tv CNN This Morning CNN November 22, 2022 5:00am-6:00am PST
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to decarbonize industries... cities, and nations. even the internet. is it possible? can we reliably power the things we love and green the planet at the same time? yes... aes. good tuesday morning to you. thank you so much for joining us. it is november 22. welcome to cnn this morning. we have to start with this disturbing story out of colorado springs. we know the names of all five victims killed in the nightclub shooting and we're learning more about who they were. in a moment we hear from the hero army veteran who took down
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the gunman and saved countless lives. arizona has been a hot bed of election denialism. what we learned about a top official forced in to hiding on election day because of threats. we ask katie hobbs about that and about the refusal of her opponent kari lake to accept results. with republicans set to narrowly take over the house in january kevin mccarthy is angling to become house speaker. he is renewing the threat to remove a democratic lawmaker from the house of foreign afars committee. we talk about that and more. >> it is a very busy news day but we start with this. the alleged gunman who murdered five people at an lgbtq nightclub in colorado springs faces murder and hate crime charges according to court records. he remains hospitalized and held without bail. weern learning more about
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victims from people who knew and loved them. they are daniel aston, raymond vance, kelly loving, ashley paugh and derrick rump. all had so much to live for. >> kelly loving turned 40. she was kmieted about her move to colorado springs to experience the lgbtq community. and 28-year-old daniel aston moved to california springs two years ago. he wanted to be closer to his mom and dad. he had been a bar supervisor at club q and considered by peers to be a great boss. derrick rump was a bartender at club q. he found a community of people he loved and felt he could shine there. but all accounts he did. >> ashley paugh was a devoted mother. her daughter riley was her world. ashley's family says she had a huge heart and working at a kids crossing. and 22-year-old raymond vance was visiting club q for the first time with his long time
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girlfriend, parent and some of her parent's friends. >> the group vangs was dining with includes our next guest richard fierro. the retired army veteran who subdued the suspected gunman. good morning. listen, tell me what did you say? >> i'm not retired. i know it sounds weird but i'm not. i got out at 15 years because i was done, i was broke, i couldn't keep up. this kind of stuff is we're certain people. i'm not one of those. i'm just a regular guy. i respect what you do. i respect how this goes but the thing i just saw -- listen. i've been in the army for 15 years from '99 to 14 or whatever it was.
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i work with folk, still work with folks who not believe in what i believe in but we have a mission and get it done. that's in the civilian world, too. we respect each other. >> richard, listen. i want to reign in it so people can understand. i know the last couple of days i can only imagine how emotional it's been for you. have you gotten any sleep? probably not. >> no. >> look. you say you're a regular guy. people say you're a hero. i know you don't believe that. >> it's hard to believe. >> why? >> there's five families that don't have their kids. raymond was a kid. he's been in my house the last six years. he's met all my family. he's met my wife's family. he's gone with us on trips. he was part of our family.
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i can't speak to raymond because that's his mother's position. i'm not trying to take that. >> raymond was your daughter's friend. >> yeah. >> and you -- say again? >> he was her boyfriend and he was a part of our life since she was in high school. i went to his football games. we sat in the audience with his mom. i watched him play. i loved it because i was a lineman, too, he was and that's what we did. we joked with each other. again, i'm his girlfriend's dad. it's not the relationship hey, this is going to work out well. i'm a protective guy. but raymond was a respectful boy. he was a good young man. he was a young man. i think he did -- i'll be honest i hope to god -- i believe it. i believe he was doing his best to save people himself.
