tv CNN This Morning CNN December 6, 2022 4:00am-5:00am PST
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i got a bike. ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ 'twas a wintry day, and at ihop quite soon hot cinnamon apples would be coaxed with a spoon on the fluffiest french toast with red currants on top we wish you a happy holiday, only at ihop. new gingersnap apple french toast, part of our new holiday menu. try all three flavors. -- voted already, call ten of your friends to go vote, or you can pick up your friends to go vote. >> call your father and your mother, your sister and your brother. call lottie, dottie and
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everybody. >> and everybody! >> it's time to vote. >> i like that. everyone saying get out and vote. good morning, everyone. it's tuesday, december 6th. that means it is election day. >> once again. >> i know. it's like perpetual election. >> georgia voters, come on. >> what did you say? earlier talking to harry. for two years now they've had, like, just nonstop political ads. >> it was the runoffs in 2021. now this runoff election. a lot of voting in georgia. >> crazy. guess what? right now polls are open! voters in georgia right now rh lining up to cast ballots in the critical runoff election and we are live on the ground. watch this . >> i was stunned. really, a bit surprised. i wanted south carolina to remain in the pre-primary window. >> he didn't know they would go first though, potentially.
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congressman clyburn pushing to have his state kick offthe 2024 primary season. more on my one-on-one interview with senator clyburn ahead. and subway attacks, and feds warned of extremists making power grids a target. and ukraine's most brazen attack targeting military bases with drones. and voting this hour to decide final senate race of midterm elections. incumbent senator raphael warnock versus republican challenger herschel walker. the outcome matters when it comes to balance of power in washington and what could come next in 2024. we are live outside a polling place in atlanta. eva, good morning.
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>> reporter: good morning to you, kaitlan. yes, 7:00 a.m. here in georgia. polls are open. a line already starting to form at this polling site here in southwest atlanta. as i was speaking to folks this morning they told me they were not deterred by the rain but wanted to get here early because they're worried what the lines may worry about later. listen, senator warnock long argued the race is about competence and character. herschel walker arguing for his part saying he would be a necessary check on president biden. today is the day strength of those arguments will be tested. take a listen how they made those arguments last night on election eve on the campaign trail. >> i'm not going to sleep tonight, because before a big game i don't sleep, because i'm ready. >> if there's anything i'm worried about is that people will think we don't need their voice. we do. we need you to show up. >> so, again, we'll have to see if the rain impacts turnout at
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all. herschel walk and senator warnock not letting up. will meet with voters again today across the state. polls close tonight at 7:00 p.m. kaitlan? >> we'll see what the day of voting looks like. record early turnout we know. thanks so much. nearly 2 million ballots cast in georgia before polls opened today. john avlon has the numbers in respect is that, and that's great. right? the friday the state broke the record, but we should note this early voting period is way shorter because of that bill they have. >> reporter: exactly right. a shorter period but the single-day vote totals broke records. shows real enthusiasm. i'm obsessed with early voting. talking about polls, spend so much time. but these of cast ballots. fascinating to see intensity, urgency and dig into the data. can't flow it all. today matters, folks. look what we know.
