tv The Sixties CNN December 10, 2022 10:00pm-12:00am PST
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and no matter what happens to me, i'll remember november the 22nd as long as i live. >> there has been an attempt on the life of president kennedy. >> they are combing the floors of the texas book depository building to find these assassins. >> did you shoot the president? >> i'm just a patsy. >> oswald has been shot at point-blank range, fired into his stomach. >> police are working on the assumption that oswald's murder was to shut him up. >> elements of the central intelligence agency killed john kennedy. >> a story has been suppressed. witnesses have been killed. >> we have a right to know who killed our president and why he died. ♪ ♪ ♪
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i don't -- really, i don't anticipate any violence. >> here comes air force number one, the president's plane now touching down. there is mrs. kennedy, and the crowd yells. and the president of the united states. and i can see his suntan all the way from here. >> looking at how things actually went, it wasn't just a trip to dallas, it was a political trip preparing for the 1964 elections. >> shaking hands now with the dallas people, governor and mrs. connolly, governor connolly on your left. >> it was whether kennedy could use his charisma and his influence to get all the squabbling democrats in texas to come together before the election the next year. >> and here comes the president now. in fact, he's not in his
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limousine, he's reaching across the fence, shaking hands -- >> in those days, everybody could get a lot closer to the president. i was standing behind mrs. kennedy and saw a hand reach through the chain link fence and break off one of the red roses. >> thousands of children now swarming, trying to get over the fence. the dallas police trying to keep them back. >> this is great for the people and makes the eggshells even thinner for the secret service, whose job it was to guard the man. >> the trip had gone terrifically well in texas. pretty hard to write a script for it going any better. >> thousands will be on hand for that motorcade now, which will be in downtown dallas. >> a number of my classmates were gone, they were at the parade. my father had been invited to have lunch with kennedy at the trade center. there was a mood, a climate of excitement. >> the speech of president kennedy at the dallas trade mart will be broadcast by 570 radio.
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stay tuned for the dallas speech at the trade mart on 570 radio. ♪ work hard in the daytime rest easy at night ♪ ♪ big boss man won't you hear me when i call ♪ ♪ yeah big boss man won't you hear me when i call ♪ ♪ well you ain't so big you just tall and that's all ♪ >> this bulletin just into the terminal. in dallas, three shots were fired at the motorcade of president ken today in downtown dallas. >> police radios are carrying that the president has been hit. >> parkland hospital has been advised to stand by for a severe gunshot wound. >> this is walter cronkite in our newsroom. and -- there has been an attempt on the life of president kennedy.
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>> just turn the mic on. i can't hear you, johnny. what do you want? you want me to move back a little bit? is it all right now? is this all right? ladies and gentlemen, i would like to introduce to you the chief cameraman and assistant news director. this is ber tt shipp. bert, we have brought the people pretty much up to date. would you tell them exactly what you know as of this point? >> well, i was standing at the trade mart, waiting for his arrival there. all of a sudden we saw them approaching, they didn't slow down, as a matter of fact, they were going 70, 80 miles an hour past us. and then i jumped into a police car and went to parkland. >> they soon come running in. one of them had a large machine
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gun, and they was hollering for stretchers and cots and everything. >> what happened after this? >> well, then the president come in immediately behind him, and they took him over, both of them, back to the -- >> albert thomas, democrat of texas, is standing outside the corridor of the emergency room. said he's been told the president was still alive but in very critical condition. >> the president has not arrived here. a group of secret service men and other officials has gathered where the president normally would enter and discussing heatedly with one another some subject or other, of course we have no idea what. >> now, here is an announcement from the platform. mr. eric johnson with an announcement. >> it is true that our president, governor connally in the motorcade, have been shot. we shall tell you as much as we know as soon as we know anything.
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also try for fizzy fast cough relief! a gentleman just walked in our studio that i am meeting for the first time, as well as you. this is wfaa tv in dallas, texas. may i have your name please, sir? >> my name is abraham zapruder. >> zapruder? >> yes, sir. >> would you tell us your story, please? >> i got up about a half hour earlier to get a good spot to shoot some pictures. >> 5-year-old boy and myself were by ourselves on the grass on palmer street. and i asked joe to wave to him.
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and joe waved and i waved -- >> that is all right, sir. >> as he was waving back, he was -- the shot rang out and he slumped down in his seat. >> and then this next one popped, and governor connally grabbed his stomach and kind of laid over to the side. and another one, it was just all so fast. and president kennedy reached up and grabbed -- looked like grabbed his ear, and blood just started gushing out. >> did you see the person who fired it? >> no, i didn't see the person who fired the weapon. >> you only heard it? >> i only heard it, and i looked up and saw this man running up this hill. >> if it's a conspiracy not only the president was hit, the governor was hit. who knows if the next shot would have been for lyndon johnson. johnson's car pulls into the emergency bay at parkland hospital. four agents reach in, and they grab johnson and pull him out and start to run him down one corridor around, looking for a safe place. >> mr. johnson, his whereabouts are being kept secret for
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security reasons. if anyone knows where mr. johnson is, it is not us at this moment. >> it was a signal moment in our cultural history. suddenly it occurred to us, the right thing to do is turn on television. >> reports continue to come in but in a confused and fragmentary fashion. >> president kennedy has been given a blood transfusion at parkland hospital here in dallas in an effort to save his life. >> it was odd because there were no commercials. it was just a continuous experience. >> two priests have entered the emergency room at parkland hospital where he rests after the assassination attempt which now was about a half hour ago. >> what are your feelings right now, ma'am? >> i'm absolutely shocked. stunned. we have the same birthday. i am just crazy about him. >> who would want to shoot the president?
