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tv   CNN Tonight  CNN  December 29, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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a global sports icon is gone tonight. brazilian soccer legend, pele, has passed away at the age of 82. he died from complications relating to colon cancer. pele transformed the world of futbol, as its known outside the united states, the youngest player ever to score in the world cup at age 17. he'll forever be remembered as a national treasure and remembered around the world as the king of
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soccer, perhaps the greatest ever to play the game. the news continues, so let's hand it over to alisyn camera at that for "cnn tonight." >> good evening everyone, i'm alisyn camerota. there is new intriguing details from the january 6th committee tonight. you'll hear how lindsey graham vowed to champion donald trump's election lies if only the white house could find him, quote, five dead voters. we'll explain. you'll also hear what donald trump thought about the appearance of the january 6th rioters. spoiler alert, they were not his type. and you'll hear about the text that don jr. sent to mark meadows the day after his father lost the election. it was basically a roadmap for how to unconstitutionally keep trump in office. don jr. says he cannot remember who sent him that text. but see if you recognize some of the unique language in that text as a clue. and as predicted, there are new developments and new lies from congressman-elect george
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santos. he's the one who lied about his high school, lied about going to college, lied about working on wall street, lied about being jewish. more of his lies are being exposed, and you'll hear him in his own words lie about his own mother's death. first let's start with the newly released portions of the january 6th transcripts. let's bring in sara murray. >> we are getting more insight into the interview that donald trump jr. gave to congressional investigators. it's interesting because he's the former president's son. you mentioned there was this text message that he sent to mark meadows, laid out a plan for donald trump to stay in power that was pretty similar to what played out. so, congressional investigators asked him, why did you send this text to meadows. and don jr. says, look, this looks like a copy and paste job. i wasn't the real author. he says, perhaps in reading it, it was sophisticated and detailed about things i don't necessarily know too much about. it sounded plausible. i wanted to make sure we were
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looking into the issues brought up in the text. and this was a text that don jr. had sent mark meadows on november 5th. and in part of the text at the time, it said, we have operation control, total leverage, moral high ground. potus must start second term there. there is more of that there, very similar to what actually played out. again, cnn reported on this earlier when we reported on the meadows text. donald trump jr.'s lawyer said essentially the same thing he said in that deposition. donald trump jr. was not the author of this text and they don't know where it came from. >> i don't think donald trump jr. was the author of it. we have operational control, total leverage, moral high ground. that grandiose language rings a bell, but we'll get into that with our guests. we will get into details on how melania trump was feeling. >> she was pretty unimpressed. this was according to the
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congressional investigators, stephanie grisham, a top aide to melania trump while they were in the white house. stephanie grisham was disenfranchised with the people around her husband at that point. she felt like he wasn't getting good advice. here's part of what stephanie grisham said. there didn't seem to be anyone pushing back. at least push back. at least look at another side. it didn't seem that anybody, mark meadows included, would have offered him other advice. she was always pragmatic, more realistic, give us the worst case scenario type person. and nobody did that for him. melania trump had soured on donald trump jr.'s advice, sidney powell's advice, and other folks she was skeptical of. she felt her husband at that time was not getting good advice and not getting the pushback he should have gotten. >> that has proven to be true. sara, thank you very much. joining me now, we have
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former watergate prosecutor nick ackerman, ramesh -- and former senator doug jones. gentlemen, great to have you here. i don't mean to be flippant, but this language, the grandiose language in this text that don jr. sent to mark meadows, it does ring a bell. when somebody says, we have operational control, total leverage, moral high ground, potus must start second term now, state assemblies can step forward to put the slate, republicans control 28 states, democrats 22, once again, trump wins. i don't know if that was an inebriated rudy giuliani or steve bannon, but that was a roadmap for what they ended up trying to do. >> yeah, there's no question about that. and the really interesting thing about that to me, alisyn, is that it clearly shows that on that day, donald trump jr. thought his father lost the election. they're already making plans. you don't hear anything in there
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about voter fraud, the fact that these lawsuits may be successful because they've got great evidence. he clearly thought the election was done, it was over, and it hadn't even been called yet. but, again, i'm with you. i don't think that's his language, which i think is really kind of a sad state of affairs when you've got to copy and paste and plagiarize something to try to pretend to be something smarter than you are. but that's the way it is these days. >> through sheer force of will and, i guess, trickery, they thought, oh, this will work. this is what we'll do. >> well, i guess. >> no question. >> the thing about it, of course, it wasn't actually plausible, and it wouldn't have been to anybody with a kind of rudimentary understanding of the u.s. constitution and the electoral process. but when donald trump jr. testified he wasn't especially conversant with all of that, i think that's one of the most plausible things he's ever said.
