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tv   CNN Tonight  CNN  November 18, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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good evening to you. i'm sara sidner. this is "cnn tonight." the special counsel days after the twice impeached former president announces his third white house run. there is a special counsel to oversee the federal investigations of his role leading up to january 6th and, those classified documents at march-a- mar-a-lago. the former president reacting exactly the way you'd expect tonight. plus, with world cup fever heating up, the controversies are also heating up. qatar's record on human rights is no secret and now, world cup organizers are apologizing after security tried to stop danish journalists from broadcasting. >> you can break the camera. you want to break the camera? you're threatening us by smashing the camera. >> qatar even banning beer in
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stadiums, which came as a surprise to budweiser, the world cup's official sponsor. the latest on a snowstorm like we've never seen before slamming buffalo new york, tonight. we have a lot to talk about. with me is jennifer rogers and former watergate prosecutor nick ackerman. thank you so much for being here. i want to talk to you first about the special counsel. i won't get to soccer with you, lucky for you guys. >> i thought we'd talk about the beer. >> that is an issue. we'll get to that later in the night. jennifer, in your opinion, is appointing a special counsel necessary in this case? >> it's funny. i've come around a little bit on this. i didn't think it was necessary for a long time and i'm not sure legally it's required but when merrick garland talked at the press conference how trump
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announced he's a candidate and biden suggested he's also likely to be a candidate, what are you supposed to do makes sense and dove tails with the way merrick garland treated this. very cautious, very deliberate, very thoughtful. he's taking the most conservative approach every step of the way and this is definitely a cautious conservative approach and so that's what he did. >> i want to listen a little bit to merrick garland and what he said addressing this idea why he's doing this. >> based on recent develodevelopments, including the former president announcement he's a former candidate and the seated president said he'll be a candidate as well, i concluded it's in the public interest to appoint a special counsel. such an appointment under scores the department's commitment to both independence and
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accountability in particular licensetive matters. >> all right. so you heard him pretty much reiterate what you were saying and he said it first to be fair. he said this is a sensitive time. a special counsel is not completely independent. in the end, doesn't merrick garland have to make a decision one way or the other? >> if you go by the strict guideline in the department of justice, the answer is yes. i don't think that's what he has in mind. i think he's really looking to have this special counsel be more in the world of cox who had total independence and really could do whatever he wanted. you know, as long as it wasn't anything completely off the wall. so i think what this special counsel is doing, he's not coming in with a staff. he's not bringing in lots of
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people. he's basically going with what is there and what his job is to look at the evidence and really decide whether he pulls the trigger on either of those two cases. so that i think is his limited role here and having said that, i think merrick garland is going to step back and let him make that decision as well he should. i mean, i think what you've got here is a conflict, i mean, and garland so much as said so. there is a conflict because his boss is running against donald trump who he's investigating and even though you can trust merrick garland to do the right thing, he's not somebody that's a politician. he's not somebody who had been on the campaign. and but he's what -- there's a certain sense of propriety here, thepropro pryty and that is of concern. you don't have a special counsel starting from scratch bringing
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in a whole staff, being there for months upon end trying to put together this thing. he's going to jump in just like what happened with cox was fired and leeann came in and we stuck around and kept going. i think that's exactly what is going to happen here. >> i want to bring in cnn senior legal analyst prete during this conversation and i want to ask you, prete, does this mean, this move to have a special counsel mean that an indictment might be more likely in your estimation? >> i think there's a reasonable argument in support of that proposition. i think there are a number of things that happened recently, not just the appointment of the special counsel today but also addition of people i and jennifer on the panel knows very well, former prosecutors from the southern district of new york who are professionals noknown to be great in the courtroom have a lot of experience and the
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fact they're added to the team tells me there is an increasing likelihood a decision to prosecute will be made. there is an argument that if it didn't look like there was a process that would lead to an indictment, why bother appointing a special counsel. that is correct. i agree with jennifer there was nothing in the law that required the appointment of special counsel, nothing legally, morally or ethically required that move but probably prudence required it in some measure because it gives a little bit of protection to the special counsel in case the investigations of donald trump and other people or prosecution of donald trump and other people extend past this administration there is some protection from being fired. remember, despite the arguments about this and the hoopla about it, donald trump in the end never did fire special counsel robert mueller so maybe there is protection there, as well. >> i want to ask you quickly because of what you said, which is that you think that this could be pointing towards a
