tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN November 11, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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control of the united states senate and house of representatives still being decided, as election night in america continues. i'm wolf blitzer in the cnn election center. we're keeping a very close watch on the votes in those critical u.s. senate races in nevada and arizona. every ballot getting us closer and closer to a final verdict on senate control. the nevada senate contest is a real horse race right now. democratic senator catherine cortez masto has almost caught up to the republican challenger, adam laxalt. and in arizona, democratic incumbent mark kelly has expanded his lead over republican blake masters. remember, this is why we care so much about nevada and arizona right now. democrats have won 48 senate seats so far. republicans have 49. if -- if -- the democrats can pull off wins in both arizona and nevada, they would lock up
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control of the senate with the tiebreaking vote of vice president kamala harris. turning to the fight for the u.s. house of representatives, democrats now are up to 200 seats, but republicans still have the advantage. they have already won 211 seats. that's seven short of the 218 needed to win control of the house. cnn's kyung lah is in phoenix for us tonight. we're expecting kyung, a big batch of votes from maricopa county very soon. what's the latest? >> reporter: well, i'm watching the clock here, wolf, because in just about an hour, we are anticipating that we will get a much clearer picture of which way maricopa county will continue to trend. what we are expecting in an hour, according to the county elections officials here, is about a vote release of 80,000, approximately 80,000 votes. and here's why this is important. in one hour, we're going to get the first picture of mail-in
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ballots that were dropped off on election day. the blake masters campaign anticipates that those will be in their favor. in a background call with reporters, the masters campaign says this is their path. they are counting on what happens this evening to reverse that trend, to start to show that the masters campaign could have legs in this and turn it around. the picture, though, it may be a little confusing because it won't entirely be those mail-in ballots that were dropped. there will be other ballots that are going to be in this mix. but, wolf, what we will learn in another hour or so is at least with that picture of those ballots from election day, those mail-in ballots, the republican campaigns will begin to learn if they, indeed, will do what they are anticipating. so, again, one hour, we are watching the clock. maricopa county, the largest county in phoenix, starting to paint that picture for you. >> we'll get the latest from you
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very soon. thanks very much, kyung lah reporting for us. i want to bring in david chalian right now for a closer look. you're looking behind the numbers. what are you seeing? >> well, to what kyung just said, wolf, we're looking at the votes remain to be counted. obviously we know there's a big chunk in maricopa county. kyung was just talking about what the masters campaign believes they need out of this next catch coming in maricopa county to win. look at what they need. we've got 475,000 outstanding votes in the state of arizona. that's an estimate. that's just an approximation, not an exact number. right now our anticipation is that blake masters, the republican running behind right now, needs 60% to 62% of all of that outstanding vote in order to win this race. mark kelly, who has a big current vote lead in the race, only needs 36% to 38% of the outstanding vote twoin. so, when those votes come in, look to see, is blake masters hitting this 60% to 62% range.
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i also want to show you in the governors race, obviously same universe of uncounted ballots, around 475,000. and look at this. kari lake's numbers of what she needs to win, well, it keeps going up because katie hobbs has been adding to her lead. kari lake, the republican gubernatorial candidate, needs 52% to 54% of these remaining outstanding ballots, this 475,000. katie hobbs, who's been padding her lead in the last couple vote batches, only needs now 47% to 48%. this is a much closer race obviously. so, look to see when the maricopa votes come, does kari lake meet this margin of 52% to 54% of that haul. wolf? >> very interesting indeed. looking a bit more encouraging for the democrats right now. what do you think, john? >> i think you're absolutely right. it looks a bit more encouraging. but the wildcard, the unknown, is those late earlies. that's a new term in this election. in 2020, in the covid election, we had a lot of mail-in ballots,
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election day ballots. d late earlies are ballots in an envelope delivered on election day. the ranges vary from state to state. but if it was an envelope, democrats did very well there. you heard kyung say the masters campaign thinks their path is in those. they're dropped on election day. the election day vote has traditionally been more republican. we had to go through this in 2020. here we go in 2022. it's a new age of voting. mail-in voting was picking up steam anyway, then we have the covid. senator ahead by state-wide right now. 52% to 46%. i want to go back to a bid earlier when we had constance hargrove on for pima county. joe biden carried it by 19 points there. we got about 14,000 votes from her then live on tv. since then they've released about 10,000 more. this includes them all. david was noting the percentage
