tv CNN This Morning CNN December 19, 2022 4:00am-5:00am PST
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♪ good monday morning, everyone. as you can see, obviously with that big giant capitol behind us. >> we changed locations. >> kaitlan and i are live from washington d.c. there's a very good reason. they're trying to get this done before the changing of the guard. we're talking about, we're just hours away from the january 6th committee, they're going to take up criminal referrals against the former president donald trump, what will be revealed today. also this morning officials in texas are bracing for the end of title 42, that pandemic-era policy that allowed border agents to expel migrants.
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el paso's mayor has declared a state of the emergency. we're live on the ground in mexico. plus -- >> snl losing another fan favorite. we're talking about ceciley strong. she's saying good-bye after 11 seasons. this morning, the january 6th committee will meet for the 10th and final public meeting the committee is expected to announce referrals to the justice department for criminal charges against the former president, donald trump, for inciting violence at the capitol that day. let's look back at some of the biggest moments from the hearings. >> not only did president trump refuse to tell the mob to leave the capitol, he placed no call to any element of the united states government to instruct
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that the capitol be defended. >> what made you decide to leave? >> basically when president trump put his tweet out, we literally left right after that come out. >> after our last hearing, president trump tried to call a witness in our investigation. >> the president reached up towards the front of the vehicle to grab at the steering wheel. mr. mr. engel grabbed his arm said, sir, you need to take your arm off the steering wheel. we're going back to the west wing. we're not going to the capitol. mr. trump used his free hand to lunge towards bobby engel then. >> what i saw was something out of a war scene, something i had seen out of the movies. i can't believe my eyes. >> i affect my life in a major way. in every way. all because of lies. >> i thought that the tweet about the vice president was the last thing that was needed in
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that moment. it was essentially him giving the green light to these people, telling them that what they were doing at the steps of the capitol and entering the capitol was okay, that they were justice department in their anger. and he shouldn't have been doing that. he should have been telling these people to go home and to leave. >> so, let's bring in the person you just heard from there, former deputy white house press secretary under former president trump, sarah matthews. who resigned the night of the riots and testified before the committee. you testified you were one of the few people who went out and did it. a lot of other people superior to you in the administration fought appearing before the committee, including the former vice president. i wonder as we reflect on their work so far if you think january 6th committee has accomplished what they set out to accomplish? >> i think they have been successful in their goal. i think they wanted to shed light on what really happened, how could something like january 6th happen here in america.
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and what they uncovered is that this was a very orchestrated plot by president trump and his conspirators. i was inside the white house myself and i didn't realize this was going on behind the scenes, the full extent of it. i was learning in real-time with the american people watching it unfold in the hearings. i think the hearings were compelling and provided a lot of evidence to show that trump tried to overturn the election and did not act on january 6th to do anything when a mob that he incited stormed the capitol. >> we're expecting criminal referrals that are coming, as don was saying earlier, they have impact but they don't have teeth essentially. it doesn't actually require the justice department to act. i wonder, as you've seen all of this put together, you were there on january 6th inside the white house. will you be disappointed if the justice department doesn't pursue that route? >> i will be disappointed. i think that no one is above the law and it's important to hold people accountable, president
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trump included. and i think that the -- it will be curious to see what doj has in terms of evidence compared to what the january 6th committee has. and the january 6th committee is planning to make all of their evidence public from what i've heard. so that's great. and that could help potentially doj with their investigation. but it does seem doj is following a similar route right now to what the committee has pursued in terms of witnesses they brought in and things of that nature. so i hope that's the case so they'll pursue that route. >> i thought it was interesting to go back to something you said. you said you were in the white house when it happened. >> um-hum. >> and you found out in real time what was happening along with the american people yet you were there. what is the disconnect between what was happening in the west wing and happening with the president and the administration and quite frankly members of the administration and the american people because i found it fascinating that people weren't screaming at the top of their lungs stop this. it seemed like everyone in the
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white house should have known what was going on. >> yeah, i was a couple layers removed being a deputy press secretary, i wasn't in the meetings privy to some of the conversations that people that were more senior to me would have been -- >> was there an effort to suppress it or it just happened that way? >> i think there was an effort to suppress it. i think people on the campaign side as well were trying to tell the president, hey, you know what, there's no evidence here, once all his litigation failed there's no evidence to overturn the results of the election. and that's when you started to see president trump not listen to those folks anymore and then start to listen more to the people feeding him conspiracies and lies and it seems he's convinced himself of those lies. >> in this time since january 6th, what i was struck by that day is speaking with people, your colleagues in the white house, people were so freaked out by what happened that day, a lot of people like you were so upset by what happened, not all of them resigned.
