tv CNN Newsroom CNN November 29, 2022 11:00am-12:00pm PST
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hopeful congress will help alert a looming disaster, a rail strike two weeks before christmas. as of now, no deal and railworkers are still negotiating. >> striking is the last option for us. we would much rather reach agreement with the railroad at the table, but, yes, we are prepared, if congress does not act in time, or act at all, we are prepared to strike. >> a meeting at the white house today the president asked congressional leaders from both parties to act immediately. now, leaders on both sides were optimistic how this will end. >> we must avoid a strike. jobs will be lost. even union jobs will be lost. water will not be safe. product will not be going to market. it is, we could lose 750,000 jobs, some of them union jobs. that must be avoided. so tomorrow morning in the house we will bring up the legislation. >> jeremy diamond traveling with
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the president and joins now from bay city, michigan. jeremy, how involved in president biden in these talks? >> reporter: well, risen, we saw president biden sitting down there with the four congressional leaders, and listen, let me explain why we're here, first of all. the president is here to tout manufactures growth in the united states tying to his policies including investments in semiconductor manufacturing which is what this manufacturing facility does here, but at the same time as the president is coming here today, he's making very clear that his top economic priority right now is averting that rail strike that could cost as much as $1 billion to the u.s. economy any first week of that rail strike. the president, of course, closely involved negotiating the initial tentative agreement just yesterday announced is calling on congress through legislation essentially force unions and railway companies to implement that tentative agreement. the president today, though, saying that he is confident that
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a railway strike can be averted and we heard optimism from the congressional leaders as well. here's the president in that meeting with those leaders. >> i asked for congress whether they'd be willing to come in and talk about what we're going to do between now and christmas, inners it of legislation, and there's a lot to do, including resolving the train strike. the -- what we're doing now, and congress i think has to act. it's not an easy call but i think we have to do it. the economy's at risk. >> reporter: essentially all four of those congressional leaders suggested that there is a pathway to getting this done through congress. already learning through our capitol hill team there is legislation language, legislative language, already beginning to circulate to do a resolution, to actually implement this deal. the house speaker nancy pelosi specifically says she believes the house has the votes to pass this. the only note of criticism we
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heard was really from the house leader kevin mccarthy. hoping to become speaker of the house when republicans take over the house next year. he criticized the president for allowing negotiations to even get to this point, and that's, of course, very interesting. because mccarthy is fighting to get this speakership next year. very much trying to reassure folks on the right wing of his caucus that he has the meddle to stand up to the president, and prove himself bona fide. why you're hearing that language from mccarthy today, i think. >> rare to see the president with mccarthy and mcconnell sitting, talking. do we know what else they discussed? >> reporter: we know they have a lot to do in the lame duck session. agenda number one, if not two after averting the railway strike, fund the government. in a couple weeks government funding is expected to run out. there's a question whether they'll do a short-term spending bill or all-encompasses omnibus spending bill.
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what mcconnell said is the preference and what should be happening right now. included in all of this spending that they're looking for the president made clear today he wants $10 billion in funding for covid relief. wants $37 billion in funding for the war, to sport ukraine in its fight against russia, and there's a number of other items. also trying to pass this same-sex marriage bill. questions whether they could pass electoral reform changes. all of that being discussed and, of course, looming over this meeting is the fact that president biden really hasn't spent a lot of time with republican leaders and particularly with kevin mccarthy, who could become speaker of the house come january. the president very much needs to work on that working relationship. the president said he's willing to work with republicans, if they'll work with him. you heard similar sentiment from mccarthy but, of course, we know that the political reality is far different. >> right. jeremy diamond there traveling with the president ahead of remarks scheduled for next hour in bay city. thank you. go to cnn business reporter
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matt egan. two things. first, what the unions want and, second, the impact that a strike could have on the economy. >> reporter: we thought disaster was averted back in september when a deal, a tentative deal was reached between union leaders and management. that tentative deal called for pay hikes, bonuses and a promise not to increase health care co-pays. president biden, he held that deal as a way for thousands of union workers. union workers, rank and file members, four unions voted this down. there are still sticking points. including lack of paid sick time and scheduling issues here. so if no agreement is reached we could have a strike next week, and this would be devastating for the economy. cost of $1 billion in just the first week alone. that's according to andersen economic group. lost wages, lost production and we see big impact to inflation. the problem is that rail is