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1.8 million folks voted. extraordinary. typically runoffs have lower turnout than general election. this is high enthusiasm even with the shortened window. look at the gender split. actually 56% of early voters are women so far in georgia. now, that would indicate in recent years that that is a slight weight towards democrats, but, wait. take a look at age ratio and you see there the really strong voting is, young people are doing okay, particularly really young voters. if you go to older voters they're predominantly traditionally republican and turning out at a higher rate there. fascinating data to dig into. pay attention to the early vote. a lot more accurate sense of how voting is trending. >> the question is why early voting? why seeing these levels? >> first of all, even though not a 50/50 senate at stake as you just indicated, this is really about further control. this matters, even though it
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doesn't have the same intensity on the surface. >> makes life easier for democrats in washington if they tonight have to counter that tie-breaking vote. >> correctamundo, as they say. people are fired up about voting right now. they should be. because our democracy depends on it. i think an intensity around voting right now. >> i lived in georgia a long time in it and voted in fulton county and i don't remember this much energy and attention ever being paid to georgia. >> these recurring -- a couple things. first of all, georgia now a swing state. wasn't for a lot of the time you were living and voting there. second thing, these serial runoffs. insane. two runoffs in two cycles back-to-back. raphael warnock. as we see time and time again. this is a game of turnout. early vote matters but today, it's election day, folks. >> when it comes to the outcome
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is it going to change your view? talking about sgeorgia, battleground state, what voters decide? >> within the context of state-wide election votes in georgia, governor kemp re-elected handedly, but if you got a -- governor from one party and two senators from another particularly one traditionally conservative, that's just an indication of the changing demographics and voting passengers in that state. >> i think georgia is -- i think georgia is a red state where democrats figured out how to best use what they have. does that make sense? you understand what i'm saying? take advantage of the process. >> built an extraordinary g.o. vote, get out the vote machine. you can say 12020's and outlier. joe biden did well in suburbs. those folks voted republican down ballot. why this race says, is there
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something happening more sustainable? >> hmm. >> look, i think we want to move away from stereotypes of red states, blue states and have more competitive elections. healthy for america. >> thank you. >> we'll wait to see what those 200,000 voters that voted for kemp, not walker in the election. see what happens here? >> remember the split for kemp and -- warnock. >> voter panel. >> voted for kemp and then also raphael warnock. >> swing voters not extinct part of our democracy. cnn special live coverage of the georgia runoff starts later today. 4:00 p.m. eastern time. learning new details about suspected targeted attack on a north carolina substation. posted days before the attack, a warning of critical infrastructure targeted by domestic violence extremist.
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34,000 without power this morning. we're live there with more. hello, whitney. what more did the dhs bulletin say? >> reporter: well, the bulletin from earlier this month said that a range of ideologies and motivations may prompt people domestic violence extremist and very inclined to actually mobilize on that violence to attack places like schools, faith-based institutions, but also critical infrastructure. law enforcement has been very concerned ed over the last two years about an uptick in domestic violence extremists who seen keen attacking the infrastructure and in particular the electrical grid. just two years ago warning private industry an uptick in threats against the electrical grid. startling about that bulletin is that this is, that bulletin concluded that those domestic vileant extremists would be
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racially motivated. so chilling about it, the fbi concluded these domestic violence extremists believe an attack on the grid could prompt a race war. back to you. >> wow. whitney, wow. thank you very much. appreciate that. listen, straight ahead i need to tell you we'll be joined by the north carolina governor, roy cooper. also this morning on the international front, ukraine is on offenses is russia is blaming ukraine for a drone attack that hit an oil tanker near one of its air fooefields overnight. remember the strikes ob two military bases hundreds of miles inside russia signaling potentially an escalation here. cnn's will ripley joins us from ukraine. what are you learning about this drone attack and what it means for this broader war overall? >> reporter: well, certainly makes the u.s. and its allies nervous because they're trying to contain the conflict and give ukraine defensive weapons. if ukraine is launching offensive attacks not just here but 25 miles from the border with russia, you're talking 500
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miles from nosmoscow in this dr attack. flying low altitude and caused huge explosions and damage to planes and killing at least three in one incident before shot down by russia's air defense system. as you mentioned, this could be major escalation and shows, shines a spotlight on apparent development of combat drones here in ukraine, something they count on as a significant w weapons used in counter operations during these months. >> and what about times carried out attacks, ukraine not taken credit. other ins stances say, yeah, th was us. >> reporter: not taking credit at this point but absolutely no doubt ukraine is behind this, the ones manufacturing aerial drones and sea drones. using them in the black sea to
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attack the russian fleet. proven to be a tool ukraine invests a lot of resources into. in addition to getting weapons in the u.s. and eu also developing their own weapons. a highly industrialized country with potential to manufacture these things but what makes united states and allies nervous. they don't want escalation but see the war come to an end and give ukraine weapons it needs to push russia out of the country and potentially crimea but a lot of people feel president putin will not go down from this war without giving it everything he has. acclaimed actress kirstie alley has died leaving behind a legacy of laughter. >> guys, we got to give rebecca here a nickname. something that kind of fits her personality. you know? kind of dignified, kind of business-like. kind of reserved. let me think -- >> anybody?
