tv CNN This Morning CNN January 11, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PST
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>> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. good morning, everyone. thank you for joining us on "cnn this morning." we are monitoring the major breaking news from here in new york and also washington d.c. this morning you're looking at these live pictures now out of airports across the country, atlanta, all over the u.s., as major -- another major air travel disruption is happening across the usa. technical outage forcing the faa to ground all domestic departures until 9:00 a.m. this scene is out of las vegas, nevada. keep in mind as we look at the
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pictures, this is a system that provides pilots with any pre-flight safety notices. so as we continue with the breaking news we want to get to pete muntean, he joins us now from reagan. pete, good morning to you. thank you for joining. as we are hearing now, at least from our own david urban, who is i think at the very same airport that you're at. his flight has been canceled. are we seeing cancellations happening and are they moving -- the faa is saying the system is down, or they're checking on the system and they're going to ground everything until 9:00 a.m. are cancellations starting and are they going to move back that 9:00 a.m. time that they have put in place now? >> we are mostly seeing delays right now, don. i just took a breeze by the departures and arrivals board here at reagan national airport we're seeing delays here and around the country.
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delays go up by the moment, 2,500 delays across the country right now. we've seen that go up by about 1,000 delays in the last hour, just before 7:00 a.m. it was only 400. this is a huge, widespread effect nationwide because there is now a nationwide ground stop in place from the federal aviation administration. that means that flights are not able to depart from the airports they are leave from. that is a huge impact and every airline is told to stop all domestic departures because of the system outages, called the notice to air missions system. used to be called the notice to airmen's system. notams is the acronym. that means that pilots cannot get the information they need to take off. this means wlohether or not
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runways are open or not, aids that pilots need to land are in place and working properly. this is having a ripple effect across the u.s. and the faa is working to fix this as quickly as possible. they said there's no evidence so far of a cyber attack. that's from the white house press secretary. we know that pete buttigieg has been in touch with the faa. we were seeing delays and departures earlier today but now that the nationwide ground stop is in place, that makes it officials, no flights leaving airports until the issue is resolved. notams are the things that pilots need to read. there's never been an issue like this in the airspace system i have seen. i've been flying, pilot since
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2007, both of my parents were pilots, i'm a flight instructor. there's never been something like this in the national air system before. it cannot be understated how big of an impact this will have. even if it's fixed by the faa. there likely will be a ripple effect. think about the southwest issue just a few weeks ago when they had back end infrastructure issues that caused their schedule to meltdown and that happened for days and days. so we will see if the faa is able to get the system back online and what the lingering impact of this will be, don. >> and this is the notice to air missions system. this is not the airlines' fault. >> i ap not. >> it's a glitch in the system. the white house is monitoring and the transportation secretary. >> a lot of folks watch us in the air.
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if you're watching us in the air right now, can you help explain if this means anything for their ability to land? >> ground stop only affects flights that have not yet taken off. so if flights are already in the air, they should still be able to land. >> okay. >> so the flights that have already taken off, they should be okay. the ground stop only affects planes that are on the ground already. meaning holding them on the ground, that's what a ground stop means, making sure they do not take off. so this does not have a big impact on flights in the air. i've been making sure that flights in the air are getting through. they're not in holding patterns, not in the long waiting lines to get to an airport. things are still getting in although we'll likely see it come to a halt as the ground stop has been issued. >> they have to move planes out of gates so those landing planes can goat to gates. i cannot manage what it's like at the airports. >> the question is now what.
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>> now what. let's bring in cnn transportation analyst. the former inspector general for the transportation department. we just heard pete muntean this has never happened in america before. so what happens now? >> what happens now is, what really should have been happening all along. now when the faa built out -- we're talking several decades ago when they started to build out the system to make everything electronic, a seamless electronic system where you get the information before you fly, which is what a notam is, think of it as a great big bulletin board in the sky where every piece of information out there about tweaks in the system, what runway is in use, if there are runway lights out if you have a different minimum you have to follow. if any airport has something that's unusual from what the typical is in the publish approach, for example, you have to check that before you fly.
