tv CNN Newsroom CNN December 20, 2022 11:00am-12:00pm PST
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former president donald trump's tax returns. also the unprecedented actions of the january 6th committee. for the first time in american history, congress recommended criminal charges against a former president. the committee accused trump of four crimes including inciting an insurrection. the biden administration is just a few hours left to respond after the supreme court put a temporary hold on ending title 42. that trump administration rule allows officials to turn migrants away at the border because of pandemic era concerns. there's a lot to get to. let's start with trump's tax returns and lauren fox is live on capitol hill. first, what do we know about the meeting that's going to happen pretty soon? >> reporter: in just under an hour, victor, we expect the house ways and means committee will convene this meeting. all eyes will be on whether or not they decide to lease any of former president donald trump's tax information to the public. we expect that once this meeting begins they will vote to go into a closed door session.
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everyone will be kicked out of the room. they will deliberate. that could go on for several hours. after that meeting they will open it back up to the public, and they will have a vote on what they want to do. now we don't know what their decision will be or what information they are looking potentially to release publicly. is that going to be full tax returns or some kind of comprehensive report, but we are going to be watching very closely. obviously, it's a momentous day, given the fact that this fight started years ago, victor. this is something that the house ways and means chairman richard neal vowed to do when democrats won back the house in 2018, and today almost four years later, it's something they are going to have to make a decision about. victor? >> lauren, we'll see you at the top of the next hour. thank you. the january 6th committee now, it describes its report, recommending criminal charges against former president trump as a, quote, road map to justice. the decision on whether to charge him will be up to the department of justice. the doj has it owns
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investigation, as you know, but will now have access to the committee's transcripts and their findings, all of the files. the panel plans to lease its full report beginning tomorrow. sara murray is with us now. what does this mean for doj to get access to the committee's work? >> reporter: this underlying evidence is what doj has wanted all the time, this whole time. they really wanted the transcripts, in part, because it's important to their own investigation. they can see if they talked to the same witnesses, if they maybe said something different to the committee than what they're saying to prosecutors. that's important for them. they're going to be looking to see if there is any actual evidence in the committee's report or in these transcripts that there may have been people trying to obstruct this congressional investigation or try to tamper with witnesses who are part of this congressional investigation. that stuff can be important for doj, victor. >> we're learning new information about the special counsel jack smith, appointed to
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oversee the doj investigations. >> we've heard a lot of jack smith but haven't seen much of him. he's been in europe recovering from a bike accident. my colleague paula reed is told he will return to the u.s. in early january. he wants to set up an office outside of the justice department, get these prosecutorial teams under one roof in a special counsel's office. that has not happened yet. we expect that to happen. these investigations, the mar-a-lago documents investigation, the january 6th investigation, the justice department is conducting, these have been ongoing, but him being here, back here in the u.s., will have a more day-to-day role in overseeing these investigations. no longer remotely. >> sara murray, thank you very much. bring in elie honig, former federal prosecutor. let's start with the taxes. the committee said that they wanted them for legislative purposes. let's look at the latest filing from the justice department. they say that the chairman of house ways and means, and we can put the quote on the screen, explain the importance of
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individual tax information to the committee's inquiry to learn how the presidential audit program operates in practice, also the chairman also set forth the reasons the committee considers it former president trump's tax information in particular to be indispensable to its inquiry into the robustness and objectivity of the presidential audit program. there doesn't seem to be time for policy, maybe just enough time to release them publicly. >> interesting the way this has played out. when the ways and means committee requested the individual tax returns of donald j. trump they used a trofederalw that says those shall be furnished to the irs by the way and means. donald trump challenged this in court, and in court what ways and means committee said, we are not seeking these returns because we want to investigate donald trump or expose donald trump, we need these returns because we're considering legislation, we're considering new laws. yet, it's always remained a bit of -- there's a disconnect. why would you need an individual's private returns in order to consider new
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legislation that says, if they're someone who becomes president or vice president, they will be audited. it's never been clear why they need this specific returns. yet, here we are on the brink of the end of this congress, they have not legislated or taken serious steps towards legislating, yet meeting today to discuss potentially making the returns public. i think there's a real inconsistency there. >> the american people deserve to see the tax returns, now he's a candidate again. the question is, is this the avenue, is this the vehicle to release those? this is -- we're going to play for you now the chairman of house ways and means, richard neal, april of 2019. listen closely here. >> you cannot summarily or arbitrarily release the tax returns if one were to receive them. that is a clear violation of federal law. that's why i think it would be a good idea to have professionals who are nonpartisan to review the forms and then the ways and means committee would have the opportunity at that point to
