tv CNN Newsroom CNN December 5, 2022 12:00pm-1:00pm PST
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to hit flatter ground and slowing down which is good news as it is still inching closer. now at about 40 feet per hour to that major highway. it's just over two miles from us, alisyn, victor. it's the top of the hour on "cnn newsroom." i'm alisyn camerota. >> i'm victor blackwell. tomorrow, the winner of the georgia senate race will be decided. it's voters' last chance to cast a ballot for either incumbent democrat raphael warnock or republican herschel walker. if warnock wins, this will give democrats a 51-seat majority. that will no longer require vice president harris to break ties. >> it will also allow democrats more control of key committees. both candidates are in a full-court press to get out the vote. today senator warnock was at georgia tech praising young voters for their support, and former president trump will hold a virtual rally for walker tonight. cnn national correspondent dianne gallagher joins us from atlanta.
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how are walker and warnock using this last day? >> reporter: you know, alisyn and victor, they were trying to reach as many of those voters who haven't yet cast their ballots as they can today. we're not just in the final day. we're in the final hours of this runoff election. senator raphael warnock hitting several events around atlanta today. he's maintained this aggressive schedule throughout the four-week runoff period, trying to hit as many events and many different types of events as he can. herschel walker, the republican has had a relatively light schedule for the runoff period, but that changed today with five separate events, mostly in the northern part of the state. that's actually where he was about 200,000 votes when he finished behind republican governor brian kemp. some of that from that area right there, trying to turn out their base. more than 1.85 million people have already voted in that early voting period, but today, the message is, if you have already voted, get your friends to vote.
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get your family to vote. ask strangers to vote. they need to see turnout. >> matter of fact, call your father and your mother, your sister and your brother. call loddy doddy and everybody. tell them it's time to vote. tell them that a vote is a kind of prayer for the world we desire for ourselves, and for our children. >> all of you who has already voted already, call ten of your friends to go vote or you can pick up your friends to go vote, and all of you that got to vote tomorrow, carry someone with you that hadn't voted to vote or go with somebody that had voted to vote. y'all know who to vote for. >> reporter: and, you know, we talk a lot about data. we talk a lot about outreach, but there's also what you see behind me right now, the weather. we're expecting rain and cold tomorrow here in georgia as well, and that's something that
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campaigns know in the past can depress turnout, so they're trying to energize people to power through that and show up. >> thank you. let's bring in lisa ram, the host of "morning edition," lisa. great to see you. let's look at the numbers. >> nice to be here. >> they're recordbreaking already. here are the numbers. basically 18 -- more than 1,868,000 voters have already voted in georgia, and that compares to the total on november 8th. so basically have of voters have already voted if you look back at what it looked like during the midterms. >> contrarrect. >> so is there any way to tell who's more energized, democrats or republicans? >> well, here, you know, early voting typically, the democrats turn out in droves, and that certainly did happen in this early voting period. so all eyes are on, guess what?
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tomorrow. that's typically when the republicans show out in force. now in terms of campaigning, i think maybe warnock you can say had the edge this weekend because he packed in those campaign visits. herschel walker did a few, but not as many as raphael warnock, and you just heard him. now is the time to vote. tell your mother, your grandmother, and everyone. so the momentum, you know, in this race is coming down to the wire, and we're waiting to see what will happen at the polls tomorrow. again, we're hoping, you know, warnock is hoping that he can -- he can capture that republican vote. he's trying to get independents and young -- yes, and that black female, but tomorrow is the big day for republicans. so he's reaching out to them as well. her herschel walker is doing status quo. he's not giving those interviews that you would expect during this late hour, but he is doing some stumping, so we'll wait and see what happens tomorrow. >> so lisa, we all remember
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there was this controversial new voting law passed in georgia after the 2020 race. so in 2021, they basically eliminated things like sunday early voting, and you'll remember that democrats feared and claimed that this would lead to voter suppression. h has it been proven now that democrats' fears were misplaced given that so many people are voting? >> i don't know about misplaced, but they certainly are trying the system. again, you've noted that high voter turnout, they're there. you're not hearing of any complaints at this point or not very many. the only complaint you're hearing is long lines, you know, last week when the early voting period started, and even when it ended. so that dominated the news last week, but, you know, nothing fishy so to speak. so i think right now it is -- the system is working in everyone's favor because you're not hearing those complaints that you heard in 2018.
