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tv   CNN Tonight  CNN  January 2, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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>> hello, everyone i'm john berman, this is cnn special live coverage of an event that
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i think has captured the intention of an entire nation now the entire world. an injury on the field on a nationally televised football game monday night football. 24-year-old omar hamlin collapsing on the field after a collision. we just got official word, the first official word on the exactly what happened, and his medical condition now. let me read you a statement just put out by the buffalo bills that is damar hamlin team. they say he suffered a cardiac arrest following a hit in our game following the bengals. it's hard to beat was restored on the field, and he was chanceford to the use emoticons center for further testing and treatment. he is currently stated, and listed in critical condition. this is the first time we've received official word of what happened, it cardiac arrest, and it is absolutely the first time we have been told that his
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heartbeat was restored on the field. that is a bit of i manage in good news, they got his heart beating again on the field, before he was transferred to the university of cincinnati medical center where he has now been sedated and listed in critical condition. we have been told there were reports he was intubated, some medical experts we spoke to said that might be a positive sign, that the heart started beating again, they intubated him to do his breathing for him, to make it easier now for him to recover so let's hope this is the beginning of what might be a positive sign there. damar hamlin for those who did not see, a 24-year-old, safety plays defense for the bengals. he collapsed after this collision in the first quarter of monday night game against the cincinnati bengals. this is the actual moment it happened and we will show us
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little as we have, to but to give you a sense of what happen, you can see he popped up, number three, he popped up after the tackle before ultimately collapsing onto the field. now that happened just before 9 pm eastern time, the game itself was postponed at ten, postponed i mean called off at least for the night, and the buffalo bills have now gone home, they are back on their way to buffalo. an ambulance, you can see, they're brought onto the field, damar hamlin was given cpr, we now know the heartbeat was restored before he was taken in the ambulance to the hospital. now, as this was happening, you could just see players from both teams devastated. the former players we have spoken to, say they have never seen anything like this. we have never seen anything like that, collapse nor the instant reaction, we are clearly all the players you are seeing now knew that something was very wrong there.
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you saw the pictures of them kneeling, embracing each other, no matter what team they were on. again, his mother, was at the game, we are told that she rode with him in the ambulance to the hospital. damar hamlin it's in his second year in the league, he was a -- out of university of pittsburgh. yes played in every game this season starting with the last 14. now, people around the, country around the, world athlete and others, now sending prayers and well wishes. i want to bring in cnn sports correspondent carolyn manno. carolyn, again, this is a bit of new information we have now. they say his heartbeat was restored on the field following a cardiac arrest, your reaction? >> well this confirmation of the cardiac arrest is consistent with what some of our medical experts have been saying. we can't speculate about what this might mean, you, know i would immediately think that it is a bit of good news, but we
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just don't know, you know, i keep thinking about how the bills have handled this as an organization, how the head coach sean mcdermott handled this moment. i was at home like many people -- you and i have watched a lot of football over the years and something we're wrong and we've been accustomed to have trauma in the nfl we know it is such a violent, game but the nature of this is very different even though it fell under that umbrella of this being a dangerous sport so when you saw sean mcdermott really take matters into his own hands, i mean, the way players reacted, how emotional they were, covering their, faces crying, the first thing, i thought, i really hope that the nfl will make sure that both the bills and bengals collectively will have access to the care that they need to process the charm of this moment. to see the head coach decide
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that his players couldn't continue, i thought was really the difference here. you know, zach taylor, to his credit, the two of them putting their heads together, saying you know what, official word has not come through, we watched the team packing things up, and we are the ones who are going to see this is not right for our players. our player, especially with a future being so uncertain at that time. so, it is going to get a bit more information. i think we still have many hours to go before we will hear from the hospital and learn his condition. >> yeah, and as you note, this game postponed -- i don't think have ever seen in a football game. it must have been an event that these players and coaches just felt like they could not, should not go on. >> yeah and i think on the nfl conference call just a short time ago that we were all listening in on, there is a felt and expressed to us that the emergency plan that was put in place on the field, the way
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that the response was so officially conducted, the cpr, and we've heard if you believe it even though we are waiting for a confirmation that was in fact used, that was really executed well. that is a credit to the lead, and the practice and access to the tools they, need the staff in place to make these decisions, to help these players in a way that may not have been done decades ago. when -- seems to be the league have a protocol in place that was executed, but you know i think over the next couple of days next couple of weeks we are going to analyze why did it take so long to call this game clearly there's a lot at stake the nfl is managing a lot but the focus is on a young man who many people describe as kind,
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carrying, and -- made the beginning of the night, around the time of this incident there was around $12,000 being donated now that is upwards of 3 million and beyond. people around the country are identifying as a person, and what he, reach out to anything they can to very much about his health. >> 3 million, 59, 000, 150. i just checked. thank you so much for sharing your insight on this tonight and your reporting. we do have a medical expert with us now doctor anthony cardillo is an emergency room specialist and joins us from los angeles and former nfl player doctor ma since we last spoke we now have the statement, and it is a lot more information than we had before.