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decide through an up or down vote with full transparency as to whether or not the forms ought to be released to the american people. >> explain that. does this nonpartisan review make it okay to lease them? no. representative neal is half right. he is right the same law that ways and means committee used to rightly get the individual tax returns does say that if the ways and means committee gets the returns of any individual they have to maintain confidentially and only consider them in closed session because the law is trying to protect the privacy interest of all people. representative neal is correct, but then he pivots, so we're going to bring in an outside group that's going to tell us whether it's okay. the law tells him you're not supposed to disclose these. we'll see if they stick with that. >> does donald trump have legal recourse? >> interestingly, a lot could depend on the practicalities here. if the ways and means committee comes out at 4:15 and said we
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voted here they are, they're public, but if ways and means says we intend to disclose these in two days, donald trump can if he wants go to court and seek an order blocking that and say this would violate my rights under the law. >> let's talk january 6th now. the referral has now been sent. if you look at the goings on of late with additional subpoenas of testimony and all that jack smith is doing, there is a timeline of when we could get a decision about a potential indictment? >> if i'm jack smith the timeline would be yesterday, six months ago, that would be the ideal ideal time to make a decision. by the way, don't take it from me, jack smith and merrick garland have recognized that. when jack smith was appointed, they made vanilla public statements but said essentially recognized time is of the essence, jack smith, along with the rest of us will be waiting for this report to drop. i'm sure he has a team ready to scour through the materials and
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see is there new material and two, inconsistent or problematic material that could complicate our case. >> as a logistical matter we're talking about the january 6th investigation he's overseeing and chat fide documents investigation. would we have to wait for both of those to be concluded to get a single report or paired reports or decisions on indictments or could one come before the other. >> there's no hard and fast rule. this will be a discretionary decision for jack smith to make. as soon as one is ready i'll give it to you. if they're not ready you will get then one after another. let's get this over with at once. that's a decision for jack smith. >> ellie honig, thank you very much. you will be back at the next hour on the taxes. plenty of reaction from lawmakers on this consequential week for donald trump including from senate gop leader mitch mcconnell who issued this statement after the january 6th hearing, the entire nation knows
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who is responsible for that day. beyond that, i don't have any immediate observations. joining me, alice stewart, cnn political commentator, republican strategist, olivia troy, former adviser to mike pence. let me start with you on that statement from mitch mcconnell. there's some analysts who call this bold and say it's a zinger, this is a major statement from him. is it? he doesn't name him. >> look, this speaks the truth. this is senator mcconnell speaking the truth and his feelings are shared by many rationale republicans i've been speaking with over the last days and weeks. the entire nation does know not only what happened, but how it happened, how it played out, and now they know who is responsible. wa we're hearing from other top republican leaders say they're disappointed with what happened, but they're glad the facts are out there. others are saying this is now certainly in the hands of the justice department. look, while this is now being litigated in the court of law,
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the court of public opinion is turning on donald trump. we're seeing more and more people see that what we saw throughout the course of this january 6th committee was not just what happened, but we heard it, saw it and felt it. people understand that was absolutely wrong. there was no question that this was something that shouldn't have happened. we should have never questioned the outcome of the election. we should have never questioned certification of the election. we certainly should not have allowed this insurrection at the capitol. but let me also point out this as well, victor, some republicans that say that this january 6th committee, they view this as a joke. they say that this was nothing more than an effort just to pass forward criminal referrals. some even agree with donald trump, that they look at this as a corrupt process. but more and more rationale republicans are disagreeing with that and siding more with the mcconnell wing of this, not only should january 6th not have happened, but those responsible, like donald trump, should be
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held responsible. >> so owe live ya, your form boss mike pence is not going as far as some of those republicans that alice mentioned. let's listen and then we'll talk >> i would hope that they would not bring charges against the former president. look, as i wrote in my book, i think the president's actions and words on january 6th were reckless, but i don't know that it's criminal to take bad advice from lawyers. i hope the justice department understands the magnitude and very idea of indicting a former president of the united states. i think that would be terribly divisive in the country. >> olivia, he's going further than some republican senators we've heard from over the last 24 hours or so and according to cassidy hutchinson, former president trump agreed with the protesters who were chanting "hang mike pence." why is he doing this? is this a political calculation?
