tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN November 13, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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and live from studio 7 at cnn center in atlanta, i'm rosemary church. it has been nearly a week, but election night in america goes on with control of the house of representatives still up for grabs. however, republicans are closing in. they picked up another seat sunday night. they've won 212 compared to democrats' 204. and they're close to the 218 seats needed for a majority with 19 races still to be called. current house speaker, nancy pelosi, wouldn't speculate on whether she would seek another term as leader, take a listen. >> my decision will be rooted in the wishes of my family and the wishes of my caucus. but none of it will be very much considered until we see what the outcome of all of this is. >> meantime, democrats are
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trump intends to announce he'll run again, perhaps as early as tuesday. trump lost the 2020 presidential election and now he's being blamed for midterm losses. will republicans dump him for ron desantis? or could trump resurrect himself again? alice, i put that to you. >> not only did he lose his re-election bid, since he was elected we lost the house and the senate. as "the wall street journal" says, ever since he's been elected he has a perfect record of electoral defeat. what we're seeing in the results of this election is that the trump-backed candidates, those that he endorsed and he put forth to run, many of them are
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election deniers. they believe the falsehood about widespread election fraud. they also advocated for and pushed conspiracy theories. and we're seeing voters reject that. most of the candidates donald trump put forth did not win. voters spoke very loudly on that issue. rational republicans and commonsense conservatives want to put the focus on issues that are important to voters. that is, economy, inflation, as well as crime. other republicans also on the border. so what many of those large donors and many of the rational republicans want to put away, relitigating the past election, look at the future, look at issues that are important. they don't see donald trump as the person able to do so. many are ready to turn the page on donald trump, whether it is ron desantis, the florida governor, or any host of others that have expressed interest in
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running. a lot of people in the republican party say, enough is enough of this losing, we need to find a new positive voice for the republican party. >> mo kelly, i'm guessing the democrats would rather go up against trump than desantis. what are your thoughts, and will they enjoy this gop leadership war that's gearing up? >> sit back and probably enjoy it, but i wonder if the democrats won't overplay their hand or become too complacent in light of it. one thing we can extract is i would say the j-6 committee did have an impact on the midterms. you can see by how donald trump is losing his grip on the republican party. i would directly connect that to the results of the j-6 committee. but the democrats still have a lot of work to do. what i mean by a lot of work, joe biden is not going to be getting any younger. i don't mean that to necessarily insult him, it's just a reality of how people will perceive him
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in the next two years. we don't know what the economy is going to be in two years as the looming recession is looming over the american economy. so the democrats may be celebrating they're doing better now than what they expected going into the midterms, but it doesn't mean the next two years are going to be any easier for them. >> interesting points. alice, midterms, of course, usually punish the party of the president, but instead, republicans are licking their wounds. the democrats will control the senate while republicans battle to control the house. probably with a razor-thin majority once all the counting's done. what deals will kevin mccarthy need to make with the pro-trump freedom caucus if he wants their support for his bid to be speaker of the house, his big dream? >> well, that's the $10,000 question. kevin mccarthy, who raised a lot of money for many of the winning members of congress, has also
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advocated for more of the issues that are important to people -- immigration, inflation, as well as crime -- the freedom caucus is a very vocal group of republicans in the house. and they are made stronger because they work in a group and in numbers. and they're advocating a policy that would allow them at any given point in the future, if they are upset with the speaker, they can remove him. and it would be quite foolhardy for mccarthy to agree to such a concession, but that is one of the concessions that they would want. right now, mccarthy is benefiting from the fact that former president trump has endorsed him and has shown his support for mccarthy. if that continues, of course, we could all expect donald trump to change his mind at any time, but if he continues to have the support -- put his support behind mccarthy, i do believe that will quiet the freedom caucus in some way. but mccarthy is certainly going
