tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN January 4, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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-- captions by vitac -- and welcome back to our continuing coverage of the chaos in washington, d.c. it has been quite a day and quite a night. first, kevin mccarthy lost his sixth vote to become house speaker. the house adjourned. members then reconvened briefly, only to adjourn until noon tomorrow, with the speaker more upbeat about his chances. why are things looking more upbeat for mccarthy? >> reporter: he's hearing more positive responses from those opponents, the people that have essentially seemed immovable for the past two days. but after a meeting in which mccarthy has made a number of concessions, ranging on political issues, how his outside group engages on key issues, as well as giving them more power and more sway over
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themselves, the rank and file at the expense of the leadership, some of these members sound like they're moving in direction. congressman mike cloud, for one, says the talks are moving in a positive light, in his view, as well as scott perry, another opponent of his. chip roy mentioned earlier they still want to see everything they have talked to in writing. there is significant amount of work to go. there is also a lot of pension within the ranks. i just talked to congresswoman marjorie taylor greene, an outspoken supporter of kevin mccarthy. she told me that the republican party looks like an embarrassment right now. those are her words. she went and said she spoke to congressman byron donalds, who was dominated today to challenge kevin mccarthy, who received 20 votes, enough to deny mccarthy the speakership. she told donalds he needs to
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figure out a way for this to end. i asked, how did he respond? she said he sort of acknowledged her response. she said she's getting attacked by conservatives. even though they support kevin mccarthy, they node to figure out a way to end this. real indications that potentially kevin mccarthy could get there. but he's just not there yet, anderson, because of the narrowness of the house republican majority, 222 seats, meaning he can't lose four republican votes. there are already four very, very hard no votes. others, like ralph norman just told reporters moments ago that his positions has not changed. others have signalled they're still not there yet. there will be more negotiations to be had. nevertheless, mccarthy, as he left the chamber, sounded very upbeat. he's been sounding upbeat, as he's lost the six ballot votes. can he get there by noon
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tomorrow, anderson? still a question -- i asked him that question directly. he said he does not want to put a time frame on it. but he said he believes progress is being made, talks will continue, and that he'll eventually get there. >> it's interesting, we were just talking to former congressman charlie dent. he was saying that dent was surprised at the reporting that it's kevin mccarthy's super pac that a number of these far right rebels, i guess you would call them, want to influence or want to impact on what races they actually get involved with. that may be part of this deal. >> reporter: yeah, and it's really interesting the impact that that actually would have. really what they're talking about are safe, open -- safe republican seats that are open seats. what does that mean? not incumbent members of the current house. we're talking about when there are no republicans running for a specific seat and it's considered a safe seat. not a seat democrats could
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potentially pick up. it would not alter the make-up of the house republican conference. but it could alter the ideological make-up of the republican conference. and that's the core of the fight. the outside group pushed back wants more ideological conservatives, more far right conservatives. they don't want more of the establishment minded republicans that perhaps kevin mccarthy would be more aligned with. so, that is really the issue between those two. though that agreement is significant because i've heard from a number of republicans talking pretty positively about that tonight, including mccarthy himself, touting that repeatedly to reporters, as he came and went back and forth from the chamber. and we'll see how it influences others who are weighing whether or not to support him, one of many concessions mccarthy is making and weighing, as he's pushing to get to 218 votes. >> i want to go to melanie zanona with more developments.
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>> reporter: there's been a flurry of meetings tonight. i'm told kevin mccarthy met with a group of freshman members who voted against him. this is an opportunity to get face time with those members, who have not had that opportunity because they are new to congress. he just walked through the concessions he made and the promises in greater detail. the bigger negotiations going on tonight are involving chip roy and some of mccarthy's allies. these are some of the most serious and productive negotiations they've seen thus far throughout this entire saga. chip roy told gop leadership that he believes, based on how the negotiations are going, that he can bring ten members along with him. and that additional members might be willing to vote present. obviously that's a big if, that being negotiations going the right way and all ten members actually flipping to vote for mccarthy. but that doesn't bring him to 218. he still has a long way to go. i think it's an important distinction to separate some of these opposition, some of the
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opponents. you have people like chip roy pushing for a number of procedural and policy issues. he said he is still pushing to make it so that a single lawmaker can call for a vote to depose the sitting speaker. he's also pushing for more representation on the house rules committee, which is important because that has sway over what bills come to the floor, how they come to the floor, that sort of thing. it matters a lot up here. he made a distinction when he was talking to us earlier. he made a distinction between himself and some of these other opponents who have been trying to make more personal asks. matt gaetz, for example, went to mccarthy's office on monday evening and made a list of demands, including wanting a subcommittee gavel on the house armed services committee. chip roy distancing between himself and those asks. how many members are in the never kevin camp? we know of five republicans who are firm nos. that includes ralph knorrman.