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it's one of the several things you have to check before you fly. pete is right. if the planes were already in the air, they checked this, and they can get the information they need to get safely down by communicating with air traffic control. so they can pass the information on to them. but it's a lot of information. every piece of information from every airport or flight route or anything that pilots report can be posted as well. that was supposed to be run by a big computer system and three systems one to be running, one for maintenance and one for backup. over the years it's been expensive. these are supposed to be run by contractors and the contractors were supposed to keep these up and running at all times. so there's a lot of questions here as to who and why this failed. in the old days when we relied on paper and telephones the flights would go on, that's how you used to check them. now it's impossible because
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everything is by computer and it seamlessly goes into your computerized flight program. that's why there's so much trouble for this one system being down. >> mary, i guess we always wonder what are people thinking about at home now so if you're at home watching this, just patient? and also, you know, i guess the people in the air, if you have someone in the air they're really safe at this moment? >> the people in the air -- first of all you're going to be safe because your pilots checked this, the pilot is required by law to check this. generally aviation pilots like me check this. everyone checks it. you're safe in the air and air traffic control will get you down because aircraft and pilots are communicating with air traffic control. the ground stop for people on the ground it isn't good news but you're on the ground keeping people in the air safe so nothing happens to them. so people in the air you're all safe. but people at home are wondering
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because anyone who uses computers, which is everybody in the world, wonder if you can have computer bulletin boards for every dog and cat pictures why can't you get it up and running for airports? that's the question. computer bulletin board, which is kind of what this is, not exactly, is not a high-tech operation. in the past when the faa had computer outages, one -- the faa was caused by a fire at a facility. they said this is a problem they're just -- they're fixing the system and rebooting. so we know it's not some kind of -- like a fire -- but there are a lot of different causes, but this is not -- this is not the most high-tech part of the air traffic control system. things like collision avoidance and scheduling, et cetera, can be more complicated. but think in the end we'll find out this was a glitch,
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programming code error code. because remember, when the faa was developing this system, and this was decades ago, they literally had 5 million computer code glitches they didn't quite know how to solve. so things have improved but even a few lines of code can mess up the system. >> be mary we want you to stand by. >> hearing from delta airlines. they're one of the biggest -- think the biggest carrier and hub atlanta. delta focused on managing our operations during this morning's ground stop. we'll provide more updates as soon as we can. in the meantime, customers need to use the fly delta app. so that's them saying, wait. wait. wait before you come to the airport. check the status. >> so you're not just sitting there. this is the breaking news on cnn this morning, the faa announced it has put all flights on hold
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until 9:00 a.m. 1,230 flights happened earlier, now up to at least 2,500 -- 3,500 excuse me, 3,500 and counting. news from washington. obviously the president of the united states monitoring this as well as the transportation secretary and a statement has been released, i would imagine from the white house or from washington d.c. it's why we need to get to kaitlan with details on that. kaitlan, what is the white house -- we know the president is monitoring as well as pete buttigieg, the transportation secretary as well. what's up? >> lawmakers here on capitol hill also watching this closely. we have heard from president biden who says he was just briefed in the last 10 to 15 minutes or so by the transportation secretary, pete buttigieg. i want to go to arlette saenz live at the white house where president biden just departed and spoke with reporters. what did the president tell you they believe is behind what's happening here at the faa?
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>> reporter: president biden said he spoke to secretary pete buttigieg and that so far they don't know the cause of what has caused these faa outages. the president said he directed them to look into this and they hope to have a better idea in the coming hours. the president was also specifically asked whether there were any cyber concerns related to this and he said they simply don't know. and the white house press secretary said in a tweet that so far they have not seen any evidence of a cyber attack but the president has asked the department of transportation to conduct an ergs into how this all played out. ron klain also said they expect to get updates from pete buttigieg later this morning. but clearly a huge logistical headache for airlines and travelers across the country. something the white house will monitor throughout the course of the day as they try to determine the cause of the outages.
