tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN December 22, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PST
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this is cnn breaking news. >> this is cnn tonight, i'm laura coats, the breaking news tonight, we had the final report from the january 6th select committee. it is now public, it is now online, it's on our own house box that as well. reena digging deep to this report, and what you need to know, it's the result, by the way, of over 1000 interviews and documents, including emails, texts, phone records, and a year and a half of investigations. of course, this is after the ten public hearings we witnessed, and the day's events on january 6th.
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the report includes allegations that the former president, donald trump, oversaw, unquote, the effort to put forward fake slates of electors, in seven states that he's lost. this was released just over an hour ago, that outlines eight chapters. chapter, when the big lie. chapter two, i just want to find 11,780 votes. chapter three, fake electors, and -- chapter four, just call it corrupt, and leave the rest to me. remember from the public hearings, how? chapter five, a coup in search of a legal theory. chapter six be there, will be wild. chapter seven, 187 minutes of dereliction. alluding to what the president was doing well the attack on the capitol unfolded. in chapter eight, analysis of
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the attack. and yes, we are going through this line by line, for the findings. we report over 845 pages. we're also, here bringing you tonight the reporting, the analysis you need, to understand and contextualize, in light of what you heard from, on this late thursday evening here in washington d.c.. the only way that cnn can. let's go back to justice correspondent, jessica schneider in our washington newsroom. she is pawing through the findings for, us doctor 11 cam, now here on the east coast. we go through all these chapters. -- if that is back in the capital, 96, 2021. this team passed with a new
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report, has now finally released. it really details, and they're, inform exactly what transpired on in around, and even months before january 6th. the most crucially, here, it lays out 11 different recommendations, to prevent something like this in the future. laura, laura to really pinpoint the people responsible for this. and most notably in that, regard the committee is really zeroing in on the 14th amendment of the constitution, section, three which space specifically says that anyone involved in an insurrection, will be hard barred from holding future federal office. and all the committees not seen it directly, they're pointing the finger squarely at donald trump, especially because he has just recently announced his candidacy for president for 2024. the committee here is saying that provision of the 14th amendment should be enforced, donald trump should be barred from holding public office again. they also point to the
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legislation that's already been passed by the house, talking about the electoral reform act, that was specifically state that the vice president, of course, does not have the power to overturn the election, and reject certain slates of electors. and then of course they point to federal law enforcement, the secret service, they want those agencies to do more to combat violent extremism, of course. because was extremist groups, laura, which led the attack on the capitol. that's probably the oath keepers and the proud boys. the proud boys beginning their seditious conspiracy trial in new york. the oath keepers, of course, several members of the competitive situations conspiracy. this is a wide ranging report. this comes two days after the committee said it would be initially released. we are waiting for this on wednesday at noon. it's now thursday night at 11 p.m. finally coming out. the committee was sort of
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battling typographical errors and maybe some printing delays, but they finally got in this report out, it recommends a litany of things going for it in the future especially detailing how the people who were responsible can actually come to terms with what they've done will be held accountable and how to prevent something like this in the future so laura a few new details coming out as well this really lays out everything the comedian's been doing for the past 18 months. it encompasses those thousand interviews have been doing. of course all of the -- that the public really got to see what this committee is been working on, finally, now a comprehensive report. >> iran take a step back and remember this is a large slate of body, whose job is oversight in nature, they make criminal referrals this past monday, we are all watching. and now it's the now what
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component electoral count act was part of it. for those who are lawyers and beyond the idea that violent extremism you're talking about. when it gets more perspective here on what we're already learning from cnn national security analyst. julia, i want to begin that area in particular, because when it comes to violent extremism, we've all been watching and saying, how did this happen? how could it happen in that way, what was the intelligence, what was the chatter that was online. could've been prevented, we heard from a number of officers who were impact that day, about their concern, about having deterrence, about being prepared. it's been a talking point to try to undermined the nature of the proceedings, to suggest this is somehow the wrong focus. and all to be about why they're weren't more officers on the scene.
