tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN December 15, 2022 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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had appeared to be a major victory for president biden on immigration in the supreme court, putting a pause on the remain-in mexico policy, which had been enacted by the former president. the policy -- since certain none mexican citizens who entered the u.s. back to mexico for processing. the supreme court had given biden the greenlight to end the program, but it had also sent the case back to lower courts for additional proceedings. of note that the end of november, the u.s. immigration court system surpassed 2 million pending cases for the first time. our chief white house correspondent, phil mattingly, joins us now. so, talk more about this judges decision. what is happening? >> you know, anderson, this just really gives you a great window into the complications that the biden ministration has faced for the better part of the last two years on this issue that has remained such a significant problem. and we are certainly seeing that today. the protection protocol program with something the president biden were to move to undo in his opening days in office. yet, it has been subject to a rollercoaster legal battle that, as you noted, seemed to move in the direction of the white house at the end of july, or at
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the end of june, when the supreme court ruled in their favor in their efforts to discontinue this trump era program. this is a program where asylum seekers, non mexican asylum seekers, were being kept in mexico while they awaited their proceedings. it was considered by immigration advocates of the inhumane, particularly given where many of those migrants were held in mexico. and yet, the biden administration, for the better part of their first year and a half an office, tried to end the program, or stopped. tried to revise the program, were stopped. over the course of that entire process, still maintaining that they believe the program was not the right way to handle this issue inhumane manner. now, once again, as the administration knew that there was still going to be something coming from the same judge that blocked this program in the first place, they are now once again grappling with the reality of their inability to stop a program that the president campaigned against, make clear interrupting days in office he would do away with. and still is dealing with, as they are dealing with so many
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other very significant immigration issues right now, anderson. >> i mean, the asylum system is broken in the united states. i mean, there are so many people who come from, not for mexico, from venezuela, cuba, and other places, who say they want to claim asylum, even if they are here for economic reasons. and it takes years for them to get processed to even hear, have their claims listened to. and in that time, they're not allowed to work. so, there also, they're allowed to be here as well. was the white house expecting this? i mean, do they have a plan for what happens if, in fact, they get their wish and this back to mexico policy goes away? >> you know, anderson, the interesting element of this happening now is the entire focus of the white house, when it comes to border policy, has been on the likely termination of the title 40 authority that had been put in place by former president trump during the pandemic. essentially, it turned away people at the border that did not have asylum claims.
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that has been a significant issue and a very real level of concern in the lead up to what is expected to be a december 21st and to the program. weeks of meeting, after meeting, after meeting between white house officials, national security council officials, department of homeland security officials. all of whom acknowledge this will almost certainly lead to a surge at the border for which they will have to grapple with. this was not on the minds of most of the officials i had spoken to about that issue that is coming december 21st, over the course of the last couple of days. that said, they have dealt with this, obviously, several times. they've dealt with this particularly the district court judge several times as well. the next steps, they will obviously be pursued by the administration in the days ahead. but all of this just gives this window into an effort that was laid out in a very definitive manner during a campaign. a very definitive manner in the opening days, really the first couple of days that the biden administration. they were going to undo what former president trump put into place.
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they believe, to some degree, it was un-american, in the words of some officials at the time. they certainly believed that it was not the proper way to treat migrants wherever they came from. and yet, here they are two years into office, dealing with these significant issues and a system, to your point, anderson, that has congress refuses to act, is completely broken. >> phil, stay with me, i want to bring in cnn senior analyst elie honig,, jennifer rodgers. our chief political correspondent, dana bash. cnn senior national correspondent, doug lavandera, who is in el paso texas tonight. elie honig, can you just explain the legal implications of this ruling, and walk us through the difference between the remaining mexico program, which is what the ruling deals with, and title 42? >> yeah, anderson. so, the policy of the united states, going back many years through administrations of both parties, was that when a person seeks asylum in this country, generally speaking, as you said, those procedures, those legal proceedings can take months and years. and people, while they were waiting, were allowed to wait here in the united states. now, in 2019, the trump administration change that. they said, now a person has remain in mexico.
