tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN January 11, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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is waiting. finally tonight headed home, the buffalo bills announcing damar hamlin has been released from a hospital in buffalo. his condition improving. the bills tweeting a statement from his doctors saying, we are confident that damar can be deafly discharged to continue his rehabilitation at home and with the bills. some remarkable recovery for anyone including a 24-year-old who just over a week ago on monday night football was resuscitated on the field after his heart stopped. thanks so much for joining us. "a.c. 360" begins right now. good evening, we begin tonight keeping them honest with the congressman who cannot do the came for himself and the house leadership who so far won't do it for him though
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leaders now in his own district in his own party are trying to. they want him out. so does the new york state party chairman. we're talking about george santos from new york who lied about nearly all aspects of his life to help get himself el elected. late today brandon williams joined the call for him to quit. as for santos he says he's not going anywhere. >> will you resign? >> i will not. i need a little space here. >> new york republicans are calling you a disgrace. you will not resign? >> now, of course, who knows if that's true. almost nothing he has said about his life and career has been so far. this is the same george santos who said he worked at goldman sachs which was a lie who said he worked at citigroup which he didn't meaning that too was a lie, same george santos who lied about the high school he went to in new york and the college he said he graduated from. he said he got a degree in economics and finance, he didn't. he said he had been a star
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athlete. >> told me, i remember specifically, i'm into sports a little bit. that he was a star on the barouch volleyball team and won the league championship. what can i tell you. >> santos can tell you a lot. that's chairman joseph cairo who called on congressman santos to resign. >> he deceived the voters of the third congressional district. his lies were not mere fibs. he disgraced the house of representatives. he's not welcome here at republican headquarters. >> what george santos has done is -- [ speaking non-english ] >> he lied being about jewish too. [ speaking non-english ] >> thank you for being here. lia served as a inspiration and friend and for the jewish folks in congress and by all these people by being two members so now we're going to be three.
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>> again, he's not jewish and when caught lying about being jewish he lied about ever having lied about it. >> i always joked i'm catholic, but i'm jew-ish. as iffish. a i grew up fully aware that my grandparents were jewish. >> he also lied about them too falsely claiming they had fled the holocaust. congressman santos lied as well about having, quote, four employees in the pulse nightclub mass shooting and facing check fraud charges from his time in brazil and here at home a federal investigation in the eastern district of new york tells us is focused on his finances conducting their own investigation. yesterday two democrats filed a formal complaint with the bipartisan house ethics committee. today republican congressman brian fitzpatrick called for the committee to conduct an expedited review of the case while saying his gop colleague did not belong in the house. >> hiss conduct what's
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egregious. i don't think he should be here but i think the ethics committee should do their work quickly and they should return to the house with their findings then we act. >> one problem is congressman fitzpatrick's boss, kevin mccarthy, is disinclined or seems disinclined to do that to act. >> there is a concern that it has to go through the ethniics. it's not what people pick and choose based on what somebody -- so he will continue to serve. >> he himself has admitted to fabricating parts of his resume. >> and so a lot of people here in the senate and others, but the one thing i think it's the voters who made that decision. he has to answer to the voters and the voters to make another decision in two years. >> now, mccarthy said if there is a concern, which is a little bit like saying about a tidal wave if there's moisture, there's no if when party officials from his own district said they've seen enough or in the case of the party chairman lied to enough. >> i am calling for his
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immediate resignation. >> mccarthy also seems to be making something of a false equivalency when he says other lawmakers from embellished. 36 years ago then presidential candidate joe biden, and, yes, he ran for president in 1987 borrowed heavily from a british politician's highly acclaimed speech and failed to attribute it to him. former georgia senate candidate herschel walker, of course, made up the claim during his campaign that he was a member of law enforcement despite only having an honorary badge. the former president has often ex-rajjed his business accomplishments but none is even playing in the same league as george santos who lied about just about any and every facet of his life. this is all-star team stuff. yet, again, listen to speaker mccarthy. >> the voters made the decision and he has a right to serve. if there is something that rises to the occasion that he did something wrong, then we'll deal with that at that time. >> so why is speaker mccarthy intent on doing nothing for now? one reason may be simple