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i want to read a part of a section for you, for the audiences sake. when you hear your feedback on it. because this is part of page five of the three, four run following along. it says within three minutes of president trump's tweet, i used on message board tweeted, trump tweet, daddy says be in d.c. on january 6th. moderators pin the post to the top of the board from december 19th until january six, a date of great importance. it garnered, juliette, nearly 6000 comments, more than 24,000 up what was during that time. and they interpret it quickly as a call for violence, i want to read one last part. when you, said trump can't openly tell you to, revolt this is the closest to forget. when you hear that, what goes through your mind? >> that this is the will be
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wild tweet, it's the one that almost anyone who is following trump, on the outside, experts, people on the inside. -- he gave it the motivation was, which was of course stop the steal. the politics, this who testified and who didn't. -- and the fake electors, the january 6th might, balanced all the craziness of giuliani, and the issues of what trump was saying. all of it was based around in a single narrative, which would stop the steal. some people are bringing legal challenges, some people are
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playing politics. some folks are supporting trump, and then you have the violent wing. and they're all working together. and this is what's remarkable about the report, in writing we call, it is their connective tissue? are all these pieces aligning. and basically the connective tissue is, is a stop to steal. there is a live from the beginning, that trump is provoking, from the well paid lawyers fighting in georgia, to the radical extremist insurrectionists are trying to kill police officers, their connective tissue is trump. i think the report is very, very successful, ensuring that narrative, a very important detail of. >> that is such an important point, julia, because if even were to just look at the table of contents, for example.
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the big lie is where it begins, talking about the big lie reflected, deliberate exploitation of the red mirage. of course, we saw that in his most recent election, as well, the midterms, people are on higher alert. because now we had seen this movie somewhere before, right, the idea the red mirage will materialize a certain, way and i will be used to sort of convoluted creighton narrative. and says, a, hot they talk about the pre-election plans to declare victory. the preelection efforts to delegitimized the election process. i want to just hone in on that tweet. and december 19th tweet they talk about. i'm gonna read it again from the report itself, page 528, everyone, with bottom it says, i'm two prisoner of tweet, uses on the site post a simple maps of the u.s. capital, and telegraph there intent to
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invade the building. they said, if we occupied the capital, building there are we no vote. the medial calls evil, and we have to occupy the capitol building on january 6th, let them, another post-red. finally, one user argued, the goal should be to, quote, surround the, enemy and create a perimeter on the capitol on january 6th, such that no one was allowed to leave, until trump was readmitted for another four years. and the same, post the same user, posted a diagram of the u.s. capital, with arrows indicating where the capital axis tunnels were located. julia, this is not something to be taken lightly. plans are made. >> that's exactly right. and trump understood that is what was happening. this is the important thing about what the committee is able to show, is it wasn't that he was thrown out random things in say, oh, my goodness, what
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happened. he understood, he clearly understood he was a creature he understood as we are nearing them. he's telling us what to do, and stein as why we're, doing it the voters been stolen, and he's told us what needs to happen, is that he emerges at the capitol, remember, one of the biggest testimonies company now is trump trying to get to the capital. why is that is because his people understood that his presence there would then be sort of a rallying cry for some delay that's what they needed they need to buy time -- and that's that violence is about. the violence had a legal agenda, and that's hard to land or stand. but the violence is purpose was to create enough delay, the next day, if you're not
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certified, the next, day all the legal shenanigans would happen. which is what we clearly now know to be the plan. that is what it is going, on that radicalization, trump understood that's what his people wanted, and the way thing is the lessons that we draw from this, is that the lesson is that this man can be presented again. the other is that these groups are for real. we do not believe in a peaceful transfer of power, so continue to process them, need to go up to the, leadership and denigrate these organizations, much like to have in the past couple months. so there's a whole other narrative coming out of this report, it is outside the department of justice and special counsel. >> i can ask, you if there's one recommendation, number three the headline is violent extremism, i want you to help
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clarify what this means. because they are saying, that the federal agencies, with intelligence and security missions, including secret service, should, a move forward on a whole of government strategy, to combat the threat of violence and extremists, and then to review the intelligence ferry data protocols, explain to me about that significant. >> it's significant because i'm running outside seem to know what happened, and i'm a special, here of one of my field understood january six to be different. weather and identify formation lead to second at the same materials, where experts on counterterrorism for seeing, how are we able to see, it and the federal agencies are not? and part of it is of course, some of the federal agencies are just -- this is just really hard to focus on the president, trying to undermine an insurrection. and of, course some of the legal rules on what it means to investigate domestic terrorists. let's be clear here, you can be