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what did he do? i mean, he's been doing so much for the country, someone goes ahead and shoots him? >> a flash from dallas, two priests who were with president kennedy say he is dead -- >> of bullet wounds. this is the latest information we have from dallas. i will repeat with the greatest regret, two priests who were with president kennedy say he has died of bullet wounds. >> malcolm fieldev, the assistant press secretary, was filling in for the regular press secretary. in the end, he had to draw himself up to give the most fateful announcement that a press secretary might have ever had to give. >> all the cameras were rolling. and i remember he put his fingers like this on the desk and pressed very hard to stop his hands trembling. >> john f. kennedy died at
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approximately 1:00 central standard time. today, here in dallas. he died of a gunshot wound in the brain. i have no other details regarding the assassination of the president. >> the people standing here are stunned, just as all of us are, beyond belief. that the president of the united states is dead. >> all over the world, people are going to remember all their lives what they were doing when they first heard that president kennedy had been killed. >> the crowds are standing around in silence and sorrow in the rain. the strange thing is you don't
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even notice it's raining. and if you do notice, you don't care. >> i just can't believe it. i feel like someone in my own family has died, is dead. i just can't believe it. >> ma'am? >> i can't -- >> like a daze. you don't know what's going on. why? why did it happen? who would have done such a thing is the question. >> in the first minutes and hours, chaos and confusion was radiating out from the scene itself. it was very pervasive. >> the secret service agents thought the gunfire came from an automatic weapon fired possibly from a grassy knoll. >> i saw some police run up this grassy strip. i thought, they're chasing a gunman. i ran with them. >> the report is that the attempted assassins, we now hear it was a man and a woman -- >> i got to the top, looked around. a policeman went over the fence so i went over the fence too. there was nothing there. >> a television newsman said he
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looked up just after the shot was fired and saw a rifle being withdrawn from a fifth or sixth floor window. >> it was originally thought that the shots came from in here. and now it's believed that the shots came from this building here. >> the police officers are running back to the texas school depository building. they are going to continue searching in that building for the would-be assassin of the president. >> the center of downtown blass is in a virtual state of siege. they are combing the floors of the texas depository building in an effort to find the suspected assassin. >> in the building, on the sixth floor we found an area near a window that had been partially blocked off by boxes of books. and also the three spent shells that had apparently been fired from a rifle. >> crime lab lieutenant j.c. day came out of that building with a british .303 rifle. >> it was a 7.65 mauser. >> a high-powered army or japanese rifle.
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of .25 caliber. >> a .30-.30 rifle. >> much of the first things you hear are going to be wrong and to some degree you were constantly trying to separate out what seemed to be a fact. >> in dallas, a dallas policeman just a short while ago was shot and killed while chasing a suspect. >> j.d. tippett, a good, experienced police officer, was shot three times in the chest in the oak cliff section of dallas. then the manager of a shoe store saw the suspect walk into the texas theater. >> someone has been arrested in one of the downtown theaters. they don't know if it was the person who shot the policeman or the person who actually shot president kennedy. >> police suddenly jumped this man and started to drag him out of the theater. hustled him out to the car. as the crowd broke and started to maul the police officers and
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grab this man, started to run with him. they shouted "murder" and the officers hustled him into the car and ran away just as fast as they could. >> as we mentioned a short while ago, a number of arrests have been made in dallas in the wake of president kennedy's death. we have scenes of one of those arrests in the downtown area. this was just after a dallas policeman was shot in the vicinity of a downtown movie house. >> mr. bentley -- >> paul bentley. >> how did you approach him? >> i approached him and as he approached him, the man hit mcdonald in the face. his left hand reached for the pistol with his right hand. as he reached for his pistol, i grabbed him along with two or three other officers. >> what did he say after he was arrested? >> he just said, "this is it, it's all over with now." it's one more step towards taking charge of your health. so every day, you can say... ♪ youuu did it! ♪ with centrum silver. the voyager gazed in wonder.
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had applied for soviet citizenship. >> the description that we had of the suspect in oak cliff was similar to the description we had and the man we were looking for as the assassin. but at that time, we had not been able to connect it to him in any way. >> down in the third floor corridor, a crowd of cameramen, reporters, wait for the possibility to see the man accused of killing the president and a dallas police officer. >> now, apparently a great deal of confusion. mr. oswald is put through the door. i don't know if you saw him, oswald lives at 1026 north meckley. he is an employee of a book-binding firm in the building which the police and secret service men believe the president was shot today. >> mrs. kennedy accompanied the body in an ambulance from the
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hospital to the airport, where it will be flown back to washington. >> everybody in the emergency room, the hospital, completely on the first floor there, they come out and told us that we would have to help remove the remains into a casket. >> lyndon johnson had ordered that the body be brought immediately to air force one. so there was a little tug of war. they almost shook the crucifix off of the top of the coffin as they were trying to get that coffin out of the hospital. >> took him out and put him into the hearse, and one of the secret servicemen, about two or three of them, got into the hearse and just drove off. and left mr. o'neal and the rest of us just standing there. >> vice president johnson is expected to be sworn in as president aboard an airliner before flying back to the nation's capital. >> not everyone realized that johnson was already the president, because he in fact had taken the oath in january
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'61, the same oath the president takes. >> johnson wanted to show the american people that the government was functioning without interruption. and also, perhaps, he wanted to show that his predecessor's family bore him no ill will for the assassination. >> lyndon baines johnson is flying back to washington to take the reins of government, at which time president johnson will have to take into his hands the reins of the most powerful nation in the world. >> we think november 22nd, 1963 as a date when a president was killed. but it was also a date when a president was created. >> is there any doubt in your mind, chief that oswald is the man that killed the president? >> i think this is the man that
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killed the president, yes. >> is there any evidence any one else may have been linked with oswald in this shooting. >> at this time, we don't believe so. >> i don't know what this is all about. >> did you kill the president? >> no, sir, i didn't. >> sir? >> did you shoot the president? >> i work in that building. >> were you in the building at the time? >> naturally, if i work in that building, yes, sir. >> back up, man. >> did you shoot the president? >> no, they're taking me in because of the fact that i lived in the soviet union. >> did you shoot the president? >> i'm just a patsy. >> this is room 317, homicide bureau here at the dallas police station. as you see, they are bringing the weapon allegedly used in the assassination of president john f. kennedy this afternoon at 12:30 here in dallas. >> 6.5 made in italy in 1940. >> police have traced a rifle purchased in chicago by mail
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order to oswald. he bought it under the alias of a. heidel. handwriting experts have established that the handwriting on the purchase order was, in fact, made by oswald. at the price of $12.78, the life of the president of the united states apparently was bought. >> in the wake of the kennedy assassination, the dallas police on the one hand, they were committing all of their resources to try and solve a crime. >> hold him in the doorway, when you get him in the doorway, hold him in the doorway -- >> on the other hand, they were ill equipped to handle this tsunami of reporters. >> well, i was questioned by a judge, however, i protested at that time that i was not allowed legal representation. >> in bringing oswald out, they were, of course, doing something that you would never see happen today. but they were trying to
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cooperate with the press, with the understanding that there would not be questions shouted at him. >> did you kill the president? >> no, i have not been charged with that. in fact, nobody has said that to me yet. the first thing i heard about it was when the newspaper reporters in the hall asked me that question. >> you have been charged. >> sir? >> you have been charged? >> nobody said what? >> okay. >> what did you do in russia? >> oswald, how did you hurt your eye? >> a policeman hit me. >> at 1:35 this morning, a complaint was read. it charged that, quote, lee harvey oswald did voluntarily and with malice aforethought kill john f. kennedy by shooting him with a gun, end quote. following the reading of the complaint, oswald said, that's ridiculous. >> within hours of the
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assassination, it was very obvious to virtually everyone in dallas law enforcement that oswald had killed kennedy. >> chief, can you tell us in summary what directly links oswald to the killing of the president? >> well, the fact that he was on the floor where the shots were fired from immediately before the shots were fired. the fact he was seen carrying a package to the building, the fact that -- >> when was he carrying that package? >> yesterday morning. >> after the shooting in dili plaza, oswald was the only employee at the book depository that fled the building. 45 minutes later, he shoots and kills officer j.d.tippit. half hour later at the texas theater, he resisted arrest by pulling a gun on the arresting officer. during 12 hours of interrogation by the dallas police department over the weekend, he told one provable lie after another. >> did you buy that rifle? >> that's the facts you people have been given but i emphatically deny these charges.