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>> it is. i think mike pence is having an identity crisis right now. do you want to be the rationale true conservative and pull apart from the maga field and differentiate yourself from donald trump or play the donald trump apologist repeatedly and coddle that and continue to try to court those voters that will never come back to you. show some leadership and strength and stand by mcconnell's statement and say all this is just gone too far, it almost led to my death, we need to be going in a different direction, and also the department of justice, no one is above the law. if donald trump did this, which the committee has done great job of laying out the facts by republicans, i will say, republicans who served loyally in the trump administration, most of these voices were people who were conservatives, people like rusty bowers in arizona, all these witnesses actually are
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part of the gop. also kind of attack the doj as part of it, i think it's beyond ridiculous and also i think it's reflecting poorly on him. >> victor, if i can follow-up, olivia would know better than most, mike pence is being cautious, and he, like many republicans, don't want to suffer the fallout of being attacked by donald trump, which many people have feared for years. what we're seeing now is that these criminal referrals give a lot of republicans permission to turn the page. it gives them permission to look elsewhere and turn their backs on donald trump because enough is enough. now we have options out there with regard to 2024 and i do believe this criminal referral will help that. >> alice you say this is giving republicans cover to go in a different direction. trump sent out on his social media page that people who love freedom, rally around me after
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this. this strengthens me. what doesn't kill me makes me stronger. now you could change out people who love freedom to people who love trump, this may strengthen him. is there a good gauge among the electorate of how much this does or does not strengthen him? that to you, alice? >> his base, they are going to solidify behind him, and it will probably embolden his base, but there are a lot of people who have been really disenchanted with donald trump and his behavior since he left office. what he said in his statement was, he accused the, quote, unselect committee of being corrupt cowards. look, nothing says corrupt coward like an official who sends supporters to the capitol to do your bidding. more are recognizing his behavior that day was unacceptable and certainly is disqualifying for anyone to be the president of the united states in the future. >> olivia, let me finish with
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you on this republican congressman elect george santos, "new york times" reports, cnn corroborated, no records that nyu and the college have to support his claims he earned degrees there. his campaign biography included claims of experience at citigroup and goldman sacks. no record of that at those companies. what should kevin mccarthy do here and keep in context that he's still looking for 218 votes and if this man wanted to he could say, listen, you've got my vote but can't come after me for this question of my credentials? >> yeah. look that's the reality of the situation, right. kevin mccarthy needs that vote, so i don't think he's going to do anything. what he should do, well he should hold this person accountable and i think it would be important to do that because it should speak to the credibility of the republican party, which is already waning significantly in terms of how the far right and the party behaves and the fact that they are the base of the party right now and their demeanor.
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do you want this guy sitting there who basically lied about his background now. there's an easy way to clear this up for this representative. if this is all false and he's -- i've seen the attacks where he's saying the left attacking him, he should produce the documents that will refute this and we can clear this up quickly. i will say this, i think it's abhorrent that he lied potentially about having had employees that died, that were killed in that pulse night club shooting. i think that is actually just disgusting and i think that speaks to his character that that would even fathom something that would come out of his mouth if it's not true. >> if it is better than it looks, people will rush to tell you. olivia troy and alice stewart, thank you. >> thanks. the biden administration faces a 5:00 p.m. deadline to respond to the supreme court after justice roberts put on hold the termination of title 42.