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>> listen, you were there with raymond and your daughter and you were there -- i want to explain to people. you were there with your family, your wife, raymond, your daughter. you went to see a friend of your daughters who was performing in this drag show, right? >> yeah. little white. >> okay. so then this all happens and breaks out and you lose raymond, the boyfriend. listen, it's interesting that you were there because people think it's a guy club. it's just going to be guy people. i thought it was important that you, as an ally, were there with your entire family just there to have a good time and you became a witness. a firsthand witness to the hate that members of the lgbtq community face. am i wrong with that? >> no. i would agree with that. i think you're right there. i don't know what this guy's
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intention was. honestly, don't care. he was trying to hurt us, all of us. at that point in that room we were all together. there was no differences between any of us. i have always supported our community whether it's lgbtq, asian, black, whatever. in the army i was exposed to all that and i had a chance to meet people not like me. i never had collard greens until i got in the army. it changes who you are because that diversity brings it forward. that's my wife's thing wh she was doing with the brewery and why we support different places in the community. >> you say you don't know what the motive was. he is being charged with five counts of murder and five counts of hate crime charges, as well. investigators do believe it was motivated by hate. what do you say to folks who say a, listen, you never had collard greens or whatever. you didn't experience great
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diversity until the armed forces. what do you say to people who use lgbtq people, guy people, trans people as pawns politically or just to hate them? >> i'll be honest, nobody needs to be used as anything. i don't claim to be one side or the other. i'm a fan of the colin powels and barack obama and john mccains. these guys had values. it's about value and staying family a oriented. nothing to me from that guy said family. that's all that mattered. the people in that room were so diverse, so completely -- there were straight people in there, everything in there. they just came to have a good time. we were talking last night, me and my daughter and wife. we've been upset. we were talking and you know, that was the greatest night we
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were having with raymond and chip and joann. the six of us were having a great time enjoying the show, the girls got a chance to dance. raymond was dancing with me daughter. a young man dancing near my daughter pulled her out once the shooting started. i was sitting down. nerve th everybody in there has a story. i don't think mine is more special. i understand it come office that way and is different. i just want people to be good to each other. that's it. i've seen really bad stuff. deployed and here i don't like it. >> let me talk to you about that, if you will. i don't mean to cut you off. let me talk to you about that. you were there and you helped to subdue the gunman. there were others who helped you, as well. one was a performer. what happened that your training
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kicked in? what sparked this off, if you don't mind going through it again. >> i went to the ground like everybody did. then when i rolled to get up, i knew i had to do something. i rolled to get up and i fell backwards in to like a seating area, bench seating. i fell in to that. as i fell i hit my back and looked up. i saw in like a window door and i saw people behind it. this guy was standing in front of it. i didn't know if he was shooting or getting ready. i have no idea. i went i have to stop this guy. i ran across the room and pulled him down. a young man, i believe, was trying to hide himself in the corner jumped up with me. i don't know if he helped me pull him down. i think the thomas kid. i can't remember all the names. the kid jumped up with me, we pulled him down, and his rifle
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came to the left -- or he fell to his left side. when i put him down his rifle was in front of them. the young man who tried to help me was in front of him with his feet toward his head. i yelled get his ar. i was going for the pistol. the young man, thomas, pushed the ar away. we were trying to keep the weapon away from him. the guy was reaching for whatever he could reach for and he was fighting. i started hitting him to get him to stop fighting. i told thomas kick this guy. it's not natural for people to do that to people. that kid has to live with that for the rest of his life. kicking somebody on the top of his head. it's not. but we had to do it. >> then someone else came over and started kicking? >> yeah. he was getting tired or hurt, i don't know. he slowed down. i said don't slow down. as i was yelling call 911.
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somebody get some help. then somebody, it may not have been a performer but somebody in high heels walked by or was running by. i said help. this guy -- he's slowing down. he was tired. it felt like a year. we didn't know how long we were going to be doing this. i kept swinging as best i could. i don't know if i did anything. i don't know if they did anything but we stopped him. that's all we could do. >> richard, listen. there are a lot of people grateful because, sadly, five people are dead. many more were injured but it could have been worse. there are people who do think you're a hero. one of them is the co-owner of club q nick and he joins us now. i know you've been wanting to meet richard. here's your chance. hello. what do you have to say to him? >> richard, thank you. you were a big part of saving many more lives an stopping this
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from being worse than it already was. we applaud you. i can't wait to give you a big hug. sorry for your loss, as well. >> richard do you want to respond? >> thank you. listen, you guys have a great establishment. i run a business, too. this is hard. we just went through covid. we're barely making it. everybody is barely make it. i was in there and it wasn't packed. it was a good crowd but it wasn't packed. it was a safe space. i was like okay, cool, there's no problems here. no issues. everything is going good. i commend you for doing what you do. our whole thing is diversity is on tap. my wife's vision is the beer summit that obama had. she wants people to sit down with a beer and it means, hey,
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there's no judgment. we're going have a good time together. that's what her goal is. i know that's your goal, too. that's all we can do is try. as business owners it tends to be very vanilla. we tried to do something that's not vanilla, if you will. we're trying to make a change, a difference. you've done that. we're a four-year business. we're trying. >> what do you want to say, nick? >> i can't say thank you enough. i'm so happy you were there. you're an angel to many people in this community. >> nick, listen, i want to talk to you, to both of you, especially nick and my colleagues, i'm sure have questions. we've been talking about all this hate in america, especially when it comes to lgbtq people.