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he came out just moments ago and said he is still goog to vote for byron donalds on the first ballot. mccarthy is trying to wear down his opponents one by one. it's starting by this group that's being led by chip roy, but that will only be the beginning to his path to 218. >> is there any chance if they don't feel they have the votes by tomorrow at noon that they would try to adjourn again? >> reporter: it's totally possible, anderson. mccarthy's camp right now, the feeling is they need to show momentum on the next ballot, whenever that is. if they're getting close but they're not there yet at the next vote, which presumably will be noon tomorrow, there's a chance they try to adjourn again. obviously that would make 218 votes, so they would need agreement to do that. they feel like they're moving in the right direction. they want to show that the opposition is shrinking. even if he doesn't get 218 on the next ballot, they want to show they're moving in the right direction. if it goes the opposite way, you
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could start to see other candidates jump in. it wouldn't be good for him. that is why you're seeing such a hard push tonight. joining us now, florida republican congressman, maria salazar, who voted for kevin mccarthy in all six votes. what's your latest understanding of where things stand tonight? >> wonderful to be with you. well, i think that, you know, democracy is messy. but i think that the opposite is unthinkable. you know, i represent the city of miami. i was a journalist for many years. and i think that one of the angles that we should be covering, specifically you, being one of the top anchors in the nation, is that if these 20 holdouts were to be in nicaragua, in cuba, or in venezuela, they would be in jail and facing the firing squad. and that's not the case here. so, i know that is uncomfortable. we don't like what's happening. but at the same time, it's the best democracy, and it's democracy at its best. >> so, what do you -- are you
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concerned about more concessions being made to try to appease these 20? >> no, no. what i'm concerned about is what the rest of the country and the rest of our enemies are going to be thinking about. i think that is why this party, our party, the republican party, should be very cognizant that we are sending the wrong message to our enemies and to those that i just mentioned that are friends with china and russia in our hemisphere. we are still -- we're still trying to be the beacon of hope in democracy in the world. so, we've got to behave accordingly. >> right. but my question is, you support kevin mccarthy. you want hto see him as speaker. i assume you want to see him as a speaker who's effective and can get things done. do you worry about him making even more concessions that will weaken his power and his ability to actually get the policies that you and he want to get
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done? >> i don't have that concern right now because i said he's negotiating, and he's going to bring whatever he's doing or negotiated or dealt with with this group that want to vote for him to conference. i mean, he is part of the democracy process as well. >> are you okay if mr. mccarthy agrees to a rule that would change to elect one member make a motion to remove a speaker. is that something you would be okay with? >> that's something that would disrupt and cause a distraction. but i repeat, democracy is messy. remember, i go back to what i just told you at the beginning. i stay with what's happening right now versus what's happening in cuba, nicaragua, china, north korea. why don't we look at a positive angle? i think there is another angle to the story. >> but no one's actually trying to vote for what's happening in china or cuba or nicaragua.
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we're just trying to get a vote done on the speaker of the house. >> of course. and i agree with you. and i would like to get that done by tomorrow morning, and i know that is not happening. but it doesn't matter. it's part of democracy. >> sure. >> this happened in 1855. it took three months for a speaker to show up. i know i would like this to be happening tomorrow morning, but i think we should look at the story from another angle. it's messy. it's bad. it's uncomfortable. we don't like it. and obviously we want to get to business. but it's democracy. and sometimes it's not perfect. but, you know, the alternative is unthinkable. >> jake tapper had said earlier that a republican congressional source told him there was -- tonight to put steve scalise's name into nomination. the congress adjourned instead. do you have a sense there is increasing interest in congressman scalise being the one to end this thing? >> listen, i'm going to vote and i'm going to be whomever 80%, 90% of the conference is with.
