tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN November 30, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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this thing, it's making me get an ice bath again. what do you mean? these straps are mind-blowing! they collect hundreds of data points like hrv and rem sleep, so you know all you need for recovery. and you are? i'm an invesco qqq, a fund that gives me access to... nasdaq 100 innovations like... wearable training optimization tech. uh, how long are you... i'm done. i'm okay. -- captions by vitac -- with just six days between georgia's senate run off between raphael warnock and herschel walker, early voting continuing to be heavy. more than a million early ballots have been cast so far, and that's a record. high early turnout has
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traditionally favored democrats, but that remains to be seen in this case. another factor is what recent cnn reporting revealed, which showed walker himself revealing at a campaign appearance where he actually lives. >> if anyone asks me why did i decide to run, because to be honest with you, this is never something i ever, ever, ever thought in my life i would do. but as i was sitting in my home in my texas -- i was sitting in my home in texas -- and i was seeing what was going on in this country. >> tax records review walker is listed to get a homestead tax exemption in texas for this year, which is only for primary residences. the walker campaign has not responded to repeated requests for comment. georgia democrats are calling on state officials to investigate. before announcing his candidacy, all of walker's media appearances on fox news and
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other conservative media, around 20 in total, took place in texas. so, there's that. there's also the tens of millions of dollars being spent by both sides on ads, many of them negative. add that to what's at stake, especially for democrats who want the real benefits of having 51 seats instead of # 50, and we've got quite a race to follow. more from dianne gallagher. >> reporter: with more than 1 million votes cast in the senate runoff race, as long lines continue across the state of georgia, raphael warnock and republican herschel walker are pushing out their message to get out the early vote. >> get out and vote. tell your friends, get out and vote. if you don't have any friends, make some friends. tell them to get out and vote. >> i need you to vote. you ready to vote? tell all your friends to vote. early voting goes through this friday. i see you holding up your voter card. >> tuesdays totals topping
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monday's record breaking 300,000 plus early votes cast in a single day. the newly compressed time frame juicing those eye popping numbers. but election officials saying it's indicative of continued enthusiasm in an election fatigued state. >> we're the bell of the ball. every political dollar in america is coming here right now on the left and the right. >> reporter: more than $50 million being spent on ads that are blanketing the air waves and trending increasingly negative. >> and warnock thought no one was watching when his ex-wife called police. >> it is embarrassing. it is embarrassing. >> reporter: feature heavy hitting surrogates trying to appeal to voters. >> that's why i'm backing herschel, and i hope you'll join me in voting for him too. >> a lot of people in washington like reverend warnock, and that's exactly why we need to send him back. >> former president barack
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obama, going from the screen to on scene this week, headlining another rally for the incumbent, senator warnock just as he did in the days before the general election. but walker won't be getting that same in-person boost from former president donald trump. >> president trump has always been in my corner. he still is in my corner, and he's been doing other things for me. and everyone has been doing a lot of things for me. >> reporter: to the relief of many georgia republicans, instead of traveling to the peach state, trump will hold a telerally for walker some time before election day. >> and dianne gallagher joins us now from rome, georgia, where walker just wrapped up an event. diane, aside from a cameo from former president obama, which you mentioned in your piece just now, what can we expect on the trail from the candidates in the final six days? >> reporter: well, so to give you an idea of tomorrow, john, at the same time that president obama is going to be rallying for warnock, herschel walker will hold an event of his own
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with mike pompeo, senator lindsey graham, and a host of other republican main stays. the important thing here is early in-person voting ends friday. so much effort has been put into making sure people get out and vote early from both democrats and republicans during these five mandatory days. after that, the campaigns are going to have to make sure they can get those voters who didn't show up to come on tuesday for election day. now, look, senator warnock has had a robust, very aggressive campaign schedule, with multiple stops each day during this runoff period. herschel walker's has not been quite as aggressive. he's had a couple of events, and there was even a five-day period during this four-week runoff where he didn't hold any public events. he is holding a couple of them a day this week, and we expect to see the same going through the weekend, john. >> dianne gallagher in rome, georgia. recently tim duncan, the republican governor of georgia, says herschel walker was granted