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>> back seat -- >> what do they call me? >> in high school or now? >> romance. the queen of romance. >> do you think they said to marlon brando, listen, hey, marlin, you're a little too fat to be "apocalypse." >> they need a man. >> i can play a man. i am an actress! ♪ >> now, that's entertainment. >> and that is a career, extraordinary career according to a statement from her family, alley passed away from cancer that was only recently discovered. so joining us now is rolling stones critic, who is, by the way, co-author of the book, two
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experts picked the greatest american shows of all-time. i'm sure this was one of them. hopefully it was. thank you so much for joining us here. we appreciate it. listen, she had a fantastic career in television, also on the big screen as well. very complicated, but i mean, she will go down probably as one of the -- i would say, most successful actresses in history. especially when it comes to sitcoms. >> i mean, she had an impossible job. "cheers" will been a phenomenon built entirely around ted danson and shelly long. shelly left to do movies. nobody could replace her. kirstie alley comes in, not only do the audience accept her but becomes more popular than in the prior five years. >> which is the most iconic, which stands out to you? >> i mean, she did a lot of big things, the "look who's talking" movies were huge hits. got to be rebecca on "cheers."
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extraordinary performance. nobody since maybe lucille ball had been as funny crying on camera as kirstie. just tremendous. >> told ya. telling them earlier my favorite. love "cheers" but "look who's talking" is one of my favorite movies ever. i loved your piece about her in rolling stone, and you wrote "impossible job. no one could do it. who would even want to try? kirstie alley pulled it off" talking about after shelly long left. what was her tv magic? >> she was just like, they cast her initially as a cool executive and realized, wait a minute. she's so good being a hot mess less lean into that. the clips you played a lot of her being embarrassed, being embarrassing. she was fearless. could deliver any line, just, like, thinking about dozens of scenes running through my head and laughing at all of them. she was wonderful.
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>> very good. can we move on and talk a little about her later career? in the sort of tv reality show genre, she was on the forefront of that with "fat actress" web that? on hbo i said earlier but actually it was showtime. candid with struggles with weight in real life, the show didn't last long but something i think was groundbreaking? >> i think she and her team were smart enough to recognize, look, hollywood is biased against not only women of a certainly age but women of a certain weight. when she was both of those, she realized i've got to sort of take control of the narrative, lean into it, yes, i'm aware of it but you shouldn't care so much about it. her enthusiasm in this area
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was -- >> what about holding a cigar? >> an episode promised to quit smoking and sleep with sam if he catches her with a cigarette. she looks completely calm. second the door closes lit cigarette pops out. i don't know how a human being does this. probably had to do it multiple times on camera in rehearsal. it's nut, cigarette. not cigar. can you imagine? >> ted danson went back and watched early episodes of "cheers." >> wednesday nights, i forget when it was. watch it every -- sit in front of the must-see tv. as part of her devil take care attitude, she doesn't really care and in hollywood, actors don't really like to associate themselves with politics. right? sort of like to be just this figure people can project upon
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whatever they want. she didn't care. the last decades, scientologist, whatever, being on the small screen and the big screen, she did whatever the heck she wanted in her real life and didn't care what others thought about it. >> yeah. i mean, the odd sort of thing in terms of life impating art is rebecca on "cheers" introduced as someone fixated on landing donald trump, and somehow 20 years later became among the most vocal celebrity donald trump supporters. >> wow. there you go. thank you, appreciate it. >> thank you. straight ahead, the new and chilling admission from the man doned "the times square killer." a fascinating story you've got to watch. also we're talk how the white house is going after republicans saying they should be calls out leader of their party, former president trump, as he called to terminate the constitution.