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potential indictment. how far along might they be at this point at the special counsel stepping in? >> you know, so i don't know because i haven't seen the grand jury presentations of course but think there is a difference between the investigation of the mar-a-lago documents and the overall investigation of the interference with the peaceful transfer of power. with respect to the march -a-la documents, it's an easier case and more cut and dry. less complicated, fewer facts, fewer witnesses, more direct law on point. i think that's probably much closer to the resolution and a decision than the much more sprawling january 6th investigation of donald trump and a lot of other people. i wouldn't expect something about that case for quite sometime. >> thank you, prete. that's really interesting. jennifer, i want to ask you is this going to delay things? because of course, politically speaking, a lot of people on the sort of democrat side are screaming my goodness, how long
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is this going to take and then you have republicans sort of weighing in on this decision. so what's the answer? >> so, i don't think it will delay things substantially. i mean, as we've been saying, the investigation has been going on. the people working on it will continue to work on it. certainly, the special prosecutor needs to get up to speed. that will take him a little bit of time. i don't think they're ready to pull the trigger on either charges. there is a good amount of work to do on january 6th. merrick garland was actually very pointed today in saying part of the remit for the special counsel is obstruction of justice as it relates to the documents, case. so not only the facts they have about the year and a half not giving them back and the back and forth and maybe lying about that but also what we've been hearing about more recently about surveillance footage, people moving documents in and out of march-a-lago so getting e witness, the testimony into the
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grand jury and nailing down that obstruction piece may not be fully completed yet. so, you know, i had originally thought a special counsel would delay thing as good bit but as you think through it and see that, you know, jack smith is ready to go, he's showing up and ready to get working, it really may not delay things much if at all. >> i know that we've heard both from merrick garland and from mr. smith that this will not delay it. i guess we'll have to wait and see. i want to lastly ask you, nick, former president trump has spoken about this already and has said very flatly that he's not going to partake in the case but does that matter at all? >> no, not at all. i mean -- >> really makes no big difference. he's not going to testify. if he's called into the grand jury, he's going to take the fifth amendment, meaning a truthful answer would tend to incriminate him. we have other actions going on around this that nobody has control over even the special counsel particularly in georgia. the big question is, will georgia beat the feds to the punch and wind up indicting
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donald trump before the feds do and then what happens? the special counsel has to decide do we let georgia go ahead and we step back and do the mar-a-lago documents case or do we file another case? i mean, this gets a little more complicated as you start moving along. >> nick, jennifer, prete, thank you for joining us. there is a lot to unpack here. we could spend hours on this but i'm sure some people would rather we didn't. we'll have to wait and see what the special counsel does. up next, the former president says he hopes the gop has the courage to fight the special counsel but how many of them actually want to do that? a place of many wonders - and full of lifefe.
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i open my eyes: earth is our pandora.
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former president trump slamming the doj special counsel appointment tonight calling it a horrendous abuse of power. i want to discuss the politics of this with mara campo, cnn senior political analyst john avalon and political commentator m margaret hoover. thank you-all for being here. lots to unpack. i want to first go to and i
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apologize but to donald trump first and what we heard today. i apologize. we heard this rhetoric before. here he was. >> this horrendous abuse of power is the latest in the long series of witch hunts that started a long time ago. i thought the investigation with the document hoax was dying or dead or over and the investigation into january 6th in my very peaceful and patriotic speech, remember, peaceful and patriotically was dead only to find out that the corrupt and highly political justice department just appointed a super radical left special counsel better referred as a special prosecutor to start over again. >> is any of what he just said true?
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>> a special prosecutor was appointed. [ laughter ] >> the adjective radical far left debatable -- >> no, not debatable. not true. >> look, i understand from a legal perspective there's a real debate whether this was necessary from merrick garland, from a political perspective, everybody and their mother knows that donald trump, one of the very good reasons for him to announce to run for president is insulate himself from prosecutions. this is a political posturing for him and the only way merrick garland can put some space between him having heat and the department of justice to make the decision whether to prosecute a former president or not is not make that decision, appoint somebody who is a buffer in between the two and i think that's what merrick garland was doing. >> this man you know quite well has something to say.