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that could be potentially very dangerous because the northern regions of mexico where people are waiting to be controlled, in some areas, by drug cartels, could be very dangerous. could be a deterrent for something that trump administration was going for. on joe biden's first day in office, as phil said, he ordered his department of homeland security, take a look at this, and homeland security came back and said, we will get rid of this policy. we will not make people wait in mexico. that let us into the courts. then there was a series of challenges. it went all the way up to the supreme court, that actually ruled 5 to 4 in favor of joe biden, saying, we are not going to knock it down now, but we want the district court, that's the court ruled today, we want the district court to see whether this was done procedurally correctly. the ruling today from the district court, anderson, was that the biden administration has not done this correctly with all the nuances of procedure. now, that would be appealed. so, it's a blow against the biden administration for now, but it is not over. >> dana, i mean, again, the policy, the u.s. has a long-standing policy for people
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we are seeking asylum for persecution, for a very specific reasons. and it's a high bar. there's a policy in place and people come to the united states can apply for asylum. but the system is so broken that what used to take several months, i mean, decades ago, now takes, like, 3 to 4, five years, in some cases, to be adjudicated before someone can be even see a judge and have their hearing, and oftentimes, they don't get asylum because they're here for economic reasons or, you know, legitimate reasons. but that is not a claim for asylum. i know the biden administration says they want this policy overturned, but it doesn't seem like anybody has a plan for dealing with all these new asylum claims, given the backlog. >> the new asylum claims, and then on top of it, what you are talking about with phil and you asked elie honig, title 42, which is the focus of washington, the focus of the biden administration. in a big way right now, because when those covid era, when that
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covid era policy's lifted, which we expect to happen in a couple weeks, next week actually, you will have even more people wanting to come. that's why you are seeing everybody come where ed lavandera is. but the answer to your question is because congress is completely and totally deadlocked on this. and has been, anderson, for two decades now. i mean, how many times have we been talking about the fact that there are a small number of republicans and democrats who want to come together and fix the broken asylum sick system? and then even more broadly, the broken immigration system. and it is demagogued over and over again. by extremes on the right and the left, frankly, mostly the right on this issue. and those who want an issue, rather than a solution, a policy solution, which is so needed. >> right, dana, the politics of this work for the extremes on
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both sides to, as you say, to get demagogue, bumper sticker slogans, and it rallies people, it riles up the base of both parties, and yet, it doesn't, i mean, there are some solutions. it just has to be some negotiation. there has to be compromise on both sides. >> there has to be willingness. i remember covering the george w. bush administration. they got close. the senate had a big bipartisan bill and it died in the house because of the politics of it. and i remember covering fast forward many years, i mean, never mind the democrats. but donald trump, there was a plan on his desk, which had the political capital to do, which would've helped to reform the system. not entirely, but at least go small or more than a small way to do it.
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and he pulled out at the last minute because he didn't want to enrage the republican base. that kind of thing happens over and over again, or at least for a little while. now, they're not even talking in a bipartisan way. and a real productive discussion that needs to happen. and maybe these images are going to change things. we can be optimistic. but i think we also need to be realistic. >> is it clear what the immediate impact of this ruling on people hoping to get into the united states will be? because again, people who come here, they are allowed to apply for asylum. it takes years, so, but they are not allowed to work in that time because they're immediately allowed to work, and that would encourage other people to come and to say they want to apply for asylum, be able to get a job, and see here for years, then maybe get tossed out or have their asylum claim actually validated. but these asylum seekers are not allowed to work for years, so they are driven into the underground economy. >> and anderson, i can also assure you, as we've spoken with dozens of migrants over
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the last few days here in el paso, this is the symbolic reality of what this lack of movement on immigration reform has created. so, tonight on the streets of el paso, you have people sleeping on the ground, they are waiting, they've been processed through border patrol, they have papers and legal ability to stay here, as their immigration case goes through the system. as you mentioned, that will take a long time and i can assure you, in speaking with dozens of migrants over the last few days, all of this is completely lost on them. it's such a technical, confusing, baffling process. you have title 42, you have the remain-in mexico policy. there are people who get deported, some people who don't get deported. and it's completely confusing. it's almost impossible for them to make sense of it. but what they do know is that their immediate lives are complete disaster and a mass, and they have to do something about it. now, you know, they will tell you that they do not have time. so, what does that create?
