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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  December 7, 2022 3:00am-4:00am PST

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♪ ♪ what's that song called? >> i don't know the song. >> isn't it called "all we do is win"? >> all i ever do is win win win. here's the interesting part. it looked like a rave. it was amazing. lit as they say. good morning, everyone. that was the crowd at senator raphael warnock's headquarters singing and cheering as democrats secured a 51st senate seat. so where in the world is kaitlan collins? there she is right now.
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standing by live in atlanta. ahead she's going to give us a sense of the mood on the ground this morning. >> but we can tell you, democrats are ecstatic. some at the rave that don just mentioned. no, that was the celebration party for senator raphael warnock. winning, beating herschel walker. helping democrats not just gain control of the senate, they had it but get a tighter grip on the senate they had it. john berman is at the wall. >> it has been a bad month for donald trump, his family business found guilty of a criminal tax fraud and a criminal referral to be headed to the justice department. is this the comeback trump had hoped for? plus this. >> we want to make sure we get this right. that's our objective is that the final product is something we can feel confident about. >> that is congressman pete
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aguilar sitting down with kaitlan collins, as the january 6th panel signals referrals to the department of justice. cnn projecting senator raphael warnock has defeated trump-picked republican challenger, herschel walker, in the runoff election. president biden tweeting tonight, georgia voters stood up for our democracy and rejected ultra ultra-maga-ism. >> tonight my roots go deep down. i am georgia. >> herschel walker was quick to concede, sort of. you have to listen to the language he said. he didn't talk about his opponent, just thanked his
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supporters, vowing to never stop fighting for the people of georgia. >> there's no excuses in life. i'm not going to make any excuses now because we put up one heck of a fight. that's what we got to do. because this is much bigger than herschel walker. >> so look, you guys don't want to see me this morning. this is who you want to see, john berman, the guy of the hour, the man of the hour, besides raphael warnock i should say. everyone wants to know what happened, you have the numbers, the evidence. take it away. >> first of all, raphael warnock with a 95,000 vote margin, about 2.8%. compared to one month ago, the general election was one month ago. warnock led by .9% and 37,000 votes. so he's grown that lead, where has he done it? let's look at where warnock over performed one month ago. almost everywhere. almost every county is lit up.
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where did herschel walker underperform? and this is telling. look at this. what do all these areas have in common, you have the atlanta, the urban and suburban area around columbus, augusta, savannah. it's where the large population centers are. the bigger the circle, the more the population. all the big circles really in those areas were herschel walker underperformed. what's interesting, as you talk to republicans over the course of the morning what you'll find, the areas they're most concerned about, the suburban areas around atlanta. you can see, raphael warnock won we net county, what's the math by 25, do d plus 25 in gwyenette county. just two years ago, that margin
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was d plus okay. and the presidential election the presidential election in 2016, hillary clinton, it's d plus 6. see a trend there? >> i do. >> it's growing, or getting smaller depending on how you look at it. 2012 mitt romney won gwinnett county. you went from republicans winning by what nine points almost to now you have a democrat winning it by 25 points. that's a remarkable turn around. again, these are the suburban areas. you lived there for a time, don, you know it's not just urban atlanta, it's the growing suburban areas where democrats are gaining in population. >> it's areas that are growing. >> yes.