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>> herschel walker did give an interview today i believe to politico. so i'll read to you a portion of what he said because it's getting some attention about voters. he said, they're not less motivated because they know right now that the house will be even. so they don't want to understand what is happening right now. you get the house, you get the committees. >> >> of course, he knows he's running for senate, not the house, but he seems to think he's the deciding vote in the house. so how do we explain that? >> there are things like that, that cause so much concern. senator warnock has played up, you know, that kind of, you
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know, misinformation or disinformation that herschel walker seems to speak on a regular basis. so i'm very surprised that he gave that interview because they have been guarding him oh so closely up until the election tomorrow. >> yeah. is there anything that has markedly changed for voters since the november 8th midterms? is there anything -- are people dug in or is there something that has changed in the past couple of weeks that would change their votes? >> i think people realize just how important this race is. now typically going into a runoff, you hear, oh, voter turnoff, you know, it slacks off and people aren't interested and they would be tired, you know, after the thanksgiving holiday, but here in georgia, the issues matter, and people are concerned about inflation. people are concerned about the recession, the pending recession. people are concerned about voter rights, and they certainly are
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concerned about roe v. wade and its impact that it could have here in georgia. so people are about the issues right now. so i think that's what's driving them to the polls, especially the young people, especially women. >> lisa rayam, great to talk to you. thank you for taking time to give us a lay of the land in georgia. >> thank you. >> we'll talk soon. >> thank you. cnn's special live coverage of the georgia runoff election starts tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. eastern. north carolina's governor is expected to give an update soon about that attack on the power grid in his state. the fbi has now joined the manhunt for the person who started shooting at two electrical substations in moore county. the local sheriff declined to call the attack domestic terrorism, but he did say that this was intentional. about 34,000 households still do not have power, and state of emergencies, they are in effect for moore county. >> hospitals are working off of generators right now. school is closed.
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a shelter is open. one local mayor told us what she would say to the person responsible for this. >> there's very little to say that you can print. it is a selfish act. it is cruel. there are so many people that are hurting. the revenue stream has been stopped, you know, if you have health issues, it is critical. it is just a horrible, horrible terrorist in my opinion act, cowardly to do that. >> cnn's whitney wild joins us from moore county. is it going to be days before they get their power back? >> reporter: sorry, alisyn, i think i lost you. what was your question? >> how long will all of these tens of thousands of people be without power? >> reporter: well, duke energy tells me that they won't be able to fully restore everybody until thursday. this is a tough situation, alisyn. it was down to the 30s overnight
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last night. it's going to get down to the 40s tonight. if there's any good news here, it's that the temperatures are supposed to tick up above what is average for this time of year. later in the week we'll probably see 60s to 70s around here. normally it's between the 30s and the 50s. that's a little bit of a bright spot here in what is an otherwise really terrible situation that is going to last several days. the investigation continues as you pointed out. the federal bureau of investigation, the state bureau of investigation all involved. this is an all-hands-on-deck review to rtry to figure out wh did this and why. that motivation is still unclear. social media over the weekend had been buzzing that this was somehow connected to a drag race that was set to take place around the same time the power went out, 7:00 p.m. saturday night, although law enforcement is saying that there is no connection at this point between that drag show and this power outage. so that's the latest on the investigation. we continue to push law
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enforcement for answers, and we'll keep you updated on that. meanwhile, again, here in moore county, around 7,000 people had their towerpower restored overn. other households that are out of power, totals around 33,000. it's slowly ticking down, alisyn. the hope is they'll be able to get more people in coming days. back to you. >> a lot of work to do on several fronts. whitney wild there for us in moore county. thank you. let's bring in mayor john strickland of pine hurst, north carolina. good to have you. mr. mayor, let's start with you. we heard from the mayor of southern pines who said that 100% of the homes and businesses there lost power. what's the percentage where you are, the percentage of people and businesses that have lost power? >> same. it's 100%. although there have been some restorations in recent hours basically the southern part of
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moore county here are without power at this point in time. luckily however, many of our homes do have at least partial generators to support the homes and some of them are able to share that power with neighbors. that's been a very nice resolve of people sharing with each other and trying to be helpful. >> mr. davis, what's the situation at the hospital? how long can you run on generators? we see it looks dark behind you. >> yes. i'm in an area that's not an emergency backup power, and most of -- all of our patient carriers are on emergency backup power. we have 60,000 gallons of diesel fuel, two tanks 30,000 each, and we -- those tanks last three days and we refuel so we can go in perpetuity. all of our patient areas have emergency power, and we're prepared to -- for many days. >> are procedures being postponed?