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essential to supply chains in this economy. without it, you'd see a wide-ranging impact including gas prices. we would see food impact. commuters. let me give you key facts about how reliant this economy is on rail. nearly 70% of u.s. coal production moves by rail. food. 1. million car loads every year go by rail. crazy stat. 75% of new cars and trucks purchased in the united states also get delivered by rail, and to the impact of commuters, about 70% of miles traveled by amtrak trains are on tracks owned by freight rail. all of this explains why president biden, one of the most pro-union presidents in recent memory, is calling for congress to step in here. >> matt, another interesting point, lack of paid sick leave how common is paid sick leave? >> reporter: increasingly common. eight in ten workers in this economy, they do have access to
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paid leave. asterisk here. varies. part-time, low-income workers don't get as much access here. also varies by occupation. issue, though, the united states the world that does not have a national paid leave policy, and this potential strike as well as covid, i think, is shining a spotlight on this issue. >> matt, thank you for breaking that down for us. now to china. the crackdown on protesters is under way. officers from the chinese government's vast security force swarming main thorough ffares setting up barricades and randomly checking cell phones. demonstrations have taken place in at least 15 cities. >> thousands in china fed up with several years of covid lockdowns in a sign protests may be working. the government has been easing some restrictions. our correspondent ivan watson is
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in hong cohnkong with the lates >> reporter: getting a first sense how the chinese government views the protests that erupted over the weekend in more than a dozen cities across china against the government's very strict zero-covid policy of lockdowns. the powerful central, political and legal affairs commission issued a statement calling on authorities to "resolutely strike hard against infiltration and sabotage ak ctivities by hos hostiles establishing social disorder." sounds like no tolerance whatsoever for protests even if peaceful. we're seeing a reflection of in a the way police flooded the streets. erecting barriers preventing people from congregate when they
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protested over the weekend and hearing anecdotally from eyewitnesses about police in the subway system in shanghai stopping pedestrians and searching their phones. even have video illustrating this. one eyewitness saying the police were searching people's phones for images of the protests, also looking for apps. vpns that let people circumvent the great chinese firewall, that incredible system of krcensorsh blocks everything from google to facebook from reaching people's phones in china. while the crackdown is taking place we're seeing signs still of protests in the eastern city of hong joao and chinese health officials, interesting, calling on reducing the length of rockdowns. which appears to be a tacit recognition this is just putting too much pressure on people emotionally, psychologically, financially.
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victor and alisyn? >> thank you very much, ivan watson. the house committee investigating the attack on the capitol will interview tony ornato today. chief of staff for the trump administration january 6th. he spoke with the committee before but the first time questioned since cassidy hutchison's testimony in june. she said ornato told her trump lunged as a secret service agent who refused to let him go to the capitol january 6th. sara murray is with us now. what do we know about this ornato interview today? >> reporter: the interview got under way earlier today. to it comes on the heels of testimony from cassidy humpsen and cassidy hutchinson testified laid out the anger donald trump allegedly expressed towards ornato and robert engel lead agent in trump's motorcade january 6th.
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take a listen to what cassidy hutchinson said. >> mr. engle grabbed his arm, said, sir, you need to take your hand off the steering wheel. we're going back to the west wing. we're not going to the capitol. mr. trump then used his free hand to lunge towards bobby engel and mr. ornato recounted the story to me he motioned towards his clavicles. >> did mr. engle or mr. ornato tell you after that what he says was untrue? >> neither told me ever it was untrue. >> you heard cassty hutchinson saying these officials never walked back their story, and we should note engle and ornato have never gone on the record to dispute what cassidy humpensen had said. granted uner anonymity ornato denying essentially that he told cassidy hutchinson that the former president reacted this
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way. why it's so important for the committee to get this testimony. they want to set the record straight. try to confirm what cassidy hutchinson told them or if tony ornato is in fact going to dispute part of hutchinson testimony they want that on the record and get it under oath. >> just a few weeks to do it. sara murray, thank you. so a new study shows the gun epidemic in america is getting deadlier and hitting some communities harder an others. we're tell you which ones. and criticizing former president trump for dining with fuentntes and comments from his formrmer vice president, mike pence. so let us focus on the how. just tell us - what's your why? (vo) after fifteen years of the share the love event, subaru and our retailers have donated over two hundred and fifty million dollars to charity. in fact, subaru is the largest corporate donor to the asp...