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>> i still consider georgia to be a red state, my personal opinion. the cities and surrounding suburbs blue. if you look at the vast majority, land wise, area wise i it's still a red state. >> it is. but geography doesn't vote. >> geography votes in national elections. >> with the electoral college, yeah. but herschel walker did better in dade county than one month ago but talking about 5,000 votes. he did better, got 2 more percent than a month ago. but dealing with 5,000 votes and compare it to fulton county, again you're talking about several hundred thousand votes. dekalb county, several hundred thousand votes, where the people live. particularly suburban areas that used to be republican strong
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holds. cobb county, newt gingrich lived here. >> wow. >> kaitlan? >> looking at those numbers let's bring in political reporter patricia murray to talk about this. one of the things we were watching last night was how the candidates fared in november versus last night. warnock doing better in those metro metro atlanta areas. what were your biggest takeaways of what changed from a month ago to this runoff election. >> as john berman laid out really, really well. herschel walker had one job to do last night and that was to expand his lead in those rural areas to start to run up his numbers and catch up with where brian kemp had been a month ago. herschel walker didn't do that. he shrank in some of those rural
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areas. grew numbers in some cases but only 1 or 2%, he needed to grow by 5 or 6%. at the same time, raphael warnock did expand his lead in the metro areas, around savannah augusta, dcolumbus, atlanta, of course. it felt like herschel walker's enthusiasm for his candidacy fell off almost a cliff. you could feel it in the state. and you could feel raphael warnock and the democrats say to themselves this party just lost eight statewide elections in november we have one more chance to win statewide and that was raphael warnock. he also ran a totally different campaign from herschel walker reached out to the moderate and independent voters and he was everywhere across the state and herschel walker kept a limited schedule, didn't get to the areas he hit before. so you saw it in the numbers last night. >> he took five days off the campaign trail. i know that's a source of
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frustration that i heard from from some people in walker's campaign. he came out last night and conceded. his campaign made clear yes, that was a concession speech. >> in his speech he didn't say i called raphael warnock. he didn't say i officially concede. he wasn't saying that he won. he called himself and his supporters winners but really we won because we tried and did our best. afterward, staff told reporters there was an a concession. it's something that the state needed to see from republicans. this was the first time we had a democrat win statewide since the last elections. and herschel walker coming out and conceding and sort of stepping off the stage, i think that's something that the state needed to see and something he did well last night. >> you know georgia so well. what don and john were talking about there, what does it mean for the state? is it more of a purple state.
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but republicans won every election on the ticket statewide, except for herschel walker's seat. what's your sense? was it more of a reflection of the state or candidate quality? >> i think both. you can't ignore the candidate quality of herschel walker. during the runoff period he had his gaffe about vampires versus where wolves, more accusations of abuse as well. we had a bad runoff campaign after a tough general election campaign for him as well. just not a great candidate. what we see in georgia right now is this is a true battleground state. a candidate from either party can win. that's a place georgia hasn't been in decades. i can't remember the last night someone said i'm going to run statewide, i'm a democrat, republican, and there are reasons for those national parties to get behind them because they have a good shot at winning this state. >> big implications for 2024.
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>> huge. >> thank you for joining us this morning. i'm sure you were up late last night. >> as you were. >> we all were. kaitlan we'll get back to you soon. great reporting down there. i want to play more of what senator warnock had to say last night in the speech about voter suppression. let's play it. >> just because people endured long lines that wrapped around buildings, some blocks long, just because they endured the rain and the cold, and all kinds of tricks in order to vote, doesn't mean that voter suppression does not exist. it simply means that you, the people, have decided that your voices will not be silent. >> let's bring in the a-team, political commentator se cup and errol lewis and david urban,
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former trump campaign adviser. good morning. >> good morning. >> good morning, guys. >> thank you for getting up early for us. se cupp, why does what happened last night matter so much in terms of the future? >> well, there's so many lessons from this race. it's a microcosm of republican problems. the first and most obvious is that candidate quality does matter. and georgia republicans deserved a better candidate. many didn't demand one, but they deserved one. >> so mcconnell was right? >> 100%. look at the map. look at where republicans won everywhere else except this race. second is, herschel walker didn't win but almost won. that means that a lot of republicans didn't put character on the ballot, didn't care about things like integrity, honesty, transparency, intelligence. i think republicans should look at whether that should be acceptable going forward.
