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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  December 16, 2022 4:00am-5:00am PST

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there's not going to be any distinction between journalists and regular people. everyone is going to be treated the same. they're not special because you're a journalist. >> well, i don't know about that. good morning, everyone. it's friday. it's december 16th. and, of course, there is twitter hijinks, twitter banning the accounts of high profile journalists. is it free speech issue or just elon musk on a power trip right now. russia with a relentless assault on ukraine overnight, at least 60 missiles launched and president zelenskyy fears it could get worse in weeks. and we police in idaho tracking down 2200 white hyundai ela elantra's in their search for four killer students. and the national archives, releasing files from the jfk
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assassination. we begin with russia's air assault on ukraine, 60 missiles launched so far with russians using strategic bombers for the first time reportedly. >> the capital of ukraine, kyiv, is being targeted and the mayor said there have been a series of explosions in the city with water supply interrupted in every district and metro service suspended. and cnn is also learning exclusively on top of this this morning, everything that's happening in ukraine, president zelenskyy's request to share a message of world peace prior to the kickoff at the world cup final on sunday has been rejected by fifa. will ripley is live in kyiv this morning. what's happening on the ground with the assaults we're seeing playing out overnight? >> reporter: what they're saying
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here, the ukrainian capital is that this city has survived one of the most massive missile attacks by russia since the start of the full-scale invasion, an invasion that left vehicles like these destroyed. the reason i'm standing here not the scenes of the strikes we're not allowed to show you where that is. the ukrainians are claiming out of 40, 40 missiles fired at kyiv, which is a large amount, even our local journalists who have been covering this war say this is astounding they fired 40 at the ukrainian capital city. 37 of them, the ukrainians claim they shot down, but three hit targets and we heard the explosions here at our location. we lost power at our hotel, water service has been shut off at the hotel as well. and the subway service is suspended. tens of thousands of people taking shelter in the underground subway stations that serve as bomb shelters when attacks like this happen. these attacks have not just hit
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kyiv, they hit kherarkiv and do in the south odesa. >> this is a campaign against this infrastructure that has been going on since october. they are destroying this key infrastructure that civilians need. will, how cold is it right there? what are people doing right now when it's this cold and they don't have any power? >> reporter: it's extraordinary that we're not even at the official start of winter yet, but it's sub zero temperatures every day, it's freezing cold in ukraine. hard to imagine how people can live in their homes sometimes for days on end without el electricity and without heat. uni receive in recent days put out a statement saying mental and physical health of every child is at risk right now. not only do they live with the terror of air-raids around them but then they have to survive in conditions people shouldn't have
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to live through with such cold temperatures. they think the russians may be preparing up to 200,000 additional troops for yet another ground invasion of kyiv. that comes with a caveat that the russians and ukrainians have used misinformation in the past to throw off the other side. didn't have any credible intelligence cited in those comments. president zelenskyy as well warning of this. but nonetheless the signs are not good. winter fighting may not be slowing down at all it may be just revving up here. >> a concern for the people still living there. will ripley thank you. back here in the united states, storms that brought tornados to louisiana are moving north just as americans make their plans for the holidays. the nor'easter expected to bring ice and snow through pennsylvania and new england. heavy rains are in the forecast in metro areas like new york city and boston. north dakota look at that, those are frozen power lines, icicles
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hanging off them. power outages as a result. while minnesota is trying to dig out from almost two and a half feet of snow more is expected over the weekend. as we head into winter the biden administration is urging americans to help prevent another covid surge. listen. >> we don't want this winter to look like last winter or the winter before. the most important thing americans can do is to go get their updated covid-19 vaccine right away. the updated covid-19 vaccine is your best protection against the version of covid we're fighting right now. >> cnn medical correspondent dr. tara narula is with us. this is a different kind of booster, i think four now, right, but it's different. i was sort of confused. i had to go to my doctor say do i have this one, do i need it? everyone needs to do it. >> this is an important reminder for us. we're tired of talking about the pandemic, covid, viruses,