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all right. he was dubbed the times square killer and now admitted to even more murders. the 76-year-old pleaded guilty in court monday to killing one woman and also admitted to killing four others. though he won't be charged with those murders. cnn's jean casarez joins us now. jean, after all this time, a big question people have, why won't he are charged with the other murders and why ask he saying this now? >> reporter: i think a lot of negotiation and i think prosecutors had their evidence and went to him, because this has been ongoing for a little bit. he was charged in june but they did dna testing before that, but this is a convicted serial killer, and, you know, there's no sfatatute of limitations on serial killers or murders in general, at any time they can find more victims and they
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really wanted to focus on the victims. he pleaded guilty to a 23-year-old, 1968, that long ago a dance instructeder. hold ter parents, going to the mall because i got buy new dancing shoes. she never came home. and so they realized, where is she? they drove to the mall that night. they found her car, and they found her in the back seat, and hands and mouth tied. they had dna. by the way, asphyxiation through manual strangulation. dna was unknown then and didn't know how to test it. the case stayed dormant then a tip a lead in 2021. tested that unknown dna and it matched the known profile of richard codingham. look at other victims because
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they matter, too, he did not plead guilty. he admitted yesterday in court he murdered them. 1972 sheila hyman bludgeoned in her home. her husband had just going to the department store for a minute. in 1972, mary beth heine, face-down in a stream, es f asphyxia strangulation and an 18-year-old, face-down on the beach on long island. all long island, new york, and so far -- i say so far, because he says he killed more, but they don't have that at this point. it's new jersey and new york. >> what about their families? what are the victims' families saying? that's >> reporter: that's part of all of this. right? gish closure to the families. they spoke in court, were tough.
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no cram in the courtroom so i can't show you that, afterwards a news conference a brother to one of the victims. i want you to listen. >> there's been some dark days behind us, but today the sun shines brightly. because justice has been served. my mother was a person. 23 years old taken too early, left my sister behind and my grandchildren and my grandmother and my grandfather left holding on to pick up the pieces. >> reporter: in court not only did he have to answer as to each victim, yes, i murdered her. he remembered them. prosecutors says, will you apologize? this is your moment. you can do it. you know what he said? no. >> oh, wow. huh. i asked you just a moment ago, when the sound bite was rolling. you think he could remember all of them? look, this was 1960s and '70s. you said, yeah, he does.
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>> i covered a lot of serial killers. why was in the courtroom for the green river. >> i remember that. >> reporter: they do remember them. specifics they remember. obviously, he did. he acknowledged it, admitted it, he remembered it. >> those poor families. hmm. >> jean, thanks so much. also ahead this morning, we are going to my one-on-one interview yesterday with house democratic whip jim clyburn. what he's saying about the new house leadership that does still include him, the 2024 primaries and president biden's expected re-election run. penal doubtfuople are doubt going to run for re-election. does pushing for south carolina remove any dhoubt that he will e running in 2024? >> i don't know if it removes
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morning." coming up for us, looking into the possibility that one of the four college students murdered at their off-campus home had a stalker. could that lead to a suspect and motive? take you there live. plus joined by the governor of north carolina after those attacks on the electrical grid in his state plunged the cities into darks in. and is love in the air? dr. sanjay gupta breaking down just how much scent influences attraction. don? first, the white house is ramping up pressure on republican lawmakers to condemn former president trump's call to terminate the constitution. straight to cnn's mj lee at the white house with more on that. mj, what are you hearing from the white house? >> reporter: don, yet another situation where donald trump has made an extraordinarily anti-democratic statement and many prominent republicans stayed largely silent. well, the white house is calling on these republicans not only to break their silence but saying
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that they have an explicit responsibility to uphold the constitution. white house spokesman angela bate saying in a state asks congress members to uphold their oath of office and uphold the sc constitution should not be a heavy lift and they need to do it immediately instead of refusing to angst basic question. republicans certainly not taking cues from the white house on this issue but it's notable the white house is choosing to weigh in in this matter. as you know, the president did make a decision to go very in to this argument of protecting democracy as a part of his pre-midterms message and after the election, they felt pretty vindicated politically speaking this was the right thing to do. >> and times of all of this is quite interesting. still waiting to learn if biden will for sure run for a second term himself. although it is looking that way. everyone believes. >> reporter: that's right.
