tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN November 21, 2022 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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we have an update on jay leno. he is at home tonight after being treated for burns that he got in a gasoline fire while working on one of his cars. he was in the hospital for nine days. the former "tonight show" host was badly burned on his face, chest and hands. today he wanted the world to see this picture. he posed with some of his care team, and he wanted everyone to clearly see his injuries. he said sessions in the hyperbaric chamber helped him to recover. the hospital says leno is grateful for the good wishes coming his way, and his doctor is optimistic that he will make a full recovery. thank you so much for joining us. don't forget, you can watch "out front" anytime, anywhere, go to cnn go. until then, "ac 360" starts now. i was done with war. tonight you will meet the retired army major who says he
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had seen a lifetime's worth of violence already in iraq and afghanistan only to confront it again with his family and friend at a colorado lgbtq nightclub. john berman here in for anderson. richard fiaro said he went into combat mode to disarm the gunman who opened fire in club q in colorado springs. authorities credited him and another man, thomas james, for saving lives. >> two absolute heroes, if not for them, i don't know how many other people would have been injured. one of them was injured and is in the hospital but they did an amazing job. >> as it stands, the gunman armed with a handgun and an ar-15 style rifle killed five and wounded 17 others. chief vasquez named them this evening saying too often we lose track of the victims focusing on the suspect, something we will not do tonight except to say he had a previous violent encounter with the law and now faces murder and possible hate crime charges. the victims, then, are kelly
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loving, ashley paugh, raymond green vance, our hearts go out to those who love them. we can tell you ashley paugh worked with a nonprofit helping foste foster children. she loved hunting fishing, and being out doors. kelly loving's sister called her sweet, and caring and a wonderful person. darin rump worked as a bartender at the club. in colorado sfrprings he found community of people he loves very much. he did a difference in so many lives. and that's where he wanted to be, he worked side by side with daniel ashton. he moved to colorado springs to be closer to his parents. his mother says he thought himself shy but wasn't. he had so much more life to give
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us, she said. raymond green vance's family says he had just landed a new job and couldn't wait to save money to get a new apartment. he was a kind selfless adult with his entire life ahead of him. he was at club q with his long time girlfriend, and her parents, including her father who helped stop the gunman, not before raymond was fatally wounded. richard and i spoke just before air time. i want to warn you, it's a raw, emotional discussion, and what he describes is as graphic as you might imagine. >> major fiaro, take us back to when the gunman first entered the club. what happened? because you're quoted in the "new york times" saying you went into combat mode. what instincts kicked in from your tours in iraq and afghanistan. >> listen, first of all, i just want to say this is in no way about me. my daughter is grieving the loss of her boyfriend. he was in our lives for six years. raymond was a great young man.
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he was on his way to do amazing things, and for me right now, it's about healing. i have wo friends still in the hospital that were shot. my best friends here. my whole colorado springs family was there so what i think i was doing is protecting my family, which is what i do. and sometimes to a fault, and i do things, because, you know, fight or fight, i tend to go fight a lot more. i don't know if it's good or not. it doesn't matter. either way, i went to the ground. as soon as i heard the rounds, i dove down, i pushed over my friend the best i could, and we both hit the ground, me and chip. i put my back against -- i tried to stand up and i fell. and then i fell against the -- it's like a bench seating, and at that point, i saw the shooter. i had no idea what was going on. but apparently i saw him going to the patio area, because i saw a lot of people in the window.