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additionally, the president made these comments speaking to us on the south lawn as he's traveling to walter weed, accompanying jill biden where he's having a surgery this morning. we'll see if the president may have more to share when he comes back from walter reed later this morning. >> we'll watch it closely. he believed it could be a few hours before they know what is behind this, caused the system to go down. the president saying flights can still land as of this moment as you were noting there. but the issue now is they cannot take off. when you're in this position they have to examine everything. the president said we don't know if this is a cyber attack. it's one of those things they're still trying to figure out more information about it. >> he told the reporters the faa doesn't know what was the cause of the outage and answered he didn't know if it was a cyber attack. of course when this happens,
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that's one of the first questions that comes about. kaitlan we'll check back in with you. thank you. i can't remember in my time here at cnn anything like this. and pete muntean as well. >> never, it's unprecedented. >> yeah. >> it is. speaking of what is happening, gary tuchman live at atlanta hartsfield this morning. you're in the middle of this. i understand been monitoring your social media, you've been sending pictures of what's happening in the airport and the flight boards as well. what are you seeing? >> i'm here at the busiest airport in the world, atlanta hartsfield jackson airport in the delta sky club. it's crowded, more so than normal because so many people delayed. no panic. the a lot of people are used to delays. this gives you an idea, every flight before 9:00 has been
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rescheduled after 9:00, for example, panama here, 8:10 leaving at 9:30, one at 8:42, at 9:00. i'm using my phone right now excuse my photography here. this 8:26, delayed to 9:30. so it gives you an idea. every flight on the board that is before 9:00 is scheduled for 9:00 or 9:30 right now. it's often very crowded in the mornings here in atlanta, but more crowded than normal as people wait for flights that have been delayed quite a bit and hoping for the best, hoping they get to their destinations without much more of a delay. >> question for you, gary, back to the board. speaking to david urban, who was stuck at reagan -- i don't know if he was stuck because he never got on a plane. he's saying his flight was canceled. are you seeing any cancellations on the boards? >> reporter: that's what's notable, zero cancellations. this is the busiest airport in the world, no cancellations
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whatsoever, just tons of delays until 9:00 or after. not extensive delays, just till 9:00 or 9:30. >> gary tuck hman live for us a hartsfield international. this is the first scenes we've go gotten inside the airport. we'd love for you to go out -- >> you're making gary leave the cushy sky club. >> how far are you from the entrance? do you have to go up and down stairs? >> there's two long escalators down, i'll head down one of them. i'm about to go to my plane, which my plane for my story right now, which happens to be in moscow, i daho, it was scheduled to leave at 9:10 so it's still on time. >> gary tuchman live in atlanta hartsfield, checking on the information coming out of there
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and what's happening. so far 3,500 flights, the latest we have, and that's probably climbing. we have a system outage and the faa is announcing, all domestic -- ordering all domestic departures on hold until 9:00 a.m. we are quickly approaching 9:00 a.m. we'll see if there's an update soon. as we leave you with this quick break with pictures from l.a.x. where we don't see much movement from the planes sitting there on the tarmac at the gates. i love my ringss but i'll cherish that lunch... forever. the subway series. ththe greatest menu of all tim.
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so i thought everything was okay. >> that is a passenger at the airport in cleveland. there is a domestic departures now on ohold until 9:00 a.m. it's getting close to 9:00 a.m. we'll see if the faa rescinds that but ordered all flights to be grounded -- all domestic departures i should say because there's a system down. the system that monitors everything, that keeps all the traffic safe, passengers, airports, what have you around the country. you're looking at airplanes all over the country, that's reagan there. airplanes sitting on the tarmacs. passengers sitting and waiting to see if they're going to take off. pictures from l.a.x.. we're going to continue to update you throughout the hours here on cnn. >> let's go to athena jones, i was just with you in this office two hours ago and no one expected you'd be at newark, but you are.
