tv CNN Tonight CNN December 6, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PST
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president trump is now falsely claiming that he did not call for the termination of the united states constitution to return him to power. but isn't that exactly what he said in his social post this weekend? it is not a figment of our imagination. here is the quote. a massive fraud of this magnitude allows determination of all rules, regulations and articles, even those found in the constitution. our great founders did not want, and would not want to condone false and fraudulent elections. , i'm not saying we should freak out about every trump comment. he says a lot of outrageous things on the time and he happens to be a bit of a political provocateur, shall we
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say. but, this is different. this is the idea of terminating the constitution in support of his insistence that he won an election that he lost. and is arguably maybe his most extreme and antidemocratic statement yet. and is part of a dangerous and broader pattern. within two years after his defeat, former president will not accept the 2020 election results. /wiki defend the insurrectionists from the capitol on january 6 two try to kill the then vice president pence who was upholding the peaceful transfer of power, they were brutally assaulting police muscle officers. in september he even mentioned potential pardons for the rioters. >> i met with financially supporting people that are incredible. and a were at my house a few days ago. it is very much on my mind, it is a disgrace what they have done to them. and i decided to run and i when you, i will be looking very strongly about pardons. for pardons.
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>> of course they say he is going to run out, he has been pushing election lies for now years. here is what he said on fox in the summer of 2020, months before any boats were even cast. are you suggesting that he might not accept the results of the election? can you give a direct answer that you look sexy elections? >> i had to say. is going to say yes. i'm not going to say it but i did not last a meter. michael, we did see. right? he has made a lot of comments about the idea of the president for life this back in march of 2018? while praising china's president xi jinping. >> he is now president for life. [ laughter ] president for life.
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he was able to do that i think it is great. i might want to give it a shot sunday. [ laughter ] >> let's not. donald trump likes to call himself the law and order president, but he has had advocating for the throwing out of the constitution, that is the basis for law and order in this country. it is not an isolated incident. is is the reason we must focus on it and we cannot turn away. did i mention he is running for re-election to be, i assume, a law and order president again. i want to bring in frank luntz. and karen finney and elliot williams. because i said your name and i will start with you, frank. that is the courtesy and an apology only one. >> that this people do it, don't worry about a . >> thank you, i feel some days that i am not the best but i am glad. anyway, i am thinking about this, the idea of us talking about donald trump and the statements he has made it is no surprise that he makes a number of outrageous statements.
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this one feels different in that danger that has been presented because of january 6th, but also it has been presented at a time when congresswoman liz cheney kept saying he poses a threat to our democracy. is this, to you, bringing differently than some of the other subsistence conference he's making? >> it does differently. idea, i originally thought he was going to suspend the constitution. was suspended when i was in high school for one day, and i was allowed back. by the way, i don't know what it is about cnn, i tends to admit all the things i did wrong in my early years. next week we will be talking about drug use trump back to the room candidates, and lost virtually all of them in the senate in 2022, then he goes and attacks the two most popular recovered republican governors of virginia and florida, now terminating the constitution. he is destroying himself. he is not smart enough to realize that.
