tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN January 2, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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trail she blazed for women broadcaster, but she was also a role model for men in tv news, including me. barbara and i covered many stories together and she was always way ahead of the pack. that was certainly the case in 1977 when she scored a historic joint interview with egypt's anwar sdadat just ahead of the peace accords. i learned so much from barbara and am so grateful she was always receptive to my questions and thoughts. my dolences including her daughter jacqueline and may she rest in peace. i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room." erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. "outfront" next, a mad dash
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for votes. kevin pmccarthy huddling with those to become speaker of the house. one doubling down on his opposition just moments ago. plus new details of the idaho murder. how the spektrct was tracked do and putin suffer ing on the battlefield. losses growing inside russia. let's go "outfront." good evening. i'm erica hill in for erin burnett. house leader kevin mccarthy still on the hill at this hour, still meeting with members of his party with just hours to go for that critical vote of speaker of the house. dozens of republicans seen going in and out of mccarthy's office. among them congressman matt
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gaetz. significant, one of the republicans who's been a hard no on his gavel. moments ago leaving mccarthy's office, gaetz offered this update. >> give in to your demands? might vote for him tomorrow? >> i don't know. i'm a no. >> i'm a no. tomorrow the entire conference gathers to hear mccarthy make his final case for the speakership. shortly after that, if he doesn't get support of the 218 members it could plunge the house into a scenario not seen since 1923. the last time someone wasn't able to clinch the top house post an one vote. he can only lose four conservatives and five say they'll deny handing him the
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gavel. now gaetz, you heard clearly said he's a "no." it's unclear if others are willing to budge despite a number of concessions made over the past few months by mccarthy and over the weekend, agreeing a rule allows just five members to call for a vote to oust mccarthy at anytime. yet despite all of this, mccarthy, who spent the past 1 years climbing the republican ranks is upbeat. at least publicly, about his chances. >> do you have the votes for speaker locked in tomorrow? >> i think we'll have a good day tomorrow. >> manu raju is outside on capitol hill. very busy all day. i know talking to lawmakers coming out of those meetings with mccarthy. where do things stand at this hour? >> reporter: well, mccarthy allies are upbeat and believe that eventually he will get the 218 votes needed to become speaker but don't know when or how long it will take. underscoring how wild and unpredictable tomorrow could be,
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and underscoring the fact it could be the first time in 100 years we have seen a speaker race go ton multiple ballots because kevin mccarthy has eventually no margin for error. the republican majority can only afford to lose four republican votes. already five say hard nos and a number of other republicans that want other demands leading to enormous tension within the republican ranks. calming those narcissists and chaos agents saying they are not willing to negotiate in good faith and are rejecting all the demands they are making trying to urge kevin mccarthy to essentially weaker the speakership and empower those very members over the speakership. kevin mccarthy is still negotiating with some of those members. you mentioned matt gaetz. i spoke to him advertise, he said the meeting was brief and productive. if it happens tomorrow, what it's after that, that's anyone's
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guess. they could vote endlessly through the day, through the course of several days and until someone eventually gets 218 votes. erica, at this moment no republican has those 218 votes to become speaker. not kevin mccarthy, not even steve scalise, the number two republican who now is publicly supporting mccarthy, all raising questions how republicans will resolve this issue coming into power in what could be a very messy day of the new majority. >> feels messy. appreciate it. "outfront" now republican dusty johnson. good to see you. you were in a meeting just a while ago and sounded confident about his chances. just heard from manu and congressman gaetz a few moments ago, still a "no" even after his own meeting with kevin mccarthy earlier. what is the path you see at this hour for kevin mccarthy to secure this 218 votes? >> a couple things. first, listen, matt gaetz has always been a no and will always be a no.
