tv CNN This Morning CNN January 4, 2023 4:00am-5:00am PST
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i think at the end of the day we'll get everybody together. >> you failed three times, how do you possibly pull this off? >> you get to 218. >> how do you do it? >> you come back, you continue what you're doing right now, talking, solve the small problems. >> they say if you do the same thing over and over -- >> insanity. >> -- and expect the same -- >> that's the definition of insanity. >> it was supposed to be kevin mccarthy's big moment. so what the heck happened? good morning, america, good to see you. poppy and i are here in new york. kaitlan is live in washington d.c. hi, kaitlan, doing okay? >> we're bracing. it's the worst episode of the west wing ever playing out right now. we'll see what happens today. >> a chaotic day on the hill. no speaker elected. some in the republican party turned against their leader.
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ahead kaitlan collins is going to speak with a member who switched his vote after first saying yes. plus we have buffalo bills safety damar hamlin news, still in critical condition at this hour. we're going to speak to harry carson on the dangers of the sport and what it means for the league moving forward. you'll see a rare scene unfold in a few hours in kentucky. president biden and senate republican leader mitch mcconnell will appear together to promote a major bipartisan accomplishment. >> but we start this hour with the historic stalemate playing out here in the u.s. house of representatives. as of 7:00 a.m., none of the new members have been sworn in. no committees or new committee chairs put in place and no rules in place for the house. 20 republicans at our last count defected from kevin mccarthy, not voting for him and the gop revolt is putting his pursuit of the speakership for a second time in serious jeopardy. we expect the votes could
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continue today at noon we'll find out in a moment when we speak to a republican member. but this leadership drama has paralyzed the entire house chamber. nothing on this level has occurred in more than a century. it is historic and we don't know how it all ends. lauren fox joins us now. yesterday they had these three votes went on for hours and then moved to adjourn after we heard that kevin mccarthy wanted them to keep voting. what happened in the hours after that. >> reporter: these hours are key. the day starts with the fiery conference meeting with kevin mccarthy going in, saying i deserve this job look at what i've done for you, how hard i've worked for us. that didn't win any votes. we saw the three subsequent votes where he fails to get the job done. then he goes back to his office, tries to reach out to some of these folks and we know his deputies are trying to work votes. even if you don't have a good relationship with someone,
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perhaps someone you're close to, someone on your leadership team might be able to reach out and change minds. conservatives are also whipping their own votes according to our colleagues melanie zanona, that they're still trying to win over their conservative majority. meanwhile, kevin mccarthy still pretty upbeat. here what's he told our colleagues. >> do you think the freedom caucus members under estimate the fact that if they put another member up they're not as able to get as many votes as you can get. >> i'm a fan of jim jordan, i'm the one that pulled him out to help him be committee chair. that's the person they're most behind. we have ten times as many votes but the standpoint is, we have to find a way we all work together. so i don't know who else could actually put that together. >> are there any circumstances under which you would consider pulling out of the race for speaker? >> no. >> there's not one. >> not one. >> the thing to watch today,
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kaitlan, is whether or not conservatives can grow the number of votes they have against kevin mccarthy. that is going to be the key telling moment here. whether or not that number starts to increase or whether we're at a stalemate. >> did not go the direction kevin mccarthy wanted it to go, instead he got more members to change their minds. thank you so much. one of the republicans who did switch his vote yesterday from mccarthy to jim jordan in the third round. >> donalds. >> jordan. >> jordan. [ applause ] >> that vote surprising some in the chamber. the republican congressman there voting. it's byron donalds of florida who voted for mccarthy on the first two ballots and then switched to jim jordan on this third. he is joining us now. good morning. >> good morning. >> i imagine you had a late
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night last night. what's on the agenda today, are you voting when the housz convenes at noon? >> i think we should vote again today. right now we're going to go through conversations and negotiates to see if there is a pathway for kevin to get to 218. look, i think what we need to do is have those serious conversations. what should not have done and i'm glad we stopped is have a vote-a-rama on the floor, i don't think that's good for the republican conference or the house overall. there were conversations last night by some members, conversations today to see if a pathway still exists. you can get into the semantics about rules and committee assignments, but what this is about is having a conversation about what leadership is going to be like in the nation's capitol in the house of representatives. for far too long in this town too many things have been by acclimation and that's not worked for the american people. so we need to fight for restraints, reforms, securing our board erall the things the american people want to see but