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both of them are allies and have gone to bars with our gay friends. nick you want to say something to leaders and politicians who you believe are helping to fuel this. >> yeah. i think that words are important. the word you use every day are so important. they can cause so much love or hate. you might think that words are so small and insignificant and it's getting your point across. these politicians making drag queens out to be horrible people. these aren't true things but it makes people do things that are hate filled. >> i lost the last part of what you said. >> i said it makes people filled with so much hate do things like
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we saw this weekend. i think that politicians need to understand that this is bigger than them getting votes, them making up lies about the lgbt community when they don't understand is sad just so they can get a point across. they are taking our lives and our safe spaces to push their agenda through. >> richard you're shaking your head? >> i agree with him. like i said, i don't jump on any side. i jump on people. i love people. i think what they are doing is amazing. i think, i grew up around a mix of everything. being able to share and exchange cultures that's a part of being american. i'm a proud american. i'm a proud supporter of everybody. i think that's kind of where people need to go back to.
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i applaud what they are doing and i applaud folks who have the current to tell their parents. hey, i'm coming out. that's harder than anything i've ever done. i couldn't do it if i had to. it's a challenge. it's huge. don, i watched me and my wife's favorite night was new years eve. you and brook were having a great time in new orleans. we had just gone done the mississippi blues trail. that moment we were like that's what it's about. you guys were just enjoying yourselves with the crowd and having a good time. nobody was judging anybody. it was beautiful. much like the beer summit that obama did. those are things for us as people who sell beer, people that have people with libations want people to have fun. at the end of the day, you want to shake hands and love each other. that's what it's about. >> nick, do you have concerns about -- i'm going to give you
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the final word. do you have concerns about the division in our country and where we're heading? you were trying to offer a space space and, sadly, someone interrupted that so violently. >> i do. i am sad and scared about what wr thi, where this nation is going. what happened to us this weekend as a community is happening around the nation. these politics are tearing our gay communicates apart. you see what's happening in new york with bricks thrown at bars. this is not good. this is not safe. our politicians are helping drive this narrative and they can also help stop it. >> thank you nick. thank you richard. you guys are very brave. i could talk longer with you.
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we'll move on because we are going to discuss this morning. thank you so much. that's all i can say. i'm on the verge of tears. we're going to go to break and will discuss after this. we'll be right back. two new ihop lunch and dinner menu items for twice the goodness, twice the flavor, and twice the choice. sirloin salisbury steak and all-natural salmon.. perfect for lunch or dinner. only at ihopop. download the app and earn freeee food with every purcrchase. i see an amazing place. a place of many wonders - and full of life. i open my eyes: earth is our pandora.
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welcome back to cnn this morning. disturbing news that we have learned and that is that one of the top election officials in arizona's largest county was taken to an undisclosed location on election day for his own safety. the board of supervisors chairman bill gates spent election night at a secure location under police protection because of a specific threat made to him online. he is still receiving increased security. gates, a face you've seen on this network, is a republican. first gained notoriety for pushing back on trump's election lies. he is continuing to refute election lies spread by some fellow republicans including the candidate karri lake. joining us is governor elect katie hobbs. congratulations and good morning. >> good morning. >> your reaction to news about republican election official in your state, bill gates?