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i wonder what you make of how you saw your colleagues react to that day versus today, how they try to down play the committee given it is coming to an end? >> i think that day, my colleagues inside the white house and, you know, republicans that i'm friends with on capitol hill, everyone across the board was equally disturbed. it was one of the darkest days i think in our nation's history. but i do think it's strange how now some people, you know, who were a couple years removed from it, seem to have short memories and not realize how big of a deal that day was. and i think a lot of republicans would rather move on from it, whitewash over the events of that day for political expediency. which is disappointing because i think, like i said earlier, no one is above the law, donald trump needs to be held accountable and so do his co-conspire or thes. >> thanks for joining us this morning. we have a lot to cover today. thanks for sharing your insight.
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>> thank you. the southern border, cities are extremely strained by a major migrant surge and it's about to get worse. once controversial title 42 border policy ends this week, officials are expecting thousands more to arrive each day. david culver is in mexico with more. good morning to you, what are you seeing and what are we expecting, sir? >> reporter: don and dkaitlan, right now it's quiet but we know it can change and get to be a steady pace, even at this hour, in the 4:00 hour in the morning, 5:00 hour in the morning, it doesn't matter. people are still continuing along from what has been a long journey. they go down here towards this path. we just saw a couple. see if they're still there. down closer to the river bank side and cross over from the mexico side where we are right there into the u.s. one thing we noticed that's different in the past month is u.s. officials put up this chain
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link fence. you can see it under the light. and that is what appears to be an effort to funnel some of the migrants coming across into one space so they can be processed. this is what i found interesting landing here on this side of the border, the u.s. side, el paso, let me show you the airport, this is what i stepped off midnight saturday into early sunday morning. you can see several dozen migrants camped out there on the airport floor. i talked to one of the security guards and they didn't seem phased by it. they said on and off in recent weeks this is common. you see hundreds of people throughout that city and a lot of them of course starting here for their journey to get over and they anticipate that's going to continue over the next few days. and certainly, the focus is going to be on wednesday, when title 42 is expected to officially end. now this is another interesting comparison. if you look at what we saw from above back in mid november when we were here. this is the day side image of
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this river bank side that we are on in mexico. you can see hundreds of tents. these tents were there for several weeks. some several months. these are folk whs who were cam out waiting to cross. let me show you the weekend, again from up above, cleared out, all empty. that's because they decided to empty this space for what they consider to be consider to be security reasons and a lot of folks continuing on -- i'm looking over here, do you see here, let's go back out here live and those folks i mention there had have already crossed. they're changing out from what they were wearing, because it's likely wet and it's freezing temperatures. putting on a few more layers and continue on to be processed, don and kaitlan. >> are you hearing -- we're hearing such concern from officials on the u.s. side of the border, what are you hearing from officials there? >> reporter: there is concern here too.
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there's a strain. and the reality of resources that this city is dealing with as well in juarez. let me show you some of these images from late last month. this is the camp being cleared out, the one that was right behind me. it was a clash with mexican police. officials were trying to carry out efforts to clean up the river side as they see it, get people moving along. i spoke with the mayor here, asked is he keeping in touch with his counterparts in the u.s. >> we have a lot of communication and work together. >> what is your biggest concern when it comes to wednesday and what could happen with the lifting of title 42? >> the real concern, you know, the real problem we can have and we have talked with american authorities and they have to try to process quickly.