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>> within a day or so thereafter, when they discovered what a complete nut this guy was, they were satisfied beyond all reasonable doubt that oswald had acted alone. >> i don't know one thing that i can tell you without going into the evidence, that this case has cinched that this man killed the president. there is no question in my mind about it. >> we plan to transfer this man, not tonight, your van will be here by no later than 10:00 in the morning. why, it will -- that will be early enough. >> chief, do you have any concern for the safety of your prisoner in due of the high feeling of the people in dallas over the assassination of the president? >> no, but precautions will be taken, of course. but i am not -- i don't think that the people will try to take twice the flavor, and twice the choice. sirloin salisbury steak and all-natural salmon.
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transfer lee into the regular prison during the night to avoid the press. and then someone must have overruled them so that lee could be photographed by the press during the transfer. >> we're standing by awaiting the transfer of oswald from city jail to county jail and for that report, here is abc's bill lord at the city jail. bill, what's the situation? >> well, i am presently in the basement of the dallas municipal building, and it is like an armed camp. police officials are frankly worried. they don't want anything to happen to oswald. >> it is through this corridor of newsmen, photographers, and policemen that lee oswald will be brought to a vehicle for transfer to the dallas county jail, a distance of about 15 blocks, which ironically is just across from the scene where president kennedy was assassinated on friday.
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>> anticipation has built up here in downtown dallas in front of the county jail. they are waiting for a glimpse of lee oswald. >> there he is. here he comes. >> the prisoner. >> let me have it. i want it. >> being led out by captain fritz. >> there is lee. he's been shot. he's been shot. lee oswald has been shot. there is a man with a gun. it's absolute panic. absolute panic here in the basement of the dallas police headquarters. detectives have their guns drawn. there is no question about it. oswald has been shot at point blank range fired into his stomach. >> he is shot. he is shot.
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oswald -- >> it is oswald. >> is that the man that shot the man or do you know? >> that is the man that shot the man. >> immediately after the shooting, our only witnesses that we could talk to were other reporters. >> where did he go, pierre? >> he was here. they just put the gun there. i saw the flash on the black sweater. >> his belly? >> oh, yeah, point blank. >> did you see the gun to his stomach? >> i saw right here. he was in a group of men right here. >> masquerading as one of us or what? >> i thought it was one of the detective -- you know, he had a hat. >> the situation is now that lee harold oswald has been shot. the man who saw the shot fired said it was fired by a man wearing a black hat, a brown coat, a man that everyone down here thought was a secret service agent. we can hear sirens outside and ambulance apparently is moving down now into the basement. here comes the ambulance. and oswald will be removed now.
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the ambulance is being pulled up in front of us here. here comes oswald, he's -- he is ashen and unconscious at this time, now being moved in. he's not moving. he's in the ambulance now. and attendants, police, are quickly climbing in. the ambulance is leaving dallas police headquarters. >> where will he be taken? >> i'm assuming parkland hospital. >> parkland hospital. the irony of ironies. the place where president john f. kennedy died. >> roll. >> i believe the man -- >> don't take the microphone. keep your head up. let's start again. >> roll! >> what is your reaction to the shooting of oswald? >> well, i think it's a deplorable situation. the man is entitled to a fair trial. >> they should give him a fair trial because killing him just
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like that ain't nothing. because that ain't going to bring president kennedy back to life. and after you get him, let him out and on the streets and let the people kill him. >> they should not only shoot him but cut him up in pieces. >> put him everywhere in the fire and set it up and for one day, and the next day start again. >> thank you. >> -- the man that i believe -- i didn't see it, i think it's the man. >> you got him? what does he look like? >> i can't give you a description now. he is known locally. >> immediately after the ambulance left, somehow i had begun to suspect that maybe the shooter was someone who was known to the police. >> do you know this subject? do you know him? have you seen him before? >> yes, i do. >> is he from dallas? >> yes. >> he is -- >> i couldn't tell you. >> do you know what kind of business he happens to be in? >> bob, i wouldn't want to say. >> right. >> dallas city hall is normally
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a public building, but today it was really under armed guard. >> we -- is this a confirmed report as to who did the shooting? vic robertson from city hall hall reports that jack ruby, the owner of the carousel, which is a bar in dallas, did the shooting. >> my statement will be very brief. oswald expired at 1:07 p.m. >> he died? >> he died at 1:07 p.m. we have arrested the man. the man will be charged with murder. >> who is he?
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>> the man -- the suspect's name is jack rubenstein, i believe. he goes by the name of jack ruby. >> and here at associated press, a still picture of the moment, the splint second as the shot was fired. this is the man dallas police have identified as jack rubenstein, and this, of course, is lee harvey oswald. you see the gun in the hand of ruby and just about to be fired. >> i know my own feelings were, and i think they were widely shared by many if not most americans -- this can't be coincidental. the assassin is assassinated in the police station. what in the hell is going on? >> just learned from city hall from a very authoritative source that police are working on the assumption that there indeed is a connection between jack ruby and lee oswald. and that in some manner of speaking, oswald's murder was to shut him up.
