tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN December 7, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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tonight, president biden this hour calling for stricter gun laws. he's speaking at the national vigil for victims of gun violence. the president speaking about the loss that so many in that room share, the loss of those they love. >> i know a little bit what the loss feels like. it will be an anniversary on the 18th of this month, i lost my wife and daughter and nearly lost my two sons when a tractor-trailer broadsided them. and it's not long after that anniversary of losing my son. i know that feeling. >> biden calling, again, for a ban on assault weapons. but so far, it does not appear that congress has the votes to pass that in the lame duck session. thanks for joining us. "ac 360" starts now. good evening. we begin tonight with new
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evidence in the mar-a-lago documents case which in turn provides new evidence showing no story involving the former president is ever truly over. there always seems to be another shoe to drop. in this case, additional documents with classified markings on top of the ones recovered from the fbi search of mar-a-lago in august which in turn were on top of other documents handed over before that. remember, prior to the fbi's search in august, the former president's legal team had told the government there was nothing more to find, which was not true. this time, investigators suspected as much. that said, this time around, neither the fbi nor any official body had a role in finding these documents. what do we know about these property searches and what was found? >> what we know is this is a team commissioned by the trump lawyers and searched four trapties, bedminster, trump tower, a florida office, a florida storage unit. they were looking for government documents with classified markings. still get back to this subpoena they originally got from the feds.
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the feds concerned trump had not provided anything. what they found looking through four properties were two documents with classified markings in the storage unit. sources are telling me as well as kaitlan collins that that was all, that was all they found with classification markings. of course, as you pinted out, this has been going on for quite some time now. >> what do we know or do we know anything about who this team was that conducted the searches, whether they were just working for a law firm? there's a certain protocol i would assume considering the sensitive material? >> frankly, we don't know a lot about the team of two who went through these four properties and conducted the searches. we know the lawyers commissioned them to do so. this is part of trying to satisfy the justice department concerns that not everything had been handed over. and it does sound like when they came across these documents with classification markings that they did take pains to ensure that they were returned quickly to the fbi. so even though trump may have handled these things haphazardly when he left the white house, it does sound now that they're
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doing subsequent searches they're trying to handle these documents with care even though there are certainly plenty on the trump team who will try to make the argument to at least reporters that they still believe trump declassified everything. >> thanks so much, appreciate it. i want to turn to georgia. senator raphael warnock's defeat of herschel walker and the pickup of a seat in the chamber. raising questions about the degree to which the man from mar-a-lago was a drag on republicans this election cycle. within the party the finger-pointing is already under way. >> was donald trump a problem this year? >> well, i mean, he was very active, of course in the primaries. and -- you know, and then -- even in the general election. because he was a presence out there. the democrats in many cases were able to kind of turn it into a choice election because of trump's presence out there. was he a factor? i don't think there's any question about that. >> senator mitt romney agreed, calling the former president's endorsement, his words, "the
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kiss of death." finger-pointing wouldn't be finger-pointing if it only pointed in any one direction. >> no. i think we're losing close elections. not because of donald trump. so if the answer to everything in town is it's trump's problem, then you're missing the boat. >> every election is a singular event. walker is one of many candidates the former president endorsed or handpicked who lost across the country with few exceptions across the board. if such an endorsement did hurt it likely wasn't just a case of toxicity by proxty. in other words, who he chose might have mattered as much to voters as the mere fact that it was he who chose them. by and large the candidates who won his endorsement then lost the election have shortcomings that give certain voters pause. that too is a bone of contention within the party, the question of candidate quality. >> it all starts with good quality candidates. there's no substitute for that. >> we need better candidates.
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>> two republican senators today, but this is nothing new. here's senate minority leader mitch mcconnell in mid-august who seemingly saw this coming. >> i think there's probably a greater likelihood the house flips than the senate. senate races are just different. they're statewide. candidate quality has a lot to do with the outcome. >> florida senator rick scott, chair of the senate campaign committee, did not like that, "senator mitch mcconnell and i have a strategic disagreement. we have great candidates, i think it's important we're all cheerleaders for our candidates." great candidates like election denier blake masters, backed by the former president. >> i think trump won in 2020. maybe you disagree. but you've got to admit, this election was really messed up. >> actually, the 2020 election was not really messed up.