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there is new reaction to the ruling on both sides of the border. we have that for you next. and with flu and covid cases high, we'll tell you how to keep viruses from impacting your holiday plans. that is important, that is ahead. stay with us. nothing kills more viruses, including the covid-19 virus, on more surfaces thann lysol disinfectant spray. lysol. what it takes to protect. research shows people remember commercials with nostalgia. so to help you remember that liberty mutual customizes your home insurance, here's one that'll really take you back. wow! what'd you get, ryan? it's stomized home insurance from liberty mut! what does it do, bud? it customizes our me insurance so we only pay for what we need! and what did you get, mike? i got a bike. ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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. the biden administration has a little more than two hours now to respond to the supreme court. chief justice john roberts issued an order keeping title 42 in place temporarily. that's the trump era policy that was set to expire this week. it allows for the quick expelling of migrants illegally entering the u.s. because of the pandemic. there is a lot of uncertainty about what happens now at the border. cnn's david culver is in juarez. >> reporter: victor, first really important to understand the context of where we are physically to understand what has played out overnight and why it's significant. we're on the mexican side of the u.s.-mexico border. this is ciudad juarez. this is the staging area for many migrants that is no longer full of migrants. that's in part because mexican officials have cleared them out and tried to dissuade them from coming here. now as of today, it's because of what's happening on the u.s. side. so normally folks were crossing
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over these stones right here. it was a simple crossing for many. some would go back and forth to help others. they would leave their clothes and go up and start being processed by border patrol in the u.s. overnight, we saw barbed wire rolled out, a convoy of humvees coming in and you see them lined up and prevented people from trying to cross. in fact a few migrants as we've been here who have made that attempt have been told you can't come this way. it is illegal to cross the rio grande and try to be processed in this manner. they're directing people to go down to the formal crossing if they want to be considered for asylum. that's where they're directing migrants. nonetheless, some of the migrants have the focus of december 21st, thinking that's when title 42 will be lifted. we know now because of the chief justice that is not the case. title 42 staying in effect for now. so for those migrants there's a lot of confusion, frustration.
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many of them feel lost. now they are looking at a physical barrier preventing them from trying to continue the process of entering the u.s. victor? >> david for us thank you. since he filed that report cnn saw this. a group of four migrants defying that newly installed fencing. you can see they were arrested there on the american side of the border. some cities are still preparing as if the policy's end is immy nant. migrant shelters feel they will not be able to withstand the expected surge. what are you seeing there? >> reporter: victor, what we're seeing here is a downgrade in the temperature of anxiety since we've learned that title 42, at least for now, is staying in place. let me show you where i am because this is brownsville, texas, and this is the border wall where it meets the brownsville port of entry. now this is where normally legal
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crossings happen every day. we are just yards from a camp that's on the other side of the border. i'm going to ask our control room to take this shot because this is a live drone shot by our cnn drone pilot and what you're looking at, this is a camp of thousands of migrants in mexico. from talking to advocates there, these are mostly venezuelans and haitians waiting the for the lifting of title 42. i've been on the phone with them and they tell me they are happy, they're joyous, because title 42 is staying in place, which is counterintuitive, because title 42 allows them to return back to mexico. they explain the u.s. government has provided so many exceptions to title 42, that they would rather wait in these camps in mexico to wait for their turn. i want to show you where we are exactly and why this is important because these migrants say that they want to cross the border legally. take a look here, if you take a
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look through the border wall you see those are the legal pathways. that is the bridge leading from mexico to brownsville, texas. now, if we could take the camera from our cnn engineer michael humphrey, you will be able to get a bird's eye view of what we're looking at here. here's why it's important. from talking to the migrants i've been talking to, that's where they want to go and cross legally into the united states. now, their concern was that if title 42 lifted, that they would not be allowed by the u.s. government to walk to this port of entry and seek asylum. that's what they're hoping for. hear this, they were telling me that what they were doing is they were preparing inflatable mattresses and life vests and ropes to prepare to cross the border illegally if they were not allowed to go to those bridges that you're taking a look at to seek asylum. and so that anxiety has been