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blake masters needs. he very much needs it in maricopa county because he's not getting it elsewhere. most of the votes left out blue maricopa county, but it's more competitive than blue pima county. pima county is a more democratic county, and you see that right here. senator kelly getting 67%. the votes we had live tv earlier, plus about 10,000 more added in here. he's outpacing what he needs, so he's happy right here. same place, let's look at the governor's race. kari lake is closer. when i get to the state-wide numbers, i'll come back to them. again, she is not getting in pima county, more democratic county, than results keep coming in. katie hobbs is adding to her math. and kari lake is not matching the percentage which brings it all down to here. the biggest county anyway, 60%, 62% of the vote. when we're done counting them all, we'll know that. if katie hobbs keeps doing this, she's going to be the next governor of arizona. kari lake and blake masters believe those ballots dloped on
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election day, biggest batch of outstanding votes were dropped election day, they believe those are traditional republicans voting at the last minute. when we get those results, we'll begin to see if they're right. >> thanks very much. i want to bring in constance hargrove right now, the elections director in pima county, arizona. thank you once again for joining us. you're done releasing results, i understand, for tonight. how much can we expect to be tabulated and actually released tomorrow? >> so, we're expecting about 20,000 or maybe about the same amount we did today, about 24,000 ballots. >> and is that it, you think? or is there more out there? >> oh, there are more out there. so, we have approximately 71,000, approximately 72,000 ballots left to count. so, after tomorrow, if we can get through that 24,000, we have about 50,000. so, couple more days to get through all the ballots we have left to count. >> good to know.
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constance hargrove, elections director for pima county, arizona. thank you very much. i want to go to nevada right now. cnn's gary tuchman is on the scene for us. gary, we've seen game changing results out of arizona tonight. i understand new numbers are coming out. what's next? >> reporter: we have new numbers that have come out in douglas county, small county in western nevada. the headline of these new numbers is that for the republican laxalt a net gain of 1,153 votes. with our math, it extends his lead. his lead now is 1,951 over cortez masto. but what i will tell you, this is very important, this is clark county where we are right now. it is the most populated county in the state. three-quarters of the people in nevada live here. most of the votes are here. there are still at least 23,000 votes to count in this building, and then there's an additional 15,000 votes that are provisional ballots or ballots that need to be cured.
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up to 38,000 more votes that need to be counted here. and this has been the most democratic friendly county in the state. and the mail-in balloting has been very friendly to the democrats also. so, this remains to be counted here. >> still some votes outstanding. john, let's talk a little bit about what we just had. where do things stand right now? >> remember we were just at 796 i think it was at the last report. the laxalt lead has grown to 1,951. why? because of what gary just reported. we bring up douglas county. it's 30-point republican county. that's what it's doing right here. he is doing what he needs to do in the republican counties. as gary noted, this race will be decided by the outstanding votes in clark county. every vote counts. you want to be as close as you can. 60% here, he's been running 65% in the county right there. there might be somebody in the masto campaign saying, aha, that's a little better than we need. if you're adam laxalt this stretches his lead a little bit
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more. here's the challenge, wolf. how many more votes are out in the red counties? they're smaller. they're less populous. every vote counts especially if you're in the lead and you're the republican candidate because you're expecting the candidate to do better down in clark county. here you are here, and she adds to it. this is just -- this is welcome to battleground nevada, 48.6 to 48.4. 1,951 votes, and this will decide it right here. again, this is 73%, 74% of the population. if you're adam laxalt, in these red counties to the north, you want to take a lead. you want to get that higher percentage. 60% or more every time those votes come in because there are a lot more down here. and we'll know more t later. >> lot more democrats in las vegas and that area down there. let's get more on these dramatic new developments in nevada right now. elizabeth thompson is joining us. thanks so much for joining us. let's start with the senate race. clark county reported some 27,000 new votes this evening.