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maybe it did seem plausible to him. one of the things that really sticks out in this is when melania trump complains about the bad advice trump was getting. trump had the advisers he wanted. he was listening to the people he wanted to. there was no shortage of people even in the white house who would have told him that this made no sense and was unconstitutional, as the january 6th committee has pointed out. lots of people had serious reservations about all of this, even close to the president, but they're not the ones he wanted to listen to because they weren't the ones telling him what he wanted to hear. >> one of the things the january 6th committee has done is illuminate all this. we heard bits and pieces. and in every single hearing, we heard different hair raising things. but the fact that they have now -- they happen in black and white. it's in these transcripts. they laid it all out. this started the day after the election, the day after the election stay started making their plans for how to
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unconstitutionally keep him in office. >> oh, no question about it. i mean, i think what happened here was that rudy giuliani or john eastman or some of the other crazies got to don jr. and basically used don jr. to get to donald trump. i mean, this was pretty much the continuing saga that occurred from the election on through january 6, where you had people trying to get to donald trump. you had the people in the white house counsel's office trying to keep away sidney powell, trying to keep away general flynn. but they all seemed to get through somehow. and i think this is probably one of those first breaches in the system, where others provided don jr. with the roadmap of what they thought donald trump should do. and this was their first effort to get in front of him their crazy ideas. and it obviously worked. i mean, they just kept pounding away until they convinced donald
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trump that this was the way to go. >> another -- >> you know what -- go on. >> it wasn't just onward the election, it was before the election. a number of ting hads the trump separation and political operation did only in the context of the -- make it possible to contest it. that's why we had republican efforts to not allow the counting of mailed in ballots until after election day. it was to create this illusion that trump was ahead because of election day votes and that something sinister was happening when the mail-in votes erased his leads. >> and donald trump also planted the seeds that if he didn't win there obviously had to be some sort of fraud. before the election, he started planting those seeds as well. senator, there's also something very illuminating in these transcripts about what senator lindsey graham was doing behind the scenes. and so, christina bobb testifies
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to senator graham saying, well, get me your information. just give me five dead voters. give me, you know, an example of illegals voting. just give me a small snapshot that i can take and champion. what i hear here -- but i'm interested in your thoughts -- is this is lindsey graham playing them. this is lindsey graham saying i'm happy to go out and talk about how dead people voted, if you could just give me a few examples, knowing -- i think he knew -- that those would never come. >> i do think alisyn, it's senator graham's standpoint of i'll get out there for you, but i'm not going to do it just based on no facts, no representation, just only your word and representation. give me anything. politicians do that. lawyers do that all the time where they take some fact, something they can hang their hat on, and they kind of run with it, and they blow it up a little bit. and i think that's what senator graham was going to do. but the subtle message there is
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if you've got nothing, leave me out of the because i'm not going to go out there and i'm not going to walk the plank and give the american public information if i cannot back anything up, anything at all i think is the operative word there. >> that's how i read that. nick, then christina bobb did produce something and sent it other to senator graham. and the title of it was "chairman graham dead votes memo for your consideration." but strangely, he never did do it. so, obviously there was no there there. >> he did do part of it. let's look at what happened afterwards. in early -- i guess it was in december, a couple weeks before donald trump made that famous january 2nd call to brad raffensperger, the secretary of state of georgia, lindsey graham was in there talking about the same things with brad raffensperger. he was trying to pressure him. it wasn't the dead voters this
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time. it was the people who didn't really sign the absentee ballots, which was another issue that donald trump was harping on that he knew was false, that he also raised with brad raffensperger after it didn't work with lindsey graham. so, i don't think lindsey graham is necessarily an innocent player here. i mean, he jumped right in and called up brad raffensperger and gave him the same pitch that later was repeated almost verbatim by donald trump. and it's all on tape. >> you're right. i mean, i don't mean to absolve senator graham of this. >> right. >> i just mean that i hear a bit of a duplicity, i guess, where he's telling them one thing that i don't think he ever planned to do. >> yeah, i think it was an ambiguous statement because he's saying, you need to give me something to work with here. but he's also saying, it doesn't have to be a lot. you can just give me a sliver of something and i will start pounding the table about it.