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>> okay. >> and i think that what scalise has been a fantastic leader. but i do believe that kevin mccarthy -- and it's not necessarily that we're the best friends. but i'm trying to be fair. mccarthy five years ago raised his hand and he said, haey, i want to be speaker. good luck. he travelled the country. he raised funds. he put us in the majority. he helped some of us. he put together called commitment for america. and then people elected him. so, why aren't we giving him a chance? well, because those 20 think otherwise. but i repeat, it's such a fantastic system. you guys are covering everything by the minute, which is the way it should be. those 20 are talking to the press. they're having their moment of glory. tell me where else does this happen this way? and there's not a civil war right after? >> congressman salazar, appreciate your time tonight.
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>> sure. thank you. perspective from nia-malika henderson, also charlie dent and cnn political commentator, jonah goldberg. congressman dent, let's just go on to, what do you think is happening right now behind the scenes? >> well, it sounds like, you know, the bazaar is open. the store is open and deals are being made. like i said earlier, let's see what they do on this motion to vacate the chair. if that comes down to five or one, that's self-destructive for whoever the republican speaker is, just handing rope to your opponents to hang you with. there's that. i'm still stunned about this super pac agreement. to the extent they will end up nominating republicans who are on the far right fringe, who will not be part of the governing majority. those people will get elected. and in some cases they'll elect democrats because some of those folks will be too far to the
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right. i think it's very self-destructive. somebody should talk to the more moderate, pragmatic members of the house republican caucus about that deal. i can't imagine any of them are happy about it. i would think they would be livid over it. that super pac will not play in primaries. of course they should. and everybody knows it. so, that just shows you the store is wide open, and the deals are being made. whether it gets the necessary votes, i'm not so sure. seems like there are at least five holdouts, maybe more. >> jonah, if it is mccarthy and more deals are made in order to get it to be mccarthy, can he actually be an effective speaker with all the give aways? >> well, i agree with charlie that, you know, this selling off bits and pieces of the job will make him weaker than he otherwise would be if he didn't have to do all this. but let's not forget, with such a tiny majority that the gop has, you could put steve scalise in there and he would have a very hard time governing the republican caucus, republican
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conference. it's set up for chaos and failure and ranker and all the rest. and the only other place i would slightly disagree with charlie -- i agree with him that it's not in the interest of republicans or the country, this weird deal they're talking about. but the issue isn't necessarily that these candidates are going to be too far right. they're going to be too much in the matt gaetz model of being performative and not caring about the job. chip roy -- if it were guaranteed we have more chip roys, that would be be one thing because chip roy cares about doing the job. matt gaetz cares about being on tv and getting attention and clicks. and this is an effort to get more of that style republican into the conference, which will have serious damage to the rest of the party. >> jonah, do you think that those five hard no votes can ever be swayed? >> it doesn't sound like it. i mean, maybe if there was some sort of japanese yakuza type
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thing, that can do it. it doesn't sound like it. they're too committed. when you take the position that you would rather have jeffreys as the speaker, have a democrat as the speaker, you've kind of just sort of -- you've burned your ships logically and id logically. it's in the interest of some of these people. chaos serves them. i think at least some of the last five, diggs, gaetz, maybe a couple others, i don't think you can get them to flip. who knows. >> you said mccarthy -- is it clear how much power to you he would actually have? >> you know, i agree with jonah here. he wouldn't have much power if he actually makes it and neither would steve scalise, byron, donalds, or any of these other folks they are putting forward. it's the nature of the give aways that whoever would have to make to give this caucus.
