tv CNN Tonight CNN December 21, 2022 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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quite literally, of winston churchill as he delivers a wartime address to the american people and the crucial, critical moment in ukraine's extraordinary 208 defense against russia's brutal invasion of ukraine with jake tapper. cnn's live coverage of president zelenskyy's historic visit to washington d.c.. >> and i am erin burnett, welcome to this special edition of out front. we are glad that our viewers are with us here and around the world. tonight president zelenskyy arrived at the u.s. capital, a short while ago. when he did, he was greeted by the house speaker, nancy pelosi. they appeared on the speakers balcony. and, that underscores a significance of the ukrainian leaders first trip outside of his country since the war began. here is how this day is going. president zelenskyy met with president biden earlier at the white house. calling it a great honor to be in washington, thanking the american people for their
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support. biden formally announced the shipment of the crucial u.s. patriot missile defense system to ukraine. sharing that advanced system at a time when the ukrainians may need it most, something zelenskyy has been asking for. day in and day out. now, finally delivered. and we are keeping an eye on the capital right now. because president-elect ski is due to begin speaking in this hour. so we have about half an hour from now, we are literally watching that. we will show you a force as he goes into that meeting of congress. and we will carry every word of his address live. and our correspondents are here in washington and around the world. including live in kyiv tonight. all of that, i do want to of course, bring in our chief congressional correspondent. manu raju. manu, in the crucial final moments where zelenskyy now's final preparation is going to be heading into that joint meeting of congress, you have new information about what's happening behind the scenes right now. tell me what you know. >> zelenskyy meeting with other
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members of congress, some were told that the colleague, heard from the source that kevin mccarthy, republican, later who wants to be the next speaker of the house did, in fact, meet with president of ukraine. and just moments ago, we saw pictures of three others, the three other top leaders in congress, mitch mcconnell who's been a advocate for the funding of ukraine, nancy pelosi who, of course, was the one who was spearheaded to the visit of the capital. today she was the one who was in charge of all the quarter nation here. she of course, met with zelenskyy privately. also, chuck schumer was there. we did not see pictures of kevin mccarthy. but we were told that they did, in fact, have a face to face interaction. of course, that relation will be significant. particularly in the new -- if mccarthy does get the vote to be the speaker of the, house behind the scenes, even earlier, today there was a debate with republicans on the senate side of the capital where they talked about were funding for ukraine. i have been told from senators who are in that meeting, there was a discussion about, this and mccarthy suggested that this is the issue of fiscal
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responsibility. it would be a big focus for them going forward, suggesting that there could be some restraints on more ukraine aid after this 45 billion aid that's rolled into a larger bill that should be signed into law by the end of this week. but that doesn't mean that this will be the end of. it more money is coming, so this meeting could've been a very important. we'll see what we learn about the meeting between mccarthy and the ukrainian president, zelenskyy. but chuck schumer, who also had been with, them just had remarks about his private meeting with zelenskyy. he said that it was clear they need to provide more aid. he said without the aid they're going to prove that ukrainians will be in real trouble, they could even lose the war. so, that is the message zelenskyy's delivering to members of congress and probably what we're hearing tonight when he addresses the during session. >> all right, thank you very much. jake, it is crucial, that meeting with mccarthy and the audience for zelenskyy here, right? it is the world, it is the united states taxpayer. it is congress. it is the republicans in congress. and there's so many different
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groups that he has to target in this next hour. >> yes, he's a savvy guy when he speaks to the british parliament he told that he's going to invoke eleanor roosevelt. he knows what he's doing. for more on tonight's historic feature i want to bring in john kirby who is the national security council for strategic communications at the white house. so, thank you for joining us. grand -- john. appreciative. president zelenskyy told us that he will talk about the peace formula that he proposed and brought to president biden in their meeting this evening. earlier today, what did president biden think of the peace formula, what he thinks he needs in order for there to be peace. is it terms that president biden could go along with? >> well this is an outgrowth of what president zelenskyy briefed in the g20. these sort of principles for a