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building, that anxiety has been coming down ever since they learned that title 42 is in place, at least for now. this is what scene looks like here where i am. it's a very different scene in el paso, texas. if we can go to that video because what you see there is it changed overnight. overnight we saw national guard come in and what i want to make very clear is that we have seen that during other surges. all this is part of governor greg abbott's operation lone star. he hasout $4 billion in this type of security ever since march of 2020. governor greg abbott has sent hundreds of boots to the border, all along the border, to secure the gaps that are left whenever there are surges. now this is important, victor, to understand because here is the key and why this is important. whenever there are migrant surges, border patrol usually has to take border patrol agents out of their role of law
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enforcement along the border so they can process migrants. what governor greg abbott's role in sending national guard is to fill those gaps to make sure that the southern border is safe. >> rosa flores, with all the context and angles for us in brownsville, thank you very much. let's bring in now congressman vicente gonzalez, who represents the texas district which includes the u.s.-mexico border. congressman, good to have you. let's start here. if title 42 ends tomorrow, later this week, what does that mean for your district, for your constituents? >> well, clearly it's a luge con huge concern along the border where migrants have been building up along the border and a heavy lift for small communities like mcallen, and all the way down the river to handle as you know. many of these communities have to use their own tax dollars to
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address the problem immediately. sometimes it takes years to be reimbursed by the federal government. we're still in a pandemic. i think most people here in south texas agree that enforcing title 42, at least for the near future, is a good idea. >> do you think that the covid numbers, we are seeing some surges, that they support a case for that? >> they really do. i think they give the president all the cover in the world they needs to hold title 42 in place. i think the administration has been under a lot of pressure from some migrant ac tu vists to lift it and allow people in. i have been pushing the idea of a safe zone act, which is a proposal to create a safe zone on the border of guatemala and mexico where migrants can come at that juncture and process their asylum claim at that juncture and do everything we're doing on my side of the border, do it 1500 miles away from the border and if we're going to
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allow them in under the incredible fear standard, which is a low standard, let them go to the airport and fly to their final destination. this would do two things, one take the pressure off our border and allow border patrol and law enforcement to do what they're supposed to be doing and trained to do, and also take the cartel element who is moving all these migrants through mexico and moving them around, from enriching themselves. le last year we calculated cartels made $5 billion. this would clip them at the knees. every migrant processed in federal court is asked how much did you pay to get here and almost every single one will give a number between $6,000 and $8,000. that's how much they're paying to get to our southern border. they're paying cartels and smugglers to get here. we need to address it. we need to -- >> safe zone act that you -- i was going to get to this later. let me get to that. the plan is to create the zones that will house and feed and care for and educate what could
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grow to be hundreds of thousands of people. how is that going to work? you also, in the announcement for this, said that these people would get a review from a judge within 90 days. the backlog right now is 2 million and 4.5 years is the average wait time or 4.3 years. how would you get it done in 90 days? >> yeah. so what the safe zone does, it processes the asylum claims as they do here and then they give them a court date. we're going to make them walk to our southern border and give them a pass to come into the country and see a judge at some point in time, we should do it at that juncture and it would be a humane, american operation, working with local governments, and ask the same question that we ask here by officials just the way we do here by american officials. everything that we're doing here in south texas, we could be doing it on that border of guatemala. the president of guatemala has agreed to this idea. i think we should embrace it.