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>> no surprise, i alluded to this in the open that stephanie grisham testified to what donald trump really thought of the rioters. she says in this new transcript, i heard from several people in the west wing, more on the military aid or secret service side than a couple of people, he was sitting in the dining room and he was just watching it all unfold. and a couple of his comments, some of his comments, were that these people looked very trashy but also at what fighters they were. that's quintessential donald trump, senator. >> you know, i've got nothing. it is quintessential donald trump. i don't like these people. and it's been one of the, i think, things that people have known for a long time. he doesn't like the very people he tries to get to vote for him. he dogs them. he dogs senator sessions or his attorney general about being from the south and the university of alabama, his accent. he just doesn't like these
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folks, but yet he will use them to his benefit. and i think that's a -- it's pretty telling. >> con men are not known for their respect and admiration for their marks as a general rule. >> i don't like them, but they like me, and that's good enough. gentlemen, thank you very much for all of that. there's much more from this latest batch of transcripts, including what the secretary of defense said why he did not speak to president trump during the desperate hours of the capitol attack. plus the lying congressman-elect strikes again, this time lying about his own mother's death. sensodyne toothpaste goes inside the tooth and d calms the nerve down. and my patents say: “you know doc, it really works." julian's about to learn that free food is a personal eating trigger. no it isn't. yes it is. and that's just a bit of psychologjulian learned from noom weight.
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next transcript, excerpt of the transcript, because it's of the acting then-defense secretary. ites during those awful three hours -- three-plus hours -- when president trump was m.i.a. and the capitol was under attack. this was between the chairwoman liz cheney and chris miller, the acting defense secretary. cheney says, so mr. miller, did you try to reach president trump that day. he says, no, i did not. and why not? he says, i had all the authorities i needed to perform my responsibilities that day and didn't need further guidance from the president. she asks, who were you on the phone with? he says, i don't know who was on the call. they were interagency synchronization calls, ma'am. i want to say pat cipollone, whatever, the president's attorney might have been on there. kwon are more than that.
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she says, so in terms of the authority that day to call out the guard, where did those authorities for you come from? he says, those authorities resided with me. and once speaker pelosi and mcconnell and the rest of the crew at that call -- but we had a request by that point in from mayor bowser, who had the legal authority to request it. but then of course the follow-up call was quite clear that the political leadership desired department of defense support. so, what strikes you from that exchange? and would you have talked to the president that day? does it surprise you that he didn't feel any need to talk to president trump? >> well, what struck me, two things. he first said that, i had all the guidance i needed. what was the guidance he had to begin with? it's very unclear he had any guidance. secondly, he cannot turn to nancy pelosi, speaker of the house, the attorney general, the national security adviser.