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it may not have been a window. but i saw a lot of people, and this guy was there, and i saw the acu pattern flak vest and for me that was like, there's a handle, i'm getting it. so i ran across the room, grabbed the handle, pulled him down, and then started to -- well, actually, i think i went for his gun with him. his rifle flew in front of him, and the young man that tried to jump in there with me, he -- we both either pulled him down, but he ended up at his head, right next to the ar, and with the ar, i told him, get the ar away from him. the kid pushed the ar. i don't know what his name was. and then i proceeded to take his other weapon, the pistol, and then just start hitting him where i could, but the armor is in the way, and i just started -- i found a crease between his armor and his head, and i just started wailing away with his gun. and then i told the kid in front
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of me, kick him, keep kicking him. and i was telling people call 911, call 911. i brought him down. i was in mode. i was doing what i did -- what i do down range, you know, i train for this. i don't want to ever do this. i didn't even retire because i was just -- i was done doing this stuff. it was too much. and it came in handy. i lost my kid's boyfriend. i tried. there's a lot of people -- there's five people who didn't come home and this [ bleep ] i told him while i was eating, i'm going to kill you, man, because you tried to kill my friends. my family was in there. my little girl was in there. >> we're so sorry for the loss
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you and your family have gone through, for the loss of your daughter's boyfriend, and we are so sorry for your two friends who are still recovering in there, and i can't imagine going through what you and your family did. even with your training, your training was for war zones. you trained to do that in combat, not out for a night on the town. >> yeah, but it lives in you. if you actually do this stucff, it's in you. i'm proud to be a soldier. i don't like these guys running around here doing gi joe stuff, and they're not. i'm not a gi joe, i'm just a normal guy, man. i'm protecting my family and i reached up and i did what i had to do. and honestly, i don't care about myself in that moment. i cared about everybody that was around me. and i cared especially about my family. as soon as i got done with that guy, and the cop came in, i went across the room and started
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first aid with my friend who was shot in the chest, and the legs and the arms and i told joann, stay with me. look me in the eyes, stay with me. and i moved her head so she wouldn't see her arm because it was shot. and chip was right there, her husband was reaching for her. so i put her hand in his hand. so that they could be together. i didn't know if they were going to make it. this guy, man. this whole thing was a lot. my daughter, wife, should have never experienced combat in colorado springs, and everybody in that building experienced combat that night, not to their own accord, but because they were forced to. and i told my daughter, for me down range it was always, hey, get in the next patrol, get in the next patrol, and you're done. get over it. get in the next patrol. they don't have that option. nobody in that building has the option to get on the next
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patrol. they have to live with this now until -- it's a lot for any human. this kid that was helping me was kicking another human in the head, and i told him to do it. i don't know what to do, you know. there was a beautiful, one of the performers was walking by when the kid was getting tired of kicking, and she kicked him with the high heels that she had on, and then ran because she's probably scared. i don't know what's going on in there. i was trying to get people to call the police, and that was it. i told the mayor, i'm not -- i'm not -- i'm not a hero. i'm just a guy that wanted to protect his kids and wife, and i still didn't get to protect her boyfriend. >> major, you helped a lot of people. you helped a lot of people, and no one should ever go through what you or your family or the people in that bar went through
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that night. tell us about raymond vance. tell us about your daughter's boyfriend. how will you remember him? >> they're going through a lot, man. she's 22. but she loved this boy. she's been with him. so we went to go see her junior prom date, little wyatt, kid was with her since elementary school. we got here in 2007. wyatt has been with her the whole time, her best friend, we went to go see a drag show. he was amazing, great kid, and then this happens, and my daughter loses her prom date, her boyfriend that she's been with forever. his mom, we were telling her we thought he was out there. so she came by our house. we were at the hospital. i was dealing with the cops. how do we get raymond. >> we're so sorry.