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>> reporter: he's saying to process them quickly. he's putting a lot of that on the american side of things. he said there's good relationships in trying to coordinate but he wants the american side to process them quickly. why would he want that? he doesn't want a back up here on the mexican side. it seems an effort to continue people moving along. >> david culver on the border for us, thank you very much. this morning. we want to get to someone who knows a lot about this, will herd, a former republican congressman from texas and former undercover cia officer. it's good to have you on, congressman. you know deeply about this problem serving as a congressman there. you're in a boarder state. what are you seeing in texas? how do you think officials have been preparing for the end of title 42 coming in just two days? >> well, the officials here are freaked out, to be honest, about the impact this is going to have on local communities.
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when i was in congress, i represented from eagle pass to el paso and the images that y'all were showing were things i lived when i was in congress. let's get some context of this. the city officials from el paso over the weekend, talked about how they were dealing with about 2,000 folks coming across the border illegally a day. when title 42 goes away they are concerned that the biden administration and officials are going to allow ultimately up to 4,000, 5,000. even preparing for 6,000 people a day. these are crazy numbers. to give context, i think we've all seen the clips of jeh johnson, the former homeland security secretary under president obama who once said during a hearing if they were seeing 1,000 apprehensions a day, that would strain the system. that's the entire system. and just in el paso we're seeing
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2,000 now potentially going upwards. this is a crisis. i think president biden, to show that there's going to be a change, he has to get rid of all of his officials that were involved in border security. i think that includes secretary ma ma ma mayorkas because they have no credibility inside the united states or outside the united states. and people think the u.s. has open borders and it doesn't. these communities, places like el paso, these are inhumane policies. i can make an argument that president biden's policies were more inhumane than president trumps, and his were horrible. you're going to have thousands of people sleeping on the streets of el paso and this week it's probably going to be below 20 degrees. that's an imhumane policy and they need to do more. >> i've us time here.
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i understand you have a lot to say. you said a lot of things here. but give us time here to ask you some questions. kaitlan, go on. >> i was going to ask you about if biden has the legal authority to extend title 42 but you're saying he needs to fire his homeland security secretary? >> yes. of course. but this crisis has escalated under him. there's other ways to do expedited removal. you have a title 8 authority, and what a new secretary of homeland security should be coming in saying listen we're going to use title 8 authority to the same level that we're using title 42. right now you're not seeing a number of expedited removals that border patrol is legally allowed to do. expedited removals, people that don't have the right documentation, that lied about why they were coming into the united states and had come into
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the country or have been apprehended within 14 days cough coming into the country and somewhere within 100 miles of the border. this is a title and policy that has been used for many administrations and why the biden administration is not using it to the same level of authority they can, i do not know. >> listen, you said that, you know, the trump administration that the policies were horrible. you think the biden administration is worse. you're putting on basically this administration, you said a lot about it. and the buck does stop with the president. here's a question, both republicans and democrats have been dealing with this issue for a long time. republicans have blocked a lot of legislation when it comes to border security. >> sure. >> so shouldn't it be the congress and lawmakers? shouldn't some of the onus be on them to come together and work to fix this problem instead of using it as a political back and forth and using immigrants as political pawns? >> 100%, don, i agree with you. this is -- i've always said that