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clearly neck and neck between cortez masto and adam laxalt. and we just got douglas county, around 5,000 there. do we expect the rest of the outstanding vote to favor laxalt or masto? >> well, it depends where those votes are. as you have been discussing there for the last few minutes, right? so, up in wah show county, which is reno area ooeps, that's kind of a swing county. so, we're very interested to see the next data dump from washo so we can get a sense of whether cortez masto is trending ahead of laxalt up there, as we're sort of expecting. opposite story in clark county, where las vegas is located, that tends to lead much more heavily democratic. so, she's likely to pick up more votes the next time we get a data dump from clark. we're hoping to get another one tonight. we don't know if that's going to happen. these douglas numbers, interesting, we were really waiting to see what was going to come from douglas county because, as we do all of our
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math projections here trying to figure out, okay, what does cortez masto need to hold in the urban counties, what does laxalt feed had to do in the rural counties including douglas, this morning we figured there were probably about 10,000 to 12,000 rural votes outstanding. this data dump from washo, around 5,000, that means we're probably down to 5,000 to 6,000 rural votes in total that are left to be counted. so, we're getting closer to having an answer. >> elizabeth, john king has a question for you. >> elizabeth, help us -- people around the country might be watching and you can explain this to them better than anybody. senator cortez masto in clark county, 73%, 74% of the vote, 52% in clark county. if you look at the governor's race -- let me flip it over here. you have governor sisolak only getting 51%. you might think that's not much of a difference. in clark county with so many votes, that margin is different.
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in clark county, the governor has now conceded the race. in your take in the reporting, is this because the sheriff is from clark county, the republican sheriff? is this because unemployment in your state hit 28% plus and steve sisolak happened to be governor at the time of the covid pandemic? is it a split in the latino vote? combination of those things? >> i would say it's probably all of the above. of course we haven't seen the latino exit polls yet. so, we'll know more by next week on that. but i think you nailed it there with the top reasons why governor sisolak really just struggled this campaign season. he had the misfortune to be the governor when the pandemic hit. he made the choice to shut down the las vegas strip for more than two months. hundreds of thousands of workers out of jobs. and on top of that, our unemployment system here was a complete disaster. we were hit with over a million fraudulent claims. we were understaffed. we had an antiquated system. we could not get up to speed
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fast enough. and hundred of thousands of nevada unemployed workers waited for literally months before they even got their first check. i just think it was an unfortunate perfect storm of bad fortune for the sitting governor, who is now the first governor to lose an incumbency in 40 years in nevada. >> wow, i didn't know that. elizabeth fountain, thanks very much, editor of "the nevada independent." coming up we're crunching all the new numbers in the closely watched vote counts in arizona and nevada. our election coverage continues in just a few moments. your car , so you only pay for what you need. contestants ready? go! only pay for what you need. jingle: liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.
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talk to your doctor about rinvoq. learn how abbvie can help you save. we're just getting in new numbers right now from arizona. i want to bring in john king, taking a look at -- county for us. >> state-wide numbers first. if you've been watching all night long, senator kelly's lead has come down just a little bit.
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it has shrunk a little bit. here's why. let's pull down these numbers. 2,734 for senator kelly. that's 27%. 7,020 for blake masters. 70%. so, you cut about 4,300 votes off the lead when you bring it in state-wide. you can stay at home this is not a ton of votes. most of the votes outstanding are in maricopa county. if you're blake masters, especially in the red counties, donald trump carried this county by 29 points. counties like this, you need to run it up. even though it's a smaller total, you need to run it up. you cut into senator kelly's lead state-wide, you hope that helps you. they're hoping the late earlies as we call them, they're hoping that's their path to victory. anything you can do to narrow the lead is important. again, you come back out to state-wide, blake masters has done that by about 4,300 votes here. it's interesting in the governor's race kari lake
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continues to do better than blake masters in some places. blake masters closed the gap by about 4,300 voces. it's about 4,600 votes here when you look at this. same county, 72, 72. 73% to 2,662. katie hobbs leads has shrunk a little bit because of these new votes. the ball game here will be decided in maricopa county, which has by far the most votes still outstanding. before you get to that, if you want to call that the final inning, you've got to score runs in the sixth, seventh, and eighth inning. whether you're the masters campaign or the lake campaign, this is what you're looking for when these votes come in from the smaller but republican counties. this is south of sedona in central arizona. donald trump carried it by 29 points. look at the math there in this county, kari lake doing exactly what she needs to do. the question is closing the agap