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the most hateful person in this country, and i don't really care, right. what we care about is the violence. and so focusing on ability of these organizations to recruit, to arm, themselves and to focus on political violence, is where the agenda has to be. and we cannot be scared of supporters of the president, or others. we cannot be scared that they're gonna, say oh this is just cancel culture where this is just we don't like our ideas. how the worst ideas in the world, i don't care, it's the violence. and focusing on the violence, would've gotten the law enforcement agencies out of whatever sort of pretzel they were doing to focus on the organizations that they need to be planning a violent insurrection. and qanon to a certain extent. so i think there's a lot of good lessons to be learned from this, we should not be afraid of calling domestic terrorism
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what it is, it's a violent threat. bad ideologies will exist in this country, they always do. and i do want to end with. this committee report and thompson who should get a lot of credit for this, i know cheney does, as she should. thompson does not get distracted. so it's important, it's not the end of the report is about the piece for will transfer of power. all the other staff, the trump, craziness the finances, the hate that we hear in the media and elsewhere, that's also a secondary. focusing on violence, and a peaceful transfer of power is sort of the big takeaway here, and so we should be grateful for that they to not get distracted, from i think a lot of noise out there. >> julian kay, thanks so, much don't anywhere anyone, we have a lot more from the final report on the january six select committees. the panels last words on the
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insurrection, is 845 pages long, and we do need to review it will bring everything you need to know back here in a moment. once, no more touch ups! secret had ph balancing minerals; anand it helps eliminate odor, instead of just masking it.. so pull itit in close. secret works. researchers believe the first person to live to 150 has already been born. it could be you! wow. really? of course, you'll have to eat your greens, watch your stress, wear sunscreen... but to live to 150, we're developing solutions that help doctors listen to your heartbeat while they're miles away, or ai that knows what your body will do before you do.
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♪ over the last 100 years, lincoln's witnessed a good bit of history. even made some themselves. makes you wonder... what will they do for an encore? ♪ back with our breaking news, everyone, we got a new release of the final report and the january six committee, on a bring in ron brownstein on this, right now.
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by the way, ron, i've got like a full report. we're talking about 845 pages here. it's unbelievable to think about where we are right now. indulge me, for a moment, and i want to hear your reaction, to it. because you had a particular segment that was really impactful, i think he, said about congressman liz cheney, but before we get there, let me just read for you for a second a really significant part here. those of you elaine along, it's page 586 of 845 page report, gives you the context. here's what it says. president trump finally told the crowd, where to go, to quote, take back our country. so we're going to, we're gonna walk down pennsylvania avenue. i love pennsylvania avenue. and we're going to the capitol, -- we're gonna try to give out, republicans the weak lines,
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because the storm is the need of our help, women try to give them the kind of pride and boldness, they need, take back our country. so let's walk down pennsylvania avenue when the president announced his attentions from the microphone, people listened. house republican leader representative kevin mccarthy called hutchinson, mid speech. do you guys think you're coming to my office? he asked her. she assured him, but they weren't coming at all. figure it out, don't come up here, he replied. the announcement from the stage, put the secret service on alert, prompting agents to designate over email, a last-minute response team to filter in with the crowds, on the presidents walk slash motorcade over, to the capitol and establish an america emergency plan if things go south. white house security officials
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were monitoring the situation in realtime, marking the president trump was going to the capitol oh -- they knew, particularly if the president joined, this would no longer be a rally. if you physically walk to the capitol, and play said. i don't know if you want to use the word insurrection, coup, whatever. we all knew that this is gonna move from a normal, democratic, public event, into something else, but the logistics made the move all but impossible. iran, we heard bits and pieces, ron from just different testimony, having it eliminated in this way, what's your
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reaction? >> well first, i would quarrel with the analysis from the white house official, it is already something else besides a normal democratic rally, because one of the great contributions of the rally, was from the beginning to make clear that what happened on that day, was not a kind of momentary flash off the, conflict go marched on pennsylvania avenue. it was the culmination of a multi pronged, multipronged effort, that had broad collaboration within his party to overturn the election. if you read those early chapters, one of these that really comes out of the, support very powerfully as a former prosecutor you probably know the relevance more than i do, is how often president trump was told, what he was doing was both -- later illegal, and earlier in cracks. it shows and copious detail, in that chapter on the big lie are not only the justice department, but his own campaign officials,
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repeatedly told him that what he was saying about fraud, and physically by the dominion voting system, was not true. and it documents, again, the john boozman acknowledge that the plan that he was urging on the president, and that the president in turn around like mike pence, violated the electoral count act. we need he had a reason to know that what he was doing was wrong, and he pressed on with it. you, know one thing that strikes me about this report is that it makes a powerful and comprehensive case of president trump faces all sorts of vulnerability. but the report does zoom in so tightly on him and his immediate circle, that it's somehow how drops out of the picture, for a large number of other republicans in congress and in the states, who are willing in different ways to advance the scheme.