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i'm going to let john -- >> disclosure. >> occasionally, i do. the special prosecutor is the right thing to do given the inherent political nature of a former president running for president again and trump is clearly running for president, sort of a brush back pitch. right? you know, make it that much more difficult to actually ensure there is equal and inpartial justice which is what he's afraid of. that statement is another mad lib that he stitches together now a notably low energy way but all the greatest things special counsel hyper partisan far left. the principle that we all need to be guided by is simple and clear. the law. enforce the law. freely and fairly and without favor and if donald trump and his lackeys are afraid of that, they got something to be afraid of. >> mark, can i ask you what you think? who gains politically at all or
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anyone having a special counsel put in place? as john said, it's about optics. >> it is. you know, to margaret's point, it was a question of timing. why would trump make this announcement now and a lot of people said well, because he wants to protect himself by make thing announcement now, he's complicating things as far as the investigation goes because it does complicate things with the department of justice and a political rival. what do the optics of this decision mean for the country? the reality is for those on the far right, for trump's base, it's not the idea that appointing a special counsel is a step towards creating a proper setting so there is no conflict of interest, they are not going to see it that way. they are going to see it the way trump is portraying it, that this say politicized, politically motivated witch hunt so it's not going to make any difference but i think that it does make a difference to people who are in the middle, to the rest of the country that is paying attention.
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that is a little tired of this election denial drum beat being beat over and over again. >> we saw it in the election. >> that's right. they're tired of the hyper polarization and they will see this as a smart move to just avoid a conflict of interest. >> i want to talk about some of what the republicans have already said already jumping in is the republican senator from texas, john cornyn and we'll pull up his tweelt. he said this is an admission of a conflict of interest by doj now acknowledge the obvious conflict of interest in hunter biden investigation and appoint a special counsel #nodoublestandard. is this a fair observation or plainly political spin? >> it's political spin. it's an attempt to deflect to an issue to talk about that doesn't have anything resembling the constitutional standard that is being faced with the former president trying to overturn an election.
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that's what we're talking about here. there was an assault on a democracy by a former president running for president si again. that's an entirely different standard than anything. the fact hunter bide chbn is be investigated while his father is president himself, there is equal justice. his statement is tempered saying ted cruz, that's also to be expected. >> i picked that one for a reason. [ laughter ] i do want to go to you because you had a conversation with someone in a very high position who could have been the person that brought a case against donald trump, bill barr. what did he say? >> attorney general barr interestingly, you heard this repeated on the republican side of the aisle for sometime. you know, if he stole documents, if he took documents that were serious documents and then really didn't give them back, and lied potentially about
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having them, that is a crime. if that's a serious crime, then there should be consequences but you shouldn't indict a former president because that's a new standard and that's a precedent. you've heard a lot of people say that. but in this case, bill barr said if those things are true, that's a serious crime and that should be prosecuted. bill barr said that about donald trump. >> no, i know you talked to him before this announcement because that just happened today, this special counsel announcement but for him to say that, did he go further and say yes, merrick garland should go ahead and do this or i would have done this myself if i had seen this? >> he would not answer whether he would have prosecuted and he did not want to tell merrick garland whether to do it but in thinking about it and struggling with it, i can certainly see why merrick garland, the person really trying to be as above politics as possible would prefer to choose the path of a special counsel to make that choice, instead. >> this was a wonderful conversation. thank you all so much for being here and for explaining all of
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this because honestly, there's a lot going on. >> there's a lot going on. areas around buffalo, new york, speaking of a lot going on, buried under more than 5 feet of snow. and now, this potentially historic storm turned deadly. we're live in buffalo. look at the pictures, coming up next. subaru retailers have supported over seventeen hundred homemetown charities. (phil) have i witnessed and seen the impact of what we do? you bet i have.. (kathryn) we have worked with so many amazing causes and made a difference. (vo) by the end of this year, subaru and our retailers will have donated over two hundred and fifty million dollars to charity. (brent) it's about more than just selling cars. (phil) the subaru share the love event going on now. trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high, you know how i feel. ♪ ♪ breeze driftin' on... ♪ [coughing] ♪, you know how i feel. ♪ ifou're tired of staring down your copd,... ♪ it's a new dawn, ♪
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a dangerous storm is pummelling west were new york tonight. there is five feet of snow in buffalo and two people have died.
