tv CNN Newsroom CNN December 1, 2022 12:00pm-1:00pm PST
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it's the top of the hour on "cnn newsroom." i'm alisyn camerota. >> i'm victor blackwell. president biden held a joint news conference with president emanuel macron of france. the two leaders had a bilateral meeting that was nearly three hours long. they talked about climate policy, trade, support for the people of iran. >> both presidents also stressed the commitment towards peace in russia's war on ukraine. cnn's jeremy diamond is at the white house. what came out of this joint news conference? >> reporter: well, alisyn, one of the reasons that france was selected for this first state visit was this partnership between biden and macron which has been at the heart of the west united response to russia's war in ukraine, and clearly that was top of the agenda when the two men sat down together in the oval office for this bilateral
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meeting and coming out of that meeting and into this press conference, it was clear that while this has been a close partnership, there have been some areas of divergence, particularly on how ukraine should be going to the negotiating table with russia, but in this press conference, we also saw more alignment it seems between the french president and the american president than we had seen before. president biden saying that on his end, he has no immediate plans to contact the russian president, but also making clear that he is open to that idea under the right conditions. >> i'm prepared to speak with mr. putin if, in fact, there is an interest in him deciding he's looking for a way to end the war. he hasn't done that yet. if that's the case, a consultation with my nato friends, i'll be happy to sit down with putin to see what he wants and has in mind. he hasn't done that yet. in the meantime, i think it's absolutely critical what emanuel
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said. we must support the ukrainian people. >> and the french president for his part, you know, he has been maintaining this back channel communication with the russian president, and he has been urging for more negotiations, but today he also made clear he said that we will never urge the ukrainians to make a compromise which isn't acceptable to them. so you're seeing more alignment between the u.s. and the french position on that issue. there was also an attempt to smooth over this controversy over these electric vehicle subsidies that are included in the inflation reduction act. the french president said he was unhappy with those because they only benefit vehicles that were made in north america. he believed that would have a negative impact on companies in europe. president biden said while he makes no apology for the legislation, he did acknowledge there were certain, quote, glitches in the law and he says there's tweaks that we can make to help europe also benefit from this and to also help propel europe into this future green economy. so some effort on both sides here it seems to smooth the
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minor bits of tension in this otherwise strong relationship, and to try and move forward together. we heard the french president repeatedly talking about, quote, re resin kro niezing elements of the relationship, and they'll continue with that at the lavish state dinner at the white house. >> jeremy diamond, thank you. right now the senate is in the process of voting on legislation to avert a rail strike that analysts predict would devastate the economy. the house passed its legislation yesterday, and it included a measure to add paid sick leave for workers. >> so the senate is weighing the measure right now, and one of the amendments would include paid sick leave, but it's unclear if that amendment will pass. let's bring in the president of one of the four rail worker unions that voted against the labor deal leading to the possibility of a strike. tony, great to have you here. your fate right now is in the hands of the senate.
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they are voting right now. i mean, we can pull up a live shot at any second. so here's what passed the house, okay? we're waiting to see if this passes the senate right now. basically the house gave you guys an immediate 14% raise, a 24% pay raise increased by the year 2024, $1,000 annual bonuses over five years, no increases to health care copays or ded deducdedu deduc deductibles, and there was an amendment to add paid sick leave. if this passes this without the amendment for paid sick leave, would you be satisfied? >> no. absolutely not, and thanks for having me on, alisyn. our members would be extremely dissatisfied. we have been fighting for sick leave for 55 years. we have an opportunity to fget t now. we only need ten republicans to stand with us on this issue. i challenge some republicans to step up, stand with the blue collar workers of america, stand for the right thing, and vote with -- vote with the democrats
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on this issue. we also have, you know, some concern on a couple of the democrats. we hope the democrats stay with us as well. look. our members need paid sick leave. there's no doubt about it. this has been all over the news, all over the media. it's been explained thoroughly. our members are forced to go to work sick because they did not have paid sick leave, and their restrictive policies force us to be at work. if they're not at work and they call in sick, they can get disciplined or potentially terminated. >> here's one of the republican senators this morning who was on our morning show and explained why -- this is bill cassidy, explained why he doesn't necessarily think that sick leave is vital. here it is. >> there's tradeoffs here. if you got a 24% pay increase, but didn't get their sick leave. so pretty hefty on one side, but not anything on the other. that's a balance that typically is handled in negotiations.