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the root of that starts in how you set up leadership and rules in the house and having a deliberative process over that is good for the republic. >> we know there's no rules yet because there's no speaker. if you vote today are you voting for mccarthy or someone else? >> a lot of that remains to be seen. >> you could potentially switch your vote back to kevin mccarthy? >> what i'm going to do right now is vote for who i think is in the best interest of the conference. my vote yes, today was to break a deadlock. we were deadlocked. he did not have a pathway to get there. does he now? that would be fine but what matters is republicans coming together to nominate a speaker. >> do you think he has a strategy right now? >> not clear about that at this time. >> was any ground made last night in the negotiations that happened after you adjourned? >> very little. but i think what you're going to see this morning or maybe what
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you won't see this morning is more conversations around that and we'll see how we get there. >> do you think we're at a point where mccarthy should withdraw his name from the race? >> that's a question for kevin. i cant make that decision for him. i don't think so. i think there's still some ways to go here. it's day two, nobody has seen this in 100 years, obviously, but we're going to go through the process, get the job done and then be focused on the things that american voters sent us here to do. >> the mccarthy reach out to you after you switched your vote to jim jordan? >> i have not talked to him. >> the question is, if it's not kevin mccarthy, who could it be? is there a viable alternative discussed behind the scenes? >> i'm not going to reveal names. there are members talking about different alternatives, people who may find a path way to get to 218. from there we'll have discussions between members one on one, groups and caucuses. >> would it be someone inside the house of representatives or
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outside? >> i don't think there's going to be anybody from outside the house? >> are you seeing attempts behind the scenes to grow the numbers voting against kevin mccarthy? you were the only one who changed your vote yesterday, do you expect more republicans could change their votes today? >> it's very possible. i think there are members who are having -- they're having concerns right now, obviously people back home are weighing in on what they feel, who they feel should be the next speaker of the house. it's possible. right now that's open to interpretation. the key thing is going back to leader mccarthy, is there a pathway for him to get there, yes. can that be worked out in the next couple of hours, yes. >> is it likely? >> not sure yet. >> don bacon of nebraska said yesterday, referring to the 19 that voted against mccarthy as the taliban 19. what do you think of that? >> it's ridiculous. we're in a process where votes
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have been earned not given. for that language to be used is repreh reprehensible, i like don bacon, this is a negotiate, like any negotiation. so to refer to people on the other side of the a negotiation as to be aligned with some of the worst terrorists the world has ever seen is outrageous. >> you talked about the importance of getting through the vote so you can get legislation passed, do things like that. what does yesterday say about what it looks like when republicans are in charge? >> it means that we take this stuff seriously. we're not going to be rolled because partnership leadership says so. there is going to be a deliberative process. it is going to be a lot of discussion. that's what the house of representatives is. for far too long in this town everything has been go along to get along. i think those days are long over in washington d.c. >> some would say it looks like chaos. >> chaos is okay sometimes. there's nothing wrong with disagreements.
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nothing wrong with disagreement. we are in our families at home we have disagreements. so we're not going to have disagreements here in the nation's capitol. i think the veneer the show of politics have gotten people off what this is, there's always give and take, negotiations, some leverage points happening here. so because there's disagreements right now does not mean that the place doesn't function. as a matter of fact i think the fact there are disagreements shows it can still function and function as it was intended to work. >> we'll wait to see how you vote today since you said you could switch your vote back. >> any time. >> he was the only person yesterday who switched from kevin mccarthy to jim jordan now he says if there is a viable path for mccarthy he could switch back but we'll see who gets nominated today. >> he gave it the old college try, but it was embarrassing. it's embarrassing.