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it creates a system where they are willing to spend thousands of dollars traveling from their home country through mexico, the stories of kidnappings and the second sequestration's, you know, being held at gunpoint, as more people get more money from them, as they get to this very point. they are willing to endure all of that for the chance to be able to go through that process. and it's not guaranteed. the immigration court system put up numbers today that said, in the last two months, 40% of immigration cases have ended up in deportation proceedings. so, this is not a guarantee that many of these people will be able to stay here in the u. s.. but the news that we are talking about here is almost, like beside the point to them at this point. they feel like this is their only option left in their lives. >> jennifer, what is the sort of next step you expect the biden administration to take? this case authority been to the supreme court, sent back to the lower level judge. is there any recourse for the white house at this point? because again, if this policy does ultimately go away, which
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is what the white house says they want, i don't understand what their plan is to deal with people who are coming, who well claim asylum, who have, you know, no way to make a living here and the years and years and years of waiting in an overwhelmed system, because there's not enough judges in courts even hear the asylums. claims. >> yeah, well anderson, assuming that they prep ahead with their revocation of the trump era policy, they will appeal to the fifth circuit. so, we went up to the supreme court before on substantive grounds. do they have the power under the administrative procedures act to enact this new policy? or really, actually, revoke the policy of the trump administration? now the question is different. now the question is, they do it properly -- under the apa. there are notice provisions, public comment provisions, there's specifically spelled out ways that you can and act and act policy under the administrative procedures act. so, that's what on the table now. so, i think the biden administration will appeal to
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the fifth circuit. and in part because, you know, there's a real structural problem here, which is -- forum shopping. this judge, judge bismarck, is the only judge in this district. so, you have a situation where republicans are going to him for a reason. because he agrees with their positions. and so, i think both on the merits of it and also just to say to this judge, you know, listen, this is not an okay thing, this forum shopping. we will appeal you to the fifth circuit and get you overturned. and maybe teach them a lesson in that way. but i expect them to appeal and go for a stay, and if they get that, we will go back to where we were before today's opinion. >> and phil, there has to ultimately -- i mean, the only way this problem ultimately get solved, it is through congress and some sort of legislative solution to the immigration issue, comprehensive or detailed or specific point by point parts of these issues. there's smaller pieces of it. is any of that a possibility in the coming year or two for this administration?
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>> what's interesting, anderson, is that there is possibly the best possibility we've seen in a long time, over the last couple of weeks, senators kyrsten sinema and tom tillis, now an independent, caucuses with the democrats generally, and a republican came together on a framework related to both the title 42 issue and related to the so-called dreamers, those who were brought here by parents who were undocumented immigrants. or were born here or are in a state of limbo, still, the side despite all the updates on that. front there was a push to -- try and attach that and dana knows this better than anybody. -- vehicles, the major spending package trying to tack anything you can get on to that and try to move it forward. what was interesting talking to white house officials who knew particularly on the title 42 issue, that's what they've been focused on on the course of the last several weeks, this was the only long term way to address some of these issues, these very clear real, and acute issues. some type of bipartisan agreement. it was made clear about 24 hours ago that there was no
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appetite to attach it, to move it forward and get things done. there is a solution here that only comes through legislation. if we've learned anything from the last two years based on what president biden promises versus what his administration promised to do -- and what they've grappled with over the course of these last two years, is that only executive authority is not a valid and viable solution on these issues. in fact, to some degree, it's only made things worse. >> i appreciate all of you reporting on this. we will have more on the story throughout the program tonight. first, more breaking news, it's a historical milestone for one of the darkest days in history of the united states. the assassination of former president john f. kennedy. there is newly-released documents -- about his assassination. we will talk about what is inside them with a presidential historian. also tonight, there is a cnn exclusive, the first ever joint interview with house speaker nancy pelosi and chuck schumer, definitely the first ever at a chinese restaurant. cnn's jamie gangel sat down with him just ahead.