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>> i want to be clear. i have no idea really how senator cassidy feels at this hour, but what he was saying there was, hey. you're getting a 24% pay increase. that's kind of great, but you didn't get your sick leave. >> yeah. the 24% wage increase is over five years. it goes back three years and forward two. our members have been out of contract for three years. they worked through the pandemic without any bonuses from the railroad. they worked hard and were considered essential workers. there's no reason in the world that they shouldn't get a 24% wage increase. our proposal was 31%. the 24% barely keeps up with inflation. my members average about $31 an hour and they're some of the highest skilled labor in high-ia low wage, and this helps them catch up to where they should be, but this doesn't deal with the quality of life issues. that's what's important for these members. when you are sick, you should be able the stay home. you should not be forced to go
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to work and by the way, my members work in large groups. oftentimes up to 100 people, and so when someone is forced to come into work and get on a bus with 40 other people and he's got the flu or he's got covid, it's a safety issue as well. obviously people just need to stand with us on this. the congress -- excuse me. the senate needs to stand with us on this issue. >> yeah. >> it's the right thing to do, and we need to loosen up the grip of the corporate bosses on the senate and the congress, and this is a fight that they should stand with us on. >> one of the things that we just heard from president biden in this press conference was he's not giving up. if this passes the senate without paid sick leave, he's not giving up on it. i think we have president biden. let me see if we have this sound. basically he's saying that he will get that done later. he wants national paid sick leave. do we have that? well, if not, okay. here it is. here's the president. >> what was negotiated was so much better than anything they
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ever had. they all signed onto it by the way. there are only four unions of the out 13 or 14 that didn't agree. we're going to avoid the rail strike, keep the rails running, keep things moving and we're going to go back and going to get paid leave not just for rail workers, be you for all workers. >> what do you say to that, tony, that he's going to go back and get it at a different time? >> yeah, about 80% of americans get paid sick leave right now, and this union and other unions have no problem leading a fight to get sick leave for all americans, and this has brought light to this issue. it's very, very important that employees are able to stay home sick, and the pandemic exposed that. there's no reason why everyone shouldn't. we're proud that he would fight for that issue, and hopefully he does continue the fight. there's an opportunity right now in the senate and all it requires is some people with some guts to stand in and rvote with blue collar, hardworking people. their own constituents and their
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own people that live in their cities and towns. i represent members that live across the entire united states, and the senators that are voting against this bill are voting against their own constituents' well-being. it would be unfortunate if they choose to do that. i implore them to do the right thing and i hope it's a roll call vote. i haven't been able to watch because we will take names and make sure that we vote accordingly. they need to stand with labor on this issue. >> well, we're watching minute by minute as well. tony cardwell, thank you very much for your time. we should know what's going to happen very soon. >> thank you. all right. tomorrow is the final day of early voting in georgia's senate runoff. more than 1.1 million people have already voted. most of those were in-person, and there's been a strong showing of voters under the age of 50. >> both candidates have recruited high profile voices as they make their former pitch. former president barack obama will campaign with raphael warnock today while south carolina senator lindsey graham will stump with republican challenger herschel walker.