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vaccines, but it is important as we go into the holidays we don't get complacent and personalize this for people still. 3,000 people in the first week, t the first week of december lost their lives. 30,000 hospitalizations and those numbers have been going up since december. we know that only 14% of eligible americans for that updated booster have gotten it. 14% live in areas in this country with high transmission, new york city, l.a. and one in five remain unvaccinated. the group weer seeing high levels of vaccinations are seniors, four times higher risk of hospitalization and data from september tell us individuals over 12 who got the updated booster, vaccine shot were 15 times lower -- 15 times reduced chance of dying from covid. an important chance to remind people, if you haven't gotten it we have time to build up antibodies between christmas and new years. >> i did a couple weeks ago, the
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flu on this side and covid on this side. i'm good. and then i had the shingles before that. i didn't have shingles, i had the vaccine. let me ask you, look, we have been going to -- after covid, after the -- i should say after the lockdowns, everyone wants to go. everyone has parties and events, whatever. i want to say i can't come because i don't want covid. i think that's a legitimate excuse. i don't want to get covid. but we're going to be around our family members as well. what's the advice here? what do we do? >> we've been talking about air filtration, vent resigventilati. if you can be out doors, we can't in the northeast. masking if you live in areas of high transmission or around people immuno suppressed or higher risk. and dr. jha said yesterday we have the tools, the infrastructure to handle this. one of those tools is covid rapid antigen tests the
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government saying they're going to be giving out free tests, four per household. take the tests before you go and see grandma or mom or your family and then certainly to think about prescriptions if you do test positive and you're over 50 or you have one of these chronic health conditions. so there are things we can do. the rapid tests are a great tool. >> they're by mail, you order them? >> yes. >> i think we rapid test every day. i tested this morning. >> i did too. >> i don't want to get y'all sick. >> my kids know how to do it on themselves now. 4 and 6. we have to talk about twitter now, there's craziness going on. it can be toxic like other social media platforms but around the world millions use it to share information, get their voices heard, stand up to power. but this morning, elon musk suspending the accounts of half a dozen prominent journalists
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including cnn's donie o'sullivan. elon musk claimed they violated one of twitter's new rules. he falsely claims they violated the doxxing policy, which bans any account that shares someone's live location. so instead, they were reporting on the suspension of an account that continued posting the billionaire's private jet whereabouts. musk then suspended the journalists without explanation and later failed to explain his move. watch. >> there's not going to be any distinct between journalists and regular people. everyone is going to be treated the same. they're not special because you're a journalist. you're a citizen. so no special treatment. you dox you get suspended. end of story. >> so again, donie o'sullivan was not sharing his location. and it is worth noting that musk claims that he supports free speech over and over again, and sold his twitter takeover as a
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first amendment beacon. listen to this. >> i think it's very important for there to be an inclusive arena for free speech where -- yeah. twitter has become kind of the de facto town square. is someone you don't like allowed to say something you don't like? and if that is the case, then we have free speech. >> let me read cnn's response to the suspension. i quote here, the impulsive and unjustified suspension of a number of reporters including donie o'sullivan, is concerning but not surprising. twitter's increasing instability and volatility should be of incredible concern for everyone who uses twitter. we have asked twitter for an explanation and we will reevaluate our relationship based on that response.
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ahead, donie o'sullivan is going to join us. you'll hear what he has to say about being banned. >> can't wait for that. also this morning, police in idaho are digging through details on about 22,000 white hyundai elantras as they're still hunting for the suspect in the murder of the four college students. police are hoping to match it to the one spotted on the video on the night those students were killed as parents await for any new information on the investigation. camilla burrnal is live this morning. it's been more than a month since the murders happened it seems we aren't getting any details. do police have any leads? what are they saying so far? >> reporter: nothing new. good morning, it's been a month. that's where a lot of the frustration comes from. they're going over 22,000 registered white hyundai elantras so there's clearly a lot of work to be done here.
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they say all the cars match their search criteria, that's in addition to the many new tips on this car as well. it's unclear if any of the tips have been helpful or gotten them any closer to finding this killer. the families are optimistic, they say they think they will find this killer, but they also say they're demanding accountability and communication from authorities, kaylee's family saying they support the police but they need more. here's the family attorney. >> trust us, has been the theme. trust us we're making the right decision. trust us. well, you know, that only goes so far. >> and these are families that are grieving and have no information, so it has been extremely difficult. there is still so much fear and frustration in that community. kaitlan. >> you can't blame them for wanting answers on this.