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a cardiac arrest, known why hamlin suffered a cardiac arrest, his heartbeat was restored, and he is now sedated in critical condition. so three data points there, walk us through what they would be. >> okay, so this is substantial information, and is very reassuring to find that they actually restore cardiac activity on the field. this is critical, it will be critical in this further developments. now, it sounds like we are finding out he had cardiac arrest on the, field a lot of us have been looking at these videos, and surmising that would most likely happen is a traumatic cardiac arrest. when he was it in the chest, as hard as he was, it is a phenomenon known as -- this is when you get traumatic injury to the area of the chest just as the heart is getting prepared to have another beat. it is during that we
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polarization face in the electromechanical activity of the heart. we remember the heart is fueled by electrical impulse. if you have trump at an exact moment when the artist getting ready to wreak polarize and -- you will go into cardiac arrest. so what we saw, and what we are also amazing is actually developing into most likely the -- of what caused him to fall down and go into cardiac arrest. it is also a testimonial to the quick action of the medical professionals on that field that saved his life. being prepared, and ready, having all of the equipment necessary, particularly the aed. the automated external defibrillator, and quite honestly, after the seventh, i can't imagine not having a football, game even on a high school level without having aeds available. they are widely available now in our communities and shopping malls in public spaces. we need to have them everywhere, because it is that quick action
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that most likely brought him back now again this is all speculative as you watch this unfold but we are having greatness that that hart was restored on the field that will be the single most important factor in his ability to get through this. >> and again, dante, i will come june a, second but if the heartbeat is restored does that mean he will recover many? >> certainly, if you had a traumatic chest injury that led to this legal -- it sounds like cpr was started immediately, that is the real important factor for survivability, and also coming back to a normal life. how quickly after the event happens can cpr -- it sounds like it was within moments. the next critical moment is restoring circulation. it sounds like it may have been
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in minutes that happened. those are critical factors in getting it back now, and, unfortunately, when you go down like, that you are having what is called -- where no oxygen to the brain. similar to when it goes down into the pool for example. and that's narrow it is really seconds that matter. along with the brain deprived of oxygen. it sounds like -- you have to imagine, that cpr was started, and they were giving him oxygen. those are all very important things. >> all right, thank you for that again. what we know for sure is what the bills are telling us now, cardiac arrest, heartbeat restored, sedated, critical condition, dante, two, you just your reaction to the words heartbeat was restored. >> it is -- the words --
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it is hard to talk about. players get hurt all the time in these games, it is a violent sport, you see players have these injuries or they are out for the years, torn acl, achilles and you see the car to come out and they get a cast put on and it is a meticulous process, but it is slow and it is intentionally slow to make sure they do not get re-injured, whatever injury occurred at the moment, but this was something totally different. this was performing a life saving measure on one of the players on the field, which is why you saw the reaction from those guys. we see these injuries, just injuries in general a lot, but the reactions were not the same and we could not really tell at home what was going on, let me seeing the players reaction led me to believe that was something that was unprecedented, that had never
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happened before, just what looking at the players reactions and that could tell you, by then performing the cpr on him, something devastating which is why you saw the reaction from players on both teams, the guys were crying, were turned away because they probably just could not stand to look, but hoping and praying everything will turn out all right. >> and you were just telling me, you suspected the bills who are now on their way back to buffalo now, what they are trying to, do what they are hoping for is any sign, any word about their teammate de mar hamlin. how do you think, what do you think it will be like on that plane as the land? and again, i don't want to get ahead of, this i don't know how often -- but, it is a new piece of information that the heart was beating on the field before he was taken to the hospital. >> yeah, i think those guys are obviously devastated, but they want to be optimistic, i am