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a mulligan in the runoff, an extra few weeks to convince the democr democrats to change their minds. south carolina democratic state lawmaker, bakari sellers. really six days left, do you think that herschel walker has convinced enough georgians to send him to the senate? >> well, there's a serious imbalance of energy right now. the warnock campaign seems to be gaining seem and momentum. and every time you turn on the tv, there's an ad running. it's not necessarily the walker side. i think you mentioned there was a brief five-day period where he was absent from the campaign trail. the ads don't seem to be as numerous. and there does not feel there's a ton of energy. this came down to the suburbs. can he convention the 200,000 people that voted for brian kemp but voted for raphael warnock to show up and click on his name. and it doesn't feel like that's
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happening. >> so, you told cnn in the fall that walker didn't do enough to get your respect or your vote in november. will you be voting for him next tuesday? >> reporter: showed up to vote this morning. i was one of those folks who got in line and spent about an hour waiting. it was the most disappointing ballot i've ever stared at in my entire life since i started voting. i had two candidates that i just couldn't find anything that made sense for me to put my vote behind. so, i walked out of that ballot box showing up to vote, but not voting for either one of them. >> so, you didn't vote. dianne gallagher reporting we're seeing record breaking early vote numbers in georgia. so, do you think that's good news for the democratic campaign here or because we're talking about a runoff here and a really compressed schedule, does that conventional wisdom get thrown out of the window? >> no, undoubtedly that's good news for democrats. we've seen the trends. instead of having these polling data where republicans flood the
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zone with just poor polls, what we see now is that we actually have data we can look at. that's the early voting numbers, where they come from in georgia. lieutenant governor duncan is probably better than i at telling you what it means when somebody votes in richmond county versus fulton county or dekalb county, et cetera. but i do believe that what we're seeing is that democrats are coming out. i think raphael warnock is running the pitch perfect campaign for the moment. and let me also say this, this is somewhat contentious for people who may not be familiar culturally with what i'm about to say. but there is a great deal of resentment by black voters for herschel walker. there are many black voters who you speak to who simply say that he does not speak or represent us very well at all, from the allegations of abuse, from being inarticulate, for not understanding basic concepts. and therefore, we do not want
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him to represent us on the world stage as a united states senator in washington, d.c. i expect you're going to have a large number of black voters come out, again, for raphael warnock, overcoming the fatigue, and a great deal of young voters come out for raphael warnock, overcoming the fatigue as well. >> i want to go back to your decision not to cast a vote in this runoff election. was your vote gettable by herschel walker in this runoff? is there something he could have done? or what is it that he could have done to get your vote today? >> i think i'm in the same spot that hundreds of thousands of republicans and millions across the country, we just want real leadership to navigate us through the mess and mire of what we're seeing play out in washington, d.c. there's a couple easy piece of low lying fruit. when nick fuentes did what he did with donald trump and took the dinner meeting, push back on
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that instead of hitting the mute button. those are ways to convince the media you're not donald trump's puppet. you wanted to be a u.s. senator who wanted to do important things and lead using big ideas. that didn't happen. and that's disappointing. and i think there's a lot of finger pointing starting to happen. this is a lot like a locker room after a couple losing seasons or a couple of big losses. people are starting to point fingers, and there needs to be a new direction for the republican party. this is going to be one of those moments in time where we point as a catalyst that allowed us to find real candidates to stand up and win these cases. >> so, bakari, one of the things you are hearing from republicans, the senators who are going to campaign for herschel walker in georgia is, you know, keep us at 50/50. don't give the democrats 51 because it helps us in committee strength. is committee strength sort of a salient campaign pitch to voters, republican or democrats? >> well, look, i want raphael warnock to win this election, and my mama always would tell me to leave well enough alone.