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is care or service being at ertd at all? >> all of aour elective procedures, we have called patients to reschedule those yesterday and today. we make that call around noon to push those cases out. we will look toth weekend to make up those to make sure they get in before the end of the year and other than that, you know, we are made up -- our health system has four hospitals across the region. three of those hospitals do have power. we're working with those facilities to make sure where there are urgent, but nonemergent needs, they're getting their needs met across health. >> there was a warning that the u.s. would see domestic extremists target electric infrastructure. is that what you think happened here? >> well, i believe the characterization of the attack to our safety officials, but this is clearly an act that was
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intentional, very forceful, and an act of vandalism to create a situation where the citizens of pine hurst and moore county are lacking heat and other support services at the present time. i want to emphasize however in pine hurst and i think this is true across the county, all of our public safety activities are in effect. the police departments are cooperating across the county, and all of our safety we feel is ensured at this time. >> jonathan, we spoke with, again, the mayor of southern pines who mentioned her mother who had to go somewhere else because of the lack of heat, the lack of power. are you getting people coming into your hospitals who are in need of plug-in cpap machines or oxygen machines? they need power and they need somewhere where they can charge those. what's the impact of the people coming in? >> yeah, we opened our command
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centers early sunday morning. myself and several others came in saturday night after we heard about the power outage and made rounds, but early sunday morning we made a plan to make sure all of our community had the ability to either charge their medical devices or have alternative resources such as oxygen, et cetera, and so we used some of our hookups to allow and some of our facilities that had emergency backup to come and use our facilities. since then, a number of public service as mentioned earlier, police, fire station, et cetera, have opened up as well and provided some backup across our co county. >> mayor, i don't know if you just heard our reporter, whitney wild's reporting on how social media was buzzing about what might have been the motivation behind this attack. do you have any information on if it was targeted at some show or something that was supposed to be happening at that hour of
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night? >> i don't have any information that would confirm that. i think that's best left to the sheriff and the other parties investigating this. what i would like to emphasize though is the fact that we're a very resilient community here, and we have plans that have been in effect for some time to handle these sort of difficulties when they occur. largely, of course, down here from hurricanes and ice storms and things that happen. so we're prepared for this, and we never have seen something with quite the impact or the duration, but we'll be able to see this through and support our community throughout whatever the number of days it takes until thursday to correct the situation. just keep in mind people are at home. they're -- most of them, cold, don't have power for most of the day. we have open facilities here at our village hall in the fire station to provide some social time and a charging station for people to use, and that's been busy all day long, but we need to keep in mind that traffic
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lights are out, so after dark and certainly during the day, people need to be very calm and courteous when they're driving, and my experience so far is they have been when they have come up to traffic lights. we support the safety of our community, and not to have people out in the dangerous situation. >> how about schools? do you know when schools will be reopened and kids can go back? >> schools are closed now. i think they'll make the decision on a day by day basis based upon the fact that power is on or not, and that'll probably be a decision made for the best -- the best of the whole of moore county, not just pine hurst sin wece we have a county school system here. >> john strickland and jonathan davis, thank you both. stay warm and stay safe. so today, the same-sex marriage fight is back in front of the supreme court.