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just peace as president zelenskyy likes to refer to. and president biden made clear, he made clear publicly to all of you afterwards that, he obviously wants to seek a just peace here in accordance to what the ukrainian president zelenskyy desires to be the outcome. he gets to determine if and when he negotiates. and he gets to determine what is or what isn't negotiable if you will. and so, obviously, we would support a diplomatic path forward. here we want to make sure that we're doing it in lockstep with the ukrainians. and in keeping what they want to see done as a result of this piece. but we're not going to dictate the terms to. and we're not gonna push them to the table. that's why the president focused so much on his time today both privately and publicly, talking about the security assistance that we're gonna continue to provide him. >> there's another idea, that president dylan, ski untold will discuss this evening. and he mentioned a very briefly at the joint press conference, which is this idea of a peace summit to hold a peace summit
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this winter. does president biden think that that could be successful? can he, can president biden help with that summit anyway? >> well, we'll have to see what this goes. jake this is an ancient idea that he has floated. certainly we're willing to take a look at that and consider that in all its aspects. but i think that we just want to get a little bit more information about. it we want to study that a little bit more. the idea of the coming to closure on the war, finding a just peace, ending this in terms that the ukrainian people can deserve to live with it that's really what we're trying to get to. i'm also told that president zelenskyy will present an inspirational moving gift from the ukrainian front lines. and we know, here we're showing video right now of president elect ski on the frontlines in bakhmut getting and receiving a flag, the ukrainian flag signed by soldiers, given to zelenskyy
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to give to american leaders, to give to president biden, to give to the united states of congress. and i want you to put on your veteran right now as a retired admirable. >> what's the emotional significance of troops on the front lines signing a flag of the country to deliver to an ally as a thank you for this kind of support. emotionally walk us through what might be going through the minds of those troops on the front line there? >> yes, it's visceral, i mean these are young soldiers that have lost their friends, lost family members. seen their towns and villages destroyed. and for them to want to take the time to reach out in the very personal visceral way, that is very special. when you think about everything that they're facing right now and cnn has been reporting. that has been the scene of pretty intense fighting in the last few days. these aren't guys that are
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sitting around drinking coffee all day. they are in the fight. and, again for them to take the fight out and to send that message, it means a lot. the president was moved today when president zelenskyy gave him together and awarded a ukrainian soldier. and the ukrainian soldier wanted president biden, personally, to have it in his position. and of course, the president will look for a way to personally think that ukrainian soldier. but that metal, that flag, those are tangible. you can reach out and touch them. reminder, stark reminders of the sacrifices that ukrainian soldiers are making every single day. >> yes i, were told that president zelenskyy will invoke the battle of the bold and the u.s. soldiers in the christmas snow during that battle in world war ii in 1944 when he speaks this evening. thank you so much john kirby, we appreciate. it were just minutes away from president zelenskyy's and terance and the house. you'll see it all life, right here, we'll be right, back stay with us. young lady who was, you know, mid 30s, couple of kids, recently went through a divorce.
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♪ ♪ one prilosec otc each morning blocks heartburn all day and all night. prilosec otc reduces excess acid for 24 hours, blocking heartburn before it starts. one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn. some of the most powerful people in washington d.c. gathering right now in the u.s. capital to hear from a man, many of them regard as a hero.
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the ukrainian president, volodymyr zelenskyy, has addressed to a joint meeting of congress that begins just minutes from now. and former investor, william taylor is the ambassador to ukraine from the united states. put this in some sort of purse expected, how significant is weaker nancy pelosi? how >> important is this to the ukrainian people who i assume are watching it at home if they have electricity. >> hugely important. hugely important. the ukrainian people know who their main supplier, main supporter, main allies are and they know it's the americans and when president zelenskyy talks about the appreciation, these men said that over and over, he's reflecting the american people. he knows that. he hears. that this is important to them to see president zelenskyy talking to our president, talking to our congress, so they're watching it very carefully.