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and there has been no better message than that of lieutenant governor duncan on why raphael warnock should probably be the next united states senator, the inability for herschel walker to actually serve. let me just say that the closing message for herschel walker is god knows what. he's ill fitted, he's ill equipped to be a united states senator. and i think people are recognizing that. you also have the level of exhaustion that georgia voters have. but, you know, let's add this up. let's look at it in the balance and the totality of what it is. tomorrow, you have barack obama, who is, i would say, arguably the most popular either current elected or former elected official on the campaign trail campaigning for raphael warnock, whereas you have donald trump doing a teleconference. i don't even know what that is. a tele-rally for herschel walker. and i think that actually goes to the point of momentum.
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and raphael warnock has the momentum going into this. 51/49 for democrats is a huge advantage, and we know that. i think people know that. but you don't want to go into somebody's household saying, please give me 51 votes for committee assignments. i think geoff duncan and i would both agree things like inflation, immigration, crime, et cetera are the number one issues. it ain't give me the number of votes i need so i can get this flush assignment on this. >> i think we just made cnn history where panelists deferred the answer back to the other guest here. geoff duncan, bakari sellers, i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> thank you. house democrats made history, electing hakeem jeffries soon to be minority leader. he is the first black leader in either party ever and the first from new york since the 1930s. more on nancy pelosi's successor as party leader from cnn. >> reporter: after nearly a decade on capitol hill,
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brooklyn-bred attorney hakeem jeffries takes his own place in history. >> stay on the shoulders of people like shirley chisholm and so many others, as we work to advance the ball for so many americans and get stuff done because that's what democrats do. >> reporter: at 52, jeffries attention marks a generational change from 82-year-old outgoing house speaker nancy pelosi. >> we're going to work hard -- >> reporter: jeffries became democratic caucus sharer and has been known for affordable housing and criminal justice reform. working across the aisle in 2019 to get the first s.t.e.p. act passed. >> we look forward to find opportunities to partner with the other side of the aisle and work with them whenever possible, but we will also push back against extremism whenever
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necessary. >> reporter: but it was his role as an impeachment manager during former president donald trump's first impeachment trial that was among jeffries' most high profile trial. >> that is why we are here. and if you don't know, now you know. >> one of my constituents said, aren't you the congressman that shouted out biggie smalls on the house floor two years ago? i said, yeah, that was me. he said, and now i hear that you're the number five democrat in the house of representatives? how did that happen? the only way i could respond by quoting the biggie smalls lyric was just, you never thought that hip hop could take it this far. so, i think that biggie smalls, jay-z, you know, in many ways capture the aspirational aspect of the american dream. >> reporter: a former long-time staffer suggests jeffries will
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pose a formatable challenge to republicans. >> he has a mind like a computer. he's absolutely brilliant. he remembers every detail of everything. we never write his speeches out. we pull together the substance, and he can go and speak for 45 minutes. >> reporter: and argues he's the right man for this moment. >> in 2015, i said to him, i said, you're going to be the next speaker of the house because the reality of our party is that we had this old faction that was destined to leave at some point, and hakeem can articulate what we stood for. we now live in an era that stands for most things. >> reporter: jeffries will have to contend with the left wing of the party, who view him as part of the establishment. and he's poised to take the mantle with a democratic minority. >> i may not be perfect, but i'm perfect for you. for those who claim i'm not progressive enough, there are far less progressive people who could stand in his stead and try
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to occupy his space. he's as progressive a figure as is capable of securing the broad base of the democratic party in order to represent them. >> reporter: eva mckind, cnn, atlanta. >> our thanks to eva on that. we're staying on the protests in china, because there's a chance they could be work something what to prompt change from the communist government there. you'll hear from an american who lived there for many years. plus the backlash in new york city after the mayor here announced moves to remove mentntally ill homeless people from t the streets. that's coming up. kevin?!?!?.... hey, what's going on? i'm right here! i was busy casashbacking for the holidays with chase freedom unlimited. i'm gonna cashback on a gingerbread house! oooh, it's got little people inside! and a snowglobe. oh, i wished i lived in there. you know i can't believe you lost another kevin. it's a holiday tradition! that it is! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited. ♪
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commands of the masses reasonable and saying the government should respond to them in a timely manner. thoughts now from an american who lived in china eight years, author of "age of ambition: chasing fortune, truth and fate in china." good to see you. these things we're seeing in china now we really haven't seen. i can't imagine you saw anything like this in the eight years you were there. what do you make of it? >> yeah, it really is striking. i mean, i covered a lot of protests over the years. they would tend to be very isolated incidents, often in rural areas. people were kind of desperate because of local corruption or an environmental crisis. what's really different in this case, john, is that you're seeing across a broad range of populations, demographics, geography, you see all kinds of different people, especially you see upper middle class people from beijing and shanghai and students at some of the most elite campuses all coming out, showing their faces, chanting, asking for dignity, saying, no more lies.