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until we build long-term immigration infrastructure further away from the border, we will always be dealing with this issue. people are running from poverty around the world and coming in very high numbers. i think our laws are antiquatedp and we need to fix them and create legislation that fits modern day. >> in the short term, the white house says that there is a plan, they're surging resources to the border. how much of this plan are you aware of and give me a gauge of your degree of confidence in the administration's plan after title 42 -- >> i'm concerned, and, obviously, when we talk to officials on the border and we talk to border patrol and customs they're all concerned and concerned they will be overwhelmed if title 42 is lifted. our communities of brownsville and all along the border are concerned of how -- what -- what
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resources, local resources, have to be extended to kind of process these people. catholic charity, we have a lot of ngos down here that do this work. they would be overwhelmed if we just lifted it right now. >> congressman gonzalez, texas 15th, thank you. good to have you. >> thank you. all right. lawmakers introduce a sweeping bill to fund the government. we're going to tell you what's in the bill and what is not. and if it will make it to the president's desk in time to avoid a shutdown. stay with us. r the first time the other day...and forgot where she was. you can always spot a first timer.r. gain flings with oxi boost and febreze. a must in your medicine cabinet! less sick days! cold coming on? zicam is the number one cold shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shorts colds! zifans zicam.icam's unzinc that cold!la. the new subway series menu. the greatest sandwich roster ever assembled. tony, the new outlaw's got double pepper jack
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spending bill today. they're trying prevent a government shutdown and they have until midnight friday to do it when government funding runs out. cnn chief congressional correspondent manu raju is following developments for us. what is in, what is out? >> reporter: this is a massive bill dropped in the middle of the night at 1:23 a.m. when just days before the friday deadline to avoid a government shutdown. the initial deadline was september 30th and then punted it to december 16th. couldn't meet that deadline and extended it to friday and finally lawmakers unveiled the bill this morning. more than 4100 pages in length. $1.7 trillion, funding every single federal agency. it has all programs across the board including more than $44 billion in aid to ukraine, which is a big priority of the administration and lawmakers on both sides and also would overhaul the electoral count act which is the 1887 law that
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governs how congress counts state certified presidential votes done in response to donald trump's pressure on mike pence to overturn the results in 2021. that can't happen again under this legislation. in addition, a new retirement program and measure to ban tiktok from federal devices. what republicans and in particular are livid about is the fact they have had virtually no time to review this bill and suggesting this bill needs more time to essentially to understand what was in there so the public can understand the impacts it could have on them and many saying this process needs to change. >> you know, it sucks, it's awful and why i'm going to vote against this package and to do it this way, i just think it erodes what little confidence people have in us. >> it's disgusting it was put out at 1:28 in the a.m. three times the size of the bible. >> you have a couple days before
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the deadline and members don't have the way to review it. >> that's the way it works now adases. it's not regular ord or the way it ought to work. >> richard shelby is one of the republicans that cut this deal, acknowledging the process here does not work and does not work for most members of congress. members are concerned about the provisions that did not get in this bill. democrats have been pushing for an expansion of the child tax credit and a bipartisan push to include the afghan adjustment act to help afghans who helped americans in the u.s. war there, that was not included in this proposal and a lot of corporate individual tax pieces not included as well. members grappling with this but a push to get it done, likely to pass this week, potentially as soon as tomorrow, even though it was unveiled this morning, victor, one reason why a big snowstorm is coming and senators want to get out of town. >> more than 4,000 pages in just a day and a half maybe to read
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it. manu raju for us on capitol hill, thank you. so parents across the country are struggling to find children's pain and fever medications in pharmacies. high rates of respiratory infections pushing retailers to limit purchases. what you need to know. that's ahead. ♪ for skin as alive as you are... don't settle for silver. harness the power of 7 moisturizers & 3 vitamins to smooth, heal, and moisturize your dry skin. gold bond. champion your skin. i'm a laidback mediterranean hotel,
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a spike in flu and rsv case have forced cvs and walgreens to limit the sales of some children's pain relief medicine. dr. tara narula is here. so, are these helpful? are they causing problems, these limitations? >> i think they're helpful in this time where we're seeing spot shortage, not widespread
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shortages, of these drugs so many parents lie on. children's tylenol and motrin. we know that sales of these drugs have been up 65% compared to the same time last year. there really is an increased demand from this becombination rsv, covid and the flu. what cvs has done is say we're going to limit sales in person and online to two of these products, children's pain and fever reducers, per person, and walgreens has followed suit saying we're going to limit sales only on line to about six products. in store there's no limitation. they're hoping this is going to make access equitable, that this will alleviate some of the issues around demand, as manufacturers are trying to ramp up supply to meet this. >> okay. so folks are going to get together for the holidays. i'm trying to make it to friday to get on that flight. so what do we need to do to dodge all these respiratory infections to make sure that everybody stays safe? >> yeah. definitely hard. i feel like we're playing dodgeball for a long time.