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i'm just so sorry. i see someone is rubbing your shoulder there. how are your wife and daughter doing? >> they're hurting, man. they're hurting. but we got to do what we can. and we're strong, man. when we walked out, i told the three of them on the way home from the hospital, my daughter broke her knee. i said we got to be strong for the three of us. and last night, when me and my daughter broke down, we both told each other we're being to be there for each other the whole time. because we still got to get this guy, man. we got to face him in court. i feel no, no sorrow for that dude. i hope he's in the hospital hurting because he killed [ bleep ] he killed family. >> major, you have been strong for a lot of people. now people are going to be there for you. and help take care of you, and you're going to take care of each other through this. i know it's not easy, and i know
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it's going to be a tough several days and weeks and months, and some of the pain is never going to go away, but you helped a lot of people. you helped a lot of people, and i want to thank you for what you have done, and i want to thank you for talking to us tonight. please take care of yourself, your wife and daughter, give them giant hugs for us. >> before you go, i -- i want to apologize for the people that didn't get their kids because all of them deserve to have their kids home tonight. >> there's no question about that. all of these people deserve to be home with their families tonight, and they're not. former army major richard fiaro, thank you for what you did. >> thank you. >> you are a hero. our best to you and your family. >> thank you. as the colorado springs police chief said today, at
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least 17 people suffered gunshot wounds saturday night. barrett hudson is one of them, recovering tonight after being shot seven times. and we spoke to him just a short time ago. so barrett, first of all, how are you doing? and where do things stand with your recovery? >> i'm doing actually very well. i did not expect to make it. i damn sure did not expect to walk as soon as i'm walking. i walked today. they don't know whether or not i have to even actually go to or do the rehabilitation thing. >> what a miracle. walk us through, if you can, what happened inside the club. >> i -- so i had never been there before. i just moved to colorado a couple of weeks ago, and i wanted to check it out.
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i wasn't even there for probably 30, 45 minutes. to try give you guys an example, to paint a picture, i have never heard gunshots in the club before besides that time. i have heard balloons go off, you know, when people do parties and stuff, people will pop them. that kind of sounds like a gunshot but a lower version of it, because the music is so loud, so then when you hear gunshots, it's like a louder version of a balloon, but it was repeatedly over, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, and then about seven to ten, i knew something was wrong. i looked to my right. the gunman, a door had shut. the gunman is standing there, and this dude actually put his hands down and, put them up but put them like down and took a step or two back from him, and the gunman murdered him right in
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front of me. and that's when, you know, i'm all over the place right now. i apologize. i'm on a lot of pain medicine. i actually -- everyone took off running. i took aoff running to the back and i got shot. i knew i got shot a few times. i fell down. he proceeded to shoot me. i got back up. i made it out of the back of the cluck. i had been shot seven times, or seven times by now. i had been grazed once. i hopped on a table, hopped about a 10 to 12 foot fence. it might have had barb wire at the top. i don't know. i ran about 20 to 30 yards, jumped down about 10, 15 feet off of a ledge, and i ran across the street to 7-eleven, where i
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collapsed. these people helped me. they stopped the bleeding. they saved my life. and they had me almost completely naked because they had to cut my clothes off to find out where i was bleeding from and everything. and once they started counting out the bullet holes and they got past five, i reached in my -- i got my phone, and i called my dad because -- me and my dad are like best friends. it's a really great weird relationship, and he's always stood by me through thick and thin, and that was the last person that i wanted to talk to. and i don't know how i'm here. i do not know how i'm here. i don't know how i'm walking. all seven bullets missed my
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spine, missed my liver, missed my colon. they cut me in five places in my chest, and put cameras in and went through everything. and i got really really lucky, and i don't know why i'm still here, but i'm very glad to be here. >> you've got more to do. you've got more to do in this life, barrett. that conversation with your dad who you call your best friend, what was that like? >> i just remember calling him and telling him i loved him, i loved him, and i'd been shot. and after that, somebody took the phone because i couldn't really do sentences. i started shaking real bad, and thank god i do work out a lot,