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kevin mccarthy will become speaker of the house and not with matt gaetz' vote. that's okay. manu is right. it will be messy. one thing the u.s. house of representatives does well it's messy. listen, kevin plmccarthy will b speaker, not easy, not a straight line. it will take a while and that okay. >> take a while? how many rounds are you thinking about here? >> oh, i don't think anybody knows. we are in a little uncharted territory here as you mentioned. it's been since 1923 we've had multiple ballots, but longer ago than that in the 1800s one speaker's race went 133 ballots. important to folks at home to know is that kevin mccarthy and all of of his supporters are resolute, we're patient and und the american people have wanted republicans to have a hand helping govern the country and kevin mccarthy will become speaker even if it takes 10, 20
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or 30 ballots. >> a sense then. never expected matt gaetz to vote for him. at least five republicans said including gaetz, one of them, absolutely not. who do you see at this point who could potentially change their mind? >> well, first off, it's important to remember that nobody can get to 218 if kevin mccarthy can't. there is not a single name you could bring out, erica, who can get to 218 if kevin mccarthy can't get there. he is best positioned. as far as your question, how does kevin mccarthy get to be speaker then? he doesn't need 218. in fact, nancy pelosi and john boehner and newt gingrich all at different times were able to get elected speaker with 216 votes. if there are members that vote present, or members who just don't show up to vote for that particular ballot, his threshold goes down. i think over time this has potential to be a war of attrition. kevin mccarthy is not backing out of this race.
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he knows that he's the right guy to govern this house, and he's not going to back down. >> are you aware of any new concessions that may have been made to hard-liners today to get the vote needed, or concerned at all about the concessions already you made? and the impact on his role as speaker, on his power and ability to lead? >> i'm chairman of the republican main street caucus. a group between 70 and 80 members pragmatic conservatives. we're the guys and gals in congress who want to get things done. as a group we are concerned about some of the concessions kevin mccarthy has made, but we trust speaker mccarthy to be able to govern the house, even with an imperfect rules package. if at some point kevin mccarthy doesn't become speaker i think our concern with the rules package will get far more acute, becaus
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whoever else will be speaker aren't prepared to govern a fractured house. yes, rules aren't perfect, but enough con sengscessions made tw kevin mccarthy to get the votes he need. >> no one else but kevin p mccarthy to get the votes. and flouted out there and supported kevin mccarthy. if for some reason steve scalise name comes up, would you support him? >> nobody is better positioned to lead the u.s. house of representatives than kevin mccarthy. i would note people focus on 218. as you know, erica, the math is really 5. there are five members willing, republican members, will be to stand against any other candidate other than kevin mccarthy. that's a problem for steve and frankly for anybody else. >> great to have you with us. appreciate it. >> you bet. thanks. "outfront" tonight, "outfront" now, former
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congresswoman and a former national commune caucuses director, a gnd tood to see you both. doug, working in 2013. in on the floor to a contentious fight for speaker that year. from your view, is think anything left for mccarthy to give up to secure that gavel? >> he's in position to make a lot of promises and deliver if he wins. talking about committee seats. talking potentially subcommittee chair seats that are valuable things, and also the machinationing how congress works. where your parking space is, all little things build up to persuade votes. going to be a rocky road tomorrow. a lot of drama. one thing i remember ten years ago tomorrow, when i was on house floor for the vote. even though we knew john boehner would win, there was drama. for instance, when we got -- an alphabetical vote. bachman, wasn't in her seat.