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cnn's dianne gallagher joins us now. what can we expect at these campaign events? >> reporter: yeah. incumbent senator raphael warnock pulling out the not so secret weapon for democrats here in former president barack o obama. it is the former president's second trip to georgia to stump for warnock. he was here just before the general election as well, and the timing is likely no coincidence because it is the eve of the final day of early voting. we can anticipate the president encouraging people to either go out to vote tomorrow or make your plan for voting on election day now. now, look. herschel walker will be campaigning around the same time tonight with senator lindsey graham, arguably not the same kind of crowd-getter as president obama, but graham has been a loyal surrogate for herschel walker on the campaign trail. now former secretary of state for donald trump mike pompeo was supposed to be appearing alongside herschel walker today but the campaign tells us that
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he had a family emergency and will no longer be appearing at that event. both campaigns trying to get people to get out and vote early now. more than 1.1 million georgians have cast their ballots already. more than a million of those, of course, early in-person, and we've talked about those eye-popping single day records of people actually voting, more than 303,000 on monday, but i do want to caution that that's likely because of this compressed schedule, that people only have five mandatory days to do early voting. they're having to crowd in and attempt to do it on these same days and that's leading to long lines. we anticipate that happening again tomorrow. they're also being bombarded on the air waves. the spending on this runoff is astronomical when you look at these numbers. more than $77 million total spent, be look. democrats outspending republicans by more than twice on the air waves. we're talking $52.9 million to
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$24.2 million. just to crystallize how much more money democrats are put sbooputting into this race, warnock has spent $22.8 million on ads. that's more than all the republican spending combined here. >> important context. thank you. so a member of the house committee investigating the capitol rye why the said the group will release all of its findings to the public later this month. tomorrow they'll discuss potential criminal referrals and what to do about republican lawmakers who defied their subpoenas. >> cnn's sara murray joins us now. the interviews are done. what's next? >> reporter: the interviews are done, but of course, they still need to put out their final report. that is something that they have been working on. that's something that is also going to be a topic of discussion in tomorrow's meetings, but as you pointed out, they're also going to be talking about potential criminal referrals and be going over how they might want to present evidence of perjury, obstruction
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of justice, and potential witness tampering. there is a laundry list of things this committee has to get through, you know, before the end of the year before congress changes hands in january. >> well, they have been pretty clear that they would like to undermine the work that we've done, but we're going to prevent that. we're going to release all the information we've collected so it cannot be selectively edited and spun. >> reporter: so you hear zoe lofgren talking about yhow they're going to put out as much as possible, and that has been their plan for awhile, but also has to hear what with we're hearing from kevin mccarthy, the republican leader who is trying to protect his right flank and win the speakership, and in doing so, he has said that he wants the january 6th committee to preserve their transcripts and evidence, and he has vowed that when republicans take over, they're going to hold hearings about security breaches and what led to the riot at the u.s. capitol. again, this is not something top republicans have been particularly eager to delve
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into, but now that has mccarthy is trying to pick up the votes he needs as speaker, he is trying to, you know, put these olive branches out there to win over these far right members of his constituency, and hopefully get a speakership, and what you are hearing from zoe lofgren are efforts to guard the committee's work. >> sara, thank you. the family of an american wrongfully detained in russia has not heard from him, and there's confusion over where he may be right now. i'll speak to paul whelan's brother next. and wrapping up ukrainian training as the forces makake gains on the battlefield. go! ononly pay for what you need. jinglele: liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. i'm a performing artist. so a healthy diet is one of the most important things. i also feel the same way about my dog. we were feeding her dry, triangle shaped ingredients long as the yellow brick road. wwe didn't know how bad, tit was for her
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the biden administration is considering dramatically expanding the military training the u.s. provides to ukrainian forces. now is should those trainings proceed? >> this would be a dramatic expansion of americans training ukrainian troops in germany. since the war began, the u.s. has only trained a couple of thousand of ukrainian soldiers. this is a pretty big expansion there, and not only would they up the number of ukrainian soldiers, but they would engage in different kind of training with the ukrainians, something called combined arms training. what does that look like? it looks like basically more sophisticated battlefield tactics. instead of a weapons system, for example, they would be training them on coordinating infantry