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considering the bargain wasn't worth it, it didn't work. finally, i think money and the machine matters. >> the democrats. so double -- >> raphael warnock had a huge campaign cash advantage. and i think maybe republican leaders should rethink the rnc paying trump's legal bills and instead asking him to fork over some of his cash for the candidates. >> also, i think it matters the turnout of the black vote there. let's be honest. that's what put raphael warnock over the top, especially black women. you had -- la tasha brown is coming up later on in the program but that's what happened there. finally there was sanity at least by some people here. but speak to that and then i want to ask you -- >> there's a reconfiguration for democrats what it takes to win. they can squeak out a victory with the solid black vote. that's what you start with, the
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third of the so of the electorate. there were ads for raphael warnock in korea, because there's an asian-pacific island vote in the state, that's less than 5% of the vote, but that was arguably the margin of victory in the case. you have to get creative but yes, start with the black vote, maximize it and so forth. when raphael warnock talks about the long lines and so forth, one of the things i think backfired on republicans that they should think about is that putting in place a lot of these measures, making it harder and harder to vote, is an organizing tool for democrats and keeps them active between races. that's the key to building a machine, you keep people mobilized, keep organizers out in the field. that was a part of why raphael warnock won. >> i want to talk about that. this is ronald mcdaniel and sean
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hannity talking about mail-in voting and early voting. >> it seems that many republicans in many states are reluctant or resistant to early voting or voting by mail. >> there were many saying don't vote by mail, don't vote early we have to stop that. >> we have many -- >> it was the president of the united states saying don't vote by mail, you can't trust it. now republicans are get their clocks cleaned in early voting. we are getting destroyed by mail in and early voting. as you know, when you vote by mail. you can see the votes come in, if you vote incorrectly you can cure, you can see who didn't turn out. democrats have built an incredible machine to do this, who's come out, didn't come out. republicans wait until election day to vote.
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so we need to focus on this. >> lesson learned? >> it's a lesson learned. >> you think they learn the lesson? >> lee zeldin in the state of new york saying we have to get better than this. where it's legal, called for, we need to work on this or we'll continue to lose. >> newt gingrich said it as well. we need to look at and examine these things. and if you look at laura ingra, she voted republicans for not supporting herschel walker enough. >> lesson learned is candidates matter -- >> yeah. >> there was a -- >> is a lesson learned to her point. >> no. >> she's saying -- >> so, again, john avlon, the hour before this said as long as trump wraps up about 35% of the party, look at these numbers here. you can't look across that board and say we did well.
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trump can't wake up this morning and say i did okay. he lost everywhere, my home state in pennsylvania we got tru drubbed. so candidates matter. base republicans who do well in a primary and then go to a general election and get slaughtered. we need to get away from that. but as long as trump controls 30, 35% of the vote in the primary -- >> does he still? >> he still does. america sorry you're waking up to this, but donald trump is still the dominant force in the republican party, this morning, tomorrow morning, and he's most lic likely the nominee and stands a fact to be the next president again. donald trump stands a very good chance of being president of the united states despite the warnock loss, the senate candidates going down because they're the ride or die trumpers
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with him until the end. >> herschel walker won his primary with 68% of the vote. that's the kind of influence donald trump still has. >> errol history made last night, either candidate was going to be the first full-term elected black senator from the state of georgia. i thought this was interesting from "the new york times" this morning talking about all of walker's scandals and everything they knew about him. saying it appeared to have a profound impact on his standings some who saw mr. walker as the white power structure's mistaken idea of a candidate that would appeal to them. >> mistaken is a nice word. look, it was an interesting political -- >> remember the lindsey graham a few weeks ago -- >> also not just black men but to black people in general. >> it's an interesting political science experiment. to be perfectly honest about it, herschel walker wasn't qualified in any way for the duties of