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the republicans are turning away from him in droves, the only thing that gets people to support him, or feel that he is a victim, and how he gets treated by outsiders. for example, they should never have invaded mar-a-lago, i use that term because that is his turn that he used without explaining why. it was perfectly justified . are classified documents he had no business having, but the justice department did explain the for 6 days. donald trump will destroy himself if he is allowed to. and how you handled that, i know your viewers would agree because they want to yell at him, but how he has handled the determination whether or not he is credible at this moment. so i say to people out there, if you don't like donald trump, just wait a few more weeks and he will do enough damage that he is done picks i have to tell you. i am not entirely convinced that the man with the moniker is
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that kind of, causing. i wonder who he takes them with him, because republicans are thinking about these issues not as maybe the self annihilation, but instead the idea of what impact it has on the party. i know graham, tim scott, they are refusing to answer questions about this. indian head senator john cornyn saying that trump was irresponsible, that was the word he used. irresponsible to not exactly the language of people running away with a 10 foot pole and not looking back. i wonder from your perspective, do you sherry level of optimism, but the idea, that look, he is simply going to do enough self-destruction that he will no longer be an issue to reconcile or deal with? >> i think the problem is that, as he said, it is who does he take them with him? does he take our country down with him? that was certainly what it seemed he was attempting to do on january 6th. certainly there were a number of times throughout his presidency, i keep going back
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to charlottesville, good people on both sides, where, for many of us, it was demeaning and degrading to the united states of america to have a president who could not just call out hate speech and white supremacy as being wrong. and so, i think, it is very possible that he just impose. i think it is more likely, and particularly given that we know that there is a sector of the republican party that still beats him. that still follows him and that will still give him money. i think he still poses a danger. but i also think we need to callout is that it is not a profiling courage to, however you characterize his behavior now, after the 2022 election, when the voters so clearly are the ones who stood up and did the work and have that backbone. if republican members of congress, if mitch mcconnell, or kevin mccarthy, would have stood up to him, charlottesville, after january 6th, we might not be where we
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are right now. , they picked mcconnell date, he was very articulate about it. he drew trump's., and in fact because mcconnell date, trump got involved in the senate primaries. >> he did, but then he pulled back, frankly . >> and i know you want a chance to weigh in. mcconnell date, but there is the impeachment discussion it of course he did not go all the way through in one aspect of it. but i think that is karen's larger point about the different moments. i wonder, there are a lot of investigations rolling around donald j trump. there is a jury deliberating as we speak, they ought to be watching the showing deliberating tomorrow about issues surrounding the trump organization. everything he is saying i can imagine prosecutors going yes, please tell me more about your intentions here. >> just keep talking, that is what the prosecutors are saying. but, step back. i feel like we act in the
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united states but this is somehow so anomalous, and so out of the blue that you have a former president acting this way and being investigated and saying the things he does, when you look around the world, and and if you was to see the leaders of countries saying the same things, we would not bat an eye. look at, on the global stage, russia, brazil, china, strong manual being elected not that different from donald trump, yet somehow in america we cannot get our heads around the fact that this could happen here. the same kinds of badness that happens around the world. , former presidents be indicted and investigated an injury israel and italy and france. it happens. donald trump is not sort of an aberration, and we ought to treat him the problem that he could bring to the country . >> is an important point. i think the insurrection showed us, this is something i said at the time, we have to stop saying this is not who we are.
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this is who we are. it is not who we have to be, and we actually can change, but we have to have the awareness that says this is not who we want to be and we don't want to be a country where the former president, it is not just one investigation, it is multiple investigations on multiple fronts. and so i hope that this part of what comes out of this. i think 2022 midterms was a start. >> stick around, we have more ahead, we will hear more from you on these issues, because you wonder. with the microcosm of the republican or democratic partner, is that the identity they want as well? leader of these parties stick around on that, at the former president he refused to acknowledge his loss in the last election as you well know. back to the polls in the next election. the senate runoff in georgia and this helps us break down what that data shows, next.
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we are virtually hours away from the georgia runoff election . the latest cnn polling shows rafael warnock with a narrow lead over republican challenger herschel walker. , likely voters, 52% said they plan to vote for warnock while 40% said they plan to vote for walker. back with me now, frank wants. personal, we are here because it is a runoff, a narrow edge that warnock even has over walker. is a lot and is able to happen right now. talk to me about these nine phrases that you say voters are really matters most to voters.