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sure, this is their brother. they spent as much time with these players in the locker room then sometimes their own family members. so they all look at each other as brother so this is a member of their family who's going through this. so i'm sure they are trying to be optimistic as possible, and i know that if they are all wanting to know as many updates as they can, as they fly back home to buffalo, and i know it will be a difficult night for a lot of them to be able to try to get to sleep. i'm pretty sure there is going to be, whenever there are, updates they will all get there at the same time, he coaches or someone in that organization will call the players. because usually on the days after games, we will come in, typical day is we will come in and have meetings, and go through our little workouts like 45 minute workouts to work out the kinks and bruises. this will be something totally different, and i hope those guys are able to get some kind of help to help them get
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through this. this is something unprecedented like i said. i don't know what the nfl or the teams are going to do or be prepared to do to help these players and try to prepare for game next week, or this weekend i should say. >> they should do whatever they can. they should do whatever they can to help these folks get through. this doctor, the fact that he is sedated now at the university of cincinnati medical center, talk to us about what is happening, you suspect, now. >> sure. that is another protocol. he has to be sedated at this point, just to protect his body, he has been through a lot right now whatever the body suffers a cardiac arrest and cpr is instituted, you really want to get that body to relax. the intermission is really probably prophylactic because they need to control his breathing, they want to control the body's physiology. that is why they intubated him, that is why they -- now they will slowly start leading off that station to see how his body responds. to see if his breathing. the term we use, is he
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breathing over the ventilator? does he have this normal breathing -- that is what we will be watching for very carefully this time. i'm sure they are doing c.a.t. scans under certain plans as well as his chest, remember, this is all speculative and we are presuming that he had a cardiac event, to you just drama, but we wouldn't allow the possibility of a certain spinal injury also. it is -- also, another modality, as what you call therapeutic hypothermia. that means when we have a device that we lower the bodies to help preserve the brain, and its ability to come back. again, it is really dependent upon how much lack of oxygen his brain suffered. >> and, dante, what do you want to hear from the nfl next >> well, i think the nfl needs to immediately come out and dispel any rumors that they were ready to resume this game, and from
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what we heard from the announcers during the game, we heard they were going to give the players and teams five minutes to warm up to resume the game. i think they need to dispel that, and there needs to be more information out on that. because, the information we heard from the announcers was, the players were going to warm up, to resume this game, but the coaches intervened. so, i implore the nfl to come out and discuss exactly what -- how that process came, about and why took so long to suspend this game. >> dante, thank you for joining us tonight. doctor anthony cardillo our thanks to you as well, helping us understand this new statement we received from the buffalo bills. cardiac arrest for damar hamlin, his heartbeat restored on the field, now in critical condition under sedation. thank you both. much more to come on this breaking news, including reaction from around the nfl as well as some of damar hamlin
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>> all right we are following breaking news, the buffalo bills safety damar hamlin is in critical condition at a cincinnati hospital. the bill say he is suffering cardiac arrest, after making a tackle early in the monday night football game against the bengals. now the team in the statement released just moments ago says his arch beat was restored on the field, that is new
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information, he was taken to the university of cincinnati medical center where he is currently sedated, and in critical condition. now the 24-year-old is in his second year in the nfl, six round draft pick, he played every game for the bills the season starting in the last 14. football fans sending of course their thoughts and prayers, some gathered outside the hospital where hamlin is being treated. fans of both the bills and bengals came together to show their support, with some holding candles. earlier today, the nfl held a conference call to discuss his injury, one of the people speaking on that call was -- troy vincent executive vice president of the nfl. himself a former pro nfl player. here's part of what he said. >> it was really about damar and making sure that -- look, i have never seen anything like it since i have been playing, so immediately my
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player -- how do you receiving clay after seeing such a traumatic event occur in front of you in realtime. that is the way we were thinking about it. >> and, joining me now on the phone, is kelsey conway. she is a reporter covering the cincinnati bengals for the cincinnati enquirer. she was in the stadium when hamlin collapsed. kelsey, i've been reading your stuff on twitter all night long, so district to get a chance to speak with you here. it is terrific to get -- what is it like to -- if you remember, that was --
