sisolak served one term. joe lombardo is the current clark county sheriff. now he will become the next governor of nevada. >> thanks, wolf. this sort of bucks the trend of what we have seen in the governors' races since election day, which is democrats have done well. this is not one. this is an incumbent democrat who has actually been defeated in a state that was hit incredibly hard by covid because, of course, las vegas in particular is so tourist and tourism focused. >> right. and one of the challenges going into this, as we've been discussing when it comes to the senate race, is that the unions, which are a huge part of how democrats get out the vote. it's a huge part of their constituency. a lot of those workers were hit hard in ways that are hard to define the numbers. the jobs came back, but not the ones they had before. there was a lot of unsatisfaction with how that
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went in nevada. i think people are probably wondering why would the incumbent governor sisolak concede right now when we are still counting votes. and we're saying actively that it's possible that the senate race is winnable for democrats. and it's partly because he is running at the moment about 14,000 votes behind catherine cortez masto. so, it's just a tougher hill for him to climb. and he put out a statement conceding really, i think, you know, he probably didn't have to. but he did, i think, seeing the writing on the wall. >> yeah, and he said just mentioning senator cortez masto, who is still locked in this very, very close race, over the remainder of my term -- excuse me. he said, while it seems i will come up short in the polls, i am excited senator cortez masto is on a path to win. that's what he claims. as i talk about that, i also want to talk about the governor's position, as it relates to the next election, which is a presidential year.
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and nevada is a very important state. now you have a republican, right? >> you do. and it turns out -- i mean, this could be one of the few examples where we have a swing state. i guess georgia will also have a republican governor, although we saw how brian kemp conducted himself in 2020. we have more information about how that might play out. governor-elect lombardo has said it's possible there is election fraud, but he has not indulged in the kind of election denialism we've seen from people like kari lake and doug mastriano. that, perhaps, bodes well. it's distinctly different from where things are. it's pretty interesting to me that he is running behind cortez masto. and i think that this statement he put out -- we're now talking, excuse me, about the current governor sisolak, who is conceding. in many ways it reads to me like he is trying to set an example and say, okay, not all the votes are counted. i see where this is going.
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i trust what's going on. you should trust what's going on in the senate race because we may get people about to question that. here's where we are. >> i think a lot of this has to do with the fact that the economy is such a huge issue, in nevada in particular. gas prices were very high in this state. inflation was such a central issue, and that hurt him as well. he defends a lot of the decisions he made during the pandemic, some of the shutdown decisions. in his concession statement, cortez masto's race is tied so much more to the national -- it has so much more national implications, which could explain presumably why she is running a bit ahead of sisolak here and maybe also could explain why some other democratic senate candidates are running ahead of the gubernatorial candidates like in arizona, for instance, where mark kelly is running ahead of the gubernatorial candidate there. and that could explain why. that has a national race. this is more local. >> you're right. i just want to underscore something kasie just said about the fact he seems to be trying
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to set an example and set the table in nevada as one that is very clean when it comes to election results. he said in the first paragraph of his statement, obviously it's not the outcome i want, but i believe in our election system, in democracy, in honoring the will of the voters. so important. >> i think it goes a long way. i mean, look, there are still a lot of votes left to count. but when you know you're going to lose, the right thing to do is to concede gracefully. luckily, a lot of candidates, i think so far in the midterms have done that. it's important for them to do that now because we're not sure what's going to happen down the ballot if the senate race turns out to be extremely close and if the democrat appears to be in the lead in the coming days. >> okay. well, coming up, election officials in arizona are set to release new vote count numbers just minutes from now, as control of the house and the senate still hangs in the balance. stay right there.
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numbers from arizona. we should get those very soon. control of the united states senate and house of representatives still being decided, as election night in america continues. i'm wolf blitzer in the cnn election center. we're keeping a very close watch on the votes in those critical u.s. senate races in nevada and arizona. every ballot getting us closer and closer to a final verdict on senate control. the nevada senate contest is a real horse race right now. democratic senator catherine cortez masto has almost caught up to the republican challenger, adam laxalt. and in arizona, democratic incumbent mark kelly has expanded his lead over republican blake masters. remember, this is why we care so much about nevada and arizona right now. democrats have won 48 senate seats so far. republicans have 49. if -- if -- the democrats can pull off wins in both arizona an
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