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and it's the nature of that motion to vacate, which is five, could go down to one. so, whoever is in that seat is going to have to constantly think about the fact that they have to please these five people or else those five people can sort of band together and raise the motion to pull the speakership. we've seen this time and time again. this could be history repeating itself. we saw this happen with bainer. that's why he left town, the threat of the motion to vacate. same with paul ryan. this is a very organized band of people. they're not necessarily committed to any sort of ideology, other than sticking it to who they view as the establishment. they certainly view kevin mccarthy that way. and in some ways, whoever would be in that position as the speaker of the house i think would draw their ire. so, i think we are seeing this transformation of kevin mccarthy from somebody who had been with the young guns, with paul ryan
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and eric cantor. he wanted to hang out with them, and now he's hanging out with marjorie taylor greene. this is a full on transformation. it's, in some ways, why those five people and a few more actually don't believe he is a true believer in any real cause, that his real cause is kevin mccarthy. >> congressman, the former president's endorsement, has it really meant much in this whole saga? >> i don't think it has, anderson. i think it's really terrible that the former president is trying to play in a house leadership election or any president. ronald reagan, clinton, the bush's, obama would have never got involved with this. to the extent that mccarthy owes donald trump the speakership, i don't think that's good for his moderate and pragmatic members who represent districts where donald trump is the kiss of death. what did we learn from this
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midterm election? that donald trump's endorsement was problematic to so many candidates who lost races that should have been won by republicans. so, why tie yourself to trump? trump should stay the hell out of all of this. >> i appreciate it. sthu. up next, live to cincinnati for the update on the medical condition of damar hamlin. dr. sanjay gupta on the treatment that he is likely getting. also ahead, a live report from idaho, where the alleged killer of four university of idaho students is being extradited to tonight. what he faces when he arrives and when we might learn more about the case against him. by analyzingng data from billions of emails to offer suggestions for how to improve engagement and revenue. guess less and s sell more with intuit mailchimp. julian's about to learn that free food is a personal eating trigger. no it isn't. yes it is. and that's just a bit of psychology julian learned from nm weight. sign up now at
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two days after suffering a cardiac arrest during the monday night football game against the bengals, buffalo bills safety damar hamlin remains in intensive care, but with, quote, signs of improvement, according to the bills. adrian, what more are you learning about his condition tonight? >> good evening to you, anderson. what we have heard is clearly damar is still in the intensive care unit and in critical condition. however, the bills tweeting earlier today that there are signs of improvement, signs of improvement yesterday and today. so, that is promising, although family members and the family spokesperson telling us the
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family is still taking everything minute by minute, day by day, really holding on for hope. outside of the hospital today, fans were stopping by and, you know, expressing their well wishes and really pulling and rooting for damar hamlin. >> the nfl's vice president of operations was emotional today during a call with the media. what did he say? >> oh, yeah, troy vincent didn't appear on camera when he spoke to us. but as he spoke, you could hear his voice trembling. i want to vote something that stood out. he said, there is no playbook for managing real time drama and emotions associated with the immediate life threatening event that occurred monday night. he also went on to say that the game of football -- i'm paraphrasing here, anderson -- is taught and guided by policies and best practices. he said, there was only one policy in practice that mattered
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that evening, and that was the emergency action plan by those first responders. and as he spoke, he paused to -- even though we couldn't see him, i'm imagine he wiped away tears. we could hear him crying, and we could hear his voice shake, as he was just so vulnerable and transparent. he said, you know, this is real life, and this is a moment he is still reliving. and he talked about the emotional trauma and not only the players on the field witnessed but everybody who was in that stadium and at home watching. >> there's been -- i mean, you mentioned fans coming outside the hospital. there's really been an outpouring of support for the hamlin family from fans in cincinnati and obviously around the country. >> oh, yeah. so, jordan rooney told me earlier today the family is overwhelmed with gratitude. they've had to turn some folks away because there have been so many meals offered. we've talked a lot on our air
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about the gofundme account linked to damar's foundation. and it has topped $6 million. initially it was a gofundme account created -- he wanted to raise money for a toy drive. he wanted to give back and help people in his hometown. and, you know, we've heard a lot about his heart. you know, his heart stopped and the heart beat was restored on the field. but damar's heart is really with the community. and we've seen that, as he tries to stand in and fill the gaps. his spokesperson for the family said he is the type of person that aspires to inspire others. so, really fill in that gap for young people and being perhaps what he maybe didn't have when he was growing up. >> appreciate it. thank you. joining us now is dr. sanjay gupta. so, you spoke with the nfl chief medical officer, i understand, tonight. what did you learn?