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blackman, wasn't in her seat. caused people to murmur and wonder what was going on. alultimately they did vote for him. kevin's job keep driving forward to get to the votes needed. >> alongside kevin mccarthy he may not have the votes tonight, as we know, but as we just heard from congressman johnson, plenty of others, frankly. doesn't seem to about clear alternative. at this point, do you believe republicans should rally behind mccarthy? >> absolutely. absolutely. i believe that he is best positioned right now to lead the republican party, and, yes. there are five people that have said they are not voting for kevin mccarthy, but there are also republicans who are saying they're voting for no one but kevin mccarthy. and you have to understand there
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are two different votes out here. there's a vote that's a conference vote. which kevin mccarthy has never gotten less than 85% of a conference vote. and then there's the floor vote. that is going to determine who the house, who the -- speaker of the house is. but what kevin's going to have to worry about, more than the vote in conference and on the floor is how he's going to be able to govern with such a small majority, and you've got some detractors. that's going to be the biggest test, but there isn't anyone better poised in this particular situation to lead, to be speaker of the house. >> at that point, do you believe mccarthy can control his caucus if, in fact, he does win? >> i'm reminded, rereading a friend's book, robert draper, "new york times" reporter talking about the congress that came in after the 2010 elections where one member of congress now out of office labrador said in
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the conference meeting i didn't come to be a part of any time. that's attitude held true with a big part of the conference and why we've seen struggles and shutdowns. a tough job for kevin, for anybody. two things of context the congresswoman hinted. one, we hear often about moderates flexing muscles and never do so to the point you wonder if they know where the house gym is. they are only kevins, not only kevins, vowing to stay in to the end, flexing muscles first time in a long time. the other i'd say is this conversation and understandably so as so many others have been, been about kevin, kevin, kevin. this is bigger than one person. it's whether or not republicans are going to be able to govern. it's a very real question regardless who wins, but just focus on one person, we're losing sight of what the real issue is and should be one thing that united states this republican conference. conservative majority in house
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of representatives to not just block biden's policy but put forth conservative ideas and kevin's best poise d to deliver that. >> and jesse jackson calmed it a big strategic failure. another top republican congressman didn't want to be named told cnn, "they contribute nothing to the team and have audacity to demand outside influence and power saying they believe deeply in their own self-im self-importance, definition path logical narcissism" fop that point where does the party stand in terms being able to govern effectively come january 4th? >> i could not agree more. what the american people need and what we need right now, whether it's the conference, whether it's just the american people, you name it. what we really need right now is as many people as possible, coalescing behind policies.
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policies that actually work. that are going to help get america working, fix inflation, help fix lives, put food on the table. that is what we really need. what's happening right now, these five republicans that are just throwing a wrench in the process and trying to get as much power -- let's be honest about what this is about. this is about them holding on to whatever -- the only power that they have, and the only way to hold on to it is by holding this over mccarthy's head. but, really, if you want to bring power back to the american people, let's get back to debating what we should be debating which is policies that are going to make things better. >> see how quickly we can get to that based on this vote tomorrow. all watching. appreciate you both joining us tonight. thank you. >> thank you. "outfront" next, hundreds of new tips pouring in after police arrest the man they say killed four idaho college students. what we are learning about the
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suspect tonight. plus, the january 6 committee with a warning to the white house. what the committee says it can no longer guarantee. some witnesses will remain anonymous. standing by for a statement from the family of actor jeremy renner after suffering what we are told are extensive injuries in a snow plowing accident. humpty dumpty doeses it with a great fall. wonderful pistachios. get cracackin' listen, i'm done settling. because this is my secret. i put it on once, no more touch ups! secret had ph balancing and it helps eliminate odor, instead of just masking it so pull it in ose. secret works.