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palo sandoval is in buffalo tonight. i know it's cold. tell us about the conditions you've seen throughout the day. >> yeah, you know, still, this event is far from over. in fact, we still need to see what is going to happen overnight. you see many of the travel bans, those are still in place just south of where we are right now. the goal there is to allow those trucks, those plows to do what they have to do to make sure those roads are clear. you see unlike here in buffalo, wherever the city has faired pretty well, just about 13 miles south of here in orchard park new york, they during the peak of this storm they basically experienced a snowfall rate of anywhere from 2 to 3 inches an hour, add it up as of last check, they've tallied up 5.5 feet of snow. again, that's just a few miles south of where we are. so when you hear from officials, when you hear from the county executive mark, he'll tell you even for buffalo, that kind of
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snow amount, the volume is extraordinary. >> they moved the football game. >> this is an event that has hit the south towns with a venn yens v -- vengeance very hard and all states are in a state of emergency. we'll be far surpassed five feet of snow in a 21-hour period of time. so that's a remarkable amount of t time. >> reporter: and it's been confirmed two deaths. two men clearing snow. this is that wet, h evieavy sno. if you're safe and have everything you need, stay indoors. if it needs to pile up, so be it. once this is over, you can basic recall upon help to clear it out. it's simply not worth the risk of going out if more snow is expected. >> it's bad when they move the nfl game from buffalo to detroit in the winter.
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that tells you a lot. all right, thank you so much. palo sandoval in buffalo. the world cup controversy stretched back from corruption allegations to human rights abuses and u now, it will be a tournament with no alcohol, we'll discuss s next. - mm. [ chuckles ] - ...a "love my new teeth" day. because your clearchoice day is the day everything is back on the menu. a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation.
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. the world cup will kick off in qatar on sunday. 12 years ago i was there at the moment fifa announced qatar would be the 2020 host. take a listen. [ cheers ] i can't hear you. it is amazing. people are going crazy here in
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the capital of qatar. you can hear behind me all of the people screaming. it is amazing. we were so shocked to be perfectly honest. that is why i reacted that way. my producer there with me, the photographer, nobody knew what was happening because it wasn't supposed to happen we thought. since then, the whole thing has been clouted with controversy withploitation of migrant workers which has long been an issue and human rights abuse against lgbtq people. there homosexuality is illegal. thank you for joininging me, jonathan. >> thanks for having me. >> i just listed a bunch of different things and left out the accusations of corruption of getting the world cup in the first place with qatar and fifa
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and allegations how it happened. should this game be played there? >> yeah, that's right. i mean, that day back in 2010 i was watching the envelope opening with qatar's name on it. we had no idea, either. i think there are obviously alots ofa lot of questions about qatar as the host. the question whether the world cup should be played there is one that fifa has kind of tried to sweep under the rug as much as possible in the buildup to the tournament, they've told the teams, the players, the fans, the media attending it's time to focus on the football. we had 12 years of people asking questions about this event and now it's time to worry about what is happening on the field. >> i do want to talk a little bit about the qatar and it has responded to some of these things saying that the figures on migrant workers, which some estimate are in the thousands who have died have been
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misleading and sensational headlines. and they basically, you know, kind of said just come and enjoy the game. do they have a point there that there are problems in every country and this is happening now in qatar. this is going forward regardless. so just show up or do they really have -- has this really opened them up to real scrutiny? >> well, yeah, i think -- i mean, it deaffinitely has opene them up to scrutiny. that whole idea of, you know, just show up and it's actually going to be a great time. you know, we saw today when on the eve of the tournament, they suddenly performed this abrupt u-turn and announced the sale of beer inside stadiums, which they promised for a long time would be allowed was all of a sudden out lawed. there will be no beer at the stadium. the matches will be dry. the only alcohol served will be zero alcohol beers. you know, it makes you wonder
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whether a lot of prompt miss that qatar has made will actually be fulfilled. don't forget, this is a tournament supposed to be happening until the summer. qatar and fifa assured us in 2010 it would take place in the summer and stadiums air conditioned and no problems playing the world cup in the middle of a desert in the middle of the summer and five years later moved it to the winter. there are already a series of broken promises from qatar and the world will watch to see which promises they're able to fulfill. >> i want to show you a little video that i'm sure you've seen of qatar officials apologizing after a danish tv crew was there. they were credentialed but threatened by security staff. let's take a look. >> [ speaking non-english ] we are live on danish television. [ speaking non-english ]