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maneuvers with artillery support, things that americans already train on at that facility. this would be an expansion of their training in a significant way, be you, you know, it would also take a significant number of ukrainian troops off of the battlefield at a pretty important time, and this is a question that american officials are facing right now. asked, you know, what the consequences might be of taking, you know, thousands of ukrainian troops off of the front line at this point, they say, well, they expect a lull in the fighting to come fairly soon because of the winter months. they don't think it could have that big of an impact on the immediate success of ukraine on the front lines, but they think this could have a long-term impact on the ukrainians' ability to push out the russians. >> thank you. there is confusion over the whereabouts of american paul whelan who is serving a 16-year prison sentence in roussia. the prison staff claimed that
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whelan was moved to a prison hospital, but his brother david whelan does not believe that. david is with us now. david, good to see you again. thank you for being with us. you don't believe your brother was moved to this prison hospital, why? >> well, he spoke to our parents on the day that the prison says he moved to the hospital and on days following that up to thanksgiving and didn't mention being sick, being moved. that would be a pretty big thing for him to tell us and to not have him say so makes us worried that he's not where the prison says he is. >> what do you know i should say about his condition, his health? he has had some health conditions over the period that he's been in russia. what do you know? >> well, coincidentally the u.s. embassy staff had been to visit him on the 16th, so a few days before he was moved to the hospital. they said he looked fine, and he also presented himself to us in calls as being fine. not great.
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you're in a russian labor camp, but it could be worse. we were surprised to hear he had been moved to a hospital and he's not making phone calls now. >> if he's not in the hospital, where do you expect he is, and why do you think now after a regular schedule of allowing him to speak with either you or state department employees that that has now ended? >> well, that's the big question. we don't know. he could be in solitary con confi confinement, but then why wouldn't the prison just tell us that's where that is, and he's being punished for something? it's this confusion about why they would send him to a hospital if that's what they did, and if they didn't, then why won't they be up front about where he is, and unfortunately, we can't get information about that. paul's lawyer has asked for information about it and the u.s. embassy has asked and we still don't know. >> there were two pretty important dates that were skipped in the regular scheduled calls. tell us about those, and why
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that then further supports your theory that your brother is not in this hospital. >> yeah. i think it raises a concern for us. paul is regular with his phone calls to our parents. he values them as a way to survive through this ordeal and for him to miss first thanksgiving and then my dad's 85th birthday this week is really unheard of. he would have had to have been prohibited from making those phone calls to skip that. it's not manasomething he woulde done on his own. >> was your brother in the hospital earlier? is that accurate? >> he has occasionally been moved to the hospital, and they've let us know he's been moved. that's why this is a concern. he has not always moved because he's got a medical condition. he has sometimes moved just to get him out of the way. the last time he was there as you say, he came back to ik-17, the labor camp and found about 100 prisoners had gone off to the war in ukraine. sometimes they seem to do it just to get him out of the way so he can't report on what
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they're up to, but it's unusual for them not to be able to call us and let us know where he is. >> it's been a few months since we spoke last. since then, former u.n. ambassador bill richardson, he was in russia speaking with the officials at the kremlin about a possible release of your brother. also brittney griner. i want you to listen to what he told jake tapper. this is back in october. >> you say you're optimistic. do you think that you can get brittney griner and paul whelan out by the end of the year? >> i do think so. now i hate making predictions, but yes. i know they're very despairing. we work closely with families, with the whelan family, with the griner family. i know they're very emotional, and this is a very emotional time. all i can say is that the biden administration is working hard on it. so am i. >> so he says he works closely
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with your family. when is the last time you've heard from ambassador richardson, and what do you know about this plan to get your brother home this month? >> someone from the richardson center does communicate with my sister pretty regularly so when they have had an opportunity to speak to people connected to the russian government, they've tended to let us know. i think there's very little chance that paul will be home this month. i don't think that the russian government is acting in good faith in their negotiations with the u.s. government. in our family we're concerned that paul's lack of calls is actually a bit of leverage where they are punishing paul to try to encourage the u.s. gomvernmet to see they can punish him while he's in their custody, and i don't think there's a near-term resolution. >> david, of course, we hope that your brother will come home safely and soon. until then, we'll continue to have this conversation. thank you for being on with us. >> thank you, victor. i appreciate it. >> sure.