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>> and it's 50 years in the making. the national archives has released more than 30,000 documents related to the 1963 assassination of john f. kennedy, the second of two releases ordered by president biden. extraordinary because of the subject matter as well as the decades it has taken to finally see these documents. the cia tonight says it has now released all information known to be related directly to the assassination. it's about 95% of all agency documents within the jfk assassination records collection act, now public in their entirety. tom foreman joins us with more on this milestone. what do we know about these documents? >> we know first of all, as you noted, there are a lot of them. this is the equivalent of a dozen copies of war and peace being dumped out there and yet this is a tiny fraction of the roughly 5 million million documents related to the jfk assassination. we also, know based on what some jfk assassination historians of said, what the
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cia has said, what other people is shown, what history is shown that we're not likely to find in this is any giant breakthrough, some really smoking gun explanation here as to how this happened or some secret conspiracy nothing that will satisfy the conspiracy theorists out there. that said, there are a lot of interesting details here, anderson. >> like what? what have you found so far? >> a lot of it has to do with a process of how the cia goes about things. some of that explains partially why it's been hidden for so long, so it doesn't reveal their methods. how they surveil people down in mexico, soviet people down their head a secret wiretap down there. at one point, there is a small line where a psychologist of some sort who had looked at all oswald and said oswald's motivation is largely explained in terms of his neurotic background. his failure to achieve status and his very deep resentments of all authority. oswald saw a movie on tv about an attempted presidential assassination with a rifle shortly before his deed, which could have sparked him into
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action. the explanations like that, which would totally point toward oswald as acting alone. there's another one where they talk about an intercepted phone call between cuba and miami two days after the assassination of the president. the gist of which was, plan of castro carried forward. bobby is next. they say in reference to bobby kennedy who was killed five years later. soon, the atomic bombs were they will not know from where. this, however, although that would light up a conspiracy theorist, there's no indication in this record and that this ei or anyone else took this very seriously. this is like the top of a blow hard, it seems. like if anything, they were like, this is a good lesson -- >> is everything released now? it seems like there is still some stuff out there. >> there is still some material out there. not a whole lot. it's a small amount. the collection, according to
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the archives, still has 515 documents withheld in full. another 2545 withheld in part. not entirely clear when or how the rest of it will be released. again, there is no indication that what is hiding there is some great revelation. but what could be hiding there is even more information about the details of how things were handled, how it was investigated, and maybe something that will put to rest some of these conspiracies. after all these years, anderson, i wouldn't bet on it. >> keep going through the documents. fascinating. perspective now from cnn presiential historian tim naphtali how big a deal is this? >> anderson, it is a huge deal that our government basically is forcing our intelligence community to release things and they never wanted to release. remember, this is the fourth or fifth bite at the apple that the intelligence community had.
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and the first few go-rounds, the intelligence community kept arguing for national security reasons we can't release these details. the combination of trump's conspiracy thinking and joe biden's determination for transparency has led to this day where we have documents that have no redactions at all, which talk about very sensitive cia operations that have nothing to do with the assassination of jfk but everything to do with the secret world of the 1960s and 70s. >> does anything in the files change the official historical record, the conclusions about jfk's assassination? >> i don't think -- i have to say, this was described as ten war and peaces, i could not possibly get through one war and peace in the course of an afternoon. i've sampled, based on assumptions i had about what might be out there, about 10% of the material. i didn't see anything, nor was
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i expecting anything to change the main narrative that oswald was a self radicalizing assassin. we had had a number of them before in our history. if you think about the history of islamic terrorism, a lot of it involved self radicalized individuals. that basic narrative doesn't change but here is the crux of it all. one of the reasons that we have conspiracy theories to the extent we do in our culture, is that after world war ii, we created a national security state that introduced layers of secrecy in our own government that meant our own government, for reasons it felt reasonable, could not always tell us what it was doing. abroad and at times at home. those secrets, layered upon secrets, layered upon secrets, led to an explosion of skepticism in this country in the 70s. a series of investigations that then shocked americans about what our government was up to. we've never recovered from that shock to our basic trust in government to this day.
