tv CNN Newsroom CNN November 15, 2022 12:00pm-1:00pm PST
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this is cnn breaking news. it's the top of the hour on "cnn newsroom." i'm alisyn camerota. >> i'm victor blackwell, the membership in poland is convening its national security council after reports of two rockets, missiles landing on polish territory and killing two people. >> it is not confirmed where the projectiles came from and who fired them. they apparently hit a farm near poland's border. let's bring in cnn international correspondent sam kiley. he's following this breaking story from ukraine, also with us cnn anchor and jim sciutto, also cnn senior white house correspondent phil mattingly who's traveling with president biden in asia, and we have cnn
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military analyst and retired air force colonel cedric leighton. sam, you're on the ground in ukraine. what have you been able to learn about this? >> reporter: well, just as we were coming to air, i don't know if you noticed but the lights went out here, and that is because we are now a city that is joining 7 million other people around the ukrainian nation who have been cut off from the electrical supply by this massive bombardment of cruise and other missiles fired by russia against ukraine. now, we know that whilethis has been going on, two projectiles have landed inside polish territory, causing considerable devastation on a farm killing two people in or near that location. we understand it's about five kilometers from the ukrainian border, so inevitably the speculation will be -- this will be what the polish security council is meeting to discuss. they'll have their experts already on the ground assessing how or rather what these missiles were and where they
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came from and also, nato's had aircraft in the air monitoring the air space over poland, the nato country. so that information as to who fired these missiles and how did these missiles or these projectiles end up in poland killing people. that is critical because if they were to assess, for example, that these missiles were fired deliberately against poland, that would be an act of war that would trigger article 5 of the nato convention. that would be the one for all and all for one convention, which means that the other member states of nato would be committed to whatever poland would want to do in recompense against whoever fired that missile, i think that is the doomsday most unlikely scenario. many, many missile interceptions over the many months i've been covering the war hear. t here. the likelihood is this is the remains of a missile shot down by ukraine. that doesn't necessarily mean that the russians will get off on this as a mere accident,
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because this is a missile if it landed five kilometers inside ukrainian territory was very, very close, arguably even already inside polish territory if indeed it was shot down. this is the areas of speculation and investigation and the experts will be getting into. just as this all unfolded, we already heard from lithuania, estonia, two baltic nations very anxious indeed about this kind of scenario, reinforcing their commitment right off the bat ahead of any kind of conclusion reached by the polls that they are fully committed to the one for all and all for one article 5 convention within nato. so this is a moment of extreme international tension, not one, frankly, that people who have been involved in this war feel is particularly unexpected, but one that is going to send shock waves around the world right around the world from china to washington as people try to figure out what happens next.
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>> phil, let's come to you now. it is the very early morning there in bali where the president's attending the g20. are we hearing anything yet from the white house? >> reporter: yeah, it is 4:00 a.m. here obviously, most white house officials not awake or at least weren't were this all happened, and i think what this moment underscores w s whe you talk to white house official, they understand the stakes. the tension is very real. more than anything else they need information. we kwot a tweet from the national security council spoke spokeswoman, adrian watson tweeting we've seen these reports out of poland and are working with the polish government to gather more information. we cannot confirm reports or any of the details at this time. we will determine what happened and what the appropriate next steps will be. president biden has two more events on his schedule later today before he departs bali to head back to washington. this is the final day of his six-day foreign trip across
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three different summits. it is here in ball i where russia's war against ukraine has been a focus. u.s. officials have been working furiously behind the scenes to try to get as many g20 members to sign on to a declaration condemning russia's actions. side discussions here if they aren't related specifically on the military side of things, they're working on the economic side, the energy side, the food side, this has been the central focus of this g20 summit, and that will obviously be ramped up as world leaders wake up or as they're grappling with this new information right now. one thing to be sure of according to the white house officials i've spoken to, they are very intensely focused on this. they do not have the final answers yet, but they are absolutely searching for them at this moment. they know the stakes, even president biden was in poland in march of this year just seven months ago visiting u.s. troops that are stationed there as part of the nato defense front lines and making very clear the commitment to article 5 that no