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to have to work a lot of deals, and he's working the phone lines to get the support he needs. but he wants to really take the focus off the election deniers and conspiracy theorists and put the emphasis on his commitment to america, which is really working on inflation, crime, and securing the border. that's what he really wants to focus on moving forward. >> mo kelly, the democrats of course are celebrating their big win in the senate, still hoping they win georgia as well on december 6th when the runoff is held between raphael warnock and his gop challenger herschel walker. but in the house, the counting continues but republicans will likely be in control in the end, even if it is with this slim majority. what will that mean for president biden as he tries to get his agenda through over the next two years? >> it means that he's going to have to resort to executive actions, and that is not necessarily a guarantee. we've seen with his federal student loan relief being at least put on hold by a federal
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judge. but speaking of federal judges, since the democrats will still retain control of the senate, they will be able to confirm other federal judges, if need be, a supreme court justice. if you're the democrats, you would rather have the senate than the house if you had to choose, and you'll be able to get something done. but i'm not sure they'll be able to get much done. >> and president biden is, of course, enjoying his midterm boost on the world stage right now. the g20 summit just hours away from his face-to-face meeting with china's xi jinping. while the republicans battle it out and point the finger of blame over shocking losses in the senate, the house and in the -- at the state level where democratic governors have won big. alice, who do you blame for this massive loss? >> look, there's plenty of blame, certainly, to go around. but all i can say is mitch mcconnell probably was accurate a few weeks ago when he said, candidate quality is a concern. when you have candidates, again,
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that are focusing on the past grievances of the former president, instead of the future success of the american people, that is not a winning formula. but here's the key moving forward. now it looks as though, if things pan and the republicans do gain control of the house, we have a beautiful thing which is called divided government. and this forces the white house, the house, and the senate, republicans and democrats, to work together in a bipartisan fashion. and while mo is completely accurate, president biden can move forward going it alone and imposing executive actions on issues that he wants to promote, the best course of action for the american people is for joe biden to do as he said earlier this week, bring republicans and democrats together at the table and work across the aisle and get things done. because that is clearly the message the american people have sent when we have such a very close divide on these races in the house and the senate.
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they are saying, let both sides have a voice, but it's up to our elected leaders to come together in a bipartisan fashion to get things done. >> and mo kelly, you get the last word. what's your advice to democrats to make sure these wins count, they don't squander this? >> i would say charlie brown, lucy with the football, i think it would be good governance to, what alice was saying, to negotiate with republicans. but let's look at the past. the republicans haven't shown that they want to negotiate in good faith with joe biden. and if that continues to be the case, then he should be ready to go it alone. >> alice stewart, mo kelly, thank you both for your analysis, appreciate it. fresh off some unexpected election wins here in the united states, president joe biden is in bali, indonesia, for the g20 summit, as we mentioned. he met with the indonesian president earlier, but his highly anticipated meeting with chinese leader xi jinping is, of
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course, grabbing the headlines. the u.s./china relationship is in its worst shape in decades with tensions on a number of fronts, including taiwan. as the u.s. says it will defend the self-governing island from any chinese invasion. washington has also spoken out against china's human rights violations against ethnic uighurs. china on its end is concerned that biden may change u.s. tariffs on chinese goods. the two sides could also potentially discuss russia's war in ukraine, north korea's missile tests, and climate change. cnn is covering this story from all the angles with kevin liptak and ivan watson live from bali, indonesia. good to see you both. kevin, let's go to you first. president biden set to meet with his chinese counterpart, xi jinping, today. and he'll go dpas face in this meeting, the first time since he has taken office the two leaders
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will meet. he goes there with his midterm election boost. how significant is that, and what is expected to come out of those talks? >> reporter: his advisers really do say that he is coming into this meeting with the wind at his back. and it's been interesting. they've said that at the course of these meetings the president has held over the last couple of days, that this has been a topic of discussion with other world leaders. they've come up to him, they've congratulated him, they feel like he is coming into this meeting with a certain sense of strength. that american voters have sent him to these summits in a position of strength. now, whether president xi sees it that way i think remains to be seen. president xi is also coming into this meeting having just gone through a significant political event of his own, the communist party congress that elevated him to an unprecedented third term. what president biden's advisers really hope is that these two men can sit down, they can look at each other eye to eye, sort of define the parameters of this