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his authority comes directly from the president of the united states. if you read the executive order -- i wrote it down -- 11/4/85, it says he may act to call out the d.c. government upon direction from the president of the united states. so, at a minimum, when he's getting calls from house leadership and desperate calls, at a minimum, he needed to call the president of the united states. the vice president can't give him the authority. nancy pelosi can't give it to him. no one else but the president. so, the question becomes, why did you order the guard at that point? he didn't have the authority, technically, according to the executive order. >> that's really interesting. also, the timeline is interesting. and just, you know, woefully sad because at 2:00 p.m., the capitol goes on lockdown. that's the first breach of the building. at 4:45 p.m., that's when the lawmakers, i believe pelosi and schumer, are on the phone with miller and begging for the
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national guard to restore order. and he says, they will. not until 5:40, that's when the first national guardsmen arrive. so, it's 3 hours and 40 minutes. did it have to take that long? >> i think under those circumstances, inaction is action. the fact that he had an obligation to defend the constitution and the country at a time when the capitol was under attack, for him to be knowingly watching this unfold on television and not taking action for two and a half hours, that is dereliction of duty. but to me, it's almost as if silence is complicity. and in this case, inaction is action on the part of the president. he deliberately ignored what was going on and wanted it to succeed. so, i think this is as close as you can get to criminal activity, seditious activity, and he ought to be charged accordingly. >> let's talk about what's happening next week. that's when the new congress starts. as you know leader mccarthy is
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very interesting in the speakership. and you have an interesting suggestion, that you don't think that the house speaker needs to come from inside the house. so, what does that mean? >> well, exactly. alton frey, who was a friend of mine and a real scholar, that i've known for over 30, 35 years, contacted me and ran an idea by me. i said, let's do something together. so, we looked at the constitution, obviously. the constitution doesn't say that the speaker of the house has to be elected. doesn't have to come from the membership even. so, we know that under the circumstances, mccarthy, who desires to become speaker, is cutting or prepared to cut as many deals as he has to to get the numbers. there are at least a dozen or more members of congress who have indicated they don't want to support him. so, the question becomes, what does he have to do to get the votes? santos coming in would be one example.
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but he needs to pledge some sort of an agenda to the more extremist elements of the congress. if anything in the mid-elections showed, the country wants congress to work. they want to get away from the fringes. they want to have some kind of bipartisan support on key issues. they're obviously different on multiple levels and issues but not the key issues dealing with our security, our economy, our energy, et cetera. and so i think the answer would be, appoint someone recommended by the democrats because this is something the democrats could go to the republicans, say, look, we want to work with you. we're prepared to recommend and support a republican who would be someone who could reach cross the aisle for the next two years because everything could change in the next two years. for the next two years, can't we work together to get some things done before the 2024 elections come. that's the purpose to say, can't we find a way? yes, we can nominate someone
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that the democrats can support and five republicans by secret ballot could also support, and you'd have a speaker who could work with both sides. >> well, everyone can read your scenario that you've just laid out, somewhat utopian, i think. though, i'm always optimistic in "the new york times." great to talk to you tonight. >> alisyn, thanks for having me on. appreciate it. listen to this. the congressman-elect caught fabricating his résumé has yet another lie under scrutiny, this time about his own mother's death. we'll talk about that next. and effortlessly responds to both of you. our smart sleepers get 28 minuteses more restful sleep per night. proven quality sleleep. only from sleep number. subject 1: on christmas day, we were in the hospital. it was her first christmas. it was our first christmas being parents. i didn't know a lot about brain turs, and what i had heard
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new lies tonight from republican congressman-elect george santos, and this next one is worse than lying about where he went to college. melanie za know know join us. what now? >> reporter: this latest claim that's coming under scrutiny from santos is that his mother died, and it had something to do with 9/11. this came to light with his conflicting tweets resurfaced. santos last year was responding to a tweet that claimed victimless crime, he said, 9/11 claimed my mother's life, so i'm blocking so i don't ever have to read this again. marked five years i lost my best friend and mentor. mom, you will live forever in my heart. definitely some discrepancies here. there are some first responders who developed health conditions and cancer after 9/11. we have reached out to santos to
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clarify what role, if any, 9/11 played in his mother's death. but we have yet to hear back. >> i don't think there's any evidence his mother worked in the twin towers, much less that it caused her cancer. in any event, his website has made mention of this. >> santos has said repeatedly that his mother worked in the trade center on 9/11. that reads, george's mother was in her office in the south tower on september 11, 2001, when the horrific events. she survived the event on september 11, but she passed away years later, when she lost her battle to cancer. santos has previously claimed that his mother was a financial executive, but notably that claim has disappeared from his campaign website. it remains unclear whether santos' mother worked at the world trade center on 9/11. >> what's the latest on the legal side of this?