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unfortunately, immigration is one of those issues that politicians would rather use as a political bludgeon against each other than solving the problems. absolutely. we should be streamlining legal immigration. we should be making sure the right technology is on the border to prevent people from coming in illegally. we should be using and focussing all of our foreign aid to address those root causes that are causing people to come here -- >> why isn't that happening? >> -- to the united states illegally? it's not happening because there's no political will to do that in congress. there's a piece of legislation that would do it. i know because i helped draft it. it was called the usa act. the republican speaker stopped it from coming to the floor. but a democratic speaker could have picked that same piece of legislation up and moved it and chose not to do that as well. so again, this current crisis
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started under the previous administration. it's gotten worse under the current administration. and the leadership of congress has responsibility for this over multiple leaders as well. so this is something -- >> congressman, don makes a good point about congress passing immigration reform, something that's been totally elusive to them, with both majorities. when it comes to president biden we heard senator manchin saying he believes he can extend title 42 acting on an executive order. does he have that legal authority to extend title 42? >> i think there was a recent court case that makes that a little trickier, in my opinion, however you have title 9. and you have those authorities under that where you can do the expedited removals which are done under title 42. that's the authority that has existed and why this administration is preferring to use title 42 instead of the
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existing authorities, i do not understand the reasoning behind that. and look, i agree, our legislative leaders have work to do on this. but ultimately, it's the executive branch that executes our immigration laws. and when you're not using those laws to the fullest extent, it's the responsibility of that administration. the degradation of the relationship with mexico, the bilateral relationship right now is probably at one of the worst parts, one of the worst times in recent history. that's nothing thing that is exacerbating this potential problem. how have we not been working with some of the countries where the majority of folks are coming from to address those root causes. and so, again, i think everybody in government and it ultimately what the american people want to see, they want to see people that have common sense solve problems and fix this issue
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because nobody wants to see people dying on the streets in el paso because they froze to death. >> i think that's all true. listen, i think they want to see lawmakers come together. there's a lot of blame to go around but it's up to lawmakers to work together this is a bipartisan issue. thank you congressman hurd for joining us. >> always a measure sure. the house january 6th committee set to vote on criminal referrals against donald trump. donald ayers is going to join us live with his reaction next. plus, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy proposed a global peace message but fifa blocked him. why they refused to show his message. he whoa! of listerine to your routine. new science shows it gets in between teeth to destroy 5x more plaque above the gumline than flossss. for a cleaner, healthier mouth.
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former president and others. sources telling cnn that those charges include insurrection, obstruction of an official proceeding, and conspiracy to defraud the federal government. we want to turn now to the former deputy attorney general under president george h.w. bush, that's donald ayer. i said ayers earlier, pardon me. >> that's okay. >> we appreciate having you on. as the committee is meeting, what do you think of the overall work, and what they've accomplished so far? >> i think it's incredibly important. i think first very important in really educating the country in what went on. you had the series of hearings one after another, each one focused in a careful and thorough way of aspects of this effort, essentially, to overthrow our democratic system. and what we saw, i think, was news to pretty much everybody in
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the sense that what it showed was that donald trump was at the center of the whole process. he was the driving force behind it. he was the one who, in each instance, for example, the phone call to brad raffensperger, the intervention trying to get the justice department to do things, the phone calls to other state officials. one thing after another involved donald trump taking action on his own and even more, it involved him doing it over the objections of his own hand-picked people. people who saw what he was doing and said in various ways at different times that he shouldn't do it. so what you have here is a wonderful presentation staggered over time, so people could absorb it and people who watched it i think did absorb it. and i think it's changed the way people who are paying attention in this country think about the entire situation of what should be done with donald trump.