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trump lost fair and square. then there was kari lake, a former tv anchor who, according to those who knew her, reinvented herself and ran for governor of arizona as a 2020 election denier who wouldn't commit to accepting the outcome of this election unless she won, which she didn't, backed by the former president. >> my question is, will you accept the results of your election in november? >> i'm going to win the election, and i will accept that result. >> if you lose, will you accept that? >> i'm going to win the election, and i will accept that result. >> well, she lost. she says she'll be fighting. election denier doug mastriano called the separation of church and state a myth, adding "in november we're going to take our state back, my god will make it so." he lost. mehmet oz lost, backed by the former president. and herschel walker. here's what a campaign adviser told "the atlanta journal-constitution" today, quoting herschel now.
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"herschel was like a plane crash train wrack dumpster fire orphanage animal shelter, you have to watch it squinting 30 your fingers. it certainly will be part of the case that next time should be different. this time might have ended differently had the gop fielded a better slate. the argument that a so-called generic republican might have defeated raphael warnock. then again, it's worth remembering in 2020 in the runoff, admittedly under far different circumstances, warnock defeated not just a generic republican but a specific run, kelly loeffler, the sitting u.s. senator, which raises another set of questions for republicans and their prospects in georgia in the next election. let's get perspective from two cnn political commentators. melissa farr griffin, former south carolina democratic state lawmaker pa carry sellers. what do you think of this? what does this mean moving
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forward? >> of course candidate quality matters, that goes without saying. it's become a cliche at this point. the circular finger-pointing is going to continue. hands down, donald trump was the biggest drag on republicans this cycle. you ran through it, that's only a fraction of races. house races, secretary of state races he dragged down republicans. but the party's not ready to say that yet. some are going to say it but people are calling for rana mcdaniels' head, which fine. they're blaming rick scott or mitch mcconnell. there is hands-down one person most responsible for republicans not winning more senate seats and not performing better in the house, and it's donald trump. i think it's still going to be some time before that course correction takes place. >> bakari, are you surprised to hear some republicans openly placing some of the blame on the president? john thune, he's been critical in the past, not that great a surprise. >> i'm not surprised. you see the same ones going to their respective corners. thune, mcconnell, tepid in their
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answers. lindsey graham, saying whatever lindsey graham believes at the time. when you see these things happen in realtime, you realize that there's nobody truly standing up and calling donald trump what he is. but i speak for most democrats when we say rana mcdaniel and donald trump, 2024. this has been the most unsuccessful duo of individuals who led a major party in american history. i don't think you've seen anyone since 2017 not win a singular cycle. that's failure. that's not donald trump's brand of winning, that's absolute, abject failure. but this isn't the first time. candidate quality is not anything new. anderson, you remember back to 2010, 2012, where you had murdoch, you had engle, you had christine o'donnell, you had todd akin, you had individuals who just did not meet the character test or the quality of candidate necessary to win these seats. and you see that replicated
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again ten years later. the question of candidate quality is a lesson that senate republicans have not learned and many have been there forever. >> god, was that 2010? that seems like -- i think i was a child then. alyssa, you're -- >> i was a child then. >> you were, i know. i was not, sadly. you heard scott jennings saying he feels like something fundamentally has shifted in republican circles. do you think that's true? regarding the former president? >> i think that's right. talking to republicans all over the country, it's more the mood of voters and that sentiment that i think is changing. there's still this fear among the ruling class of elected republicans to not just definitively break with trump. but i think that he's in probably the weakest moment he's been since he came down the old escalator in 2015. to bakari's point, i would like to remind folks. we've lived in this sort of echo chamber of trumpism for so long. he has not won a presidential race for 2016. it may be time for the gop to ask ourselves, was that a fluke and should we be moving on to