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today's match between germany and costa rica is being officiated by an all-female squad of ref rerees. this is the first time this has happened. >> cnn sports anchor don riddell is live from doha. a bit of history. how's it looking? how's the match? >> reporter: the match is amazing and the history is amazing too. she's officiating the game between costa rica and germany, and this group is tight. it's one of those groups where anything could happen and everything is happening. i guess we'll come to the stephanie history bit in just a minute, but i need to tell you this. costa rica, 2, germany 2, and in the other game in this group,
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egypt beating spain which means that as it stands, japan and spain will go through. germany, the four-time world champions look like they're going out. so that's that. the stephanie news is extraordinary. she's ended up reffing a really, really important game where the tension and anxiety are now just off the charts. this is a huge moment for women in professional football. she is already known as a trail blazer. she's a 38-year-old french referee. she's refereed a lot of important club games in europe and in france. she's been known fas a trail blazer for some time, but for an all-female crew to take on a men's cup match is a first. it's historic and remember the part of the world that it's happening in, so that is hugely important too, and she's spoken to cnn in recent years and she said she's just doing her job. she doesn't really feel like she's just making history, but
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getting on with it. you may know this phrase about referees in soccer. when they're doing a good job, nobody notices them. it's hard not to be noticed when you are making history like she is right now. >> it sounds high-stress. meanwhile, tell us about christian pulisic. he's a team usa midfielder. he was hospitalized were this pelvic injury. will he be back for the game this weekend? >> that's what everybody hopes. nobody's going to say so yet, but the signs are encouraging. he is a talismanic player for the united states. he's not the captain, but they call him captain. he scored that crucial goal the other night, without which they would not be in this tournament. it was a pelvic contusion he suffered, and a lot of people are rpwondering what that means and perhaps imagining what it could mean. really painful for a guy. this is what he had to say about it. >> i mean, it's a pelvic contusion, you know?
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it's not a euphemism. >> no. >> but at the same time it's not. i didn't get, like, hit in the -- i'm all right. it was very painful, and it just, you know, that bone is there for a reason to protect you i think, and i hit it well, and it was sore, but like i said, i'm getting better. >> really glad to see that he's doing okay. the united states of course, into the knockout round. they are playing the netherlands which is a really tough match on saturday. it's a knockout game, winner goes through, loser goes home. >> we appreciate it. he dropped the euphemism. he just spelled out. >> the boys are all right, he says. the boys are all right. >> don riddell, thank you. >> thank you, don. boston fans, they were being boston fans. last night with william and kate there, they were booing as the royals visited the city. >> that's not nice. >> yeah, really isn't, celtics fans. >> yeah, beantown. >> we've got it for you next.
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so to help you remember that liberty mutual customizes your home insurance, here's one that'll really take you back. it's customized home insurance from liberty mutual!!! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ - [announcer] do you have an invention idea but don't know what to do next? call invent help today. they can help you get started with your idea. call now 800-710-0020. tonight president biden and the first lady will host a state dinner for the french counterparts on the south lawn of the white house. a tent and dance floor will also be installed. i'm sure they're up by now. they have to be. >> i'm sure it's happening right now. cnn's kate bennett joins us live. you have a preview for what's going to happen tonight. is the tent up, number one, and what's on the menu? that's what i would like to know. >> reporter: okay.