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being a united states senator. to vote on supreme court appointments, international treaties, the economy, he had no experience whatsoever. so he was unqualified and yet he almost won. that says something. >> what does it say? >> among other things it says that what the electorate wants or thinks it wants can be quite different from what the requirements of a job are. to the extent that that remains true, anybody who's going to run for office has to take into account that donald trump wasn't entirely crazy in saying, hey, herschel walker could probably win this seat. even though he's utterly unqualified for the job. >> i have to ask this question. does it speak to what the republican leadership or establishment think of black people because they think they can put someone like herschel walker in there and black votes are going to vote because he's black. >> i saw a pastor on social
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media giving a sermon. don't forget, the party, there's no giant smoke filled room where the party got together and said herschel walker is our guy -- >> this is trump. >> one guy said this is our guy. so it isn't a giant decision by the elders in the party that herschel walker is the candidate to win -- >> but then you have him flanked by the elders in the party. >> trump has them flanked. there's nowhere to turn for those folks. >> this is where leadership is important. if you had a strong republican leadership willing to say to donald trump, this candidate is crap and we're not going to win with this candidate then you might have had different outcomes. >> she's making the point -- she's answering the question i asked you. that is what the republican establishment thinks of black people. >> i don't think that's true. >> that's what they think of ethnic voting. saying black candidates draw a lot of black voters, but let's
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get -- >> if it was latino it would be the same thing. you understand what i'm saying? >> i'd push back. i get it. but this is one person's candidate. donald trump. mitch mcconnell said quality matters herschel walker is not a great candidate we should do better. if people looked across the state of georgia you could have gone out and recruited a lot of different folks that would have done better than hershel. there could have been a lot of candidates. >> just someone qualified? >> more qualified. if that's what you're looking for, you could have picked somebody. >> waerewolves and vampires. a rough start to the 2024 campaign for donald trump, from dinner with a racist and anti-semite to his company being convicted by a jury. and also this -- >> how are you preparing to deal with a gop majority that is vowing to be very aggressive. coming up we have kaitlan
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collins' interview with the number three minted democrat in the house, pete agulair. you could manufacture a whole new way of manufacturing. disrupt buying habits before they disrupt your business. and fuel the search for what comes next. so...what are you waiting for? itit's the winter jewelry sale. ♪ get 25% off everything, plus an extra 5% off when you spend four thousand or more. ♪ give the gift of shine. at zales the diand store. active psoriatic arthritis can slow me do. now, skyrizi helps me get going. along with clearer skin, skyrizi helps with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue in just four doses a year after two starter doses. serious allergic reactions
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♪ holiday music ♪ ♪ t-mobile won't raise the price of your talk, text and data. ♪ the ex-president, donald trump is only three weeks into his 2024 presidential campaign, and those three weeks have been turbulent to say the least. trump announced his bid for the white house on november 15th and since then he had a dinner with anti-semitic rapper kanye west and holocaust denier nick fuentes.
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the house received copies of his income tax returns. and top lawyers order to testify in a grand jury. and this week a jury convicted the trump organization on all counts of criminal tax fraud. criminal referrals are coming. >> more bad news could be coming for former president trump when it comes to criminal referrals. that's what we're learning from the chair of the house january 6th select committee. while benny thompson did not say who they are considering, multiple sources tell cnn the committee is weighing criminal referrals for former president trump and his allies. it's symbolic given congress doesn't have a formal say in what the justice department days. but it would be a significant development for this committee.