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going down and it was very scary moment he also got to take it off in an ambulance to the university of cincinnati medical center to be examined for his head injury which then trickle down to multiple head injuries for him. but the scene is pretty scary then and this happened -- you are sitting there, and from a press box far away it really was doing cpr, you could see someone -- what you did not want to make a statement without knowing it for sure. it seems to be very bad when they weren't moving. the berkley aussie -- back and forth, who assured that they didn't quite know what to do, and really struggle to get into the ambulance, and really tried a horrifying
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scene. >> -- well the heartbeat was restored on the field, now that is something i don't think any of us knew until just a few minutes ago. >> yeah that is major update here -- hopefully all of these players, everyone all over the world right now are with him, but that it was a significant -- he did not know when he was leaving the field he did not want to start your waist but it was really unclear what exactly was going on. we knew it had something to do with the, heart we saw by the reaction of -- who was in tears. all the bills players were in tears. you knew something tragic happened. you just did not know, so for us to get that update, it is significant. >> yeah, and again, i think that is important. you did not know. you are watching, and you did not know what was going on, what had happened, that it was
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a cardiac arrest. now we, know the bills told us cardiac arrest. you certainly did not know the heartbeat was restored on the field, now what we still don't know is what that means for a possible recovery. the statement from the bills also said that he is currently sedated in critical condition at the hospital, correct? >> yes. is that the university of cincinnati medical center which is about 5 to 10 minutes from the stadium it is very close and one of the pieces of information we got from the nfl -- is that they had an emergency action plan, i teach nfl stadium which involved ambulance -- they never won things like this to happen but they are prepared for situations like this and they were able to get him to better care quickly as they could. he had a police escort take him
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in the ambulance, so he got there pretty quickly, and i was told that the bills are going to head back to buffalo tonight, several players staying back to stay close and they just don't want to leave him quite yet. the team is taking everybody back to buffalo. >> and just finally, i don't know if you've had a chance to notice because you were doing reporting, furious reporting here. but what about the fans, what about the tens of thousands of people who were at the stadium, any sense of what their mood was like or how they reacted when the game was called? >> they -- i was in the tunnel close to the locker room when the game was called, but for the hour before, then it was just sitting and silence, absolute silence for the fans. that stadium was absolutely sold out. there was a ton of fans there, you could just tell everybody,
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whether you are bengals, fan a bills fan, it was just absolutely speechless. it took the unofficial and the team a little bit to figure out what they were going to do, that was another piece of information. it was not just the bangles head coach -- and sean mcdermott, and the players. they were in the locker rooms to debrief, and the teams came together and realized that they were not going to be able to play this game with the emotions, the players, and everything involved. so they then decided, the league decided we will postpone this. game i thought that was an important piece to note. the nfl makes the call, of course they do, but it was because of the information they got from the bengals, and the bills. >> kelsey conway, from the cincinnati enquirer, as i, said just one of many people have been following the reporting all night in all morning long. so, thank you very much for the work you do. >> thank you so much for having me on. >> now everyone stick around,
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breaking news coverage out of cincinnati where buffalo bills safety de mar hamlin is in critical condition after collapsing on the field during monday night football against the cincinnati bengals. in the statement just a short time ago released by the, bills they say he suffered cardiac arrest, following a collision in the first quarter of the game. now, the bills say hamlin's -- was restored on the field, before he was transferred by ambulance to the hospital where he is now sedated, and receiving treatment. the national football league players association among the many sending well rushes in a tweet, union said the nfl p and everyone in our community is praying for him we have been in touch with bills and bengals players, and with the nfl, the only thing that matters at this moment is his health and