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you can see that kevin mccarthy is embarrassed. he's trying to save face but he's sitting there and over and over and over he's told no, we don't want you. we don't want you. >> we'll get back to kaitlan in a moment. i don't know if they are closer to making a decision. >> listen, as i said, he gave it the old college try. this hasn't happened in a century. 13 times in history, 12 of them before the civil war. yeah, of course you have disagreements but by the time you get to this point you got to get your you know what together. >> they have until noon, five hours. >> good luck. >> this morning new details on buffalo bills safety damar hamlin who remains sedated after suffering cardiac arrest on the field in monday night's game. he had just made a tackle, his uncle described to cnn his nephew's condition. will listen to this. >> his heart had went out
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twiegs. they resuscitated him on the field before they got him to the hospital and resuscitated him at the hospital. i want to thank the staff because if not for them my nephew wouldn't be here. we were all in tears. i'm not a cryer but i never cried so hard in my life. to know my nephew died on the field and they brought him back to life. >> i should note that's damar's uncle, also said that damar seems to be trending upwards. >> good news. >> let's bring in the buffalo bills beat reporter, who tweeted i'm trying to process what i watched tonight, the image of a 23-year-old world class athlete getting cpr on the field is burn in my brain. thank you for being with us. any updates on his condition and any sense when we'll hear directly from the bills? >> yes, good morning.
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that is the only official updates that we've had from the team yesterday is that he remains in intensive care in critical condition in the intensive care unit at the university of cincinnati medical center. today is an interesting day for the bills. we heard yesterday from the nfl that their week 18 schedule is going on as planned. so the bills are scheduled to play at home on sunday against the new england patriots. in a typical week practice begins on wednesday we have not heard any schedule from the bills regarding practice. but if they stick to their normal schedule we'll hear from sean mcdermott and players following practice today. clearly there is a lot of interest and people are eager to hear from them. >> you said this is going to be the biggest challenge of sean mcdermott's career, the coach. what he says and how he handles
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i. >> yes, i have no idea how he has his team ready to play in a few days after what they witnessed. you saw the anguish on the field monday night. this by far is sean mcdermott's biggest challenge. >> i have a lot going on here, trying to study up. did you get a condition update? did you have any -- >> just the last official update is that he remains in critical care -- excue me, in critical condition in the intensive care unit at the university of cincinnati medical center. >> thank you. i want to bring in former linebacker for the new york giants, harry carson. he's been outspoken on the dangers of football with contact sports with a specific focus on brain injuries like cte. thank you for joining us. >> my pleasure. >> how are you doing? >> i'm doing well. like everybody else in the country and around the world, sending out prayers to this
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young man. you don't go into a monday night game -- you go into the game hyped and ready to play. you don't go there to be carried off on a stretcher. so it's been very interesting watching this whole thing play out. >> as a former player, can you tell us what the team is going through? because now they have to make a decision -- they may have to make a decision to get back on the field and play, but at some point they have to get back on the field and play, if not the team they were playing against, right -- >> i can't tell you what the team is going through right now, because -- i was on a team where we played washington joe theismann broke his leg or lawrence taylor broke joe theismann's leg. that's one thing and everybody sort of banded together.
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washington players, giants players and we worked together to keep joe from going into shock. but this situation is one that has not been confronted in any way. because you don't go into a game expecting a player to go into cardiac arrest off of a tackle. you know, everybody who is on that field they're praying for one another. they may not like each other. you do certain things to get yourself ready to play. but when you come together, you see everybody is -- when the game is over, they're patting each other on the rear end, they're exchanging jerseys. nobody wants the opposition to get hurt and we pray for one another before we leave the locker room and when we return to the locker room, we pray there won't be any serious injuries and so forth. so this is something that is definitely out of the box.
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>> do you think it's too dangerous? because you said even as a hall of famer you insisted your grandson shouldn't play football. i have a great nephew who when he was a freshman was playing varsity. love to watch it but i worry about him. i was reading "the washington post" said we were talking to jay where did you get an update, it says damar hamlin's cardiac arrest is a wake up call to youth sports, do you think it's too dangerous? >> football is dangerous. before you step on the field there's a possibility that you're going to be carried off the field whether it's a knee, ankle, shoulder, back, whatever. but you don't go in thinking you're going to sustain brain trauma because with the hits you give and receive, that might work its way into cte or some kind of concussion-related symptoms down the road. >> what do you mean by that when you say that?