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>> i think arizonans and americans sent a message to election deniers we are ready to move on. unfortunately they are still giving attacks on those responsible for our elections based on false allegations. they are basically, being a sore loser. we cannot tolerate it. this has to end. i think we survived a lot in this last election. we helped save democracy but it's not over. we have to continue to be vigilant and hold these people accountable for dangerous political rhetoric causing this kind of threat. >> you are about to governor the state of arizona. this was a hard fought campaign. you won. the difference was just over 17,000 votes. that means you're going represent a lot of folks who wanted kari lake to be the governor. a lot of republicans who disagree with you on a lot of
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views. on abortion, i know the number one thing you're going the take on as governor. you're going to oversee a state with about 40,000 public employees a budget around $60 billion annually. can you talk to us about how you are going to do that in a way the people who didn't vote for you actually feel represented by you? >> certainly. i ran this campaign talking to arizonans. i wasn't focused on if they were democrats or republicans. the issues i talk to them about are arizona issues. i fixing our water crisis, funding schools, protecting reproductive right, affordability. those are things arizona cares about. i promise to be a governor for all arizonans whether you supported me in this election or not. i'm ready to get to work to tackle tough issues. that means bringing people together all across from the state, from all political
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parties, to help tackle them. i had a strong coalition of republicans supporting me in this case because they chose sanity over chaos. i'm going to continue to make sure our administration is inclusive of all those viewpoints. these are not democrat and republican issues they are arizona issues. >> one of the big azrizona issus is the border. what is your intent on that? how different is your border policy going to look from your predecessor? are you going to reverse any he did on that front? >> as a border state, arizona has born the brunt of decades of inaction from both parties in washington. we need real action on immigration reform. we need border security. but, in the meantime, a lot of things governor duecy has done putting migrants on buses to washington, d.c., placing shipping containers at the border are political stunts at the expense of tax a payer
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dollars. we could be using dollars where they are meaningful. with border communities feeling affects of crime at the border. i have a border plan endorsed by two border sheriffs. it's one of the things at the top of my agenda to talk to president about in terms of bringing real security to our state and the border. >> on that front, speaking to the president, do you want him to visit the border? do you think his administration is doing enough when it comes to the border? >> i don't think they are doing enough. i would love to have them visit and see firsthand the kind of support and relief that folks in these communities need from the federal government. >> governor elect, do you have a message for your opponent who keeps spreading these election denial conspiracies as much as the former president did? she's doing it locally as he is doing it nationally. that will also affect how you
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governor and your legislative agenda, i'm sure. >> absolutely. look, i'm not focused on what my former opponent is doing. i'm focused on all the things we need to do to get ready to lead on day one of my administration. this kind of political rhetoric, these false accusations, they need to stop. many people across the state of arizona and across the country are misled by so-called political leaders. the rhetoric is dangerous and it's leading to threats and violence and it needs to stop. >> governor elect hobbs congratulations on your win. thank you for joining us. we hope you'll come back many more times. >> thank you so much for having me. >> thank you. house republicans are already discussing the major investigations they plan to launch when they formally take over in january. now that they have won the house back by a little bit. we're going to talk to the current house majority leader democratic congressman hoy, r
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about how democrats plan to deal with the incoming republican majority. that's next. . chevrolet (woman 1) i just switched to verizon business unlimited. it's just right for my little business. unlimited premium data. unlimited hotspot data. (woman 2) you know it's from the most reliable 5g netwo in america? (vo)when it comes to your busin, not all bars are created equal. so switch to verizon business unlimitetoday. ♪ we all have a purpose in life - a “why.” maybe it's perfecting that special place that you want to keep in the family... ...or passing down the family business... ...or giving back to the places that inspire you. no matter your purpose, at pnc private bank, we will work with you every step of the way to help you achieve it. so let us focus on the how. just tell us - what's your why? ♪