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so i think we've reoriented the country in terms of thinking about it, obviously, he still has his supporters, they don't agree, i'm not trying to say everyone is convinced. but many people who would have said before, if asked should donald trump be prosecuted, would have said we can't do that. you can't go after. it's like a banana republic, you can't go after a former president. now we know, because of the committee, what he did. and that he was at the hub of just about the worst thing that anyone could do if you want to attack the country, to destroy the democratic process of the united states of america. he was at the ferof it. and so, now i think many people who would have said no, i don't really think it's -- even though i may not like him, i think now people are adjusted to it. that's not only significant for
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public opinion but i think it's very significant in terms of framing the decision for the folks at the justice department who now have to go forward. >> and you worked at the justice department under president george h.w. bush. you are well versed in this. so that is a question of what does happen -- what happens today, what does it mean for jack smith, the special counsel and what he decides and does it increase pressure on him, potentially? >> i would not think of it as increasing pressure. what i would think of it as, the justice department has been doing and is going to do the job that it does. one of the things that's frustrated a lot of people is that the way it works, and appropriately so, it works in private. it works under cover of silence. it doesn't go out and try -- even though merrick garland's predecessor, bill barr did, in fact, publically comment on ongoing investigations in a horrendous way aimed at essentially supporting donald
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trump's re-election effort, that isn't the way the department works, and merrick garland has been quiet and people are saying why hasn't he said anything, why isn't he moving forward? now we have this whole backdrop of what occurred and now it's now in the hands of the special counsel, which i think was a -- i wasn't necessarily in favor of it at the time but i think it was a prudent thing to do. it's in the hands of a person whose job is now to look at the evidence, look at the case, decide under the guidelines of the department whether this is a proper case to bring, and that's now what has to happen. >> look, not to cut you off here, i don't want to put words in your mouth, but it sounds like you're saying there should be an indictment? >> the bottom line question is always the question that goes to the justice department. and they have to assess the quality of the case they have, that they can put on in court. and that involves admissible
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evidence. these hearings could put on a variety of kinds of evidence. most of it probably is admissible. it has to be firsthand evidence, people, documents, admissible, they have to make that judgment. >> from what you've seen? >> from what i've seen i think there's enormous evidence, as i said before, of donald trump's -- number one there are three factors that the department thinks about prominently when they're looking at this. one is the nature and seriousness of the offense, what could be more serious. second element is the importance of deterrence. is it important to detefr this conduct in the future? we have people out there working to try to do this again next time. and the final question -- not the final question but the third in order of priority, is the culpability of the person you're focused on prosecuting. we know from these hearings from donald trump's level of
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culpability is through the roof. he's the one that made this happen. all of those factors line up. the question for jack smith who doesn't have to sit here and think as merrick garland would, i'm in the cabinet of the president of the united states, who defeated donald trump, oh, this is going to look like a banana republic. we don't want to be part of this. jack smith is i'm a prosecutor. i have a question to ask, can i prosecute this case and another element is, can you probably win it before a jury. that's his job. that's what he's going to do and he's going to look at that. >> thank you. >> an interesting thing -- yeah, thank you so much. they're going to release this report, part of it today, all of it wednesday. the justice department is going to learn a lot too, they don't know everyone that interviewed, they haven't seen the transcripts of the interviews. >> we don't know how much it'll expand what they know, but surely it will.
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it will give them a breath of information. >> thank you for being here. >> glad to be here. president zelenskyy's message of peace blocked from the world cup. we have exclusive cnn reporting on how he is reacting this morning. the people have spoken, elon musk asked twitter if he should step down as the ceo. millions said yes, will he actually do it. [laughing] surprise! it's a new buick. you got me a new buick?! oh! and there are more gifts inside. you got me the he up display. wow!