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and could up the pressure for attorney general merrick garland to bring prosecution. i spoke with congressman pete agulair about the committee's forthcoming report and the potential criminal referrals. >> we want to make sure we get this right. that is our focus and our objective is to make sure that the final product is something that we feel confident about and we can stand behind. we feel like we're making significant progress towards that end and look forward to sharing what we have learned about the activities of january 6th, the lead up to january 6th, as well as other items that are of interest that we have highlighted in the past. >> you said recently it's clear based on the evidence, the hearings that we've done who was responsible. if that's trump, how do you end this committee, this report gets published and not have a criminal referral for him? >> stay tuned. i'm not going to get ahead of where the members are on the final product. we're not closing any doors but
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we're having a number of conversations as to what this looks like. our pledge to the american public is we would do this not just in a bipartisan way but in a non-partisan way. and that's what we've done. i know not everybody believes that but we all get along with each other and have been working with each other for 18 months to make sure we get this right and that's our sole focus right now. we're all mindful of who is responsible. we have laid out in our hearings the role that the former president played in january 6th and supporting and pointing to the u.s. capitol and telling his supporters to come out here to this very location. to this very corridor where we are. that's not lost on any of us. but we have some work to do and we want to make sure we get it right. i'm not going to get ahead of the final product. >> what does getting it right look like to you? >> it means telling the truth and within the time that we have that we ask every available
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question and that we aren't shy about making suggestions and recommendations both to protect the united states capitol as well as hold people accountable. if we feel it meets that threshold that's what we're going to do. >> former vice president mike pence did not speak with the committee ultimately but said he's considering a justice department request to speak with him. i asked pete agulair about that, he wished pence had come before their committee. the congressman just made history, he's going to be taking on the highest ranking job by a latino, he's going to serve in the number three position in democratic house leadership. he talked to me about the importance of this moment of generational change for democrats and also what it means for him. >> my dad used to sneak out of his house at the age of 10, 11, he lived on route 66 in san bernardino and he would sneak out and shine shoes outside of
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the bars and taverns and to think he teaches me how to shine my shoes and now these shoes walk the halls of congress. it's so impactful for my community, my family, me. >> how are you preparing to deal with a gop majority that is vowing to be very aggressive? >> we're going to be prepared to have the back of the administration, to make sure, again, we're fighting to highlight the successes that we have had these two years and make sure we don't unwind that important success. we understand what it means, the power of the speakership and that this republican speaker could seek to unwind those successes as well as provide oversight over the biden administration and some of that is likely going to be unfair. our job is make sure we're standing up for the constitution. >> interesting few months ahead for the new democratic leaders and thanks to congressman pete agulair fir his time. >> great interview.
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thank you. we'll get back to you soon. president biden helped democrats avert a midterm disaster. does the party now have no choice but to support him for re-election? a major case argued today at the supreme court. a case that could determine the future of voting in this country. two new ihop lunch and dner menu items for twice thgoodness, twice the flavor, and twice the choice. sirloin salisbury steak and all-natural salmon. perfect for lunch or dinner. only at ihop. download the app and earn free food with every purchase.
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welcome back to "cnn this morning." here is what we have coming up for you. the senate runoff race in georgia decided with delawmocra winning the night in a close contest. does biden have the backing of his party for a 2024 run. also prince harry and meghan stepping out last night ahead of their netflix documentary, that drops tomorrow.
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a high stakes election case before the supreme court today. why it could determine the way our elections are decided. georgia voters handing democrats what's soon to be a 51-seat majority in the u.s. senate by reelecting senator raphael warnock amid another major win. the question is are democrats now forced to back president biden in 2024. joining me from atlanta is la tasha brown. thank you so much. i am in awe of this woman i'm going to let you no know. the work you do, living in buses and rvs and getting so many people out really doing the work that many people talk about, she actually does it. so hello to you. and let's start with -- thank you for joining us early in the morning. let's start with what happened in georgia. does warnock owe this win to black voters? >> yes, let me tell what you warnock did? what he was able to do is build