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what are those in this election? >> i will give you the example. the figures are desperately in pursuit of the truth, relentless pursuit of the truth, it is something that cnn does, that we are looking, not the media, but from our elected officials, the candidates pursuing the truth on the ones we want to support. we ask for real results. what you see in your campaign ads, what can you show people that making meaningful, measurable impact on the average individual, affordability. not inflation. inflation is an academic term. people don't walk into the supermarket and they look at the inflation, they silicate the prices, i cannot afford that. problem solve, maybe a little bit less in the senate, that they are looking for people who understand and recognize what is wrong and have an idea of how to fix it. cleaner, safer, healthier for those who care about climate, the problem with climate is you talk about sustainability. that is the status quo. the public want better,
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cleaner, safer, healthier, accountability. the idea that if someone does something wrong, transparency let you know what is going on. oversight is performance art. accountability, you grab someone by the neck and say you made this promise, you did not keep it and i am holding you responsible. common sense. to talk to me like a politician. talk to me like a human being. and let's get something done, let's work together. work together, roll up your sleeves and get it done. these are the attributes. so, i look at georgia and i see early turnouts benefiting warnock. i see the fact that no longer the senate is in play, that is more of a reason for democrats to vote and republicans. herschel walker is not as good of a candidate. and a lot of people are looking for him because they want republican control of the senate, not necessarily because of him, but this by 10. 30s the democrats have raised so much more money in georgia,
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all three of those suggest that warnock will have a small, but still important victory tomorrow . >> i think what is fascinating, when i was in trial, the most persuasive arguments we can make is when you used a nickel word as opposed to a $20 bill word. talk to people like they are human beings, and on their level of empathy, on the idea of a, we are the same, i have easy thing arguments around different issues. and, the idea that strikes me as we were talking, is a way in which this election runoff between warnock and walker, has largely come down to, for many of the as, about intelligence, about word choice, about integrity. all of the things that resound. and i just wonder, the early voting, in particular, people turning out still. i keep asking this question. i suspect that the amount of
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money people are paying to have the that's one know that they have to motivate people to topic they cannot just rely on hey, it is important and people know their civic duty. is that enough of a compulsion for people to say look, i have a determined, it's my civic duty, this is about committee assignments in the long run, is it really coming down to, as brian kemp has said, who is more motivated. us or them? the answer is the democrats are more motivated at this point. he was a good issue. ryan california his election any distinctive fashion. there were hundreds of thousands of that voted for kemp who did not vote for the republican candidate for the senate. so, the hope, ken's idea was that i will spend three weeks helping the republican candidates trying to transfer my vote to him. is only a limited effect according to the point not having dental. in the end it is a candidate that can reach across and appeal to not just their base, but
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voters who are not wedded to a specific side, the word, for example, freedom. freedom to do what i want, freedom to be free to speak my mind. for democrats, it is freedom from freedom from homelessness, freedom from hunger. it is a different definition of the word, but equally important. and the candidate that understands a principal like that can said that the priorities for the voters. there is another example. if you talk about your values, that is about you. you talk about your priorities, that is going to impact the voters themselves. and i think warnock has done a reasonably good job of communication, and frankly i don't think walker has been as effective. and if i am proven wrong tomorrow, trump will be chairing the most because almost all of trump's candidates lost in the general election. the ones that were really contentious, and walker would be the last one to lose, the kids could legitimately say
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thanks to donald trump, you cost us the senate. no one has more on the line tomorrow morning herschel walker , and more than donald trump. fascinating. of course he has a tele-rally happening tonight about these very issues. i will see what happens, we will be watching. my voice is not quivering because i am emotional about this. thank you for talking to us about these issues. look, everyone. there is the idea about priorities and accountability and tone oval office in a campaign. however the downside overall and we are talking about say social media. hate speech is searching on twitter since the takeover. the question is why? is it because no are being allowed back on the platform? we will talk about it, next. rapid wrinkle repair® smooths the look of fine lines in 1-week, deep wrinkles in 4. so you can kiss wrinkles goodbye! neutrogena®
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elon musk is allowing me so fast white supremacist back on twitter. the antidefamation league responding saying it is the disturbing. andrew anglin, who founded the website has now been reinstated. i'm going to bring in cara swisher, host of the on with cara swisher podcast the host of the show, and sirius xm radio. we are quite to have both of you on tonight. a treat for me and the audience. let's start with cara, i do wonder what message you think mosque is trying to send by allowing back on the side, given all of the controversy surrounding, and of course i know, even suspending last week kanye west tweet that appeared