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what's the scene there? >>. >> reporter: poppy, i want you to look at this board right now. things are beginning to change here at newark. the faa about a minute ago sent out an update, update number four, saying they're making progress on restoring the critical information system that pilots need on the notice to air missions system. they said that departures are resuming here at newark airport and atlanta's airport due to air traffic congestion in these areas. we expect departures to resume at other airports at 9:00 a.m. we'll see if that happens. you see the orange delayed next to these flights and then you see yellow check in open, just in the last few minutes some of the earlier delayed flights turned into check-in open. now some of the open check-ins are for international flights. we spoke to several passengers
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checking in for international nights, those were never an issue. but we should see the board changing when it comes to delays. and another flight for fort lauderdale that showed departed at 7:15. this is partly international flights and domestic flights in this terminal. people get the information, hear there's a problem and they're going to pause before they come to the airport. it may be, at least at newark, flights are going to be resuming their departures. so we should see these delays changing here. >> that would be great. thank you very much. the faa a few minutes ago put out a few minutes ago saying all flights are safe to land. pilots check the system before they fly. so if your loved ones are in the
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air, they're fine. >> let's bring in our chef business anchor, none other than christine romans. you've been standing by. >> emailing with airlines all morning. >> we'll get to all of that. but this means money. this is business. >> it does and it's an inconvenience for so many people. we're back to pre-pandemic levels. yesterday 1.67 million people pasted through tsa checkpoints in the u.s. that is more than on the same day in 2019 so we are back to prepandemic levels and millions of people are flying at peak operational times you have 5400 planes in the air and all of those connections and business travelers and vacations that are happening here, this is a big inconvenience and it's not because of weather, flight crews that are not available or overstretched or staffing issues. this is 100% because of an faa outage. i was emailing with united
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airlines, saying we're complying with the directive to ground aircraft until 9:00 a.m. this is where the airlines, the executives, their hands are tied here. they have planes gassed up, fuelled up, crews ready, routes they're ready to service but the federal government is saying you can't do it until 9:00 a.m. >> we started with 1,230 flights and then 3,500 now i just looked up and it's 37,7003,700. so even though we have this arbitrary deadline 9:00 a.m. we're waiting to see what the faa does. but it's already started to affect. because it's a delay. people can't get to where they're going. planes are using fuel or energy on the ground there. >> and there are connections so the thing to watch next. what the report eaers are sayin they're not seeing cancellations but the flights have been rolled to later. but you start to miss
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connections and then when that happens, the rebookings have to happen. so go to the app, make sure you're on the app. reschedule if you can, travel tomorrow if it's not an urgent trip right now. don't leave for the airport right now away if you can use the app to schedule for another day. but you have millions of people coming and going here at america's airports. this is a vital artery. we heard from the united airlines ceo a couple of months ago, september usually is kind of a slow month for united and september he said was one of the best months they've had for september in years. that's with liehybrid work in t u.s., every weekend is a three day weekend, people are traveling like crazy. so the airlines have been struggling to keep up with passenger demand. today, this is not an airline issue this is an faa issue to be clear. they have the planes, the staff,
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they don't have the clearance to fly right now. >> christine romans, thank you very much. i want to tell you the latest update from the faa. they're making progress and some more flights are departing from newark where athena just was. and from atlanta hartsfield. hopefully that's a sign of what's to come in the next few hours. i want to bring in the lieutenant governor of the state of california. lieutenant governor, obviously we booked you to come on and join us, we appreciate you're here, for the weather crisis in your state. we'll get to that in a moment. but given the breaking news, could you address any updates you have from the state of california, major airports up and down california how they're dealing with this and how this is impacting folks. >> poppy, it's great to be with you. i've been watching the coverage. it's extraordinary. i can't remember any