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thank you. the final three episodes of the harry and meghan docuseries on netflix are creating a stir in the united kingdom. some expressing sympathy, others lashing out in defense of the late queen's legacy. scott mccllean joining us live. what are you hearing on the streets of london? >> reporter: there is definitely some sympathy. there's also a lot of deep sighs and more eye rolling going on today or if you're the royal family, the reaction there has been a very stiff upper lip. seems there is little the sussexes could say at this point that would genuinely shock the british public but they have succeeded in getting their attention. >> it was terrifying to have my brother scream and shout t at me and my father say things that weren't true. and my grandmother quietly sit there and take it all in.
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>> reporter: the final revelations have been met with stone cold silence from buckingham palace but not the british public or the press. the morning after the tabloids can't get enough. though it was the prince and princess for fools. blame everybody but themselves. sadly the impact is real. prince harry, surely, is now a traitor to the country he once served. >> essentially harry is using the media to complain about the media but really to complain about his brother. quite painful. >> it's rather uned fieing, i think. i think they're losing the war of public opinion.
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>> reporter: a new poll shows the couple has more detractors than fans in the uk. far worse than king charles or prince william. six in ten brits think making the netflix series at all was a bad idea. >> i think he should move on and not throw his family under the bus. >> i think it's desperation. his brother is going to be the king of england is that any way to go on? >> do you think they should have made it in the first place? >> no. if they're seeking privacy, probably not. >> if you're going to run away from the press, run away from the press. don't i'm leaving london because the press has been awful to me but i'm letting netflix in the house. >> it's complete division. it's the royal family. >> reporter: poppy, it is pretty
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remarkable that any royals made the front covers of the more respected papers in this country considering the many other crises that the uk is facing. yesterday nurses walked out on strike. today it is railway workers. i have to say the more you talk to people in this country, whether it was after the queen's death or this morning, you find that most people, it seems, regardless of what side of the royal rift they're on, want to see the brothers, they want to see king charles reconcile their differences and start to rebuild their relationship. though at this point that seems like a distant fantasy. >> it does, you're right. there's a lot else that should be above the fold on those papers. that's for sure. scott mclean thank you so much outside buckingham palace. we're days away from the release of the january 6th report. something months in the making from that committee. and as we are just days away from it we are getting a farewell speech from one of the two republicans on that
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committee. adam kinzinger, who during a farewell speech yesterday was talking about his leave from congress, wrapping up the committee's work and what he believes is a reflection of the republican party. >> the once great party of lincoln, roosevelt and reagan, has turned its back on the ideals of liberty and self-governance. instead it has embraced lies and deceit. we shelter the ignorant, racist, who only stoke anger and hatred to those who are different than us. >> joining us is chief political correspondent dana bash. dana, it's remarkable. this isn't anything new for adam kinzinger he's been critical of his own party, especially with trump in office and january 6th. but that -- he's choosing to make that his farewell speech on the floor for a reason. >> yes. he is incredibly frustrated, incredibly sad. i'll give you a little -- don't tell anybody i'll give you a
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preview. i talked to him for our january 1st new year's day show on state of the union and he gets emotional. he is emotional. he feels very abandoned by the people in his party, by his colleagues who did not stand up to the former president, did not stand up to the people who he serves with still every single day, when they didn't act and react the way he expencted them to after they were attacked by the people who were -- who were stoked and people who were following the conspiracy theories of the former president. and it just is so telling. you all remember it wasn't that long ago he was the darling of the gop. perfect resume, able to talk on tv, a military guy, he's still
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in the reserves. and look at where he is today. he decided to retire, because he was going to lose a primary. >> so -- i can't wait to see the interview. let's talk about something that you -- something else that you're doing. you interviewed chris sununu for your special. is it called "being sununu". >> being chris sununu. >> watch this. >> that's why when the former president announced he's running for president a week after the election, everyone went okay. he's announcing he's running at his most politically weak point. he's doing it from a point of weakness from whatever his agenda is. it's a blip on the radar. there's an argument to be made he's not even a front runner. >> sununu always had a unique relationship with trump, critical at times. >> we know the president speaks