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and i know i did my breathing exercises, and i stopped shaking and the ambulance took like 20, 30 minutes to get there. we had called them. i didn't call them. the gas station attendant did, and we waved down so many ambulances that passed by me. nobody stopped. and they were actually about to take me in a car, and but finally the police arrived. then fire. and then medic. then the medics actually came to see me earlier today in the hospital. >> barrett, what do you want people to know as you sit here recovering tonight? >> that's a great question. well, i had no clue i would still be sitting here, but if what has helped with me for trauma actually isn't the worst thing that has ever happened to me in life, is hearing other people's stories, so if i can
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help one person out of a hundred thousand people, if one person hears this story, to help them in any way they can, then i feel like i did good, and i'm a people pleaser. and i know you see me sitting here smiling, i always, even before this happened, i always look at the cup half full, not half empty, and i will never -- i don't think i will ever look at anything to, oh, this hurts, or a negative way. so much has changed in the last 48 hours. >> barrett, i got to say your smile is making us all feel better. we're so happy to see you smiling. it's going to be a hard recovery. not just physically, but i think emotionally and mentally. take the time you need and please take care of yourself. >> yes, sir. yes, sir. thank you, guys. and next, colorado's governor, jared polis, the first
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openly gay man elected governor in this country to talk about the shooting. he joins us. and later, new details that only deepen the mystery at the university of idaho, four students murdered in the middle of the night. more than a week later, still no sign of a suspect or a murder weapon or answers to how someone could murder four people without waking up their roommates. i was always the competitive one in o anderson cooper 360 brought to you by united health care. get medicare with more. ♪wow, uh-huh♪ now she's got a whole team to help her get the most out of her plan. ♪wow, uh-huh♪ with covage that's better than ever for dental... ...prescription drugs and more. advantage: me! can't wait 'til i turn 65! aarp medicare advantage plans, only from unitedhealthcare. take advantage now at
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it's impossible to unhear what richard fierro said before the break, he could not stop thinking of the lives no one could have saved and those who loved them so dearly. he said of the other parents of the five killed in colorado springs, including his daughter's long time boyfriend, im quote all of them deserve to have their kids home tonight. we are talking about a tragedy
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by any definition, but also potentially a hate crime. authorities have yet to make that determination, but if they do, it would neither be the first this year or the first this month or even the first in the last several days. the new york city police department said today they are seeking a suspect in a window smashing in an lgbtq bar on saturday. with us is jared polis, the governor of colorado, and governor, thank you so much for being with us tonight. i'm sorry it's under these circumstances. walk us through, if you can, just how big a part of the community club q is in colorado springs tonight, and how members of that community are doing. >> first, thank you to american hero richard fierro and thank you for featuring him on your show. his actions along with the an actions of thomas james recovering from bullet wounds helped save the lives of perhaps dozens of attendees at club q. colorado springs is the second
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largest city in colorado. club q is the main lgbt plus venue, it's a respite for people across not just el paso county but southern colorado, northern new mexico, a place that builds community in areas of the state and the country which are sometimes more difficult to be who you are and be honest and open. and even beyond the lives that were shattered, irrevocably lost, this is a blow to so many people who saw this as a place of safety and a place of refuge. >> you see this attack in the threats against gays this past summer during pride, f fundamentalists are calling for gays to be executed. does something feel different this time around, more dangerous for a community that's been the victim of bigotry and violence for so long? >> you know, it's easy and tempting just to tune the crazy talk out. and we all see it, whether it's your twitter feed or facebook page or comments in the media,