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>> and, jim, one thing that the president trump who is certainly not here when it comes to the ukrainian situation but one thing he would also talk about that was accurate was europe not pulling its. wait, and we have that situation, once again with the united states. -- everyone, in order. >> let me continue talking about in europe, not pulling its weight, he would say that when it came to nato spending and president trump was 100 percent accurate about. that >> the united states senate. >> and right now the same thing is happening in the united states they're spending tens of billions of dollars, and the allies are. not >> well, not tens of billions, they are doing things that they didn't do before in terms of weapon transfers, in total. >> for sure, in total. as a percentage, there is no question and there's a reason why zelenskyy came here, first right? over many other allies who have made sacrifices, and we should, note the european people as
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well, they have given the bulk of their energy supply, right? >> in the span of, months which has enormous economic consequences, cost of energy to the european people so when you look on balance they are not doing the same that the u.s. is doing, but they're doing something far more than what was expected going into this. and i think that's an important, point we do not, to acknowledge it as americans as well we saw our gas prices go up this summer and that is significant. we lost their energy supply, right? the bulk of. it and that is extremely significant as well. >> that is vice president kamala harris, and as vice president xi is the president of the u.s. senate. that is why the vice president is there. manu raju, we are seeing from our reporters inside of the chamber, that there are not only a lot of supporters of ukrainian president zelenskyy, but some of his detractors are also gathering to hear him speak. >> it will be interesting to
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see reaction, congresswoman lauren boebert is somebody who opposed funding for ukraine. also brian mast of florida. proposed a big package of ukrainian aid back in may. we will see, apparently matt gates to. coming from florida. who has also been a critic of this. sitting in this audience. we are seeing the senators now walking in as well. according to our reporters in the room, it's about half full. half on the republican side. mostly full on the democratic side. i was told that nancy pelosi was calling members and urging them to come today because the house has been out of session all week. house republicans are gone, a lot of them who are skeptical, will they show up? there was an expectation that the senators themselves would not be in attendance today. but because they are still waiting to vote on the aid to ukraine's, the larger bill to keep the government open, they are here.
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so we should expect to see virtually all members of the united states senate here, even the 11 republicans who voted against the funding for ukraine back in the spring. also to be here but we will see a mix of both because republicans are not on the same page. >> we should also note, our reporters on the hill are saying this. that liz cheney is there and she is sitting with the democrats and is next to a lane lawyer who was of course on the january 6th committee with her analyst. >> let me bring in cnn's christiane amanpour to give her perspective of this event. because christiane, it is not a comment event for a world leader from another country to deliver an address to the u.s. congress. >> you are absolutely right. that is why it is so utterly important. because of the investment in the united states and european allies, for the u.s.. which is what zelenskyy recognizes. that the u.s. is ukraine's biggest backer and supporter. and absolutely to thank the
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taxpayers. and also, from all accounts the investment by the united states has been one that has worked. it's an investment, you can see it paying off on the ground. over the last ten months. ukraine is doing so much better than any buddy imagined. almost exactly ten months ago. so he wants to tell that story as well. and, i think that also, you remember, i asked him whether it was true what he had said when president biden apparently at the very beginning of the offered to evacuate. he said no. i do not need a ride. i need ammunition. and he confirmed that to me. and he said, i would still say that. many, many military experts believe that he needs more long-range artillery. perhaps attacking surveillance drones. those kinds of hard-core military technologies to fight this war. but look, this is not for the faint hearted, and the u.s. is
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putting itself behind this fight. because it is not about ukraine. it is a battle. it is about the entire world order. that the u.s., since churchill came to congress. since the u.s. helped when world war ii, this is the world the u.s. has built. and ukraine is standing between the success and failure of that world. >> ambassador taylor, you became a nationally-known three years ago. during the first impeachment hearing of president trump, which was about ukraine. and what is interesting is that there were two things that ukraine wanted that we're all a part of this impeachment proceeding in terms of president trump and what he wanted in return, one of them was military aid. the other one was a white house meeting. he is getting both today from president biden. but, it is because zelenskyy at the time, as i do not need to tell you, was very worried