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first of all, make clear that now whenever donald trump makes a statement he is speaking as the republican candidate for presidency because he, himself, of course, announced a few weeks ago, but you're right. it is an open question, at least for now, whether president biden will seek second term, although he did hear the chief of staff says yesterday reiterating he does plan to make an announcement after the holidays and does expect that decision to be for the president to seek a second term. there is just no question, don if there does end up being another biden versus trump matchup, yes, i think these kinds of issues, threats to democracy, that is going to end up being a huge theme this time around as well. >> all right. mj lee, thank you very much, from the white house this morning. and straight ahead here on "cnn this morning" we'll discuss this with a former trump national security adviser john fulton. kaitlan. also, president biden is facing backlash from fellow democrats with a push to make
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south carolina first in the nation primary in their selection in 2024. i sat down with one lawmakers who approves and making the case why his state should go further. before president biden shook up the presidential calendar he first made a phone call. >> i was stunned. a bit surprised. >> reporter: south carolina congressman jim clyburn caught off guard by 3w-guard-by-biden't his state first demoting iowa and new hampshire. >> small rural states like iowa must have a sflois our presidential nominating process. >> new hampshire have does a statute. we do have a law, and we will not be breaking our law. >> reporter: clyburn arguing, south carolina is the litmus
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test. >> every candidate there's one south carolina has gone on to be our nominee and get together majority of the vote in the general election. [ cheers ] >> reporter: the state was violets to biden's 2020 primary victory and his move could indicate he plans to run again in 2024, a accept clyburn supports. >> i'm making it very clear that i'm for joe. as i've said way back, i know joe. we know joe, but most importantly, joe knows us. >> reporter: biden's chief of staff hinting that an announcement could happen soon. >> i spect shortly after the holidays, but i expect the decision will be to do it. >> reporter: surviving a last-minute challenge 82-year-old clyburn remains in leadership at a time of generational change. >> get into at 53 years old because state law did not allow me to get into it until i was
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52. now become leader of our party at age of 52. that's what evolution is all about. >> reporter: clyburn will be number four house democrat as 43-year-old california congressman pete aguilar assumes the number three spot. >> our job is to reflect the values of the democratic caucus. that means to advance the ball and more importantly, unfortunately, in the next two years, to hold the line of some of the republican dysfunction. >> reporter: democrats vowing to push back against a republican majority that's promising to be aggressive. >> we're going to be prepared to have the back of the administration. >> reporter: as it remains to be seen who will lead the gop. >> obviously we don't know yet whether anyone on that side of the aisle has the votes to become speaker. >> thank you all for coming. >> reporter: mccarthy's bid to become speaker has become complicated as clyburn says he should speak out on former president trump's call to
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terminate the cons station. >> constitution. >> i believe these guys should be calling out our former president for asking to set aside the constitution of the united states, and reinstalling -- how do you do that? there's nothing, no process for that and why can't you speak out against that kind of foolishness? >> clyburn saying he wants to see these other leaders speak out. mccarthy, people we have not heard from, talk about what trump said. >> what struck you most being with him in-person? >> the south carolina thing was interesting. wasn't pushing for south carolina. he wanted it to be early up in the window and obviously critical how biden did in south carolina. the white house readily admits that. interesting area talking about that emphatically saying biden should run in 2024 and what it means for him to be in leadership. what he said about his age versus jeffries' age, striking. >> and important to have,
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knowing, mr. clyburn, he mentioned why he couldn't run, history of his family, not able to get a degree, and also history of voting and voter suppression in this country. he is sort of, he symbolizes all of that and also symbolizes where we have come in this country catapulting biden into the presidency. >> which he says is an important perspective for someone in democratic leadership to have. talking generational change. he's staying on but talking about representing voters himself, rural voters in the south, voters in the south. a great conversation. big question this morning. deion sanders accuseds of tellingous leaving a historically black college to coach in colorado. more ahead. plus the stage is almost set for the world cup. the face behind the iconic "gooooooal."