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this broad base coalition. he had labor union workers, progressive whites, independents, he was able to pull this broad based coalition. but without a doubt his base vote were black voter, black voters came out in record numbers in the pea rmetro area also the rural areas. so black voters showed up and showed out on this particular election. >> let's talk about black women, though. >> black women did what we do. i think it's really interesting. i think in this election we saw a narrative that was saying not just black men would not come out, what we saw is that black men came out and supported warnock in record numbers. black women and men were on the ground leading these efforts that it was grass root organizations. i can't tell you how many organizations from fraternities to sororities to civic engagement groups. what we saw was clearly a
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collective effort and we saw black people step up, stand up and do a lot of organizers. and black women are on the vanguard on the front of that. >> this was in november, in november the numbers were about 90% of african americans in georgia who supported raphael warnock. i imagine it would be similar last night. this is not a cnn poll but this is what i've heard. that this is -- this is a poll from november, 90%. but i understand last night, yesterday, it was fewer african americans voting for herschel walker. many have said that herschel walker, his candidacy was an insult to black voters because he is simply unqualified and someone was picked just because they were black and a star in georgia and they thought that people would get out and vote for him because he's black. >> absolutely. i think there were three things that made the election to voters, one is black voters were
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upset and they were petrified that here it is this candidate they plucked out of texas, republicans thought so little of black voters they thought they could pluck a candidate, who was a football player, that in some way they could prop him up and black voters were going to fall from that. the other thing he was so disconnected. a few days ago at a rally referred to himself and talked about how he was called a coon and a coon was the smartest animal. that is a racist term that has been used in the south to black people. if you go back to the '60s, dr. king oftentimes that racists who were in position would call him dr. martin luther coon, i mean king. here's a man so disrespectful that the plight of black people he would refer to himself as a racist derogatory term and
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embrace that. black voters did not forget sb 202, the voter suppression law. we did not forget what happened, we were targeted right after the last senate election and there were laws created through this sb 202 law that makes it harder for us to vote. last election we had nine weeks to vote, that was truncated to four weeks. we have the republican secretary of state that is supposed to lead the elections, get people engaged and informed to make sure we have a strong democracy, actually sue so that we would not have a saturday voting day because of a confederate holiday be robert e. lee birthday. voters wanted to send a message, we are not going back, we wero fended, strong, and going to make a difference in the election. >> we said we would ask you this question regarding the
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president, joe biden. listen, he's not polling very well but still he's getting a lot accomplished, his agenda. people are looking to this election saying joe biden is winning. so there may not be a choice for democrats come 2024. is there a connection there? do you agree with that sentiment? >> i do. i think at the end of the day, and black voters have been clear about this, oftentimes there's a paradigm that elections are about the candidates and political parties. in georgia, while those are factors this is an election about the people. we'll see just like with the polls being wrong, many said it it was not going to be a red wave, there was a blue wall rising up. you'll see the same thing. people are not stupid. we're tired of seeing folks taking for granted our vote and we're organizing ourselves to say what happened in georgia was not a fluke, it was the future. >> they get people out to vote. they don't tell them how to vote. they educate them on the issues.
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black voters matter and fair fight as well and a number of other groups. the reason i say i have respect for her is because she actually walks the walk. how long did you live on a bus traveling throughout the south, registering voters? >> technically we're still living on a bus, right. we still have a runoff election in louisiana. >> from 2020? >> yes. no. seriously we have been going all across the state. we're committed. in our state we have the lowest minimum wage in the country. our minimum wage is $5.15 an hour. we have 1.5 million people without health care. we have real policy needs and desires in the state and as long as literally we have those needs we are going to do the work. we do the work at black voters matter 365 days a year. why? because our communities matter. >> thank you for doing what you do, thank you for being a patriot. >> thank you for having me. coming up the documentary series harry and meghan is about
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so, prince harry and his wife meghan honored at a charity event in new york city last night. it comes as the british royal family braces for their netflix doc documentary series tomorrow, it shows the rift that led the duke and duchess of sussex to relieve their roles. max foster joins us now. i was at the awards, they were mobbed. so tell us more about the royal red carpet. >> it was a blue carpet, i think. this was the theme. you were seen on it, of course, don. but the other honorees was