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college students in court tomorrow. bryan kohberger will clear the way for authorities to move from pennsylvania to idaho facing charges of first-degree murder and felony burglary. hundreds of new tips pouring in just since his arrest. jane casarez is with us. >> reporter: the man who police say killed four college students and weeks later drove cross-country tracked by police will go back to idaho to face charges. >> detectives arrested 28-year-old bryan christopher kohberger. >> reporter: ethan chapin, xana kemodle, madison mogen and kaylee k kaylee goncalves. identified through genetic
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genealogy compared to a public database leading to a family member of a suspect. kohberger's lawyer says his father flew to washington state to bring him to northeast pennsylvania for the holidays. >> his father actually went out there and they drove home together. >> reporter: they drove his white hyundai elantra. a car matching that description was in the immediate area of the killings, police said. cnn confirmed they stopped at a repair shop in pennsylvania where some work was done on the vehicle. >> i believe he arrived somewhere around the 17th of december. >> reporter: jason labar, chief public defender for monroe county, pennsylvania, is representing kohberger until ex-etra die extradited. the fbi watched him four days before being arrested. >> idaho state troopers at their house approximately 3:00 a.m. knocking on the door. >> reporter: kohberger graduated in may from desales university in pennsylvania with a masters
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in criminal justice. and pursuing a doctorate in washington state university only about seven miles away from the university of idaho. >> he has to appreciate the seriousness what's happening right now. >> absolutely. he is very intelligent. in my hour conversation with him that comes off. ip can tell that. and he understands where we are right now. >> reporter: while at college at desales, kohberger asked ex-cons to participate in a study on crime. this study seeks to understand the story behind your most recent criminal offense with emphasis on your thoughts and feelings throughout your experience. he wrote on an online message board. >> this person in kind of, grading my papers was, you know, allegedly a horrible murderer. >> reporter: kohberger working as a teaching assistant in washington and one student claims his demeanor and strict grading changed after the murders. >> he started grading everybody just 100s and obviously now
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seems pretty preoccupied. >> reporter: for victims' families it's a step towards closure and a chants to see kohberger in court. >> a little bit of hope, things are moving in the right direction. a lot of time of not knowing. we're going to definitely look this guy, look him in his eyes. he's going to have to deal with this. >> reporter: and the extradition hearing takes place tomorrow, 3:30 in the afternoon at the common court and we are learning at least one family member of the victims in idaho is flying in to pennsylvania to also be in that courtroom tomorrow afternoon. erica? >> wow. interesting development there. appreciate it. thank you. "outfront" now, joseph jacqueline retired nypd sergeant. good to see you.
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looking at everything we know now, that jean laid out so well. cnn we know police learned, police identified him through his car. dna effort at the scene then run through a public database. officials mum on a possible motive. whether he knew any of the victims, but what'sest tring from the beginning maintained this was a targeted, isolated attack. what do you make of the evidence that we know about so far in this case? >> well, the future is here. right? we've seen this dna that was recovered at the crime scene and forensic genealogy, all the new forensic advancement it's liking like it helped identify a suspect when it appears there wasn't any. however you want to describe it, pulling a rabbit out of a hat or what have you, it's about proper crime scene investigation, identifying that kind of evidence, making sure it's secured properly and then using some of the new advances to see if we could come up with a suspect. >> a lot of focus, people hear
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pursuing his ph.d. just received a degree in criminology. the fact this was a particularly gruesome attack, four students stabbed to death, middle of the night, likely sleeping. some with defensive wounds at the facts he was studying criminology, lived a few miles away from the crime scene. based on all that, the college of criminal justice, any connection between the studies and the murders? >> i don't think so. i mean, i looked back at the history and can only come up with one other case i'm aware of. michele lee, killed by her then boyfriend also a student at john jay college and tried to stage the crime scene, still captured and convicted. listen, i mean, criminal justice has become a big field. see more cases like this?
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i think we will but not because of what they're studies. >> heard and saw a little interview when the student at washington stut university, kohberger was a teaching assistant in the clas he was in and talked ow his demeanor changed around time of are the killings. seemed preoccupied. a strict grader, all of a sudden everybody was getting 100s. how significant that, in your view? that changing in behavior? >> the change of behavior is very important. i think that's why 0 the chief at the press conference specifically said we still want tips to come in. not so much about evidence per se but how he was acting. did he slip up, mention anything? say anything he shouldn't have said? all bits of information they were looking for to make they're case a little tighter. and, you know, i mean, this is how these investigations go. that the chief in idaho deserves a lot of credit. took a lot of beatingsly on social media and they did a good
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job and shows what collaboration can do. right? states, local and feds all working together for a common goal. not like you see on the tv shows. >> that's not real life. we say over and over. when everything is unsealed officially back in the county in idaho, will it give us perhaps insight into a possible motive? >> i don't know about the motive per se but definitely will lay out what established the probable cause. motive is important. aspect of the investigation. i think it will be uncovered eventually as we are getting further into the process. >> really appreciate your insight tonight. thank you. "outfront" next, russia vowing to retaliate after one of the deadliest attacks on its forces since the war began. and including federal reserver before seen white house call logs on the days leading up to the insurrection. so who was trump speaking with?