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about vladimir putin invading. >> he was jake. and even the he was jake. and even then, he knew, that the united states was going to be key. and he needed the united states. which is why he was willing to talk to president trump. he was told that in order to get the united states and the american people to hav>> it occt
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it's too fair questions. one, would this visit be happening if donald trump was reelected? you could say at least perhaps unlikely, certainly not certain. but woalliance. as it has done. lead the nato alliance. it's a fair question. there's a reason why zelenskyy was seeking that u.s. support those years ago and didn't get it. because he knew the threat of russia. would he have gotten the same support? it's an open question. >> donald trump jr. earlier today referred to president zelenskyy who time magazine made their percent of the. referring to zelenskyy as an
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ungrateful, international welfare queen. now that is donald trump jr., not donald trump. but i do think it gives you an idea of where the maga base is. and that is also one of the reasons moderate you, why there are a growing number of republicans in the house and senate. but more the house. opposing aid to ukraine. >> no question about, that is going to be mccarthy's challenge going forward. interesting to see on the screen, as members are walking in. you saw the woman in the blue. she is the first ukrainian member of congress. we are seeing a lot of senators, house members, going up and greeting her. obviously she has a very personal stake in this issue. potentially may run for the senate in the next election cycle as well. that is interesting. no question about it, still this question about how do republicans want to deal with this. is she going forward. one of the things lewinsky knows full well. >> yes, it is so interesting to me, to think about these
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senators walking in this chamber now. the senators who debated impeachment. and it involved the sky zelenskyy, that not many of them knew anything about. and now as a politician, they are walking into this chamber, seeing somebody who is now an international, global hero in many ways. and did not start out as a politician in fact. but as a comedian. >> yeah, he is really, risen to the moment. as few leaders are called upon to do >> the chair appoints as members of the committee on part of the house to escort his excellency, a lot of zelenskyy, president of ukraine. into the chamber. the gentleman from maryland. >> just listening to house speaker here along jake. >> announcing who is going to be escorting president volodymyr zelenskyy. and i always find the circumstance of these meetings with congress that is so impactful and now of course it
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will be the enion president coming into that room and of course members of the cabinet will be coming in. you see the vice president was already there. and house speaker nancy pelosi has brought to order. we are just a few moments away here. as i said, cabinet coming in next. and then we escort for volodymyr zelenskyy. clarissa ward is with us as well. as we await zelenskyy walking into the room. clarissa, it's hard to overstate, i talked about the circumstance. all of this coming together. days before christmas. in washington. for the president. >> >> this is a pivotal moment. and i think volodymyr zelenskyy understands that perfectly well. he knows there will be a political reality in the u.s. come january. and knows the challenges he is now facing at home.
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despite these incredible successful counteroffensives ukrainians have had on the battlefield. they are facing a very tough fight in the east and south eastern part of the country. they are constantly being bombarded day in and day out. russia targeting critical civilian infrastructure. roughly 20% of kyiv now has power full-time. people are having to go into charge their phones and makeshift centers the government has set up. and today aaron, we hear from president putin himself and also from his defense minister, sergei shoigu, a very definitive series of statements essentially saying that there is no chance russia is backing down. that they are beefing up their military. they will spend as much money as it takes and that they will start the process of modernizing their mobilization process. which obviously was a disaster before. that they are looking at deploying hypersonic missiles. and essentially, being very
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clear about their intentions which is to try to protract and draw out this conflict for as long as they possibly can. so zelenskyy walking into the room tonight understands fully that he needs to impress upon the american people. the importance of the u.s. remaining in lockstep with ukraine as we enter this new year and a new reality of the challenges that we will be facing ukrainian forces on the ground. >> yes, clarissa. as we continue to see people coming in here. obviously the ukrainian president will be escorted into this joint meeting of congress. the speaker was just laying out of the various members of congress who will be rain. members of the cabinet as well. as we watch this. i want to bring in will ripley. live in kyiv. we are watching this. awaiting this moment will. out of, course where you are, everybody is as well. and around the world.