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inch of nato territory should be a bridged basically, whether or not this encompasses that, still very much an open question, guys. >> so colonel, i mean, it's hard to imagine, i think, tell me if i'm wrong, that russia would intentionally fire a missile into poland. they know the consequence oss o that. if this were the nscenario thata russian missile was lobbed, ukrainians shot it down, killed two people. then what is the response from poland? >> yeah, that presents a few problems, doesn't it? that is probably a lakikely scenario at this point. what would happen, i think -- would express great regret at the situation if they were actually shooting down these mis missiles, if the missiles weren't shot down and they were russian missiles without any interference if you will from a ukrainian air defense, then of course that's a completely
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different issue so the polls and the ukrainians would work something out if it were the first scenario. if it's the second scenario, then i think the poles would, you know, at the very least use diplomatic efforts to go after the russians and it could potentially escalate into something where nato develops a coherent response whether that's a military or an economic or diplomatic response. of course another issue. but i suspect what we're seeing here is we're going to stay in the lane of the diplomatic and the economic at least for now. >> jim, to you. many questions still to be answered, the most important who and what. who's responsible and exactly what happened. but does this akt eighth monthso this war fit putin's m.o. that this would be an intentional rocket or missile fired over into nato territory? >> frankly, no. first of all, let's just caution here it's very early, even the u.s. military and nato officials
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are making very clear they don't know exactly the circumstances here. if you look at the the information we have so far, the more likely scenario is that this was accidental as opposed to intentional, and possibly as sam referenced, a russian missile that was hit by an air defense system and then came down on polish territory. no one is confirming that are the circumstances here, but that is the likely scenario. i spoke to a u.s. lawmaker on the house intelligence committee a few minutes ago who said that that kind of circumstance, he's surf surprised it hasn't happened yet, in fact, in some nine months of war now since the russian invasion going back to february, given the volume, the many hundreds of missiles that russia has fired at ukrainian territory including in the western part of the country, very close to the polish border. given the number of missiles in the air, that this hasn't happened yet, right? a more likely than not
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accidental as opposed to intentional strike. and as a u.s. military fibl i've known for a number of years remained me, the russians don't always have the greatest aim. we've seen that with strikes intended for military facilities that hit non-milt tmilitary facilities. et cetera. we have to factors that in before we discuss scenarios where nato is invoking article 5 to go to war with russia to defend their own. we're not there yet. this shows the tremendous danger of waging a war on europe's largest country and firing an incredible amount of munitions at that country with frequency and not always the accuracy that you would like. frankly, russia often doesn't care what it hits, right, on ukrainian territory. they deliberately target civilians and other targets. that's something to keep in mind. before we get to a space here where we have nato declaring war on russia or a coordinated military response, the facts don't justify that at this point. now, we do know that u.s.
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officials, nato officials are looking at this very closely to know exactly what happened, and even short of, say, invoking article 5 given that two citizens of poland appear to have died in this attack, you can expect some response. once they have the facts determined, that's what we should be looking for as the most likely skoutcome here. >> we're getting new information. the russia defense ministry has just come out with a statement. they say the statements of the polish media and officials about the alleged fall of russian in quotations, missiles in the area of the settlement of that farm is a deliberate provocation in order to escalate the situation. they go on to say, there were no strikes made on targets near the ukrainian, polish state border. your response? >> well, that's not true. it's absolutely not true. we were that there were strikes, attempted strikes and i believe
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actual strikes not very far from lviv. lviv is not very far from the polish border: i think what is also troubling about this statement is that it has come out very, very quickly, and it means that the russians have climbed a very long way up the tree of denial, a denial that is going to be very difficult for them to reverse, but it could well be that this is some other kind of military accident, as jim was absolutely right to point out. we don't know even much more than the barest facts which is that two projectiles have landed inside polish territory, a nato member killing two poles on a farm not very far from the board border. >> let me come to you, colonel. they say there was this deliberate provocation in order to escalate the situation. frankly, colonel, that is what we've heard from the russians at every turn of this invasion.