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to be based on the altered image of the star of david inside of a swastika. that he did not clarify what, specifically was done. i wonder what message is easton you think he is when sending here? >> complete chaos. there is no rhyme or reason to these decisions . it is incitement of violence in those are not pictures considered incitement of violence, because he would have to link it to that. maybe it would and hate speech on people are given a couple of times to do that and then he let kanye west back on practice when he probably decided himself , i'm assuming there's nobody he's been talking internally about that, he's going to make the decision himself and not listen to other people. maybe somebody appealed to him and said we should do this. i don't think you should think there is a systemic way of doing this, i think it is just off the top of his head. >> well, off the top of my head can here the the numbers coming
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right now. hate speech has been searching on twitter since muscat took control. look at these numbers. the use of the letter and word of 3%, anti-semitic posts of 61%, anti-trans and force of 86%. i am wondering for you specifically, when you look at these figures and maybe the absence as karen is talking about a ryan morrison, but the personal discretion, and you, yourself has been personally targeted by andrew anglin. what does this mean to you? i think this is elon musk normalizing the for recent none of us know. being on twitter is a privilege, not a right. and elon musk is extending the privilege to the worst of the worst. andrew anglin in 2017, he wrote an article denouncing donald trump for refusing to denounce white supremacy before charlottesville. andrew anglin loves donald trump and he put it on his
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website -- after the publication and saying that i was involved in a terrorist attack and told supporters to confront me. they gave me death threats and hate messages. and he thought i would cower. i should him in federal court and one against an england for defamation. it was not for me, the money goes to the organization that fight bigotry. that deadbeat andrew england has not been a pen team penny. i'm not alone. this is jewish americans, black americans, he is file. this is a person operating under literally what would hitler do. he wants to tear down the holocaust museum and the 8000 foot statue of hitler. that is who elon musk once on twitter. i hope people say do they want to invest in a platform that gives the platform to literally
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a . that is what we are doing with . >> that is an excellent point you raise. thinking about the journey that you had to endure, based on this person, and so many others that did inundate. the idea was more than just him, but there was an audience, there was a waiting audience, then follow his direct lives. it seems unbelievable that this is where we are. but the point that dean was raising at the end, we know that, for example, this is a person who is separate and apart from andrew anglin, but there have been decisions by different advertisers or companies, nike, for example has cut ties with kyrie irving today, following the scandal surrounding his decision to retweet and anti-semitic message, and just pure business side of this. there are at least financial consequences in that relationship. mosque, at this point in time, is trying to make twitter profitable. you almost talk about that many times.
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>> still chuckling . >> of that is to be the correlation here, is this just bad for business? even setting aside the moral compass issues? is it that for business? >> will, you see that. the new york times had a good piece and a lot of people have been reporting the declines in advertising. is trying to say everyone is bad, but they are not. it would be if it was a good platform, advertisers will advertise whenever things work, but the decline in advertising is significant, he tries not to rely on advertising, he strives to have a subscription work service and he is trying maybe a i and cutting people. is trying all kinds of ways to make money. it's just that he spends a lot of time tweeting and a lot of twine letting back on the site. you know, i think one of the things that you just talked about, i have had a relatively good experience on twitter with a few bad eggs attacking me and things like that, but since he took over, i had to turn off my comments because i tweeted
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something about the colorado shootings and i got inundated by trolls and bots and i am sure that is what they were for the most part. i never turned off comments on twitter, this is the first time i have done it. i have been there since the beginning when it was formed, i was one of the first twitter users picks really quick dean, have you had that experience? >> i have had some, but i look at my friends in the text they have gotten, especially jewish and black friends . it is off the chart. advertisers have to make a choice and people have to make a choice. don't give your money to advertisers for giving their money to elon musk. what elon musk cleanup the cesspool that is twitter so we can have a simple conversation and not innovation . mega simple platform, oh, you're not in d.c., that is why. there you go. more on this, thank you for joining, but the view. thank you. well, speaking about cleaning up a bit of a mess,
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with the trump organization faced the tax fraud charges? will they, it is on the juries hand be held accountable, is the question. what will the verdict be they are deliberating, we will talk about it on next. when you really need to sleep. you reach for the really good stuff. zzzquil ultra helps you sleep better and longer when you need it most. its non-habit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil. when we started our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation.