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arithmetic. if george santos resigns the seat would be vacant until a special election is held which will cut his majority by one. price of being a congressman when some fellow republicans in washington and back home say they do not trust and should not be serving if serving is the right word. it's like the old joke, the guy tells his brother my brother thinks he's a chicken. why don't you take him to a psychiatrist, we can't, we need the eggs. mccarthy may need the votes. joining us is bruce brakeman. you and your fellow nassau county executives have said he should resign. what do you think is going to happen? >> well, im00 the chief executive officer of the county. his congressional district is about one-half of the county. we have almost 1.5 million people in nassau county. his congressional district, 700,000 people roughly live in nassau county and i just found
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myself in an untenable situation whereby as the chief executive officer i have to deal with federal officials all the time. and i felt like i could not deal with him. i could not talk to him. because he's an out and out liar and i can't have a relationship with somebody who is not going to tell me the truth. and we are now finding ways in which we can go around george santos and make sure that the people in his district are served without having to deal with him. i will not deal with him. i think he should resign. i think that lying about where you attended college is audacious, lying about where you work is outrageous. lying about your religion is ridiculous. it's almost funny. but lying about the fact that his parents were survivors of the holocaust to me i think is tragic. i think it trivializes the death of millions, 2 million of which
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were children and i think that that shows that he has no concept of the scope of his untruths. and for me as an elected official i had to make that clear to him and to his staff and to the people in my county that that was unacceptable and i wasn't going to have anything to do with him. >> i think santos has said -- indicated, well, it's unfortunate what you and other officials are doing because that will cut off his constituents from services. to that you say? >> no, that's not the case. first of all congressman deesposito who has the other half of nassau county, he will help me with federal issues. i have a very good relationship with majority leader chuck schumer in the senate and he's always been very responsive to nassau county residents and i'm sure will help and so we don't need george santos but if he wants to do the right thing, i think he should resign and i
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think he should get professional help because obviously he has emotional issues. >> i mean, were you caught completely by surprise by -- i mean obviously you didn't know anything about this. had you interacted with him? did you know him? did he seem credible in person? >> well, he didn't come from the nassau county republican committee. he came from the queens county republican committee. >> had they vouched for him or -- >> they recommended him, but i'm finding out now that it wasn't the strongest of recommendations and i think that basically our own chairman, joe cairo said that we should have done a little better job but when someone comes for an interview and hands you a resume and fills out a questionnaire we never had this before and who would have thought that an individual would just lie on top of lie and it's pathological and basically i didn't know him that well. i had some interaction with him but not a lot of interaction so i think that we were all
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shocked, not caught by surprise, shocked at the type of lies that he was spinning and obviously he's lost the public trust. >> yeah, bruce blakeman, i appreciate your time tonight. >> thank you so much. want to go to melanie zanona at the capitol. speaker mccarthy said he won't ask santos to resign at this point. is it likely santos will face any sort of ethics review or scrutiny from his own party in the house? >> reporter: i can tell you the house ethics committee is usually tight-lipped about investigations or even the existence of investigation but two democrats did formally file an ethics xhapts and walked it over to santos' office and they want the house ethics committee to look into mishis financial disclosure forms that raised questions and several other republicans have called for an ethics investigation. now we should point out that the house ethics committee typically does not like to interfere with ongoing probes either at the federal level or state level and also they can only make disciplinary recommendations. they actually could send it to
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the full house but then it would be up to the full house to act on secret like censure or expulsion so remains to be seen what they come up with if they decide to investigate but then again it would be up to the full house to do that. >> can you talk about any political calculus that may be involved for mccarthy or others to not want santos to resign immediately? >> speaker kevin mccarthy said the reason he doesn't want santos to resign is because it's up to his voters to decide that. but there is another political reality here and gop sources told me that gop leadership is very aware of the fact that if santos were to step down, there would be a special election and, remember, this is a very blue district. it was a biden won district and you would have a ton of attention on the race and a lot of people who would vote against george santos, you know, an anti-george santos vote and there is a likelihood that democrats could win that seat back and so it would make the house gop's razor thin majority even slimmer and that is something that is certainly
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weighing on the minds of republican leaders, anderson. >> is santos while in congress for however long that may be, will he get committee assignments? >> he will get committee assignments. he does plan to be put on some committees and said he wants to give santos an opportunity to build some trust. he also is planning to meet with him in the coming days to try to really talk to him and get a handle on this new member of his, but kevin mccarthy did say that he was not going to be giving him a list committee assignment so those are top tier committees and in fact a source told or my colleague manu raju was told he wanted to actually serve on the house financial services committee. that is a top tier committee. but gop leaders rejected it, anderson. >> wow, melanie, appreciate it. perspective from dana bash and former pennsylvania republican congressman charlie dent. you heard speaker mccarthy's comments that the voters elected him to serve. i'm wondering what you make of