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president zelenskyy of ukraine. and the couple were called brave for facing racial injustice. they were proud to honor the couple for the stance against the monarchy. saying they've stood up, talked about racial justice and mental illness in a way that was incredibly brave. this is a narrative that the couple were supporting. here having chitchat on stage, they didn't get out much, this was normally their date night, spending it at this event because it was important. but this was an endorsement of their message over the years. >> they thanked all of us in the crowd for being part of their date night. i was on the blue carpet, i got a lot of questions about the netflix series and if i was going to be watching, what i thought was in it, what have you. i think there's a concern from
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the royal family about what might be revealed in this doc, right? >> i think there could be naturally because they haven't seen it and it's going to be controversial, according to the trailers, you saw the prince and princess of wales appearing in it, and searing music. i think there is concern. you have to consider as well, don, this is a different monarchy now. the queen, queen elizabeth didn't want to get in a public row with prince harry, for instance after the oprah winfrey interview. we'll have to see if charles and william are targeted and whether they choose to respond. it's a different case. we'll wait and see. >> thank you very much. this morning the supreme court is going to hear arguments in a case that could completely change the way u.s. elections are decided. we're talking about a potentially profound repercussion for american democracy, it's moore versus harper and asks whether state
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legislatures should have absolute power on elections. this is a case about gerrymandering. if you're falling back to sleep because of that word, don't. stick with me. it's bigger than that. it's who runs elections, sets election laws and bigger than that it could be about the corner stone of democracy like you remember from civics class, checks and balances. ♪ ♪ each controls the other you see ♪ ♪ and that's what we call checks and balances ♪ >> how did we get here, though? to have this case before the high court. it's because of a legislative map drawn by north carolina republicans that their own state court shot down. now they're asking the supreme court to throw out the lower
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court decision and adopt an old state theory. it is called the independent state legislature doctrine. i it goes like this. under the election laws of the constitution, the times, places and manner of holding elections for senators and representatives shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof. proponents of this partisan state legislature theory should be able to set rules in federal elections with no check, no check from state constitutions, no check from state courts, no check from state commissions. no balances. and it isn't just the maps. this could be about all rules in federal elections. but it is some of the top republican lawyers and judges in the country who are ringing alarm bells. ben ginsburg. you saw him on this deshow a lo.
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he is warning if this theory were adopted it would increase the laws that the state legislature replace the popular vote with political preferences. another legal luminary, a retired federal judge who testified before the january 6tht6th hearings is co-counsel on this case, arguing against the doctrine. saying this is without question the most significant case in the history of our nation for american democracy. he says, don, it is the whole ball game. >> poppy, that was amazing. thank you very much. appreciate it. take a look at what's next. so that was morocco booting the mighty spaniards straight out of the world cup. we're going to have sports this
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morning. next we'll talk about who got the most goals. second faster. palantirir. data driveven enterprise accelerator.
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>> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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♪ rain on tap for the northeast, a flood threat in the works for tennessee and the mississippi river valley and more snow expected out west. let's go to meteorologist chad myers. a mixed bag for the day, huh? >> absolutely, poppy. umbrellas across the south and east, snow shovels in the west. and the biggest coat you can find in your closet, it is 17 degrees below zero right now. this weather sponsored by safelite your vehicle glass and recalibration experts. the rain moves across the deep south, a lot here. but a major drought going on. we talk about the one in the west but one here. that's why the mississippi river
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is so low. we take the rain where we can get it, moves away for the weekend and turns out decent. this is the rain, 2 to 4 inches across parts of tennessee, arkansas and parts of north georgia. poppy? >> north dakota get your parka on. >> we used to call them s snowmobile suits. >> i'm going to take you snowmobiling one day. >> i can't believe. 17 below not my jam. let's get to sports. andy scholes joins us now. portugal won in a blowout. >> cristiano ronaldo, 509 million instagram followers and to bench him who take you know what, but sancho making that
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move. starting against switzerland, ramos. a 21-year-old. scored a hat trick as portugal ran away with this one, winning 6-1. ronaldo did come in as a subin the 72nd minute. morocco pulling up an upset in the tournament, beating spain 3-0 in a penalty shootout. morocco is the first arab country to reach the quarter finals. but morocco's players unfurled a palestinian flag during their celebration. in the past, football's governing body has issued fines for displays of the palestinian flags inside stadiums.
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no world cup games for you today, a break until friday when the quarter finals began. we had games to watch morning and afternoons for more than two weeks, but we have to take a break. >> you're covering it well. you have it under control. thank you very much. we're back in a moment.


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