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i think it's worse now than it's been since the 70s. but if you want to see why americans thought their government was overly secretive, take a look at some of these details. i'll give you full example. the u.s. government illegally was intercepting our letters. that became known in the 70s. they were intercepting letters a pretty prominent people, like jane fonda. in the 1970s, tom hayden and jane fonda sued the u.s. government to get access to their fbi materials that had not been released in the freedom of information act request that they had made to the fbi. they lost. today we know that the cia had intercepted letters sent to ms. fonda in the year 72, 73. she wouldn't release them to her. it gives you an example of the level of surveillance our government was engaged in. i think people will understand now a bit about the culture of secrecy that developed in the
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cold war and why there was a huge pushback in the 70s and again a huge pushback after 9/11. one reason why we should be very worried about an restraint an unrestrained national security community. >> tim naftali, fascinating. thank you so much. up next, the cnn exclusive. jamie gangel sits down with senate majority leader chuck schumer, and house speaker nancy pelosi, over chinese food and discusses a slew of topics, in court including the former president and the january 6th hearings.
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welcome back. i want to turn to a cnn exclusive. the democratic leaders of congress senate majority leader chuck schumer and house speaker nancy pelosi worked together for 35 years. this is the first time ever they sat for an interview other favorite chinese restaurant to talk to cnn's jamie gangel about their working relationship. with the former president, the 2024 race, the impact of the
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january 6th hearings. >> what are you going to have? >> i think i'm going to get dumplings. [laughter] >> hot and sour soup. that's what i was going to get. a nice bowl of soup on a cold day. >> you actually first met at a meal like this in 1987. >> like january. george miller, who was my roommate, my landlord, he said there is a new person joining. her name is nancy pelosi. she was the new congress member from san francisco. before i met her, she would become the first woman speaker. that is the truth. >> he was right. >> what was interesting -- >> you really knew the first time. >> i knew she would really be a force. >> whatever that might be. >> would you like appetizers? >> i will have an order of shrimp dumplings. then i will have some string
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beans. >> talk to me about your relationship. the two of you finish each other's sentences. you are on the phone constantly, four -- >> i'm not going to say the number. >> you know everybody's phone number. >> i probably dial hers more than just about anyone other than the people in my family. >> here's the thing. i say this all the time, what do you call that phone? a flip phone. if he had a regular smartphone, we could reduce the number of conversations. i could just text him. >> how would you describe your relationship, you are called a power couple, you are called an odd couple. >> almost like brother and sister. >> when you disagree, who wins? >> usually her. >> no. when we disagree, we end the conversation and we know we will come back. >> we had one a week ago. what was it about? >> i don't remember but i think it was candid.
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>> i want to talk about how the two of you navigated working with former president trump. >> we had a good time. >> he famously nicknamed the two of you check and nancy. it was always chuck and nancy. i think you both and you that speaker pelosi got under his skin, right? >> yes. >> was there a strategy when you went into a meeting? was there a good cop bad cop? >> he's just inaugurated. this is an historic moment. the president of the united states. i'm thinking, how is he going to begin? is he going to quote the constitution, american history, a poet, the bible? you know, i won the popular vote. >> that's how he started. >> then i said, mister
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president, that is just not true. >> we set him up instinctively, we didn't plan this. everyone thought we planned it out. it was about the government shutdown, the first time. and nancy said something to him about women. >> chuck was masterful. he was masterful. >> she set him up so i could go in for the kill. >> no, but he was masterful. he's talking to him about the government shut down and about immigrants. and he says, i take ownership -- >> so, mister president, will you own the shutdown? >> yes, i will! oh, thank you very much. >> there were a series of moments that you saw firsthand. there is the clap. there is tearing up the speech. and then there is the famous picture, it's the meeting in
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the cabinet room where you stood up and confronted. looking back at those moments, what was going through your mind? >> i said, he does not stand a chance. [laughter] he doesn't know what he's up against. i tell people, nancy instinctively knew how to handle trump. for her first, you know, 35, 40 years of life, she raised five children. she knew had to deal with children. that's what helped her deal with trump. he ultimately was a child. >> we had a different approach. chuck, as a new yorker -- >> brooklyn. >> brooklyn. they spoke their own kind -- they understood each other. >> january 6th, there was extraordinary footage of the two of you being evacuated. what was it like that day? >> it was horrible. >> it was frightening.