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they called the atrocities in bucha and in mariupol and the hits on residential buildings and schools and hospitals, they blame those on others when it is clear that the russians have been responsible for those. so that line of this is a deliberate provocation is undermind by eun undermined by everything we've seen throughout this invasion. >> it certainly is undermined by that, victor. there's no question that the russians will obfuscate and make things seem different than they actually are. the fact of the matter is that it's very clear that the russians were attacking targets in western ukraine. they were attacking targets near lviv, which is not too far from this polish village that was hit. and it's very clear also that they've attacked these areas before. so it's highly likely that this
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russian missile, if this missile is a russian missile, first of all, and secondly that either it hit a target that it may not have intended to hit or that it was shot down by ukrainian air defense or something happened to it, you know, in mid-flight. but regardless of what happened, the russians are clearly responsible for this kind of an attack, and they're responsible for this missile being launched in the first place. there was no other source where that missile would have come from. there's no logic to the idea that, say, ukraine would have done something like this, whether the poles would have done it to themselves. so those things, you know, would be discarded right away in terms of any investigation of this from an intelligence perspective. >> phil, we have to believe, of course, that the pentagon and the white house have war gamed out a scenario like this, even if it were an accident, and so has president biden ever talked about what the u.s. response would be to something like this?
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>> i mean, i think the ambiguity about what actually happened kind of makes it a little bit difficult to exactly identify where the president would come down on this, where allies would come down on this. obviously if this were a deliberate or intentional attack on a nato ally, the president has been unequivocal about what the response would be in terms of triggering the article 5 commitments. he did it on the ground in poland. he's done it several times since, and obviously the fact that u.s. troops are on the ground in poland as well, who the president actually visited in march when he was there, seemed to underscore that point. i would note, though, as everybody has laid out, sam and jim, the colonel, the facts here are extraordinarily important. this is a very, very tense situation. i think jim noted this as well. there have been white house officials that i've spoken to over the last several months that have been keenly aware this was a possibility, not necessarily any intentional act, but because of the lack of targeting, because of the just sheer amount of munitions and missiles that have been fired over the course of the last
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several months that something like an accident or something that wasn't intended could actually happen and what would they do in that case. i think it's fair to say that the pentagon officials, white house officials, national security council officials have been gaming out any number of scenarios over the course of the last eight or nine months. but i think this one in particular, now that we've seen something actually happen, white house officials are extremely focused on finding out just exactly what happened. once they find out what happened, they obviously are already in communication with polish allies, they will speak to nato allaies. the president is on the ground here with world leaders. the g-7 leaders are here as well before there was any kind of response, one thing we know from this president and the way his foreign policy team has operated. they don't want to do anything unila unilat unilateral ly. anything they would do would be done in consultation not just with poland, but also with the other leaders that have been so closely unified and aligned over the course of the last eight or
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nine months in response to russia's actions, that is almost a guaranteed path forward. but again, the big wild card here is finding out exactly what happened. and as everyone has noted, that is the primary number one focus at the moment before they figure out what they're going to be doing next. >> sure, understood. okay, sam kiley, jim schuette, phil mattingly, thank you very much. >> there was a state department briefing and much like what we heard from the department of defense or the white house that they are still looking into that, they are in communication withallies. no confirmation even from the state department about what happened across the worder there -- border there in poland. here stateside, kevin mccarthy has been nominated to be the next speaker of the house if the republican party gets the majority. we'll have more on that just ahead. also on capitol hill, the fbi director warned lawmakers that anti-government extremism is still a risk and that domestic violence extremism is the most lethal threat right now. more on that.