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well-being. buffalo bills quarterback josh allen expressed his own concerns force teammate, he rode out please play for our brother, now both of those statements were put out before the release of the information we just, got and it was cardiac arrest he suffered, and it -- was restored on the field. i want to bring in cnn sports correspondent now, carolyn manno, you know, josh allen, obviously, the nfl, everyone, everyone expressing their concern for hamlin. yeah, across the entire sports, landscape john, and really across the entire world, i know you soccer fan remember it was 2020 -- had a moment that made the whole world stood still when he suffered from an incident, a cardiac incident and we didn't know his fate from lebron james. many players in the nba that have felt the press conferences have stopped to offer their thoughts and prayers we. have seen it all over twitter. what was really touching, and
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also to me what was really one of the first sign of the potential severity of, this is when you saw all the bengals player react to both sides of the field, clearing their benches, going over to josh allen, consoling, him and there is a still image that is really chilling and startling. both of the quarterbacks staring into the abyss, in the immediate aftermath of this incident. you can tell how upset they, were how devastated they were, and to hear that zach taylor of the bengals head coach had made a trip to the hospital, that was widely reported by us, you know, he was, there the bills receiver who was among the players trying to rally his teammates, when it was thought that maybe they would have to go back out on the field and play. to your point, i mean, athletes are tied to one another through what they do, and so you are seeing within the nfl, but certainly far beyond it, so many players reaching out and just sympathizing and
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empathizing and wanting to know, everybody to know that he is in their thoughts as well. >> yeah, he's their, friend teammate, he is someone they all care about, thank you so much for being with us. >> earlier, i spoke -- with a reporter with w x i have cincinnati about eminent collapse on the field. and, obviously the nfl was no stranger to -- what happened overnight was something very different. well, it is interesting you mention the head injuries, because at a primetime game here in cincinnati earlier in the season was when -- at his incident that was a big national talking point. so that happened here in cincinnati just eight months ago. now you've s-word to this moment happening right here and in cincinnati, it is kind of ironic that they have been both inside the same stadium, but you mentioned that he had injuries, again, those are things we see on a football field. because a violent, supported
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you guys know what they sign up, for we see it sometimes broken bones, knee injuries, spinal injuries, those are serious things that happen. we do not see things like this happen. i can tell, you, john i've never seen medical staff react with the kind of urgency i saw tonight when the ran out from the field. i don't know if you showed the video of when he stood up, and then collapsed back to the ground. you can see players immediately motioning to both benches to get as many medical staff out to the field as soon as possible. they rushed out, there they were opening up the equipment with the kind of emergency i've never seen before for somebody on a football field. within 30 seconds, the stretcher was on the way out, also back supporting case that was the issue, and the ambulance was out there. so all of that is very unique, things we haven't seen, before and it does lead to this being a very unique and different kind of injury that we haven't seen before. at least i have never seen on a football field, especially in the nfl. >> you said you had never seen medical staff get onto the field with the urgency that
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they did, that means people are qualified and trained in many -- normally they're looking at knees, shoulders, arms, this is a different type of situation. they appear to have the equipment, and the situation, of his sense of what was going on the moment they ran out? >> they did. i had an eye site,, john of when the first medical staff ever showed up. they had a big heavy bag with a lot of medical equipment inside, remember, the medical staff personnel ripping that open with the kind of urgency that to me was very eye-opening, and very shocking. to me it signaled this is different, this is something serious, and they pulled out the medical equipment. at that point, the teams and other personal from the team had gathered around him, and i did not have a nice shot anymore from the side of what was happening. i can't mention this -- was the bengals wide receiver, you mentioned who is part of that hit that kind of landed his head and chest of maher hamlin.
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we saw him here in the hallway, his mother was out here when some place relieving here to go to the stadium for tonight. as mothers here, they should an emotional moment in on the, play just a football play. wide receiver making a catch turning up, field contact, and bounced up, and that is when things went up when he collapsed of the field. it looked like a football play with a guy getting hit in the chest, that is why they were shoulder pads. this one, obviously, created some kind of damage that we are not used to seeing on a football field, -- >> and that was -- from wxix in cincinnati. we have much more coming up on the condition of buffalo bills safety to more hamlin, is teammates, apartments, at least across the united states. reacting after he collapsed on the field. stay with cnn. exactly when we'll be there. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: thatat's service that fits your schedule.