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circumstance where all of the flights across the country have been grounded for what appears to be a problem with the overall computer system. here in california, this is going to impact us, we are in an emergency situation right now with the weather and the storms and flooding and power outages and mudslides so on top of that to have 24 airports which have scheduled flights, to have all the flights grounded is significant for us in our state. >> does the weather, that was my first thought, the last thing california needs, does the weather impact at all the resources you are getting in from the federal government, outside of money, to help deal with the crisis across the state right now? >> so it is a state of emergency here. people have been watching these dramatic rescues, we've had evacuations in santa barbara and southern california and montecito. so we certainly need our airports to bring in supplies
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and assistance from the federal government. again, hopefully this is a minor delay and the flights will be back up soon. it's early here in california, just after 5:00, 5:30 in the morning so hopefully the delays work themselves out if the system is back up and running soon. >> let me turn to the weather, lieutenant governor, and the update you gave yesterday here on cnn was the death count from this is 17. i wonder what you can tell us about conditions this morning and if that number has gone up? >> so unfortunately we've lost 17 people, that's more than the last two years of wildfires. so this is a very significant emergency and, you know, we've never seen anything like this. the state has been experiencing drought for the last four years and now we have storm upon storm, we've had six storms in the last two weeks. this is the kind of weather that you would get in a year and we've compressed it just into
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two weeks. and more significantly we're look at more rain over the next week. and already everything is so wet. we're seeing trees coming down with high winds of 50 to 60 miles an hour. looking at fully saturated ground that can't take anymore water. so in the coming days with more rain coming, we're looking at more flooding, more downed trees, more high winds, more power outages so we're very, very concerned about what's to come. >> you need the rain but it's so dry it cannot absorb the rain, it's bad for the trees, structures as well because it can cause them to tumble. >> that's right. >> we are thinking about you -- go ahead, governor. >> the trainage system just can't -- the drainage system can't handle any more water. we can't get the water out of the neighborhoods quickly enough. a bit of a reprieve in southern california why we saw dramatic images and systems yesterday.
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but it's raining in the north. more rain in the next few days in southern california as well. working hard on the clean up but also to get ready for more rain. >> we are all thinking about you guys. thank you for your time this morning. >> thank you, good to be with you. >> thank you very much. the breaking news here on cnn, we have been covering it throughout the hour. the faa announcing and ordering all domestic departures on hold until 9:00 a.m. because of the system -- this notam system that was done experiencing problems. the new information, it's getting close to 9:00 a.m. the faa is now saying they are starting to resume -- go i'm being told by producers there's a flight maybe taking off at newark. starting to resume some of the flights atlanta and newark. and they will start, i believe,
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at 9:00 with more. they're making progress and restoring the system. pete muntean reporting that an airline source familiar with the situation is telling cnn they are hearing that information from the system starting to flow right now. but they want to ensure the stability of it, so basically they're -- basically what weer saying to you is stand by they're not sure yet. we'll keep you posted live from more airports around the country on the other side of this break with the breaking news. hey, man. nice pace! clearly, you're a safe driviver. you could sasave hundreds for safe driving with liberty mutual. they customize your c car insurance... you only pay fofor what you need! [squawks] whoo! we gotta go again. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty liberty liberty♪ ♪liberty♪
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so here's the breaking news here on cnn. the pictures you're looking at, those are passengers who were stuck in a plane or on a plane in london for almost three hoho hours. we're told the flight just took off. they were informed of the delays prior to boarding the plane but got on anyway. so their flight just took off. the information we're getting, they're saying that all domestic departures are on hold until
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9:00 a.m. here in the united states. but at some airports we're told that is starting to lift at what is it, newark and atlanta airports and they're hoping by 9:00 a.m. it'll lift throughout the country here. 3,700 flights have been delayed, at least until 9:00 a.m. so we will continue to follow this here on cnn throughout the hour. we want to get to am ril walker who's in atlanta international airport, with the latest. what are you seeing? >> reporter: don, first off, what i'm seeing is not nearly as messy or as chaotic as the holiday season. i have been talking to a few people. it's a wednesday, right, so it's a lower traffic -- less busier travel day. i spoke with a father who i just found out his daughter's flight at 8:55 to california has been