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are you saying it shouldn't be played? are you saying there needs to be better safety precautions, equipment, what are you saying? >> i'm saying that the game is a violent game. >> um-hum. >> and you know that you can get hurt physically. but nobody tells you that you could get hurt from a neurological standpoint, your brain can be changed in ways that may never -- you find out down the road what damage you may have done. when i first stepped on the football field in the ninth grade, i sustained a concussion. i knew i shouldn't be there and i quit. okay. the next year i went back because i didn't like that taste of quitting in my gut. just to see if i could make it. as it turned out. i wound up being a pretty good player. but i will always remember the
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hits that i gave and i received on the football field. and i know football is not for everybody. and i enjoyed playing but i enjoyed the relationships that i formed more than anything else. you know, i was never really built to be a football player because i don't have that kind of violence in me to want to go out and just smack people around. >> i know it's not your decision it's his, but if you were damar's relative, dad, what would you advise him? would you advise him to play after this? >> if if he asked me, should my son play? i'd say well, whatever you want him to do, that's fine. if he asked me, you know, give me the truth, should he play, i would say no. >> he shouldn't go back. >> should not go back. because you already sustained an injury at some point down the
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line you may sustain another injury. and you might become an altogether different person than you are now. >> wow. harry, honesty. >> i really don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but i've been saying this for a long time. and what america saw on monday night affects not necessarily the fathers of young kids who want to play, it's the mothers who saw it and they don't want their kids to go into something like this. you know, you might hurt your ankle, sprain your knee or whatever, but to get this, you know, mothers don't want their kids to be hurt in any way. and so, that's why i became like the tyrant of my family, because i knew certain things that were not being said.
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and i told my daughter, my grandson will not play football. he was two years old. and i know it may have been very difficult for her husband to accept, and i said, no, i am the tyrant of this family. i will be. i'm willing to be the tyrant. i don't want him playing football. i don't want him playing contact sports. >> what is that? >> this is a pen, but this is also a little note bad that i keep with me, and i jot down little notes. >> it says stop, i ask because you, as i understand it, stopped and didn't carry out tackles that you knew could hurt someone, ruin their career, or worse. >> when you're on the football field and you're playing defense, there's ample opportunity to inflict a lot of damage when you wrap another player up and have a secondary player coming in, say that
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second player coming in is me, then i would deliver a blow in such a way that, you know, that guy who's carrying the ball will feel it. and so, i became known as one of the hardest hitting football players in the league at that time. i remember oj simpson came up behind me after a game, his last year, and he said, carlson, i've been hit by some of the best i've never been hit as hard as you hit me today. and i took that as a -- kind of like a badge of honor, you know. but not realizing even though i was hitting him, i was also sustaining head trauma. and people always talk about helmets and making the game safer. there's but so much you can do to make the game safer. always remember this. helmets do not protect the brain. helmets protect the skull. there's no way you can protect
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the brain from that kind of hits that you see on the football field. it's just not -- >> we had barny jones on yesterday and he said trying to make the game safer is like trying to make a safe cigarette. you can't do it. >> you can't do it. >> thank you very much. >> my mere sure. a rare joint appearance today by president biden and senate republican leader mitch mcconnell in mcconnell's home state of kentucky. we'll tell you why. >> more on the speaker drama and what the republicans voting against kevin mccarthy all have in common. >> tech: cracked windshield? make it easy and schedule with safelite, because you can track us and see exactly when we'll be there. >> woman: i have a few moree minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: that's service that fits your s schedule. go to safelite.comom. >> singers: ♪ safelelite repai, safelite replace. ♪
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the league give emotional tri tributes. plus the west coast bracing for a brutal and deadly storm live in san francisco. and till ahead, the former police chief is giving us a look at the leadup to the capitol attack, the response and the aftermath. and today a rare scene set to unfold in kentucky, you may have to blink twice. president biden is going to be appearing alongside the senate republican leader, mitch mcconnell to celebrate a major bipartisan accomplishment they're going to be on the kentucky side of the bridge that connects kentucky with ohio. it's been a focus point for many presidents. they're going to out the how funds from the bipartisan infrastructure law are going to be used for the much needed repairs to that congested crossing. of course, biden and mcconnell served together in the senate for decades, occasionally negotiating partners when obama was in office.