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there were new investigations announced yesterday. what's happening today with them. >> there are multiple investigations on the federal level and the local level. these are still in the early stages, but they are looking into his finances and whether potentially any financial crimes were committed. aside from all the lies we've been talking about about his college experience and his work experience, there are still a lot of questions about where his income has come from, whether he followed proper protocols when it comes to financial disclosure forms, loans that he made to his own campaign. so, really just a host of questions. and the nassau district attorney's office said in a statement that his string of fabrications and false claims is, quote, nothing short of stunning. so, really the legal scrutiny just heating up for santos. >> thank you very much for all that reporting. let's bring back ramesh and doug jones. we also welcome lauren -- lauren, let me start with you. when you start lying about
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atrocities like the holocaust and like 9/11, that's in a different category that padding your résumé. and when you're lying about your own mother's death, this is -- this is different than somebody who's just trying to make himself appear more qualified than he was. >> i mean, it's not even in the ball park of somebody embellishing their résumé. there's nothing that we've been able to find just over the last three days in his entire life story or background that seems to be correct, credible, or even basically truthful. and some of this was known to new york democrats in advance of the election. there is a lot of blame, i think, to go around, when we start taking stock of how this guy got elected because some of it is just so unbelievably outrageous. his financial issues are also one part of the picture. it's not just that he -- we have lots of questions about how he lent his own campaign apparently $600,000 to $700,000, which is
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of course a violation of campaign finance law. and there's questions about how he was evicted from his home just a year before owing $10,000 in back rent on an apartment that was apparently $25,000. literally there's nothing about his story that makes sense, adds up, or is credible in any way. we have to assume at this point that everything he said publicly must be false. >> it sure seems like it. ramesh, why is it, on a larger issue, that republicans are willing to settle for such deeply flawed candidates? i mean, some of the candidates are laughable. some of them are so deeply flawed, like george santos. reach herschel walker, doug mastriano, this guy, george santos, they can't find any republicans that are more serious minded and sane and rational and qualified? >> well, i think that there are some big underlying issues that you raise. but santos is a very special
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case in that in a sense he's a failure on the part of both parties because neither party discovered all of this insanity on his part, all this pathological lying, until after he had been elected. i mean, if i'm a democratic campaign strategist, i am rethinking some of the money i spent on opposition research, not having uncovered this. and you have have to assume, i think, that had all this came to light earlier, santos would not have won the republican primary, let alone the general election. this is a guy, you can't even trust him if he swears on his mother's grave, right? he will say anything for the most fleeting and momentary of advantages. >> i've got to say, they knew -- they did have this research. this is what makes this so interesting. i completely agree this is political malpractice on the part of new york democrats.