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look at who the next candidate should be? >> it's not just herschel walker's loss for the former president. in the last three weeks since he launch his latest bid for the white house, there are the new classified documents that we learned about today, he wants to terminate the constitution in some cases, dining with anti-semites at mar-a-lago, trump organization companies though not him personally found guilty on all counts of criminal tax fraud. there's all this noise swirling around the former president. he's just down in mar-a-lago. how does this play out? >> you know, i absolutely forgot that he announced he was running for re-election. i think there's so much swirling around him that most americans forgot he's actually running for re-election. don't count donald trump out. i made that mistake many times over. that he was done, this was the last straw. you know, from coming down the stairs and having these kind of xenophobic moments throughout his campaign to the "access hollywood" tapes. we've always counted him out. what's going to make him strong
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is because he's had the worst six months in american political history. but what's going to make him stronger is as soon as he has an opponent. or if he has four, five, six. dare i say ten opponents. i call them the cluster of 1%. when you have mike rogers, mike pompeo, mike pence, nikki haley, these individuals who will not necessarily be formidable contenders against him. he's going to be able to then rise again from the ashes because he only needs 25, 30% of the republican primary to vote. that's what the republican party has a problem with. donald trump to this day still controls one-third of their base. a base they need to win elections. >> and that base isn't going away. david urban has said repeatedly, they're kind of ride or die. >> yeah, that's the case. i think dining with anti- anti-semites, a new reporting that the former president hosted a qanon official at mar-a-lago. >> i should have mentioned that as well today. >> when he feels the walls are closing in, he caters to the
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extreme part of the base that most respectable republicans won't go near. my projection what was he's going to do now that he isn't in a weakened position, he's going to crater to the craziest part of his base and exercise as much leverage as he can in the house of representatives, as kevin mccarthy's trying to get the speakership. those are his two avenues for relevance and power. to bakari's point, i would not count him out. still to come tonight, another exclusive investigative report on the uvalde, texas, school murders. new reporting on inconsistent statements made by one of the top cops who responded to the mass shooting. when i say responded, went to the scene, didn't actually stop the active shooter. how that sheriff responded when asked questions. >> you don't know everything. there's a -- >> what don't we know, sir? tell us what we don't know -- >> that's just it -- >> are you going to say you didn't know there was a 911 call
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from inside the classroom -- >> go ahead and talk all you want -- >> are you going to tell us you didn't know there were kids inside that classroom? >> there's no response. our dell technologies advisors can provide you with the toolsls and expertise you need to bring out the innovatator in you. ♪ [christmas music] ♪ ♪ ♪ weathertech gift cards have the power to wow everyone on your holiday list. offering a variety of american made products. weathertech! nice! like floorliners... cargo liner... tablet holder... boot tray... cupfone... sink mat... pet feeding system... anti-fatigue comfortmat and more. order the weathertech gift card instantly for the perfect gift at
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"cnn exclusive" about the actions and apparent inconsistent statements made by one of the top law enforcement officers who responded to the robb elementary school shooting in texas in may. 21 people were murdered including 19 children. ruben nalasko is the sheriff of uvalde county. his actions so far have avoided the same level of scrutiny of other top officers, one who was fired, another who retired before he could be fired. sheriff nalasco had vital information about the shooter. since that awful day the statements he's given appear to contradict body camera evidence as well as his own comments to cnn. this includes statements about when he arrived on scene, crucially were there he heard about a 911 call from a girl trapped inside the school with the shooter. knowledge that should have prompted an immediate direct
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response, according to active shooter training. shimon has the details for us. we warn you, some of what you see or about to see is disturbing and difficult to watch. >> do you think that your response that day was adequate? your response and the way you handled the scene. do you think that was adequate? >> yeah, i -- >> you think that your response that day was adequate? >> school shooting. >> which building? >> reporter: six months after the police response deemed abject failure, the uvalde county sheriff is defending his actions at robb elementary. >> you don't know everything, there's a -- >> what don't we know, sir? tell us what we don't know. >> that's just it -- >> are you going to see you didn't know there was a 911 call inside the classroom -- >> you talk all you want, i already told you -- >> are you going to tell us you didn't know there were kids inside the classroom? tell us now you didn't know there were kids inside that classroom. >> there's no response. >> reporter: the highest-ranking law enforcement official in uvalde county.