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mccarthy's position considering they voted for him based on fraudulent information? >> right, i mean that's really the bottom line. speaker mccarthy is saying what he's saying for two reasons, number one is because of the arithmetic you talked about at the beginning of the show. he only has four-vote majority see awe on display in a painful way last week and it is possible if this goes -- this district, that their district is part of a special election, then it could go blue, especially given what we're seeing with santos. and the other is that there is a process, there is a process that is happening now in the courts and there is a process that will happen in the ethics committee. so we have seen leaders in both parties take a beat and let that process continue. that is not stopping his colleagues from calling on him to resign. i talked to a republican who
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knows this very well. a sitting republican member earlier tonight who said that at this point there is no indication that santos is going to resign because he clearly has no shame. >> congressman dent, i mean as a former colleague of mccarthy's in the house, what do you make of the position he is in, the handling of it thus far? >> i served with kevin mccarthy. i consider him a friend but in this case i think speaker mccarthy must put the institutional interests ahead of those interests and summon george santos to his office and tell him it appears all the accusations are true. the letter is your resignation letter. you should sign it. if he says he won't you should tell him you will not be sited on committees and won't be welcome in the house conference and you should enjoy your time in congress. when speaker boehner was serving and i served with him and chair of the ethics committee and
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served eight years in that committee and dealt with resignations of members but i can tell you what the ethics committee is going to do. they'll send him a letter asking 100 questions that he's not going to want to answer. it's going to cost him a pile of money to answer and they'll say we want all these answers within 30 or 45 days. good luck with that. he's going to have a tough time with this investigation. it's going to be brutal on him and but if he steps down that one investigation goes away. but he'll still have several other investigations he has to deal with, federal, state, local, and elsewhere. >> charlie, can he use his campaign funds to pay for lawyers to battle those investigations? >> well, typically members will. i think it's a little unclear when -- where they cannot use those funds but they will typically use campaign funds but george santos has told us he's worth millions of dollars. i don't know he needs to use his campaign funds to defend
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himself. another lie. >> that's the money he made at goldman sachs. >> the money he made at goldman and everywhere else. what a businessman and, of course, he's got so many problem, i can't imagine he wants to stick around but the reason why he's not going to resign is because he needs the money. obviously he's not very wealthy. but he needs this money to survive in all likelihood but i wouldn't want to be him because the legal bills are going to mount for him. and, you know, again, he's in a very lonely position too. which colleague wants to be photographed with him? nobody wants to be tied to him. no one will work with him. i mean, this has to be just an awful experience for this man. it would be smart for him to get out of the house. >> dana, also dana, who would want to be a staff member in his office dealing with this stuff? congressman santos' lies today it was revealed to be a volleyball at a college he didn't attend. in all your years covering congressional politic, ever seen anything like this? >> no, i really thought i've seen it all especially given
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what we've seen over the past, i don't know, five, six years. he's the anna delvey of politics. that's clearly what he appears to be. he has just kind of made things up and not just padded his resume created things that did not exist on his resume. and, again, it's not just about, okay, i didn't graduate from here. he didn't even go to the colleges that he put on his resume and the press conference that the nassau county republican party had today and what you just -- the conversation you just had with the executive, that is -- that says it all. i meaning, they want this guy out. they want him dong. obviously they feel very burned by him. but the notion that on a local level they are saying that they will not deal with him, their federal representative. i meaning, they are trying in every way possible to ice him out. i have never seen anything like that. this is his own party. >> dana bash and charlie dent.
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breaking news in short there are more documents found. later new cnn exclusive reporting on sexual assault claims. this is how tosin lost 33 lbs on noom weight. i'm tosin. noom gave her a psychological approach to weight loss. noom has taught me how you think about food has such a huge impact onour relationship with it. (chuckle) lose weight and make it last with noom weight. (vo) red lobster's finer points of fun dining: the correct answer to starter or entree is who gives a shrimp, when you get both. introducing new dockside duos. get an individual-size starter and entree for just $15.99. welcome to fun dining.