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we will absolutely defend the biden administration and his strak record. i expect that we will strongly and vigorously be involved in pushing back against any effort at overreach by the extreme maga republican wing of the house republican conference. >> that's congressman jeffries vowing to defend the biden administration against what democrats see as potential overreach by republican controlled house when it comes to investigating the white house. jeffrey's set -- other ghat leaders hoyer and clyburn announce they step down from leadership to pave the way for a new generation. hoyer the number two democrat in the house in congress more than 41 years. serving in a leadership role since 1986. getting their starts at interns together on capitol hill. join us now is house majority
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leader steny hoyer. this was a huge announcement that came last week. yours that followed was significant. tell us what led you to decide that you were going to step down from leadership and whether or not you plan to serve out your full term. >> i plan to serve my full term. we'll see, on that. i haven't made a definite judgment on that. let me say, my view was had we taken the majority i would have run for majority leader. i think, frankly, the speaker would probably have run. we didn't. we're now in the minority. i've been the minority whip 12 years. in the minority you're essentially responding to the majority. i thought it was an excellent time, i think clyburn and i both felt, it was time to step down. we had been there a long time and give younger leaders, when we have extraordinary in mr. jeffrey, miss clark and
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others. we have new leaders coming in. but this two years in the minority will give them the experience they need so when we take over the house again in 2024. in 2024, i believe we will. they'll have two years of experience under their belt as leaders and that will make us a more effective party in the house of representatives. that's why i took the action i did. >> keep us updated on whether or not you plan to serve your full term. thank you for weighing in on that. you talked about new leadership. when you talk about what that new leadership looks like one unavoidable questions on capitol hill, as you know, is when it comes to the age of leadership. this was a focus last week. you're 83. nancy pelosi is 82. clyburn himself is 82. president biden is 80. i wonder if the new leadership is something is a mindset that applies when it comes to the
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president weighing a white house decision? >> i love that age is just a number. i campaigned in some 26 states and about 60 districts. i think i was as vigorous as i have been at any point in time in my service as leader. i think god has been very good to me and i have the mental and physical capacity to continue and would have run for majority leader. i think all of us felt that this was a time for transition because i'm 83, they are 82. clearly, we're not going serve forever. this was a good time, i think, to transist to new leadership. it was a good decision we made jim clyburn and i to serve our
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districts and serve on behalf of our constituents. it was a good time to say to new leaders, get experience and we'll move on. that's what we did. i think it was a good step, as i said! is that a consideration you think the white house should keep in mind as biden says he's going to decide over the holidays? >> i think joe biden has been very vigorous in this campaign. he's been very vigorous as the leader of our nation. he's been very successful legislatively. we passed four, many extraordinary bills but four extraordinary bills for the people and for the economy that were focused on the economy. making sure people didn't fall through the floorboards. making sure we have an infrastructure that supports our competitiveness in the 21st century. pass a science bill which dealt with the chip shortage that we had. then we passed the inflation reduction act. those four bills are historic bills and are going to be very
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responsible for america making it in america. not only manufacturing things, including zeros and ones and technical terms, but, also, in making sure that people can have success in their own lives and security in their own lives. that's what we were committed to. that's what we've done. joe biden has had an extraordinarily successful first two years. i think he's expressed interest and intent to run again. i think if he does i will support him. i think he's been a very successful leader. >> i want to ask you this. good morning. we appreciate you joining us. i've got to say, we were talking about you coming on and discussing amongst ourselves and your decision not to run for leadership. i said i wonder how much that had to do with the diversity and age and having a bench in the
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democratic party. was that a lesson you learned the last couple of years or was this something that happened after the midterms when you saw the young people getting out and voting and so forth. hey, we need to o make a change we need youth and diversity to move forward as a party and country. >> i think in any organization you need new blood. you need to bring new blood in and promote that new blood. frankly, the three leaders we're talking about are leaders right now, in terms of jeffries is chairman of the caucus. clark is assistance to the leader and aguilar is advice chair to the caucus. we've been bringing new leaders in. in answering your question, i think this was the time, while we're in the minority, to promote those leaders in to positions of greater responsibility. i think that experience over the next two years is going to make them better leaders, stronger