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the tent is up. the white house is calling it a pav pavilion, but it is a tent with clear sides. it's lovely. it's very big, but it's on the south lawn. the menu tonight -- the trick to a good dinner is you have to complement both countries, and it's not too hokey. on the menu tonight, caviar, poach maine lobster, beef for the main course, and chiffon cake for dessert. there will be sparkling wine, and a cheese course, but they will be american cheeses. there are things that are cross cultural. the decor, we caught a glimpse yesterday. i got a sneak peek. it's red, white and blue, the shared colors of our shared flags. a tricky palette. it's lovely, the candles are red, and the flowers are mostly red roses. there's a, you know, nod to both
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countries here as this goes on, and you mentioned the stage and the dance floor. john batiste will be performing tonight, for i hear about 400 guests. it's significantly larger than the state dinner that trump had for the macrons back in 2018. that was about 120 people. this is going to be closer to 400. i think we're going to see a lot of vips and donors and people who have been anxious that biden is able to hold its first and not its last state dinner of his tenure. >> you didn't see this, but alisyn was literally cheering. like, whispers of yes and fist bumps as you were reading butter poached lobster and beef. >> this is my sport. ca caviar, yes, lobster, yes. >> reporter: they flew in 200 live lobsters yesterday from maine to make these 400 butter poached lobster appetizers with the american caviar. so it's pick a very decadent dinner tonight, but for sure,
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definitely maine lobster being featured on the menu. >> great. now i'm starving. >> sounds delicious. >> i'm sorry. >> kate bennett, thank you. all right. it's day two of william and the other kate's visit to the u.s. >> right now, they're in boston. they took in an nba game last night, but when the royal couple sat courtside, the greeting was mixed with some fans booing and then chanting, "usa. " i mean, what are you supposed to do when the entire place is booing you? >> that's horrible. i mean, we were rude. that's horrible. >> well, i'm told it was a bit of a tradition when, you know, foreigners as it were turn up at these games, particularly the british. kate and william are currently there right behind me.
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you came to me at exactly the right moment. they're taking in what's being done to protect the coastal erosion here in boston, and this is, you know, there's been lots of distractions on this very short tour so far, but what they're -- i'm being told is they are determined to keep calm and carry on which is the royal tradition and not be distracted too much by it. they've addressed the racial issue for example, and the racism allegations back in london, but they're really focusing on the environmental challenge which is what they're here to talk about. that's what i'm told anyway. >> yeah. i mean, i just think they deserved a warmer welcome, but it is boston fans after all. >> it's boston. >> we're learning that the trailer just dropped for harry and meghan's netflix docuseries. what's in it? >> well, you know, some question about the timing there about this domestcuseries. we have been told very little about it whatsoever. that's why there was a flare of excitement when they released
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this trailer earlier today. what's going to be in it? is there going to be more concern about the racist allegations that meghan leveled to us back in the palace as well? this is all we have so far. ♪ >> no one sees what's happening behind closed doors. >> i had to do everything i could to protect my family. ♪ >> when the stakes were this high, doesn't it make more sense to hear our story from us? >> well, that's a big question, isn't it? there's a huge anticipation about what might be in that docuseries. we'll find out next week, particularly i suspect kate and william, what more allegations are going to come out about the family, what damage will it do to the monarchy?
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we've not been given any insight at the moment yet, but a big talking point and a lot of distractions from the tour here. >> you'll be busy, max foster. we will rely on you to help us parse through all of this. thanks so much for being on. all right. so the man behind the collapse of the crypto exchange ftx speaks out and perhaps shares a bit too much. ahead, why he says he never tried to commit fraud. t into dee and, no matter how much i paid, it followed me everywhere. bebetween the high interest, the fees... i felt trapped. debt, debt, debt. so i broke up with m my credit card debt and consolidated it into a low-rate personal loan from sofi. i finally feel like a grown-up. break up with bad credit card debt. get a personal loan with no fees, low fixed rates, and borrow up to $100k. go to to view your rate. sofi. get your money right. ♪ we've got questions about medicare plans. well, we've got a lot of answers! how can i help? well for starters, do you he a medicare plan i can actually afford?