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and i'm very involved in new york politics. i know a lot of the players. what i was told was that actually his campaign advisers, meaning zimmerman, did have this information. it was in a briefing book that came from the dmc. one of the issues was they claimed they could not get long island media to cover it. i think the bigger issue was they believed his association with the january 6th riot -- he claims -- one of his many claims was that he was at the stop the steal rally on the sixth and that he financed the legal -- he covered the legal bills of some of the protesters and rioters who were charged with crimes. so, we'll see if any of those things are true. but the democrats on long island that were supporting zimmerman believe that was disqualifying enough and they focused on that in the campaign and ignored all this other stuff they did know about his background. they apparently didn't check on his degrees, but they knew his
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financial dealings were shady. there were questions about his work experience. this has exposed a huge problem in new york state politics. he's not the only race that won. this is the worst of it. there's a lot of questions to be asked among democrats here too. >> that's really interesting insight and really helpful, lauren. also, i just want to say there was a local newspaper that was reporting on him, and it was highlighting it. shout out to local newspapers and why we need them so desperately. but you're right, the january 6 stuff got a lot more attention than all of this other crazy stuff. and senator, you know, pathological liar is an actual disorder in the dsm. i mean, there's many different theories about what causes it. but either way, i don't think you want your u.s. representative to suffer from it. and i know that kevin mccarthy needs him, you know, to become speaker. but then, isn't he just a huge liability? after he gets the vote to become
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speaker, do you want this guy hanging out in the house of representatives? >> well, not only is he going to hang out, he's going to be an object of the media. media are going to follow him every time they get the chance. and by the way, just as lauren said, a note to the new york democrats, nothing is disqualifying enough in today's political world. nothing, no one issue is disqualifying enough. if you've got a lot, go for it, because you never can tell. in tribalism that we've got in the voters these days. people will overlook so much and steal votes for folks. but kevin mccarthy's got a problem, not just with this guy. but he's got a major problem with george santos. and i think it's incumbent upon republicans to speak out more than they're doing right now. it seems to me that they really need to call for his resignation. you know, five years ago -- five years ago this year -- i ran against a guy named roy moore. and republicans, when all the
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issues came out about roy moore, there were republicans saying, i'm not sure we're going to see him. i'm not sure he should be elected. senator shelby said, i'm not going to vote for him. i'm going to write in a good republican. those days are over, alisyn wechl. we don't see that in the parties these days. especially the republican party where things are right now. they need the vote, they need the gavel, and mccarthy's in a tough spot right now because he'll lose that seat, i believe, if there's another election. >> i can't believe that was only five years ago. did you say it was only five years ago? it feels like a lifetime ago. i remember reporting on that so much virtually every day. and you're right. there was a feeling that this can't stand. and now something has changed. we've come light years away from that. and again, to my question, do you agree that for republicans there's nothing disqualifying. he's lying to voters at this point. >> well, i think republican voters, there's a significant
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number of them for whom these sorts of issues can be disqualifying. that's the reason why, for example, mastriano didn't get as many votes as oz in pennsylvania. it's a reason why a lot of these republicans who disappointingly didn't win, even while other republicans were doing well, because voters distinguished between the republicans who were reality based and the republicans who were pretending that donald trump won the 2020 election. so, i take the senator's point about polarization having increased. but i don't think that we're quite as far gone as that. and i think actually voters were pretty sensible in a lot of respects and are making some distinctions. the problem here was not withstanding some local media, i just think most voters were not aware of just how much deception there was. and how abnormal it was, right? i mean, it's one thing to say, a
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politician will stretch the truth or pad his résumé, but we're talking about something on a completely different level. there wasn't much understanding with that. >> absolutely. it's in a different solar system. friends, thank you all very much. really greent very sags. now to this. she's an emt who normally responds to emergencies. what happened when she had her own emergency and got stuck during buffalo's deadly blizzard? our next guest is going to tell us her story right after this. this isn't dry food or wet food. it's not burnt brown pellets. the farmer's dog makes it simple to feed your dog real food. it's rl meat and veggies. freshly-made. developed with vets. delivered right to your door. that's why dog lovers are choosing the farmer's dog. a smarter, healthier pet food. delivered.
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well, buffalo is still trying to dig out from the deadly blizzard. the police commissioner says the search for bodies goes on, and he calls it a grueling and gruesome task. at least 39 people have died in erie county alone. our next guest was trying to save people, but she too got trapped in the blizzard. terry, thanks so much for being here. your story is incredible. as i understand, you got an emergency call on friday at 4:30 p.m. that a stranded motorist was having trouble breathing. and you swung into action, but you couldn't make it there. what happened? >> hi. thank you so much for having me. yeah. the day started off so much fun, you know, we're in buffalo. we're used to snow. we like it a lot of the time.