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he was an integral part of this police failure from its earliest moments. but the elected official has so far avoided scrutiny. nalasco claims he was headed to the school when he diverted to a home nearby after being told a woman was shot in the face. he can be heard over the radio. >> shots fired! get inside! go, go, go! >> shot to the head, laying on diaz street, one female shot in the head -- >> reporter: he is the first person to learn two pieces of information. the shooter's name and that he had already attempted to kill his grandmother. >> okay, who did this to you? who's your grandson? >> reporter: information that would have been immediately useful to police at the school where there was confusion over who the gunman was and what his intentions were. as an ambulance arrived at the grandmother's house, sheriff nolasco tried to figure out what was going on. one of his deputies clued him
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in. >> okay, so what's -- what's going on inside? >> i got your camera. >> okay. so what -- i'm -- i'm missing -- >> they're right there, sheriff, right here. >> okay. does he have them surrounded? >> reporter: when nolasco spoke to texas rangers investigating the response in june, he said he couldn't recall what time he left the grandmother's house and arrived at rob b. six months later, a different story. >> you know what truly happened, you were there. >> 35 minutes after it started. okay? so i wasn't there for the first 35 minutes, at least the first 35 minutes. >> reporter: but 35 minutes is not accurate. he was there sooner. >> where's the guy at? >> in a classroom, sheriff, i don't know which classroom. >> okay. >> he's in a classroom. >> reporter: cnn analysis of body camera footage shows nolasco arrived at robb at 11:49 a.m., just 16 minutes after the shooter first went inside. not 35. 16.
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once on scene, the 30-year law enforcement veteran can be seen giving orders. >> okay, what we can do is move everybody -- >> reporter: he's just outside the school when a dispatch came over the police radio that should have changed everything. a 10-year-old girl called 911 and said she was in the room with the shooter. surrounded by bodies. speaking to investigators and to cnn, nolasco claimed the radios inside the school didn't work, so he didn't know there were any children trapped in the room. >> you were never told that there were 911 calls, you never heard the radio? >> -- the radios were not working in that area. >> they were working, sir. >> okay. >> you're wrong about that. >> reporter: the transmission can be heard over several police radios within earshot of nolasco. and then a uvalde police officer tells him -- >> a child on the line --
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>> reporter: according to training, nolasco should have immediately organized the officers to storm the room, to try and save the children. >> we're going to -- >> reporter: instead he leads a group in the wrong direction, to help clear children from other classrooms who weren't under immediate threat. in recorded interviews obtained by cnn, joe encore, a captain with the texas department of public safety, who is under internal investigation for his own response to the shooting, told investigators sheriff nolasco was, quote, running the show. >> i'd spoken to the sheriff on the way up here. nolasco. what he had. said that it was a -- a student, a male, that was in there, in the school, with an ak-47. he was barricaded. >> the sheriff has operational control there. at the time. and you know, we're getting with the sheriff to get information,
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firsthand information, you know, from the incident as it was occurring. >> you told him it was a barricaded situation and it was someone armed with an ak-47? >> i never said that. >> you never said that? >> no. >> he said that it was his impression, based on his conversations with you, that you were the commander on scene. >> again, it's his impression. and -- and that's -- that's on him. okay, he's the captain. and if that's what he assumed, then it was an assumption. it was not validated. >> why would you have ordered those officers in that room, the deputies? take a leadership role, we need to get inside that classroom? >> the information when i got there was it was a barricaded individual, that's it. so when you have a barricaded individual, it changes the dynamics of everything. so that's what was relayed to me. >> reporter: the belief that the gunman was barricaded instead of an active shooter had catastrophic consequences.
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in the moments after the room was finally breached and the horrors inside are revealed -- >> no -- nothing going on at -- >> reporter: nolasco speaks with a texas ranger who has been suspended pend investigation into his own actions. he still seems confused about what they should have done differently. the day after the shooting, nolasco, a republican and political ally of texas governor greg abbott, will play a key role in briefing lawmakers where incorrect information was provided. and in a combative interview with texas rangers nine days after the shooting, nolasco was emotional and belligerent, complaining about leaks, police being called cowards, and facing media scrutiny. >> it's been very traumatic for me as well. >> i understand. >> you know, not being able to get -- being called a [ bleep ] pussy -- [ bleep ] cowards -- >> that's it, guys. >> but what about the fact -- >> excuse me.