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as you know, john, the risks for protesting in china are severe. they're not abstract. people know they run the risk of arrest. the fact they're doing it now is the sign they've reached the breaking point. >> how much of it is a breaking point over covid? how much is it strictly over covid? is and how much of it might be about something even deep senator. >> the immediate issue is certainly the zero covid policy has just pushed people too far. to give you one statistic, young people in china are facing an unemployment rate of 18% because of the lockdowns and the effect on the economy. as you suggested, it does run deeper than that. one of the things you heard in the slogans, in the chanting this week, was really interesting. people said, i want to return to normal life. and that doesn't just mean life without covid. it means the kind of trajectory of china that they knew before, let's call it what it is, in the years before xi jinping came to power in 2012. a country that had big technology companies before xi
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jinping's government pushed out the companies. they were going as tourists, going as students. these days it's very difficult to get a passport. all of these are the kinds of demonstrations of this relentless focus on control that has pushed people to the point of crying out. >> xi jinping just secured his third term in office, and who knows if that will be it frankly. so, what do you see him doing here? does he have options or even options he would choose to take? >> he's in a very tricky situation. i think this is the biggest challenge that he has faced since coming into office a decade ago because the authoritarian playbook tells him, you clamp down. what he wants to do is prevent more of these kind of protests. but that will simply not get rid of this growing reservoir of anger, of real frustration that the expectations people had of china have not been fulfilled. it hasn't been the country they wanted it to be. so, the other thing you can do is make concessions by another
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name, essentially begin to recognize, as you mentioned in the beginning. they are beginning to give some sign that they have to change course on covid. they're beginning to say, we'll do lockdowns more sporadically, we'll do testing more carefully, and try to get rid of the arbitrary, does not focus on giving people the dynamism they want in the economy and their lives. as long as he's attached as he is to that level of intrusiveness in people's lives, this is not going to go away. >> thank you so much. next, the sweeping plan in new york to deal with mental illness and homelessness, a controversial one, a plan to hospitalize some new yorkers involuntarily, and the pushback to it when "360" continues.
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amid a national debate about rising crime, policing, and homelessness, the mayor of new york city has issued a directive for law enforcement and emergency workers to begin hospitalizing more mentally ill people on the streets and subways involuntarily, not just for the safety of others but for their own welfare. >> it is not acceptable for us to see someone who clearly needs help and walk past. no more walking by or looking away. no more passing the buck. >> so, this has been getting some pushback. now from brin gin grass. >> reporter: new york city has had enough. >> growing up in new york city reminds me of the '90s. >> it is difficult watching the crime. but mental health is scapegoated. >> reporter: mayor eric adams is grappling with an issue that is not unique to this city and coming up with a controversial
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plan, which gives first responders the green light to involuntarily commit people suffering a mental health crisis. >> the previous plan was wait until they do something that endangers the life of themselves or others. we're saying no to that plan. >> reporter: the move comes as adams faces pressure to make new york city feel safer, particularly after a string of crimes involving suspects allegedly suffering from mental illness, like the murder of michelle gao, a woman pushed in front of an oncoming train, or in this case where the victims arrived. retired nypd detective says it shouldn't fall on first responders to decide the care of individuals experiencing a mental health crisis. >> i think you're potentially putting up a problem, and as soon as they want to resist, where does the liability fall, on the uniformed officers. >> reporter: first responders will receive more training and get help from medical professionals in real time.