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by that, 4,600 votes, enough when the votes come in later and you're facing that. kari lake will need 25,000 and change behind blake masters has a steeper hill to climb. >> still plenty of votes outstanding. there's no doubt about that. we're still awaiting results tonight from maricopa county. let's go to brianna keilar. >> that is where it will be decided, as john king just said. this of course is maricopa county, where phoenix is, where a majority of the ballots left to count in arizona are. we'll be getting brand-new numbers there tonight. here's what we know. we know there are still right around 350,000 votes left to count in the county. of those, we have been waiting specifically on 290,000 early ballots that were dropped off on voting sites, at voting sites on election day. county officials say this was a record number, 70% higher than
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any previous election. county officials have told us that we can expect somewhere around 80,000 votes to be reported out tonight. so, let's break those votes down a little bit more. what type are they? well, a majority of those will be from this large batch of early ballots dropped off on election day, what officials there are calling late earlies. you've probably become familiar with that phrase now. the rest of what will be reported tonight will be mail-in ballots received before election day. and some of the much-discussed box three votes, which you've also become familiar with, those are election day ballots that could not be run through the tabulators because of a printer problem. now, why is the type of vote important here? we know that mail-in ballots received before election day lean heavily democratic while election day ballots strongly favor republicans. we don't yet have a picture whether the early ballots received on election day, these votes we expect to learn about tonight, favor democrats or republicans. once we get those votes, we'll
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be better to better understand just how close the race remains for governor and u.s. senate, wolf. >> thanks very much, brianna. as we await the new vote totals from arizona, we're learning also that donald trump is in a foul mood over republicans' lackluster midterm results. and tensions in his own family over whether another white house run. tensions are serious. cnn special coverage continues. that's next.
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pouting. he's very upset. there's reports he's blaming dr. oz -- his wife for dr. oz in pennsylvania. i mean, he will blame anybody but himself. it is never -- never a moment of self. >> that's vintage trump. that's nothing new. but what i do think is interesting is he's already wanting to get into the herschel walker runoff before it's even happened. he's got a fund-raiser out, a number of them out today, saying give to herschel walker. you read the fine print, 9/10 goes to donald trump. he's doing the grift he always has under the guise of i'm trying to fight for the senate. when he's isolated, when he feels defeated, when he's weakened, he's in his most vulnerable place. people don't want to be around him. advisers side step him and let him stew. i hope he's focusing on his family. as of now, he's announcing next week. >> i want to bring cnn white
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house correspondent kate bennet. kate, i know you have new reporting on donald trump's wife and the divides going on right now. >> as alyssa said, it's not necessarily the right time to host a family wedding. but that is what donald trump is doing this weekend for his daughter tiffany. cnn has learned there are other things that might be wrangling the former president this weekend, including the fact his daughter, ivanka trump and his son-in-law jared kushner, have zero interest, i'm told, in taking part in any sort of campaigning should there be any, nor any part of a second go around at the white house if in fact the former president runs and wins again. certainly he'll be without his two top advisers. jared kushner is of course the gate keeper. everything went through him. ivanka had a plate of causes on her shelf as well in the west wing. but they will not be there. both of them have said they're done with politics. they're done with washington. they got over the issue with the election when they left washington two years ago.
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clearly donald trump didn't. as the family gets together for tiffany's wedding, it's really just don jr., kimberly guilfoyle, and eric trump and lara trump who are on board should this announcement lead to a campaign and run for the white house. jared and ivanka will not be on board, making for a very interesting family wedding this weekend. she survived the hurricane. the wedding is on. the rehearsal dinner was tonight. >> do we know anything about melania trump, if she's on board? >> that's an excellent question, anderson. she was not happy this week. she's a very private person. how the former president was blaming melania for the endorsement of mehmet oz. she is a fan, he did say that at some rallies during the campaign season. she didn't like that very much. she didn't like being in the news. she doesn't like her name being attached to the rants and ravings of her husband. things are a little chilly
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there. she's very happy in palm beach. i don't think she has intention, again, of being on the campaign trail. she didn't before. she never did during midterms when he was in office or his first presidential campaign. i have not heard she wants to sign up this time around either. it will be a different looking trump family, to be quite honest, should he make another run at the white house. >> thanks so much. back now with our panel. >> i happen to think the fact that the family is not interested is probably a good thing. and it's certainly not going to have any sway whatsoever on his decision to announce or not. i was never a fan of them being part of the team. i think nepotism has no place in politics. i think personal relationships and fealty are no way to govern. but he's going to make this decision based on his own personal interests in my view. and we're hearing all these reports and seeing stories that thooes cranky, he's mad. he's already thrown kevin mccarthy under the bus for this. i love this. he wrote on truth social, to set the record straight on his being upset on the elections.