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>> captain will fritz just told me that ruby has said that he did it, that it was his gun, and he had built up a tremendous grievance over the death of the president. >> in jack ruby's small mind, he thought he was going to become a big, big hero. i mean, he killed the guy who killed the president. >> i commend what he did. i think he ought to win the congressional medal of honor for it. and a lot of other good american citizens think he did exactly the right thing in shooting down this communist. >> word also in just now from dallas that homicide chief captain will fritz has now said that the case of president kennedy's assassination is now closed with the death of oswald. it may not, however, be the opinion of the u.s. secret service or of the federal bureau service or of the federal bureau of investigation. service or of the federal bureau of investigation. (customer) do i have to do anything? (burke) nothing. (customer) nothing? (burke) nothing. (customer) nothing?
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because he has been our chosen leader at a time in history when his character, his vision, and his quiet courage have enabled him to chart a course for us, a safe course for us through the shoals of treacherous seas that encompass the world. and now that he is relieved of the almost superhuman burden we imposed on him, may he rest in peace. ♪ >> dallas today had even more to mourn. it held funeral services for one of its own who was a victim of friday's tragedy. officer j.d. tippit.
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>> it was a funeral of a very different sort today in nearby fort worth. this was the dreary funeral of lee harvey oswald, alleged murderer of president kennedy. the pathetic group of mourners included oswald's mother, mar marguerite, his wife marina, his brother robert, and oswald's two children, one of them a babe in arms. the six pallbearers you see here were newsmen. there were not enough relatives or friends on hand to serve as pallbearers. >> now there is a new flag of the president of the united states flying in the white house. in president kennedy's old oval office, mrs. evelyn lincoln, his secretary, and her aides have removed every scrap, every vestige of the signs of the personal touches of president kennedy.
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>> we know from history that one test of societies is, how do they handle the transfer of power at the top? lyndon johnson, whatever you thought of him, and a lot of people disliked him greatly, some hated him, would be the president of the united states. i think it shouted about the strength of the country and that we swear by the rule of law. >> the president of the united states .
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my fellow americans, all i have, i would give gladly not to be standing here today. >> johnson knows he has to show the country that the ship of state is sailing on under a new captain. but at the same time, he can't appear to be too anxious and he has to keep the kennedy people on board with him. so that speech means everything. >> no words are strong enough to express our determination to continue the forward trust of america that he began. >> the people of europe just cannot believe that a lone avenger made his way into a major police station and killed without difficulty the most celebrated and infamous criminal in the united states. >> one of the most important
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things that happened after oswald's murder was that we, you know, were forever denied the why. people at the time believed he did it. the question was why. >> there are questions continually coming up about the possibility of an international plot. >> there is still all this thought that the russians might be behind it. or cuba might be behind it. johnson sees there's a real danger in that. you want to put these rumors to rest. >> investigations into all the facts of these last four days may not be limited to the state of texas or the fbi. some congressmen already have suggested a congressional investigation. >> killing a president wasn't a federal crime at the time, so you had the federal government intervening in still what was a local murder. >> there certainly was a concern of competing investigations. there was the dallas criminal investigation, there was the
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state of texas court of inquiry, and there were committees on both sides of congress, while, of course, the fbi had been given the job to conduct a full scale investigation. >> johnson realizes something has to be done. he realizes that he has to appoint a body that the public will respect to look into this. >> i've got to have a top blue ribbon presidential commission to investigate this assassination. >> there's one public governmental official in the united states universally respected for his integrity. it's the chief justice of the supreme court, earl warren. if there's one person in congress that everyone respects, it's richard russell of georgia. he has to get them both on the commission. there is, however, a problem. russell is a segregationist through and through, and despises warren for the
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decisions that he's made on the court. >> johnson thought if they can agree on a verdict, that ought to satisfy 90% of american public opinion. >> mr. russell, 2191. >> i'm highly honored you'd think about me in connection with it, but i couldn't sit with chief justice warren. i don't like that man. >> you can serve with anybody for the good of america, and you're going to do it. i can arrest you, and i'm not going to put the fbi on you, but you're well going to serve. >> johnson was known as the greatest salesman one on one who ever lived. he meets first with warren and says if i asked you to put on your uniform and fight for america, you'd do it. i'm asking you to fight for america in a different way. then johnson has to get richard russell. >> mr. president, please. >> no, it's already done. it's been announced, hell. >> you mean --
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>> yes, sir, i've made the announcement with your name on the paper. >> well, i think you've done wrong -- >> no, i think you do what you need to do. that's the kind of american you both are. part of our new holiday menu. try all three flavors. ♪ kevin! kevin! kevin? oh nice. kevin, where are you... kevin?!?!?.... hey, what's going on? i'm right here! i was busy cashbacking for the holidays with chase freedom unlimited. i'm gonna cashback on a gingerbread house! oooh, it's got little people inside! and a snowglobe. oh, i wished i lived in there. you know i can't believe you lost another kevin. it's a holiday tradition! that it is! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited. ♪ ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪
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content. the warren commission, appointed friday night, will investigate and make a report on the murder. as yet, it has said nothing about how it will proceed or when. in the meantime, again, the fbi is investigating every lead it can find and will turn its report over to president johnson probably this week. it was the fbi's hope that its report would be, if not the final word, the semi final word, and that the commission's job would be to read it and essentially endorse the findings of the report. >> the members of the warren commission, earl warren, john sherman cooper, jerry ford, hale boggs, richard russell and john j. mccoy realized they had to do an independent commission. they didn't want to be a stamp for the fbi or secret service. >> these to grapple with did oswald commit the physical act
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of the murder, and even if he did the physical act, did he have forces behind him. and then of course, what's ruby's involvement in this. >> you had various branches of the investigation traveling, interviewing witnesses, collecting evidence, bringing it back to the commission. >> the time of day was about, uh, well, we're not but two hours from it. >> there were questions of how they would deal with the different stories about shooters from the grassy knoll and different directions. >> they took 395 depositions, and there were 94 witnesses that appeared before the commission. >> lyndon johnson wants report out so it doesn't interfere with the election in november. >> warren left for dallas because he was a man who spent his early career as a courtroom prosecutor. he understood a crime scene. he wanted to stand in that