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>> reporter: when a texas house committee investigating the response asked the sheriff to appear for testimony, nolasco initially refused until the committee was forced to send him formal notice. six months later, it's clear he's still unwilling to face difficult questions. >> y'all don't care about the families, you're here for your ra ratings, that's all y'all are here for, okay? so that's -- >> really? is that what you think? >> you know, that's what you're here for too. >> for the ratings? >> uh-huh. what have you done for the family? >> shimon prokovich join us now. for him to say that is beneath contempt. it's unfortunate. let's talk about what he did and didn't do. this guy's a public elected official. is there any accountability he faces? >> it's not really clear. the thing that's going on, the county commission which kind of oversees him and maybe oversees the county, they have ordered an internal investigation. but it's not clear what that is going to result in.
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whether or not he can get removed from office, whether or not they can hold him accountable for any of this. because when you look at some of the other law enforcement leaders, they've either been removed, they've resigned. there's been accountability. but with him, because he's an elected official, and because he's the sheriff, it's not very clear to really anyone that i've talked to that there can be any accountability. >> we should be clear, we've had a number of family members on this program over the last months as we continue to cover this and determine to do it, and you're doing extraordinary work on that -- you talked to family members often. how did they feel about the sheriff's actions? >> they have been raising a lot of concerns and a lot of questions about the sheriff's actions that day and the fact that he has not been open about what he did. he had 13 deputies, 13 of his deputies were on-scene. several of them were in the hallway. one of them actually was in a team that breached that classroom and killed the gunman. so they have felt that the sheriff has not been forthcoming. they feel that he has some culpability. they feel that he has some
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answers that they need for what happened here. the other thing that's interesting is with the sheriff, when the house committee back in july, when they were doing the texas house committee was doing an investigation, they had called the sheriff to come in and give a deposition. he had initially refused, claiming that there was this investigation, he couldn't cooperate. he ultimately cooperated. but people certainly in this community, the mayor who i've talked to several times, all feel that the sheriff is hiding something. that he's not been forthcoming about information. so that is the way certainly the community and certainly families feel about the sheriff. >> shimon prokupecz, thanks for your reporting. a conversation with the family of a january 6 rioter, discussing why they refused to shake the hands of republican leaders mitch mcconnell and kevin mccarthy at the ceremony honoring his sacrifice and others.
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at a ceremony tuesday, lawmakers honored law enforcement officers who defended the capitol during the january 6 attack with the congressional gold medal, the highest honor congress can bestow. among those were the family of police officer brian sit nick who died of multiple strokes and natural causes the day of the attack. during the ceremony many family members refused to shake hands with mitch mcconnell and kevin mccarthy, they say because of how republicans have either defended the former president or stood silently by as he assaulted the constitution. mccarthy once said the former president bears responsibility for the attack, earlier this year he backtracked saying everybody in the country bears some responsibility. joining me, the mother and brother of officer brian sicknick, gladys and craig sicknick. what was behind the decision by you and your family to ignore senator mcconnell and congressman mccarthy at the congressional gold medal ceremony?
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>> at one point, we were thinking if we said something, we'd really get in trouble with the powers that be. but then we figured, i think the best thing to do is just to ignore them. and we had no idea it was going to go viral like it did. but i think it made a point. it made a point that everybody all over the world is talking about. >> the main reason behind it is the hypocrisy. denounce the actions of everything that happened during the insurrection, and then did an about-face. not as much mcconnell as mccarthy. mccarthy has embraced everything trump has said. and he gives -- goes up and gives a speech about how great the capitol police were and what they did that day. but his actions are not matching his words. >> back in may, ms. sicknick, you went to capitol hill to try and convince republican senators to support the 9/11-style january 6th commission bill that the house had passed.
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mcconnell dismissed the value of the commission saying he didn't believe it would uncover crucial new facts or promote healing, his words. given all we've learned from the january 6th hearings, what would you say to senator mcconnell now? >> just -- look back at what you did and what you let happen. and still -- you're still in -- still promoting what had gone down. that, you know -- it just -- it just gets me very upset. >> in my case, it's what are they afraid of? of having an investigation of events that literally changed the course of the country? the first insurrection ever in the history of the united states, americans against americans, other than the civil war -- that's a whole different era. and it's, why don't you want to get to the bottom of this, find out what happened, why it happened, make sure it does not happen again? >> and why my brother -- >> what were they afraid of?