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>> i think we got a good sense of the sort of protocols that go into place when something like this happens, anderson? it starts even before the game. there's this meeting -- it's called the 60-minute meeting, happening 60 minutes before the game starts wrrks the medical teams from both sides, both teams, get together, and they really go over everything. they do drills, what could possibly happen. they have a person who's clearly in charge of running a resuscitation, should one be necessary, someone who's in charge of carrying the defibrillator. i actually didn't know a lot of the details of these types of protocols that take place at all football games. they have a level one trauma center standing by and an ambulance there at the field. they gave us a sense of how those things played out with regard to mr. hamlin. team doctors go out first. as soon as they determine more is necessary, there is hand signals and radio. they do both because it can get very loud in the stadium.
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they bring in the paramedics. we saw some of that unfold, but it was hard to get a sense of it if you were just witnessing it. all those things were taking place. there's going to be lessons learned here. they think it went well in terms of the resuscitation. that's how they described it. there's always lessons to be learned and they're going to apply them going forward. >> hamlin continues to show signs of improvement. at this stage, what is the course? what do doctors look for? >> yeah, i mean, i will preface by saying, you know, just having taken care of many critically ill patients, it can be a roller coaster ride. so, you know, there could be improvements even minute to minute. and it's a little bit hard to assess at this point. typically when someone says there's signs of improvement, given the nature of what we know, his cardiac arrest and the impact on his lungs as well, it would probably revolve around that. is his heart starting to take
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over more and more activity requiring fewer medications? is it becoming easier to actually ventilate, use the breathing machine without having to use higher settings to have him prone? those are the sorts of things you're sort of looking for. are his vital signs stabilizing? but, again, the -- it can be a long ride, and it can be a rocky ride from day to day. so, you might hear improvements one day, a little bit of a step backwards the next day. and also, anderson, as he wakes up, one of the things they're going to really want to see is has there been an impact on other organs in his body, including his brain. hopefully not. hopefully there was enough circulating oxygenated blood that that's not going to be an issue. but these are the sorts of things they're going to be looking for on an hourly or more frequent basis. >> obviously no details of his condition. would he be -- you say when he wakes up -- would he be being kept unconscious, or is that --
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>> yeah. >> what's the status for him? >> when someone's heart function is not adequate, there's a couple of things that you need to do. one is that you use medicines to try to improve the heart function. that improves the amount of blood that is circulating throughout the body. but at the same time, you can sort of decrease the demand that the body has on the heart. you sort of -- you can do that by sedation. and the sedation would then require someone then be on a breathing machine. they may use something on hypothermia, something you and i have talked about. when you cool the body, you're lowering the metabolic demands that the body has on the heart. you're trying to give the heart and lungs a little bit of a break here. that's a bit of what is likely going on. you're allowing the body to sort of repair itself and put it in the best environment for it to do so. >> that's fascinating. dr. sanjay gupta, thanks so much. appreciate it. the plane carrying the 28-year-old accused of stabbing to death four university of idaho students has just arrived in an airport near moscow,
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idaho. we're going to go live to gary tuchman in idaho with the latest. my dad was a hard worker. he used to do side jobs installing windows, charging something like a hundred bucks a window when other guys were charging ur toive-hundred bucks. he just didn't wna do that. he was proud of the priche was charging. ♪ my dad instilled in me, always put the people before the money. be proud of offering a good product at a fair price. i think he'd be extremely proud of me, yeah. ♪
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new tonight, the suspect in the murders of four university of idaho students, has landed pull man moscow regional airport moments ago. the attention shifts to the probable cause affidavit outlining evidence to his arrest. it could answer many outstanding questions about the investigation. it most likely won't be released until he appears in court. you're close by, can you describe the scene when he landed? >> reporter: yeah. he just landed about ten minutes ago, anderson, at the airport in pullman, washington, which is right next to washington state university, where kohberger worked and where he also is a graduate student. and that is only 15 minutes away from where we are right now. members of the news media were there. police were there. he's been flying for about 13 hours today on a plane that's much slower than the typical commercial plane or cessna that people fly.