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relationship. they have been pretty frank that they don't expect anything deliverable to come out of this meeting. nothing specific. no list of items that they have accomplished. and there won't be a joint statement afterwards. but they do hope to do what they're calling building the floor of this relationship. essentially ensuring that it can't deteriorate any further. and it has deteriorated quite significantly over the last several months. of course, the house speaker, nancy pelosi, when she visited taiwan, prompted sort of furor in beijing. they cut off channels of communication. white house officials had already been working to arrange this meeting, that was suddenly thrust into that context. te were able to work together over the next several months, talking to each other, for example, on the sidelines of the u.n. general assembly. they called those meetings substantive, constructive. they were still going as of late last night, going over some
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agenda items for the meeting, things that they wanted to emphasize, things that they wanted to deemphasize. that will all sort of culminate when the leaders sit down later today. for president biden's part, he has been reading up. he's been talking to his advisers. he's sort of gone through scenarios for how this meeting might go. things that the president xi might raise, how he might respond to them. but certainly the midterm elections are giving him a boost, and you are seeing it on the international stage, rosemary. >> let's turn to ivan. i wanted to ask you what xi jinping is hoping to get out of this meeting? >> reporter: well, you know, he's been talking since he got this precedent-breaking third term in office in last month's communist party congress about threats to china's national security. he was dressed up in military fatigues just last week talking about the need for china's military to be prepared for war. one of his chief complaints about the u.s. is he accuses it
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of creating cliques, as the chinese state media describes it, basically coalitions with other countries that beijing sees as isolating and surrounding china. this is like the u.s. deal with britain to provide nuclear submarines to australia. the quad, which is the u.s. and japan and india and australia working together doing -- conducting joint exercises. and you do see xi jinping, after years of relative isolation due to the pandemic, coming to bali, making an outreach, face-to-face for the first time not only with the u.s. president, also he is going to meet with the french president, emmanuel macron, and with the australian prime minister, we've just learned, with whom relations have been very tense as well. chinese diplomats, chinese state media, have acknowledged how bad the relationship is with washington right now.
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they place the blame squarely on the u.s. for that. but in the same breath, they're saying, it is important to talk to try to prevent further deterioration of this relationship. when the white house says it wants to establish guardrails to avoid the competition between beijing and washington, to turn into a conflict, china responds by saying, there are already guardrails. they are a series of joint agreements between washington and beijing that go back to the '70s and '80s where the former diplomatic relations between these two countries were first established. and so they are accusing the u.s. of betraying these agreements where it's clear that the white house kind of wants an upgrade. let's move this forward and acknowledge we're now competitors and establish a new system of rules. so it may be far too much to
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expect that to be established here at this meeting, but even the chinese very hawkish state media is conceding, this is important, there needs to be a face-to-face meeting, and countries in the region want to see these two leaders meeting face-to-face to reduce the tensions across asia and the indo-pacific. >> ivan, we've been taking live pictures. we just saw chinese president xi jinping, his plane has landed there in bali, indonesia. he's disembarked from the plane with china's first lady. and he is there, of course, for the g20 summit. but probably what most people are waiting for is this face-to-face meeting that president xi will have with u.s. president joe biden, who is there, and of course he has the wind at his back as we heard after his midterm election wins. and we shall see what comes of that face-to-face meeting. the first between the two
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leaders since joe biden has taken office. they did meet again way back in 2011 when body of these leaders were vice presidents. so we thank our ivan watson and kevin lap tack, both joining us from bali, indonesia. police have arrested a suspect in connection with a deadly explosion in the heart of istanbul. we'll have the latest on that investigation. and from liberation to restoration. a freed ukrainian city tries to rebuild after it was ravaged by russia. ahead, why the road to recovery could be long and exhausting. create something new? our dell technologies advisors can provovide you with the tools and expertise you need toto bring out the innovator in youou.