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mr., you invited the whole world to come here. why can't we film? it's a public place. we can film with this permit. this is an upgrade pass and accreditation. we can film anywhere we want. there are only of course -- >> [ speaking non-english ] >> no, no, no, we don't need permit. but you can break the camera. you want to break it? okay. break the camera. okay. >> i'll break the camera if you want. >> you're threatening us by smashing the camera? >> we've experienced this. i've certainly experienced this in some places but not when you have all of the credentials generally speaking. if you ever seen anything like this at a fifa world cup? >> no, this will be my fourth world cup and, you know, some of those world cup haves taken place in slightly problematic venues. we were in russia four years ago. but no, i never seen anything
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quite like that. there are always sort of teething problems at the beginning of world cups as the host country grapples with the fact the world's eyes will be on them for the next week and hundreds of thousands of people are arriving on their doorstep but no, it's not a good look for qatar and, you know, we are about to see the first week of the tournament i'd imagine, you know, what it looks like when this country that is very ill prepared for this many western tou tourists suddenly receive this huge surge of visitors. >> there are certainly folks from the united states there because the u.s. men's team hasn't been to the world cup i think in eight years tha. they're going to be there. they qualified. what can we expect from the team? >> yeah, exciting tournament for the u.s. men's team. they're the youngest team at the tournament, the youngest group of players that qualified for
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the tournament. so it will be a joyous experience to be back in the world cup and unfa mill jer and different setting but the sense is maybe this is a team built more to challenge and to make a deep run in the 2026 tournament, which will be held here in the u.s. in canada and mexico and perhaps this 2022 edition of world cup will be the chance for them to sort of cut their teeth in international soccer. thank you so much. back with me now, mara s. campo and margaret hoover. jonathan brought it up and i'll bring it up again since it is friday night and we can talk about beers here. so budweiser one of the beer sponsor of the tournament learns that within 24 hours before, learns we're not going to serve beer to the folks there. now, they've put in tens of millions of dollars to this.
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>> yeah. >> what do you think? >> what's up with that? they tweeted well this is awkward. yeah, $70 million awkward. >> deleted. >> it was deleted. >> that's the least you're going to say. this is the world's most predictable problem, right? the sponsorship is years in the making. to resend the vote two days out reeks of bad faith and if they couldn't deal with the fact they wanted beer they i don't have to accept money in the first place. they should probably give it back. most of all, let people have the beer. they were going to -- >> do you -- >> let the people have their beer. >> let the people have their beer. i can agree with that completely and the -- one, i think it's insulting to still serve the bud zero. i'm sorry. who drinks that? [ laughter ] >> we tried that once. it's not good. >> this is matter of principle. a conservative muslim country. they don't want people drinking okay. but you can still drink in the luxury boxes so the message is if you're willing to pony up
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thousands of dollars for the luxury box, you can have beer, wine, champagne and get lit. that's what we take away from it. >> margaret, how do you follow that? >> there is no tequila, either is what you're saying. >> in the luxury boxes. >> let the people have their beer. this is the world's most foreseeable problem and it does talk of bad faith and doesn't look well on fifa not without their reoccurring problems. >> yeah. >> of bribery and scandal and frankly, bad faith. >> but, i mean, the danish tv host i think said it well. you invited the world here. >> right. >> you know, behave accordingly. there are going to be tensions between the crowds and the customs of this country and there's got to be a mediation, middle ground. >> there is cultural sensitivity. in every culture we have those sensitivities. >> transparency should govern them. >> there it is. we got to go. thank you for joining me on a friday night. up next, i spoke with three
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of the most powerful women in the world about how they got where they are and the struggles they have faced along the way. my exclusive conversation with michelle 0obama, melinda french gates and amal clooney. thatat's next. that covers everything that's important t to you. this is what it's s like to he a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at your full financial picture. making sure you have the right balance of risk and reward. and helping you plan for future generations. this is "the planning effect" from fidelity. i see an amazing place. feels like a dream. a place of many wonders - and full of life. i open my eyes: earth is our pandora.
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in a cnn exclusive i sat down with michelle obama and amal clooney and mael melinda f gates. what these three women would er today. listen. >> what would you tell your 25-year-old self now that you've lived a life?
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>> i would say life is even more beautiful ahead than you realize and i would say to my 25-year-old self you knew in high school who you were. and you let go of some of that for lots of reasons. people, situations, college, people around you. you knew who you were and once you learned to rebe the girl you were in high school is when you grew into the full woman you could be. >> boom. mrs. obama? >> that part. [ laughter ] just simply put, i would tell myself you are good enough. you are valued. you are worthy. your story matters. your voice matters. you will do the great things you know you can do. >> i would say define failure going for things and falling flat on your face is fine. it's a learning experience.