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republicans appear close to securing control of the house, and if that happens, california republican current minority leader kevin mccarthy looks likely to become the next speaker of the house second in line to the presidency. the congressman won an internal party election in the last hour, but his party still has not secure control of the house. they are just a few races shy, though, of winning the majority. >> the gop underperformed expectations in the mid terms. they failed to win back the senate, and their expected majority in the lower chamber will be smaller than they'd hoped. that disappointment has one
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republican senator now saying this. >> i think that this election was the funeral for the republican party as we know it. the republican party as we have known it is dead, and voters have made that clear. >> we need to have a conversation about our core convictions as a party, and clearly this party is going to have to actually -- it's going to have to be different or we're not going to be a majority party in this country. >> let's go now to cnn congressional correspondent jessica dean. what was the vote on kevin mccarthy's win? >> so that was 188 to 31. remember, he just needed a simple majority to get through to this phase, and he will need the full 218 in january, so those 31 votes he didn't get, it really shows you just how much work kevin mccarthy has to do between now and then. a member of the freedom caucus, andy biggs running against him. again, he is poised to be the speaker of the house should the republicans take control, but he is going to have to do some cobbling together to get to that
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218 and make some deals. he was always expected to have to do deals with the house freedom caucus. with this margin likely to be so small, it really makes it all the harder. he's going to need the support from it. nearly every person he can get to get where he wants to go in terms of being speaker of the house. and i'd also like to take us back to the senate for one second. i just came over from their policy lunch. they normally meet both parties on tuesdays. normally they've been over for hours now. this is the republican policy lunch is now stretching into its second hour. it's going on much longer than it normally does. senator kevin cramer telling cnn it's largely about whether or not to delay the vote on their leadership which is slated to take place tomorrow. my colleague ma gnaw raju reporting that florida senator rick scot t has decided to challenge mitch mcconnell. it's really more of a protest he's doing. it's a long shot that scott would beat mcconnell. it is the first real challenger he's ever had as gop leader and
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it really underscores that as we stand here today a week after these elections that republicans both on the house and the senate are simply not where they thought they would be. they thought they would be in much different positions. there's a lot of blame to go around, and there is a lot of back and forth over what the way forward should be. so it remains to be seen if they will decide to delay those elections tomorrow for the senate or if they will keep that on task and go forward with it on wednesday, victor and alisyn, we'll of course keep our eye on that. we're expecting to hear from senate minority leader mitch mcconnell and other members of leadership soon. >> thank you very much for the latest from capitol hill. let's check in now to see just how close republicans are to winning the house. cnn anchor john berman has been tracking the election count. what are the latest numbers? >> i think they're wicked close is the clinical term. >> i understand that. >> they have 215 seats called for them right now. they're just three seats away from clinching the majority.
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there are 16 uncalled races at this point. of those 16 uncalled races, republicans lead in six, democrats lead in ten, so they only need three of the six they currently lead in. one of the six maybe most likely, there's a lot going on in california, where we think of california as a blue state. it's such a big state with so many districts, there are plenty of republican leaning districts here as well, including down here. not terribly far from san diego. this is california's 41st district, you can see ken calvert who's a three decades serving republican in the house, he's ahead by some 5,000 votes at this point. 82% in, things look good for him, not terribly far away, south of los angeles you have this district here, this is california's 45th incumbent, michelle steele is leading jay ten, 13,000 vote margin hear, 78% reporting. this is actually a democratic leading district, but turnout often favors the republicans there. ask then you go to the border with nevada up here, and there's at district which actually tilts republican.
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this is an r plus one district, and kevin kiley is leading kermit jones by 9,000 votes or so, a lot of vote left to count, but leaning his way. i just identified three, three california races that would get republicans over the top they'd be fine. then you go to colorado right now, you have lauren boebert, the election-denying conservative. she is leading by about 1,100 votes, 99% reporting. almost everything counted except for overseas, ab sen tea. democrats are kind of clinging onto hope that maybe that will help him, but that would be a tall, tall climb for the democrats at this point. so you can see republicans, they just have to win where they're currently now leading and that would give them the majority they need, guys. >> democrats winning -- mathematically possible, but as you show us throughout the map across the country, it's likely that the republicans will cross that threshold soon. >> the democrats would need to win 14, 14 seats right now.