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mj lee is live at the white house. this bridge has this long political history. we've seen trump there, biden there today with mcconnell. it's significant to show how differently mcconnell is handling things. >> you know, kaitlan, this is a bridge that president biden himself once promised to fix that connects cincinnati, ohio and covington, kentucky, which is where he's going this afternoon and it's one of the busiest freight routes in the country and officials say ca carries double the traffic it's meant to support. it's so politically significant of the nation's crumbling infrastructure, past presidents and congressional leaders have promised to fix it and haven't been able to get it done and what president biden today is able to announce is $2 billion from the infrastructure law that he signed in 2021 goes towards
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upgrading this bridge and other significant bridges including the golden gate bridge in san francisco and you're right part of the event that's so significant is someone like mitch mcconnell appearing beside the president. there's sort of the literal bridge and then the metaphor cal bridge of the president wanting to send this message even in the new congress and with republicans taking over the house that he's willing to reach across the iaisle and work with republicans. back to mccarthy's moment that was supposed to happen but it hasn't happened so far. the republican leader failed to win enough votes to become house speaker. what's going to happen when congress reconvenes and how long will the power struggle last? alyssa griffin who served as communications director for the
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house freedom caucus is with us as well as political anchor john avlon. thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> grow up! this is "the washington post" -- >> that is not "the washington post." >> that's "the new york post". >> it's the cover of every paper. it's embarrassing. this is embarrassing. >> it is. i'm shocked kevin mccarthy allowed it to go to the floor and lose this number. usually you do it behind the scenes in a house conference meeting. i was expecting him to go down, but not by the margin he did of the 19 votes. counter point, it takes two to tan go, the right is being intractable but so is the only-kevin caucus. i would be asking myself right now how long can they sustain that position? the hostage takers as they were they're not coming around unless he makes more concessions and
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he's given them a lot. things that damage the institution, like lowering the threshold for the motion to vacate. i'd be curious to see, another network laid out what demands could look like. two things he mentioned is standing up a select committee to investigate the department of justice for whatever reason you investigate the department of justice. and the other was to release the full unredacted january 6th transcripts which would expose witnesses, private citizens who helped that investigation. if i'm an only-kevin republican, i'd ask what damage to the institution and country am i willing to do to get kevin mccarthy over a steve scalise or elise stephan yoic. >> they should have done a better job counting the votes. you could see he had four folks already voting against him. but there's nothing normal about what we're seeing.