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it took 13 hours, two stops to get here. he expect him to alive in moscow idaho across the state line about ten minutes from now. this is a key moment. we've been told once he's here, once he's inside this jail behind me, that authorities will be able to release the probable cause affidavit. that affidavit, if it is publicly released, will talk to us, will tell us about the motivation that authorities believe this man had when he allegedly carried out the murders of four people in a house just about five minutes away from us. and it will answer questions like, did he know any of these four people? do authorities believe he knew? so, we're waiting for those papers, that affidavit to be released. we're not sure if it will be released tonight or released tomorrow, when he's expected to have his initial appearance in court. that time hasn't been told us to for that appearance. we expect it will be tomorrow. during that appearance in court, he will not make a plea. he will be told about his rights, the protocol for the
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hearing. he will have a preliminary hearing where he will issue a plea. he is back in the area where he is alleged to have carried out these murders. anderson. >> you've spent a lot of time in that area. i'm sure -- obviously, i know you talk to people. there's lita lot of relief that least somebody has been caught, whether or not he's proved guilty or not. what's the mood there like? >> reporter: there's a lot of relief. i mean, this is a very small community. moscow, idaho, has a population of 26,000 people. it's a beautiful town. it's a very charming place. and there's very little crime here. when we talked to people yesterday who said -- most people, i would say, who said they occasionally don't lock the doors, a lot of people who say they never lock their doors. and during the last seven weeks, everybody was locking their doors and everybody was scared. and people were going out in a buddy system when they went out. people were terrified because
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dhant know when they were walking down the streets in this area, or in pullman, washington, right across the border, that there was a killer on the loose. obviously he has to be proven guilty in a court of law, but there's a big change in the mood here in the community. >> we're joined by criminal defense aattorney sarah azzari. now that the suspect has landed back in the region, we're expecting the probable cause affidavit to be unsealed at some point very soon, as gary was mentioning. what level of -- what does it have in it? what level of detail does it go into? zblirs of all, i've missed you, good to see you, happy new year. you know, the probable cause affidavit is critical because it lays out the evidence that supports the arrest, essentially, that this is the suspect or the right suspect. probable cause is the lowest standard we have in the criminal justice system, but it's still a standard. as of now, anderson, all we have is there's dna at this home and
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there's a car, make, model, and yearish, right, this hyundai, that was near the scene. and that's not enough even for probable cause. so, the question is -- and of course all of us want to know -- what else do they have that supported getting the man arrested? you know, i think one of the issues is going to be -- one of the developments today was that the defense team for kohberger was at the home, and it sort of indicates that there's a parallel investigation going on and that there might be a motion to change venue and a motion to keep this affidavit sealed. not sure if it's going to get granted. but the judge is going to weigh the interest of the public and what's in it and the interest of the defendant for due process, because he's not getting much due process. >> the suspect's attorney in pennsylvania says he believes the suspect will be exonerated. he already has a defense team on
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the ground there. there is questions -- obviously the dna that was apparently used, that made -- that will likely become an important part, play a role. how hard is the dna evidence to refute? it's somewhat controversial if it's familial dna. >> right, exactly. it's controversial it's familial dna. dna these days, because of the technology, is fairly accurate. all it does is place him there, right? i don't know about you, anderson, but i have a lot of dna in my college crash pad. this was a party house, you know? well, he was there. when was he there? who else was there? that is the question. remember, when he got arrested and the media was all over this about his eyes were spooky. he didn't say anything, didn't jump up and down and proclaim his innocence. he shouldn't, and he didn't. what he did say, anderson, was did you make any other arrests. that's a really good question.
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are you singling me out, or have you really gone through and done a thorough investigation to identify any and all suspects? and that's going to be important in his defense down the road. >> what grounds would a judge decide to keep the affidavit with all the details in it, to keep it from being released? >> i think it's going to be -- this is a very high profile case, very hard to get a fair and impartial jury down the line. i think even with a change of venue -- this whole nation is a bad venue for him, right? everybody's eyes have been on the case for two months. looking at his constitutional rights and the interest of the public in knowing, we're all sitting here going, what more do you have? we only know what you show, right? by the way, one more thought i have to share is this stop when he was driving with his father, right? it in no way indicates to me that he's a flight risk.