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>> this plan represents a major shift in how we care for our fellow new yorkers in crisis. >> reporter: when it comes to the nypd, it's unclear what additional training officers will receive. a statement from the department notes nypd is currently in the process of aligning its policy, guidance, and training in conformance with the mayor's directive, pointing out that it first received the directive tuesday, same day of the mayor's public announcement. i just don't see this being a fix in the immediate future. >> reporter: because the problem would persist. >> slipping through the cracks. >> reporter: some argue there are alternative ways to tackling this issue. >> the city really needs to approach this more from a health and housing lens rather than focusing on involuntary removals and policing. >> and brin joins us now. brin, what's the mayor saying to critics? >> reporter: listen, john, the
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mayor truly believes this is going to help those that need these services. he says this is an issue that persists and at least is trying to address this issue. he has been the mayor since january, right? we know from his team that he has been on the city streets talking to people, trying to find solutions. it started with breaking up those encampments of homeless people, trying to get them the services they need, also stopping people from sleeping on trains. this is sort of the next evolution, as he calls it, in that process. there needs to be tweaks to that. he hopes to get that feedback and continue to address this sensitive topic in new york city that's really not just in new york city, as you know, john, all across this nation. >> thank you very much for that report. social science researcher at university of pennsylvania, with primary expertise in the area of homelessness and assisted housing policy. and professor, brin just alluded to this. new york city obviously isn't the only city dealing with homelessness. what do you think is driving
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this particular plan from mayor adams? and what's your view of it? >> well, i can appreciate that folks are desperate and the mayor and others would like to have a very quick solution. but this is a deep systemic problem from years and years of neglect of the safety net. we're talking about the mental health system that cannot serve adequately the people who are actually voluntarily trying to get treatment. there are not enough beds for fo folks to be placed in. let alone, of course, hospitalization is not an end in itself. people just get discharged in many cases from these hospital stays, placed right back into shelters and on the streets, and then of course they decompensate and the cycle repeats. so, there has to be a housing solution. there has to be more adequate income for folks so that they can sustain and take care of themselves. and there have to be the support services. so wer so, we have a lot of underlying issues that need to be addressed even for this policy to be successful. >> you bring up excellent points
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there. what happens if there aren't enough beds? what happens if there are beds? the person goes in and is then discharged. any sense of how that would even work? >> well, we know already we have people every day who are discharged who have been involuntarily placed in the hospital because they have been a danger to themselves or others, and they are discharged back into shelters, back onto the streets. so, we already have a situation where that is a failure. and people are not being properly served and provided with the adequate resources to be able to be housed. and that's the fundamental problem here. you can't actively and effectively treat people without having them in a place where they can take care of themselves. >> what do you do? i mean, if this isn't the solution, what is? >> well, we have to fix a broken federal safety net. you know, we have a system in place, which is to provide adequate income through ssi from
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social security and to have medicaid pay for services buchlt neither of those programs actually effectively working for this population. the income people resiceive is y too low. they're effectively destitute. and the services are not reaching folks because there's too few providers. >> what do police do here? what do you see as the role of law enforcement in this? >> i'm concerned about having police be the first responders here. you know, when a person's in crisis, having an officer in uniform who's armed could easily escalate the situation and have tragic consequences. we've seen that happen in our country many other times. so, i don't think it's an appropriate role for the police to be doing this. we have outreach teams. the city of new york has outreach teams who are working and know many of these folks. there should be trained mental health professionals making these decisions. and it's not a fair burden to the police as well. >> what do you see as lacking in the political discussion about
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this now? because obviously so much of this was just a major campaign issue. >> well, ultimately, this is about resources. you know, too few, only one out of every five people who need some kind of supportive housing who is homeless is getting it. so, there is just too few resources. and that's really the political issue is that our legislature, the government, they have to go and finedd the resources to ser folks. and lacking that, we're just going to end up repeating this problem over and over. >> an important discussion. thank you so much for being with us tonight. >> thank you. next, what to make of a new study of an experimental drug designed to treat alzheimer's and what to make specifically of the word being used to describe it. that word is "potential."