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people invading the capitol. we were both worried that the senators in my senate, the people in our house, what was happening to them. they whisked us off to this other place. for a while, cell phone service did not happen. it was just frightening. >> did you try to reach out to the president himself? >> yes. and the attorney general, i think he was acting attorney general, he would not put him on. >> he wouldn't take your calls? >> the president wouldn't. that's correct. >> i think you see in some of the film how firm chuck was with calling the governors, the mayors, the secretary. when you are challenging the secretary of the army, the attorney general, the secretary of the army was supposed -- it's really a tragedy that they did not stand the national guard earlier.
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>> they were afraid to act. trump so intimated everybody, you can never tell him the truth, you could not contradict him. have some peaking duck, it's good. >> there is a cnn poll that just came out that shows there is little appetite on both sides for a biden trump rematch in 2024. you are stepping aside. do you think president biden should step aside for a younger generation? >> i think president biden has done an excellent job as the president of the united states. i hope he does seek reelection. he's been a great president. >> look at what he has accomplished. he has done an excellent, excellent job. he runs, i'm going to support him all the way. >> -- right now, donald trump is the only republican who has announced. he could be the nominee. he could be president again. you've been through the first presidency, you've been through january 6th, what would it mean if donald trump was reelected president?
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>> i don't think it'll happen. the american people have gotten wiser. it took a little while but they did. >> i don't think we should talk about him while we are eating. [laughter] >> see? >> really? another trump presidency? you call donald trump, quote, insane. i think there is a need for an intervention there by his family or someone. you? no i don't think he's on the level, though. >> cnn's -- jamie gangel joins us now. jimmy, i don't know who came up with this idea. i'm guessing it was you. that's a genius -- you should have chinese food with everybody. this is a really great, fascinating to watch, them sitting around having dumplings and just chewing the fat.
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>> the shrimp dumplings were excellent. for the [laughter] record. >> i don't think that flip phone is going away anytime soon. even though nancy pelosi is stepping down as speaker, she will remain in congress. i will guarantee you that they will still be talking four or five times a day on the phone. it's quite a relationship. what the chinese restaurant gave us tonight, anderson, it is just a look behind the scenes at the way they really are. >> that is what is so fascinating about. you see two people who know each other, obviously. just fascinating to see them interact. i seriously think you should film all of them in a restaurant. >> all future interviews, chinese restaurants. done. >> jamie gangel, thank you so. much coming up, explosive new revelations in the final episode of the harry and meghan docuseries, a battle between brothers. harry struggled to get -- a meeting with the queen, the couple believes may have led to his wife's miscarriage. that is next.
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release the final episodes of the harry and meghan docuseries. the two conductors of success sussex get into depth over the dorsal battled inside and outside the royal family. royal correspondent max foster tonight shows one of the most powerful moments. >> good morning. it's 60 am on the 14th of march. we are on the freedom flight. we are leaving canada and we are headed to los angeles. >> the palace may have been spared in the first episodes but this time harry and meghan didn't pull any punches. >> everything that happens to us was i was gonna happen to us, because if you speak truth to power, that's where they're gonna respond. in >> the final episodes of the netflix docuseries, harry said he was being blocked from meeting the queen to discuss his future.
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>> once we were back in the uk, i rang her up and said, they told me you are busy. and she said i didn't know i was busy. i've been told i was busy all week. i said, wow. >> by this point the couple had decided to step back from royal duties, issuing a statement to that effect. that has triggered a showdown it sanding i'm house with william, charles, and the queen. >> it was terrifying to have my brother screaming and shouting at me and my father say things that simply weren't true, and my grandmother quietly sitting there and taking it all in. >> the couple sharing their perspectives on the royal rift, which, in their words, pushed them out of the fold. it started during their tour of australia back in 2018, so successful it created jealousy in the palace, they say. >> the issue is, when someone who is marrying should be supporting act, is then stealing the limelight or is doing the job better than the person who was born to do this.