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office. according to these sources they were found during searches touched off by the initial discovery. now unclear how many documents were in the second batch or what they pertain to. not clear exactly where they were found. the story broke after press secretary karine jean-pierre told reporters she could not provide assurances there weren't any additional classified materials in any other office. no comment from the white house. lindsey graham who sits on the judiciary committee called for a special counsel to look into the matter. joining us is "the new york times" senior political correspondent maggie haberman and carrie cordero. how big a deal is this second discovery? >> it's not insignificant. i don't think we know how big a deal it was. we don't know where, how many documents there. i think we have to say at the outset this is not the same as we saw with donald trump. it doesn't appear to be in terms of volume or the efforts to try to retrieve thing as cording to people who are briefed on this,
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the biden folks made an effort to return material. that's different than what we saw with trump. but i do think that the white house, the current white house would benefit from being more explicit about exactly what they found when they found it. i do think transparency would help given the gravity of the situation with trump. >> they've already been investigating the first round of classified documents. now there's some documents, a second round, how do you think it impacts the investigation. does the president's legal exposure increase? >> well, first of all, it's not entirely clear to me that the justice department, how the time line worked in terms of the justice department knowing about this second tranche of documents and where that fit into the time line of their investigation from the documents found in november. so i think the timing matters. the location matters. the number of documents and the classification level of the documents all would factor into how the justice department
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conducts its investigation. the other question mark that remains is whether president biden had any involvement, knowledge, awareness, possession of any of these documents at any time and based on the reporting that i've seen so far, that remains a major question. there are many, many -- as maggie said there are many differences between former president trump's situation and this situation with president biden for documents that were discovered from his time as vice president. the one thing that i do think is similar amongst both of them is that there are people besides those two individuals who are potentially relevant to the investigation, so for both investigations, the questions for the justice department become, well, who were the actual people who moved classified information from one place to another? who had access to those
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documents, if anyone? and those types of questions are relevant to the fbi and the justice department's investigation so that they understand whether there were any national security consequences for the location of these documents in places that they weren't supposed to be. >> maggie, cnn has been reporting that the former president's legal team thinks they will benefit from this and that was obviously before this second batch was found. this is certainly something which i would assume the former president is pleased about. >> he and his team are very happy about this. we've seen the former president take to his social media website and sort of, you know, spike the football about it. it's not surprising because one of his playbooks is muddying the waters and taking anything that could look similar. but, you know, they do have reason to be happy about anything that might make republicans likelier to defend trump on this topic. republicans have not been so eager to weigh in on this and
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have seen them standing back, not just since the search which actually was pretty condemned but once it was clear what the volume and severity was of the documents that were in -- said to be in former president trump's possession so this allows republicans to say, hey, look, this happened with biden too. again, as we have stressed here, from what we know so far, these are not analogous situations but in this sort of tribal partisan environment republicans are going to cling to it. >> carrie, one glaring difference between the situation, the fact that the former president is being investigated for possible obstruction. do you think biden could impact a decision-making from the doj to the former president? >> so, as to whether or not the existence of this investigation for president biden's documents impacts the investigation of former president trump, the answer to that question should be, no, as a theoretical matter and sort of a purist justice
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department perspective, the facts should be analyzed for each case separately. the facts are very, very different in terms of the time line, the volume, we still have more to learn about the nature of the documents in the biden situation and certainly the cooperation piece is completely different as far as what we know, certainly former president trump did not cooperate and as you said, can be alleged to have obstructed that investigation in this case according to what we learned so far, the biden folks have all cooperated immediately as far as when they discovered the documents. >> yeah, carrie and maggie, appreciate it. just ahead an exclusive new text related to sexual assault against a powerful leader in republican politics. details and the denial next.