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strike in eastern ukraine. in a rare admission, 63 russians killed according to them, but ukraine claims hundreds. this as ukraine says russia unleash add ferocious barrage of art tillery stwrikes on the eastern city of bakhmut. ben wedeman is "outfront" in kyiv. >> reporter: the russian army bear, reduced to rubble. in the first hours of 2023, ukraine's army delivered one of the war's deadliest strikes killing scores of russian conscripts stationed in the this occupied city. some military bloggers in russia are outraged asking why troop it's were allegedly housed next to a stash of ammunition which exploded under fire.
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the daring assault came after russian missiles hit the ukraine capital at start of the new year holiday. kyiv's mayor said that two people were killed and many other it's wounded saturday when rockets hit a hotel in residential neighborhoods. a new reminder needed, that this war threatens ukrainian lives far from the front line. many in kyiv spent the last day of 2022 sheltering in metro stations and underpasses. others put on a brave face to venture out. i guess this is how they congratulate us with the new year, she said. close to where the first explosion happened. it was very frightening. this man said shelling people on this day is nothing but villainous. they're just animals. russian shelling continued sunday, hitting a children's
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hospital in the southern city of kherson according to local officials. and monday kyiv faced its third straight day of attacks as more than three dozen drones were launched overnight at the capital. ukrainian military says they intercepted 39 of them, but the falling debris caused damage and injury. already russian politicians are looking for somebody to blame for the deadly ukrainian attack on the russian base, at the head of the adjust russian party saying so-called higher authorities need to be legally held responsible for the fact that so many russian soldiers were in an unprotected building without any form of air defenses and the fact russians came out so quickly and reported that 63 of their soldiers had been killed in this attack e would indicate the actual death toll is probably much, much higher. erica? >> yeah. makes one wonder.
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thank you. flft "outfront" retired mil analyst, and colonel, russia admitting 63 deaths but on top of that outrage ben talked about, these scores of russian soldiers dieing in that strike, because of where they were housed. allegedly next to this ammunition the cache. that leaves you scratching your head how that could even happen. >> yeah. for sure, erica. i tell you, this would be a call for the relief of that commander or that commander to be court-martialed in almost any military i've ever dealt with. so this is a severe blow nome to the russian military in that particular tactical instance but also very symptomatic are russia able to grow good leaders, people who pay good attention to this and not waste troops in a situation like this. because losing their lives like this they basically had no
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chance and fought for nothing at this point. >> when we look at, too, what else we're hearing, chief of the ukraine military saying liberated 40% of the area that will been occupied by russia since the invasion. president zelenskyy is still warning russia could launch a "prolonged attack" using drones with a goal of exhausting ukraine, destroying its civilian infrastructure. that's part of the focus. could it work? or could ukraine continue to regain territory athimid all th? >> ukraine could game territory in the midst of an assault like that. one thing to think about, the russian target set is really the civilian infrastructure while ukraines are working against the military formations russians have on their territory. the equation is different for each side. but given that particular situation, and in these particular facts, it's clear to me ukrainians could withstand it
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but very difficult. what russians are trying to do, integrate futuristic concepts of this swarm warfare where drones are used in swarms against particular targets. trying to do this against civilian taerrgets and it's kin of the window into the future where robotics would be a part of the military equation. what russians are trying to do but i don't think they can get there from here. >> we'll be watching. appreciate your insight. thank you. >> you bet, erica. "outfront" next, new documents just released by the january 6 committee including what trump's inner circle, hope hicks, to name one, were texts after the deadly riot. and details about actor jeremy renner's accident with a snow plow. he is now undergoing a second surgery.