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in hyperbole tweets and all that. >> would you like the former president to campaign with you? >> i don't need anyone to campaign with me. >> he doesn't define chris sununu or even the republican party. >> but he escaped trump's counter punch. >> you managed to walk this line that most republicans have not. how? >> well, you know, early on, when he became president, we made it really clear, both with him, we had a relationship, and with the white house, look when he does things with policy -- if he does things that deserve credit i'll be the first one to stand up and give credit. but when you have a tone or something i disagree with, i'm going to say that too. >> it's interesting because he's saying that, but he's also touting ron desantis as a stronger candidate than donald trump. >> he said that to me unprompted, guys, when we were talking about the 2024 field. as you can imagine, i did ask about his plan, you have to tune
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in tonight to see what he said about that -- >> you won't tell us, dana, come on. >> we were talking more broadly about the field. he said, you know, as you heard, donald trump isn't necessarily even the front runner. and that he shouldn't be president again. because the country has rightly moved on from him. it was very, very -- pretty harsh when it comes to donald trump. but we also -- the whole goal of this series is to spend time with the people in the news, the people who you cover on your show and have interviews with like you do with chris sununu. and spent quality time with him in new hampshire. i'll tell you there was some getting on a ladder, not me, him, putting some homemade decorations, halloween decorations on his house. he has a vintage 1966 red mustang. and we may have gotten in it to go buy a pumpkin.
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>> that's quite a tease if i've ever heard one. >> it's fascinating what what had said about desantis, especially with the cnn polls we were talking about yesterday how republicans don't think trump should be the nominee and they like desantis as their second best bet: t. >> that's right. before the election he predicted to me that the republican candidate for senate, don bolduc would win, he lost by nine points. afterwards he admitted, i was wrong. it was so telling that he was so confident that he knew his state, knew where the trends were, and the fact that he so misjudged how republicans would do in his own state is very telling about how republicans nationwide misjudged where things are. so there's a lot of soul searching right now. he is one of the people doing that and trying to help figure out where the party should go. >> can't wait to watch that.
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dana bash, thank you so much. >> thanks, db. see you. >> you can join her for that conversation with governor sununu, hear what it's like being a republican governor in a purple state and what his attention is on as he maybe tries to chart a new path for his party. now to "cnn money" this morning. look at stock futures. it looks ugly as the market opens it could be another rough day following thursday's selloff which saw the dow fall. investors concerned about the latest guidance from the federal reserve after raising by half a percentage point on wednesday, the latest effort to try to tame inflation. the fed also said they don't think the u.s. economy will grow much at all in 2023. the central bank is predicting a bigger jump also in unemployment the next year. a larger rise in consumer prices
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and higher interest rates than it expected in september. also on top of it, the commerce department said in november they saw the steepest decline in retail sales in 11 months that reflects a lackluster start to the holiday shopping season as consumers cut back on spending. >> ahead, a major announcement that has steve bannon saying, quote, i can't do this anymore. engine ignition and lift off. >> and nasa is set to get an unprecedented view of earth's water. >> to study how this ever changing resource affects our planet. r employee. all it takes is eight minutes to get started. then work with professionals to assist your business with its forms and submit the application. go to o to learn more.
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subway's upping the sub game again with the subway series menu. crafted to satisfy any craving. it's melty, cheesy and oh so tasty! chuck, this menu is sensational. it's truly an all-star lineup. try it today. well, we fell in love through gaming. but now the internet lags and it throws the whole thing off. when did you first discover this lag? i signed us up for t-mobile home internet. ugh! but, we found other interests. i guess we have. [both] finch! let's go! oh yeah! it's not the same. what could you do to solve the problem? we could get xfinity? that's actually super adult of you to suggest. i can't wait to squad up. i love it when you talk nerdy to me. guy, guys, guys, we're still in session.