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at least i do. the visibility was rough for our first couple calls, and we were able to get through those okay. for this last call, we made it to our lower east side of buffalo, and it just was coming down so hard and so heavy that we did end up getting stuck. we were stuck for about four hours. >> and what was that like, terry? just explain. so, you were in, what, an ambulance? what vehicle were you in? >> yeah. >> and how did you get stuck? >> we were in a transit ambulance. we got stuck pulling over to check out the man that was supposed to be in the car that we were going to rescue or get and check up on. we did get stuck pulling over, and there was no getting out. it was so fast and so heavy, the snow, it just weighed down the truck. and we were just spinning tires. >> oh, my gosh. so, we were stuck in basically just a huge snow bank. >> basically.
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>> i think we're seeing pictures. no, we're seeing pictures of when i think you were rescued. so, you were stuck for four-plus hours. what was that like, terry? did you have heat? did you have food, water? >> yes, luckily we did prepare, at least my partner and i. we had food. we had water. we had heat and gas. our dispatchers and our supervisors made sure that we had gas for the day, that we had time to do that. it was scary. it was getting -- the truck was getting cold from the inside out. it was freezing. the windows were frozen. we had no visibility. we couldn't see out. my partner and i do consider ourselves lucky we were only in the truck for four hours. we do have other crews that were stuck in their trucks for upwards of 16, 20 hours. they did have heat. some didn't have food. some didn't have water. our supervisors were trying to get to them. the national guard was trying to
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get to them. buffalo fire was trying to get to them. and they were just stuck. >> oh, my goodness. that's really scary. >> it's really heartbreaking. >> i can imagine. it must have crossed your mind that help wasn't going to be able to get to you. >> it did. i'm not going to lie about that. but we tried to, you know, stay calm. i mean, that's what we're here for. to be honest, what was breaking my part specifically was just knowing that the community that we serve, that we were not able to get to them. we continued to hear calls going out on our radios about sick people, the people we care about. people, that's why we do what we do. and in turn, you know, our community has come forth and helped us so much do the things that we couldn't do at that day. there's been such an outreach from our community that is so heartwarming and has really, you know, risen us from the ashes once again, because buffalo has
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seen tragedy before, in terms of maybe the topps shooting that happened this past year that was really tough in our community. we can't say enough. >> kari, it is wonderful how much humanity we're seeing, neighbors helping neighbors. it is so valuable because we're hearing stories of motorists who were trapped who were calling 911 and didn't understand why help wasn't coming. dispatch was saying, help is on the way. be patient, help is on the way. and help couldn't get there. it's frustrating, scary for the customers, but you are proof they were trying to get there. but the snow was overpowering. it ultimately you were saved by the fire department. >> we were. luckily they were passing us. the truck started getting stuck. even the fire trucks were getting stuck shortly after we
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got stuck. they had happened to be passing by, and we turned and looked. and they were honestly like our angels at the time because we didn't expect anyone to come. we were really planning on hunkering down there for quite a while. i'm really glad that myself, my partner, and our crew, that everyone made it out okay. i think it's heavy on our hearts right now just knowing that we couldn't do much. they suspended ems pretty shortly after we got stuck. >> kari, you actually have done a lot. we've heard of so many people being rescued, and you too are an angel. i appreciate your sentiment and you sharing your story with us. it does help us understand how bad it was at the height of the storm. thanks so much for being with us. >> thank you so much. and our community, thank you so much. couldn't have done it without
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you guys. >> that's beautiful. we will of course check back with buffalo over the next several days. next, he's perhaps the most famous athlete in the world. we'll remember pele after this.