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as the executive summary, it largely gives the benefit of the doubt to the electors, suggesting that they were duped by the trump campaign and participating. it discusses very little of the extensive communication from republican members of congress, with mark meadows throughout this entire period, including one call for the declaration of martial law, in august. this is a report with one goal, i think, overall. make the case that donald trump violated his oath of office sivs, not only to the, law is unfit to ever again service president, but i think it leaves open the question on how broadly the route that he set in motion, really spread across party, in the willingness to overturn a democratic election. >> as one of the concerns, right? the questions around the phrase, and others, that we heard time and time again on monday. the idea of who is included in that overall umbrella, was it
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intended to make it so that people were nervous, biting their nails, wondering if they should be more forthcoming at this, point even though this committee was been good knighted. whether other ways to bring people to the table and make them acknowledge what you talk about. we are right, especially in the notion of about, so often we talk about prosecution, of course, -- any reason to say that you are not aware. can he reasonably say that you believe that you actually won this election, and the report is thorough, in that belief, if it was there, is nonsensical, but there's a part. and ron, i'm gonna read, it i know you feel strongly about this particular part. it's part of the forward from liz cheney, and she says, part of the tragedy of january six, is the conduct of those who knew, the what happened was profoundly wrong. but nevertheless tried to downplay, minimize, it were
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defend those responsible. and efforts continues every day. today, i'm perhaps most disappointed in many of my fellow conservatives, who know better. those who stayed it against the threats of communism, and islamic terrorism, by concluded that it was easier to appease donald trump, where keep their heads down. i had hoped for more, from them. that's a of a closing message, as she leaves congress. >> it sure is. she drew a bright line, and there are very few republicans who have followed her over that byline, where she said very clearly, and i think this is a very powerful affirmation of the case. that if we look at this, evidence donald trump should -- has been critical of trump.
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they will not say that as unequivocally. as unequivocally opening the door to supporting trump, if in fact somehow he wins the republican nomination again. obviously, kevin mccarthy is gone further in the opposite direction. he started by quoting trump's speech where he said we have to take back our country, you know, the report offers evidence, that have not seen before, of a white house official arguing indicates immediately after election, when the idea of having state legislatures, overturned about interstate, first appearance from don trump jr., for mark meadows, from others. it's a white house official argues, we don't even need fraud to argue for that, we can argue for that, state legislatures open over -- something to prevent the threat of socialism from joe biden. that, i think, gives the sense of the apocalyptic arguments, the trump has been feeding, and others in the party have been
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feeding to their base voters over the years. if democrats, when the country as we know it, as we have known it would see in police easter's estate. and therefore any means necessary was justified to prevent your way of life from being destroyed. that was not solely unique to trump, so it seems, to me in one of the questions it comes out of, this is why they're either politically marginalizing, indicting, or convicting trump is sufficient, to really contain the violent the virus of antidemocratic thought and action, that he has let loose, or accelerated in our political body politic. i'm not sure it, it is i think there's any criticism of this committee, which has done incredible work, in terms of his tenacity and creativity and presenting the evidence the public, the only question would, be whether they are too focused on the idea, the dealing with
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trump himself will deal with this problem. yes, they talk about political extremists, but they -- do they really grapple with the way this is spread within the mainstream political universe? and i think there are questions on that front. for example, when you talk about there should be more accountability, the china lawyers. they didn't go as far as the group of former members of congress, in, saying what about the other members of the congress to strategize, on how to overturn the election, do they need accountability? >> iran, that's the question, this report tries to answer some of those. but it leaves it to be like to understand whether they're convinced or not. more in a moment on all this, we have got 845 pages, as you can, see the stack of it next to me. the lorax would be angry. what will tonight's release of the final report mean for the justice department's investigation into donald trump. one of the many questions we answer, as we continue to go through all the findings. we are coming right back.