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and i don't know what the heck you're talking about. well, we fell in love through gaming. but now the internet lags and it throws the whole thing off. when did you first discover this lag? i signed us up for t-mobile home internet. ugh! but, we found other interests. i guess we have. [both] finch! let's go! oh yeah! it's not the same. what could you do to solve the problem? we could get xfinity? that's actually super adult of you to suggest. i can't wait to squad up. i love it when you talk nerdy to me. guy, guys, guys, we're still in session. and i don't know what the heck you're talking about. ♪ former president trump announced today he is releasing a collection of digital trading cards. it's what his doctors are calling a new symptom. the ex-president of the united
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states, the ex-most powerful man in the world has launched a line of trading cars. it's grope-y man with peek a boo. >> even the most die hard trump supporters are like now i'm worried. even the my pillow guy is going i think trump lost it. >> late night hosts mocking what trump claimed was going to be this major announcement. some speculating maybe it had to do with the presidential company, or the house speaker fight. no it's a store to sell $99 digital trading cards of himself. president biden mock him on twitter listing his own accomplishments. joining us is john avlon and errol lewis.
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i talked to people in trump's orbit about this. they were even like what? people that were no longer his allies that defend everything he does, that -- >> even people who participated in the january 6th insurrection are saying i went to jail for an nft? >> that's right. >> what is this? an nft? >> it's another cheesy grift. him trying to monetize his hard core supporters shows how unseriously he's taking this run for president and how unseriously he takes anything except himself and even that turns into a cartoon version. this is more nonsense. if this is the big reveal some folks need. let's be clear, it's not that he got bad advice he is bad advice. >> listen to what steve bannon said about it because i think this encapsulates reactions from
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even allies. >> i can't do this anymore. he's one of the greatest business people in america. but anyone in his team, we're at war, you ought to be fired today. i still don't think this gets to the heart of it. you don't have three harder cores. >> if they're criticizing you. >> look, steve bannon has been sentenced to prison, he's supposed to spend time behind bars for defending trump and so disrespecting -- well, the charge is contempt of congress. he refused to give any information to the january 6th committee. somebody who battled for trump over and over and over again. and when he says, sounded to me like he was thinking outloud, i can't keep doing this. this is nothing to do with any cause. not even winning power. this is somebody who declared
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for president in mid-november, has he done any events? no, not done one single event. >> but put out superhero trading cards of himself. >> everyone thought this would be something he would announce an event. but this is a grift. >> of course. >> he's raising money once again from people who can, quite frankly, don't have a lot of money, right? and they're sending money to him. >> him personally not his campaign account. >> yes. >> that's a good point. >> he will fleece his fans until everybody is off the -- >> when is enough enough? when do people say i'm done? >> i would suggest by the way while beperhaps are talking to some of these folks, send the $99 to your local soup kitchen or people who need it in the holiday season. people have to grow up at some point. trump and trump-ism and what he means to the country is about how do you react to this person with the vulgarity and the obscenity and the things that
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trump brings to the table. are you going to accept it, fund it, look the other way or maybe just opt out, which is the easiest thing to do at this point? >> this is somebody who i'm your favorite president -- >> put aside that hype, this ain't none of that. >> you hear bannon say one of the greatest presidents of american history. this guy is going to be in the bottom five if he's lucky. this is a guy who tried to overturn democracy and grasp power. and here he's fleecing his supporters with a card as a superhero. it's just another cheesy grift. >> are you getting some poppy? >> are you kidding. that's my only addition to this segment, are you kidding? >> you cannot be serious. you're the john mcenroe of this segment. >> exactly. >> when you said are you kidding, i wonder what people who live in the rest of the
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country, right, the big part bringing the world home is our tag line here, i wonder what they think about this. >> this isn't new york, i'm a minnesota girl and i'm like this is beyond. >> i wonder what your family is thinking? >> we'll ask. >> some people say it's trump being trump and more cartoon nonsense but a time there's serious things going on. and this is a person who's fundamentally -- this is clowning himself again. and some hard core supporters are realizing there's no there there. >> clowning? >> clowning. >> i think the concern is his campaign, it's precisely what you said. it was yesterday -- a month yesterday he announced he's running. they haven't planned any rallies, announced any events. that's what people were hoping this is going to be an outline of what his campaign is going to look like. his own advisers want to see that. >> here we are five years after the fact, still making the same mistake. >> i think we've wasted enough