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so more on the breaking news
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this, our buffalo bills safety tamar hamlin is in the hospital in critical condition after collapsing during monday night football. the bills put out a statement saying, he suffered cardiac arrest, but his heartbeat was restored on the field, before he was taken to the hospital. they say he is currently sedated and in critical condition. he fell on his back moments after making a tackle in the first quarter of the game against cincinnati bengals. with me now, former nfl wide receiver donté stallworth, dante, thank you so much for being with us, again we just received word in the last hour of the actual event itself was a cardiac arrest. his heartbeat was restored on the, field he is now sedated in critical condition. so that is an update on the situation at hand. the buffalo bills returning to buffalo, what is it going to
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take for these players to get back on the field next week? what will it be like for them when they play the patriots next weekend? what will it be like? >> it is going to be difficult. the only thing i can -- remotely compare to is when i was a member of the new orleans saints in 2005 and hurricane katrina hit new orleans, hit the gulf coast, and we didn't want to play that was during the summer and i think before the season began, we had a preseason game coming up in a couple days and that was the situation is completely different obviously for a number of reasons, but it's the only thing i can relate it back to you. i know the players did not want to play, they were not in the right mindset to play, especially -- just not in the right mindset. a lot of guys on intermission or that their families were okay, they wanted to make sure
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that the people in new orleans were, okay they wanted to -- anyway they could kind of like the guys in new york did during 9/11 and you know, that is about the closest thing i can compare, because this is an unprecedented issue, but for the guys that get back, it is going to get back, because that is all they are thinking about right now, not thinking about the playoffs they are not thinking about the magnitude, how big that game was coming into the game tonight monday night. it was a really big -- and, i can just tell you, there has to be more concern about -- anything else, and honestly, i don't have the answer for how they are going to be able to come back and try to go to work this week, and be ready for the last game of the season. honestly, i cannot answer that. >> actually, i think it is a really good comparison. because at its heart, it is your mind is on something else,
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there is something more important to you right now than a football game so i think it is an interesting comparison. added to that this time, is maybe new questions about your own mortality when you get out on a football, field and you see your friend fall down like that. >> yeah, 100% i can tell you when i played i played you know, i was not afraid of contact, i actually enjoyed it, i was a guy that was kind of felt like i was a tough receiver out, their receivers don't usually look at that tough, but once i retire now i watch the games, i just shriek at every hit. i -- my mindset is completely different than i have for the past 9:10 years, a look at these guys, and i look where they will be in 10:15 30 years down the road, as opposed to what will happen in the next play, it is the mindset of those players fortunately have to have. so it is a different, situation
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and it is unprecedented. so it is tough to see how these players can -- and how the nfl handles it and the teams, the head coaches handle it, and how they handle trying to move forward from such a traumatic experience. >> you can also help us understand, we say the training staff ran a field, that is a generalization, we think of trainers and talk to us about how sophisticated these training staff are sick hopes of life of the more hamlin. >> yeah, these folks in the training, staff they are part of the. team they literally are there every day some of the players are closer to the training staff then they are their own coaches and that is how close they are to the team they are literally inside the team facility every single day and
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treat the players. they are part of the team. so for them to act as fast as they, did for them to be on point, and really, you know, listen to the medical professionals, listening to how crucial and critical it was in that moment really just underscores the professionalism, and the urgency that he acted with, obviously you give them kudos for not only doing their job doing their job under pressure when usually doesn't come from across and they have to do their job under immense pressure as they did tonight. so they handled it extremely well. >> they did, let's just hope it was enough for tomorrow hamlin at this point. thank you so much for lending your expertise here. this is cnn special coverage, the nfl of course in the entire country hoping, hoping for a recovery from des moines amlin after he collapsed on the field. latest details about what happened, and his condition just ahead.
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all right buffalo bills defensive back damar hamlin is in critical condition after suffering from cardiac arrest on the field during the monday night football game between the buffalo bills and cincinnati bengals, in cincinnati. his heartbeat we are now told, was restored on the field, he was rushed to a nearby hospital, that is according to a statement put out by the buffalo bills. he is now sedated in critical condition. fans wanted to show support for him, they have been donating to a fund-raiser he set up, he actually set up a gofundme site, it is a christmas toy drive aimed at bringing joy to children in need.
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in his hometown in pennsylvania. this is footage of him meeting fans, signing autographs, posing for photos at that toy drive last month. >> it is something i have always been in, to giving, back something i've been doing at home in pittsburgh for three years. so, just being able to extend it, it is something i love doing. >> since hamlin injury, donations have just been pouring in. it was several thousand dollars before the game, at last check, it is now more than three point $81 million. three point $81 million. most of that, just over the last few hours. we will keep your eye on that. and, the health of damar hamlin. i'm john berman, our coverage continues with rosemary church just after this.
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