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coverage, the release the final report in the january six committee. i'm gonna bring in jessica schneider, jessica, you're looking at what the committee found about the altercation in the trump motorcade on january 6th. but did they find? >> well, laura, the committee is actually designating six pages of the report this, detailed cassidy hutchison first put out there in her testimony over the summer. of, course after she put it forward, there is an avalanche of criticism. some people call in, out say that what she was asserting was unfounded. and of course, cassidy hutchinson had said that the president demanded to go the capital, that he became irate when he was told he can go to the capitol on january 6th, and that he lunged towards his secret service agent, bobby, angle and also launched at the steering wheel with another hand. this committee has done painstaking interviews to try to operate what costly hutchinson said, and they've detailed in these particular six pages of the report, they
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say they have interviewed numerous people associated, and working for the secret service as well as the white house, they say they've come up with witnesses describing the president of angry, irate, and furious and in particular this is something that our team reported one month ago, there are now getting confirmation of and in this committee report. the fact that the driver of the vehicle, was in fact interviewed, and seemed to corroborate the fact, that the president was animated irritated. granted, laura, this doesn't particularly solidify the fact that the president lunged, grabbed the steering wheel, as cassidy hutchinson claimed. but there's a lot more detail on these pages of the report about that specific incident. >> and what does import say about sydney powell's election claims? >> yeah, there's a little anecdote here, because hope hicks, the president's personal, aide a prominent member this white house, she did testify before the january six committee, and there's one anecdote in here, do you
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remember us and new powell is a lawyer that was really pushing these false election claims. she unreachable on a held -- with dominion voting systems, the company that had a lot of the voting items in this country, that they work hand in hand with a deceased venezuelan president hugo chavez. she was implicating that there is somehow some funny business, some fraud involved, because dominion was involved. of course, that was never proven, that is completely false. but when sydney powell was telling donald trump, her theory on this, hope hicks says that donald trump put the phone on mute, and explain to everyone else in the room, that sounds pretty crazy, doesn't it? so that was his initial assessment of this. laura, crucially, the president never publicly disavowed sony paul's claims. instead, despite releasing a statement saying that she was no longer part of the legal team, donald trump did seem to go along with rudy giuliani's
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claims, sydney powell's false election fraud claims, even though in private, it seems he viewed them as quote, crazy. >> jessica, thank you so, much i wanna bring in liam donovan, former aide, and polite maria cardona, morgan collins, managing editor at axios. what's your reaction to this? >> i just think that this, is again, the focus goes to donald trump. but i agree with ron brownstein and what he was saying, i think it needs to be broader than donald trump. it's the lawyers, which we know are in there in terms of accountability. but what about the elected officials? i know we have a huge threshold in this country, or an ideal in this country, that voters know best. oh and voters are dollars with lies, or conspiracy theories, the way that we know this happened during the whole january 6th, even before. that we have to hold our elected officials do a much higher threshold. how do we do that? i hope this committee report
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focuses on trying to get there in some way shape or form, you liam? >> i don't think there's much new here, but i think for posterity its important document, i think that's how they approach. it i think will be dismissed by anybody that supports republicans. i, think as you saw in the results of the election, there's enough people in the middle defined as compelling, i think this is going to be important going forward. >> is it easily dismissed? >> well no, it's 145 pages a very rich detail. all of which is now going to move over into a different venue, it's going to be available, clues and threads for the justice department, -- and the electorate. >> for the electorate to look. at but i think in a potential criminal probe as well. for resident's allies can use to justify. so it's gonna move into a different venue. two marines point, there are
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series of recommendations, somewhere in the 600, six 89 or something. >> fixating on is exactly. >> oh, i got. it that lays out a specific number of very detailed recommendations, but many of these rely on congress as a body taken action, and now relies on it level bipartisanship that has never been there, and is not there tonight. >> could it be, there though? >> i think that the problem here, because you're not gonna get legislative solutions beyond electoral reform act. the thing here is, if you try to do things that -- i think it's really important that republican voters, decide for themselves, they want to turn the. paige asked having that, way no way around. it >> there is another, provision somewhere in the eight hundreds of this report, one of the sub indexes, with talks about malign form influence, we spent a lot of