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of the experimental trial shows it has potential as a treatment for the disease. that's it. the news comes with a long list of ifs and buts and questions to ask, which is why we're glad to be joined tonight by cnn medical correspondent, dr. tarron rhule. doctor, it's great to see you. how significant is this research? >> i love you talked about guarded hope. 6 million americans have alzheimer's disease in this country. and for anyone who's cared for a loved one, who's watched someone disappear, you feel helpless. and for so long in this community, we haven't had a drug that has shown any progression over the course of the disease. in fact, the most recent drug approved last year, which was the first one since 2003, was surrounded by con tro very si. this is the first drug to show the slowing of the cognitive decline. it's given as iv infusion once
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every two weeks, and it also targets those an loyd plaques in the brain. >> talk to us about the study that was done and how it worked. >> this was a global study in the new england journal of medicine, took place in about 250 sites around the world, 1,800 patients ages between 50-90 who had mild cognitive impairment or early alzheimer's dementia. they were followed for 18 months and they were given a scale to grade their clinical functioning, their mental functioning. that scale goes 0-18, 18 being the worst and 0 being the best. they all started around 0. the group that got the drug, their score worsened by 1.2 points. the placebo group, the score worsened by about 1.6 points. there's not a huge difference. we're talking about less than a point difference. but that was statistically significant and really translated into a 27% reduction
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or slowing of that clinical cognitive decline. they also looked at plaque in the brain. not surprisingly, the group that got the drug, the plaque decreased. >> still decline in cognitive ability but slower decline for people on the drug. >> that's right. >> the risks and side effects. important. >> always important to talk about this. we are always weighing and risks and benefits. there were some adverse side effects we should point out. the most common was infusion reactions. but they also saw increase in brain edema or swelling in the drug group compared to the placebo group, as well as brain hemorrhage and pleading. most of these got better, however brain bleeding and swelling can cause headache, hospitalization, and have a longer term impact. when you compared the overall adverse effects that were serious against higher percentage, more people dropped out of the study because of the study in the drug group.
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death rates about the same in both groups. but it's going to end up being a discussion with the doctor, the patient, and the family if this gets approved and to really weigh those risk benefits. it may not be applicable to people on blood thinners. >> so, what's the process now? >> so, i mean, at this point, i think if it gets approved, so, the drug company is hoping that it will get accelerated approval in january and they will apply for full approval by april. then the big question is what happens when you roll it out in the real world. does that one point difference translate to something meaningful for families. it may. giving somebody one more month, two more months, those are precious time periods where a person can function, where you can be with them, where they can recognize you. we're also going to have to see what happens in the real world. those patients in the real world are different than those in the real world. it may be costly. with aduhelm, that was about
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$28,000 a year in cost. patients have to come in for infusions. it may be a individualized decision. i think big picture, and we talk about this a lot, we need really a multifaceted approach to alzheimer's, where we're targeting different aspects of the aging brain. and in fact now about 70% of the drugs that are being studied are targeting looking at other areas bu . but there's hope. guarded hope but hope. >> thank you so much for helping us understand this. it means so much to so many people. all right. coming up, a legendary singer and song writer from one of the most popular bands really of all time has passed away. remembering the legacy of song bird christina mci hvie. that's next. before we begin, i'd like to thank our sponsor, liberty mutual. they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need.