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the family of one of the fourth graders killed during the uvalde school shooting is suing the gun manufacturer and gun shop that sold the weapon used in the attack. the mother filed the lawsuit to seek accountability alleging the mass shooting was enabled by the negligence of the gun manufacturer and that the gun shop had a duty not to sell weapons to this shooter. >> the lawsuit makes cs claims against law enforcement officials waited on-scene 77 minutes before storming in and killing the suitor. the suit alleged that trapped the students inside. 19 students, 2 teachers died in that attack. cnn reached out to all defendants listed in the lawsuit so far and not received replies on comments to those requests. the gun epidemic in america is deadlier and ever and hitting some communities harder than others. according to a new study firearms surged during the
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pandemic killing nearly 50,000 people last year. that's highest number since tracking began's in 1981. >> researchers found there had been more than 1 million firearm deaths in this country since 1990. cnn's elizabeth cohen joins us to explain more of the findings for us. >> reporter: those numbers are so staggering when you think about there is a life behind each of those numbers. what the study found, that firearm deaths are not affecting americans equally. look by gender. firearm fatalities in general, much more for men and that for women. 86% victims are males and 14% are females. now look apartment firearm as the homicides, very, very different when you break it down by race. all per 100,000 people. for black people, 56 per 1 thn now, you can see it's a horrible
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epidemic of violence affecting different groups of americans victor, alisyn? >> tell us about the cnn exclusive, risk of toxics chemicals found in some skin care beauty products. >> reporter: my colleagues did an incredible story so important looking at skin whitening creams. what they found is the went to minnesota department of health, very aggressive at trying to do what they can against these. one woman lost her peripheral vision because mercury was in her skin whitening cream. other people are having tingling in hands and feet. having fatigue and muscle weakness. let's take a look what they found in minnesota. so the maximum acceptable level in someone's urine would be five micrograms we are leader. for one, 46.6. obviously that is way too high and then when they went into homes to see what kind of mercury was in the home, it
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wasn't just in the person who used the cream, because it gets on clothing or whatever. they found it in the air, found it in washing machines. found it in bedding, in towels. some people do need to use lightening creams for medical reasons. if you read the story, some advice about how to find safer brands. they tend to be made by the larger manufacturers and also the ones in this minnesota, the folks in minnesota found, were mostly in sort of smaller neighborhood shops. not at larger retailers. >> that's just an amazing finding. elizabeth cohen, thank you for telling us about it. the u.s. faces off against iran in a must-win game at the world cup. mistakes on and off the field, really couldn't be higher. at watch parties with fan reaction. that's next. what's it like shopping on carvana? it's a car buying process
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right now the united states and iran are going head-to-head in a winner takes all world cup match. a source tells cnn iranian players were told their families would "face violence and torture" if they did not sing the national anthem or participated in any sort of protests. players did indeed sing at the start of today's match. >> the team that wins today will reach the knockout round of 16 at qatar 2022. what it is.
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ckcnn sports anchor andy schole and at a watch party in woodland hills, california. andy, start with you. learned after last week's hits, england game, best to hit you early. late in the match, a little distracted. how are folks feeling there where you are? >> reporter: victor, everybody here rather anxious, because, you know, u.s. scored one goal since june. against wales last week. played pretty well against in england but that was a 0-0 tie. we have to score. everyone is waiting for that goal to eventually happen. there is, i guess, nervous optimism it will eventually come. matt sheridan is right here. got here extra early to watch the game. matt, we're in the 27th minute, how do you think it's going so far? >> it's great. most possession of the ball.