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and fondled his groin during a car ride back from two area bars in atlanta. schlapp runs the organization that stages the conservative political action conference, a must attend event for most republicans. schlapp worked for presidents george w. bush, his wife worked as communications director for the previous press. cnn's jamie gangel joins us with more. so what is the staffer alleging happened? >> reporter: the republican strategist is alleging as you described that matt schlapp made unwanted sexual advances as he drove him back to his hotel. and once they got to the hotel, the strategist says that matt schlapp invited him up to his hotel room. he declined. just for context, anderson, the strategist is a male in his late 30s at the time working for the georgia gop and herschel walker's senate campaign. he told cnn he had been assigned that day to drive schlapp to campaign events and the incident
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happened on the ride back to the hotel on october 19th. >> the staffer has made these allegations. how is schlapp responding? >> so we have a statement from his lawyer. he denies the allegations and his lawyer gave us this statement, quote, the attack is false and mr. schlapp denies any improper behavior. we're valuating legal options for response. we should say, anderson, also that the board of directors of the acu, that schlapp is the chair of, also released a statement saying they stand behind schlapp and his leadership. i want to also ad here that senior campaign officials who cnn interviewed and who spoke to the staffer in realtime describe him as being angry and mortified and they immediately instructed him not to drive schlapp again. >> yeah, he was supposed to pick him up the next day, take him to
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the airport is my understanding. you obtained text messages. what did they show? >> reporter: according to the text messages and also phone records we reviewed, after the campaign tells the staffer not to drive schlapp. the staffer texts schlapp and says, quote, i did want to say i was uncomfortable with what happened last night. the campaign does have a driver who is available to get you to macon and back to the airport. according to phone records, schlapp tried to reach the staffer and then after a couple of hours schlapp actually texted this staffer. he used his name and he said, quote, if you could see it in your heart to call me at the end of the day, i would appreciate it. if not, i wish you luck on the campaign and hope you keep up the good work. anderson, we also reviewed other text messages from that night in realtime. these are being made public for
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the first time. it includes the staffer texted a friend who is in politics and he wanted to tell him what happened. he's clearly very upset and he's looking for guidance about how to tell the campaign what happened. so, the staffer texts a friend, quote, he's pissed i didn't follow him to his hotel room then later the friend responds, i'm so sorry, man, what an effing creep and the staffer later texts again, i just don't know how to say it to my smear yores that their surrogate fondled my junk without my consent. >> and i mean, there's -- why is he going public with this information now? >> reporter: right, so he didn't want to come forward initially because he says he didn't want it to be a distraction during the campaign as election day was approaching. this was just a couple of weeks before. he says he's coming forward now because he wants to prevent
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someone else from being victimized and i'm told he's leaving his legal options open, anderson. >> and how did the walker campaign respond to the allegations? >> so, it is very interesting. one of the first things the staffer told me was that the walker campaign was completely supportive and offered to back whatever actions he wanted to take. they got him a lawyer. they were -- did he want to go to the press? they backed him just 100% of this. >> the thing about that, this is somebody -- i don't know who this person is but they were a staffer on this campaign. they clearly have an interest in politics on the republican side for this person to come forward and make allegations against somebody who is as powerful as this in the republican party is a huge risk to this person's future. >> reporter: and that's the reason at least for now that he's remaining anonymous because he does understand that there's going to be a backlash but this
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is a young man who has worked in lots of statewide races, congressional races, he worked for the trump victory campaign in the state but he feels that he has to come forward. for the record he had never met matt schlapp before that night. >> jamie, i appreciate it. >> sure. suspicious disappearance of a mother of three put renewed focus on her husband who not only has a criminal past but was described as a violent sociopath in court documents years ago. new details ahead. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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your search history is never tracked, so it can't be shared. and when you leave search, duckduckgo helps keep companies from watching you as you brows. join tens of millions of people making the easy switch by downloading the app today. duckduckgo, privacy simplified. after his wife vanished ten days ago brian walshe was charged with misleading police. he's been in trouble with the law before pleading guilty to fraud in a fake art case. court documents show he was couth cut out of his father's will and allegations he swindled upon from his father. also described as a sociopath among other things in a dispute over the estate. cnn's jason carroll has more details. >> reporter: as investigators are now in the process of testing items that could be connected to the disappearance
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of ana walshe, a clearer picture is emerging of her husband brian and his troubled financial past. court documents show he was involved in a bitter legal battle over his father, thomas walshe's estate. friends as well as walshe's nephew alleging in signed affidavits the elder walshe and his son had been estranged for years after brian walshe absconded with almost $1 million from dr. thomas walshe. court records also say because of the alleged theft it required dr. thomas walshe to continue working past the age at which he had wished to retire. as a significant amount of his savings were stolen and never returned. and that's part of the reason why these court documents say walshe's father cut his only son out of his will in the years before his death in 2018. despite that walshe took steps to take control of his father's estate while saying he and his father had been estranged several times over the years but says they mended their