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tomorrow the jury in the trump organization criminal tax fraud trial will resume deliberations after more than four hours of discussion today. two trump organization entities facing the charges with tax fraud and falsifying business records prosecutors alleged has a 15 year scheme to defraud tax authorities. in washington, d.c. trump ally rudy giuliani facing a disciplinary airing over his work on the former election reversal attempts. all of this is investigations around the former president continue to swirl, even as he becomes his rocky bid for re- election in 2024. i am back with frank luntz and karen finney. here now as well, glad to see you here together. looking at the game with you, there is a lot happening comes to donald trump, in the jury deliberation is happening right now been following these cases and we have a similar one in the . i am wondering what you make and what the jury has to chew over tonight .
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>> well, laura, they have a tax fraud to chew over tonight, donald trump, his business, the trump organization, paid the executives through providing various benefits, and is not declaring that on their tax returns. now, i think the prosecution made a strong case, this is not a slamdunk, it is a tough case and you have to prove that the payments were quote in behalf of the trump organization. we got, let, was with you there was a note from the jury in the oath keepers case, a note from the jury today asking about one of the conspiracy charges. it is a serious charge fourth degree conspiracy charge in new york. and is a good case and i think it is likely going to have to deal with some criminal
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convictions in the immediate future but we will see . >> not trump family, that is the key to make . >> yes, it is. the prosecution introduced evidence at the end of the trial that donald trump was personally aware, documentary evidence, because it has to establish this, that it was done in behalf, it was not just alan wessel berger the former top trump who benefited, he was not just doing this for his personal benefit, it was to have the corporation. i think the prosecution explained how the benefits saved money for the corporation , redound to the benefit of the trump work, and they showed the jury trump knew about the . >> will, tell me about this guy . we are learning the manhattan d.a.s office has hired this person. why the significance? >>, brained -- the d.a.
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dropped the larger case that had been put together beyond the tax case on trial now, by two of the most relieved prosecutors in america, carrie dunn and mark pomerantz. , he has taken ferocious criticism ever since because it was a righteous case. so, not to perform an resuscitation back from the dead, he has brought on met calendula, brilliant prosecutor, very trump adversary, very tough trump adversary working for the office of the new york attorney general where they have really got after donald trump. now he is going to try to do the same for the manhattan d.a.s, he has a lot to work with. is back on his for the allies, rudy giuliani, as we mentioned, he is facing these proceedings in washington, d.c. remember he was challenged, shall we say, based on his arguments he made
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in court about election denial listen. and the legal arguments aside, the politics of this has really been already on trial in the electorate. election denial listen was on the ballot this term. what do you say? >> i say rudy giuliani, like many of us, have to face the music. he went forward and tried to make a pretty suspicious argument that we know was not actually correct. he should have stopped after being america's mayor. i was living in new york and 9/11, he did a great job. he was at the top, he should have stopped then. it has been come his brand has continued to diminish over the years. this is just another sad case of someone who has really let his career go by the wayside as he follows donald trump.