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explosion which happened on a busy street in the heart of turkey's largest city. turkey's health minister says about half of those injured remain hospitalized. an eyewitness described what he saw, and a warning, some of the details are disturbing. >> there was a fire on the ground that scattered beside it, a few dead bodies, missing ligaments. one man missing a leg. it was a very gruesome sight, as everyone around me was totally scattered and panicked. and several people injured, bleeding from their ears. bleeding from their legs. and several people crying all around. >> for more on this we go to cnn's scott mcclain. he joins us live from london. scott, what more are you learning? >> reporter: rosemary, the news an arrest of the suspect had been made came from the turkish interior minister who said the arrest was made by police in istanbul overnight. and prior to that, 21 other
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people had been taken into custody. he said as a preliminary finding, at least, that the blame he was assigning at that point was on the militant separatist group the pkk, which is considered a terror group by not only turkey but also by the u.s. and the european union. though he did not explain precisely how exactly the link between the suspect and the pkk was made. yesterday was a beautiful day in istanbul. the weather was perfect. the street is a busy pedestrian street popular with tourists. also popular with locals as well. and obviously this blast turned a perfect sunday afternoon into a war zone in a heartbeat. for the next few hours, authorities started combing through cctv footage to try to figure out where exactly that blast originated from. we got news from the justice minister who said that on the security footage, you can see a
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woman walk up to a bench, put a bag down, then sit down for more than 40 minutes. she gets up, she leaves the bag behind, and one or two minutes later, that blast goes off. obviously there's still a lot of unanswered questions about what precisely detonated that device, assuming that it was, in fact, inside of that bag. whether or not there was a timer on it, whether she or some other person would have detonated that somehow remotely. as for the battle with the kurdish separatist groups, this is something that turkey has been dealing with for the last four decades or so. this has cost tens of thousands of lives over the decades. the justice minister or the interior minister, i should say, vowed there would be a response, saying that those who cause this pain would experience their own pain in time. now, istanbul is no stranger to terror attacks, either. though things have been relatively quiet for the last
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five or six years, but between isis and these turkish -- and these kurdish militant groups, 2016 was a particularly bad year. perhaps there were few other countries on earth that year that were more scarred by terrorism than turkey. and many of those attacks took place in very public places, like this one, one of the most famous streets if not the most famous street in the city. the victims include a young married couple, a mother and her 15-year-old daughter, and a 9-year-old boy who was with a male relative. there were more than 80 people who were injured. most of them, well over half, have been released from hospital but there are still, at last word, five who were in intensive care right now. of course, president erdogan continued on with his trip to the g20 summit in indonesia. he has arrived there. he had a lot on his plate. he has been working hard to try to broker some kind of agreement
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to get the russians and ukrainians talking again. perhaps now another thing on his agenda will be talking to allies about getting more security assistance to deal with terrorism. >> such a tragedy. scott mcclain live from london with the details, appreciate it. still to come, allegations of russian war crimes in kherson. ukraine says it has documented hundreds of cases since liberating the city. what the president is pledging to do about it. ♪ you said close your eyes don't t look down ♪ ♪ fall into me and d i'll catch you, darlin ♪ ♪ we'll dance in the street like nobobody's watching ♪ ♪ it's just you and me... ♪ celebrate every kiss. get financing that fits your budget with low monthly payments.
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up its attacks in the newly liberated portions of the kherson region. this as ukraine is taking stock of the widespread damage russian troops already left behind. ukrainian officials say russia employed scorched-earth tactics when it withdrew, destroying most of the city's critical infrastructure. the area has also been littered with mines, one of which reportedly injured a family of four. as nic robertson reports, residents in kherson now face a long road to recovery. >> reporter: people are still celebrating their liberation. we were down in the main central square on sunday. people gathering there. there was somebody playing the trumpet. playing the national anthem. people singing along, cheering and clapping. but you know, there's a real sense of now the city is liberated, but how is it going to reconnect to reintegrate with the rest of ukraine? the russians on their way out destroyed so much. they destroyed the phone connection, the internet
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connection. so in that central square you had people with their cell phones out trying to get wi-fi connection to the satellite connections that some of the soldiers laugh there. also by late to the day on sunday as well, the government was putting up a temporary cell phone service tower in the square in the middle of the city so that people could get connected with loved ones across the country. the government has a message for people. it's still not safe to come back, there's still the possibility of mines, booby-traps, soty stay away. the electricity is off, it's dark. there's no water. we went to one of the places where people are getting water in the city, a well that's being pumped right next to the river. the river, of course, isn't clean. the water that's coming out is not safe to drink. people have been going there now, they told us, the past four days since the russians left and destroyed the water system in the city.
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this is water that they can use to wash, but not to drink. so the problems here are huge. the government says they want to tackle the electricity problem first, get that up ask running, get the water up and running. we went to the hospital as well sunday, and there the doctors told us that a lot of their equipment's been taking away. they don't have electricity either. they told us when they do surgeries, it's from the light of their cell phones. the situation here is still really difficult. people are happy to be liberated but wondering how they're going to be reconnected, reunited, with the rest of the country. nic robertson, cnn, kherson, ukraine. still to come, they say the pen is mightier than the sword, but what about a paint brush? or maybe even a spray can? we'll explain when we come back. e it, it just confirms... this. is. fantastic. and only at panera. $1 delivery fee on our app.