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great. heart racing. fans amazing. atmosphere being here and missing last tight we went to the world cup, just -- just a lot of emotion. we're excited. this is great. >> reporter: no goal yet. is it coming? >> oh, it's coming. oh, it's coming! >> reporter: there you go, victor. >> 0 for 3. just need the first one. >> reporter: take a 1-0 lead at this point, guys, but like i said. lots of optimism. lots of anxiety because everyone's waiting for that first goal, if it happens. tell you what, the roof's going to blow off this place. >> we can imagine. already, andy, thank you. check in with nick in l.a. home to a large population of iranian immigrants. what's the mood there? nick? >> reporter: well, alisyn, at a cafe and a lot of mixed emotions. got to say. a lot of these people are dual iranian/u.s. citizens. a great fondness for their home country but not the regime in
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their home country. however, a lot of them told me they are putting their support behind this iranian team, because as you mentioned before, this iranian team has been threatened by the regime. these people say, listen. they are not -- this team is not for the regime. they have to be for the regime and the loyalties are very clear. we see the u.s. flag. the old pre-revolutionary iranian flag and many people wearing protest t-shirts, signs on the window saying ayatoliah must go. so psplit loyalties. a lot of people diplomatically told me they hope the game is a draw, but as andy pointed out, if it's a draw, then it' gentee football match, a soccer match, in an iranian cafe than in a scottish or irish pub. it's all tea, delicious sort of honey-drenched pastries.
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so a lot of nervousness here. a lot of pride in their country, mixed feelings in their country. the draw, as they say, if it's a draw, iran goes through. and right now, 0-0. we'll see. >> this is how i like to watch a game. watching in woodland hills, sitting down with honey-soaked pastries. >> oh! >> what's happening? >> okay. nothing. i heard a commotion. i'm living. go ahead, yeah. okay, yeah. >> honey-soaked pastries and you should introduce that in the bar where you are. now what's the mood? >> reporter: yes. this is -- what was that alisyn? sorry. >> don't worry. just tell me what's happening in the bar. >> reporter: i can't hear a word you're saying, alisyn, but tell you what -- >> what we had with andy last week. yeah. he's -- i can't hear you. got to get back to the match.
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yeah. yes. all right. andy scholes. nick white, thank you. >> a lot's happening but they're not telling us what it is. early voting in georgia continues to break records with a week left until the runoff votes are counted. you'll hear from governor brian kemp about republican senate candidate herschel walker. mixed signals on the state of the economy. a new report shows consumer confidence is down again, but cyber monday sales smashed records. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. uhhhh... here, i'll takthat. [woo hoo!] ensure max protein, with 30 grams of proin, one gram of sugar and nutrients for immu health. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid before it begins. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention
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short time ago house minority leader kevin mccarthy weighed in on president trump's decision to dine with white supremacist and holocaust denier nick fuentes. >> the president can meet with whoever he wants. i don't think anyone to meet with nick fuentes. >> kanye west -- >> i think kanye west, i don't think those are right comments and i don't think he should associate with him as well. i'm very clear on my position. >> mccarthy joined a small but growing list of republicans who are speaking out about trump's meeting with fuentes and the rapper known as kanye west. >> president trump was wrong to give a white nationalist an anti-semite and holocaust denier a seat at the table. >> i think it's disgusting to invite people like that to meet
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with a former president of the united states. >> he should condemn any those kinds of things that anybody can stand for, no matter who they are. >> joining us to discuss this and so much more former senator scott brown and adviser to mike pence olivia troy. great to see both of you. olivia a slightly different tactic than the political one, to start, because obviously you should denounce this. i don't understand what's so hard, or what takes people so many days to come around to that, but i want to take with you your wheelhouse, a national security tact. how can the former president of the united states not know who he's dining with at mar-a-lago? what is the process by which somebody gets in and he doesn't know who he's going to have dinner with? >> yeah. i'm so glad that you're asking me about this, because this has been bothering me for days now. there is just no way. it's not possible that the staff didn't know who it was. not possible he wasn't briefed who he was and sure the secret
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service was tracking exactly who nick fuentes is, but here is the thing. when i think about that i think back to january 6th and the fact trump wasn't afraid of the people that showed up because they weren't after him. this is a bedfellow for him. someone in his camp. he knows exactly who this person is. he knows that the message that he sent to these groups, also something that bothering me from a national security perspective. the fact by meeting with him he's legitimizing, legitimizing people like fuentes and legitimizing everything they stand for including meeting with kanye west, a challenge, anti-semitism before. two very repulsive people espoused horrible rhetoric that embolden these types of extremes across our country. >> of course, former president trump played the, "i don't know who this person is" game before. see donald trump and david duke, 2016 candidacy comments. let me come to you former
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ambassador. play more of what kevin mccarthy said today outside the white house. >> i don't think anybody should be spending any time with nick f fuentes. he has no place in this republican party. i think president trump came out four times and condemned him and didn't know who he was. >> not that he didn't know who he was, he didn't condemn him -- >> i condemn his ideology. it has no place in society. >> what about the former president -- the president didn't know who he was and the president's going to -- you know what? knew who kanye west is and didn't know who fuentes is. >> it's been a week since this dinner. are you now satisfied that so many days later kevin mccarthy has now with his comment crossed the threshold of leadership? has he said enough, what he should say in this position? >> he should have come out the first hour. i mean, it's a no-brainer.