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leaders, more effective leaders when we take back the majority. which i think we are going to do. i think the american people essentially rejected extremism, rejected hate, they rejected a negative agenda that the republicans set forth. very frankly, i think mr. mccarthy is going to have a tough time dealing with a caucus, a conference as they call their group, that is very negative in its perspective and wants to look back not forward. it doesn't look forward to the people it wants to look forward to politics and i think that's going hurt them. i frankly think, when you look at john banner and paul ryan they got out early because they could not deal with their right wing extremist. i think mccarthy is going to find the same problem unless he starts to look forward and do
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positive agenda rather than a negative agenda. >> majority leader, thank you for being with us this morning. the washington post editorial board called you a model leader in congress and write and note, this is important to remind people. some of his biggest legislative accomplishments were signed in to law by republican presidents. katilyn reminded me one of the big ones more than 30 years ago was the americas with disability act a. the lead sponsor in the house and got it signed by president george h.w. bush. the vote was 91-6 in the senate. a lot of republicans got behind it. you talk about looking forward. >> overwhelming in the house, as well. >> exactly. to the crux of my question. are we passed that time or can this new congress go back to a time when things that actually helped millions of americas can get done in that way? >> well, of course, we got stuff
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done in this congress in a very partisan way. there were no republicans voted for the rescue plan. no republicans voted for the inflation reduction plan. just a few republicans on infrastructure and the chips bill. we got those done in a very, very closely divided. the answer is let us hope it can be done. not for democrats or for republicans but for our country, for the people. let us hope that republicans make a determination that having a positive agenda, rather than a solely negative extremist gagena is in their political best interest. that's what democracy is about representatives representing their people and their vision and desires. i hope that will happen. we ought not to be so pessimistic we say bipartisan ship is no longer possible. that would be not good for our country, not good for our people. i'm optimistic and prepared to
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work with mr. mccarthy and others. but it will depend upon, as i said in another interview, it takes two to tango. if they decide all they want to do is a negative attack on president biden, who is the only president we're going to have the next two years. working with him for the country, not for him or democrats but for the country and for the people. hopefully it's a path they will follow. >> congressman, we're going let you go. we're grateful for you time. i want to highlight tweets from democratic senator murphy. you're known on capitol hill for legislative, a beloved giant on capitol hill. one of the things he remembers most is 2008 congress gional baseball game. chris murphy's first game he blew it and lost and he felt like a newcomer. he said you broke through the crowd to check on him. you said don't worry about it.
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there's plenty more games. he says it says everything about hoyer. he cares about people even when nobody is watching. >> that was a very kind comment from chris. i knew how badly he felt. i went to say hey. there's another game and another day. put it behind you. which is what coaches tell players. you messed up. forget about it. golf is that way. you have a bad hole, forget that hole and go to the next one and hopefully par that one. >> life is that way. thank you very much. >> congressman, coach hoyer, thank you so much. >> thank you. speaking of sports we have a major upset that happened at the world cup. saudi arabia pulled off a shocker against the argentina team. plus this --
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♪ i can't stop look at the video wall. nothing stopped him. the next guest is opening up abtrial and tribulations. he has a new book, fat joe, the book of joe. he's always extremely open about life and everything. i love this man. i love you joe. >> thank you. i love you, too, don. early in the morning with you guys. i wore my best fabrics for you. >> i want you to buy this book. i'm telling you. buy it, buy it. we're going to get to this in a
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moment. you talk about these issues. you know what is happening in colorado springs. you're a huge supporter of -- an lgbtq ally. what do you think of this crap going on? >> it's terrible what's going on. i thought of you, too, that's the weirdest thing. i said it's got to hit. something happens in puerto rico or whatever you think fat joe. something happens, i said, this is scary we live in a world like this for no reason. there was to reason. then the brave guys that jumped on him and took a machine gun off this guy. there were so brave. their impactful. last night it was hard. they were on the show and it was just so hard to watch the guy break down so much on tv. it's just sad. >> you've been very spoken about hate and about ignorance, but don't know what you don't know. we've been talking about what happened with kanye, what happened with kyrie.