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you heard this in monday's match. changed the game for soccer broadcasting. andres cantor chief commentator for telemundo and de portes and joining us and so happy to have you here and surprised you have not lost your voice, sir. >> i have not, don. you do it very, very good. how y how are you all? >> doing very well. let's do it together. >> one, two, three -- >> gooooooooal! >> you do it. i have to protect my voice. >> annoying. people want to hear you. not me. thank you for joining us, again. how did you start this? how did this start? >> this is the way we feel for the game in latin america. i didn't invent anything. i was lucky to be in the right place at the right time in 1994
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when the world cup was played in the u.s., and my work caught everyone's attention. i've been doing this "goal" since very first day called the game in 1987 on spanish language television, and, of course, itic tas a lot, a lot of meaning when it comes to the world cup, because the world cup is everything. >> one more question from me. if you -- are you surprised that, at how the interest in the sport, just how big the sport has gotten since you started doing this? because there wasn't that much interest from the united states and now it's just crazy, it's everywhere. >> sure. i always say that 1994 was a transformative event for soccer and our country because of the world cup. the enthusiasm, the amount of kids both at the youth level, at the college level who are playing the game, at high schools, are tremendous, and the fandom all over the country is really, really good, and the
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number, you know, ratings show numbers on peacock are through the roof, on linear, on telemundo is through the roof. everyone is watching world cup and in 2026 it's coming home and going to be even bigger than that. >> you're from argentina and lionel messi just scored his 1,000th goal. won't try to say it the way you and don do, this weekend. you've had this career in soccer since you were 16 years old. what is it like to see messi like this in this world cup? >> yeah. he played his 1,000th game, scored his first goal in single elimination matches. he has scored all previous world cup goals in the first round. it's just tremendous to see him, you know, and call his games. hopefully he has normore goals more games. they play netherlands on friday.
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it's going to be a very tough match, but, you know, i hope for him that he gets to the final and i hope he wins it. >> what's different on the ground this time around compared to other world cups? because obviously those watching the game, you noted, interest is high, but there's so much more to the backdrop here? >> sure. well, first and foremost, the fact that the world cup is being hosted in one city. in russia 2019, first 17 days i was on 37 different airplanes going to here to there. here i get to sleep in my own bed, a beautiful backdrop i wake up in the same place and for the teams that is very, have convenience. they didn't have to travel anywhere. they have their hotel camp here and they just, you know, walk or just bus to training for know more than 15 minutes nap is definitely the most convenient for the teams and i think it
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makes for a better action and competition. >> thanks for your legendary voice, and for being "the" voice of soccer for so long. >> save it. we don't need you to be hoarse. we need you to be full-throated. >> thank you. >> and if that ever happens. i can certainly fill in for you if needed. >> is that allowed in your contract? >> i don't know. we'll figure that one out, though. >> thank you, andres. good luck to your team. good luck, argentina. all right. so sports. tom brady has done it again with a record-setting comeback helping the bucs take down the saints in the final minutes. >> it's third down. underneath -- and -- touchdown! >> the bucs down by 13 points in the fourth quarter but in the last three minutes, tom brady threw two touchdowns. game-winning one coming in the last three seconds of the game. this is brady's 44th fourth
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quarter come back and just broke peyton manning's record. >> just like we drew it up. [ laughter ] just like we drew it up. we got a lot of games come down to the end. some we've won, some we've lost. why we're 6-6. not where we want to be but we'll keep fighting. >> it comes with the rett of the nfc south trailing with losing records. bucs are actually leading their division. neil diamond surprising theatergoers with performance of his big hit, one of his business hits during opening night of the new musical based on his life and career. watch this. ♪ sweet caroline it just never ♪ >> don tells me the bum, bum,
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bum is not part of it. >> so good, so good, so good, it is not -- it was added after. i wonder how he felt about that. >> this is an impromptu perfo performance, a rare appearance for the icon who announced his retirement from touring early in 2018 because of his parkinson's disease diagnosis, but, wonderful to see. >> i love me some neil diamond. >> everybody does. >> you got to go see it. we should go see it. >> we should go see it. >> a matinee. >> yeah. >> all right, in georgia, nearly 2 million people have already voted early in the runoff election between herschel walker and senator raphael warnock. but now it is time for the in person voting and that's happening this morning, already under way as polls are open. we'll take you live to atlanta. >> okay, and this is weird, smelling your way to love. how much of a role does scent play in a romantic decision? this is a medical question for dr. sanjay gupta. he's going to join us next to explain this.