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if you don't try and follow your dreams and admit what they are go for it, something that stay with you. >> back with me, mara s. coampo john avilan and margaret hoover. they opened up, they were not shy about who they were and got pretty personal. and i asked them something about self doubt. if we all experienced that? >> right all of us knew that. you knew who you were in high school not what you would be or where you would go but you actually knew yourself then and things have changed. experience that? >> of course, i certainly have and hearing these three women basically give different versions of same answer where they speak to the way the world
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tries to make women smaller, where it tries to keep you small, where michelle obama says tell yourself i am enough. my voice matters. those are the affirmations that she wishes her 25 year old selfself would have heard so it's affirming to hear these powerful accomplished successful women share that they essentially have had this same journey that so many women are going through where it's the journey back to yourself. i have a picture on my phone as me as a 3-year-old because i want to remember what i felt like then, fearless, excited, full of energy, excited about life. a lot of us are trying to make the journey back to ourselves before the world tried to convince us otherwise. >> margaret? >> the authenticity really is resident. and it's just the ability to be self-reflective about the journey and it just gives everyone permission to look at themselves and then to just self
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actualize. to be who you are and the best version of yourself. i have not seen melinda gates so authentic, especially somebody who had a very raw personal experience play out in front of everyone. that's inspiring and good for young women to hear that and older women to hear that and my hats off to all of them. >> it's good for all people to hear that. >> that's the thing that struck me. when i listened back to it, i thought this can apply to any of us, any age, any of us. >> that's exactly right. look, these are three women who were extraordinary accomplished and successful by any measure, well beyond distinctions of gender and to hear people who are that successful and self-actualized be vulnerable and admit their own struggles with the self-doubt and admit how they would give their younger self a pep talk, that's the risk of intimacy that
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resonates and inspires. that's an extraordinary interview. >> i do want to say, seeing this coupling here, i know you guys, you know, you go at it on certain things, on certain points and certain sort of political arguments. but the support that they talked about what men could do and sometimes it was -- pardon me, get out of our way. >> that's fair. >> or -- >> we never say that. >> but sometimes it was recognizing the power of the person who you are with. do you guys experience -- do you experience that from john? >> there's a lot of power over here. so a lot of times it's like, you know, you do in a couple and, you know, you have this i'm sure you have this. when you have -- i mean, it takes courage to marry someone and partner with somebody who has as much power and energy and vision and ambition as you do. and then if you have double that in one space, you got to work it
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out and balance it. and both people have to figure out a way to provide support for the other and also create space for the other. and yourself. >> i was really surprised at how open they were, being that they know anything they say is going to be taken by somebody and sometimes used against them and they just opened up. >> i think -- >> got to get over that. >> i think it speaks to who they know is listening. they're not worried about that. they've been through enough where they tune that stuff out. they're intecntional speaking t their younger er selfs s symbolically. they want them to know they can -- the heights they achieved are not unobtainable. i was just like you and i was able to do it. >> that's exactly the words michelle bo eobama used. i'm just like you, a girl from
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the south side of chicago. you can go have your beers or whatever it is. >> tequila. i'm having tequila with margaret. >> tune in cnn sunday night at 8:00 p.m. for our special. i'm hosting "michelle obama's mission a conversation with michelle obama, amal clooney and melinda french gates." we'll be right back. and when t they found a way to face it. for some, this i is where their keytruda story begins. keytruda - a breakthrough immunotherapy that may treat certain cancers. one of those cancers is advanced nonsquamous, non-small cell lung cancer where keytruda is approved to be used with certain chemotherapies as your first treatment if you do not have an abnormal “egfr” or “alk” gene. keytruda helps your immune system fight cancer but can also cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body. this can happen during or after treatment and may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain or tenderness, severe nausea or vomiting, headache,
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(brent) it's about more than just selling cars. (phil) the subaru share the love event going on now. 1 in 44 american children are believed to be on the autism spectrum but studies are shown black and brown children are diagnose nosed later than white children. debra vines is working to change all of that for african american families in under served areas outside of chicago. >> one, two, three. >> being a parent of a child
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with autism in the '80s and '90s was very, very challenging. the support groups i found i was the only black woman there. there was a color barrier, economic barrier, all types of barriers. good morning. everything we provide is a blueprint of what i was missing as a parent. so we have a support group. kids go to their classes. we are a family, and i'm very adamant about educating the community because people are afraid of what they don't understand. we want to make sure that first responders are trained in how to deal with our children. >> how long has your mom been doing this kind of stuff? >> because he's smiling, it makes itt ieasier but what if y get ahold of someone not smiling and running around and biting themselves. advocacy is what i'm good at. >> just an amazing story. go to cnn


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