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it's not true. he goes on to say, he was not angry about the midterms on truth social. i'm not angry. did a great job. i wasn't the one running. i'm business ziz looking to the future. remember, i'm a stable genius. just to clear the record. >> alyssa, for don jr. and eric trump, they don't have much else going on in their lives, do they, in terms of actual work? >> that's the difference. >> they will -- they'll follow daddy wherever he goes. >> they have very much tied their futures to donald trump. lara trump is on air defending the former president regularly. donald trump jr. is one of his most vociferous defenders. they're going to be with him. in my experience, those -- that cast of characters were not the ones who talked him out of his worst instincts. i give some credit to jared kushner. he was someone i would go to when very bad ideas were moving forward and try to get him to talk down the president. ivanka to a lesser degree in my experience, but i heard she was instrumental around january 6th when senators were calling.
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while i agree nepotism has no place and i don't want to see them back in the white house, they were, to some degree, a moderating force. and now he's just with the children who give in to his worst instincts. >> you have to look at the problems the trump organization is having right now legally. these are the two young men who are basically in charge of the trump organization, or would be if he were running for president again. you have to ask what happens to that, if any more legal action comes out of that. and then the other point i have about ivanka is, as you point out, alyssa, on january 6, she was the one people went to when people were saying, can you get your father to come out? can you get him to say something? or when he went off the charts, they would call ivanka in to calm him down. she will not be there. who will do the calming down? >> i have to say, if i'm watching this -- because i'm watching it. and i'm thinking, man, i'm tired of this. this is just tiring, this reality.
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this is a long-running reality show, and it's getting tiresome. >> that's what people were saying in that election. >> you know what's so dangerous is that this is, like, circa 20 to. donald trump gets upset. he loses. republicans get upset in 2022. they lose. georgia goes to a runoff. the next day an insurrection happens. when will it stop? >> we have more key projections in the works. plus democratic challenger joins us. our election coverage continues in a moment.
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cnn is now ready to make two new projections in races for the house of representatives. democratic incumbent congressman amy vera will win his re-election to represent california's sixth district. and california 26th district, democratic congresswoman julia brownley has won a sixth term in office, representing ventura county. let's take a closer look at the balance of power, where things stand right now.
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democrats have now won 202 seats to the republicans' 211 seats. 22 house seats still left to call. remember, 218 seats, that's the majority. that's the magic number right now. let's go over to john king, taking a closer look at where things stand in the house of representatives. tell our viewers, john, where we are right now. >> you're trying to find out why republicans are nervous, there are your numbers right there. 211 house republicans right now. 202 house democrats. 202 house democrats. if you look at the races leading, yes, republicans are on a path of possibly getting the 218 seats for majority, but they're not there yet. and that they're not speaks volumes. is it possible -- is it possible -- the democrats could actually defy history -- not just defy the average of a president's first midterm, but defy history. is it probable? leave that to the statisticians. there are two likely seats here the democrats are going to get. so, let's take that to 204.
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there's your 204. all right. then where do we go from there? let's look at other seats, as we come through this right here. there are uncalled races here where the democrats are leading. there are eight of those right now where we believe the democrats have a very good chance to win. so, that's 204 plus 8, right? let's blank this out. let's go up. check my math. that's 212, right? 212. you need 218. so, what's the next step in this scenario? >> let's close this off. let's bring this in. in alaska and in maine, you have rank choice voting. the democrats are ahead. they might not get to 50%, so it takes time to do second choice and third choice. there is a possibility, even probability, democrats win that seat and that seat. so, that's two more, right wolf? that gets you to 214. then you look at the math and say we've identified a few races here that we call reaches. i just want to be honest about these. republicans are leading all of them. these are reaches. these are stretches. but if democrats could win those four, then they would get to 218. so, there is a possibility.