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this isn't a normal negotiation for the speakership. this is a demonstration once again that gallum turns on the creator. the extremists on the far right are going to attack anything resembling responsible go governing. anything that kevin mccarthy tried to do hasn't resulted in goodwill. friday is the anniversary of january 6th. not for nothing but a lot of these folks are the people working with the trump white house to try to overturn the last election, scott perry. over and over. >> all but two are election deniers. >> yes, this is an election denier fight. it's an indication of the fact that parties are deeply split, probably have four parties in this country two. this is going to do nothing to bring back independent voters. even though washington is where good ideas go to die you'd like
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it to be a good option. fred upton floating ideas to get good sport. this happened in alaska in recent weeks yesterday in the pennsylvania state legislature. maybe we can break the fever but i'm not holding out hope because the culture in washington is too opposite anything resembling reason. >> the problem that mccarthy faces, that caucus has only gotten more extreme over the years, though, they're not serious legislatures, you can't say i'll take this bill up on the floor, they just want to burn the place down. i don't see them bending at any point on mccarthy. but mccarthy has set up whoever the future speaker may be for failure because they are going to have to adopt the rules package that allows a vote of no confident with only five members any time they want the speaker's head. >> i feel like you remember the snl skit after trump got elected where chappelle and chris rock is at the party, and everyone is
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running around, oh my god. didn't you see this coming? i was sitting at home watching this going i'm not shocked. this is what you get. >> you said it a couple months ago. >> yeah. you could see this train coming down the tracks. this is what took out john boehner a decade ago, caused paul ryan to resign -- >> as you say this, can we put up the picture of the young guns. remember this book? >> yes. >> oh, the young guns. >> kevin mccarthy, kevin was so young then, so much hope. go on, sorry. >> i can't believe you dusted off that. >> that was 2010 what a difference a decade makes. >> or not the problems were relatively small then but still enough topple a speaker. >> they did the same thing. >> yes. he did not learn the lesson. john boehner ruled a bit with fear. he would retaliate against members when they voted against him on the floor, remove him
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from committee assignments. paul ryan tried to bring the right flank into the fold, it didn't work. kevin mccarthy has tried to make every recession today. i think he should think about the time he went down to mar-a-lago saying he was done with trump. he made his bed this is a disaster of kevin mccarthy's making. >> where's canter now? >> i think's a lobbyist. but paul ryan is retired. these are all vestiges of that problem they were dealing with as well. here's the other thing. it's better to be feared than loved alyssa said. >> a little mack velly for you. >> yeah. >> at 7:36 in the morning. >> here's the real deal. kevin mccarthy isn't loved. right. i was talking to folks on the hill yesterday and they were saying look at the members coming up to kevin mccarthy in between the votes, wait, there
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weren't any. so this is also an issue of the fact that kevin mccarthy has tried to doll out the money, appease every person. winston churchill said appeasement is feeding a crocodile hoping it eats you last. >> this position we could let it go to 10 ballots or 100 billioballots, it's untenable. yesterday was the anniversary of the solmany strike. the world goes on if there's a natural security crisis, natural dy sisaster we don't have a sper of the house. it's obviously hakeem jeffries. >> a lot of things you can't get done no speaker. >> they don't get paid! >> that's what's going to motivate them. >> that's what finally breaks the deadlock? >> yeah. >> thanks, guys.
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>> thank you, appreciate it. u.s. men's soccer investigating a domestic violence allegation against the team's head coach. we're getting a positive update on jeremy renner's condition from jeremy himself. what also the sheriff's office is saying this morning. i'm a vegas hotel. i know what you're thinking - it's cool, i don't want anything too serious either. just a fun, spontaneous thing. i'm m looking for someone who will let loose. dress up a little. see a shshow. order the steak and the lobster. some people say i'm excessive, but who cares. i'm just looking for a saturday to remember, and a sunday by the pool. think you can keep up?
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so this morning u.s. men's soccer hiring a legal team to investigate a domestic violence allegation against head coach greg ber halter. it surrounds an allegation where he kicked his then girlfriend who is now his wife. brynn gingras joins us with the details on this. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. that's the question, why now, what happened? so he said this is coming to light because someone is trying to take him down, he's in contract negotiations with u.s. soccer right now. it goes back to an incident in 1991 and ber halter and his wife came out in front of them. they released a statement,
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lengthy statement, co-signed and basically explained what happened. saying a third party contacted u.s. soccer during the most recent world cup and he goes into detail about that night when he was 18 years old. he said he and his then girlfriend were drunk, got into a fight and it got physical and he kicked her. and he goes on and says there are zero excuses for my action that night, a shameful moment and one i regret. at that time i immediately apologized to rose lynn but understand she wanted nothing to do with me. he said he got counseling, they've grown from this, they've been married 25 years, had a family. u.s. soccer is saying they have hired outside law firm to conduct an allegation. they said there's other potential inappropriate behavior towards other members of the staff that they're looking into.
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so there's a lot going on that they're looking into. >> go back 1991? >> yeah. >> we'll see what happens. thank you brynn gingras appreciate it. kaitlan in washington. >> a lot going on here, especially here on capitol hill. also on friday you know we got the two-year anniversary of insurrection. so this morning we have the former capitol police chief explaining who blames for the attack in his new book. we'll talk about it next. did you know if you turn to cold with tide you can save up to $150 a year on your energy bill?