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but i think it's too dangerous to tune out. we need to call it out aggressively, and say it's not okay to say that some group of americans is somehow the enemy just because of who they are or who they love. we're all in this together. we need to focus on unity. we need to focus on the true belief that we value, care about and love one another sg . >> governor, you signed a red flag law in 2019, is it clear to you why it wasn'ted used by the alleged shooter in this attack. law enforcement had arrested this person for threatening to cause harm to his mother with a home made bomb, multiple weapons and ammunition? >> so, you know, again, we don't have all the specifics of this case. i want to speak generally what the red flag allows and should allow for. in a case where somebody, let's say, threatens to bomb or shoot somebody, let's say the charges are dropped or not pursued, it's a way that at least that person loses legal access to their
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weapons, right, if they're not going to go to prison for it, if they weren't fully convict instead a court, at least for a period of time while they recover their mental health, they lose access to their weapons, to reduce self-harm and suicide, and violent actions. we need law enforcement officers across the state to use it when appropriate, to improve public safety. it's a powerful tool. we want to make sure we know that's available in the state of colorado and other states that have red flag laws. >> should it have been used this time around? >> well, i think, look, we haven't seen the specifics of exactly what the charges were. is certainly looks like in a case where, you know, there was gun action, violence that was threatened or bomb action violence that was threatened, that type of case would be a very good candidate for a red flag law which can be brought by the family or it can be brought by law enforcement, by a sheriff's office, by a police department, and, look, there's going to be a lot of opportunities, the facts emerged from this case, to learn about
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what steps across the nation we need to take to improve safety, but first of all, let's make sure we focus on rhetoric of healing, rather than the rhetoric of divisiveness. we focus on love, rather than hate. respect our differences. we're stronger because of our diversity. and at the same time, we need to take a solid look at public safety laws, including red flag laws to make sure they're brought to bear where they can save lives. >> governor jared polis, we are thinking about the community in colorado springs. thank you so much for being with us tonight. we wish you the best. >> thank you. coming up, we are going to switch to politics for a moment. we have an update on the special counsel now in charge of the separate federal investigations involving former president trump. also, harvard law school professor lawrence tribe will join us with his insight into what that could mean for potential charges coming during a presidential campaign.
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the special counsel of the justice department appointed on friday to oversee investigations into former president trump, now that he is a presidential candidate is already digging into the files. that was the message conveyed in federal court today involving one of those cases. that case involves the possible mishandling of documents marked classified found at trump's mar-a-lago residence as well as the possible obstruction of that investigation. now, there's a separate federal investigation into trump's actions surrounding the attempts to disrupt the certification of the 2020 election on january
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6th. in another development today, manhattan prosecutors rested their tax fraud case into trump's family business. that case could go to a jury as soon as next week. i'm joined now by harvard law school professor lawrence tribe, he's also the coauthor of "to end a presidency the power of impeachment" great to see you tonight. we haven't had a chance to talk to you. what's your reaction to the appointment of the special counsel by the attorney general? >> i think it was the right move, although, i had urged doing this many months ago in march. but more recently i thought that because merrick garland was apparently not really ready to proceed that he ought to pull things together and bring indictments. the evidence was clear enough, and i thought appointing a special counsel might delay things. he's clearly found a special counsel who won't delay a thing. he's hitting the ground running. he clearly has enormous
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experience. he's come right off of the war crimes trials that he's handling in kosovo. he's been in charge of political corruption trials. he's battle hardened. he's absolutely ready, and garland emphasized the need for speed. he's clearly not come back from the hague in order to preside over the winding up of an unsuccessful investigation. the marching orders he has are to conclude things as quickly as possible, and i take that to mean a very likely set of indictments arising both out of mar-a-lago and the attempt to overturn the election. >> well, how complicated would it be, practically speaking, to bring indictments against a former president running for president, and to do it in a timely enough fashion that some aspect of the case wouldn't be bumping right up against a presidential election?