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canceled so he's going to get her right now and drive back home. this gentleman is saying it's like ptsd for him, reliving the trauma because his son got stranded in an airport here at atl over the holidays and had to drive to his location. so an inconvenience of the mood here, generally it's quiet, at this time. and if you look at the departure board behind me you will see delays and cancellations. many of the cancellations that we saw so far are with united airlines and those are the flights taking off at 8:00 or 9:00. i spoke with a woman here at the southwest corner who said she had a flight at 8:00 this morning that got pushed back to noon then booked on another flight at 2:00 and that got pushed back to 6:00 p.m. she said i'm going to go home and wait this out and see when the system glitch is repaired. so atlanta international airport issuing a statement urging all
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passengers to make sure they check their flight status before heading hear. all in all it's a little quieter here as a result of it being a wednesday. and yes, we are seeing many delays and some cancellations at this point. don. >> thank you very much. probably it happened so early that people were able to get information and did not head to the airport. that was good advice, wait it out at home rather than at an airport. monitoring the situation in washington d.c. from the white house and beyond. kaitlan collins with more information on that. kaitlan, hello to you. >> yeah, president biden has been briefed this morning. he's watching this closely so is the transportation secretary, pete buttigieg, also lawmakers here on capitol hill. joining us this morning is congresswoman nancy maize who sat on the transportation subcommittee on aviation. so has good perspective on what's happening here right now and big questions that you have -- this is initially what we were going to be talking
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about this morning but the major pre-existing conditioning news this morning and affecting travelers nationwide. what questions do you have this morning? >> first of all i want to say safety first. we don't have a lot of information right now, but putting the safety of american flyers first is the number one priority. we just went through this with southwest airlines with a technical glitch in their software, and saw thousands of flights canceled every day for at least a week when that was going on. i have questions for the faa. we have the faa reauthorization this year and i would like -- obviously we're all going to want to know what happened when and why to have more information. it sounds like we'll have a lot of hearings on technology this session. >> so that reauthorization has to do with the funding for the faa. is your sense their technology is outdated? >> we don't know a lot of information right now. this is all just breaking news. but that's going to be my first
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question is one, what happened, two is this because we're dealing with legacy and outdated technology and systems in 2022 and we want to make sure if we're holding southwest's feet to the fire on that issue we hold ourselves to the same standard. too early to say but we have to bring in the head of the faa and others to explain to congress and the american people what happened. people should be able to fly on a wednesday morning and know their flights where going to take off safely and securely. we have more questions than answer at this point. >> a lot of questions we have as well. monitoring with the faa to see what's going on. if this is going to resume at 9:00 a.m. we are on capitol hill, the first week of the new majority since last week with the drama with the house speaker. you have questions for speaker mccarthy with what was going on behind closed doors. do you feel you have a full scope? >> certainly after our
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conference meeting yesterday we have a better perspective on what was agreed to in the rules package, nothing changed that's the first piece of misinformation i want to correct. the only change after a four or five day standoff, is the motion to vacate going from five members down to one. there were certain bills, having a vote on the term limits, the border bill, those were other deals cut, they'll all go through regular order. even the talk of defense spending, appropriations, all of that will go through regular order but i question what other private hand shakes were made, promises made behind closed doors that we don't know about. we know that some of those, a faction of the 20, went to leadership and there was some sort of document, and there were questions about that, what was that? a rumor was what's this addendum, does it exist or does it not? i think sunshine is the best
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medicine. the american people should know what deals were cut or not to clamp down on any of those rumors or accusations going around. >> being on a committee is a powerful position. those are decisions made in a few hours on which republicans are getting on which committees. dusty johnson told me he does not believe kevin mccarthy promised any specific member a seat on a specific committee but is that your understanding? >> that's what we've been told. >> do you believe that? >> we'll know in a few days. once the steering committee has gone through the process. and we'll see what the committee ratios look like, how many members on each committee and who are on those committees at the end of the day, that will be public. that information will be public and we'll know hopefully in the next week or two how that shakes out. but it's important we come up here, work hard, and you earn your spots on committees. people haven't jump to the front of the line for certain positions or power and money. i said this last week, there's a small faction of the holdouts