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first of all, he's driving, not his father, right? it's winter break. i don't think there's anything unusual about a father and son driving and bonding. wouldn't you do that with wyatt when he turns 28? >> he was stopped twice, which is interesting. there's a lot to learn. we'll see about the affidavit. sarah azzari, appreciate your time tonight. >> thanks anderson. in a moment we're going back to capitol hill for breaking news. we just learned about a new offer being made by kevin mccarthy to his opponents inside the republican party. can it get him 218 votes? ♪
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we're just now learning more about what kevin mccarthy's team is offering in exchange for yes votes in his uphill bid to become speaker of the house. >> sources tell me they have in fact made an offer to conservative opponents filled with a bunch of changes, process changes. i'm told from a source with direct knowledge of the matter that this is a, quote, substantive offer they have made to essentially give in to a lot of the things they have been suggesting. my source did not want to reveal all the details in it. but we have a sense of what
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they've been asking for. they want more power. they want better efforts to influence legislation on the floor. they want to be able to oust a sitting speaker much easier, at least call for a vote to do just that. those are all issues that have been on the table and banted about for some time. this is catch, anderson. i'm told even if these conservatives were reviewing this offer, accepted this p proposal, that is still probably not going to be enough to get kevin mccarthy to 218 votes. this will bring over, if they do accept it, some members of the 20 bloc group, the 20 members who voted to oppose kevin mccarthy, but not all of them. some of them have different concerns they're trying to work out piece by piece by piece, which is why there's some belief in the mccarthy world and his close allies that they are making significant progress. they're peeling off some support, but they're not there yet. this is also raises the question
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about whether or not tomorrow at noon mccarthy can get the votes to become speaker. it appears it's going to be a difficult task to get there by noon tomorrow. there are some discussions this could take through the weekend into next week to get this hammered out. at the moment, one big possibility here is if they can peel off some support with this through offer on the table that conservatives are reviewing, as mccarthy pushes to 218. >> manu raju, thank you. ahead, more on buffalo bills player, damar hamlin. something remarkable is happening, not only a mass outpouring of support but a mass crcrowd funding effort to a cau dear to his heart. next. above the gumline than floss. for a cleaner, healthier mouth. listerine. feel the whoa!
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we use data driven insights to design hr solutions and services to help businesses of all size work smarter today. so, they can have more success tomorrow. ♪ one thing leads to another ♪ buffalo bills safety damar hamlin remains in the icu tonight. there has been a massive flood of donations to a charity drive he set up before entering the nfl. randy kay has details. >> what's up? it's damar hamlin back at the crib. toy drive, man. we're doing it for kids. >> reporter: damar hamlin set up this foundation. he included this note. as i embark on my journey to the nfl, i will never forget where i
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come from and i'm committed to using my platform to positively impact the community that raised me. reraises funds for toys for children hardest hit by the pandemic. >> something i have been doing back home at pittsburgh for three years. >> reporter: the initial goal was $2,500. after his injury donations poured in and are now approaching $7 million. in all, more than 200,000 donations have been submitted. some include messages from fans of other teams. this one reads, love from a niner fan. and this donation came from bengals damar fans. one donor gave $3,333, an apparent nod to hamlin's jersey. growing up in pennsylvania outside pittsburgh, damar hamlin seemed destined for football greatness. in high school he led his team to a record.
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he was rated the top defensive player in pennsylvania. he went on to play for the university of pittsburgh. playing close to him was a priority. i was just so pittsburgh, everything was itself for me, he said. but soon came the 2021 nfl draft, and the buffalo bills selected him in the sixth round. he took over as a starting safety in september after his teammate suffered a neck injury. this season he played 15 games and had 91 tackles. >> a lot of people never really get to see behind the scenes. >> reporter: football may be in his blood, but for damar hamlin, it seems family comes first. he posted this. we weathered every storm from hell and back. not ashamed because of our story because it made us who we are. happy father's day pops.
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make sacrifices for the people you love. whatever it takes to the family. this is what he told fox sports about his family. >> my mom, my dad, my little brother, that's pretty much my whole world. outside of anyone else going on, my life revolves around them. i don't do too much without my mom and dad's opinion. >> reporter: his big heart often on display after a teammate and close friend returned to a home, hamlin shared this precious sentiment on "one bills live" sports radio show. >> he was next to me and i grabbed his hand a little harder because you never know when the last day would be that you get to experience something like this, you know? i'm cherishing every moment i can. >> reporter: randy kay, cnn. the news continues. cnn tonight with laura coats is back after this break. harging fr to five-hundred bucks.s. he just didn't wanna do that.. he was proud of the price he was c charging. ♪ my dad instilled in me,
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