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tonight the world is remembering one of the greatest athletes of all time. brazilian soccer legend pele passed away after a battle with colon cancer. he was 82 years old. players and fans at a french league match honored him with a standing ovation and tributes are pouring in. pele electrified crowds playing in four world cups and the only soccer star in his industry to win three. his first world cup was the age of 17 in 1958. he joined the club at 15 and went on to score more than 1200 goals in his professional career. pele was a literal national treasure. when european clubs tried to sign him, brazil declared him a
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treasure to keep him from playing elsewhere. he knew he had a great gift. >> i feel very comfortable, because something i cannot answer was why god gave me this, you know, this gift. this was a gift from god. >> pele's funeral will be held on tuesday. for more on his legacy, let's bring in chris whitingham a soccer podcaster and commentator. thank you so much for being here. why was he the greatest soccer player? what was it that made him so great? >> well, i think if you read so much of what has been said about him in the last few hours there is this use of language that you just don't hear about other players. i saw one quote that was, there is one player in the world who is the best player. i refuse to classify pele as a player. he sort of transcended what had
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come before him. the brazilians have this term for how they play soccer, it's play beautifully. it began with him. he was able to conjure a way of playing the game that had not been seen before. you have to remember that at this time soccer was not really a sport that was televised worldwide. every four years, a lot of the world gathered to see what was going on in other countries. when you see the yellow and blue of the brazil jersey. >> it just stuck out how incredible this player was. he announced his arrival in the 1958 world cup final. if you go back and watch the goals that he scored they stand the test of time. they look like goals that would be scored now. better than some scored now. it is remarkable. normally when you see black and white footage it doesn't hold up. for this player it does. >> pele was a household name. you know? you didn't have to be a soccer fan or follow sports to know pele. i'm fascinated by what you're
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describing as his quality. was it fancy footwork? sheer athleticism? why was he so different than everybody else? >> soccer is not really a game defined by athleticism as such. it is defined as you say by that skill, the ability to control with every part of the body that is not the arm. right? incredible skill with his feet, incredible skill controlling with his chest, his head, his thighs. any means of controlling the soccer ball he was well capable of doing so. and so you see this player that just sort of transcended, that goal i mentioned in the 1958 world cup final he controls it off his chest, loops it over a defender. you see almost all the defenders like what just happened? what is going on here? and that was sort of the quality that he played with. and like you showed in that package just now he sort of was aware of it. most importantly, opponents were aware. if you look at his history in the 1966 world cup in england he was basically kicked out of the
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tournament. not because of a ban but because opposition were intent on kicking him because they did not allow him to play the beautiful game. he almost threatened to quit ahead of the 1970 world cup which brazil won because of how violently he was being treated by opponents. everyone was aware of this unstoppable skill. >> what does his death mean for brazil and the rest of the world? >> when you talk about brazil it is an interesting legacy. this very nearly happened. there were some reports that came out he was in failing health just before the world cup campaign started and it became pretty clear the world cup was about playing for pele considering his incredible legacy there. this is one of the greatest figures in the history of this sport. as the globe's biggest sport it means he is one of the biggest figures in all of the world, even here in the united states. he is a figure that transcends because of his time with the new york cosmos, in the north american soccer league in the mid '70s. i was reading about when he was sold on coming here it was like
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don't get championships. get a country. you can have the entire united states behind you if you succeed here. for a time he did and he is sort of these one word names that sort of means so much. i'll close by saying andy warhol the famous painter who painted him said that normally i talk about 15 minutes of fame. he will have 15 centuries of fame. that he very much did and very much will. >> that's awesome. thank you so much for giving us that great perspective. >> thank you. okay. another day another batch of transcripts laying out the deliberate attempt to overturn the election. but will we see any accountability now that we see what was going on behind the scenes? stay with us. ted about pronamel repair because it penetrates deep intoto the tooth to help actively repair acid-weakened enamamel. i recommend prononamel repair to my patients. this is how tosin lost 33 lbs on noom weight. i'm tosin. noom gave her a psychological approach to weight loss.
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