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relationship. ultimately walshe's legal efforts were unsuccessful, a judge ruled against him. but those same documents revealed more information about walshe's past including that at some point he had checked himself into a mental health facility. his father's friends calling him a sociopath in court documents dated in 2019 saying brian is not only a sociopath but also a very angry and physically violent person. i want nothing to do with him. these allegations surfaced years before walshe pleaded guilty to federal charges of selling fake andy warhol paintings, the victim of the fake sales saying, walshe was very convincing. >> he was very calculated. almost genius about how he went about things. >> reporter: that troubled past only increasing the scrutiny around the disappearance of his wife. a bloody knife found inside the home, law enforcement sources telling cnn a hacksaw and cloth
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materials with apparent bloodstains found in a nearby trash facility, the couple's friends say nothing seemed out of the ordinary during a new year's celebration but now coming to terms with what could be the outcome they had feared. >> i keep praying that in all these trash facilities that she's not found there and really so that, you know, we do have somewhere to go to honor her and like -- and for her children to go somewhere to honor her. >> reporter: if someone did do something to ana walshe, in massachusetts the law does not necessarily require prosecutors to show a motive for a crime. >> prosecutors like to be able to show a motive, again, i think it makes more sense to people if there is a motive but as a matter of law, it's not required to prove a motive in most cases. >> jason joins us live. the couple has three children together. who is taking care of them now?
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>> reporter: well, it's a good question, and certainly it's a grave concern for ana walshe's friends, i spoke to one on the phone who said the children are basically one of their top priorities at this point as you can imagine. the children are in the custody of the state and that's where they have been throughout all of this and with last check with the state there's been no update in terms of their status and how they're dealing with all of this. >> it's awful. jason, i appreciate it. for more on the new details about his past we're joined by mary ellen o'toole. you heard bryan kohberger walshe's troubled past allegedly checked himself into a health facility. his father's friend calling him a sociopath and violent. what does that tell you? >> well, if the term sociopath was applied by a trained mental health professional that would have a lot of significance to
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me. a associate yeah path is an old term. really thrown out in 1968 by the mental health professionals. the new term is psychopath and it is a personality disorder. it is not a mental illness. psychopaths know right from wrong. they know the laws, they know the rules, they just choose to break them and there is a set very specific personality trait but one of them is that these are grandiose people. they're very glib and charming but when they do -- when they do commit crimes they absolutely have no remorse whatsoever for their victims and that becomes most of the time that becomes a very prominent trait when a psychopath does act out violently. >> it was a friend of the father's who said that. i'm not sure what the qualifications of that person were. it was in court documents in 2019. i mean, do -- i mean, do all so
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socio -- it's probably more common than people think, isn't it? >> it's estimated maybe 1% of the population could have these psychopathic traits and most people who do have them are not violent but live on the edge and don't want to be in a relationship with them because their rule of life is to take whatever they want whenever they want it and they don't form good relationships with loved one, not even their family, not even their children. >> i also want to ask about walshe's prior fraud conviction. it was apparently an art sort of an art theft or art forgery kind of situation. does that -- is that common? i mean, does somebody who is accused of a violent crime, do they usually have a history of other kinds of crimes? >> they could certainly in their background but the thing with people that are genuinely classified as psychopathic, their repertoire of being able to handle a situation in their life that they're dissatisfied
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with is far broader than you or me. if they're upset with a spouse, divorce may not be the option because they want a permanent break so that means murder. so while you may have someone that is primarily a white collar offender, again, if they're confronted with a life situation that they don't like, they can easily become violent and act out in a way that is very concerning. >> i mean, the idea that somebody would do internet searches on how do you dispose of a 115-pound body of a woman, it seems ludicrous that someone would do that if they have, in fact, committed a crime but people do ludicrous things all the time. >> they do, and in my experience with people that are psychopathic, they are so grandiose and impressed with themselves they don't think that anything that they did while committing a crime is stupid. in fact, i've dune interviews with many of these people, they're very proud and even when you point out their mistakes
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they don't see their mistakes because, again, they think that they're smarter than you are and they also think that they're not going to get caught. what's really interesting when you deal, interact with someone with those traits their affect is very off and affect means emotion, so they may smirk when they tell you about it. they may laugh when they tell you about it. and yet they're talking about a very cold heartless crime. >> mary ellen owe toole, i appreciate you being here. a cnn exclusive. satellite images of crowded hospitals and crematoriums in china underscore the veryseverif the covid out break there. live report from beijing next. ♪ acoustic soul music throughout ♪ ♪ acoustic so music throughout ♪
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and why i was eating it. it's actually working. lose weight and make it last with noom weight. i screwed up. mhm. i got us t-mobile home internet. now cell phone users have priority over us. and your marriage survived that? you can almost feel the drag when people walk by with their phones. oh i can't hear you... you're froze-- ladies, please! you put it on airplane mode when you pass our house. i was trying to work. we're workin' it too. yeah! work it girl! woo! i want to hear you say it out loud. well, i could switch us to xfinity. those smiles.