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window and see if this was a shot a marksman could make. while he was there, warren felt he should talk to ruby. there were all these suggestions ruby shot oswald to silence them. >> it was going to take more time than anticipated. it was maybe a two to three month operation to the conception that it will probably take six months. >> the hour glass at times was running out on them. >> do you think it was still one man? >> i think we better not get into that area, you know. the report will cover all of that in great detail. >> this committee labored ten months, then brought forth a document close to a thousand pages. president johnson received that report today. >> what the public understood, and what i understood, is these were very honorable men. they thought the commission
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had done a good job and would come up with an answer. >> when the warren commission report came out, i believed it. we were still in a time when you tended to believe what officials told you. >> it is now 15 seconds after 6:30 p.m. eastern daylight time sunday september the 27th. as of this moment, the report of the president's commission is public record. for the next half hour, we will search it for answers. first, must come the answers to the two great overriding questions. who killed john f. kennedy? the commission answers unequivocally lee harvey oswald. was he acting alone for a member of a conspiracy? the commission answers, he acted alone. >> we knew most people were not going to read all of the
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warren commission report, so cbs news would be able to bring the air what the commission said. >> there's nothing to support the speculation that oswald was an agent, employee, informant of the fbi, cia, or any other governmental agency. oswald owned the murder rite. the purchase slip for the rifle was in his hand writing. his hand print was found on the surface of the gun. >> the media had concluded it was the most exhaustive investigation, case closed. >> the commission concludes that three shots were fired, all of them from this sixth floor window in the texas school of depository. >> the evidence demonstrated the shots were fired from above and behind president kennedy and governor connelly. >> when the warren commission came out with the report, the majority of americans accepted
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the findings of warren commission. >> the bullet entered here, came out just below the president's adam's apple. the commission believes that the same bullet then entered the right shoulder of governor connelly, passed out through his chest, continued through his right wrist and into his left thigh. >> the report has been generally accepted throughout the country. i think it reflects the fairness with which they went into it, and i think at least it has dispelled many of the rumors and speculation that surrounded this very tragic event. >> i'm quite satisfied. it's been very well covered entirely. it leaves no doubt in my mind that lee actually did assassinate the president of the united states. >> in the end, we find confronting each other is liar, the defector, the misfit on the one hand, and seven distinguished americans on the other.
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but we cannot say too much. oswald was never tried for any crime, and perhaps, thereafter, there will always be questions raised by amateur detectives, skeptics, and students as well. we are the jury, america and throughout the world. >> the reaction to the report was initially very positive, but that didn't last very long. >> this book is the number one best seller in the country. rush to judgment by mark lane. it's gained a vast number of reader in the recent ground swell of skepticism about the findings of the warren report. >> we did not envision the scope of the criticism. >> please greet mr. mark lane. >> no matter how illustrious is members were, we would not be assured by a commission. >> what were you saying,
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david? >> i think i almost disagree totally with mark lane. >> let me show you some just in case we have a chance. that is a picture of jack ruby. this was taken five minutes after the assassination in front of the texas school of depository. the commission said he wasn't there. he was cropped out -- >> that commission -- >> tell me about facts instead of your deep fake and the chief justice -- >> you're accusing them of deliberate malfeasance. >> you're part of media that prevented the american people from finding out -- >> you're alarming the american people. >> the public has been kept in the dark for so long about this, but had an undying thirst which could only be quenched by facts. >> we have a right to know who killed our president and why he died, and we can't get that from reading the warren report. >> critics of warren commission have three
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different points of view. one, we were incompetent, two we were corrupt, and three both of the above. i want someone to tell me that to my face. valentino. ( ♪ ) born in roma fragrances. many ways to be you. valentino. ♪ music: forest blakk, fall into me ♪ ♪ you said close your eyes don't look down ♪ ♪ fall into me and i'll catch you, darlin ♪ ♪ we'll dance in the street like nobody's watching ♪ ♪ it's just you and me... ♪ celebrate every kiss. get financing that fits your budget with low monthly payments.
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>> at the start, lane was almost alone. now, he's just one among a growing band of doubters. their books and articles are on the newsstands, they're in the supermarkets. now, according to a recent poll, only 1 in 3 americans remains convinced that the warren report has the whole story. when you have a great number of people devoting their lives to looking at every word, every comma, they can create a lot of mischief. >> i believe very firmly that
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ruby and oswald knew each other. >> before we proceed with that kind of questioning, let me ask you, what kind of conspiracy do you think? was it a communist, left wing, right wing conspiracy? >> i'm convinced there were two riflemen. >> the warren commission was set up, as you know, at the request and urging of the communist party. >> it's obvious he was working for several years at that moment, and it could not be anyone else than fidel castro. >> it might have been the servant of the castro mao communist group of violence. >> there was an entire world of assassination buffs. some raised valid questions. >> it is another one of the
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very many highly improbables that we are asked to accept by the warren commission if we are to accept the validity of their full report. >> some had completely mad theories. >> cody was killed by a karate chop to the throat in september of 1964. >> but everyone, i believe, had a right to give their views. >> you have, apparently, succeeded in persuading the majority of the american people that we can trust the panel to do a responsible job. >> you talk about faith in these institutions or faith in the fbi as if it's a religious experience to read the warren report. to the contrary, the faith is in our own ability to look at the facts and reach our own conclusions. >> the decreasing trust by americans in their government all started with the kennedy assassination. >> by 1966, there's this cultural revolution in the
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united states. i mean, we're deeply enmeshed in vietnam. there's a lot of protests. there have been riots. there's a sense that things have seriously gone wrong. we've gone off the rails since november 63, and the warren report is a very important part of that loss of confidence in the government. >> i don't think that all the facts were brought out. i think something was held back. >> i think there were more involved than just oswald. >> i don't know how they can reach a conclusion that one person assassinated him. i saw the whole thing on television, and i don't think that oswald, i think he was working for the cia myself. >> why doesn't america believe the warren report? >> because of the conspiracy theories who have put this case under a high powered microscope splitting hairs and
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proceeding to split the split hairs. the kennedy case is the most complex case by far in u.s. history. nothing remotely comes close. >> we're left with a series of critical questions about the assassination that have not been answered to the satisfaction of the people of the united states. >> when president kennedy was killed, he was not killed by one man. he was shot from a number of different directions by different guns. the story has been suppressed. witnesses have been killed. this is your country. >> we aren't trying to hide a thing from you or mr. epstein or mr. lane or the world. we're laying it out all here in the notes of testimony, and if we have transposed in error a possibly into a probably then we are delighted to have you point it out to us. but you can do so only because we have laid it on the line. >> the warren report said that lee harvey oswald shot the