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that upsets people. it shifts the balance. within a few hours they're happy to lie to protect my brother and yet for three years they were never willing to tell the truth to protect us. >> megan says the stress of the media coverage was too much. last year saying she didn't want to live anymore. >> it was like all of this will stop if i am not here. and that was the scariest thing about it. it was such clear thinking. i remember her telling me that, that she had wanted to take her own life. and that really broke my heart, because i knew, well, i knew that it was bad, but to just constantly be picked at by these vultures, just picking
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away at her spirit, that she would actually think of not wanting to be here. >> but she also suffered physically because of the stress of the worldwide coverage and in british newspapers, including the daily mail, which published a letter she wrote to her father. >> i believe my wife suffered a miscarriage because of what the mail did. i watched the whole thing. now do we absolutely know that a miscarriage was caused by that? of course we don't. the stress that call, the lack of sleep, and the timing of the pregnancy, how many weeks in she was, i can say from what i saw that miscarriage was created but what they were trying to do to her. >> megan says she took on her royal role with the best of intentions. but she was warned from the very beginning by her private secretary that things would not be smooth.
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>> there was this moment where our private secretary, she worked with the queen for i think 20 years. what she said to me was, it's like this fish is swimming perfectly on the right current, and one day this organism comes in, and the entire thing goes -- what he is that? what is it doing? here it doesn't look like us, it is a move like us, we don't like, it get it off of us. >> the families response? well, on thursday they showed a united front and a plan engagement. the palace that they know had no plans to comment on the series. >> max foster reporting from london. be sure to stick around for cnn tonight special royal revelation with alison cameron to bringing you that it and be am eastern, right after our two hour additional three 60. twitter the news organizations covering the chaos since elon
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musk took over. the bus company took action against journalists, including one of our own. that's next. oh, i can tell business is going through the “woof”. but seriously we need a reliable way to help keep everyone connected from wherever we go. well at at&t we'll help you find the right wireless plan for you. so, you can stay connected to all your drivers and stores on america's most reliable 5g network. that sounds just paw-fect. terrier-iffic i labra-dore you round of a-paws at&t 5g is fast, reliable and secure for your business. when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis persists... put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when uc got unpredictable,... i got rapid symptom relief with rinvoq. check. when uc held me back... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc got the upper hand... rinvoq helped visibly repair the colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief. lasting, steroid-free remission. and a chance to visibly repair the colon lining.
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>> this just in, elon musk suspending the twitter counts of some of the journalists who cover twitter, among the members of the new york times, washington post washington post, and cnn's. a report from last night on the controversial suspension of a different account, just had his account suspended this evening. so, last night you were sitting here, you are reporting on the young guy who is tracking, has been tracking the private jet love you almost. you did an interview with him in his grandmother. >> correct. and apparently elon musk does not like that. >> yeah. what basically happens, over the last past hour or so, a
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number of news journalist from news outlets have been permanently, it seems, suspended from twitter. all those journalists, including myself, i happen to be people who cover elon musk. this is elon musk of course, the free speech who likes the first amendment. drew her well, one of the reporters at the washington post, who was suspended, he put out a statement saying you mom who says he's a free speech advocate is banning journalists. that calls into question his commitment. as we saw with the jet tracker, musk seems to be stamping out accounts that he doesn't like. 's look -- >> it's kind of crazy given his line. let me just take a look. an image of your account. >> that's what i see when i tried to log in right. now it says you are is presently suspended and says
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after careful review they decided to kick me off the platform. in the minutes leading up to the suspension, and we were reporting, we were doing our job. we were reporting on what was happening with the mask jet situation. musk and claimed, as kind of a justification for taking down the jet account, that if there was an incident this week involving his child in los angeles, he claimed that a stalker, he described it, followed the car this child was in and he tried to link this to the jet tracking app. it's not entirely clear that there is a linkage there, but nevertheless, just a few minutes before we got kicked off twitter, i had reported that the los angeles police department said they were aware of the situation and the tweet by elon musk and were in contact with his security team and they did point out that no crime reports have been filed yet. but look, i think in terms of me personally, many of the
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national reporters as the times and reports, we are okay. i'm on the anderson cooper show. we have a platform. and just like when trump got kicked off, we can post elsewhere. i do think, and this is very important, the potential chilling impact this might have for freelance journalists, independent journalists around the world, especially those who cover elon musk's other companies like tech tesla and space x. >> we'll continue to follow. ahead, breaking news from a federal judge on texas on the former. it laminate shows us how a separate immigration issue was calling causing a crisis in el paso. we'll have an update next. make this december one to remember. together. it worked! happy holidays from lexus. ♪ to be clear, we have never been accused of being flashy, sexy or lit. may i? we're definitely not lit.
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