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this night, for volodymyr zelenskyy what we are all about to watch live. for him, for everyone, it's about the very survival of the country. >> this might be the most important speech he will ever make aaron. at least the most important speech that he has made thus far. this is a man who went to law school. studying the complex histories of russia. of europe. and then got the acting bug. got hit by the acting bug. became very well known here. as they stand up comedian. but its most famous character was in a television show. about an ordinary guy. who stumbled into the presidency. so now we have an ordinary guy who knows how to communicate by television. he knows how to communicate face to face. and he might be the most important factor in this global support. certainly the united states support for ukraine. you saw it at the white house earlier. the way he interacted with president biden. you see it, the way he addresses the european leaders or the united nations. he knows what he is doing. this is his moment and he is
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about to make a message to deliver to the united states that could really make-or-break the course of this war. and the future of the country that he now serves as president. will, thank you. and as we get ready for this david sanger, you heard will, this speech could make or break the future of this war. and of this country. he walks into this room, savvy as he is, prepared as he is. i think it's worth saying that the speech he has given this far, perfectly into, have been via zoom. has left a war torn country, 24 hours ago is standing in washington d.c.. it is for him a shock as he prepares for this moment as well. >> he is in someone was prepared for this whole life. as a performer, does a politician, and a wartime leader. but think what an improbable moment this is. one year ago, when we watched him leave kyiv and come to the
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munich security conference. the weekend before the war. >> that is right, i remember that. i was in ukraine at the time. >> that was his last time. and i was in the room, everybody was looking at him and thinking, how long does this man have to live. the russians were going to come in and roll over his country. which was the state of u.s. intelligence at the time. and here he is. not quite one year later. 300 days plus through the invasion. giving this speech. in which she has gotten on the one hand be thankful. to the american people. and on the other hand, say, this is just starting. this is going to be a really long war. and we need to be able to prepare ourselves for how you are going to support it. and i'm not sure the second part of that speech is something that the europeans are ready for. >> for a variety of reasons. congress has been out of session, there's a storm
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coming. they wanted people to come back. this room is not as full as it ordinarily would be. >> it is actually fuller than i thought it would be. i talked to a lawmaker yesterday comes back home in their district. because they were not supposed to be in washington. it's christmas week. they flew back for. and it just -- >> madam, speaker the presidents cabinet. >> this is the presidents cabinet as we said. biden ministration is going to come in. after this, then will be time for president zelenskyy. colonel, when he comes, and what is fascinating here, we talk about the person at the center of this, the man, the moment he isn't. he is going to come in as a figure the world now recognizes the way that they recognize him. he is coming in, in his green, fatigues his sweatshirt and that is a statement of power. >> it is, because he is deciding exactly what he can wear at any moment in time. he is wearing it for effect, wearing it in a way that says i am in charge of this war effort
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and i am in charge of my moment right here. >> mark garland coming in, you can see him that. again these are the members of the presidents cabinet and all of them gathering on as you say caitlin thinks of room is little floor that you would've anticipated. , to the absences of this particular case but to your point earlier, this is a figure, an international figure to notice sunday message to russia. as we heard earlier, side by side with house speaker pelosi, saying that he wants to speak directly to the american people. i think it has been obvious that america has not been shy in saying that it does not want to be as involved in wars around the country. with the withdrawal in afghanistan, with the trump years that have both a literal and figurative crossing of arms in nato. he knows that as well. and he's going to make a case directly to the american people. and i think that as you are listening to the, speech you want to hear the messages, which one of the messages is he saying that feels like you at
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home, which one of is speaking to speaker mccarthy. speaking to the concerns that he has been hearing all day, as he's gone door-to-door. >> remember last time he was here in march, it was a virtual address, he was asking for the no fly zone over ukraine and i look at what he is dealing with getting this patriot defense system and it's one of the most powerful things in the u.s. arsenal. they are only getting one though and i don't know david, if you would agree or if that could match the volume of the russian bombardment hitting ukraine right now. i think a lot of people say maybe not. >> so began. it will match the volume that's a great point caitlin because when you are looking at is a stopgap measure. this is the figure. it's a necessary figure. but it needs to be much more than that if you are going to prevent this kind of thing from affecting ukraine. remember, to do this it has got to be a very layered defense. that means that a portable defense. the russians are attacking across the country. and you know, this is not, the patriot is very great, system but it's not gonna be helpful against drones.