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we talked earlier about who does donald trump take down with him? this is one of those folks. >> not just the ego legacy, the idea and the arguments that he was making that some voters still buy into this day, even though there has not been approved in a court of law, there is a court of public opinion that some people still think what they said was right. and election was stolen. you are -- you focus on this a great deal. does this ring true even despite his actions? >> it rings true to about 30% of the republican electorate. so, 50% of the population. nothing is going to change now. they have made up their minds, in fact be , people be , they are going to believe this. giuliana, because of what he did on 9/11, a great mayor, he had credibility. so, people listened to him. giuliani had more credibility than the man he was defending. but, that has taken him down, his reputation is nowhere near where it used to be. it is hard to believe that on
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september 11th he was the most trusted person among all americans in, now he is fighting for his law license . >> a lot has changed, many fall from grace, shall we say. but as you mentioned, 15% of the american electorate something that was fueled and cultivated and nurtured through his own voice in the courts across the country. and of course in front of the camera. a lot more about credibility, here is a case where it can be undermined, especially those in power. how about and take over the police chief was pulled over in a traffic stop and has to resign less than a month later. we'll tell you why and what happened after this. to gabby. to grandma. then, gertrude found something for it. delsym. and now what's going around is 12-hour cough relief.
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unregistered vehicle with no tag . >>, we went to the club . it was closed so we went over and picked up some . >> is your camera on? >> it is picks i am the police chief of tampa picks how are you doing? >> i am doing good . >> okay . >> i'm hoping he will let us go tonight . >> okay. i was going to say i thought he looked familiar . macaque, i am sure i do. all right, folks. have a good night. are you staying over here? >> yes, we live in eastland . mykael wright, nice to meet you. i and deputy jacoby picks same here, my friend. that was the former police chief mary o'connor. she is placed on administrative leave pending internal affairs investigation following the completion of the investigation , she resigned. back with me is franklin's and karen mckinney. you bought something like that, the idea of this happening in early november, now here we are
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at the beginning of december and she has already resigned. is a pretty quick process but i wonder if it is a factor of the intention that police are under to do, obviously the right thing, to be ethical, and body camera footage helping with . >> but she said as your body camera on and he said yes. stop talking, don't hand him your badge. >> she was a bad criminal, right? yes, you don't do not see why the police chief . >> right? my goodness . >> that says to me somebody is important enough to say oh, here you go. and again, mind you, it worked. in that instance. it was like she got a ticket though there was an arrest, it was successful, which of course makes people question the idea does this happen all the time? has it happened so frequently that she felt that emboldened? and i wonder if there is more to the story. i'm sure we will find out.
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this is accountability, this is what the public wants it. transparency only gets you the information that it happened. accountability forced her from her job, that is what americans want across the country and what they want for the police's, the politician, the p business people, everyone. hold people accountable . >> that's absolutely right. we've seen similar polling across race, gender, region, political persuasion, it is something that americans agree on, i believe that people who are in positions of power have too much power, that they abuse it. accountability and her stepping down is the right thing . we talk about the idea that we have heard, no one being above the law, we hear it in terms of the president of the united states. the reality, how often have we have this conversation? we talk about the average person and whether the cop doing this or if it is you and i doing something, we often think about it in terms of how the
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electorate handed the everyday people consider how they would be treated if they did the same thing and in instances like this, make you question whether they would have been accountable in the same way . >> well, laura, every day thousands of times a day across america, law enforcement officials, and i will tell you, i even know former prosecutors have their prosecutor i.d. very prominently displayed if they get pulled over. people signal that they are part of law enforcement, you see it on bumper stickers. i support the cops, right? people want a break. on that we often decry the area of social media. but there is a good side to all of this information, accountability . >> is what you talked about, the idea that in georgia there was a flashing a badge by herschel walker trying to promote that notion, but i wonder really quick. when people see this, especially voters in polling,
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does this make and think less of those in law enforcement or existing anomaly? >> it confirms that's suspicions, and it is a very smart question, because it says to them that justice is happening, but it also says to them that criminal behavior is happening too. and is a two edged sword picks i wondered about the idea of what people think about crime and how we think about those issues really fascinating. i wonder what happens to the deputy and about how this came to be. on this another day. you today we do have some sad news tonight from the world of entertainment. actress kirstie alley has died at the age of 71. her family says she had a brief with cancer. her career spanned decades, and movies and television, including her role as rebecca howell on the popular nbc sitcom cheers. she was in other shows as well, including veronica's closet. kirstie alley was a two time emmy award winner.
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