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continues, the street artist known as banksy appears to be sending a message to the world that the ukrainian spirit is stronger than any of vladimir putin's explosives . >> reporter: the bombed-out buildings of ukraine, the latest canvas for street artist banksy. murals in the secretive artist's signature style have been spotted recently in kyiv and nearby towns. this one in a town besieged by the russians in the early weeks of the invasion, until ukrainian reforces retook the town in april. banksy confirming his handiwork by posting pictures of it on his verified instagram account. the murals drawing a steady stream of visitors, many with their own interpretations of the artwork. this man says he thinks the gymnast balancing on a pile of rubble is ukraine. he says, "it's a symbol that we're unbreakable and our country is unbreakable.
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and despite the fact that it's destroyed, we will rebuild everything." there is a trail of murals throughout the area, though these haven't been officially claimed by banksy. the scene of a child flipping a man in a judo uniform who some say looks like president vladimir putin. another mural shows a gymnast performing a routine despite wearing a neck brace. other scenes of not so ordinary life painted on buildings that seem unfit to live in, in towns also destroyed by the russians. possible calling cards from the anonymous artist whose trip to ukraine might have been secret, but his message in this war zone is clear. michael holmes, cnn. >> thanks for joining us. i'm rosemary church. for international viewers, "world sport" is next. for everybody else, i'll be back with more news in just a moment. i'm a vegas hotel.
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this hour. fresh results from tuesday's u.s. midterm elections. in oregon's 5th congressional district, cnn projects elizabeth laurie chavez dorima beat democrat jamie mccloud skinner. this is a pickup for republicans and a huge victory. votes are still being counted as control of the house remains up for grabs nearly a week after polls close. republicans need six of the remaining uncalled seats to take the majority in the house. meantime, democrats are celebrating a big victory after retaining control of the senate with a win in nevada on saturday. in georgia's senate race, some of the pressure is off incumbent raphael warnock and his challenger, herschel walker. next month's runoff election between them will not affect the balance of power in the senate, although the extra seat would help democrats enormously in procedural ways. but that's certainly not keeping the two men and the political parties behind them from pushing
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ahead with their efforts to win in december. nadia romero has more. >> reporter: back on the campaign trail for the senate runoff election here in georgia, reverend raphael warnock and herschel walker both making different campaign stops all throughout the weekend. we are here at more house college, a historically black college in atlanta, this is where raphael warnock did really well during the last election. we also know herschel walker is making his campaign stops as well. let's take a look at the exit poll and some of the highlights from that exit poll when it comes to warnock's voters. he was able to really dominate voters of color. 81% voted for warnock. 69% of those voters were 18 to 29 years old. 68% were urban voters. that just shows wear his bread and butter is. and that's why reverend warnock was her outside of more house college, went inside of an
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event, one of the biggest rappers in the world, trying to speak to the youth, trying to speak to people history to get back out and vote. i want you to hear from raphael warnock and herschel walker on what they're telling their supporters this weekend. >> i'm reaching out to the folks who didn't vote for me the last time. maybe they voted for the libertarian candidate, maybe they voted for herschel walker. i want you to ask yourself a serious question. who do you think is really ready? >> if you voted last time, vote for me again. but tell the people that didn't vote for me, they need to vote for me. they didn't vote for me, they're going to have the government running their lives. >> reporter: look at herschel walker's voters, very different from raphael warnock's. 70% of white voters voted for herschel walker. 58% were 65 and older. warnock did well with the youth vote. 63% were rural voters. that's why you saw herschel walker on sunday in peachtree city, an area that's going to be much more rural and have more white voters than you would see
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in the city of atlanta. both candidate knows they have less than a month until the runoff election on december 6th. the u.s. transportation security administration is admitting to multiple failures after a man with two box cutters was allowed onto a commercial flight over the weekend. he allegedly threatened passengers midflight as they were headed from kentucky to tampa, florida. and the plane had to be diverted to atlanta where the man was taken into custody. the tsa says agents did not fully use the screening technology at their disposal, and also returned visible blades to the passenger even after an inspection. no one on the flight was injured. the agency says employees nationwide will be given reminders on the proper protocols in this type of situation. we are still more than five weeks away from the official start of winter here in the