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>> well, sooner the better because the delays that are bound to be part of the former president's strategy will make it bump up against the election, but merrick garland is not going to let that deter him at all. he's made that clear. the fact that we have someone who thinks he can protect himself by claiming that he wants to be president, that's all fine, but it's not up to him. interestingly, he said he doesn't intend to participate in the work of the special counsel. well, that's nice. no one is asking him. it's not up to him. the special counsel has very broad power, the ultimate decision of whether and when to indict, and for which of the many available charges is going to be up to merrick garland, but while he's running the entire justice department with 115,000 employees, hundreds of investigations all over the world, garland can't be the person to handle the day-to-day
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decisions in this investigation and the prosecutions to which it will lead, and they don't need to be run up the totem pole through the bureaucracy of the department of justice because the marching orders of this special counsel are to reach a conclusion as expeditiously and fairly as possible, put it on the attorney general's desk. the attorney general, i think, will look at it and have every reason to approve it. >> you brought up what the former president said he would not partake in the investigation. obviously that isn't his choice. i mean, he is presumably the subject of this investigation as is quite clear by the appointment of a special counsel. what do you think his legal strategy will be going forward? >> delay, delay, and delay. that's all he's got going for him. i don't think he has any good defenses. at one point he said he was going to defend against the charges of mishandling the top secret information by saying
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that it was no longer top secret. he had thought that he declassified just by thinking declassified. the telepathy defense, that's not going to get him anywhere. and with respect to the attempt to obstruct the transfer of power to president biden, leading up to the violent insurrection, originally i think he was going to say i didn't have much to do with it. i just made a speech, but now we know as a result of the extraordinary work of the january 6th committee and a great deal else, we know that he was right in the middle of it. he was receiving all of the information. he was encouraging them to be violent at the capitol. he was basically abandoning his own vice president to the gallows. there really is no good defense for any of it. the only reason he hasn't already been indicted is that garland is trying and i know
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he's always meticulous, when he was my student, he was extremely careful 50 years ago, 45 years ago, i guess. anyway, he's trying to dot every i, cross every t, and now with the special counsel he's got someone that i think is going to carry that out, and we'll see. >> the attorney general no doubt going to check his report card from 45 years ago. professor tribe, thank you so much for being with us. appreciate it. >> thank you. the growing questions as police investigate the murders of four university of idaho students, but there are some new details from investigators. next i'm going to speak with a retired cold case investigator about what the new information could tell us about the attack. [ chuckling ] ♪ and i hope whatever you've got to do ♪ ♪ is something that... ♪ [ music stops ] [ beeping ] cars built with safety in mind, even for those guys. the volkswagen atlas with standard front assist.
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tonight we have more information until the investigation into the mysterious murders of four university of idaho students, and it's been more than a week since the students were found dead in an off campus home, and at this hour, the search continues for a suspect. moscow police say they have fielded more than 600 tips and conducted more than 90 interviews so far, and they are trying to fill in the holes in the hours leading up to the murders. according to police, two of the victims used a private party for a ride home that night. all four were back at the house by about 1:45 a.m. the sister of one of the victims told "the new york times" there were seven unanswered calls from her sister's phone to her former boyfriend between 2:26 and 2:52
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a.m. that night. the sister also said their home was known to be a party house and some previous visitors might have had access to their door code. despite this, there are still more questions than answers in this case. joining me is host of hln's real life nightmare. great to see you. what do you make of this case so far, particularly what seems to be the scarcity of information or at least lack of publicly released information. do you think that maybe authorities know more than they're revealing? >> well, there's no question that authorities know more than what they're revealing but i think as i'm watching this case, and watch it unfold, i think authorities are still trying to figure out exactly what they're dealing with. you know, initially they came out and said this appears to be a targeted attack. there's no concern to the rest of the public. but then since then, they have retracted that, and i believe as they investigate this case, they're starting to realize it's maybe more complicated than what
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they first thought. >> how so? >> well, i believe what's happening is that you have four victims. and this is obviously a huge case. it's very complicated. and when they went into this crime scene, they likely saw that maybe one or two of the victims had more violence inflicted on them. the offender spent more time with them, and they thought, okay, these were the intended targets, and that the other victims in the house were secondary. so they focused their initial investigation thinking, okay, it's going to be something, a relationship, some sort of prior interaction that the offender had with those particular victims. however, when that didn't pan out, now i think what they're understanding is there's a possibility that the offender, the killer, is a complete stranger to these victims and that the reason that they're seeing that some of the victims had more violence on them was
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due to the circumstances as the violence was being inflicted. >> the details we mentioned about the hours leading up to the murders, how crucial is the time line, and maybe how far would you go back looking? >> well, you know, the time line is absolutely crucial. it's possible that that night, while the victims are out, you know, enjoying their college years that the offender could have interacted with them or have seen them and followed them back. so that is absolutely mandated to follow up on. however, right now they've only released information of the victims' time lines for that evening, and oftentimes killers make the decision to kill within 72 hours, three days before the attack. so they need to go back and actually figure out, well, what's been going on in these victims' lives three days prior to this attack if not further. >> we have about 30 seconds left, can you wrap your head around the fact that there were
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two other roommates who seem to have slept through the murders and were not attacked? >> you know, from afar, you have six people inside this house. four are killed. for me, where are these victims inside the house. these two roommates may have been more isolated than the other victims were. that's why they were spared or they weren't the target of this particular offender. >> paul holz, we appreciate your time helping us to understand which at this point is still a really big mystery. you can see more of paul on "real life nightmare" sundays at 9:00 p.m. on hln. we're going live to ukraine with a look at how kherson was liberated. sam kiley visits a reuncon unit lelearn how they helped liberat the city. ere's nono mess or str. bath fitter. it just fifits.