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president from his window in the texas school depository. three years later, the major question is still a simple one. did the warren commission with all that time and resources get its answers right? tonight we go over the arguments one by one, area by area. as the assassination was taking place, a dallas businessman stood behind that low concrete wall looking down at elm street. >> as the president was coming down from houston street making his turn, it was about halfway down i heard a shot. i heard another shot or two. then i saw his head practically open up. blood and everything. >> the warren commission could use the film and each frame to reconstruct each moment of the assassination. >> part of the reason i think the film captured the american imagination is because it
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pushes us to think about something more complex, and each person that looks at it, they see different things. >> where did the shots come from? if they did not all come from the book depository window, there was likely some form of conspiracy. >> i think the massive head wound, where the president's head was literally blown apart, came from an angle on the grassy knoll. it struck, and his head goes back and over this way, which is consistent with a shot from that direction and newton's law of motion. >> seven men on a railroad bridge right here said that when the shots were fired, they looked toward the wooden fence, and each of the seven said they saw puffs of white smoke come from here. >> underneath the green tree, you could see a little puff of smoke. looked like a puff of steam or cigarette smoke. >> no one saw anyone with a rifle or gun on the grassy
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knoll, no expanded cartridges were found there. not one bullet other than those fired from oswald's rifle, has ever been found and linked to the assassination. >> there were two doctors and one priest who said bluntly that there were entrance wounds in the president's neck. >> if the wound in the president's throat was an entrance wound, then clearly this would be proof that the bullet came from the front. >> mark lane has suggested this wasn't an exit wound by the president's tie, but an entry wound. that kennedy was hit in the throat on the front. >> the doctor at parkland didn't want to talk about the president's injuries, but the press more or less forced him to. and the wound in the president's throat was pretty clean. he thought it was an entrance wound. >> what about this wound that you observed in the front of the president's neck? >> actually, i didn't really
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give it much thought. i realize that perhaps it would have been better had i done so. >> there was a wound in the back of the neck that had not been seen by the parkland doctors because they never turned the body over. >> you did not turn the president over? >> no, there was really no reason to. it made very little difference to me since my immediate concern was attempting resuscitation. >> you can explain this, and people will only remember that a doctor at parkland said he had been shot, you know, from possibly the front. so it's, you know, trying to put the genie back in the bottle. >> a bullet hit the president from the back, a bullet hit him from the front. the bullet that killed him came from the right front, unless the laws of physics were not working that day. the reaction of the president tells us where that shot came from. >> some critics say by the very fact that in the picture
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you can clearly see the exposure of the bullet on the front side of the president, that certainly indicates the bullet came from the front. >> well, i don't believe any physicist has ever said that. quite contrary, it does indicate the bullet was coming from behind. it's a minor explosion where pieces of material go generally in the direction of the bullet. >> if you look at the individual frames of the zapruder film, at frame 3:12, the president is okay. a second later, the president is struck in the head. and what direction is the president's head pushed? not backwards, but slightly forward. >> is there any doubt that the wound at the back of the president's head was the entry wound? >> there's no doubt. >> so at the all important moment of impact, the
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president's head is pushed forward indicating a shot from the rear where lee harvey oswald was. above the gumline than floss. for a cleaner, healthier mouth. listerine. feel the whoa! [upbeat music] [sound of tape application] i just need you to sign option three. [cheering] ♪ ♪ ♪ this year, we're helping our customers save for the 1.7 million things that matter most to them. ♪ just another reason why we're all better off with an ally. ♪ get powered by innovation refunds can help your business get a payroll tax refund, even if you got ppp and it only takes eight minutes to qualify. i went on their website, uploaded everything, and i was blown away
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have seized. could oswald have fired three shots in 5.6 seconds. >> a lot of attention was given to the zapruder film and when the president was hit first and second. >> there was a track constructed to match exactly the heights and distances in the plaza. >> if there wasn't enough time, then you would have a second shooter. >> oswald was not an expert shot. he was a good shot, but making the shots were not that tough at all. cbs did it. a guy from the military did it. >> those three shots he got off in 2.6 seconds. >> the zapruder film became the lens through which the assassination was seen. if it didn't happen on the zapruder film, it didn't happen. zapruder started the camera when the limo was about
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70 feet into the plaza while osawld had him within his sights much longer. >> there are so many interesting questions and problems that come from the film. we believe so much in the image and this sort of ultimate truth of film and of images. then they become our memory. >> is it impossible that the bullet would have gone through president kennedy, gone through the governor, and not suffered anymore damage than is shown in this photograph? >> i would hesitate to say it's absolutely 100% impossible, but it is highly improbable. >> could a single bullet have wounded by president kennedy and the governor? the single bullet theory has become perhaps the most controversial aspect of the court. >> if the warren commission couldn't prove one shot hit both men, that means two shooters. >> the conspiracy theorists claim the second shot was the
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magic bullet. they argue that a bullet would have had to make a right turn and then a left turn in mid-air. the reality is that connally was not seated directly in front of kennedy. >> if you figure out the alignment of where the men set, as i did and the others who conducted the on side test, and had the automobile placed in the position, it's perfectly plain, i submit to you, that the bullet that exited president kennedy's throat, would have to strike the automobile, which it did not, or strike someone else in the automobile. >> to believe it didn't get the governor would be a real magic bulletment one that disappeared in thin air. >> the dallas county courthouse for more developments on the jack ruby verdict. >> jack ruby has been found
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guilty of murder with malice and given the sentence of death by the electric chair. >> what do you think of this verdict? >> i believe that jack ruby was a paid killer to close the mouth of my son, lee harvey oswald. >> the question of whether ruby knew oswald before is one of the most important questions. ruby knew people in criminal activities, there was a lot of investigation of a potential conspiracy. ruby would have been one of the most unlikely and worst hit men that the mob could ever get. >> november 24th, 1963, oswald was supposed to be transferred. ruby got dressed and went downtown. >> the receipt shows ruby was sending a money order to one of his strippers at a western
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union station at 11:17 a.m. >> we know at 11:20, three minutes later, a block away, jack ruby killed lee harvey oswald. he was there 5 to 15 seconds. >> what type of man is he? >> jack is a very emotional type person, and he's the type man that would probably give you the shirt off his back at one moment and then turn around and do something as nutty as this in the next. >> i never use the term angry, that's not in my vocabulary. >> he was known for a quick temper, and later, as it turned out, he was hooked on two kinds of speed. at the time of the shooting.