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they're currently leading in ten. they would knneed to hold every blue seat and then somehow flip four of the ones leaning red at this point, and none of them, honestly, this one may be the best chance for them. he was a republican incumbent who voted for impeachment. this is a very democratic district. it's plus 12, d. the democrats still have a chance here even though they're down 3,000, just 40% in. this may give them one. to get them the other four they would need it is a steep climb. math mathically possible, but tough. let's discuss further. cnn's senior political analyst, elizabeth troy a former homeland security official and counterterrorism adviser to former vice president make pence. the reporting from jessica dean that mitch mcconnell will have a challenge symbolic because it doesn't look like at this point that rick scott has enough votes to actually win the minority
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leader role, but what do you make of that news? >> listen, before the midterm results came in for the senate, you had rick scott and mitch mcconnell trying to figure out who was going to get the most credit for the senate going back over to republican hands, right? that was the discussion going on between their two camps, and now you've got disarray in some ways in terms of the republican party, in terms of what happened not only in the house but the senate as well. and so i think in rick scott you have someone who has designs on running for the white house in 2024. he very much wants to use his position in the senate and as the leader of the re-election campaign for senators and the attempts to capture the senate, he wanted to kruse it as a spri board to run for president, and now that plan looks like it's in shambles. but i think he still wants to establish himself as sort of the
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anti-mitch mcconnell, anti-establishment. we'll see where this goes likely up in flames. he's not someone who's very well-liked by the republican conference there in the senate, and certainly i think people have much more confidence in mitch mcconnell because mitch mcconnell didn't like all of the trump candidates, right? he sort of fwgrudgingly backed those people. messy, messy, messy over on the senate side as far as republicans are concerned. >> olivia, let's talk about what's going to happen tonight. donald trump is expected to make a big announcement of some kind. it could be anything. as we know, he's unpredictable, but the reporting is that he will be announcing a third tray for the presidency. it's interesting because republicans, other elected republicans are now saying out loud that they don't necessarily like this idea. they yauzused to say it as you know behind the scenes, but they are sounding emboldened. here are a few examples of
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people speaking out. j j. >> when when you learned later that he was watching all of this unfold on tv? >> i can't account for what the president wassin doing that day. i was at a loading dock at the capitol, a riot was taking place. >> do you believe that donald trump should ever be president again? >> david, i think that's up to the american people. but i think we'll have better choices in the future. >> do you believe you can beat donald trump? >> well, that would be for others to say, and it'd be for us to decide whether or not we'd want to test that. >> certainly not entitled to it, and i certainly won't be making any decision, you know, this soon. >> do you think he's the best candidate for your party? >> oh, i don't know that he's the best candidate for the party or the worst. again, that's something we'll decide a year from now. >> i would like to see the party move forward. i think anytime you, you know, are focused on the future, you can't so much go to the past.