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why my kid brother is now lying in arlington cemetery? >> mccarthy went from saying the former president bears responsibility for january 6th, to flying down to mar-a-lago just weeks after the attack to pay homage to him, kiss his ring. this june, he publicly declared everybody in the country bears some responsibility for january 6th. what is your reaction to how mccarthy has changed his position on this? >> i think mccarthy is trying to do everything he can to gain as much power as he can. i do not think he cares a whit about the american people, excite honestly. i think he cares about himself. i think he's modeling his own actions after trump's. >> when we met with mccarthy, it was officer fanone and harry dunn. he kept trying to change the subject. and they would not let him. they kept bringing him back to reality. and we just never got straight answers from him. >> miss sicknick, how have you
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gotten through this period since brian died? how -- what keeps you on your feet and moving forward? >> i don't know, i guess just -- just day to day. some days it's worse than others. but i just don't want brian's death to be, you know -- just to go down in history, you know -- be forgotten, i should say. >> it's definitely day to day. some days, i honestly don't feel like getting out of bed. i do, i force myself to. i always have. but it's -- you know. you start thinking about the magnitude of what happened. and not just what happened to our family. what happened to the country. why are we at the point where at now? it makes no sense. and as far as the current maga supporters, why has it reached the point where study after study after investigation after
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investigation finds that there was no mass fraud for voting, there was no -- everything about the big lie is just that it's a big lie. yet they still believe. what hold does trumpism have over this group? i don't understand it. it gets me very aggravated that americans in that number can fall for that type of lie. it's happened in other countries and other times. and it never works out well. >> miss sicknick -- go ahead. >> what keeps us going is the capitol police. they're a phenomenal group of people. and whatever we need, whatever we want, they take care of us. it's like a new family. that i never knew i would have. >> i really appreciate your time tonight, gladys and craig. i appreciate you continuing to stand up and speak out. thank you.
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>> i need people like you and, you know -- to keep this going. >> we thank you as well. if people don't stand up and say what's on their mind, it gets buried. you know. as far as certain people are concerned, they would like to sweep everything under the rug. well, guess what, i don't think they can anymore. >> i thank you both. and thank you for talking a little bit about brian and all the other capitol police officers. thank you. >> okay, thank you. >> thank you for your time, thank you. for many years this time of year is about giving back. "cnn heroes" salutes ten extraordinary people who put out those efforts all year long. >> it's the time of year to be inspired. and honor some of humanity's best.
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cnn's nick watt in los angeles is monitoring the development. i understand the news involves search for a vehicle? >> reporter: that's right, anderson. the police put out late this afternoon an appeal for anybody who knows anything about a white hyundai elan tra, unknown license plate, model 2011 to 2013. police want to speak to the occupant or occupants of this car because they believe that car was in and around the area of this student house off campus where these four young people were murdered nearly four weeks ago. now, this may not sound like a big development, but in the context of this case, it really is. because so far, the police have asked for surveillance video and they have put out very general requests for tips. they have received about 6,500 tips. but this is the most specific request that they have made to date. earlier in this week, they made it clear that among other things they're looking into are the
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last five hours in the lives of ethan chainen and xana who were believed to be at a fraternity house in the hours before going home where they were murdered. as i say, in this case there's no murder weapon. there's no suspect identified. and so far, police have said that we're not going to release any information that we don't have to. they made it clear they're playing it very close to the vest. today, this afternoon, they have put on it a request that they want to speak to the occupants of this specific car. >> we also know police began returning some personal belongings of their victims to the families today. what does that suggest? >> reporter: well, the police chief made it very clear this is still an active crime scene, under investigation. he said that really, some of the family members had asked for the return of some of these items. items that hold fond memories, items that perhaps these parents had given to their children. so the items were boxed up in
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this house where these kids lived, where they died, we this were murdered, and they will be given back to their families. but as i say, the chief adamant that this is still an active crime scene, and also adamant in the face of quite a lot of criticism that at least the public progress of this investigation seems to have been very slow. he is adamant, we are making progress in this case, this is still a very active case. and listen, we don't know what they're doing behind closed doors. as i say, they are playing this very close to the vest, and that is why this appeal today for the occupants of that car or anybody who knows them to come forward, that could potentially, anderson, be a significant move. >> nick watt, thanks for the update. another unsolved mystery, casey anthony finally speaking publicly 14 years after the disappearance and death of her daughter which she now says, years after being acquitted of murder next. designed for every kikind of trader.