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the important thing is to say what events do i want to go to and count back by five days. in that time period you want to avoid large, indoor unmasked crowds. if you have to attend an event like that try to attend with a mask, hand wash, up to date on your flu and updated covid booster is important. whoever you're getting together with you want to all try to do the same strategying may sure any vulnerable people are protected. if you have symptoms, staying home is important. ventilation, we can't underestimate the performance of that. hepa filters, opening the filters, or traveling someone warm, having your celebration outdoors is a good idea. masking for someone who is vulnerable, chronic conditions, older, inside in these setmation be h -- settings as well. >> how would a television studio match up? >> i'm not sure that we're
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there. >> get me to friday. dr. tara narula, thank you very much. in minutes a key house committee is expected to vote on whether to release details of frp trump's tax returns to the public. we'll bring yoyou the hearing a soon as it begins. any time soon.s sub isn i'll give it a run for its money. my money's on the e sub. it's subway's biggest refresh yet. ♪limu emu & doug♪ it's nice to unwind after a long week of telling people how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. showtime. whoo! i'm on fire tonight. (limu squawks) yes! limu, you're a natural. . we're not counting that. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪
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ci had no idea how muchw i wamy case was worth. c call the barnes firm to find out what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ the former ceo of ftx could be extradited to the u.s. as soon as tomorrow. sam bankman-fried is facing fraud and conspiracy charges after the collapse of his cryptocurrency exchange. we are live in nassau where an extradition hearing is scheduled for tomorrow. what's next in this case?
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>> reporter: well, there might be light at the end of the tunnel and extradition flight. this has been dragging on throughout the week. yesterday we were in court and there was no shortage of theatrics. i was sitting next to fapg at one point and he seemed confused by his bahamian attorney was on a different page from his u.s. attorneys saying they had not agreed to extra decision although that was the reason for the hearing yesterday. they said the opportunity to consult with their client and that, yes, he would agree to leave this island, give up his fight for extradition. that would involve him if all goes according to plan tomorrow having a hearing behind me in the morning and then he would be taken either from this location or the prison where he's currently being held, you imagine -- i imagine by very heavily armed guard, i would imagine being escorted by u.s.
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federal officials and then taken to an airport here in nassau where he most likely would be put on a private u.s. federal plane and then flown, we expect, to new york where he faces charge, eight charges and if convicted could lead to over 100 years in prison and so he would have to after arriving in new york, we imagine, he'll be booked then the questions like whether or not he could receive bail. something that was denied him here in the bahamas will take place so while it may be the end of his time in the bahamas where he lived as a billionaire it's only the beginning of his legal troubles here. >> patrick oppmann, thank you. a bomb cyclone is expected and some experts say that now may be the time to switch your plans.
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the u.s. is expected to send precision bomb kits and patriot missiles in its next round of security aid for ukraine. cnn's oren liebermann is live at the pentagon. ukraine has been asking for this type of support for awhile. explain how it changes their ability to fight off russia. >> victor, two different systems and two different capabilities. patriots first, a long range aerial defense system, one of the most advanced and that's what is key as we see these russian barrages of attack. civilian, energy, water, the patriot also add to the surzs they already have to help them defend against those sorts of
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attacks. the other is a jdam joint defense attack -- and turns it into a me significance munition and fulfills the same sort of capability other weapons like the himars precisioned guided missile. it is very much in that mold. also of roughly the same range, the standard jdam kits and unknown what ones they will get. they have to launch them from their own correct. >> oren liebermann at the pentagon, thank you. top of the hou
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