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evacuate due to issues with power and infrastructure heading into the brutal winter months. many in that unit are from western countries, including the u.s. and some also fought alongside the curds against isis and syria. sam kylie has the story. >> reporter: pensive, hypervigilant, these foreign volunteers of reconnaissance soldiers reliving weeks of fear and final victory in the battle for kherson. many veterans of the curd campaigns against isis and syria. now they work beyond the front lines. deep into enemy territory for ukraine. >> we would get so close to the russians that we could hear them talking. we could hear them cooking their food and chopping the wood to build their shelters. >> they're -- what's going on.
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>> reporter: that's what the eight units under his command must be. getting spotted here during the campaign to capture kherson is nearly fatal. >> come back. >> reporter: but they make off with a trove of stolen documents and russian technology, all leads to moments like this, the obliteration of a russian command center and the surrender of a russian senior sergeant, a paratrooper abandoned by his comrades in retreat. >> is that him? >> no. lieutenant commander. >> reporter: he tells them he's been hiding out for six days then warns the ukrainians that russian aircraft could attack. >> he says -- shooting at this place. >> reporter: they've been bombing here a lot, he says.
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he's injured but now safe. russian air strikes on their abandoned positions for a constant danger for the recon un units during the grinding advance over kherson over the autom. stinger antiaircraft millss a mixed blessing, missing one can attract retribution from the air. recon is about gathering intelligence and hunting targets, using drones to fine tune artillery. for months bringing in strikes like this, trying to force the russians to run. and suddenly, across the hull front, that's what they did, run. in chasing the russians out, crossings like this have often been hit with artillery and are a mortal gamble.
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survival and giggling relief. but the rewars, they say, worth it. >> yeah, of course when i see military, they're seeing ukrainian military for the first time, who knows how long, eight months, at least. yeah, of course, you get a little teary eyed. you see everybody crying and thanking us for helping liberate their village. and, yeah, of course it gets you, you know? [ speaking non-english ] >> just incredible footage. and sam kylie joins us now. what a report, sam. one area of concern over the last few days was shelling near the zaporizhzhia power plant. what's the latest on that? >> well, as you know, john, it's been a problem since march since the russians captured that nuclear power station.
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it's got ukrainian staff and russian nuclear scientists also working there. but the problem is that it is also a fire base used by the russians. over the weekend, the international atomic energy agency, which has observers in that plant precisely to keep an eye out for this eventuality, said there is heavy shelling indeed close to the plant, hitting a number of elements of the plant itself, not crucially the nuclear reactors. there are six there. it's the biggest in europe. but causing great consternation, once again, john. >> sam kylie, just terrific work. thank you so much for being with us. stay safe. we'll be right back.
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-- captions by vitac -- we want to leave you where we began tonight, with the hard fact that five people with full lives ahead of them are instead being grieved over. kelly loving, ashley paugh, ray green vance, daniel aston, and derrick rump, they ended their life over the weekend in a place they thought of community, safety, and love. instead, it became a reminder of how precious those things are. a reminder now about their absence but also in the case of heroes, richard ferraro and james leave room for light and strength and grace. the news continues, so let's hand it over to kasie hunt and
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