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i signed us up for t-mobile home internet. ugh! but, we found other interests. i guess we have. [both] finch! let's go! oh yeah! it's not the same. what could you do to solve the problem? we could get xfinity? that's actually super adult of you to suggest. i can't wait to squad up. i love it when you talk nerdy to me. guy, guys, guys, we're still in session. and i don't know what the heck you're talking about.
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it's been more than a decade since this big moment in a florida courtroom. >> we, the jury, find the defendant not guilty so say we all, orlando. >> that was casey anthony acquitted the then 25-year-old of first degree murder, aggravated child abuse. she had been charged in the death of her 2-year-old daughter. anthony never testified in her trial. now anthony speaking on camera in a documentary. randi kaye has a look. >> reporter: the only person in this world that matters to me still is my daughter. but i'm still defending the fact that i didn't hurt her. >> reporter: 14 years after her daughter disappeared, casey anthony says she still misses
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her. in the new docuseries on peacock titled "casey anthony: where the truth lies," anthony shares for the first time on camera her own theory of what happened with her daughter kaylee. she says she woke up to her father holding kaylee in his arm. >> soaking wet. i can see him standing there with her in his arms and hand her to me and telling me that it's my fault. >> reporter: anthony says her father took kaylee after that, and she doesn't know what happened next. five months after kaylee was reported missing, her skeletal remains were found in a wooded area about a half mile from the family's home. she had duct tape over her mouth and was inside a laundry bag and garbage bags. anthony was charged with first degree murder, lying to investigators, and other charges. at her trial in 2011, anthony's defense team claimed the little
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girl drowned in the family's pool, and the accidental drowning spiralled out of control. in the new docuseries, anthony puts the blame squarely on her father, suggesting kaylee died on his watch. >> i know people are going to question, why didn't i make a phone call, why didn't i call 911? i have to live with that, knowing that i failed to protect my child. >> reporter: for 31 days, anthony kept quiet. >> during the 31 days, genuinely believed kaylee was still alive. my father kept telling me she was okay. >> reporter: when her mother finally called 911 to report kaylee missing, anthony said the girl's nanny had taken her. turns out that nanny never existed. in the docuseries, anthony says she was lying to protect her father, as she had been taught to do, following what she claimed were years of sexual abuse by him, beginning at age
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8. >> my father was holding me down and raping me. that happened again and again and again. it was like i was brainwashed. and it wasn't until much later that i started to really realize why. >> reporter: at her trial, her father, george anthony, denied abusing his daughter or having anything to do with kaylee's death. peacock says he turned down an invitation to appear on their program. casey anthony was found not guilty of murder, but she was convicted of providing false information to police. she was freed shortly afterward due to the time she'd spent in jail awaiting trial. anthony says she'll always wonder what really happened to kaylee. >> i don't know if it would be better to know or just keep not knowing because i don't know what the truth is. all i know is that something
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happened. >> and randi joins us now. where has she been all this time? >> reporter: well, anderson, following the trial, she actually moved in with one of the lead investigators in this case and his family in palm beach county. she lived with him for a while. he gave her a home because she had move out of her parents' house and didn't have anywhere to go after leaving jail. in terms of why she's speaking out now though, anderson, she said it's because she's had time to cope with the loss. she's been through some therapy. she also said she's speaking out now to honor her daughter and to make her proud. the take away here is really that we still don't know what happened to kaylee anthony. there was no dna found on her skeletal remains, so it's very hard to connect her physically to her killer. and we also know from investigators that there were some items at the crime scene that they believe have some connection back to the anthony home. there was duct tape found on her
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and it was a unique brand and that brand was found at the anthony home. and the laundry bag she was found in was part oof a pair. and the other one was found at the anthony home. all these years later, given that evidence, we still don't know what happened to that little girl and why. >> coming up next, more on the former president and the criminal charges the house select committee the weighing. committee member adam schiff joins us. relieve 9 of your worst cold and flu symptoms, to help take you from 9 to none. for max-strength nighttime relief, nyquil severe. i've never been healthier. shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. proven over 90% effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and oer. shingrix do not protect everyone and is not for tho with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients oro a previous dose. an increased risk guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache,
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