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>> we need as a party to move past president trump. >> fealty to donald trump is the primary criteria for selecting candidates, we're probably not going to do really well. >> war hat are your thoughts asu hear all of that? >> well, it's is earncertainly interesting. it's going to be fascinating to watch. i think it's going to get really ugly very quickly. look, everything i'm hearing is that trump will announce that he's running tonight, and look, i don't think he'll have a policy platform that he'll be presenting. he never really does. i think it's going to be mud slinging right out of the gate. he's going to be attacking desantis, others he's already been attacking. it will be interesting to see what he says about mike pence since his book is being released today and he's got all these media appearances happening right now. i hope there will be better choices for the party instead of
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this wrecking ball of destruction that donald trump has been, but we've seen this show before and, look, i think that if he runs, he has a very good chance of being the republican nominee. >> olivia, we just played some of abc news's interview with the former vice president, and he wouldn't go there. do you think that he should be reelected, well, that will be for others to decide. can you beat him? why doesn't he just say it, full throated, assertive answers to these questions about trump, about his own political future, you know him better than anyone on the screen right now. why does he just canikind of go of the way there? >> well, one, look, mike pence is not a confrontational person. he never has been. his demeanor is to sort of just be more quiet. the gentleman approach, which i think when it comes to donald trump, you can't do that. and i think at some point mike pence is going to have to decide whether he's going to fight with the boxing gloves in the ring
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with donald trump or he's going to get taken out. i think he's being very careful. i think he's already in a difficult, challenging position given that trump supporters hate him. they think he's a traitor to our country. i would say the opposite. i would say the personal that they follow is actually the traitor to our democracy, but i think, you know, i think he's in a tough spot. i think he'll have to tout the accomplishments of the trump presidency that he was a part of while separating himself and saying i am a normal, rational, conservative from the reagan era because i know he loves president reagan and i am at least sane compared to the donald trump option. >> the i'm at least sane is the winning motto for candidates nowadays. >> go gop. >> yeah, exactly. thank you very much. we have more on our breaking news ahead, reports that mi missiles or rockets or projectiles of some kind have landed in poland killing two
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ukrainian president zelenskyy just said that russian missiles hit poland saying, quote, the terror is not limited to our national borders, end quote. >> but the u.s. has not yet confirmed exactly what happened. reports say that two projectiles hit a polish farm near the border with ukraine and that two people have been killed. now, it is unclear where the missiles or the rockets come from or who's responsible. cnn's oren liebermann joins us now live from the pentagon. we also have with us cnn anchor and chief national security correspondent jim sciutto back with us. how is the defense secretary responding to this? >> reporter: first, we anticipate a call between defense secretary lloyd us a til austin and his polish counterpart. that comes as the u.s. and the pentagon try to get a better understanding of exactly what happened here. the pentagon is being incredibly careful. in a press briefing just a short t time ago, the press secretary
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said they're aware of the reports, they're trying to get a better sense of what happened. no definitive statement on what caused the explosions or the deaths or crucially where they came from. was it russia that fired these missiles. we've already seen the ukrainian accusation and the russian denial claiming that images have nothing to do with russian weapons. the u.s. looking for a lot more clarity and understanding than a simple russian statement. asked whether there was any change to u.s. force posture or any steps the u.s. was taking, here's what the pentagon had to say just a short time ago. >> and when it comes to force protection, we always take the safety and security of our troops, no matter where they're serving, very seriously, and so we're very confident any force protection measures that we take whether it be poland or elsewhere. but again, you know, we're not going to get ahead of ourselves hear. we here. we're going to get the facts. >> you heard that emphasis at
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the end, the getting the facts. they have not seen any information to corroborate this was a missile attack on poland or these were missiles. they're looking for that information and certainly we keep pressing them on what information they have or what they're looking for to corroborate what happened here. the pent gagon isn't going to g ahead of the white house and the u.s. isn't going to get ahead of poland in coming out with some of that information. >> jim, you have also cautioned not to get ahead of ourselves here. what happens next particularly as it relates to nato? >> caution is the word, i spoke to a nato official who said the following we are looking into these reports closely coordinating with our ally poland. caution is the word hear. they want to confirm exactly what happened before they decide on a response. and there are multiple possibilities. this could have been a russian missile. it came at the same time as many other russian missiles were fired across the territory of ukraine including the western part of ukraine bordering poland. so it came at the time of
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russian missile strikes. it's possible this was a russian missile that went off target. it's possible it was a russian missile hit by ukrainian air defense, and then went off target. it's also possible as a military official rised t raised to me t was a ukrainian air defense missile that missed its target or rick saochetted off its targ with that range of possibilities they want to get their ducks in a row first, u.s. and nato allies before they decide on a response. to be clear, they are taking this very seriously because something deadly struck nato territory in the midst of an ongoing war in ukraine brought by russia and in the midst of a war russia has been firing indiscriminately hundreds of missiles. a u.s. lawmaker said he was surf praised this -- surprised this hasn't happened yet. to oren's point and what i'm hearing from nato, they want to know first what happened here. then they will decide on a
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response. >> jim sciutto, oren liebermann, thank you very much for all of the reporting, and we'll be right back. (vo) a thin painted line. the only thing between you and a life-changing accident. buare these lines enough? a subaru wh eyesight... (kid vo) hey dad! (vo) the lines f any danger... and caautomatically stop itself. (mom) is everyone ok? (kid) i'm ok. (vo) your family is safer in a three-row subaru ascent. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. ♪ i had a bad relationship with my student loan. the interest was costing me... well, us... a fortune. so, i refinanced with sofi. break up with bad student loan debt. to help, we're paying off up to a million dollars of student debt. sofi get your money right.