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6. on january 5th alone, you see on the screen the many people donald trump spoke with as he desperately tried to cling to power ranging from his own vice president mike pence to gop lawyers, leaders and lawmakers, in the final hours before the resurrection trump went basically from one call to another including talking twice to rudy giuliani. senior justice correspondent of "outfront" tonight, first time seeing these call logs in their entirety. how crucial in tells of the investigation? >> i think they are crucial to the justice department investigation. especially as relates to the effort to pressure the former vice president into throwing out the election results of 2020 and to seat these it fake electors that might have kept the former president in power. if you hone in on some of these calls that he was busy doing to doug mastriano, for instance, in pennsylvania. talking with jeffrey clark,
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somebody who was very involved in his fake electors trying to get this idea that there was fraud in the election. those are the calls i think the justice department is very, very much focused on as part of the criminal investigation and there's a trove of documents that we've seen now from this committee and one of the more fascinating things is these text messages that were released by, that shows the anger inside trump's circle about exactly what had happened, and not exactly the reason that you might expect. right? hope hicks, a very close aide to the president texting with ivanka trump's chief of staff, julia radford's in it you see her say in one day he ended every future opportunity that doesn't include speaking engagements at the local proud boys chapter. all of us that didn't have jobbed lined perpetually unemployed. you see her anger. she says we all look like domestic terrorists's in another text she says, again, from hope hicks to julie radford, she says
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this made us all unemploymentable, like untouchable. god, i'm so mad. it gives you a sense, erica, that the palpable anger within his own circle maybe not because of the threat to democracy or what happened at the capitol, but more about their own future, their own future well-being and employment prospects. >> interesting. to see that there, we all look like domestic terrorists no you. that note. when we look at everything that's happening because the committee is shutting down tomorrow, the select committee also sent a warning to the white house about its own investigation. what was that warning? >> yeah. a very concerning one. certainly for some witnesses who agreed to talk to the committee and their identities have been shielded because they are not high-level people. they are low-level people who witnessed important parts of the events that happened on january 6 and around january 6 and the committee warned the white house as a result of the fact congress
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is changing hands, identity of those people may not be shielded, certainly by republicans. some of whom have said that what they want to do is xoez what expose what they say is the wrongdoing of this committee. they believe, at least some members believe that the committee was not fair to the former president and his team. so they want to dig into some of what the january 6 committee found as part of the investigation. danger is that some of these people who had been promised anonymity will no longer be anonymous as a result of the change of power. >> i imagine concerned upon learning that. thank you. "outfront" next, kevin mccarthy may still not have the vote at this hour to become speaker, but hear why those wouldn't be able to succeed. >> wasn't the fastest, strongest, but going to give it his all. and cnn learning actor jeremy renner now undergoing a
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the speaker's gavel somewhat firm the night before that key vote. mccarthy seeking powerful post coveted for years. and fighting for support on capitol hill, popular with voters who sent him there. we are "outfront" >> reporter: inside his 19 #83 yearbook is another boy from bakersfield. before any thought of becoming speaker of the house. >> it's crazy. you would never have thought it if you saw kevin in high school. he was scrappy. he worked hard. he wasn't the biggest person. he wasn't the fastest person. he wasn't the strongest person but he was going to give it his all. >> reporter: and you see that today? >> yeah i see that today. >> reporter: while the country sees an influential congressman in washington, some residents of mccarthy's district in central california see one of them. >> i would never see him staying down. he is not that guy. >> reporter: this bakersfield farmer also grew up with
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mccarthy. harvesting her carrots today, she sees in mccarthy's political assent the seeds of tomorrow. >> he comes from here. we have direct access to him. he has access to people to help us tell our story. the lifeblood of the central valley of california is ag. >> reporter: the country's largest ag producer the district is also the energy capital of california from oil to solar, well known to this native of bakersfield. >> probably the best home grown candidate for public office that we have. >> reporter: he married his high school sweetheart and went to community college and college here. that's when he came through then congressional aide's door wanting an internship. you rejected kevin mccarthy. >> he likes to say you know the story. that's her. >> reporter: she hired him for the fall and watched mccarthy rise in republican politics.