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you know how when you smell something, you think of something from your past, right? we know certain smells evoke a lot of deep memories for us. sometimes they can remind us of certain people, and might affect our attraction to a person. in this latest episode of this podcast, "chasing life," dr. sanjay gupta explores that, why smells may play a role in human attraction. he's with us now. i never thought i would be talking to you about why i think about my high school boyfriend when i smell tommy hilfiger. he's not watching. when i smell tommy hilfiger cologne on the street. but i do. >> you still smell -- >> we're going right there. >> why not? >> i got to tell you, i love doing this podcast because we
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dive into these really fascinating topics with some of the experts, the biggest experts in the world about this, and when it comes to smell, there was a lot of attention given during the pandemic because people lost their smell. millions of people lost their smell. it was often thought of as the cinderella scent, not that important. we know 80% to 90% of the taste of food, for example, comes from smell. it is a very important thing. it is the scent that goes straight to the brain stem, smell, which is why it evokes such powerful memories like you're talking about, even going back to college or whenever. but what is fascinating is that this concept of pheromones which are these tiny electrical chemical signals that basically are an instant form of communication between humans, you can just -- pheromones are being given off and they can instantly communicate, they do it in species of animals, but humans do this as well, and it typically signals alarm,
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aggregation, meaning you find people that are similar smelling in this case, and attraction to the point that you're making. but this is exactly the way that it works and there has been all these fascinating studies done in the animal kingdom they're now extrapolating to humans. >> i'm not going to give it away. poppy and i had a conversation in the break, she told me about -- >> about the tommy hilfiger thing. you have to share it now. i thought you were going to share your news. >> her husband says the particles -- >> there are particles in the universe and this is why we come together. i cannot believe i'm telling everyone this. >> but i think that goes to the question which is the science behind this. one of the questions you had during this podcast is this an actual chemical reaction and what did you learn? >> i think it is. >> yeah, no, it is. and that's the part that some -- in some ways not surprising at
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all, but took a lot of research to get to that question because it started off in the animal kingdom. they had moths, for example, they would collect millions and millions of moths, take these pheromones, these little chemical signals, and basically figure out is it attractive to other moths, do other moths then start to follow, do they change their behavior. smell, the way you smell, can change the behavior of those around you. so it is an absolute chemical signal, and it is an instantaneous one as well. >> are there -- i don't know, like, but it is not necessarily, like bo or is it? i don't know. >> so there is a binary component to this. you smell bad or you don't. that is true. but beyond that, it is far more complicated. you know, cologne and perfumes and deodorants and things like that, when you talk to smell researchers, they basically say it is almost a chicken and egg question.
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meaning you like somebody and then you start to associate that person with that scent as opposed to liking the person because of the scent. it is far more complicated. i don't know if we have time for this, but tristen white is the smell researcher, listen to how he put it. >> if you look into your nose, there are something like 400 different receptors, each detecting a different range or kind of molecule. and what's even stranger is we don't all have exactly the same 400 in our nose. and that's down to our genetics, it is highly variable. it might explain, for example, why we like a person or their perfume but not somebody else. it does explain, for example, why some people like cilantro in their guacamole and others don't. there is a reason for that. it is genetic. >> it is ver
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