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book an exam today. it's nice to unwind after a long week of telling people how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need! (limu squawks) he's a natural. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ fbi director christopher wray warned that domestic violence extremists still posed a significant threat and pushed back on a conspiracy theory that government informants contributed to violence on january 6th. >> cnn justice correspondent evan perez joins us now, so evan, what did he say? >> victor and als alson you head
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the fbi director really push back, something you're expecting to hear a lot once republicans as expected take over the house of representatives, which is this idea that the fbi and the homeland security department are overblowing the throeat of domestic terrorism and the january 6th insurrection was the work of fbi informants. he reiterated, both of them actually spoke about how there's this increasing threat that began really before 2020, and it is continuing to this day. listen to the fbi director. >> well, certainly we have seen over the last several years really going back to maybe the summer of 2019 an increase in domestic violent extremism, and we are concerned about the lethality, especially of racially motivated violent extremists and then the spike that started in 2020 of anti-government, anti-authority
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violent extremism. >> reporter: and the fbi director said they have investigations of this type in all 56 field offices of the fbi, and look, the backdrop is that the former president is about to likely announce that he's running again. it's going to give rise to a lot of these threats that you can expect the fbi and the homeland security department are going to have to grapple with. victor and alisyn. >> evan perez, thank you. the mystery deepens at the university of idaho after four students were found dead inside a house near campus. the latest on the investigation and the weapon police believe was used. next. you report to your boss, every afternoon. so beautiful. so becoming a student again might seem impossisible. hello mi amor. but what if a school could be there for all of you? career, family, finances and mental health. well, it can.
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classes are back in session today at the university of idaho as officials it be to investigate the very bizarre deaths of four students at an off-campus home. police in moscow, idaho, believed a, quote, edged weapon, in other words, something like a knife, was used in what they are calling homicides but no weapons have been located. >> no suspect has been taken into custody either, but investigators say they believe there is no imnefnt threat to the university or surrounding community. >> i'm baffled by this up. this doesn't make sense. how could there be four homicides basically on campus, off-campus housing, and there's no threat to the community, and they don't have a suspect and it's not a murder-suicide, they said. >> too many questions to get to that conclusion at this point in the investigation. >> yeah. they need to share more information, and we're trying to get more information out of them. let's give you good news, a key measure of inflation.
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the bureau of labor statistics say last month's wholesale prices rose at a slower pace than last month. >> the annual rate was 8%, somewhat better than forecast. they hope that this will lead the federal reserve to raise interest rates in smaller amounts in the next few months. okay. it's supposedly a go. nasa for the third time cleared its new artimis is moon rocket for launch. this launch attempt will take place tomorrow morning at 1:00 a.m. >> this comes after month of delays including suffering minor damage late last week from hurricane nicole. this flight, no humans on board, is pecks exed to send the spacecraft on a test mission around the moon. let's hope it get off the ground. we're following breaking news out of poland where rockets or missiles reportedly landed and killed two people. polish authorities are about to address t."the lead" with jake tapper starts after a short break.
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