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we've identified these four reaches. i just want to close by showing you one other possibility. let me close this out. if you come down here into the eastern southeast corner of arizona, look at this race. republican candidate is still leading. kristen engel has closed the gap. he's at 49.5%. there are races on the board where the republicans are leading, but it is possible -- this is pima county where we were talking to constant a short time ago. this part of the district is pima county. it's gray because we have not called this race. look at that gap. i showed you four reaches. you could add this one as a fifth. you could find a couple others, come back out to the math. so, yes, republicans would still sh you would still say are favored because they're leading the in all these races. but the fact that you have 22 uncalled races, democrats still in play, it is still a possibility democrats defy history. >> keyword "possibility" right
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now. dana, back to you. >> i want to bring in a democratic incumbent who edged out his republican challenger in maryland's most competitive district. congressman david trone is here with us now. congratulations. >> thank you. >> thanks for coming in. so, this was your seat, as you well know, was a prime target for republicans. and ice a disappointment they weren't able to defeat you. and you were able to beat their challenge back how? >> a couple things, but first of all, great constituent services. that's what president obama talked about day one when we took over back in '18. said, make sure you're there for all your customers. i come from the retail business, so i get customer service. so, i think that was one, that big difference. the other thing was really talking about the basics, which is compassion, how we operate, working for those that are suffering from addiction, those folks that are suffering from mental health challenges.
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civility. they want civility. they want folks in the middle to talk to each other and be decent about it. and of course they're looking for competence, people that can get stuff done. so, we ran on that the first time. we continue to run on it. and i think that resonated throughout the district. >> abby? >> you know, i do wonder -- i mean, your district is now a lot more competitive than it had been in the past because of redistricting. we're having a big conversation about why this week has been so unexpected for people, why democrats were able to divide expectations in the house, potentially also in the senate. when you look at your district, what you had to do in order to win re-election, what do you think is the balance of how the economy factored into all of this, how abortion factored into all of this, how other issues, whether it's the fate of democracy, factored into this. what's the recipe here that has allowed your party to potentially make a historic midterm moment here for the country?
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>> first about inflation issue. that really hurts us. we've got to admit it. we have not got a handle on it and put that up front. we're working on this, this, and that. after that we've got to talk about saving democracy. that's what we've done here is tried to save democracy by getting people to recognize the validity of election after election after election. >> did you see that resonate with independent voters or really just mostly with your base? >> a lot of independent voters really want to see that. independents used to be democrats or republicans, mod raets. that really meant something to them. i think joe biden's agenda -- i ran on joe biden's agenda. basically that map we did together of infrastructure, the bipartisan infrastructure bill, with all the various broadband, all the roads, everything, that's starting to resonate with folks. build back better didn't work but we had a chips and science bill. that did. the inflation act, that worked. so, a lot of good things actually will come to fruition. >> so, congressman, we're
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entering a period of great uncertainty in terms of who's going to control the house and if kevin mccarthy is going to be the speaker of the house. but there are questions on your side of the aisle as well, namely about what the house speaker, the current house speaker nancy pelosi, is going to do because she had previously suggested she'd be willing to step down. she did an interview with anderson cooper where she said the recent attack on her husband is going to influence her decision. would you like to see her continue to lead the democratic party? >> that's really speaker pelosi's decision. she's been a spectacular leader. and what's happened with her husband, paul, is just mind numbing. it's part of the whole culture that's come out of trump. >> has that led people in your caucus to feel as though she should stay in a way that they weren't necessarily ready to stay before? >> i don't think so. i think it's led everybody to say it's her time. when she decide it is move, we're going to respect that. right now we're going to defer to the speaker the for all the great work she's done. >> there's been a lot of discussion about generational
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change that's needed within the democratic caucus. i've heard a lot of members say that not just with the speaker but also with the president as well. do you feel that way? are you willing to say that you will support and you think joe biden should run were re-election? would you be okay if the leadership in the house stays the same? >> the leadership in the house is going to make a change if the speaker decides to go. we certainly have a generation of younger leaders, and we have a whole group that's ready to move forward. and i think they'll be spectacular. and yet we have a couple leaders that may or may not go with speaker pelosi. we have to respect as they make their decisions. as far as joe biden, i'm a big biden supporter from day one. he is -- i was he was 30 years younger, 20 years younger, ten years younger, but what it is is what it is. he's got great people around him. i've been a ceo all my life. it's not just the guy sitting at
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the top. it's who you have around you. and he has a great team. >> is he the best candidate for your party in 2024? >> i would prefer if we had someone with a little more vibrancy, but if joe biden is going to run, we'll be behind him and support him. >> you think his age is an issue s. >> i think his age was an issue in republicans' minds. we had an event and he was sharp as a tack, firing on all cylinders. >> it's too bad you can't run away from manu raju who chases after you in the hallway. now you're tethered to the chair. >> thank you very much. just ahead we are awaiting new vote numbers from closely watched arizona. we'll take a closer look at where those votes are coming from and what that could mean for control of the house and the senate. cnn's special coverage continues next. e into everything he does. it's a deodorant that really protects my skin.