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>> he had to have been here at the police station during the past two days talking with news men and distributing his card and also making friends. >> jack ruby was a police and media groupie. he thought he was our friend. >> i was in the same room friday night when we had the defendant here. if some would recall, he asked a question standing right back here. i didn't know who he was. a thought he was a member of the press. he told me as we walked out that he was a night club operator. >> ruby's act was that of a vigilante. he wanted to be known, for o oc club and shake the man of the man who killed the president. i might add, if if ruby silenced oswald for the mob, who was supposed to silence ruby? he died of normal causes over three years later. now, one would think that the
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conspiracy community would fold it tent and go home, but they continued undaunted and unphased with this obsession. >> their game is to fool you. these people want the investigation stopped. they didn't want a trial at all. please believe me. 48-hour hydration. for that healthy skin glow. neutrogena®. for people with skin.
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the most recent, most spectacular development in the oswald case involves the cia and the spectacular district attorney of new orleans, the man they call the jolly green giant. >> do you believe that lee harvey oswald did not shot president kennedy? >> i don't want to get involved in the speculation of individuals, but there's no question about the fact that there was a plot and a number of individuals involved. >> in 1967, he announced, i've solved the case. i've found the real assassin. >> we will make an arrest based on that, and we will make charges based on that, and we will get charges based only that. >> you wouldn't pay much attention to this, except he was the district attorney of new orleans. >> i've spent hour after hour
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with tim garrison. he's presented his case to me detail by detail. >> the mark lanes and conspiracy theorists all flocked initially to garrison. >> and i can report a powerful domestic force, a force that's still part of the american structure planned and initiated those acts that resulted in the assassination of president kennedy. >> they all thought here's a guy who's finally going to bring the case that we've been arguing about for years. >> if i seem quite confident, that's because our office is in its fifth year and never lost a murder case. >> the press initially built garrison up because they thought no district attorney in his right mind would do this unless he had something. >> arrested this evening was
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clay shaw of new orleans, louisiana in the district attorney's office. mr. shaw will be charged with participation in a conspiracy to murder john f. kennedy. >> the charges filed against me have no foundation in fact or in law. i've not been apprised of the foundation of these charges and i hope i will be afforded the opportunity to prove my innocence. >> clay shaw was a distinguished business man in new orleans. he was a distinguished soldier in world war ii. >> i knew him, and the idea of him in a conspiracy theory was too weird to be believed. >> clay shaw was also a closeted homosexual, and i think that played a part. >> the decision to arrest clay shaw, i believe, was intended to get the national media back to town.
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as soon as they arrested clay shaw, they all came back. >> the name was first introduced by a lawyer named dean andrews who told the warren commission a person by that name telephoned him suggests he provide legal defense for oswald. >> dean had described bertram of having guy tendencies and representing gays as a lawyer. therefore, garrison believed he must be clay shaw. that was the extent of garrison's investigation. >> do you have enough evidence now to go to trial? >> if i answered that, i shouldn't be district attorney. >> the case against clay shaw is built on testimony that didn't pass a lie detector test that garrison ordered and garrison knew it.
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>> can you say the person you knew is not clay shaw? >> scout's honor, he's not. >> garrison started bribing witnesses, intimidating witnesses. >> he said i'd be made to serve the whole nine year sentence, or i could be cut loose right away. >> hypnotizing witnesses. >> we decided to give him that to make sure he'll telling the truth. >> does he have a last name? >> oswald. >> would you say the methods were illegal? >> illegal and unethical. >> he had everyone and their grandmother involved in the assassination. at one time it was oil millionaires, then the minute men, then a homosexual killing. >> do you feel homosexuality or coercion of homosexuality was part of the assassination of john f. kennedy? >> no comment.
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>> with that many assassins, i don't know how kennedy made it to the autopsy table. >> garrison announced he discovered a code. >> he says jack ruby's unlisted telephone number is in address books belonging to oswald. >> he just changed the digits around, added numbers. >> then you subtract 1300, and that gives you ruby's unlisted telephone number. >> mr. garrison, if the p. o. didn't exist until late 65, how could it be jack ruby's phone number? >> you obviously missed the point. >> when anyone exposed garrison, he would say the cia agents. >> who's suppressing this information? >> the federal government is suppressing it -- >> who in the federal government? >> the administration. the administration of your government is suppressing it
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because they know the central intelligence agency -- >> on whose order? >> the president of the united states. >> mr. garrison has come up with no credible evidence to support any of his theories. >> i think it's unfortunate that the media of this country has become so hysterical from fear of what it might see that it spends a good deal of time and energy attacking the one serious investigation. >> the results of the four months of public investigation have been to damage reputations, spread fear and suspicion, and worse of all exploit the nation's sorrow and doubts about president kennedy's deaths. >> i can't make anymore comments about the case except to say anyone that thinks it's just a theory will be awful surprised when it comes to trial. >> clay shaw trial. >> clay shaw came to court in good spirits today, with his long awaited trial underway. shaw seems almost relieved his
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case is finally being heard. shaw sits quietly in the courthouse chain smoking cigarettes. >> the trial went on for six weeks. it's important to note that not one witness produced by garrison survived cross-examination. they were all proven to be unreliable at best. >> it's the most shameful thing you've ever seen. everyone in the courtroom knew that clay shaw couldn't possibly have been more innocent. >> in a unanimous verdict by a 12-man jury, shaw was found not guilty of charges that he conspired to kill the late president john f. kennedy. >> clay, you know what our first question is going to be don't you? why did you do it? >> after the verdict, editorials around the country said one of the darkest chapters in american jurisprudence history. it's just a crime. >> i don't think he had proven
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clay shaw's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. i would have voted not guilty for clay shaw. >> i think garrison feels the end justifies the means, and he felt if he could bring to the american people what he considered the truth about the death of their president, any means whatsoever would be used, and it didn't matter who was hurt in the process. >> i would sum it up by saying that any society which allows a man like jack kennedy to have the top of his head torn off and then protects the assassins and obstructs any inquiry and attempt to find the truth, is not a great society.