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the case and how the court's decision could impact millions of people, next. and over the counter painkillers for children are becoming harder to find across the country as the u.s. is facing a surge of respiratory illnesses. ♪ they may try and sell ya ♪ baahh! ♪ 'cause itit hangs them up ♪ ♪ to see someone like you ♪ ♪ but you gotta make your own kind of music ♪ life gets bigger when you break from the herd. ♪ sing your own special song ♪ the volkswagen tiguan. ♪ make your own kind of music ♪ the new subway series menu. the greatest sandwich roster ever assembled. tony, the new outlaw's got double pepper jack and juicy steak. let's get so more analysis on that, chuck. mmm. pepr jack. tender steak. very insightful, guys. the new subway series. what's your pick? so incredibly comfortable? the attention to detail, that combines time honored craftsmanship,
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capella university sees education differently. our flexpath learning format lets you set deadlines and earn your nursing degree on your schedule. today the supreme court heard arguments in a major case over lgbtq rights and free speech. all right. here's the case. a colorado web designer said she wants to expand into weddings, but codoes not want to work wit same-sex couples. what are today's arguments? >> the court is back at that intersection of lgbtq rights and
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religion. they seem siympathetic to arguments put forward by that graphic designer. her lawyer, she wants to celebrate marriages. she wants to expand her business, but she does not want to work with same-sex couples and she's come up against the accommodation laws, but the conservatives looked at this as a free speech case and they said maybe if a business person creates something that's custom or a piece of art, then they cannot be compelled to express a message that they don't believe in. so suggesting that they would rule in her favor and the liberals pushed back hard. the three liberals in this court, for instance, justice ketanji jackson said, what about a photographer who sets up a business in a mall with children sitting on santa's lap and wants to take pictures, but only wants white children to sit on santa's lap? would that be allowed? and justice sonia sotomayor pushed hard on the limiting principle here.
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what would it mean for people who are opposed to interracial marriage or people opposed to people with certain disabilities. take a listen to what she said in court. >> ensure that -- >> what's the limiting line of yours? justice kagan asked you about another website designer, but how about people who don't believe in interracial marriage? or about people who don't believe that disabled people should get married? what's -- where's the line? >> and liberals of course, are very worried about this. they saw last term when the supreme court overturned that abortion case, and in that abortion case, justice clarence thomas suggested maybe the court should revisit gay marriage. their decision from 2015. all eyes are on the important case that probably will be decided by july. >> watching those oral arguments. thank you very much.
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so a group of economists is warning that there's a more than 50% chance of a recession next year. the national association for business economics -- economics. i'll go with. also predicts near zero growth. >> cnn's matt egan is with us now. so the recession fears, what's fueling them? >> reporter: this can all get tied back to high inflation, right? the federal reserve has been trying all year to put this inflation fire out. they're lobbing these massive interest rate hikes and trying to cool this off, and not trying to cause a recession. the fear among politicians and investors and lawmakers may accidentally cause a recession. that explains this gloomy forecast from naib. three headlines, they see near zero growth of .3% next year. that is down from almost 6% last year. that's basically nothing. unemployment they see going from 3.7% today to 4.5% late next year. that translates to the loss of millions of jobs. also they say just a 1 in 4
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chance of a soft landing. many expect a downturn. also out today, the ceo survey, they have a composite where they look at sale spending and expectations and it's dropped every quarter this year. not to pile on, we should expect that markets are down this afternoon. the dow was around 500 points, around 1.5%. n nasdaq is down by more than 2%. ironically though, this selloff is not being driven by concerns that the economy is falling off a cliff. it's the opposite. new numbers out today, service sector activity point to a hotter than expected economys is raising yet more concerns that the fed is going to have to do more to get inflation under control g thanks for the update. >> thank you guys. tampa's police chief is resigning after flashing a badge to get out of a traffic stop. what she's now saying about that incident. and a dirty game. what harry and meghan are saying
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tampa's police chief just resigned after being accused of abusing her position during a traffic stop. >> she was caught on body cam flashing a badge when asking a florida dep uty to overlook the fact she and her husband were driving a golf cart on a roadway without a license plate. >> good evening. >> how you doing? >> good. i'm deputy with the sheriff's office. i've stopped you because your driving tag, or unregistered vehicle with no tag on it on the roadway. >> yeah. we went to the club. it was closed so we went over and picked up some -- is your camera on? >> it is. >> i'm the police chief in tampa. >> oh. how you doing? >> i'm doing good. i'm hoping that you will just let us go today. >> now that you say that, i look familiar. >> i'm sure i do. >> well, take care, and it was nice meeting you. >> all right. >> oh, all right. >> if you ever need anything, call me. >> okay. >> serious. >> appreciate that. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you for your service.