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go to ♪ ♪ all right. welcome back, everyone. the sun is coming up. welcome back to "cnn this morning." beautiful washington d.c. we're live here ahead of the january 6th committee's final public meeting. we'll have more on that in just a moment. we're live in the bahamas ahead of disgraced ftx founder sam bankman-fried's court hearing. and the biden administration is facing a surge of migrants as a trump era policy expires this week. also ukrainian president zelenskyy criticizing fifa after the world cup's governing body refused to show a video he taped, a message of peace, ahead
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of the final match on sunday. >> translator: this is the meaning of football. everyone has a chance to win. everyone can show he is the strongest. but the competition is on the playing field not the battlefield. although fifa blocked this address from being shown at the stadium before the final game in qatar, the world still heard our call. >> cnn's matthew chance is live in london. if they had aired this video, so many people are watching the world cup. it would have had a really big reach. what else are you hearing from this on this? >> reporter: tens of millions of people around the world, of course, probably more than that watching the world cup final, it was an extraordinary game, i don't know if you had a chance to watch it. from a ukrainian point of view, it was an opportunity to put across their message to -- you know, to call for a sort of peace situation to emerge in what is the biggest war that's under way in the world at the moment and the ukrainians are absolutely furious. i spoke to them over the
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weekend, that fifa had rejected or rebuffed their offer to put out a video, a recorded message from volodymyr zelenskyy, the ukrainian president, talking about that general urging peace, you know, to these millions of fans that would have been watching the final around the world. fifa haven't responded to that at the moment. but what the ukrainians tell me is they were told by fifa the message was too political. something the leadership of fifa didn't want to put across on the world cup final. ukrainians, though, pushing back, saying, look, fifa shouldn't be frightened about putting a message of peace out in what is meant to be a celebration of peace through the world cup. nations can prove that they're -- who's the strongest on the playing field, instead of on the battlefield that was the general message of zelenskyy's address. the game has happened, it's
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over, it was an amazing game but business in the mouth of the ukrainian leadership and they see it as a missed opportunity to promote peace, kaitlan. >> it seems almost as political of a decision to not air it as they presumably thought it was to air it. matthew chance, thank you. up next we'll take you live to the bahamas ahead of former ftx ceo sam bankman-fried's court hearing. he night soon be extradited to the united states. vo: ferrari knows racing. palantir knows data. bonded by engineering excellence. palantir. so it takes the right tool for the job... to keep it together.
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last week. patrick ottoman is live in the bahamas this morning. good morning to you. what are we expecting to learn at this court appearance today? >> reporter: good morning. the court is right behind me. within hours we expect sam bankman-fried to come here and give up his fight to stay in the bahamas to, essentially, fight the u.s.'s efforts to extradite him to face those charges. charges that could lead to up to 100 years in jail if he were to be convicted. what prosecutors are calling one of the largest frauds in history. sam bankman-fried said he committed many mistakes and apparently wasn't on top of his business operations and that's what led to more than a billion dollars being misallocated or misappropriated. when he was brought here by authorities from a prison in nassau, he's expected, according to people close to his case, to say he will leave the bahamas,
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he's ready to go to the u.s. to face the charges. within hours after that, he could be taken by u.s. marshals on a private plane, to the u.s. to new york where we assume he would be charged and then perhaps in the coming hours or days, try to negotiate some kind of arrangement where he could be released on bail. but as of right now, he is in a very tough prison here in nassau and he's essentially giving up his efforts to stay in the bahamas and trying to go home where his legal troubles are only just beginning. >> patrick is following this story live for us from the p bahamas. thank you. now this. >> this is ceciley's last day at radio shack after 8 years. >> i've been here 11. >> and eight of them were incredible. >> a surprise announcement
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before saturday night life's final episode of 2022, cecily strong is exiting amid her 11th season, one of the longest tenured female cast members and certainly one of the funniest. >> i'm here to say good-bye. i had a lot of fun here and i feel really lucky i got to have so many of the best moments of my life in this place with these people that i love so much. >> strong is now joining a long list of cast mates who left the show in 2022, including pete davidson, kate mckinnon and kyle mooney. and andy bryant. my favorite was when she did the
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girl you wish you hadn't started a conversation with at a party. >> we've all met someone like that. >> it was always so good. such a good sketch. >> i think the thing about her is she was this -- obviously she was a strong comedic actress and writing. and she was such a brilliant writer, they always need material. as you know, writing is everything in the entertainment business, music business. one of the funnest to do the white house correspondents' dinner. >> so funny. more coverage here of the january 6th final upcoming public hearing. wait a minute. who's that person right there?