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united states, but for many, the frigid temperatures are already here. about 28 million people are under freeze alerts from the northeast in washington, d.c. and philadelphia, down to the southeast here in atlanta, where they've opened a warming center for the homeless community. and there are also winter weather advisories in parts of the midwest and southwest. so let's bring in meteorologist pedest . the northeast is used to cold conditions, but not in the south, particularly atlanta. >> temperatures, notice the southern portion of the united states, middle 30s. compared to what's happening in the northeastern united states, they're used to it. it is colder in montgomery, alabama, than in boston, massachusetts, at this hour in temps across the south, comparable to what's happening across the midwest. it is going to get only colder
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in the coming several days across a large area of the eastern u.s. windchills in atlanta into the 30s. nashville feels like 24 at this hour. chicago, it feels warmer than in nashville, tennessee. notice portions of the upper midwest, temps in duluth about 22. windchills even colder. notice the next several days. temps dropping to the 30s in chicago. atlanta, we should be close to 65 degrees across this region. only 50 to 55 over the next several days. st. louis, a couple of notches shy of 60 this time of year. they'll be down into the 30s. look at these temperatures of what we expect on monday afternoon. climatologically, these are the dates you should see these temperatures. in fact, really what makes this most impressive to me is how warm it was just a few days ago. nashville, it was 73 degrees. the average is 62. we don't do average, we go 30 degrees cooler on saturday, down
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to 43. the coldest air we've seen since march 12th. with that dramatic shift from a hurricane about a week ago to having subfreezing temperatures in a few spots is really what's shocked the system. this is the forecast for late this week, early next week. essentially ushering in the biggest travel days of the year next week. we're going to expect colder air continuing into next week. if you're not a fan, hang in another week or so before it warms up. >> pedram, many thanks. authorities in the bahamas are investigating possible criminal misconduct in this week's stunning implosion of the cryptocurrency exchange ftx. the company, headquartered in the bahamas, is one of the largest crypto exchanges in the world. but ftx saw a massive financial collapse that compelled the ceo to resign earlier this week and
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drove the company into bankruptcy. cnn's brian todd has more. >> reporter: it wasn't long ago sam bankman fried was called the mark zuckerberg of crypto, a modern-day j.p. morgan. in a week the 30-year-old founder and ceo of ftx, the mega powerful crip cocurrency exchange has resigned, lost his fortune, his firm's in bankruptcy. by thursday in a twitter thread to investors and customers, he was saying, "i'm sorry, i f'd up and should have done better." >> in some ways this collapse of ftx is the lehman brothers moment of the crypto world. it is a classic financial crisis. >> reporter: at its peak, ftx was worth $32 billion. it had backers like nfl superstar quarterback tom brady, his soon to be ex-wife, supermodel gisele bundchen, tennis star naomi osaka. its value has plummeted, once over $15 billion, cratered to $1
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billion in a single day. the nba's miami heat had its venue renamed as ftx arena just last year. butted now that name's coming off the building. the mete meteoric collapse of ftx was triggered last week when serious questions were raised about the health of its finances. those questions ignited a run on the bank-like crisis. >> a rush to withdraw several billion dollars' worth of cryptocurrency from the exchange that put ftx in and sam bankman fried where effectively his company ran out of money. >> reporter: in july when he did an interview with "cnn business," sam bachmann freed discussed the danger of ponzi schemes in crypto. >> when you have something which is basically an empty product, which i think is true of some places, some assets in crypto, you know, that is something where there's certainly crash
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potential. >> reporter: ftx's fall has more than a hint of irony. comedian larry david did an ad for ftx, portraying a buffoon who missed the boat on big inventions. >> i call it -- the wheel! >> hm. i don't think so. what does it do? >> reporter: at the end of the spot, david's presented with an offer. >> ftx, a safe way to get into crypto. >> i don't think so. and i'm never wrong about this stuff, never. >> reporter: now analysts are warning about the real future of the cryptocurrency market. >> i think that the private crypto market, meaning digital coin that is not backed by a central bank, is going to be in for a major correction. you've already seen that. i think regulators have a great case now to say, nobody should be trading this stuff. we need a lot more rules. >> reporter: and now, according to "the wall street journal," both the justice department and
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the securities and exchange commission are investigating ftx. and the man who ftx has appointed its new ceo is john ray iii, who helped manage the notorious energy firm enron after its collapse in an accounting fraud scandal in 2001. thanks for joining us. i'm rosemary church. i'll be back with more news in just a moment.
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