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i asdgree with olivia, a former senate or u.s. ambassador like getting through fort knox. every should have known but more importantly the buck stops with the president. he should no better. kanye west, amazingly accomplished artist but having serious issues and i wish him well and hope he gets help, but the president should have known there were red flags all over the place and should have immediately, once he found out, number one kicked him out. more importantly denounced him and everything he stands for. yeah, listen, i was disappointed that everything takes so long. it's -- it's surprising to me, because it's, from people like me and others listening it's a no-brainer. do a mea culpa. screwed up. do something. don't say you don't know the guy. you're the president of the united states. oh livelivia is right.
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secret service not letting anyone in who isn't vetted. see if they're popping up on any screens. we can do better. >> do you think this hurts donald trump's chances gaining the gop nomination for the presidency? >> listen, i think that, you know, all of his warts and faults and strengths are out there for everybody to make a determination just like with herschel and warnock. they have everything out, it's out there. people will weigh and measure each and every one of them. certainly doesn't help. would have been better if meeting with prime ministers and presidents and business leaders and forming a broad-based coalition. yeah. it makes no sense to me why he would have dinner with him. i'm sorry. i can't offer any excuse nor will i even try. >> hmm. olivia, we heard from ambassador brown there mention the georgia senate race. turn to that now. the final days of the general election, the argument from a lot of republicans was, listen, we need control of the senate. that is off the table now. we wondered why then, we didn't
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see the governor, brian kemp, campaigning with him? let's listen to what kemp told kaitlan collins on cnn this morning. >> does herschel walker share your values? >> well, listen, when i'm talking about going to washington, d.c. and fighting for what georgiaens need i'm talking about the border, 40-year high inflation, astronomical gas prices since joe biden took office and the agenda raphael warnock supported up there. to me it's that simple in this race. and that's, you know, why i'm voting for herschel walker. >> of course, senator, come to you after we hear from olivia, but is that endorsement enough, if we need control of the senate argument? was it enough to get him across the line in november, it wasn't enough to get him across the line in november? >> i think it's embarrassing the republican party has put this candidate forward for senate. now they all have to defend it, tout the party line, and this is
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whatter that dealing with. right? i wish they had picked a more responsible, more fit for office type of individual. i would love to hear herschel walker's explanations and proposals for the border policies, i can't wait for him to eloquently explain what he's going to do if he is elected to the senate. interesting to hear. this is where we are. they put forward that candidate and now it's a game of how they get at this, because either way double down and follow the party line. look, i'm a lifelong republican voter but also believe we should have people that can actually responsible govern, get elected into office. stop pushing these people. find better candidates to run. >> senator, almost out of time. quickly, there's been a huge voter turnout already. record-breaking's do you think that bodes well for herschel walker? >> i think it bodes well for the process, for democracy. i encourage anybody to get out,
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pro or con. what we expect. we need people to come out and be a part of the process. with regard to the candidates, they both have flaws. i agree with governor kemp. bottom line, you want someone who's going down to secure the border, deal with our energy independence, deal with what's happening overseas. somebody not doing what respectfully senator warnock is doing, basically rubber stamping everything that president biden's doing. it's not going in the right direction. to have that balance, have come down every time there's a vote is part of the process. republicans have the house and i presume mccarthy will do his job and put bills in front of president biden deal with independence of energy, and the border, and encourage people and tell people why we put them in charge of the house. move forward and actually come up with solutions. this country's hurting now. we have very, very serious problems. winter is coming. oil is, just paid $613 for 100
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gal. you kidding me? we have to do better. we deserve to be and do better. >> scott brown, olivia troy. thank you. >> thank you. amazing images coming out of hawaii. two of the world's most famous vol volcanoes erupting at the e sam time. it. so let us focus onon the how. just tell us - what's your r why? [ coughing/sneezing ] dude, you coming? alka-seltzer plus powermax gels with more concentrated power. because the only thing dripping should be your style! plop plop fizz fizz with alka-seltzer plus. also try for fast sinus and pain relief!