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fans in buenos aires still celebrating this morning after argentina beat france on penalty kicks to skaur thrilling world cup victory in qatar. am i supposed to say lionel? >> i say lionel. she says lionel. messy scoring two goals in the final lifting argentina to their third world cup victory and first since 1986. listening to telemundo broadcaster argentine american andres kantor.
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>> argentina with the goal! >> obviously very emotional there. after the game andres shared an emotional hug with his son nico who was also in qatar broadcasting the game. the victory was a dream come true for the father and for the son. there he is, telemundo deportes chief world cup commentator joins us now from doha. i have to say i'm hoarse and out of breath waiting for you. you've waited a long time. >> thank you.
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i waited, argentine, 36.5 years for this moment. i tried to be as composed as i could. obviously i lost it there for a little bit. it was an epic final, a roller coaster of emotions. i haven't seen a more dominant final in world cup history for 76 minutes, and then argentina had the two minutes, france tied the game. the roller coaster of overtime and the pks, it was too much. >> this game was insane. you weren't the only one who got emotional. messi did, too. he said it would be his last final game. he got the world cup. you saw him kissing it later. how much des this mean to messi? >> it means everything. he just cemented his legacy winning a world cup in his fifth
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try. this was literally his last dance and it was a fairytale ending that almost got away. france had the winning goal saved by emilio martinez in one of the last plays of the match. an incredible save. score sometimes is not fair. just to compare it to nfl or nba, the first 75 minutes it was a blowout, one team being 75 points and the other one 43 in the nba, 35-7 in the nfl. that's how dominant argentina was. suddenly in two minutes france tied the game, but at the end argentina ended upbeating the reigning world champions to become champions. you can't write any more history than that with lionel messi's career with two goals and a great world cup overall. >> this is a really important
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question, potato potato, tomato, tomato. lionel? >> it's lionel but they call him leo, l-e-o. >> that's easier for everyone. that's easy to get it right. leo. >> that's it. you got it. >> congratulations. we're very happy for you. congratulations argentina and everyone involved. andres kantor we're going to misspeaking to you these early mornings. let's hope it happens again for the next world cup. >> we have the summer's world cup. the women's fifa world cup next summer. we'll be speaking then. >> it's a date. last night was the first night of hanukkah. the jewish holiday known as the festival of lights during which
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the candles of a menorah lit over the course of eight nights. cnn's harry enten was this morning's number. >> this morning's number is 87%. that's the percentage of websites who spell hanukkah -- >> they're wrong. >> there's a little bit of a controversy on how exactly to spell it. there are, get this, 36 different potential spellings of hanukkah that i tested in 2022. 87% say it's with the double k, back in 2004 it was 53 support, starting with a c. now it's down to just 8%. this could be perhaps because of the influence of the ap style book or multiple dictionaries spelling it this way. hanukkah with a c has one thing
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going, limited polling shows jewish americans prefer hanukkah with a c. bottom line, it's a tran transliteration. why is hanukkah a unique holiday? it wasn't celebrated before the 180s. then rabbis in cincinnati connected gifts with hanukkah because they wanted american jews to be part of the american holiday season without having to celebrate christmas. get this. hanukkah is important to american jews. more jews a menorah, 81%. as many american jews as israeli jews celebrate by lighting the min nora. who celebrates in the u.s.? only 2% of americans are jewish
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but 7% celebrate hanukkah indicating there are non-jews celebrating the festival of lights. by the way, you're all wrong. hanukkah is spelled with a c. >> my synagogues have it right. >> i agree. >> just real quick before i let you go. i light my menorah every year, tomorrow i can start. >> you can start and you can have me over and we can light the menorah together. >> thank you, harry. c h a n. i don't care what the polling shows. >> cnn this morning continues right now. good morning everyone. so glad you can wake up with us. welcome to cnn this morning. our poppy harlow is off th
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