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>> thank you for yours. take care. >> is your camera on? cnn's laeyla santiago is with u on this. what more can you tell us? >> reporter: interesting you brought that point up, victor because that kind of speaks to what her take has been on this. she resigned this morning and says that she was not trying to do any harm or abuse power. that's why she asked him if his camera was on. she knew she was being recorded. you know, the tampa city has a very different take. i want to read to you what the mayor said today saying, it is unacceptable for any public employee and especially the city's top law enforcement leader to ask for special treatment because of their position. public trust in tampa police department is paramount to our success as a city as well as a community. you know, in her resignation letter as well as in some documents tied to an internal affairs investigation, she apologized, called it even poor judgment to have that golf cart
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out there and says she doesn't want to get in the way of progress. so now what? well, she has offered to pay any sort of fine that was a citation that could have potentially come from that traffic stop. that traffic stop by the way from about three weeks ago, and now tampa is looking for a new police chief. no word yet on exactly when one might be named or placed. just the mayor saying that it will be a national search. in the meantime though, a lot of questions as to, you know, exactly why the now former police chief said and did what she did. >> okay. leyla santiago, thank you. there are some mixed signals from iran on two issues that have led to extraordinary protests there. iran's attorney general said the government is now reviewing the country's mandatory hijab law. >> but state media is pushing back on his claim that iran's feared morality police had been
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abolished. cnn's nic robertson is in london. what's going on here? >> reporter: it doesn't seem as if the attorney ygeneral is hinting at some changes or review under way. the state department says this is ambiguous and vague at best. the attorney general in iran does have purview over the hijab laws which have been in place for the last 43 years, since the iranian revolution, titanic to the regime for the control of women, control of people, control of society, and these are partly what caused the protests in iran three months ago. women said they didn't want to wear the hijab. they protested. of course, the protests have grown so much more since then. the government's gone through all of these oppressive measures with police shooting protesters, killing protesters, and they still have not been able to stop them. in fact, the protesters have now said, you know, not just remove the hijab, but remove the leader of the country. maybe this is the government trying to put a fix in there, but where the attorney general
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perhaps spoke out of turn or is hinting again at this review that's under way, when he said that the morality police who enforce this law, he said that they would be abolished, and as you said, state media is rolling that back. he doesn't have purview over the morality police, but perhaps that is going to be part of this review. however, these types of politics in iran can really be a smoke and mirrors issue. what's in the review? is it a binding review? will it be rescinded? if there's a review and it comes out, will it ever be enforced? none of the details behind this can we really see. all we can see is what's happening on the surface if you will, but potentially the government is rattled by the scale of the protests, but these moves, whatever they may be do seem to be shutting the barn after the horses bolted. the protests have gone so far beyond just the hijab now. >> nic robertson for us. thank you, nic. so concerning news for
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the new subway series menu. the greatest sandwich roster ever assembled. tony, the new outlaw's got double pepper jack and juicy steak. let's get some more analysis on that, chuck. mmm. pepper jack. tender steak. very insightful, guys. the new subway series. what's your pick? lily! welcome to our third bark-ery. oh, i can tell business is going through the “woof”. but seriously we need a reliable way to help keep everyone connected from wherever we go. well at at&t we'll help you find the right wireless plan for you. so, you can stay connected to all your drivers and stores on america's most reliable 5g network. that sounds just paw-fect. terrier-iffic i labra-dore you round of a-paws at&t 5g is fast, reliable and secure for your business. it takes a village to support society and businesses have a responsibility to support that village. ♪ ♪
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we've got questions about medicare plans. well, we've got a lot of answers! how can i help? well for starters, do you have a medicare plan i can actually afford? how about a plan with a $0 monthly premium? well, that's a great start. what other benefits can we get? things like dental, vision and hearing. but let me help you pick the plan that's right for you. ooooooooh! [laughs] don't wait, call 1-888-65-aetna to get answers to your questions
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and pick a plan that's right for you and let's make healthier happen, together. cdc director dr. rochelle walensky says her agency is aware of reports of shortages of anti-virals and anti-biotics across the country, and kroger, one of the largest pharmacy chains seeing it's seeing constrained inventories of aseat
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met fin and ibuprofen. >> elizabeth cohen is here with us. elizabeth, how big of a problem is this? >> reporter: alisyn, this could become a big problem. sit already problematic we're hearing in some areas. it's really hard to tell how widespread these shortages are, but it's not good, and hopefully unlike the infant formula shortage which kind of went on and on, hopefully they will nip this in the bud. let's take a look at the flu situation in the u.s. which is the reason behind a lot of this. those red states, those are states are high or very high flu activity. it's almost the entire united states. only six states are not seeing high or very high activity, and even, i'm sorry to say, covid is making a bit of a comeback if you take a look at the week of november 26th. 33,000 people admitted to u.s. hospitals because of covid. that's up 27% from the week before. now the biden administration says they're monitoring this,