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>> we need to create jobs. >> reporter: winning a seat in the california assembly. >> my very good friend assembly member mccarthy. >> then rising as one of the faces of a new generation of conservatives. it is his alliance with former president donald trump and the immediate aftermath of the capitol insurrection. >> the president bears responsibility for wednesday's attack by mob rioters. >> reporter: only to shift days later >> i >> i don't believe he provoked them if you listened to what he said in the rally. >> reporter: that turned off some bakersfield supporters. >> it gave me some hesitation in voting for him this past november. >> kevin is the most adaptable politician i have ever seen in my life. i think he knows how to evolve his positions enough to stay viable in the political game.
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do i consider him a conservative idealogue? not at all. >> reporter: representing deep red turf in deep blue california mccarthy cruised to re-election by more than 30 points. a natural outcome here say those who think of mccarthy as their kevin. >> politics is politics. they do what they do. i know kevin on a more personal level so i don't see that in kevin. >> reporter: cnn, bakersfield, california. next just in to cnn the family of actor jeremy renner releasing a statement with new details about the injuries renner suffered in the snow plowing accident as we've also learned he undergoing a second surgery. she'll get some help from fidelity to envision what's possisible. fidelity c can help her prioritize her goals by looking at her full financial picture. plus they'll help her pick an investment strategy,
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we've learned after having two surgeries following a snow plowing accident with what sources tell cnn are, quote, extensive injuries. the accident happened yesterday near renner's home in reno, nevada. he has frequently posted on social media about using snow plows to deal with the heavy snowfall in the area near his home including a year ago where he posted a video behind the wheel of a snow plow. it is not known whether this is the same piece of machinery that was involved in yesterday's accident but we are getting new details tonight. we're outfront. you just got a statement from his representatives from the family. what more do we know about the accident and his condition? >> reporter: that is what everyone has wanted to know. he has undergone two surgeries. he just got out of his second surgery. this is what the family is saying. we can confirm that jeremy has suffered blunt chest trauma, and orthopedic injuries and has undergone surgery today. he remains in the intensive care unit. we know this happened yesterday
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morning near his home and as you said he is used to using the snow plows. he is known for not only clearing his long driveway but that of others and the local roads nearby. he is a really good neighbor to everyone. he has an extensive property and we know he was air lyfted. there have been reports that perhaps a neighbor came to his aid. we haven't been able to confirm that just yet. but again we know he was air lifted. he has been in these surgeries. when i spoke to a source earlier today asking about his leg and other things they said, look. his injuries were extensive. he's very lucky to even be alive. it is critical but stable condition. and so all signs point to him making it through this and in this statement the family and everyone goes on to thank the local authorities, people that were first on the scene and the doctors and nurses. it is going to be a long road for him. >> absolutely. so again as you said, suffered blunt chest trauma, orthopedic
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injuries, two surgeries. do we know when -- did his representatives or family offer any further information about when they may be releasing more information? >> we know that, look. i've been in touch with the team and with people close to him all day. really they have wanted to provide the family some private time right now. this is the latest surgery and we know he is in stable condition in the icu unit. he has posted videos for years dating back to 2018 and 2019 of himself on this property in nevada using this machinery. this was something he was accustomed to. many questions on social media about did he fall off, did it back over him? i'm sure we'll learn more in the coming days. >> he made it through the two surgeries. really appreciate that update. a lot of people are pulling for him and thinking of the family. thank you. thanks to you for joining us. ac 360 start
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