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time. >> we got to jump. >> let's talk about the thing that is need to get done in washington. >> let's talk about a bill next on that front. >> by the way, biden is winning, trump. so better get it together. thank you, errol, thank you john. >> take care. >> 59 years later but we could learn from the release of thousands of documents related to the jfk assassination. cnn is live in el paso, texas as border officials are bracing for a surge in migrants crossing the border. here's what they're expecting this weekend. >> there are a number of people choosing not to cross just yet. they say they're waiting until next week to figure out what happens with title 42 to figure out if they will cross and they're doing that because they don't want to risk being deported. not t having to worry about the future makes it possible to make t the present
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what would it mean if donald trump was re-elected president? >> i don't think it'll happen. >> the american people have gotten wise to him. took a while but they did. >> i don't think that we should talk about him while we're
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eating. >> i cannot wait to see this whole interview that jamie did. welcome back to "cnn this morning." coming up we have more of jamie's sit down interview with house speaker nancy pelosi and senate majority leader, chuck schumer. what they're saying about a biden re-election over really good chinese food. and the senate buying themselves some time in passing a stop gap bill to avert a government shutdown. and our own donie o'sullivan one of the journalists banned from twitter overnight by elon musk. he'll tell us what he thinks about the crackdown on free speech. nearly six decades after his assassination, the national archives released 13,000 documents related to jfk's assassination. the release of the documents is the second of two document dumps ordered last year by president biden. mr. tom foreman has the details for us. good morning to you. what's in the documents? >> reporter: a lot.
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it's a huge volume of documents, 13,000. this is like 11 copies of war and peace all being dumped at one. what's in it seem to be minutia, details about the endless, endless leads that authorities were looking at at this time. so there's information about how they were wiretapping the soviet embassy down in mexico and how they were following phone calls that came in from nowhere about almost nothing. huge amount. what's striking about this as you read through it is there's no sign -- i say read through it, i'm nowhere near getting through all the pages, it's going to take a long time. there's no sign that there's any really big revelation in here. this is really about filling in all the little gaps because remember, this is the tail end of a huge amount of information that's been released over a long period of time, roughly 5
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million pages overall, just did the math a while ago. if you wanted to read all the pages that federal government has on the kennedy assassination, start reading now you'll be done in about nine years. >> this is something that was an effort in the trump administration, the biden administration, it's kind of releasing -- there's no smoking guns in it but it's still important for the documents to be out there for historians, the archives to be able to look through what they looked at with these 5 million pages. >> if you're somebody who lives for this sort of research, this is a treasure trove. constantly, lots of information. one of the questions people said is why has it taken so long to dump it. when you look at it, you see this is something that the intelligence community is very sensitive about people knowing some of their methods, some of the things they have done, the context they have had. even many years later, which, of
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course, conspiracy theorists look at and say, that's the whole point. you don't want us to know what you were up to. this will fuel that fire as well. >> tom foreman, would you say in nine years -- how long? >> nine. >> i'll be businesy for a while >> thank you. have a great weekend. we'll talk about a bill next to protect pregnant workers from discrimination with broad bipartisan support but staled in congress. hear why.
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sponsored by senators on the left and right, supported by the u.s. chamber of commerce, by labor unions, and maybe of the nation's leading employers. bill cassidy told politico, the clock is ticking, get it through the senate by the end of the year. but when it came up for a vote last week it was blocked. so in a cnn opinion piece titled we disagree about abortion but with one voice support this law. four legal and historical scholars on opposite sides of the debate came together to urge congress to pass it, writing without the bill, plemployers c help. so joining us to talk about this, professor of law at uc
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davis and yale law school. i was a student in profess segal's constitutional law class, thank you for being here. professor segal let me begin with you. people will say i thought pregnancy discrimination at work was illegal already, why isn't the current act enough? >> first of all, thanks for having us on. i think that it's important that we manage to pass the pregnancy discrimination act in 1978 and it's done important work in beginning to shift norms, but the way that courts have interpreted it, both the act is understood to essentially provide same treatment and nothing more. and oftentimes it's the case that employees have difficulty coming up with evidence that there's a comparison, someone similarly situated with an ability to work.