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>> information concerning the cause of the death of your president has been withheld from you. >> to show you how uncredible the conspiracy theories are, over the last 50 years, at one time or another, they have accused 42 groups, 82 assassins, and 214 people of being involved in the assassination. >> could oswald really have done this? >> as a reporter, you know, the greatest story for us would've been to find out someone other than oswald did it, and we tried hard. but with every turn with the
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kennedy assassination, things pointed to oswald is not only a shooter, but the shooter and the only shooter. >> at its core, this is a very simple case. >> i don't know what this is all about. >> if a person is innocent of a crime, chances are there's no evidence. but with oswald, everything points towards his guilt we'll never know why lee harvey oswald killed kennedy because he's dead. but there are certain things we do know. >> at the age of 13, a probation officer said he remembered oswald as a truant, a troubled boy in need of psychiatric help. >> after starting in high school, he promptly joined the marines. that ended in 1959 when he was dishonorably discharged.
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a month later, he was in moscow where he announced his decision to renounce his american citizenship. >> are you a marxist? >> i would say yes, but that doesn't mean i'm a communist. >> he wants to renounce his american citizenship and become a soviet. they turn him down, so he slashes his wrists and tries to commit suicide. >> lee harvey oswald had dreams and delusions he had been harboring for a long time of an act to lift him from obscurity. >> a squad mate of his in the marines said that oswald wanted to do something that 10,000 years from now people would be talking about. >> it looked to me like a stupid, irrational act. the opportunity presented itself, and he wanted to make a mark on society. >> people who think oswald was
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sort of a patsy and ineffective and innocent person, forgets when police gets out to talk to him, oswald shoots him four time. that, and his previous attempt on general walker. >> interestingly, on saturday morning in the dallas morning news, it said that there may be a connection between this guy who was just arrested for killing a police officer and president kennedy and this effort to assassinate general walker back in april. >> oswald used to attend a small discussion group, and he began to rail against this right wing general, edwin walker, who was calling for the invasion of cuba. good general walker was about as right wing as you got in the early 60s. and oswald saw walker as an
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american adolf hitler. >> oswald said someone should kill walker. he then ordered a rifle and planned meticulously the shooting of walker. he planned angles, how to get his rifle there, and escape. >> on march 31st, a sunday, he asked marina to come out and take his photograph. >> all in black, pistol, rifle in his hand, holding a few radical newspapers, and marina writes on the back hunter of fascists and dates it april 6th, 1963. >> and then >> and then he went on the night of the 10th of april, took up his place, and shot at general walker. >> he came in the house 11:30. he was so pale, nervous. and i said, "what happened to you?" and he said -- he told, "i tried
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to shot general walker." >> general, will you describe for us just what happened last night? >> rifle shot was fired into the house, right through the west window. and hit the sill and hit the wall across the room and went over the desk at which i was sitting. >> he was very disappointed to find out that he missed by less than an inch. >> it shows his ability to plan, who his target was, and that oswald was capable of violence. >> i think that was kind of the rosetta stone, that if you understood the walker shooting, you understood that lee was like a cocked rifle. and he could go off any time.
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♪ ♪ >> what set the conspiracy notion about the kennedy assassination among many americans was the sheer incongruity of the affair. all that power and majesty wiped out in an instant by one skinny, weak-chinned little character. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ energy demands are rising. and the effects are being felt everywhere. that's why at chevron, we're increasing production in the permian basin by 15%. and we're projected to reach 1 million barrels of oil per day by 2025. all while staying on track to reduce our carbon emissions intensity in the area.
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it is true that the answers to some questions leave us restless. the theory that a single bullet struck down both the president and the governor, for example, has too much of the long arm of coincidence about it for us to be entirely comfortable. >> it doesn't satisfy our sense of narrative or justice that a small person of no distinction can be of such historical consequences to kill the president of the united states. >> but would we be more comfortable believing that a shot was fired by a second assassin who materialized out of thin air for the purpose, fired a shot, and then vanished again into thin air, leaving behind no trace of himself, his rifle, his bullet, or any other sign of existence? >> there were two groups of people. there's one group that will look at an extraordinary coincidence, a cataclysm of circumstance and say, yes, that's the way the world works. there's another group of people for whom that is quite
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unsettling. >> they don't want to believe that something so random could have occurred. can you believe that you can step off a curb someday and be killed by an oncoming car? nobody believes in that kind of possibility for themselves. but it happens. is life that fortuitous? that uncertain. >> and for them, oddly, the notion of the conspiracy is more comforting than the absence of it. because if there's a conspiracy, at least there's a plan. >> i think the five bullets fired from at least two different directions, the result of a conspiracy. >> kennedy's killing touches off a belief in the idea, you can't trust government. >> there has been a loss of morale. a loss of confidence among the american people toward their own government and the men who serve it. and that is perhaps more wounding than the assassination itself. >> they've lost so much faith in
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government that they actually think that the government is an accessory after the fact to the president's murder. can't get too much worse than that. >> the assassination changed the trajectory of the '60s. america was a different place on the day before john f. kennedy was killed. so when you look at this america as a whole in the 20th century, you look at america in the '60s, you really say, that day was the dividing point. >> i guess in the average man's life, there are two or three emotional experiences that he doesn't forget. because they're burned into his heart and his brain. and no matter what happens to me, i will remember november the 22nd as long as i live.
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and it's impossible for me now to this day, and i'm sure ten years from now, to drive-thru dallas without looking at the school book depository building. and it's impossible for me to drive by the texas hotel today and not think of that morning when kennedy president spoke there. it will always be with us. >> kennedy, alongside other presidents -- johnson, nixon, gerald ford, jimmy carter, reagan, the two bushes, even bill clinton -- people, they don't remember what they did, but they remember their rhetoric. and they remember the images. >> ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. >> this is what people wish for again in the government. they want someone who inspires them. who gives them hope. for whom they have a kind of admiration. kennedy's standing hold on the public i think will only fade if
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