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ballots dropped off on election day in maricopa county in arizona. the largest county in the state. brianna keilar is at the voting desk. these numbers could be significant. what can you tell us? >> we're looking at maricopa county which is where phoenix is. this is where we've been looking all night and expecting more numbers in minutes. officials expect to report 80,000 votes this evening. they said these ballots will mostly be early ballots that were dropped off at voting sites on election day. those now later earlies. this will be the first bach from the maricopa county late eea late earlies. there are 290,000 ballots. why is this type of vote important? mail in ballots received before election day lean heavily democratic. election day dballots favor republicans. we don't have a clear picture if the ballots received on election day favor democrats or
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republicans. so once we get these votes, we will be better able to understand just how close the race remains for governor and for u.s. senate. also expected tonight, the remainder of those mail in ballots received before election day and some of the much discussed box three votes. election day ballots that could not be run through the tabulators because of a printer problem, wolf. so what we learn tonight will give us this clearer picture of what is to come in the remaining votes in maricopa county. >> very important, indeed. thank you very much. david alcchalian is watching th numbers. what should the candidates in both the senate and gubernatorial races be looking for when these ballots are counted? >> yeah, wolf, we're digging in looking at the overall remaining to be count number. the uncounted votes in arizona. that is approximately 475,000 votes. 475,000 votes in arizona remain to be counted. so we did calculations.
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what does each candidate need to win of the remaining universe of outstanding vote? blake masters needs 60 to 62% of what is outstanding. i want you to understand we looked at how blake masters performed just with election day voters on tuesday. big republican category of voters. he won 68% of election day voters in maricopa county. so if these bach of votes that brianna was talking about that we get from maricopa perform like election day voters, that will be above what blake masters needs. watch carefully to see masters hits 60 to 62%. >> very interesting indeed. david chalian, thank you very much. in just minutes, we're expecting that new bach of vote totals from arizona's most populous county to come in. this is election night in america continued.
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these are live pictures from ma maricopa county where officials are supposed to release tens of thousands of votes including the critical bach of mail in ballots. those votes could play a very, very significant role in deciding the u.s. senate race in arizona. and in determining if democrats can hold on to control of the senate. the suspension is clearly building as election night in america continues. i'm wolf blitzer in the cnn election center. the numbers have been moving all night in the pivotal u.s. senate races in both arizona and nevada. in arizona first, democratic incumbent mark kelly has a sizable lead over blake masters
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right now. we'll see whether that margin grows or shrinks when we get those new arizona results very, very soon. stand by for that. and in nevada right now, democratic senator kathryn cortez masto is running close behind republican adam laxalt. this is the state of play for the senate. democrats won 48 senate seats so far. republicans have won 49 senate seats so far. if democrats can pull off wins in both arizona and nevada, they would seal control of the senate with a tie breaking vote of course being that vote of vice president kamala harris. let's go to arizona first where those maricopa county votes are coming in any any moment now. kyung lah is on the scene for us. this is an important round of counting votes we're about to see in the next few minutes, right? >> reporter: very important round of votes. we're expecting 80,000, approximately 80,000 votes to be released. that information i
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