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oral arguments in the case in february and a decision is expected by june. >> nearly two weeks ago, the biden administration began notifying people who are approved for federal student loan relief. about 26 million people had already applied to the program by the time it was frozen prompting the government to stop taking applications. no debt has been cancelled thus far. just weeks after the crypto firm ftx imploded and cost traders billions of dollars, the founder, sam bankman-fried is speaking out. >> look, i've had a bad month. that's not what matters here. like, what matters here is the millions of customers. what matters here is all the stake holders in ftx who got hurt, and trying to do everything i can to help them out. >> he had a bad month. you heard the people laughing there. cnn's matt egan joins us now.
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what else did he have to say? first, it's remarkable that he's saying anything considering all that could come as far as lawsuits pretty soon. >> it is. can you imagine the headaches that he's giving his lawyers who are, i'm sure, advising him not to say anything at all. in this interview, he admitted that mistakes were made here. he gflat out said, look, i screwed up and he apologized. they hurt real people. we know regulators and law enforcement around the world are looking into this bankruptcy and this collapse, but he stressed that he did not try to knowingly commit fraud on anyone. now, this whole story, i mean, it's really just been an incredible situation. i mean, a month ago, he was a 30-year-old crypto billionaire, sitting on this massive kingdom of crypto companies. his company's logo was on the home of the miami heat, their arena, on the logos of mlb umpires. endorsement deals with steph curry, tom brady and gisele, and
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now his company is bankrupt. everyone is wondering, how did this happen, is this enron? is heb bernie madoff. he rejected the comparisons because he said his company was a real company. he didn't knowingly mix customer money to prop up their hedge fund but did concede to being cocky, and failing to provide adequate oversight. listen to what he said to "good morning america" this morning. >> i wasn't even trying. like i wasn't spending any time or effort trying to manage risk on ftx. and that obviously -- >> that's a stunning admission sgh . >> what? >> that's a pretty stunning admission. >> i don't know what to say. what happened what happened. if i had been spending an hour a day thinking about risk management on ftx, i don't think that would have happened. >> that is a stunning admission
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there. you know, we've seen this before in traditional finance where you have this dangerous mix of over confidence, excessive borrowing and nonexistent regulation, and now we're seeing it play out in the crypto space. >> i guess it's a bad combo. >> it's an awful combo, and a lot of people have been hurt by it. >> matt egan, thank you. lawmakers are voting on whether to approve a proposition that would allow a rail strike. we're live with an update. ...or passing down the family business... ...or giving back to the places that inspire you. no matter your purpose, at pnc private bank, we will work with you every step of the way to help you achieve it. so let us focus on the how. just tell us - what's your why? ♪ it's nice to unwind after a long week of telling people how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need! imu squawks)
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so what is on your play list right now. what's at the top? let's see now if it made apple's top tunes of 2022. here are the top five. number one, "stay," from la kid leroy and justin bieber. "as it was" by harry styles. third, wait for you. >> and super gremlin, kodak black, and "easy on me," adele. >> and we had a debate about this. he has great, great songs, but one of them, i was surprised to find out that blinding lights which i love. it was first released, but it's still a hit. >> that's how good it is. listen to this ♪ i'm blinded by the light ♪ ♪ no i can't sleep until i feel
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your touch ♪ >> isn't it just great. it's so catchy. >> it is catchy. it's probably in a lot of ads, but would you go to the concert. >> yes, i loved the super bowl when he was the half-time show. i loved it. i know he got grief for it. i thought it was great. >> what's yours? >> i'm going with "smoking out the window" by silk sonic. ♪ smoking out the window singing how she do this to me ♪ >> i love that too because bruno mars is so charismatic. >> we had 13 more seconds of that, actually. the show is almost over. it's so rich, so beautiful. >> i'm not going to argue with you. breaking news, the senate has just passed legislation to prevent a nationwide rail strike that would cripple the economy if that happened. "the lead" takes it over with jake tappe
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