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but the fda says, look. we can't command companies to make more of certain kinds of drugs. victor, alisyn? >> so those are the overall numbers for flu. are we seeing comparable numbers for children when it comes to the flu? >> reporter: yes. children's flu hospitalizations are actually, you know, relatively high. let's take a look at this graph. if you see that red line, that's hospitalization rates for elderly people, 65 and up. right below it is ages 0 to 4. they are the age group with the second highest hospitalization rate, and i think sometimes people forget that. so when you do want to do is get your child vaccinated against the flu. what you don't want to do is hoard flu medications or things like children's advil, children's tylenol because if you hoard them, you're going to get some bad mommy and daddy karma coming at you. it will never leave you. you don't want to do that to other parents. buy only what you need. victor, alisyn?
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>> all right. bad mommy and daddy karma. >> i'm scared. >> i got it. elizabeth cohen, thank you. this is just too our news room. nike has officially cut ties with brooklyn nets guard kyrie irving. >> this comes after irving posted a twitter link containing anti-semitic messages and initially refused to apologize. nike suspended its relationship with irving and canceled its launch of his shoe worth millions. phil knight said that kyrie stepped over the line. the royal feud continues with a new bombshell trailer teasing the harry and meghan documentary. the shocking allegation that the royal family was planting stories. is the planning effect. this is s how it feels to hae a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at yoyour full financial pictur. thisis is what it's like to he a comprehensive wealth plalan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn.
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dentures, crowns, fillings and more. they also have vision coverage, including eye exams and eyeglasses. and hearing coverage, which includes hearing tests and hearing aids. you could also get many no-cost vaccines, including the shingles vaccine, at in-network retail pharmacies. this is north carolina governor roy cooper giving an update on the power grid attack and the outages there. let's listen. >> one of the substations that was attacked, and i want to thank the people who are working so hard to restore power. it's very complex what they are doing, and they have been working around the clock to do that. i've met with the emergency management team here in moore county, and i have met with local, state, and federal law enforcement to get updated on the investigation. helping the vulnerable people
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and the places where they live, including adult care homes, is a priority. making sure that people are warm as the night approaches, making sure people are cared for, making sure that critical services at hospitals and law enforcement at emergency management services are supported and available. all of that is crucial. now while we are determined to keep people safe, we're also deeply concerned about the small businesses that are losing out on valuable retail time right here before the holidays as well as our school students who are missing valuable class time because of closure of schools. local and the state response to all of this has been swift and
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strong, and i know that we'll all keep working until the power is restored, and to do whatever we need to do afterward as well will be important. protecting critical infrastructure like our power system must be a top priority. this kind of attack raises a new level of threat. we will be evaluating ways to work with our utility providers and our state and federal officials to make sure that we harden our infrastructure where that's necessary, and work to prevent future damage. i will continue to get briefed on this investigation as it continues, and i'm sure that we will learn more about motives of this intentional attack, an
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attack that damaged an entire community. regardless of motive, violence and sabotage will not be tolerated. in the meantime, i have been impressed with the resilience and the community spirit of the people of moore county. i'm grateful for their public spirit and their help for each other, helping to serve meals to the people down at the substation who were working on making repairs, helping each other in the community, and i'm t deeply appreciative of the first responders, the 911 operators, the good work that they were doing today in moore county making sure they had all of those positions filled with personnel who were handling the
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load. the law enforcement, the people who are helping with traffic, with traffic lights being out, the health care providers, the emergency personnel, and others who are doing their very best to get us past this. we have a number of people who are here with me working from the state perspective. secretary eddie buffalo who is the secretary of our department of public safety. i also have will ray who is our emergency management director from north carolina. >> we have been listening there to the north carolina governor roy cooper give us an update on what he and all the investigators thus far have called this intentional attack on these electrical substations there that have knocked out power. still to some, like, 33,000 people in moore county, and we should also say i'm not sure if he mentioned it, but the moore county school system will be closed again tomorrow.