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won't protect most of the infrastructure. it will protect keith where they think the war maybe three or four, five months from now. >> also he is walking a line which he has done so fantastically. but between thanks and strength -- not subservient he. >> but we are grateful to you. we would not be here without. you i am a figure of incredible strength and resilience. >> in the american public have helping those who help themselves. -- a person who represents the fact that people in his nation have stepped up to the fight themselves. he is one of them. they are also fighting. he is presenting himself to the public as i am a father and a person and our critical infrastructure has been hit and we do not have power. talking about electricity. but you will hear him use the world survival. allot presenting self as people
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americans can identify with. to make this case. i do not expect him to get out there and say, i need this many javelins and in that. it's a kind of space. >> colonel, so he will talk about children. i think that's clear. i'll try to humanize this. this moment, for christmas. you'll hear that from speaker pelosi. brought up the ukrainian children again and again. it was certainly not by mistake. >> it is exactly the type of thing that resonates with the american people. it resonates so much with military people as well. you know, we do a lot of the things that we do because we want to protect the children. we want to make sure that the children can survive in that the next generation can do what it needs to do to grow a country. and build a society. and what you are seeing in ukraine is an attempt by one side to destroy that society. and on the other hand, ukrainians themselves are trying to build the society and protect the society. that is why this is important. >> we talk about all this trick, it is i think so important, the timing this is happening. at the end of the year, coming
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to the holidays. they could've done this at anytime. but they are choosing to do it now. choosing to do it just a few days before christmas. >> yes, it is at a time when biden, president biden has announced this patriot defense missile system which someone ski has been asking, for pleading for four months. that biden has agreed. and also, at a point when congress has to decide whether or not it is going to pass a 1.8 trillion, is it at this point? spending bill that includes aid for ukraine and this missile defense system. we are still waiting for the president of ukraine to come in to the chambers. we see different members of the u.s. senate walking in right now. we are told that zelenskyy is on the way. manu raju, you have some reporting about what the republican leade r
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the americans. in all states, cities and communities. all of those who value freedom and justice. who cherish strongly as we ukrainians. in all of our cities, each and every family. i hold my words of respect and gratitude. resonate in each american heart. madam vice president. i thank you for your efforts, in helping ukraine. madam speaker. you bravely visited ukraine during the full fledged war. thank you very much. a great honor. thank you. >> great privilege to be here.
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dear members of congress. and representatives of both parties. who also visited kyiv. esteemed congressmen and senators. from both parties. who visit ukraine. i am sure in the future, do you representatives of diaspora. president in this chamber and spread across the country, dear journalists. it is a great honor for me to
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be at the u.s. congress and speak to you. and all americans. against all odds. and doom and gloom. ukraine did not fall. ukraine is alive. and kicking. >> thank you. and it gives me good reason. to share with you. our first joint victory. we defeated russia. in the battle of the world. and we have no fear. nor should anyone in the world.
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ukraine has gained this victory. and it gives us courage. which inspires the entire world. americans gain this victory. and that is why you have succeeded in uniting the global community to protect freedom. and international law. europeans gain this victory and that is why europe is now stronger and more independent than ever. the russian tyranny has lost control for us.
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it will never influence our minds again. also getting such a victory. i know a important thing. the russians will stand a chance to be free. only when they defeat the kremlin in their minds. yet the battle continues. and we have to defeat the kremlin on the battlefield. yes. this battle is not only for the territory, for this part of europe. the battle is not only for life, freedom and security of ukrainians. or any other nation which russia attempts to conquer. the struggle will define in will will our children and grandchildren will live. and then their children and
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grandchildren. it will define whether it will be a democracy of ukrainians and for americans for all. this battle cannot be frozen or postponed. it cannot be ignored, hoping that the ocean or something else will provide a protection. from the united states to china, from europe to latin america and from africa to australia, the world's two interconnected to allow someone to stay aside and at the same time, to feel safe when such a battle continues. our two nationr allies in this battle. and next year will be a turning point. i know it. the point when ukrainian courage and american resolve
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must guarantee the future of our common freedom. the freedom of people who stand for their values. ladies and gentlemen. ladies and gentlemen, americans. yesterday before coming here, to washington d.c., i was at the front lines. now what. in our stronghold, the east of ukraine, the donbas. the russian military have been taking bakhmut nonstop since may. they have been taking it day in night. but bakhmut stands.