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its lockdown. cnn has obtained exclusive images in the surge of death and mourners. the world health organization said today, china is providing more information about the outbreak, but deaths are being, quote, heavily underreported. selina wang has the story and the exclusive images. >> reporter: covid lockdowns may be overin china, but for many, there's misery at the end of zero covid. the virus is overwhelming hospitals across the country, the struggle to get help. patients crammed into every available space, every hallway and corner of this northern chinese hospital. not everyone survives the struggle. rows of bodies filled this funeral home storage room in downing province, though we don't know how many died of covid. families in mourning clothes flood the gate. families line up outside right next to coffin, waiting to cremate their loved ones.
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china has only fshlly reported a few dozen covid deaths since reopening. these images taken in late dez and early january show crowds and long lines of cars waiting outside funeral homes in six chinese cities. a brand-new parking lot was even constructed. we visited that funeral home. rows of cars were already there. i'm now standing in that new parking lot of this beijing funeral home. this entire parking lot area did not exist a month ago. and as you can see, the roads are not paved. one vagus n pulls in, unloads a body, and another follows. a man tells me he waited hours for his brother's body to be cremated, but the wait is nothing compared to a few weeks ago. experts say beijing's covid outbreak has peaked.
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we find these body bags piling up at another beijing crematorium during the height of the covid outbreak in the city. this video was filmed by a man who said his father's body was lying in this overflowing beijing hospital morgue for days. he said his father waited hours for hospital bed space. by the time a bed opened up, it was too late. cities are now scrambling to set up fever clinics and increase icu capacity. for weeks, it was nearly impossible to buy cold or fever medicine. they were all sold out because of the huge demand. >> drug companies like this major pharmaceutical manufacturer in beijing are going into overdrive to increase supply after there was a shortage to treat covid-19 symptoms. i asked the vice president if they had received any advanced warning from the government that they were going to abandon zero covid so they could prepare to ramp up production. he didn't directly answer my question. but it's clear that now they are doubling down. >> reporter: the company told us they simply follow government
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policy. the drug shortage, overflowing hospitals and crematoriums, images of a country unprepared for the sudden end of zero covid. so many families in mourning are questioning what their three years of sacrifice during zero covid was really all for. >> selina wang joins us now. you spoke to some of the people at the funeral home in beijing. what did they say? >> anderson, there was a heavy security presence. all these conversations were off camera. i had a lengthy conversation with a man who told me his brother tested positive because of covid and he believed his brother passed away because of covid, but the hospital categorized his death as a different disease. this man also said he thinks many people in china know that many more people are dying than the extremely low numbers the government is officially reporting. the country did recently narrow its definition of what they consider to be a covid death, and the world health organization has accused china
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for underreporting this outbreak. >> the outbreak still expected to get worse before it gets better? >> reporter: so, in major cities like here in beijing, experts are saying it's likely covid infections have already peaked. but we are currently in this travel rush period ahead of the lunar new year holiday. this is when millions will be headed home to the countryside. as you see in that footage we were airing, even in major cities, the medical system has been pushed to the brink. in rural areas, with tiny village clinics with less resources, there could be devastating consequences. >> selina wang, appreciate it. thank you. coming up next, the battle rages over a small town in eastern ukraine has major implications for russia's war in ukraine. we're live on the ground next. and effortlessly responds to both of you. our smart sleepers get 28 minutes more e restful sleep per night. proven quality sleep. only from sleep number. aubree: i'm aubree.
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