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you said you had an interaction with kanye, he came to you and asked you for advice. what did you say? >> i bumped into him. i love him. he is a good friend. i tell him you can't hurt people. if you have issues with anybody, you can't just blame everybody. so look to god because for me god is the answer. so i was heavy on god with him. i said jesus walks, man. go to god, get around the people, surround yourself around beautiful people that love god and lead you the right way. >> on kanye tying into the bigger mental health tries krooi is crisis in america you write about this impact flee in the book and all about being bullied in school so badly and that turning you into what you described as the worst bully in the world and driving you to a point where for the first time you thought about taking your own life. you are a father of three, right? talk to all of us about how we
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need to do better addressing mental health in this country. >> you said emotionally i was a ticking time bomb. >> i was because there was so much around me. i was a great kid, you know, this book isn't the face of a tough kid. you might look and think it was tough, it was a kid getting bullied every day by 20 guys. i don't have a christmas or thanksgiving picture without a black eye or bloody lip, but i kept going to school. so i never gave up. but at one point i had a best friend and the bullies came up to me and they told me best friend -- my mother would feed this kid every day at lunch and they told him his named was leonard, they said you have to beat him up with us or we're going to beat you up, too, and my best friend beat me up with them and that moment changed my life. it was so traumatizing and that's what turned me into the wrong path in life. >> what are what are -- i mean, your kids are a little bit older than mine now, but what do we need to do better so that doesn't happen to more kids, what you went through?
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>> fortunately i think the bullying aspect is always going to happen and this is -- this is an insecurity problem. these people -- most of the people that bully people got bullied or they are not really that tough. so they pick on guys that are less together their reputations built up and stuff like that. i tell them to fight. tell your mother, tell your father what's going on. you know, we had an incident where a family friend, her kids were getting bullied right here in jersey and i tell her you stay on them. you stay on them. you go to that school, you stay on them and, you know, you talk to the community because she's a very beloved person in the community. you've got to talk to the parents and let them know your kids are bullying my kids and they don't deserve that. >> you call yourself the "forrest gump" of hip hop. >> that's right. >> from alabama. >> alabama. stand up. >> tell me why.
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>> because i always seemed to be everywhere. so, you know, anytime something happens in hip hop music, i was there when they brought out eminem for the first time, the outsiders, i was there when big daddy cane brought out jay-z for the first time, i was there when rest in peace biz markie brought out big daddy. i'm always like "forrest gump," you name it, i'm there. and so it's so beautiful for a kid from the bronx to be invited to the white house, i was at the white house this year and shout out to power to the paces, they brought me over there, bringing transparency, but it's just an honor to spread the message of just going through tough times, darkest times and keeping the smile on your face. that's what this book is about. you might not think you can relate, but you can relate in every way, shape or form, you know. when i was 19 my son was born autistic, his mom wanted to give him up for adoption and me, my
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father and mother we raised my son. there are so many forms of adversity that you could be going through depression, i went two years depression, i was sitting in the bathtub with no water running just staring at the ceiling. outside it could be the sunniest day it looked so dark but i went and got therapy and believe it or not i was the only guy getting therapy. >> that's important. >> there was nothing but women and me. >> right. men don't want to do t i know black folks don't want to do it. >> yes. >> i'm generalizing here. you have to. >> you have to. you have to work on yourself, man, to make yourself better. >> you should go talk to your pastor. you know what i'm saying. >> you need to get therapy. work on yourself. it took me two years and i like to think i'm intelligent, but the mind is to powerful it's like a rubik's cube that you can't figure out. >> joe, we have to go. do you ever just sit back and think about, oh, man, look at
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this guy from the bronx and look at where i am now? >> later on in the bronx we're giving out six 18-wheelers of food to the people in the bronx. >> today. >> harlem today. washington heights, you know, we always out there, you know, we own businesses, sneaker stores in our communities, the bronx, harlem, washington heights. we have a classroom in there where we mentor the kids after school, give them computers. i mean, we do whatever we can for the community. >> we have to go, joe. get this book "t"the book of josé"" from fat joe. to my brother, don, thank you for all the love. thank you for the love. >> thank you so much, guys. >> we have a great story when we come back. >> she just became the first female student athlete to be named a division i variesity baseball player. we will talk about that. that's next. and i'm going to tell you about exciting medicare
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it is our morning moment featuring a freshman baseball player at brown university, her name is olivia pichardo and she just made history as the first female student athlete ever to be named to an ncaa division i varsity baseball roster. olivia has been playing baseball since she was 5, now she's 18 and a trailblazer that fits like a glove. watch. >> i think that it's really cool to have -- that we're having more and more female baseball players at the collegiate level. it's really paving the way for other girls in theex
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