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last year, 70,000 people lived in bakhmut. in this city. now only every inch of that land is soaked in blood. roaring, guns sound every hour, in the donbas several times a day, in fierce combat. even hand fighting. but the ukrainian donbas stands. >> russians use everything, everything they have against bakhmut. and how beautiful cities. the occupiers have a
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significant advantage in artillery. they have an advantage in munitions. they have much more missiles and planes. then we ever have. it is true. but our defense forces stand. and we all are proud of them. the russians primitive, they burned down and destroy everything they see. they sent to the front lines, convicts to the war. they threw everything against us. similar to the tyranny which is in the battle of the bulge.
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through everything the free world. just like the brave american soldiers which held their lines and fought back hitler's forces during the christmas of 1944. brave ukrainian soldiers are doing the same to putin's forces this christmas. ukraine holds its lines and will never surrender. here in the front lines, the tyranny, which has no lack of
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cruelty. against the life of free people. your support is crucial. not just to stand in such fight. but to get to the turning point. to win on the battlefield. we have artillery, yes. thank you. we have it. is it enough? honestly not really. to ensure a comment is not just a stronghold. that holds back the russian army. but for the russian army to completely pull out more cannons and shells are needed. just like the battle, the fight for about what will change the trajectory of our war for independence. and for freedom. if your patriots stop the russian terror against our
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cities, to the defense of our freedom. when russia cannot reach our cities, it tries to destroy them. with missile attacks. more than that, russia found an ally in this age genocidal policy. iranian deadly drones sent to russia in the hundreds. became a threat to our critical infrastructure. that is how a terrorist has fund the other. it is just a matter of time. when they will strike against your allies. if we do not stop them now, we must do it.
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i believe there should be our alliance, ukraine, the american soldiers to fight on our lands to the bus. i assure you that ukrainian soldiers can operate tanks. and planes themselves. financial assistance is also critically important. and i would like to thank you, thank you very much. thank you for both financial
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packages you've provided us with. and the ones that you might be willing to decide on. your money is not charity. it is an investment in the global securities and democracy that we handle in the most responsible way. russia could stop its aggression. if it wanted to. but you can speed up our victory. i know it. and it will prove to any potential aggressor, that no one can succeed in breaking national borders. no one committing atrocities
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and people against their will. four steps towards peace. from russia which enjoys being a terrorist state. and the russians are still poisoned by the kremlin. the international legal order at our joint task. we need peace. ukraine has already offered proposals which i just discussed with president biden. our peace formula. ten points which must be implemented for our joint security guarantees for the decade ahead. at the summit which can be held. i am glad that president biden supported our peace initiative today. each of you, ladies and gentlemen can assist in the implementation to ensure american leadership remains solid. bicameral and bipartisan.
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thank you. you can strengthen sanctions to make russia feel how -- it is in your power to help us bring to justice everyone who started this unprovoked and criminal war. let us do it. let the terrorists -- let the terrorist state be held responsible for its terror and aggression. and compensate all the losses done by this war. let the world see that the
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united states are here. let it is and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, americans, in two days, we will celebrate christmas. maybe candle lit. not because it is more romantic. but because there will not be electricity. millions won't have heating or running water. all of this will be the result of russian missile and drawn a tax on our energy infrastructure. but we do not complain. we do not judge and compare whose life is easier. your well-being, the product of your national security. the result of your struggle for
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independence and your many victories. we ukrainians will also go through our war of independence and freedom. with dignity and success. we will celebrate christmas. celebrate christmas and even if there is no electricity, the light of our faith and ourselves. will not be put out. if russian missiles attack us, we will do our best to protect ourselves from -- if they tackles with iranian drones and our people have to
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go to bomb shelters on christmas eve, ukrainians will still sit down at the holiday table and cheer up each other. and we do not have to know everyone wish, we know that all of us, millions of ukrainians wish the same. victory, only victory. we already built a strong ukraine with strong people and a strong army and strong institutions together with you. we developed strong security guarantees for our country and for entire europe and the world together with you. and also together with you we will put in place everyone who will defy freedom. put in --
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this will be the basis to protect democracy in your. and the world over. now, on the special christmas time, i want to thank you. all of you. i think every american family which cherishes the warmth of its home and wishes of the same warmth to other people. i think president biden and both parties. at the senate and the house. for your assistance. i thank your cities and your citizens, who supported ukraine this year. who hosted our ukrainians, our people. who waved our national flags and who acted to help us. thank you all. from everyone who is now at the
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