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sends out fund-raising emails and texts every time they voted against kevin mccarthy. they took a process and politicized it. i represent a purple district, and i went home for 36 hours and republicans, democrats, independents were frustrated about last week. >> i imagine that is going to continue the next two years. i know you have the committee process today. thank you for taking time to weigh in on that and what's happening with the faa and the breaking news. >> thank you. >> don, poppy, you know big questions that lawmakers have, the faa is up for reauthorization, this will be one of the first things lawmakers will be asking about. >> will they confirm, the guest you had on a few weeks ago -- >> bill washington. >> will he be renominated and confirmed so there's a permanent head of the faa to answer those questions. thank you very much. we are 16 minutes to 9:00 a.m. eastern time, when the faa said
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all domestic flights would be grounded until. some have started to takeoff, including newark and atlanta. we'll give you an update on how this is proceeding, right after this. >> tech: cracked windshield? make it easy and schedule with safelite, because you can track us and see exactly when we'll be there. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: that's service that fits your schedule. go to >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safeli replace. ♪ life... doesn't stop for diabetes. be ready for every moment, with glucerna. it's the number one doctor recommended brand that
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i just spoke with them, they don't know what the cause is. i was on the phone, told them to report directly to me when they find out. aircraft can land safely just not take off right now. they don't know what the cause of it is. they expect in a couple hours -- >> why can't your team -- >> they don't know. >> so, back now with our breaking news, obviously the president of the united states there, just to be transparent with you, that is trying to drown out the chopper noise in the background saying i just spoke with buttigieg, they don't know the cause of it, checking into the system failure they've had this morning and basically
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grounding or putting on hold, that's their language, all flights taking off in the united states until 9:00 a.m., which is quickly approaching in about 10 minutes. we'll see if they move that back. we are told at some airports, at newark and atlanta airports they are starting to resume some operations but we will check with that. but basically around the country, about 3,700 flights and counting have been grounded. this is going to affect the entire system, basically a a do effect. let's check in now with the person that's been giving us all this information now and also about the information you reported earlier from this system is our pete muntean, our aviation correspondent. it's starting to flow in, we are told, but that 9:00 a.m. time still firm right now as of this moment. so what do you know? >> reporter: 8:50, now, don, we
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have ten minutes until the nationwide ground stop ends. the big question now is what will happen after that ground stop gets alleviated and whether or not this will get extended if the faa has fully fixed this problem. we are hearing from airline sources they may implement their own ground delay programs, especially at some of the major hubs, as they work to get all of these flights out all at once. just look at the ramp here, at the tarmac here in the reagan national airport, it is dead, completely still, no takeoffs or landings in some time. this will have a trickle down effect nationwide. think about these things, the fact that the planes are all out of position, they have been out of position for several hours now, that the crews are also out of position, they also have a mandatory day that they have to work for the airline per faa regulations, meaning if they go beyond that time, they time out. they essentially have to go back to their hotel and wait for the next day. so likely there will be a large impact here beyond this ground stop ending in just a few minutes. we are hearing from the faa that
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it is repopulating this notam system, notice to air missions formerly known as notice to airmen. that is the specific information that pilots need to read about the airport they're leaving, route they're taking and airport they are going to land at, especially about the things like whether or not runways are open or closed, whether or not there are specific navigational aids that they need to land, whether or not those are working and in proper order. this is a critical step, essentially like a bulletin board that pilots read -- >> pete, we have new information. >> -- bible and verse. >> sorry to cut you off. we have new information poppy needs to get in. >> faa came out of this statement, they say normal air traffic operations are resuming gradually across the united states following the overnight outage and notice to air mission system that provides safety to flight crews. the ground stop has been lifted. there is your headline. welcomed news for folks at the airport. ground stop lifted, pete, ahead of 9:00 a.m. they are continuing