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i'm a performing artist. so a healthy diet is one of the most important things. i also feel the same way about my dog. we were feeding her dry, triangle shaped ingredients long as the yellow brick road. we didn't know how bad it was for her until we actually got the good food. we got her the farmer's dog sent in the mail. it was all fresh, when she started eating healthier, she started being more active and smiling more, running more, playing more. i want my dog to have a healthy and long life. the farmer's dog really helps that out. see the benefits of fresh food at music lost a legend today. one of the great song writers from one of the most famous bands beloved by millions including a former president. fleetwood mac's christine mcvie. bill clinton tonight said her song "don't stop" which was used
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as the 1992 campaign theme, quote, captured the mood of a nation eager for better days. tonight christine mcvie's legacy lives on ♪ you woo me until the sun comes up and you say that you love me ♪ >> killer hooks, sincere lyrics, a soulful voice, her contributions to the legendary band fleetwood mac's as one of music's great singers and song writers. her family said she died at a hospital after a short illness and called her an incredible human being and revered musician. fleetwood mackerl eased a statement, quote, she was truly one of a kind, special, and talented beyond measure. she was one of the best musicians anyone could have in their band and the best friend anyone could have in their life. in a statement band mate stevie nicks called mcvie her best friend and the drummer mick
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fleetwood called her a song bird after one of her most famous songs and said, quote, part of my heart has flown away today. mcvie was born for music. her father was a music teacher. after brief jobs as a teacher herself and a window dresser at a department store she joined a band called shik and shack. that band would open for a very young, very different looking fleetwood mac. once that band's legendary guitarist peter green left the band asked if she would join. being a fan she said yes. that's also where she would meet john mcvie, fleetwood mac's bassist and soon to be her husband. earlier this year she told "the guardian" after the wedding there was no real honeymoon. at one point they went to the hotel bar and got plastered with someone else who happened to be staying at the hotel legendary vocalist joe cocker. it would be one of many wild nights for mcvie and her band
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mates especially once stevie nix and lindsay buckingham joined several years later. a new band was formed according to mcvie over mexican food and margaritas. in 1975 they would put out the band's self-titled album which sold millions. two years later came rumors which sold in the tens of millions and is one of the best selling albums of all time. it contains one of her best loved songs "song bird." ♪ for you there will be no more crying ♪ >> mcvie says it took her only 30 minutes to write but as she explained in a bbc interview last year that was only the half of it. >> i wrote and finished it in half an hour. in the middle of the night. it was the middle of the night and i woke up and i happened to have a little piano in my room. but no tape recorder. no means to record it on.
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but i had the lyrics, the melody, the chords, everything done in half an hour but it was about 3:00 in the morning. so i had to stay up all night playing it so i didn't forget it. >> with the fame and success of course came legendary tales of substance abuse. mcvie owned up to her share of excess in interviews but says she was one of the more grounded in the band. she told "harper's bazaar" she was the good girl in the group and she didn't do anything terribly outrageous, quote, except i once threw a kaek out the window which landed on top of a taxi. another defining trait of fleetwood mac the combustible relationships which became fodder for their songs. >> yeah, i think tension was one of the themes really. but, you know. >> a lot of water has gone under the bridge since then. we've been divorced for how long? >> years.
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>> years. ♪ tell me lies tell me sweet little lies ♪ >> members of fleetwood mac would leave then return. in fact, during one performance they played for president bill clinton's inauguration in 1993. one of their classics had become the official campaign song for clinton's '92 campaign. "don't stop" mcvie classic. ♪ just think what tomorrow will do don't stop thinking about tomorrow don't stop it'll soon be here ♪ frmth >> looking back on her career she told "harper's bazaar" when she started writing she wasn't very good but thanks to the encouragement of mick fleetwood she says, quote, eventually i wrote a few good songs. christine mcvie was 79. a few good songs indeed. the news continues with "cnn tonight" right after a short break.
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