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time talking about domestic politics tonight. but there is a piece of this, liz cheney and her forward, talks about not just the early roots of american history, the civil war that divided this country. but also the imperative of protecting against terrorism. to the actions of january 6th emboldened the russians, and we can u.s. democracy, that is a case this report? makes >> they'll be the question and answer, and of course the electorate has a lot of answers to deal. with a lot more ahead, with our breaking news, coverage will continue to go through this report from the january six committee, we'll be back in just a moment. ♪ ♪
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his superiors, even if it meant he may have to resign from his command in the next day. this, according to the report released. what he had to say specifically, on page 740, three in the appendix, and part of what we are talking about today. it says, major general walker himself understood that he had to wait for approval from secretary mccarthy, to deploy his forces. but, as he waited on that video call for hours, he did strongly consider sending them anyway. he turned to his lawyer and said, hey, you know what? you know, we are going to go, and i'm just going to shoulder the responsibility. according to major general walker, his lawyer responded, what if you get sued? colonel matthews, that lawyer, told him not to do that, just hold on. the guard officials located with major general walker at the armory all say he seriously contemplated allowed the
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possibility of breaking with the chain of command. let's talk about it with our legal experts, former u.s. attorney harry lippman, also, here cnn legal analyst norm eisen. norm, let me get your take on what you are hearing tonight including the idea of breaking the chain of command, the 11 or so recommendations, the 845 pages of reports that really supplements and gives greater context, and granular detail to the ten public hearings. what are your thoughts? >> well, laura, first, the chain of command is one of the things that saved us from a military coup, and the contrast between major general walker desperately wanting to do something, even to break the law to help, and donald trump's 187 minutes of inaction that i think the committee has made a powerful case in this report. with new details about trump's
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culpability, that contrast is so striking, because trump couldn't count on the military to break the chain of command. instead, we had an attempted coup, laura, by lawyers instead of soldiers. one of the things that really jumps out to me, in taking a first pass for this massive document, the new details that emerge about the lawyers, the familiar name, by now, john eastman, but others, like ken chesebro in chapter three, page 344. we have chess boroughs correspondents showing how deeply enmeshed he was. i think that, when you read the report, it's clear the committee is looking at doj, investigating chessboard together with giuliani, jeff clark, and, of course, john eastman. the other thing that really comes out is meadows
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culpability in chapter two. those six, that's where the action is with trump. finally, we've talked about it before, it's not just criminal referrals. they talk about barr complaints in recommendation number. two they talk about a trump defamation case in chapter number one on dominion. he lied about dominion knowing that. 14th amendment section three, there was the first case this year by crew, which i cofounded, my former colleagues at crew, disqualifying an official in new mexico, in court, because he was at the insurrection. i think we are going to see disqualification efforts from coast to coast against donald trump under the 13th amendment, and the committee invites it. >> on that note, harry, in terms of, obviously, disqualification, the other d word here is deterrence, and the idea of the report trying to lay out the now, what? how to change this?
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how to course correct at this point? how do you feel about the committee's ability to make recommendations that will actually stick, even outside the criminal context? is that the only way? >> for them? well, the other way is for the doj to do it. i think, to put it in broader early for listeners, laura, we had these eight, pristine set pieces, and the committee was very careful to lead with their best foot forward, to do the low hanging fruit. the sort of things norm is identifying here, and they are all accurate and important, are sort of stray with or other details that they didn't make part of their package that they showed the american people, but it is part of this meticulous report for two reasons. one, history. we don't have anything like the 9/11 report that goes through everything, but number two, doj, my old employers. this is their roadmap to accountability. these details say about stone,
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but she has, buroak ridge's ample, he didn't figure too much in the hearings, but he is really important, are the things that doj could then pick up the ball with and decide what to put together as far as criminal information and indictments can because they have their own information. now there is this to join in, and as you know, that could be synergistic when they're trying to make cases. a lot of this is the and trails for the doj. >> so important to think about the roadmap for the different entities, including recommendations that are made. gentlemen, thank you so much for your expertise tonight. we will be right back. for instant relief that lasts up to 12 hours. vicks sinex targets congestion at the source, relieving nasal cocongestion and sinus pressure by reducing swelling in the sinuses. try vicks sinex.
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