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enforcement, threatened lawmakers and changed the country's history forever. now in a new book we're getting a comprehensive view of what happened behind the scenes and the days leading up to it from the man leading the police that day. joining us now to discuss his new book, "courage under fire" which is now out. i know it was personal for you to write this book, you said. >> it was personal for me to write the book after i had taken steps to get the truth out before it. i wasn't planning on writing a book but when i started talking to other officers and other people out there that day, the information started growing and i was talking to military leaders and it started getting bigger and bigger. so it's >> one of the takeaways from it is you say there were these alerts but they weren't properly assessed or informed to those who needed to know about them.
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>> that's correct. there was specifically intelligence about groups planning to attack the capitol, forming groups to come down, preparing secure communications. the information we were getting is a much watered down version of that. they may be armed. may pose instances of violence for law enforcement, but nothing indicating you have a plan coordinated attack by groups. >> one question would be about this intelligence bulletin that came january 3rd warning congress being a target for violence by angry trump protesters. did you see that bulletin? why was that not enough? >> with the bulletin that came out it was the fourth of final bulletins from my intelligence divisions. it didn't indicate congress would be the target of violence. it said congress is their target. anybody that comes up to protest
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on capitol hill congress is their protest. they're coming up to sway congress. the indication didn't say we're looking at a coordinated attack. there could be instances of violence or they could be armed. we were prepared for that. on the 4th they put out another document and same on the 5th and 6th. i received recommendations. i sign off on all the permits for people. >> you mentioned january 4th, that was the day you felt you needed the national guard. two days later on january 6th you had less members present, is that correct? >> it was january 3rd to correct the timeline, that i asked for
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the national guard. it was because i felt our perimeter would be sparsely populated. i had a joint session of congress. most law officers would be working inside. i had limited number of officers for the perimeter. when you talk about the number of people working -- i don't have the exact numbers in front of me. i had a number of people out with covid. a number of people were out for that. that's why we had lower numbers. >> that was the disparity between what you saw january 3rd and the numbers on january 6th? >> when you say january 3rd -- >> you felt compelled to ask for the national guard? >> yes. i needed a large perimeter to keep some of the rioters and protesters from coming over the fence. >> one of your biggest frustrations in the book was
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with senior military leaders. you write that -- you say they instead reinforced security at the homes of senior military leaders? >> that is correct. we found that out when i was doing the research. as i was fighting on january 6th when we got attacked at 12:53 i made my first call to the sergeant of arms asking for the national guard. when i got the approval 71 minutes later, i had to go to the pentagon and fight for the national guard there. i found out on january 4th the acting secretary of defense put out a memo restricting the national guard from having any of the riot gear that my men would have needed on the 6th when they knew there was an attack coming. general milley and miller were
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talking about the 3rd and 4th about violence coming to d.c., yet they put restriction on the national guard. >> pelosi called for your r rem removal. was that warranted? >> i don't think it was. on january 6th i did everything i could to protect members of congress. i brought in 1,700 additional law enforcement officers. >> can you weigh in on republican plans for security coming in? what is your reaction to that? >> the public access points, this is known as the people's house. when we began to shut down because of covid and we shut down the congressional visitor center, re-opening those, i can see them wanting to do that.
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the big concern i have is the officers are way overworked and under staffed. that's my concern. >> the book is "courage under fire." thank you for joining us. >> thank you. up next we're hearing from former president trump who is weighing in on the chaos that happened on capitol hill yesterday. what he thinks should happen and whether or not he's still backing kevin mccarthy. we'll also hear from damar hamlin's teammate who was there when the buffalo bills safety collapsed on the field. >> to see a brother laying down and everyone else kind of just -- you know, just come on, come on, get up, get up. not coughingng? hashtag still not cougughing?! mucinex dm gives youou 12 hours of relief from chest c congestion and any type of cough, day or night.
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