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courts don't buy it. also concern the act doesn't provide for even modest accommodations, reasonable accommodations in the work place at least as courts have interpreted it. so it can leave working pregnant people high and dry out of a job, and often has done. often it's as if the act were there. that's the impetus for the act here. >> so professor ziegler i read a stat that two thirds of pregnant women lose their discrimination cases in court. i think that's because of what professor segal was saying, how this is interpreted often how federal law is interpreted. can you explain what a reasonable accommodation is, what this bill would change if it can make it through? >> yeah. the model for the bill, we already have the americans with disabilities act and a lot of viewers are familiar with that if they have family members with disabilities, that would be extending logic to pregnant workers.
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so employers wouldn't have to undue anything for them. but accommodations would be available for the pregnant worker. what's important too is not just the pregnant workers would be able to get accommodations but requests for accommodations would no longer as a basis for termination. one of the things we see now is employers will use requests for accommodation as an excuse to terminate. we're seeing this not just in employees that are losing accommodations that they need sometimes to avoid negative pregnancy outcomes like miscarriage but employers are using it as an excuse to get rid of employees doing a good job at work. so this is extending disability protection to pregnant workers. >> what's interesting is where the hang up seems to be even though this is supported by so many groups with so many different perspectives, including the u.s. conference of bis bishops, chamber of commerce, et
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cetera, is abortion. i want up to listen to republican senator tillis who blocked this from progressing about his concern. here he is. >> i absolutely want to make sure those sort of reasonable accommodations are accounted for. however, in its current form, this legislation before us would give federal bureaucrats at the eeoc authority to mandate that employers nationwide provide accommodations such as leave to obtain abortion. unlike title 7 and the americans with disabilities act, this contains no exceptions for religious organizations. >> on the abortion concern i wonder what your response is? >> i guess i have two responses. one it goes to the merits of where we stand. which is i say, especially, in the months after the dobbs decision. it's crucial that we get this done and find a way to get it
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done. and the reason that all of us got together, that is to say on both sides of the aisle, to etch s -- emphasize this legislation is that it's critical that we find a path through. the way in which the bill was drafted, it already has some language providing for exclusions along lines of abortion that was sufficient even for the u.s. conference of bishops. so i'm not going to get into the weeds, but it's already there's language in there. secondly we have the religious freedom restoration act on the books as a backstop. and thirdly, there's already some kind of negotiations in the works, the details of which i can't know, and i would think -- but i don't want people to lose sight of the prize that we can't turn everything into a debate about abortion. people who care about the issue
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do care about making sure that working people have the ability to hang onto their jobs if pregnant. that has to be the core issue. >> finally two you professor ziegler this is echoed in the recent piece by attorney rachel morris who said the same thing, she writes it's almost certain related medical conditions will be interpreted to include abortion. final word to address that and your concern if this doesn't pass? >> one of the reasons we wrote the piece is kind of the word on the street is that it's kind of now or never with this bill, given that it doesn't have a lot of support allegedly among incoming house republicans and i just reinforce something professor segal said, this is that one i hope whatever impasse is not addressed, i don't think that abortion should be a justification for taking away protections for pregnant workers at a time when if the dobbs
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decision has an effect, more people will be pregnant, facing determ dete termination and discrimination. so congress needs to figure this out. this is something that americans overwhelmingly support. so while i agree with professor segal i don't particularly find these religious liberty concerns to be that pressing given the religious freedom restoration act and the negotiations ongoing, what's important to remember is that pregnant workers deserve protections and we need to find a way to get it done before the recess. >> it's eye opening to people who assumed the protections were airtight and they're not. thank you both for writing this and getting together with folks who disagree with you to write this for we appreciate it. we'll track it closely. thank you. >> thanks for having us. >> we hope we find the right way to do this, especially for moms.
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