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to look into the cause of the initial problem. >> as of now, pete, 4,000 plus flights we're told delayed, it's been lifted. 700 cancellations. while it has been lifted, there's still major problems to contend with today as it comes to flying here in the united states. >> reporter: yeah, i'm just refreshing flight aware. 4,013 delays across the country and the airlines now have to play this game of catch up because there is this domino effect, this cascading effect, when so many flights are delayed, that means that so many things are out of order. we have seen it. think about the southwest issues of just a couple weeks ago when they had that back end issue on their own infrastructure where planes and crews were out of position because of a weather event that only lasted a day or so, but they had problems for days and days, it was really starting on the 23rd of december, didn't really end and resume normal operations at southwest until the 30th of december. so we have seen when things like
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this happen they really cause problems that really linger and so we will see as the airlines deal with this, especially at some of those major hubs. we know that the airlines are now able to move flights at large airports like newark and atlanta, those are big hubs. we will see as this alleviates and the faa says it now has the system online if this is fully back to normal sometime soon. >> okay. >> aviation correspondent pete muntean live for us at reagan international this morning. >> and it's nice to be able to get to the end of our broadcast with some good news, the faa has l lifted the ground stop. it will be messy as pete just said but it is lifted and hopefully things start to get back to normal. >> the second part -- cancellations rise. get ready. >> we will have a final update in just a few minutes. stay with us right here on cnn this morning. and mom and birthday cake baker? so adding “and” student might feel daunting. national university is here to support all your “ands.” national univeversity. susupporting the whole you.
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notam. welcome back to "cnn this morning." the ground stop that has rocked the nation this morning has now just been lifted, effective immediately. this comes as lawmakers and cabinet secretaries up to the white house and president biden are monitoring the situation here in washington. secretary pete buttigieg saying that he is calling for an after-action report, he wants to know the root causes behind this. we are here live on capitol hill with congressman rip larsen who is the ranking member on transportation and infrastructure committee, so obviously important perspective here. you spoke with secretary buttigieg this morning. what did he tell you about what was going on? >> well, the first thing i want to say is this is a major disruption to the traveling public. the flip side of that is it is important that the air system is safe, first and foremost. what secretary buttigieg said this morning is he called for this ground stop because these notices to air mission, these alerts that go out to pilots flying in the air, that system stops any messages out, so pilots were without one of the tools they have to understand
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the situational awareness in the air space. that was why we had to call the ground stop nationwide. >> this after-action report people want to know what's led to this because it's obviously caused cancellations, the delays will continue given the fact that they haven't been able to take off for the last hour or so. what does it look like and what questions do you want answered from the faa. >> everyone, members of congress will want to see the results of that after action report. we don't know if this was just a technology issue or if it was something deeper, but if this is -- if the underlying problem is a technology at the faa to spit out these notams, if there's something wrong, old software, we need to know what that is, whether or not the faa needs to upgrade the system or not. there are a lot of questions that i have and i know that my colleague will have about the root causes of this problem. >> what's the current stated faa infrastructure? >> say that again, please.
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>> the current state of the faa infrastructure, is it up to date? >> yeah, i think it begs the question the situation begs the question about the current state of the technology infrastructure at the faa. we're going to need to take a look at that. we have an opportunity with the federal aviation administration authorization bill coming up this year to examine this very question and hopefully maybe if we need to make some improvements, make some funding increases so that they can improve the system. >> okay. we will be following that closely. congressman rick larsen, i know you ran over here to comment on this and give us important perspective after your conversation with secretary buttigieg. thank you for that. >> thanks. appreciate the opportunity. >> don, poppy, obviously a lot of questions here as this ground stop now has been lifted effective immediately. big questions for the faa going forward about what was behind this. >> the ground stop has been lifted but they didn't lift the lawn mower stop behind you, kaitlan, that was also part of that interview. kaitlan is in washington, we are here in new york. kaitlan, are you back in washington again tomorrow as well? >> i will be back. no
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