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it was closed today, and it will be closed tomorrow, and they'll learn more about the motive of this attack in the days to comp. >> we've learned from the sheriff that he says it was intentional. he's not calling it domestic terrorism, but >> the sheriff says it was intentional, but that investigation now supported by state officials, the fbi involved as well. duke energy says it will take until at least thursday to get power back to all of those customers without it. >> in the meantime, the royal drama continues in a new trailer for the netflix series, harry and meghan, offer more incsight on their lives. >> harryb$ makes important allegations against the royal family. max foster joins us from london. in the trailer, prince harry says they knew the truth. >> yeah, so we're expecting a bombshell documentary. it feels like that from the
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trailers. no one in london, no one at the palaces or wider world. it certainly seems dramatic. >> hierarchy of the family leaking stories. >> there was a war against meghan to suit other people's genders. >> it's= about race. >> it's a dirty game. >> in the description, they talk about discrimination as one of the elements, but what we get from the trailer are allegations that parts ofz]eñ the palace sy were planting stories against meghan and meghan feels she wasn't protected from all of that harassment she received from the media and online. >> thank you very much. obviously keep an eye and bring us any new developments. it does look juicy.
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>> will watch it. as winter approaches, some ukrainians are offering to fight against russia amid a new wave of bombings on the energy infrastructure. we have a report from ukraine aheaead. work with you every step of the way to help you u achieve it. so let us focus on the how. just tell us - what's your why? okay season 6! aw... this'll take forev—or not. do i just focus on when things don't work, and not apprecte when they do? i love it whenork actually works! i just booked this parking spot. th desk... and this conference room! i am filing status reports on an app that i made! i'm not even a coder! and it works!... i like your bag! when your digital solutions work, the world works. that's why the world works with servicenow. so incredibly comfortable? the attention to detail, that combines time honored craftsmanship, and luxurious materials. for a mattress that feels as good as it looks.
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the husband of nancy pelosi received a standing ovation in washington on sunday. pelosi is visible there in that black hat, you see him. >> ahead of the event, president biden welcomed the 45th group of h honorees to the white house. each year honorees are selected for their lifetime of contributions to american culture. to illinois now where an eighth grade basketball player made a game-winning shot of a lifetime. >> with just three seconds left, cooper's team was down by one point, then cooper nabs the ball and wings it the entire length of the court and sinks it. >> i was just in complete shock and i just threw middlyself on
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ground. i just started taking my victory lap around the gym. it was great. >> that was awesome. the distance from cooper to that basket was about 75 feet. he calls it the best night of his life. >> you know the best night about this is that angle is fantastic. >> it is. >> but it's not like some off shot camera like a cell phone camera. you get the full length of the court there. >> yes, the enormity of what just happened. he put his body into it. go to this if you must. >> first, it was pepsi. they asked us to add milk so we could have pilk and cookies. weren't doing that. >> i'm not doing this either. helmans wants us to add mayonnaise to our eggnog. a frozen mayonog. rum, cognac and a quarter cup of
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mayo. >> first, you've asked my heart to withstand eggnog and that's a challenge. now you want me to put a quarter cup of mayo in it on top of it. i can only handle so much. >> keep it away from my beverages. i don't like it with anything, but i know you like to eat it from time to time. >> i like it on my fries. >> i'll allow that, but this, i will not allow. >> the cognac, rum, where they put five liquors in, that is glorious. why do we have to mix things? pepsi was fine as pepsi. >> i think we're finally in agreement about all of this. >> the lead with jake tapper starts right now. so who might intentionally have targeted u.s. electricity infrtr
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