11:49 am
inflation drove u.s. consumer confidence lower in november. i know you were waiting for me to start. so was i. >> everybody was waiting. >> to its lowest level since july. >> but online black friday sales hit a new record and cyber monday sales grew by almost 6% from last year, setting another record. cnn's alison kosik joins us. if consumer confidence is
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dropping a lbit again but sales are going up, what's going on? >> it's almost like a tale of two sides of the consumer, what consumers are doing and what they're saying. what they're doing is they seem to be shopping like there's no tomorrow when you look at the cyber monday figures. $11.3 billion spent one day online. that's the best online shopping day of the year, if not ever. the national retail federation says a record 196 million people shopped over the weekend, and that certainly blew away expectations as well. what's going on with consumer confidence? consumer confidence is the part of it where consumers are saying they're feeling a certain way and they're saying that they're feeling uneasy about where the economy is headed. consumer confidence falling to its lowest level since july, falling for a second month in a row in november. and they're basically reflecting that there's uncertainty going forward, that they're feeling pretty gloomy about where the economy is headed. why? there are three reasons why and i bet you can guess the first
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reason, and that's inflation. inflation at 40-year highs. no one likes to spend top dollar for food, rent and clothing. secondly, gas prices, when the survey was taken gas prices were at a high so confidence took a hit then. and then the third part of it is the jobs market. you can just watch the news and hear about the tech layoffs. that creates uncertainty, as well as the hiring freezes going on at a lot of these tech companies, and concern that these kinds of layoffs are spreading to other industries. we know of other industries as well. ford laid off 4,000 people in august and we're hearing reports of amc expecting layoffs as well according to the wall street journal. that uncertainty is breeding the part of the consumer who says they don't feel great but then they're doing something else. they are shopping like there's no tomorrow. >> there have been conflicting signals throughout this last stretch economically and it continues. alison kosik, thank you. >> you've got it.
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guy, guys, guys, we're still in session. and i don't know what the heck you're talking about. a rare natural phenomenon is happening in hawaii. mauna loa, the world's largest and most active volcano is erupting at the same time as the volcano just 20 miles away. they have not erupted simultaneously since 1984. we've just learned that the governor of hawaii has signed an emergency proclamation which allows top officials to take emergency action as they see fit. we have the ceo of blueprint earth. great to have you here. so tell us about this rare dual event and is it dangerous? >> so i just want to preface it
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by saying i think everybody in the volcanology community is really excited about this. it hasn't erupted in 38 years and the '84 eruption was the last time that both erupted at the same time, and before that not since 1924. so we are really excited to get all of the data that's going to be generated by this event and to inform our understanding of how volcanos work, but also really exciting for us is right now this eruption is very low risk to anybody because it's not in areas that are populated. so we're looking at really oozy running lava flows and not very high likelihood of anything explosive. hawaiian volcanos normally erupt in an oozy fashion, so they could have smog, which could cause respiratory issues in local folks and minor, minor ash fall. but other than that, this is a
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field day for scientists. >> i'm so happy this is your super bowl. also, i was fascinated to read that because of the slow flow of this lava that most people can out-walk this lava flow. i imagined having to run as fast as you possibly can to avoid catastrophe, but, no, you can stroll away from it. >> yes, it's a misconception. we see that a lot when we're doing science outreach about volcanos. people think lava is the major hazard, but it usually isn't because of the fact that people can get up the walk away. most flows stay under about 20 miles per hour, so somewhere in the mid-20s in kilometers per hour, and they can get faster, but that's usually when the flow hits a channel. so if you imagine, like, a drainage system for water, it's the same sort of thing. if you channelize a liquid or something moving like a liquid like lava, it will go faster.
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but that's not common. we've seen it with hawaiian eruptions, including just a few years ago, but really the biggest threat is to property, things that we can't move. but generally with an eruption like this, we have plenty of time to help people get out of harm's way. >> the fact that these are happening simultaneously, did one trigger the other, or is this random and does this have anything to do with climate change? >> so the volcanos did not trigger each other, even though they are next to each other. they have their own separate ma gma cham ybers, which is a store area before the pressure erupts to the surface and becomes lava. and so basically they have their own plumbing and didn't trigger each other. and, fortunately, as i
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